Oakland Police Officers Survey: October 2013
Oakland Police Officers Survey: October 2013
Oakland Police Officers Survey: October 2013
t$e %ork you do& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 13! )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 .o 334
Question #2 "o you #eel valued by t$e citi5en( #or t$e %ork you do& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 44 )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 .o 463
Question #3 "o you #eel valued by t$e city 7overnment #or t$e %ork you do& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 63 )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01
.o 44
Question #4 "o you believe you %ere provided ade8uate trainin7 #or t$e po(ition you are a((i7ned to& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 343 )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 .o 1 !
Question #5 9$at additional trainin7 do you 36! 'n(%ered t$ink %ould be $elp#ul in your current po(ition& 1 Fir(t o# all: better computer e8uipment and up to date (o#t%are %ould be a (tart0 Proper trainin7 in Micro(o#t -##ice #or people %$o u(e t$i( (o#t%are on a re7ular ba(i(0 9e e;pect people to <u(t kno% $o% to put a Po%erPoint to7et$er or create an E;cel (pread($eet0 +et=( actually (pend (ome > and (end people to proper trainin70 4 'dditional u(e o# #orce trainin7: e(pecially (imunition trainin70 3 ?# ? an(%er t$i( 8ue(tion it may reveal my identity0 ? am a#raid o# retaliation@
Short Answer
4 ,ontinuou( (cenario ba(ed trainin70 'dditional lineup trainin7 %$en t$e department i((ue( policy c$an7e(0 9ell t$en it %ouldn=t really be totally anonymou( %ould it& Start by trainin7 people a( t$ey enter ne% a((i7nment( and (top relyin7 on t$e -A* only (y(tem0 *$at only 7et( (omeone trained by people t$at %ere never trained properly0 6 More $and( on trainin70 +e(( paper %ork #or everyt$in7 %e do0 3 online trainin7 t$rou7$ t$e ,ali#ornia P-S* +earnin7 Portal 6 *actical motorcycle trainin7 ! communication 10 more tactical operation( trainin70 ,ell p$one #oren(ic trainin70 'ny and all trainin7 dealin7 %it$ improvin7 o##icer (a#ety0 11 B(e o# Force M-3 *rainin7 Policin7 %it$ P"/"( ,u(tomer Service 14 9e=re provided %it$ annual on7oin7 trainin7 a( %ell a( t$e opportunity to take cla((e( eit$er on or o## duty 13 (ent to updated yearly trainin7 put on by out(ide per(on(0
Fin7erprint(: p$oto7rap$y: #oren(ic evidence collection: etc 14 7#dr( 1 'llo% more time #or trainin7 in every a(pect o# t$e <ob0 9e are limited %it$ time to en7a7e in additional trainin7 due to t$in7( (uc$ a( mandatory 9-"-P and court0 16 E;ecutive Mana7ement 13 9ritin7 compo(ition ?ntervie%in7 tec$ni8ue( 16 ? %ould like to (ee additional trainin7 on trackin7 electronic( and $o% to proceed %$en t$ey=re tracked to a $ome or ot$er (tructure0 1! Searc$ %arrant(: buildin7Cyard (earc$e( 40 Scenario ba(ed active ($ooter trainin70 41 nCa 44 .C' 43 +a% and *actic( 44 ,ro%d control update(
4 '.2 */'?.?.D *)'* ? FEE+ ?S .E,,'S'/2 F-/ *)E 'SS?D.ME.* *)'* ? 'M 9-/E?.D '* *)E *?ME 46 'dditional ,'" and FF/ trainin70 43 ?t i( comin7 but it only took 4 year( in t$e po(ition ? am in be#ore ? #inally came0 46 *ime mana7ement 4! .one 30 .C' 31 re7ardin7 ille7al dru7( 34 more #irearm( trainin70 33 .one t$ere i( too muc$ trainin70 policie( are c$an7in7 every day0 34 *ran(itional trainin7 %ould be u(e#ul #or people returnin7 to patrol a#ter a (i7ni#icant time a%ay0 3 ,ompre$en(ive trainin7 on internal inve(ti7ation(0 36 Ma<or ?ncident Mana7ement *rainin70 9M" C .atural "i(a(ter( 33 ?n(truction on mana7in7 cro%d
control (ituation(: not revie% o# in#ormation on po%er "MS0 36 nCa 3! ?ndu(try (tandard leader($ip and mana7ement trainin70 't pre(ent: %e (end commander( to (c$ool(: e070: FF? 'cademy: S?M and (uc$ ? $ave yet to (ee any real return0 ?t=( all a bunc$ o# re(ume buildin7 and -P" a( a %$ole 7et( not$in7 in return0 '( a %$ole - our leader($ip at nearly every rank but e(pecially +t and up i( terrible and currently #illed %it$ #olk( %$o $ave no bu(ine(( bein7 in t$o(e po(ition(0 40 ,ontinued peri($able (kill( trainin7 (uc$ a( #irearm( and de#en(ive tactic(0 41 pro#e((ional trainin7 on continue( ba(i( 44 report %ritin7 to (tay out o# trouble 43 ' %orkin7 car computer t$at doe(n=t cra($ mo(t o# t$e time: er7onomic keyboard( to prevent in<urie(: and ne%er de(k computer %it$ (upplie( (toner: paper(: etc0) %$en you need to %ork on t$e report in t$e report %ritin7 room(0 'l(o: better and li7$ter radio0 Bpdated e8uipment(0 44 & 4 na
46 0 43 ?n(tead o# $avin7 <u(t on t$e <ob trainin7: t$ere ($ould an inve(ti7ator a((i7ned to $elp a ne% inve(ti7ator be#ore replacin7 a Gcapped outG: tran(#erred: or promoted inve(ti7ator (o t$e entire i( unit i( on t$e (ame pa7e and t$u( t$e kno%led7e i( pa((ed on ade8uately0 *$i( %ould prevent more error( #rom bein7 made0 46 none 4! 0 0 .C' 1 ?ntervie%in7 H ?nterro7ation: ,ritical ?ncident Scene Mana7ement: B-F ?nve(ti7ation(: E;cel *rainin70 4 P-F/ *rainin7 'dmini(trative "i(cipline ,on#erence /i(k Mana7ement ,on#erence ,ommand +eader($ip ('dvanced) 3 0 4 More trainin7 re7arin7 intervie%in70 *rainin7 in inve(ti7ation( Force (cience ?ntervie% and interro7ation ?ntervie%in7 police o##icer( ?nternal
'##air( inve(ti7ation( 6 ?nve(ti7ation( 3 More time intervie%in7 complainant( %it$ trainer0 6 Proper *rainin7 #or t$e Speciali5ation t$at i( needed0 *o many e;cu(e( about no #undin7 #or out(ide trainin70 *$ere i( no in $ou(e trainin7 #or mo(t a((i7nment(0 ! -?ntervie% and ?nterro7ation cour(e( -B(e o# Force ?nve(ti7ation ,our(e( -+e7al Bpdate cour(e(0 60 More B-F *rainin7 and Policy 9ritin70 'dvanced ?'" trainin7 61 ? %ould like additional (immuntion( trainin70 64 more radio time and report %ritin7 on FF/0 63 'ny trainin7 %ould be $elp#ul becau(e ? $ave not yet received any #ormal trainin70 64 more $and( on trainin7: cla(( room trainin7 on recent "D- c$an7e( and policy0 6 ,ritical ?ncident mana7ement: and cro%d control mana7ement0
66 E;ecutive development 63 "ual purpo(e motorbike (c$ool and bicycle (c$ool0 66 G"ra7netG dealin7 %it$ (ide($o% 6! 'ny #or u(e o# Micro(o#t -##ice and t$e tec$nolo7yC(y(tem( u(ed t$rou7$out t$e "epartment0 30 *$e E! unit really need( more trainin7 durin7 re7ular %ork $our(0 ?n order #or t$e do7( to per#orm to t$e level %e need t$em to and not bite people t$ey aren=t (uppo(e to: %e need continual e;ten(ive trainin70 -n t$e (ame note: E! o##icer( %$o decoy #or t$e do7( play a crucial role in develoin7 t$e do7(: %e need more #omrmali5ed trainin7 #or proper decoy development0 31 .ot Sure 34 P-S* certi#ied trainin7 cla((e( on 7an7(: dru7(: %eapon(: intel 7at$erin7: intervie% H interro7ation: inve(ti7ative procedure(0 33 *rainin7 t$at %ould $elp to keep up on certi#ication(0 34 'dmin trainin7 re7ardin7 time ($eet( and ot$er mi(c admin paper%ork %$ere trainin7 %a( never provided or minimally
provided0 3 ,ro%d control trainin70 36 .one0 33 M-/E *',*?,'+ */'?.?.D -.,E ' IB'/*E/ F-/ ' ,-MP+E*E "'20 36 .C' 3! *rainin7 i( not t$e i((ue0 60 no comment 61 Jerbal Audo0 64 *ra##ic 'ccident /econ(truction +evel 4 63 Everyt$in7 i( $elp#ul0 64 00000 6 ' tran(ition period and mentor pro7ram0 *$e <ump #rom -##icer to Ser7eant i( t$e mo(t important one in t$i( type o# %ork0 66 ,omputer crime( 63 .' 66 B(e o# Force police and it( application0
6! .one !0 *ec$nical trainin7: (uc$ a( e;cel: 'cce(( and po%erpoint0 !1 *o $ave (ome o# t$e #olk( around me trained on leader($ip %ould really $elp me0 ? dont #eel ? need any additional trainin7 mo(t o# t$e trainin7 ? receive (eem( not relevant and only 7iven to cover t$e city=( be(t intere(t0 Fut plea(e train leader( $o% to lead0 2ou ($ould not be in a po(ition o# leader($ip #or you o%n (el# (ati(#action0 !4 "ual purpo(e motor(0 !3 .C' !4 'ttend ,ali#ornia )omicide ?nve(ti7ation ,on#erence ! 9e a( employee( do not kno% all t$e available trainin7 bein7 o##ered by di##erent entitie(0 *$e monitorin7 team and t$e compliance director team ($ould #orm a committee to a((e(( trainin7 needed by individual unit( or employee(0 !6 #ir(t trainin7 member( t$rou7$ po%er"MS i( reliable trainin70 !3 Patrol procedure(0 +a%0 F*- in a (peciali5ed unit (,/*) i( not a(
$elp#ul0 !6 Mont$ly #irearm( trainin7: de#en(ive tactic( trainin7: and patrol procedure trainin70 !! unk 100 .' 101 more %eapon(Ctactical trainin7: not <u(t -P" but out(ide contracted0 .arcotic( identi#ication: (ymptom(0 104 ? t$ink t$e department ($ould $ave more de#en(ive tactic( update cla((e(0 103 Send academy trainee( t$rou7$ ride alon7( %eekly0 +et t$em 7et more com#ortable in t$e police car0 104 none 10 .one 106 More per(onal trainin7 103 ? %ould like to (ee additional de#en(ive tactic( in(truction a( %ell a %ell de#ined report %ritin7 manual0 *$ere are too many di##erence( in (upervi(ion %ritin7 report( and attemptin7 to accompli($ a <ob0 Standardi5e t$in7( #or o##icer(0 106
.ot com#ortable %it$ enterin7 t$at type o# (peci#ic in#ormation in t$i( (urvey0 10! 'llo% patrol to 7o to trainin7 event( t$at t$ey %ould like to attend to #urt$er t$eir career(: do not deny ba(ed on (ta##in70 110 Ser7eant( ($ould 7o t$rou7$ a ($ado% or F*- period %it$ a (enior (er7eant0 111 *$ere i( actually too muc$ trainin7 to t$e point it 7et( muddled %it$ all t$e ne% c$an7e( in policy and t%eak( to e;i(tin7 policy 114 Bnkno%n 113 More e;perience %it$ radio tra##ic and computer (y(tem(Cdataba(e(0 114 ? t$ink t$e trainin7 i( 7ood0 11 0 116 .o comment 113 ,omputer i((ue(0 "ealin7 %it$ di##icult (ubordinate( 116 431 4(a),J,: 11 11! tacticle trainin7 140 0(a)trainin70
