Nav Vigating The Onli Ne Cadw Worx T Training W Website: H TTP://WWW.P Pipingdesig M
Nav Vigating The Onli Ne Cadw Worx T Training W Website: H TTP://WWW.P Pipingdesig M
Nav Vigating The Onli Ne Cadw Worx T Training W Website: H TTP://WWW.P Pipingdesig M
3 Enter yo 3. ou user nam me, passwo ord, security code, and click Subm mit.
4 The site 4. e has sever ral options: a. You can c click on n Go to Cam mpus Courses if youd like e to start ta aking a nd earn a certificate c in n CADWorx x. course an b. You can c click Br rowse Vide eos if you want to lo ook around the librarie es, and view w any video o on any top pic. There are over 240 video os on Piping g, Structura al, Isogen Setup and d Customiz zation, Spec cifications (both 201 13 and earli ier versions s) and modeling 3D Equipm ment. Also in this section is s where you ull find the Search Videos fe eature that lets you se earch the video dat tabase and quickly see e how to do o something.
7. . If its you ur first time in youll need to create a new account (if your rvisor has already a set up your super accou unt you can n just log in).
8 Login to the Campu 8. us (after yo our account t has been set up).
9. Youll see the main 9 n page listin ng the cours ses and pri ivate cam mpus pages.
10. If f youre using CADWo orx 2012 or older, click k on the CADWorx C P Piping Leve el One cours se to start your training. If yo oure using CADWorx C 2 2013 you e the CADW Worx 2013 Production Modeling can take course. f you dont see s the cou urses listed d you can Note: If click a li ink to show w all courses s (located in the lower r right are ea of the sc creen).
1 When yo 11. ou first log in you see this on the Member rs page:
Another option is to click Browse B Vid deos to w everything g in the vide eo library. view This s opens up a new wind dow with a list of diffe erent types of videos you y can wat tch and learn n from. Click on any type t to expl lore all the available a training mate erial.
All the videos hav ve workbo ooks you ca an downlo oad and a whats cove ered link th hat shows you wha ats include ed in this se ection.
Also on the Brows se Videos screen s whe en you first s a click to Begin You ur Search. This will log in is start the e CADWorx x Video Sea arch system m.
Typ pe in a com mmand (like annot tate in this example) Clic ck on any blue area a to see wha ats being said. Clic ck on Play y Clip to st tart watc ching that t video at that poin nt. Clic ck on any word to ju ump to that t location in the vide eo. This s tool can save you u time whe en you need to find out how to get someth hing done e in DWorx! CAD