*ran(itional trainin7K Succe((ion plannin70 -ur department doe( not believe in preparin7 employee( #or t$eir ne;t a((i7nment0 *$ere i( a lot o# #avoriti(m0 ?# you are %ell liked and involved in a cli8ue: t$en t$ey %ill en(ure t$at you are (elected to attend trainin7 cla((e( t$at %ill a((i(t you in makin7 it to t$e ne;t level or at bein7 pro#icient #or t$e ne;t a((i7nment0 ?# you are on t$e out(ide: you %ill be placed in an a((i7nment %it$ t$e $ope( t$at you can eit$er make it or me(( up (o 141 none 144 .C' 143 "*', and #irearm( 144 'dditional trainin7 on department policie( 14 More proactive %ork0 146 ,ontinue doin7 t$e (ame 143 146 ?nve(ti7ative cour(e( 14! inve(ti7ative: intervie%in7: ca(e a((i7nment0 130 none
131 FF/ 134 'n opportunity to learn #rom my predece((or: and not dropped in a <ob ((ink or (%im) 133 .one 134 Fa(ic ?nve(ti7ator ,our(e: ?ntervie% and ?nterro7ation cour(e: -?S cour(e: +e7al Bpdate: etc 13 Bpdate( on inve(ti7ative proce(( and (ub<ect matter0 136 (earc$ %arrant trainin7 133 inve(ti7ative trainin7 136 ,areer lon7evity: le7al i((ue(: liability and (el#-pre(ervation0 13! *rainin7 involvin7 mana7ement o# di##icult ca(e(0 *rainin7 involvin7 mana7in7in7 inve(ti7ation( %it$ limited re(ource(0 140 "irt Fike and bicycle trainin7 141 More time at t$e ran7e0 *actical trainin70 144 patrol procedure(: radio interaction: and drivin7Cmap e;perience
143 inve((ti7ate tec$ni8ue(: intervie%in70 144 More trainin7 on FF/0 14 Bnkno%n 146 any trainin7 (peci#ic to my a((i7ment 143 ? do not #eel t$at ? need additional trainin7 but rat$er le(( paper%ork0 Paper%ork i( %$at take( a%ay #rom my ability to be e##ective0 146 More trainin7 in tactic(: communication: and inve(ti7ation(0 14! Patrol ri#le trainin7 #or every o##icer: additional trainin7 re7ardin7 di##erent (y(tem( %$ic$ can be u(ed in t$e #ield like +E'P: /+MS: ,'+ p$oto0 'dditional trainin7 in armed per(on(: (pottin7 concealedCarmed per(on( by ob(ervational tec$ni8ue(0 'dditional "B? trainin7 and an ea(ier "B? report proce((0 1 0 S$ado% p$a(e 1 1 *ypical -P" %$en you 7et promoted i( (ome (ort o# in-$ou(e G(c$oolG or Gcla((G and t$en you are on your o%n0 )o% about bein7 a((i7ned %it$ a veteran (er7eant #or a %eek or a couple o# %eek( (o t$at a ne%ly promoted (er7eant can $ave (omeone %$o can 7ive
t$em immediate #eedback a( to $o% t$ey are doin70 .ot like an F*- but more like a mentor($ip0 1 4 "B? trainin7 1 3 Bnkno%n 1 4 .one0 1 )o% to complete "ivi(ion +evel ?nve(ti7ation( ("+?)0 )o% to complete B(e o# Force and Pur(uit inve(ti7ation( (report()0 1 6 #irearm(: de#en(ive tactic(: (earc$ %arrant(: %ire tap(: computer acce((C (earc$ trainin7 in di##erent (y(tem( available to inve(ti7ator( only0 1 3 nCa 1 6 none 1 ! "o you #eel our mayor i( 8uali#ied to run our city& 160 Fund( #or *rainin7 161 E;cell po%er point 164 /eport %ritin7: Searc$ %arrant( 163 (earc$ %arrant trainin7 and active ($ooter trainin7
164 More di(cu((ion( and interpretation( on policie(: more 8ue(tion and an(%er period( to di(cu(( ne% policie( in(tead o# only po%er dm( %$ere policie( can be interpreted di##erently by eac$ o##icer0 16 ,omputer trainin7 166 *rainin7 i( ade8uate #or my po(ition 163 ,on#lict re(olution trainin7 166 16! *$ere i( no clear direction #or my po(ition0 ?t (eem( to c$an7e on a %eekly ba(i( accordin7 to di##erent t$e need(0 130 ? believe ? am receivin7 (u##icient trainin7 #or t$e po(ition ? currently $old0 131 ,ontinuin7 pro#e((ional development in area( (uc$ a( per(onnel mana7ement and ?nve(ti7ation(0 *$e inve(ti7ation( portion i( currently bein7 addre((ed0 134 ? t$ink t$e trainin7 t$at i( available i( ade8uate0 133 +eader($ip trainin7 (coac$in7: coun(ellin7: mentorin7: motivation:
etc000) Succe((ion trainin7: and opportunitie( to 7ain e;perience in $i7$er-rank re(pon(ibilitie(0 ?n(tructor level trainin7Ce;perti(e and e;perience in a variety o# di(cipline( (B-F: baton: ta(er: #irearm: drivin7: mental $ealt$: etc000) *actical operation(Ccritical incident trainin70 'ctive ($ooter trainin70 134 inve(ti7ation(: intervie%Cinterro7ation: de#en(ive tactic(: #irearm(0 13 ? %ould like to 7o to (c$ool( t$at are a vital part to my po(ition: in(tead o# (c$ool( t$at look 7ood on paper #or a certain #undin7 (ource0 136 /i#le trainin7: le(( let$al trainin7: dual-purpo(e motorcycle trainin7: etc0 133 Puttin7 an -##icer in ,?" #or trainin7 %ould be a 7ood move0 *$i( %ould let t$e -##icer( kno% %$at i( needed in t$eir report( and 7ive t$em an idea o# $o% t$e po((e(( i( done0 136 any kind o# trainin7 ? believe %ould $elp0 13! *ec$nolo7y trainin7 to a((i(t in trackin7Crecoverin7 electronic device(0 160 ?t=( not a trainin7 i((ue0
161 %e al%ay( need more (imunition( trainin7 (not M?+-) and more #irearm( trainin70 t$e ($orta7e o# ammunition i( makin7 it di##icult and very co(tly to keep #irearm( pro#iciency ($arp out(ide o# %ork0 t$ere need( to be more 7eneral la% en#orcement intelli7ence trainin7 (or at lea(t more bulletin( po(ted to t$e department email) (o %e can keep up %it$ re7ional trend(: etc0 9e (pend (o muc$ time tryin7 to keep up %it$ ever c$an7in7 internal paper%ork and reportin7 rule(: real trainin7 (u##er(0 164 .one 163 ,a(e la%0 164 More trainin7 in t$e con(tant c$an7e( o# police procedure(: policie( and tactic(0 16 'ny trainin7 t$at come( up t$at i( pertinent to my daily dutie(0 ? %ould like to be able to attend t$e(e cla((e( %$en t$ey come up0 166 trainin7 t$at %ould keep my(el# and ot$er( in my unit up to date %it$ be(t practice( 163 More trainin7 on computer (kill(: (pread($eet( etc (ince t$at i( %$at i( important no%0 166 'ny additional inve(ti7ative (c$ool( t$at #ocu( on $uman be$avior0
16! Searc$ %arrantC,? trainin7: B, trainin7 etc0 1!0 *rainin7 on $o% to obtain in#ormation #rom (ocial media (ite(0 1!1 More $and( on trainin7 rat$er t$an everyday po%er "MS trainin7 t$at i( o#ten over%$elmin70 1!4 *rainin7 by real a7encie( t$at are not -P" 1!3 ?ntervie% and ?nterro7ation: "irtbike trainin7 #or my o##icer(: Ficycle trainin7 #or my o##icer(0 1!4 .C' 1! #irearm( 1!6 & 1!3 (earc$ %arrant 1!6 Put an inve(ti7ation cour(e on once a year0 )ave trainin7 t$at re#lect( (ocial trend( 1!! 2ou need to eliminate commentary drivin70 *$e 30 day notice to put in a re8ue(t #or trainin7 reimbur(ement ($ould be ($orten to 1 day(0 Mo(t noti#ication o# a cla(( avera7e( about t%o %eek( notice0 /-=( cant 7et t$e re8ue(t in
to t$e c$ain o# command 8uick enou7$0 t$ere#ore valuable trainin7 opportunitie( are lo(t0 400 ?t=( not about %$at Gtrainin7G it=( about $o% t$e trainin7 i( admini(tered0 -#ten time( individual( are a((i7ned to a po(ition and not #ormally trained until mont$( (ometime( even year( later0 /ecently a Ser7eant %$o $a( been a((i7ned to ?nve(ti7ation( #or (everal year( %a( (ent to a Fa(ic ?nve(ti7ator=( Sc$ool0 401 0 404 ,omputer trainin7 and acce(( to ot$er (tate and #ederal data (y(tem(0 403 .C' 404 ?ntervie% and interro7ation cour(e(0 40 ,ant t$ink o# anyt$in7 406 ?nve(ti7ator trainin7 403 none 406 0 40! P'S device: %e don=t $ave enou7$ or none0 ,)P %ill not a((i(t u( (-P") %$en %e call #or one0 E!=(: %e don=t $ave enou7$ a((i7ned or
trained0 E!=( are a((i7ned to (8uad( but %e can not u(e t$em0 9e $ave to contact out(ide a7encie( %$en %e need one0 /i#le(: %e don not $ave enou7$ in patrol on (%in7 ($i#t0 ?t appear( all t$e (peciali5ed unit( $ave all t$e rile( or t$ey=re on ot$er %atc$e(0 9e $ave been callin7 out(ide a7encie( to utili5e t$eir ri#le( and o##icer(0 410 .one 411 none 414 ,lear and conci(e e;planation o# department policie(0 413 Supervi(ory +eader($ip ?n(titute #or all ne%ly promoted %it$in t%o year(0 P-S* ,ommand ,olle7e #or ,aptain( and (elected +ieutenant(0 414 more (cenario ba(ed trainin7 41 *rainin7 more #re8uently 416 .ot$in7 at t$i( time0 413 More (cenario traininn7 416 More cla((e( #rom ?'0 41! ,lear and con(i(tent policie( 440 .one
441 bein7 trained on '++ o# t$e available %eb(ite(: (earc$ en7ine(: etc t$at %ould po((ibly a((i(t me in my inve(ti7ative po(ition0 444 ,ontinued pro#e((ional trainin7 ? receive i( ade8uate0 443 ' more (treamlined and uni#orm approac$ to t$e policie( and procedure( o# t$e dept0 444 intervie% 44 doe(n=t matter %it$ current admin tryin7 to put un#ounded ca(e( on anyone t$ey can 446 "/E 443 'dditional trainin7 #or leader($ip a( %ell a( time mana7ement0 446 re#re($er cour(e( on updated la%( and department policy in a cla((room (ettin7 ver(e( t$at o# po%er "MS 44! ,ommunity Policin7 C S'/' Model 430 Fein7 able to continue t$e trainin7 ? am already provided i( (u##icient0 431 0 434 Freac$in7 tool( trainin70
433 More ca(e la% update trainin7 and more (cenario (imunition( trainin70 434 .ot (ure at t$i( time: to be per#ectly $one(t0 ? do #eel t$at t$e "ept make( a 7enerou( attempt to keep me (and all) abrea(t o# anyt$in7 ne%: or t$in7( t$at re8uire continued re-immer(ion0 43 more trainin7 in D-=( and #irearm( 436 .one 433 ? believe con(tant trainin7 i( important and one can never 7et enou7$ trainin70 )o%ever: certain trainin7 could al(o be le(( important and reco7ni5ed a( (uc$0 ?t remain( paramount t$at t$e "epartment continue to a(k t$e(e 8ue(tion(: li(ten to %$at i( %orkin7: and di(card %$at i( not0 Suc$ trainin7 could al(o include trainin7 o# li#e (kill( and t$i( i( important (ince employee( ultimately brin7 to %ork t$eir individual trait( ((tren7t$( H %eakne((e()0 -ne can never (top learnin70 436 more inve(ti7ative trainin7 and $elp %it$ promotional te(tin7 43! *o provide ba(ic: intermediate and advanced trainin7 any any ne% o##icer( comin7 in to a ne% a((i7nment: P/?-/ to actually per#ormin7 t$e <ob0 *o continue t$e
trainin7 and education o# t$at o##icer to meet t$e c$allen7e(: demand(: and c$an7e( in t$e #ield0 440 Emp$a(i( on ($arin7 in#ormationK creatin7 a (o#t%are databa(e #or eac$ beat in %$ic$ per(on( o# intere(t are li(ted (o t$at t$i( in#ormation can be ($ared0 441 More computer trainin7 and a better computer (y(tem0 So ? can %ork (marter not $arder@@@ 444 .o comment 443 Fuildin7 a more (en(itive analytical evaluation o# people (kill(0 444 ?nve(ti7ative trainin7 #or robbery: bur7lary: and ot$er part 1 #elonie(0 44 more (cenario ba(ed trainin7 446 ,omputer cla((e( 443 ? am trained #or my current po(ition0 446 ,ontinued le7alC policy update( ,ritical ?ncident /e(pon(e 44! )i7$ tec$0 4 0 9$en policie( are devi(ed or c$an7ed: $ave a (upervi(or 7o t$rou7$ it %it$ t$e (8uad: or $ave
it completed in line-up: in addition to "MS document(0 4 1 -n7oin7 computer trainin7 becau(e everyt$in7 revolve( around t$e computer0 4 4 *oo many to li(t 4 3 ' more clear under(tandin7 o# $o% t$e -akland (c$ool (y(tem %ork( and t$e rule( 4 4 More in dept$ trainin7 re7ardin7 t$e computer data ba(e( available to u(0 4 *oo late no%000 ? trained on t$e <ob0 9$en ? %a( promoted ? received no trainin70 ? $ad to learn on my o%n0 .e% (upervi(or( need F*- pro7ram %it$ certain re8uirement( t$ey need to complete in order complete probation0 ?n addition t$ey need ,ritical ?ncident mana7ement trainin70 4 6 ,ritical *rainin7 4 3 F'*? cla(( 4 6 -n t$e <ob trainin7 4 ! cadC#br trainin7 460 0000000000000
461 .-.E 464 *actic(: ran7e: drivin7: 463 *rainin7 on t$e computer (y(tem( (uc$ a( +/MS: +E'PS: +E'"S: F-SS etc 464 Mentor($ip pro7ram( and e8uity in %$o=( c$o(en to attend trainin7( t$at can $elp commander( develop0 i0e0 SM?* and FF? 'cademy0 46 More ran7e time 466 er$7$t$t 463 dea: undercover trainin7 466 ?t=( not t$e trainin7 t$at i( re8uired0 ,ommander( %ill deny report( ba(ed on (tyle: i# t$ree di##erent commander( revie% a report it can be returned t$ree di##erent time(0 Style i( not 7round( to #ail a report0 +earn to #ail it content0 al(o eac$ per(on interrupt( Do=( *F ?F /9M in a di##erent %ay (ome %ill 7o by letter o# t$e la% ot$er( by (pirit (o you $ave to learn to %rite (everal di##erent %ay( in t$e (ame ($i#t <u(t ba(ed on t$e commander revie%in7 t$e report0 9e need to all 7et on t$e (a 46! ?m 7ettin7 ade8uate trainin7
430 More tactical trainin7 and articulation in report %ritin70 More clari#ication on %$en t$e P"/" ($ould be implemented0 /evi(ion o# t$e current u(e o# #orce policy 431 Mentorin7 pro7ram #or t$o(e (eekin7 promotion or career development0 Mont$ly (upervi(or meetin7( to di(cu(( current topic( and i((ue(0 434 Sara data ba(e trainin7 433 +eader($ip and Mana7ement0 434 Multiple cla((e( 43 un(ure 436 'ctive ($ooter trainin7 433 ,omputer (y(tem trainin7: driver( trainin70 436 .C' 43! ? believe employe( are not provided ade8uate trainin7 on any a((i7nment %e are 7iven0 ?t=( on t$e <ob trainin7 by trial and error0 *$ere i( no real (ub(tance put in to trainin7 #or an a((i7nment %$ere you are placed0 460 More ran7e and arre(tCcontrol0
461 ,omputer trainin70 ,rim( trainin70 FF/ trainini70 +/MS trainin70 ?n#otrac trainin70 +and lord *ennant di(pute trainin7: (8uatter( ri7$t( v( tre(pa((in70 Etc Etc Etc0 464 ?ntervie% (kill(0 463 ?n cla(( trainin7 464 0 46 ,/?MS: /MS trainin70 466 u(e o# #orce: report %ritin7 463 Make trainin7 available on a more #le;iable r4an7e o# date( and time(0 '( a /e(erve -##icer i( can be very $ard to attend trainin7 t$at i( 7iven on %eek day( only and not at ni7$t or in t$e evenin7(0 466 'dditional E,ar and E,rim( trainin7 46! ? believe t$e department need( to $ave a ($ado% or trainin7 period0 *$i( %ould 7ive t$e ne% per(on time to learn #rom t$e previou( po(ition $older0 4!0 Everyt$in7 to include: u(e o# #orce: emer7ency drivin7: and complaint avoidance@@@ 4!1 .C'
4!4 "e#en(ive tactic(: ($ootin7: (cene mana7ement: and la% update(0 4!3 More #irearm( trainin7: EJ-, trainin7 (in(tead o# <u(t cla((room trainin7)0 4!4 0 4! la%( o# arretCdetention( o# <uvenile(0 dealin7 %it$ people %it$ mental $ealt$ i((ue(0 ba(ic #ir(t aid 4!6 (peci#ic education related to t$e po(ition ? #ill 4!3 Drant Mana7ement: u(e o# Micro(o#t -##ice Product( 4!6 P/-PE/ 9-/E?.D EIB?PME.* /'"?- '." ,-MPB*E/S0 4!! ,ontinued ?ncident ,ommander trainin7 300 Duideline( on %$at i( e;pected o# eac$ individual 301 ?F you kno% (omeone i( tran(#errin7 out o# a unit and a ne% per(on i( comin7 in brin7 in t$e ne% per(on be#ore t$e (enior one leave(0 So t$e ne% can learn t$e <ob #rom (omeone not on t$eir o%n0 304 -nly becau(e ? (eek out trainin7
#or my po(ition and make arran7ement( to attend0 303 Searc$ 9arrant trainin7: in#ormant $andlin7: (urveillance operation( report %ritin7 304 .one at t$i( time 30 .one 306 more trainin7 on computer (y(tem( 303 nCa 306 'll *rainin7 doe( i( prepare you #or a po(ition out(ide t$e -akland Police "epartment 30! nCa 310 .one 311 ,ontinuo( police trainin7 out(ide o# -P": (uc$ a( )?"*': ,.-': .,/?, and P-P0 314 *rainin7 on recoverin7 video (urveillance0 313 .one 314 Searc$ 9arrant *rainin7: Bpdated Searc$ and Sei5ure la%(: Surveillance trainin7: Mana7in7 ?n#ormant(: Preparation o# -p(
plan( 31 more cla(( out(ide department 316 0 313 +e7al update(: B-F: and reality ba(ed trainin70 316 le7al update( 31! (peci#ic trainin7 to t$e type o# %ork t$at eac$ po(ition doe( (maily #or a((i7nment( out(ide t$e #ield)0 340 none 341 .ot$in7 come( to mind0 344 )o% to do (ome o# t$e ta(k( t$at %e are a(ked to complete0 B-F or "+? trainin7 i( %ay lo%0 ? am al%ay( #indin7 out t$ere i( a ne% #ormat 7oin7 on or (omet$in70 343 Sim( trainin7 involvin7 $i7$ ri(k ve$icle (top(0 344 'llo% 10 minute line up trainin7 in %$ic$ o##icer( and (upervi(or( can di(cu(( variou( i((ue( or (ub<ect( rat$er t$an 7oin7 to Po%er"MS and Gclickin7G ? $ave been trained0 34 "B? re#re($er and narcotic( in#luence te(t(0
346 #irearm(: 7an7 trainin7: in#ormant trainin7: 343 'dditional tactic( and %eaponle(( de#en(e trainin7 and S?MS (control $old(: take do%n(: $i7$ ri(k (top(: $i7$ ri(k $andcu##in7: buildin7 and yard (earc$e(: (earc$in7 a (u(pect)0 346 .one 34! more patrol procedure( durin7 t$e academy 330 More B-F trainin7 331 B, 334 Dan7(: narcotic(: pro-active policin7 333 -ut(ide a7ency trainin7 334 ? am com#ortable %it$ my kno%led7e o# t$e a((i7nment 33 no comment 336 Mari<uana la%(0 333 ,ell p$one trackin7 and rippin7 336 none 33!
typin7 340 more computer pro7ram (kill(0 341 po(t record( act trainin7 344 admini(trative dutie( and re(pon(ibilitie(: u(in7 department data (y(tem( and tec$nolo7y 343 *actic( t$at not only keep -##icer( (a#e (%$ic$ -P" doe( %ell) but $ave a c$ance o# (ucce(( t$at i(n=t inordinately dependent on (u(pect compliance0 ,urrent trainin7: policy: and procedure put police at a decided di(advanta7e in t$e actual appre$en(ion o# dan7erou( non compliant o##ender(0 ?t (eem( t$at in ri(k analy(i( t$ere $a( been a #ailure to ade8uately con(ider t$e dan7er to t$e public t$at violent o##ender( po(e by t$eir e(cape: %$ic$ lend( to an o##ender( #eelin7 o# invincibility0 344 ,omputer u(a7e and data a8ui(ition 34 ,omputer trainin7: trainin7 on t$e databa(e( %ere e;pected to u(e on t$e (treetCinve(ti7ation(0 346 i don=t kno% 343 Paid ran7e trainin70 -r (upply ammunition #or trainin70 346 unk
34! *actical trainin7 and mana7ement cour(e(0 3 0 ' lot more trainin7 on t$e computer (y(tem(0 More trainin7 in t$e academy %it$ t$e radio: and navi7ation0 3 1 Supervi(ory trainin7 in t$e #ield0 2early (earc$ %arrant trainin70 Patrol procedure(0 true and actual cro%d control0 *ypin7 cla(( En7li($ %ritin7 (kill(0 3 4 *$e more trainin7 t$e better0 3 3 Pa(( 3 4 computerC?* trainin70 More u(e o# mobile computerCtablet( 3 More online trainin7 you can do #rom $ome 3 6 /evie% o# incident( %$ere o##icer( 3 3 .one 3 6 More #irearm( trainin70 S8uad trainin7 (o ne% and veteran o##icer( re(pond %it$ (imilar tactical trainin70 3 ! leader($ip 360
?ntervie% H intero7atin7 361 computer (kill( re7ardin7 (o#t%are 364 Providin7 trainin7 to all per(onnel <u(t not t$e (elect #e%0 Make it ea(ier #or o##icer( to 7et t$e trainin70 363 .C' 364 Mo(t o# t$e G.oG an(%ered i( more G(ometime(G 36 not (ure 366 more computer trainin7 363 More out(ide department trainin7 on all type( o# inve(ti7ation( (7an7(: dru7(: $omicide) 366 #ormal cour(e(0 36! ,rime Scene ?nve(ti7ation ,la((e(: -##icer ?nvolved S$ootin7 ?nve(ti7ation ,la((e(: )omicide ?nve(ti7ation ,la((e( Question #6 "o you #eel t$ere are ade8uate opportunitie( #or advancement #rom your current po(ition& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 363 Multiple Choice 4!3 'n(%ered
Question #7 're you c$allen7ed and (timulated 4!4 'n(%ered by t$e %ork you are a((7ined& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 411 )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 .o 63
Multiple Choice
Question #8 're t$ere ot$er a((i7nment( you %ould like to be 7iven& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 316 )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 .o 13!
Question #9 "o you under(tand t$e priortie( o# 4!6 'n(%ered t$e Police "epartment& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e(
Multiple Choice
Question #10 9$at can t$e "epartment do to make your daily %orkin7 environment better& 1 Foo(t moral 4 *$e leader( in t$i( "epartment $ave to (tart bein7 leader(0 ' better %orkin7 environment (tart( #rom t$e top do%n0 -ur E;ecutive ,ommand (ta## do not treat people belo% t$em %it$ re(pect or di7nity0 ?# you %ant to c$an7e t$e culture o# t$e "epartment (tart %it$ t$e leader(0 9e need brand ne% people at t$e top0 )o% about a brand ne% P'F al(o0 9e %ork in a old: a(be(to( ridden %orkplace0 ?t( a depre((in7 buildin7 to %ork in0 3 Provide more reco7nition to o##icer( #or 7ood %ork %$ile attenuatin7 t$e #rivolou( di(cipline #or mi(take(0 ,$an7e t$e P"/" policy0 Provide more u(e o# #orce trainin7 #or ,ommand o##icer( (o t$at t$ey under(tand t$at circum(tance( o# #orce are ten(e: uncertain: rapidly developin7: and dan7erou(: and don=t keep lookin7 at (ituation( t$rou7$ 40C40 $ind(i7$t0 4 Fetter leader($ip@@
Stop tar7etin7 $ard %orkin7 o##icer( and di(ciplinin7 t$em #or doin7 t$ere <ob0 Stop creatin7 policie( t$at curtail an o##icer( ability to do police %ork and #i7$t crime0 6 Divin7 ample time #or %$en time( are c$an7ed0 3 Fir(t o# all you $ave a "eputy ,$ie# %$o t$ink( it i( $i( <ob to (upervi(e a( i# $e i( talkin7 to a le((er cla(( o# per(on0 ? kno% i# ? don=t #ollo% t$e rule( ? %ill be puni($ed0 "on=t t$reaten me %it$ GSoul cru($in7 di(ciplineG i# ? don=t #ollo% t$e rule(0 ? %a( bein7 t$reatened %it$ t$at type o# di(cipline %$ile $e %a( a%ay at concord: $idin7 #rom -P"0 *$ink $e $a( (topped (ayin7 it: $e (aid it t%o %eek( a7o a7ain and t$ou7$t it %a( #unny0 *reat u( like you %ant u( to treat t$e citi5en(0 6 +o(e t$e mandatory -*0 People $ave #amilie( t$at t$ey %ant to (pend time %it$0 ! +et me 7o back to patrol divi(ion0 10 )ave an under(tandin7 o# t$e %orkload and (tre(( involved %it$ all t$e mandatory %orkday( 11 )ave upper command %$o actually care about t$e o##icer(0 *$ere are a #e% 7ood commander(1 "arren 'lli(on: /andy 9in7ate: "onna
)oppen$auer: "ave "o%nin7: Sekou Millin7ton: /oland )olm7ren: Mic /eilly to mention (ome000 but t$e ma<ority o# t$e upper command do not care about t$e o##icer( or t$e morale at t$i( department0 *$ey care about puttin7 #rivolou( complaint( on o##icer( and not on t$e mental $ealt$ o# t$e o##icer(0 *$ey don=t care t$at o##icer( are killin7 t$em(elve(0 4 in #ive year(@ 14 .e% computer( .e% pro7ram( (FF/: ipa( and tele(ta##) .e% ve$icle( 13 reduce t$e %orkload 14 Provide properly operatin7 e8uipment (uc$ a( ve$icle( H radio(0 1 better e8uipment and keepin7 (upplie( ? need to proce(( crime (cene(0 16 "ecrea(e t$e amount o# admini(trative %ork and #ield paper%ork0 13 uyteryter6ytr 16 Fe trut$#ul and #ort$ri7$t %it$ in#o related to every a(pect o# t$e <ob0 ?n#ormation i( o#ten ambi7uou( and c$an7ed repeatedly0 1! Det into compliance0 Det a permanent c$ie# o# police0
40 E8uipment 'dditional (ta## 41 *$e computer (y(tem i( not u(er #riendly0 -##icer( (pend a 7reat deal o# to77lin7 bet%een (creen( #or in#ormation and only about a t$ird o# t$e in#ormation i( imported on t$e (creen0 ? %ould like t$e "ept to (tream line reportin7 re8uirement(0 Many o# t$e reportin7 re8uirement( are redundant0 44 9e need more o##icer(0 43 ?ncrea(e (ta##in7 level( and e8uipment (ve$icle() 44 nCa 4 Fe more (upportive o# t$e o##icer=( need( 46 'dditional (ta##in7 43 Fetter communication( 46 *- DE* FE**E/ EIB?PME.*: BP *- "'*E EIB?PME.*: M-/E BS'DE -F *)E /ES-B/,ES 9E )'JE (,'.?.ES: '/DBS: E,*0) 4! ?mprove e8uipment0 30 Stop micro analy5in7 and be more rea(onable to t$e (plit (econd
deci(ion o##icer( $ave to make %$ile you talk it over #or $our( %it$ e;pert( to make your deci(ion on t$e o##icer( action(0 31 Support #rom upper mana7ment and city 7overment 34 .one 33 .C' 34 better e8uipment 3 Support -##icer( more0 36 better #acilitie(0 33 *$e department i( already doin7 it by reducin7 complaint( a((i7ned to di(trict (er7eant(: allo%in7 u( more time to (upervi(e patrol o##icer(0 36 Minimi5e t$e amount o# ?'" inve(ti7ation( a((i7ned to (treet Ser7eant(0 ' (treet Ser7eant=( role ($ould primarily be t$at o# leader($ip and employee development0 3! ? am currently (ati(#ied %it$ my %orkin7 environment0 9it$in t$e pa(t year: my a((i7nment $a( received ne% ve$icle( and a ne% o##ice0 ? 7ue(( i# anyt$in7: it %ould be nice to $ave a printerCcopier (ituated in t$e P'F Patrol (er7eant( o##ice0
40 )ave reali(tic e;pectation( o# %orkload0 Every (in7le memberCemployee o# t$e -akland Police "epartment $a( a %orkload t$at #ar e;ceed( any rea(onable amount0 9e are under(ta##ed and over%orked0 Eac$ Ser7eant $a( (o muc$ %ork it become( di##icult to (upervi(e: %$ic$ ($ould be our primary re(pon(ibility0 41 )ire more o##icer( 44 nCa 43 Put people in c$ar7e t$at are1 10 ,ompetent 40 care about t$eir people and t$e community 30 9ill develop ot$er( to replace in t$e #uture 40,reate a c$ain o# command t$at #acilitate( our e##ort( and i( not <u(t t$ere to continually beat u( up over t$eir perceived ',,-B.*'F?+?*2 importance and ,on(titutional Policin7 FS - 9e all %ere $ired a( 7ood citi5en( o# 'merica 9e all %ent to a Police 'cademy Stop t$e lecturin7 - *ired o# our bein7 con(idered 7uilty until proven innocent 44 )ave e8uipment t$at %ork0 4 decrea(e t$reat( o# di(ciplinary action(: increa(e amount o# %ork#orce 46 more o##icer( in patrol
43 *reat your $ard %orkin7 o##icer( a( a re(pectable $uman bein7 and not %or(t t$an t$e criminal(0 -##icer( come to %ork everyday and bleed #or t$e city and t$e department:%antin7 to $elp and (erve t$e citi5en( o# -akland02et: day in and day out: %e are bein7 treated %or(t t$an t$e (u(pect(0 9e lo(t t%o o##icer( %$o committed (uicide in a ($ort time: %$at el(e i( t$ere to (ay0 ,on(tantly: o##icer( live( are bein7 ruin and reputation( tarni($ed becau(e our commander( deci(ion( over #al(e complaint(0 46 rein(tate t$e motor tra##ic en#orcement unit( 4! Iuit dividin7 up t$e "epartment0 ?t=( not encoura7in7 $ealt$y competition and #ocu(ed e##ort(0 Eac$ time it=( created kin7dom buildin7: $oardin7 o# re(ource(: non-cooperation: and duplication o# e##ort(0 -P" i( not bi7 enou7$ nor doe( it $ave t$e re(ource( to (upport (eparate department(0 'dditionally: t$e inevitable lack o# cooperation and communication bet%een 7roup(: area(: di(trict(: etc: ne7atively impact( t$e "epartment=( e##ectivene(( a( a %$ole0 0 ?n(tead o# bein7 a di(cipline oriented a7encyCdepartment in order to (ati(#y ,ity )all: command (ta## and ot$er(: %e ($ould try to $elp train o##icer(: .-* puni($ t$em0 -##icer( are more concerned
%it$ 7ettin7 in trouble t$an t$ey are %it$ o##icer (a#ety ('=( 7ame( -ct13 #or e;ample) or doin7 t$eir <ob0 Moral i( non-e;i(tent0 2ou $ave to $ave moral in order to $ave +-9 moral0 1 Provide o##icer( %it$ a dependable radio (y(tem: ,'": and FF/ to complete t$eir mi((ion0 4 'ir conditionin7: clean bat$room(: no mandatory overtime: t$ank( #or a <ob %ell done %$en it i(0 3 Provide t$e ade8uate re(ource( and per(onnel to complete t$e ta(k at $and0 4 Provide better tec$nolo7ical (upport0 Provide civilian and (%orn (ta##in7 replacement( #or t$o(e t$at $ave been tran(#erred outCretired0 con(i(tency 6 '((i7n C provide parkin7 (pace( #or o##icer( %orkin7 at F-P0 3 ?t i( time to treat people %it$ re(pect0 "aily: ? (ee t$at %e e;pect per#ection: and t$at i( not rea(onable0 9e ($ould do %$at i( ri7$t by our people: not %$at %ill look 7ood to t$o(e evaluatin7 t$e department0 Fy bein7 #air to t$e people t$at %ork in t$i( department: %e can rebuild t$e motivation and morale o# a
di(pirited 7roup0 9e ($ould be buildin7 con(ent and buy in #rom t$e o##icer( to 7ain cooperation0 *$ink community policin7: only %it$in t$e police department0 6 Fe #air and e8uitable ! 1) Provide incentive( to (tay $ealt$y (on duty %ork-out time a( ot$er police department( do) 4) Stop t$e la(t minute cancellation o# day( o## (prote(t(: rally(: etc0) 3) +e((Cno Mandatory 9-"-P 4) Fetter %orkin7 e8uipment 60 .eed to #ocu( on Member and Employee $ealt$ and not (o muc$ on *a(k(0 *$e "ept complete( *a(k( at t$e e;pen(e o# it( o%n people0 61 -"evelop a plan #ocu(ed on rea(onable 7oal(0 -Provided ade8uate re(ource( 64 ?=m ok0 63 ?=m (till relatively ne%: (o #ar ? #eel t$e dept0 $ave done everyt$in7 t$ey can0 64 ?n(ulate employee( #rom con(tant political turmoil and e;ternal pre((ure(0 ,ity and "epartment need( to (top rollin7 over #or %$oever (cream( t$e loude(t at city council meetin7(0 *$i( city i( $am(trun7 by political correctne(( and #ailed liberal a7enda(0
6 Fetter %orkin7 e8uipement and time allo%ed #or t$orou7$ report( and more o##icer(0 66 ?nter7rate t$e variou( computer (y(tem( in t$e "epartment and make t$em more u(er #riendly0 63 provide re(ource( and demon(trate commitment to %ell-bein7 o# individual( 66 )ire like 600 more o##icer(0 ,$an7e P"/" policy: 6! ,$an7e t$e ?.*E/.'+ environment0 Mi(conduct i( (uppo(ed to be #or ?.*E.*?-.'+ act(: not over(i7$t: mi(take( or mi(interpretation o# t$e 10=( o# t$ou(and( o# pa7e( o# Policy0 'pply common (en(e %$en lookin7 to (ee i# (omet$in7 i( a M-/ violation0 9e are (uppo(e to $ave a 9-/E?.D E.-9+E"DE not a PE/FE,* E.-9+E"DE o# policy0 Folk( are more %orried about lo(in7 t$eir <ob(: $ou(e(: #amilie( t$an t$ey are o# bein7 $urt or killed (retention i((ue0) Policy i( not al%ay( black and %$ite0 30 Eliminate t$e mandatory overtime0 9e are under con(tant (eriou( (tre(( on t$e daily ba(i( even #or our re7ular 40 $our ($i#t(0 ?n addition: %e are o#ten e;tended %ell pa(( t$i( and it i( $avin7 a toll on o##icer(= mental %ell bein70 ?t appear( t$e city i( i7norin7 t$e obviou( (pike in o##icer (uicide(
and it i( alarmin7 t$at no compari((on to t$e over%$elmin7 %ork load o##icer( $ave been a((i7ned0 31 .ot Sure 34 Provide t$e tool(: re(ource(: #undin7 and ade8uate trainin7 to conduct my <ob at a $i7$ and pro#e((ional level0 33 'dditional per(on( to a((i(t in %ork load0 34 -r7ani5ation 3 Fetter e8uipment0 36 .ot$in70 33 S9?.D S)?F* )-B/S S*'/* '* 1300 )/S 36 no comment 3! 8uit puttin7 ?' ca(e( on people t$at you kno% are un(ub(tantiated0 60 ,$an7e (ome o# t$e reportin7 a(pect( t$at %e are no% re8uired to do (uc$ a( t$e (top data and F? #orm(0 Do back to $and %ritten F,=( and $ave an admin per(on tran(cribe it over to an electric copy i# needed0 *$i( %ould #ree up t$e patrol o##icer( time and al(o $elp %it$ pro-activity0
61 *$i( department i( 7reat0 64 0000 63 Focu( on retainin7 o##icer( by increa(in7 morale0 Iuit nit-pickin7 everyt$in7 an o##icer doe( and 7ive credit: %$ere credit i( due0 9e u(ed to only 7et verbal abu(e #rom t$e citi5en( and could al%ay( count on t$e department to back u( up i# %e $ad 7ood intention( %$ile doin7 t$e <ob0 .o%: ?' look( at everyt$in7 you do and trie( to 7o out o# t$eir %ay to burn people0 ?t=( (ad and un#ortunate: but obviou(0 9$y el(e %ould people leave t$i( place %$en t$ey aren=t even eli7ible to retire0 Fi; it no%0 64 Make clari#ication( on policie( t$at create e;tra paper%ork and reduce time needed a%ay #rom (upervi(in70 6 Set up a (erver t$at inve(ti7ator( can acce(( to vie% and do%nload crime p$oto( 66 ' lot 63 ?t %ould be nice to (ee t$at o##icer( can 7o out to t$e (treet(: appre$end bad people and not (ee t$em 7et di(ciplined #or petty error(0 66 Support #rom t$e city 7overnment0
6! Provide t$e ba(ic e8uipment t$at i( needed to accompli($ our dutie(0 9e $ave outdated computer(: not enou7$ %ork(tation(: and no car(0 !0 %e need more police o##icer( and %e need to $ave a %$ole lot le(( re(triction( on o##icer( doin7 t$eir <ob0 9e al(o need reali(tic po(t revie%0 9e $ave people revie%in7 incident( %it$ little #ield e;perience makin7 unreali(tic (u77e(tion( on $o% an incident ($ould or could $ave been re(olved0 *$e (u77e(tion( are u(ually #ar #etc$ed and %ould $ave been very very di##icult to $ave accompli($ed in t$e very ($ort amount o# time available0 !1 (tand be$ind u( and (upport u( in %$at %e do0 !4 #i7$t crime: not deal %it$ politic( !3 Fuy ne% car( #or ?nve(ti7ator( !4 more clo(e (upervi(ion and 7uidance by t$e monitorin7 team and compliance director0 ! (top tryin7 to per(ecute member( #or anyt$in7 and everyt$in7 no matter $o% (mall it maybe and clearly %$en t$ey ($ould (ee t$at t$e per(on makin7 t$e accu(ation i( #abricated t$e complaint0 !6 Provide u( t$e opportunity to do
our a((i7ned dutie( in(tead o# tryin7 to take over ot$er unit(= re(pon(ibilitie(0 !3 more o##icer( and inve(ti7ator( !6 -?mprove our e8uipment(radio(: computer(: and ve$icle=() !! better e8uipment (ie radio() 100 9orkin7 e8uipment: computer( and radio( 101 ?mprove t$e radio and computer (y(tem0 104 Stop takin7 bodie( #rom patrol to #ill (peciali5ed unit(0 *$i( only increa(e( t$e amount o# mandatory overtime re8uired #or patrol0 103 .Ca 104 *ru(t u(0 Stop treatin7 u( like %e are t$e criminal( 10 Support it( o##icer( more in t$e media and in every day %ork0 -##icer( are under enou7$ (tre(( a( it i(: t$en to #eel a( i# t$e command (ta## doe(n=t (upport you make( t$e <ob %or(e0 106 Fetter (upport #rom ,ommand and t$e ,ity 103
Provide -##icer( %it$ e8uipment t$at i( properly maintained and updated re7ularly0 '( %ell a( providin7 -##icer( %it$ e8uipment t$ey could be proud to (erve in0 106 Provide (upport #rom command and (upervi(ion0 ? am (o a#raid o# 7ettin7 in trouble t$at ? $e(itate and 7et con#u(ed a( %ell a( completely (tre((ed tryin7 to make deci(ion( 8uickly0 "i(cipline i( (uppo(ed to be u(ed a( a correctional tool: not puni($ment0 10! Provide an admini(trative a((i(tant and or e(tabli($ rea(onable timeline( #or admini(trative %orkload completion to advert #orced overtime and maintain a rea(onable 40 - 0 $our %ork %eek0 110 Dive u( t$e proper tool( to %ork0 Dive u( %orkin7 computer(: t$at do not cra($ every #e% day(: keep t$e car( in 7ood %orkin7 order: and radio( t$at actually tran(mit0 111 .ot$in7 114 )o% about more #ocu( on crime and policin7 and le(( FS on accountability redundancy and t$in7( t$at (erve no purpo(e (uc$ a( arre(t approval(: report revie%(: bi mont$ly meetin7(000 113 Bnkno%n 114
)ave computer e8uipment t$at doe(n=t mal#unction every %eek0 11 Provide e8uipment t$at %ork(: and a (upportive environment t$at o##icer( #eel 7ood about doin7 t$eir <ob( in(tead o# #eelin7 like t$at i# t$ey make t$e (malle(t mi(take t$ey %ill 7et in trouble0 116 0 113 .o comment 116 'de8uate e8uipment to complete t$e %ork e;pected o# u(0 11! More Police -##icer( %ould be nice: (o %ould could $ave proper cover durin7 $i7$ ri(k (ituation(0 140 )avin7 t$e appropriate e8uipment available and in 7ood %orkin7 order0 141 Fetter +eader($ip0 9e need people %$o kno% %$at t$ey are doin70 9e need people %$o under(tand t$e variou( #unction( o# t$e or7ani5ation0 *$e current leader($ip $a( not made t$e %orkin7 environment conducive0 *$ey are only intere(ted in paddin7 t$eir re(ume #or t$e ne;t a((i7nment0 144 Provide better e8uipment 143 Seem( to be takin7 care o# no%0
9orkin7 radio( and replacement o# patrol ve$icle(0 144 Fetter e8uipment 14 -btain a better radio net%ork (y(tem0 146 )ire more people 143 ,ontinue doin7 t$e (ame 146 7ive u( computer( t$at don=t ($ut do%n 14! Fetter %orkin7 e8uipment0 ,ommon (en(e %$en applyin7 t$e .S' to t$e actual %orkin7 environment o# t$e o##icer( in ,?" and t$e #ield1 Stop "ata collection and report %ritin7 $a( to be (treamlined #urt$er in order to encoura7e proactivity on t$e part o# o##icer( in(tead o# puni($in7 t$em #or bein7 proactive0 Factorin7 $uman error into critcal incident( ie not rememberin7 turnin7 on a camera durin7 (uc$ an incident and puni($in7 t$e o##icer #or one mi(take and not a pattern o# mi(take( 130 ?mprove on pro#e((ionali(m: particularly by command o##icer(0 "on=t allo% politic( to inter#ere %it$ our daily dutie(0 *oo many meetin7( and not enou7$ 7et( done a( a re(ult o# meetin7(0 )ave reali(tic e;pectation( o# daily dutie( (t$ere i( an over%$emlim7 amount
o# %ork #or t$e number o# o##icer( t$at %e $ave0) "on=t puni($ o##icer( #or makin7 a mi(take0 131 +E'" F2 EL'MP+E 134 'de8uately (ta## t$e dept %it$ $uman re(ource and e8uipment (e(pecially computer related item()0 133 Fetter leard($ip 134 -##er more trainin7 opportunitie( out(ide o# -P"0 )old commander( accountable #or not 7ettin7 t$eir (ubordinate( needed trainin70 Stop promotin7 people %$o continually #ail in t$eir a((i7nment(0 En(ure all (upervi(or(: commander( and mana7er( are 7iven t$e c$ance to lead and #ail0 Stop re%ardin7 individual( %$o don=t take ri(k( or make deci(ion(0 13 *reat t$e people %$o %ork #or t$em %it$ di7nity and re(pect: don=t automatically t$ink t$e o##icer i( in t$e %ron7 and treat t$em like (u(pect( and $ire more o##icer( and (upport (ta## to do t$e %ork0 9e do t$e %ork o# 4 people0 136 ?ncrea(e #ield (patrol) (ta##in7 133 #ully Functionin7 computer( and ve$icle( 136 Dive clear direction #rom t$e top do%n0 /i7$t no% you can $ave
t$ree di##erent commander( 7ive t$ree di##erent me((a7e( and prioritie(0 13! Det u( (ome more cop( out $ere: %e are dro%nin7 on a daily ba(i(0 Det our e8uipment maintained and repaired - car(: computer(: radio(: ambulance re(pon(e: ba(ically all in#ra(tructure i( in a very poor (tate o# a##air(0 140 Provide t$e proper amount o# trained inve(ti7ator( to $andle t$e %ork load re8uired0 Provide t$e proper amount o# patrol per(onnel to en(ure t$e (a#ety o# t$e o##icer( and citi5en( in t$e city o# -akland0 141 Stop over%orkin7 t$e o##icer( %it$ overtime0 *$e department need( to re(pect and under(tand t$at o##icer( $ave a live out(ide o# t$e police department0 144 ,ommunicate better %$at t$e 7oal( are #or t$e department0 Every mont$ t$ere (eem( to be a $ot button topic0 ? %i($ a( a department %e %ere more con(i(tent %it$ our 7oal(0 143 .ot$in70 Au(t (tartin7 my career0 144 #unctional e8uipment (radio(: computer(): increa(e %orkplace moral: re%arded #or $ard%ork: not di(ciplined #or unrea(onal rea(on(: $ave t$e tru(t o# t$e command (ta##: command (ta## (tep up and $ave our back( to t$e media and
on t$e ne%( like ot$er department(: etc: etc0 14 )ire more0 146 better policie( 143 'llo% t$e or7ani5ation t$e ability to #i7$t crime and (pend le(( time doin7 paper%ork and policin7 t$e police0 146 "evelop a team buildin7 pro7ram0 14! Foo(t moral by bein7 (upportive o# patrol o##icer( need(0 Patrol i( t$e back bone o# t$e department0 Stop t$e ne7ative:irre(pon(ible: (cared (upervi(ion0 Support o##icer( need( %$ic$ are probably more reali(tic to t$e #ield0 )ave patrol S7t(: +*=( take re(pon(ibility #or t$eir o##icer( and become a (upport net%ork #or t$e troop( not middle men t$at (ay( G ?m <u(t a piece o# a muc$ bi77er pieG G9ell %ere payin7 you a lot o# moneyG0 Eliminate S.F entrie(: monitorin7: intervention it( undue (tre((0 1 0 more per(onnel 1 1 *$ere are (o many policie( and procedure( but it=( t$e ba(ic( t$at t$e "epartment ($ould 7o back to0 Eac$ (er7eant run( t$eir (8uad di##erently: eac$ lieutenant operate( di##erently: eac$ captain run( t$in7( di##erently: and eac$ deputy c$ie# run( t$in7(
di##erently0 1 4 remove redundant paper%ork 1 3 Bnkno%n 1 4 .ot$in70 1 Provide me t$e e8uipment (car: computer: radio) t$at %ork daily0 1 6 .o ,omment 1 3 nCa 1 6 allo% t$e o##icer( to u(e de(cre(tion: tru(t t$e o##icer(: allo% #or o##icer( to utili5e camera( decretionary: not every (top re8uire( a report (i0e0 %arnin7() o##icer( dont #eel t$ey can be t$em(elve(0 (i0e0 robot()*$e(e (77e(tion( %ill prompt o##icer( to be more proactive0 ot$er%i(e 8uality o# li#e violation( 7o unc$ecked0 1 ! +e(( re(trictive policie( t$at enable police productivity0 160 (treamline t$e paper %ork 161 'ppreciate %ork bein7 done: e(pecially mana7ement o# ma((ive ca(eload(0 'llo% more -vertime to combat 7iven ca(eload0 164
+aptop( a((i7ned 163 Au(t $ave %orkin7 e8uipment needed to complete t$e <ob 164 ,$an7e t$e F, policy 16 Dive me a ne% computer0 166 ?mprove tec$nolo7y0 M"*=(: de(k top(: etc0 163 ,reate a (upportive environment by providin7 more trainin7 and coun(elin7 on policie( and procedure( in(tead o# di(ciplinin7 o##icer( #or mi(take(0 *$e department ri7$t no% i( practicin7 bad parentin7 %$ere abu(ive parent( (pank t$eir c$ildren #or mi(take( in(tead o# teac$in7 t$em cau(in7 c$ildren to act reluctant %$en takin7 action0 -##icer( are reluctant to take any action( #or #ear o# $ar($ di(cipline0 166 Bpdate computer( and radio(0 9E are over%orked0 Streamline t$in7( like F,=( and in cu(tody=( 16! /e(pect t$e o##icer(0 'ckno%led7e t$e o##icer(0 Stop t$e cru(ade a7ain(t o##icer(0 Stop di(ciplinin7 t$e o##icer( #or every little t$in70 Support t$e o##icer( #rom command0 130 Set a clear a vi(ion and mi((ion and do not deviate #rom it0
131 Maintain (ta##in7 i((ue(0 Provide additional re(ource( in t$e #ield0 Bpdate e8uipment (car( H computer()0 134 Dive clear direction a( to %$at i( e;pected0 *$ey could al(o attempt to (treamline t$e paper%ork at t$e o##icer level and not add paper%ork at t$e o##icer level <u(t to make it ea(ier #or ot$er( t$at do not %ork t$e (treet0 -ur time %ould be more e##ective bein7 available #or call( and police %ork and not #illin7 out repeated paper%ork0 133 ? #eel a( i# my %ork environment i( 7reat 134 )old command (ta## accountable to t$e (ame de7ree a( lo%er rank(0 ,ultivate leader( %$o $ave t$e re(pect o# t$eir (ubordinate( and a vi(ion o# t$e re8uirement( o# t$e department0 Provide 8uality communication( e8uipment and (a#ety e8uipment #or t$e department0 /eco7ni5e t$at t$e current morale and %orkin7 condition( are dama7in7 to o##icer( $ere0 -ur morale $a( never been t$i( lo%0 13 ?ncrea(e t$e (kill (et o# ,ommander( and Supervi(or( in t$e #ield0 Many inve(ti7ation( are de#icient a( i( t$eir command revie%0 136 Provide u( %it$ better e8uipment: car(: /'"?-S: computer (y(tem(
t$at %ork: 133 9orkin7 e8uipment1 Police radio: computer (de(k-top and M"*): police ve$icle: etc0 "eploy (upervi(or( out#itted %it$ re8uired e8uipment #or active ($ooter1 entry tool( ($ook H key): portable bullet re(i(tant ($ield: bullet re(i(tant $elmet: ri#le: e;tra loaded ma7a5ine(0 Joice reco7nition (o#t%are #or completion admini(trative report(: etc000 Streamlinin7Creducin7 and eliminatin7 admini(trative ta(k(0 Eliminate #ield arre(t approval0 'll #orm( are electronic t$i( can be done remotely no%0 136 )ire more o##icer( 13! *$e department can (treamline proce((e( in(tead o# addin7 anot$er ta(k or anot$er G2ou $ave to remember to do L: 2: and MG onto t$e already e;tremely lon7 li(t o# t$in7( one $a( to remember in t$i( <ob0 ? %ant to 7o do police %ork not be burdened by a bunc$ o# admini(trative (tu## t$at could be $andled by a civilian (ittin7 be$ind a de(k0 160 *$e department could treat t$e o##icer( better0 ? o#ten 7o $ome #eelin7 like a criminal #or t$e %ork ? do rat$er t$an a valued member o# -P"0 9e al(o need to be 7iven e8uipment t$at %ork( properly (o t$at %e can do our <ob e##iciently and e##ectively0 161
)avin7 car(: computer( and e8uipment t$at %ork0 *$e computer (y(tem al%ay( 7oe( do%n0 't lea(t t%o to t$ree time( a %eek i# not a day0 9e are told t$at car( are comin7 but t$ere are none ready0 164 more re(ource(000car(: o##icer(: better computer (y(tem(: radio (y(tem(0 163 Functional e8uipment and ve$icle(0 *$e computer and radio (y(tem( are very unreliable0 164 .ot$in7: %e $ave to #ini($ t$e pat$ %ere on0 16 (top t$e mandatory overtime0 allo% and pay #or o##icer( to 7o to trainin7 out(ide o# t$e department %$ile on duty 166 a ve$icle t$at i( a((i7ned to my(el# and i( reliable 163 Provide e8uipment t$at %ork( on a daily ba(i(0 Je$icle( and t$e computer( in t$e ve$icle( are a con(tant i((ue0 *$ere are only certain computer( t$at my P"/" %ill do%nload on0 166 ?mprove morale: comradery: and decrea(e t$e re(triction( put upon o##icer( to e##ectively do police %ork0 16! provide nece((ary e8uipment and
on 7oin7 trainin7 to do my <ob %ell0 Bnder(tand my po(ition and dutie( and %$at it take( to do my <ob0 1!0 *$e department can make (ure t$at police ve$icle are maintained and kept clean: t$e car( currently u(ed are at time( an embarra((ment to drive around and be (een in by t$e public0 2e( police o##icer( do not treat t$e car( t$ey drive a( i# t$ey %ere t$ere o%n0 1!1 $i7$er 600 more o##icer(C 400 more civilian( 1!4 *reat member( %it$ re(pect0 )ave t$e (ame rule( #or command and line (ta##0 1!3 adopt a #air #irm and con(i(tant belie# and ackno%le7de 7ood %ork 1!4 Fo(ter a (en(e t$at ,ommand Sta## %ill (upport (ta## and not (cape7oat0 1! Provide o##icer( %it$ t$e e8uipment and nece((ary manpo%er to appre$end (u(pect( and %itne((e( to accompli($ an inve(ti7ative ta(k0 1!6 Fuild moral: provide ade8uate e8uipment: tru(t t$e o##icer0 *$i( P" i( not e##icient in t$e %ay %e operate0 eliminate t$e need to F, any contact0 *$e P" $a( in(tilled (o
muc$ #ear t$at o##icer( are a#raid to act0 1!3 Streamline t$e amount o# u(ele(( paper%ork0 1!6 ,$an7e t$e policy on t$e F,=(0 /emember t$at %$en %e %ere paper (top data #orm(: a (er7eant $ad to (i7n t$eir name to (tate t$at all t$e bo;e( $ave been #illed out properly0 *$e computer no% doe( t$at #or t$em0 9$y doe( a (er7eant need to read every F,& 're %e c$eckin7 #or completene((0 *$e computer doe( it0 ,reate pro7ram to collect t$e in#ormation #rom o##icer on ve$icle and %alkin7 (top a( t$ey put out on air0 Stop data completed automatically0 ,ar (top no%N44 min 4 papr%rk: 6 min %Co 1!! Provide (upport to -##icer(0 *$e modi#ied complaint policy %a( a (tep in t$e ri7$t direction0 400 nCa 401 *rue +eader($ip 404 & 403 more reco7nition #or 7ood %ork0 404 properly maintain e8uipmentK repair police car and better ?* (upport0 40
Bpdate tec$nolo7y t$at re#lect( today=( %orld 406 'llo% ade8uate overtime to inve(ti7ate ca(e(0 9e %ant to put criminal( in <ail and cant becau(e o# %e don=t $ave t$e time0 9it$ mandatory overtime it i( $ard #or inve(ti7ator( to complete t$eir inve(ti7ation( in a timely manor0 403 'de8uately (ta## t$e %$ole Police department bot$ (%orn and non(%orn vital po(ition(0 Bnder(tand t$at 7ood (%orn member( are leavin7 t$i( department becau(e o# t$e ca(eload: call volume and overall poor mana7ement0 406 For computer( and (o#t%are to %ork properly0 *o $ave ve$icle t$at %ork properly and enou7$ to #or a (8uad0 Je$icle( are (pendin7 to muc$ time at t$e ,orp 2ard #or (imple repair( and maint0 40! ?mprove moral and end micromana7ement0 410 .C' 411 9e need po(itive rein#orcement #rom command0 *$e puni($ment and di(cipline at time( are too $ar($0 -##icer( are 7ettin7 puni($ed #or (imple trainin7 error(0 Dive tru(t and credibility back to t$e o##icer(0 'llo% t$e (upervi(or( to mentor t$eir (ubordinate( and provide leader($ip %it$out #ear o# complaint(0
414 Eliminate t$e cut-t$roat mentality 413 Bpdated e8uipemnt: car(: computer(: (o#t%are: ect0 414 ?mprove morale around t$e dept0 Make t$e o##icer( #eel like t$e dept0 $a( t$ere be(t at intere(t0 41 unkno%n 416 9orkin7 car: %orkin7 radio: %orkin7 computer0 413 Provide t$e needed tool( and e8uipment to complete or do a 7ood <ob0 'llo% o##icer=( to (pend more time dealin7 %it$ victim(Cciti5en( %$en takin7 a report0 -##icer=( are bein7 8ue(tioned by ,'P*'?.=S %$en t$ey=re on call( G*o +on7@G -##icer=( can not take multiple (tatement=( and collectC7at$er in#ormation (uc$ a( lo(tCrecovered item(: detailed de(cription(: canva((e(: and complete a report in t$e allotted 4 minute time o##icer=( are e;pected to (pend on eac$ call0 -##icer=( are ru($in7 ! 0=( 416 .C' 41! 'ddre(( computer (y(tem i((ue(0 440 Fetter e8uipment: computer(: ba(ic o##ice (upplie(
441 Fetter e8uipment (ve$icle(: radio(: computer(: #orce option tool(): $ire more police o##icer( 444 /eturn to and #ollo% a rea(onable c$ain-o#-command0 *ru(t and re(pect t$e deci(ion( and recommendation( o# commander( and (upervi(or( %ould be a 7ood (tart0 443 (top #ocu(in7 on %$at o##icer( did %ron7 and compliment #or %$at t$ey did ri7$t 444 Foo(t moral: (upport o##icer(: (upport o##icer(:(upport o##icer(: and avoid bein7 in#luenced and told %$at to do by t$e po%er( at be0 44 .ot$in7 at t$i( time0 446 )ave more tru(t in t$e o##icer( 443 Fi; t$e patrol relie# (y(tem0 446 /emain #ocu(ed on reducin7 crime0 *oo many ($i#tin7 prioritie(0 *reat member( #airlyK %ay too muc$ #avoriti(m@@@ 44! (tart $avin7 (ome common (en(e0 (top 7oin7 a#ter eac$ ot$er and #ocu( on t$e crime t$at i( a never endin7 problem #or t$e ,ity o# -akland0 allo% u( to actually do (ome police %ork0 430
,ontinue $irin7 o##icer(0 431 9orkin7 Police /adio( and better Police Je$icle( 434 "o not allo% certain (upervi(or( to interpret t$e policie( a( t$ey (ee #it0 *$ere ($ould be a (treamlined %ay o# doin7 everyday reportin7CF,=( amon7(t t$e rank and #ile0 433 more re(cource( 434 re(i7n 43 *reat employee( #airly 436 Au(t treat me like a valued member o# t$e "epartment and %it$ re(pect0 'nd it doe( not co(t a penny to do t$at0 433 P$y(ical improvement o# t$e o##ice and %ork environment (eliminate bu7( and rodent()0 9orkin7 tec$nolo7y0 ,omputer pro7ram( u(ually #ail or don=t %ork0 436 more re(ource( (uc$ a( per(onnel and %orkin7 e8uipment 43! More re(ource(K better e8uipment to complete my <ob and ade8uate (ta##in7 o# police o##icer(0 440 .o comment
441 0 444 B(e an out(ide con(ultant to determine %$at e8uipment i( be(t #or t$e department ba(ed on BSE/ input: not .-.-BSE/ input0 443 Provide ne% patrol car(: update computer (y(tem( and provide more opportunitie( #or out(ide trainin70 444 Maybe <u(t under(tand t$at no one i( per#ect0 ' lot o# people $ere are $ard %orker( t$at are tryin7 to make a di##erence0 *oo many 7ood: (olid o##icer( $ave le#t t$i( "ept: po((ibly due to #ru(tration0 44 better e8uipment 446 *ake into con(ideration t$e #act t$at people dra% po(ition( t$at t$ey %ant to %ork in and ad$ere to t$at0 Movin7 people involuntarily make( people #eel a( i# t$e "epartment doe( not care t$at people $ave #amilie(0 ?# people are (tre((ed at $ome: t$ey %ill brin7 t$eir (tre(( to %ork000and ? could 7o on but ? %ill not0 443 ? believe mo(t o##icer( $ave a de(ire to per#orm t$eir <ob( %ell and %ant to #eel valued in t$eir re(pective po(ition0 ? believe t$e "epartment can continue to (upport o##icer( in t$e per#ormance o# t$eir dutie(: in doin7 (o 7ivin7 o##icer( t$e bene#it o# t$e doubt
%$en complaint( ari(e and tru(tin7 o##icer( are menC%omen o# inte7rity0 *$i( %ould $elp increa(e morale %$ic$ %ould ultimately make t$e individual o##icer a( %ell a( t$e "epartment a( a %$ole more productive and e##ective 446 no an(%er 44! Make +/MS more #unctional (o o##icer( can look up /" number( and (ee %$at t$e (tatu( o# t$eir preliminary inve(ti7ation( are: %$o t$e inve(ti7ator i( and %$at: i# any: #ollo%-up (tep( are nece((ary to 7et a ca(e c$ar7ed0 4 0 *reat people #airly 4 1 S$o% more (upport and concern #or t$e(e o##icer( %ell bein70 4 4 Fetter e8uipment and dependable e8uipment0 4 3 Providin7 u( %it$ e8uipment and (o#t%are t$at %ork( and i( inte7rated0 4 4 "ependable computer C connectivity0 4 More (upport and under(tandin7 o# t$e amount o# %ork bein7 completed0 4 6 9ould not like to an(%er0
4 3 En(ure ba(ic #unction( t$at are nece((ary are provided ade8uately1 ,ar( ,omputer( /adio( 4 6 Fe more con(i(tent and #air rat$er t$an make deci(ion( ba(ed on pre((ure0 4 ! Bnkno%n: morale i( lo%0 ?( t$ere really a tru(t in t$e mana7ement o# t$e department& *$ere i( uncertainty in t$e po((ibility o# a ne% c$ie# and ($ake up o# t$e command (ta##0 People %ork on a day to day ba(i( not kno%in7 %$at t$e priority o# t$e day %ill be0 ,on(i(tency i( important (o employee( and member( can $ave con#idence in %$at t$ey do0 460 *oo many to li(t 461 ?t (eem( o##icer( are di(7runtled becau(e t$ey are 7ettin7 di(ciplined #or doin7 1! out o# 40 t$in7( ri7$t: and t$e 1 t$in7 t$ey #or7ot to do %a( a G%$ole $eartedG mi(take0 9e $ave not $ad a rai(e in year(: and our %ork load $a( increa(ed0 464 Provide computer (y(tem( and e8uipment t$at #unction properly0 463 9orkin7 computer (y(tem( t$at ?=m e;pected to u(e dialin71 Jievu: iP'S: FF/CM"* all re7ularly #ail or are e;tremely (lo%0 9e need car( too0
464 *$e proce(( $a( to be7in %it$ t$e elimination o# muc$ o# E;ecutive ,ommand0 +eader($ip and t$e me((a7e o# intrin(ic importance mu(t be created #rom t$e upper level0 *$e current re7ime $a( no moral or inte7ral capital0 46 Fi; t$e ,'/ #orm0 466 .C' 463 ,ontinue to back #ill open beat(0 -verlap bet%een 1(t and 4nd %atc$ ($ould remain %it$ line-up at 141 $r( at a minimum0 -t$er%i(e: #or e;ample: i# line-up %ere to (tart at 1 1 $r( a( rumored t$e odd 1(t %atc$ di(trict %ill 7o in #or report revie%: leavin7 t$e even di(trict re(pon(ible #or t$ree di(trict(0 *$i( %a( ca(e 3 year( a7o and created a lack o# re(ource(0 ?n my opinion: t$e 141 line-up ($ould remain t$e (ame0 466 %orkin7 computer( and radio(0 46! Prioriti5e 7iven (ta##in7 limitation( %e cant do everyt$in7 %ell0 430 provide proper operatin7 e8uipment (ve$icle: computer) 431 7ive u( t$e con#idence to en7a7e criminal( (like be#ore) %Co (u##erin7 repri(al(000 434
?MP/-JE F',?+?*?ES '." *E,).?,'+ P/-PE/*?ES 433 'llo% police %ork to be done0 434 Provide me t$e time and tool( to do t$e <ob at $and- FE ' P-+?,E -FF?,E/C ,-P0 )ave our (-FF?,E/S) back( durin7 t$e tou7$ deci(ion(: and appreciate t$e %ork t$at i( bein7 done and reco7ni5e t$e $ard %ork t$at i( bein7 done0 "on=t (end u( (-FF?,E/S) out to do police %ork: make 7reat arre(t( and t$en per(ecute u( #or doin7 (o0 43 .C' 436 ,omputer( and car( 433 7d#7#dr(7r7 436 Stop makin7 t$eir (,ommander()<ob ea(ier and pu($in7 %ork do%n%ard to patrol or (treet team(0 *$ere i( no c$ance any (treet (upervi(or i( meetin7 t$e 6 O re8uirement in t$e #ield %it$ t$eir troop( ba(ed on t$e current admini(trative re8uirement( 7iven to #ield (upervi(or(0 /ESPE,* ?S .-* D?JE. ABS* FE,'BSE 2-B )'JE FEE. P/-M-*E" 2-B MBS* E'/. *)E /ESPE,* -F 2-B/ */--PS '." +E'" F/-M *)E F/-.*0 2-B MBS* FE 9?++?.D *- "EJE/2*)?.D 2-B 'SE 2-B/ */--PS *- "-0 '(k about t$em but 7enuinely a(kandcare
43! Provide ve$icle( 460 B(e o# #orce policy c$an7e( (i0e0 control $old(: take do%n(: pointin7 o# %eapon0 ?ncorporate t$e u(e o# #orce into FF/ a( part o# t$e ! 0000t$e current u(e o# #or #orce i( to redundant0 461 -ne o# my main i((ue( %it$ t$i( department i( t$at it (eem( like t$e department( main 7oal i( to 7et into compliance and not to #i7$t crime0 ?t %ould be nice to %ork in an environment %$ere %e 7et accolade( #or #i7$tin7 crime and not initiatin7 ?' complaint(0 ?t %ould al(o be nice to %ork in an environment %$ere o##icer( do not 7et into trouble #or tryin7 to do t$eir <ob0 ?t appear( a( i# t$e department i( on a man $unt to 7et t$eir per(onnel into trouble0 464 Feedback by t$e command (ta##: open line( o# communication: di(cu(( promotional opportunitie( %it$ per(onnel t$at are currently on t$e promotional li(t(0 463 Provide better ve$icle( and $ave more tru(t #rom command (ta##0 464 *rue +E'"E/S)?P 46 Provide (upport and re(ource( to accompli($ *a(k(0 466 ,$an7e complaint policy and u(e o#
#orce policy 463 More reliable tec$nolo7y0 466 Provide e8uipment t$at %ork(: and provide a %ay #or o##icer( to report e8uipment t$at i( broken and in need o# repair (copy mac$ine(: report %ritin7 p$one(0 ,urrently one p$one in t$e P'F report %ritin7 room i( broken0 ?t %ould be nice to $ave more t$an t%o p$one( in t$e report %ritin7 room(0 46! Focu( on (toppin7 crime #ir(t 4!0 ? #eel a lot o# unnece((ary pre((ure created by t$i( <ob0 ? don=t #eel t$ere i( any room #or error0 ?# an o##icer make( a mi(take: ? believe t$ere i( no room #or leniency0 4!1 Fire all incompetentCcorrupt public o##icial( and $ire people %$o kno% %$at t$ey are doin70 4!4 *rain commander( to value t$eir o##icer(0 )ave commander( %ork Ea(t -akland on %eekend( at ni7$t to (ee %$at o##icer( $ave to deal %it$0 "ra(tically reduce internal a##air( and $ave o##icer( t$at are t$ere not knit pick o##icer( action(0 Support police o##icer( e(pecially t$o(e in patrol0 )ave computer( and radio( t$at %ork0 Eliminate all t$e lame policie( t$at $ave ca(trated t$e department in makin7 it e##icient0 ,$an7e all command (tructure0 9e #eel under a micro(cope and knit picked
4!3 Provide up to date ve$icle(: radio (y(tem: and a #ully #unctional ve$icle computer (y(tem0 4!4 Provide better leader($ip and trainin70 ?# di(cipline i( 7oin7 to be $anded out #or mi(take(: provide #re8uent enou7$ trainin7 to meet t$o(e (tandard( and $old command accountable #or t$eir M-/ violation(0 4! +e(( meetin7( 4!6 )ire more o##icer( 4!3 0 4!6 'dd an additional (%orn o##icer to eac$ ($i#t at t$e P'F "e(k0 4!! $ave more o##icer( in patrol 300 .C' 301 Fetter utili5ation o# our unit0 304 *$e department mu(t (treamline t$e reportin7 proce((0 B(e more p$one and online reportin70 "ecrea(e call( #or (ervice by reprioriti5in70 303 Provide better e8uipment and al(o (tand be$ind t$eir o##icer( in(tead o# tryin7 to #ind a %ay to #ind t$em
at #ault #or (omet$in70 304 Fetter tec$nolo7y Support #rom all commander( -ne-me((a7e Fetter communication 30 .ot$in7 306 Provide a radio (y(tem t$at #unction( durin7 critical incident(: and a computer (y(tem t$at allo%( internet acce(( %it$ $i7$ (peed connectivity0 303 provide %orkin7 e8uipment (radio(: car(: computer()0 Fa(ter (ervice #or our patrol #leet: t$e corp yard take( too lon7 and o#ten do not repair our i((ue(0 306 0 30! 7et more ve$icle(0 $ave a unit a((i7ned to pri(oner tran(portC<o$n 7eor7eC(anta rita run(000%$en po((ible0 310 #undin7 311 +e(( emp$a(i( on di(cipline and more trainin7 %$en de#iciencie( are noted 314 Provide better e8uiptment: computer( and (y(tem( t$at could relly make t$e proce(( ea(ier0 313 Stop di(ciplinin7 -##icer( #or t$e
action( o# criminal(0 'nd (top cruci#yin7 o##icer( #or $one(t mi(take( made under e;treme (tre((0 'llo% o##icer( to do t$eir <ob( %it$out #ear o# per(ecution0 314 ,)'.DE *)E E.J?/-.ME.* *)'* EJE/2*)?.DS ?S '. ?'" M'**E/ 9)?,) ,'BSE S*/ESS F-/ -FF?,E/S -/ M'EE -FF?,E/ +ESS P/-',*?JE0 31 9orkin7 e8uipment (upplied in a timely #a($ion0 ? $ave been %aitin7 #or a %orkin7 computer #or over a year0 316 Provide ade8uate re(ource(CPE/S-..E+ #or t$e <ob bein7 a(ked0 Provide t$e leader($ip %it$ proper trainin7 to under(tand t$e <ob( o# t$eir (ub(0 FE F'?/0 313 Dive u( t$e trainin7 and e8uipment to do our <ob(0 ,omputer( %e u(e are outdated0 9e are (till u(in7 %indo%( !3 316 ,on(i(tency #rom t$e top to bottom0 31! )ave a 7oal and do not c$an7e it at any 7iven moment0 340 )ave a 7ood ,omputer connection on M"* 341 better computer (y(tem( 344
better #unctionin7 e8uipment 343 ' car %it$ le(( t$an 130:000 mile( %it$ a %orkin7 computer (o ? can comply %it$ directive(0 (E,'/: E"E, and (o on) 344 nCa 34 ?nve(t in *ec$nolo7y and collaberationCcooperation %it$ out(ide a7encie( 346 "ecrea(e t$e double %ork load: #reein7 o##icer( up to clear call( and $ave time #or proactivity0 S$o% 7enuine appreciation and (upport to member( (S9-/. and non S9-/.)0 343 'llo% t$e unit to %ork more a((i7nment( 346 More (ta##0 34! Bnkno%n 330 Streamline (ome o# t$e bureaucracy and eliminate t$e redundant %ork %e $ave to do0 Free time #or Ser7eant( to (upervi(e t$ere team( in(tead o# (tuck be$ind a computer all day tryin7 to keep up %it$ admin %ork 331 Provide e8uipment t$at %ork( 334 better radio(
333 %orkin7 ,'"CFF/0 Fi; t$e radio i((ue(0 'nd #ocu( on leader($ip t$rou7$ e;ample not di(cipline 334 'vailability o# re(ource(0 33 appreciate o##icer( t$at are doin7 7ood %ork everyday 336 Provide ade8uate e8uipment: per(onnel: and re(ource( to accompli($ t$e 7oal( o# t$e "epartment0 ?t i( al(o e((ential to reco7ni5e t$at t$e G$umanG #actor in t$i( "epartment and to encoura7e $ealt$ier outlet( #or %ork related (tre((: etc0 /eco7ni5e t$at t$e ta(k( a((i7ned to eac$ i( a lot and t$ere i( not enou7$ time: re(ource( to a((it t$e memeber in accompli($in7 t$e(e 7oal(K yet t$e con(e8uence( o# di(cipline or 7eneral toll on t$e member(= $ealt$ continue(0 333 ,are about t$e o##icer(: and treat t$em like valuable a((et( not <u(t number( 336 0 33! make me #eel like ? am valued to t$e or7ani5ation and t$at t$e people %$o run t$i( or7ani5ation care i# ? am (ucce((#ul or not 340 'dvocate t$e ideal o# $umani(tic mana7ement %$en $andlin7 ?' inve(ti7ation(0
341 Provide a cleaner environment0 *ran(portation i( e;tremely dirty: %eed( are 7ro%in7 every%$ere: 7arba7e can( are over#lo%n %it$ 7arba7e: planter bo;e( are emptyP 344 Bn#ortunately t$i( city $a( a lar7e population o# people t$at %ant to commit crime(0 9e all kno% t$i(0 Fortunately all -P" o##icer=( (i7ned up #or t$i( department to combat t$i( crime0 Fortunately our o##icer( catc$ a lot o# criminal( and take t$em to <ail un#ortunately %e $ave made it (o very (imple #or people t$at commit crime( t$at don=t like bein7 arre(ted to make complaint(: t$i( include( people t$at $ave poor and (our attitude( in 7eneral: (o an o##icer i( (tuck provin7 t$at $e %a( pro#e 343 More reliable M"*=(: +P/ (y(tem(: and (treamlined report %ritin7 (y(tem0 344 unkno%n 34 )ave a car to drive0 .ot $ave to (tand around a#ter line up tryin7 to #ind a car0 )ave %orkin7 computer( in t$e car t$at you #ind0 346 Eeep $irin7 more o##icer(0 343 patrol ve$icle( in better %orkin7 condition(K more ve$icle( need( to be made available0 346
more tranin7 34! ?=m not (ure %$at t$e department can do0 ? #eel t$at %e (-P" -##icer() $ave been treated poorly and $ave been (ub<ect to policie( t$at make our <ob more di##icult0 9e al(o (eem to be payin7 #or t$e alle7ed mi(take( #orm o##icer( in t$e pa(t0 ? am #ear#ul to e;pre(( my true #eelin7 #or #ear o# repri(al0 3 0 /educe unnece((ary paper%ork 3 1 Fetter e8uipment0 3 4 ,lear direction0 'dd more o##icer( 3 3 .o comment 3 4 *$ank u( #or t$e %ork %e do0 3 maybe (ome better e8uipment (i0e0 computer(: radio(: car(000)0 3 6 Provide t$e nece((ary manpo%er0 3 3 Provide e8uipment t$at %ork( properly 3 6 decrea(e punitive deci(ion( #or minor in#raction( 3 ! increa(ed (ta##in7: better e8uipment: better data (y(tem( and tec$nolo7y
360 +eader($ip #rom (upervi(or(0 *$e department=( intervention (trate7ie( are (till lar7ely reactive %$ic$ can be improved by better balancin7 a (upervi(or=( need #or ob<ectivity and t$eir ability to lead by e;ample0 *$e department $a( clearly laid out %$at not to do and #ailed to do t$e oppo(ite0 361 *ake t$e time to %riteCanaly5e policy (o t$at it doe(n=t $ave to be re-%ritten over and over0 Mi7$t try a(kin7 #or input o# t$o(e %$o %ill be a##ected by t$e policy 364 Support u(0 Prai(e u( #or a <ob %ell done in(tead o# i7norin7 our 7ood %ork and attackin7 u( on #ailin7 to cro(( Gt=(G and dot t$e Gi=(G0 ' (imple G*$ank 2ouG or a per(onal G7ood <obG 7oe( #urt$er t$an a ne%( clippin70 9e need command (ta## to (tand up #or -##icer( a daily ba(i( and (upport u(0 ?n(tead it (eem( t$at everyone look( #or t$e ne7ativity in everyt$in7 t$at %e do0 363 put more inve(ti7ator( in ,?" and le(( in ?'"0 9$en ?'" inve(ti7ator( outnumber robbery inve(ti7ator(: t$at ($o%( %$at t$e prioritie( o# t$e department are0 ?t i( apparent t$at crime #i7$tin7 i( not t$e number 1 priority like G%eG claim0 364 #i; radio(: computer( and (tart to build moral 36 More (upport to%ard( -##icer(0
366 unk 363 Fetter tec$nolo7y0 366 let me do my <ob 36! .e% #acilitie(0 330 radio back to P1-4-3 (i; di(trict( 331 *$e "epartment doe( a very poor <ob o# reco7ni5in7 %ork and (ervice0 /etiree( rarely ever 7et reci7ni5ed0 *$ey don=t even 7et a certi#icate o# (ervice0 Everyone %$o (erve( at -P" #or 10 year( ($ould 7et reco7ni5ed0 334 'ccountability 333 ' rai(e0 Fire city %orker( t$at are not needed (like parkin7 meter mec$anic() and pay -P" more0 334 More re(ource(1 better ve$icle(: computer(: ect0 +e(( paper%orkcon(olidate0 Stop e;tendin7 patrol at every (i7n o# a prote(t0 9ork on le(( mandatory -*0 33 nC' 336 reco7ni5e it=( employee( 333 provide more (ta##
336 'llo% o##icer( to do police %ork0 *$e avera7e (treet o##icer i( not com#ortable doin7 $i( <ob anymore0 *$ey are critici5ed and (econd 7ue((ed about everyt$in70 'nd do not #eel (upported at all by ,ommand or t$e ,ity Dovernment0 33! +et( 7et everyone on t$e (ame pa7e0 360 .C' 361 Fetter and up to date e8uipment0 364 not$in7 363 not$in7 364 More o##icerCupper command interaction 36 Make (ure t$at %e $ave t$e trainin7 and e8uipment %e need to do our <ob(0 366 more o##icer( and better e8uipment0 363 ?ncrea(e Fundin70 Question #11 "o you believe (upervi(or( treat member(Cemployee( #airly in t$e or7ani5ation& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 Multiple Choice 4!0 'n(%ered
Question #12 "o you believe commander(Cmana7er( treat member(Cemployee( #airly in t$e or7ani5ation& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 133 )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 .o 310
Question #13 )o% can t$e "epartment improve 34 'n(%ered mentorin7 or (ucce((ion plannin7& 1 ?n order to improve it you %ould $ave to $ave it in t$e #ir(t place0 9e place people in a((7inment( and e;pect t$em to kno% $o% to automatically do t$e <ob0 Eac$ div(ionC(ection ($ould $ave a (tructured trainin7 pro7ram t$at i( #ormally implemented %$en a ne% per(on tran(#er( in0 9e ($ould al(o (end people to certi#ication cour(e( e(pecially inve(ti7ator(0 9e (till don=t even $ave proper (earc$ %arrant trainin70 Periodic
Short Answer
Po%erPoint( do not (u##ice0 4 *ry to eliminate t$e $u7e di(connect bet%een commander( and line (ta##0 3 Bntil t$e department $a( (tron7er leader($ip t$i( area %ill not improve0 4 Eeep on t$e pat$ o# tra($in7 member( and employee( and t$i( %ill be your (ucce((ion plannin70 *$e only people %$o %ill move up are t$e mana7er( like %e $aveK people %$o lie: manipulate and are (o deat$ly a#raid o# t$e monitor: compliance director and <ud7e: t$ey %ill de(troy any career t$ey can to prove t$eir %ort$0 -ur current (ta## #eel( t$ey are (uperior to t$o(e t$ey Glead0G *$o(e type o# people %ill continue to #all into place around $ere0 +et=( (ee i# t$i( i( really anonymou(0 Det leader(: mana7er( (upervi(or( t$at kno% %$at t$ey are doin70 Det rid o# t$e G do a( ? (ay: not a( ? doG mentality0 6 "on=t <ud7e (omeone by $o% muc$ or $o% little t$ey $ave accompli($ed - #ocu( on $o% t$ey ac$ieved t$eir accompli($ment(0 Prioriti5e G%$o=( be(t to lead:G over G%$o=( 8uali#ied to lead0G 3 *$ere doe( not appear to be any mentorin7 currently and t$e morale i((ue (lack o# po(itive
morale) doe( not appear to be a concern %it$ commander(0 6 -ver$aul mo(t o# our current command (ta## and #ind people %$o care about bot$ t$e department and t$e o##icer( and not <u(t t$eir o%n career advancement0 ! Make a plan *rain t$e current command (ta## 10 Start by providin7 it0 ?=m #ortunate to $ave a mentor $ere but it=( not %idely practiced $ere0 11 $ave a plan in t$e #ir(t place and not deal %it$ i((ue( only %$en a cri(i( come( #or%ard 14 7eryte6y4r 13 Encoura7e advancement in t$e or7ani5ation %it$ all per(onnel and put t$em in a po(ition to en7a7e in additional trainin7 to #urt$er t$eir career0 14 ,ontinue to $ire more o##icer(0 t$en #ill command vacancie(0 continue to (end (upervi(or( and commander( to mana7ementC(upervi(ory cour(e(0 1 -r7ani5ation( (uc$ a( t$e -'P-': -F-' H -+-P' are doin7 a 7reat <ob at mentorin7 t$eir member($ip( and identi#yin7 potential leader( #or t$e
"epartment0 ? t$ink t$e "epartment ($ould reac$ out to t$e(e or7ani5ation( #or ne% leader($ip0 16 ? believe t$e department: t$e community H o##icer( %ould bene#it by allo%in7 youn7er o##icer( to train %it$ o##icer( in (peciali5ed unit(0 ? %ould like to (ee re7ular trainin7 $eld durin7 line up0 13 .ot (ure0 16 nCa 1! .C' 40 Dive more time to bond0 Fecau(e o# t$e nature and $o% bu(y it i( in t$e city it( $ard to #ind time0 41 )ave (ucce((or( #ield trained and evaluated 44 *)E ,-MM'." S*'FF S)-B+" FE M-/E -PE. '." .-* *)?.E 'F-B* *)EMSE+JES '." *)E?/ SB/J?J'+ '." ',*B'++2 ',* +?EE +E'"E/S ?.S*E'" -F S*'." ?. *)E S)'"-9S 9)E. *)?.DS DE* *-BD) 43 ?=m not (ure0 44 *ry doin7 %$at you <u(t %rote0 *ry mentorin7 and (ucce((ion plannin70
4 *rainin7 and team buildin7 e;erci(e( 46 .one 43 .C' 46 more trainin70 4! po(itive rein#orcement rat$er t$an ne7ative0 30 none 31 *$ere i( very little (ucce((ion plannin7 no%0 ? am not (ure $o% t$i( could be implemented %it$ current (ta##in7: but anyt$in7 %ould $elp0 34 .' 33 ,reate a mentorin7 pro7ram and re%ard o##icer( %$o participate %it$ de(ired trainin7 andCor pay0 34 ? $ave not (een muc$ i((ue %it$ t$i(0 From my per(pective: mentorin7 and (ucce((ion plannin7 (eem( to be intact0 3 *$e %ord GimproveG %ould imply t$at (ome #orm o# mentorin7 or (ucce((ion plannin7 i( in place0 -t$er t$an F*-=( (%$ic$ i( P-S* re8uired)? am not a%are o# t$i( $appenin7 %it$in -P"0 ? %ould
t$ink t$at (ome #orm o# mentorin7 ($ould be implemented a( a (tart0 36 nCa 33 )o% about develop a %ritten - ea(y to #ollo% plan - t$at=( a (tart Eac$ rank o# eac$ unit need( to %rite do%n t$eir dutie(C#unction( and outline a #uture plan #or t$eir unit Embrace t$e idea( o# t$eir (ta## and build (tron7 or7ani5ation( 36 ,ommunicate %it$ t$e employee( and let everyone kno% %$at t$e (trate7ie( are0 3! not (ure 40 Fetter leader(0 41 na 44 0 43 Provide (ome type o# GF*trainin7G #or t$e variou( rank(0 ?n addition: en(ure all per(onnel are moved on a re7ular ba(i( to allo% #or an increa(e in t$eir overall kno%led7e0 44 )ave bene#it( to bein7 promoted ot$er t$an a (mall pay rai(e 4 ,urrently t$ere i( no (ucce((ion plannin70 ?t i( al%ay( talked about but never implemented0 9$enever
a <ob c$an7e occur( t$at member or employee ($ould be ade8uately trained by t$e per(on t$ey are replacin70 46 ?mprove bene#it( at certain level( Streamline *rainin7 -pportunitie(C'pproval - Member( ($ould not $ave to come out o# pocket #or e;pen(e( until t$e "epartment (c$ain o# command) decide to #or%ard t$e re8ue(t( or until t$e ,ity decide( to provide #undin70 *rainin7 opportunitie( #re8uently re8uired advanced re7i(tration andCor travel arran7ement( and t$e (ubmi((ion o# trainin7 re8ue(t( (even %$en made accordin7 to timeline( policy) are never on time0 P$y(ically matc$ up individual(0not enou7$ (p 43 Fetter trainin70 -b<ectively identi#y o##icer( t$at ($o% leader($ip 8ualitie( in t$eir %ork and interaction %it$ ot$er member( C employee( C community0 46 ?mporve morale0 4! *$ere ($ould be (ome #orm o# mentorin7 proce((0 '( ? $ave (een it: t$ere i( $elp (ou7$t0 *$ere i( $elp o##ered0 *$i( i( a per(onal e;c$an7e bet%een t%o people0 *$ere doe( not appear to be any real e##ort to build t$e ne;t 7eneration o# leader( #rom t$e department0 ?# (omeone decide( to try to advance: t$ere i( no (tructure %it$in t$e department to a((i(t t$em0 Seekin7 $elp #rom (uperior( i( $it or mi((0 ?t take( an
inve(tment #rom t$e department to build a better department0 0 Fein7 #air 1 Fetter %orkin7 environment0 4 Focu( on t$e advancement and (ucce(( o# your people in(tead o# only #ocu(in7 on ,ompliance0 9it$out your people t$ere i( no ,ompliance0 3 Fe approac$able0 'l(o: (et a(ide per(onal i((ue( and keep an open mind0 Furt$ermore: create a mentorin7 pro7ram tau7$t by commander( %$o are %illin7 to accept alternative idea( to e##ectively addre(( crime and community relation(0 4 Do out o# our %ay to train and mentor individual( %$o are %illin7 to 7ro%0 'lmo(t #orce t$em to 7o to out(ide learnin7 e;perience0 Supervi(or( ($ould not <u(t (ay i# you %ant trainin7 let me kno%: (upervi(or(Ccommander ($ould (ay t$i( trainin7 i( ideal #or you and ? t$ink you ($ould 7o and %e %ill (upport you0 Promote leader( %$o are %ort$y o# emulatin70 6 && 3 ?denti#y member( or employee( %$o are intere(ted in promotin7
and provide t$em trainin7 reared to%ard developin7 t$em a( #uture leader(0 6 do it ! )old commander( accountable #or t$eir action( <u(t like o##icer(0 60 Fy actually doin7 it0E;ample:a (imple ta(k t$at i( done 1 time a year- Patrol "ra%0*$e -P-' $a( $ad to (et a timeline to prepareCconduct it #or t$e la(t 4 year(0Even %it$ t$e -P-' pu($ la(t year (t$e 1(t time in 4 or year( it $appened on time) ,ommand made numerou( c$an7e( bet%een t$e ($i#t dra% and t$e c$an7e over t$at (cre%ed it up leavin7 t$e ,ity under(ta##ed and o##icer( at ri(k0 ?# t$ey can=t even properly plan a kno%n once a year event: %$ic$ t$ey control: $o% do t$ey do (ucce((ion& 61 ,on(ider t$e over%$elmin7 (tre(( t$at i( on o##icer( oppo(ed to ot$er( o# di##erent rank(0 9it$ all due re(pect: o##icer( are t$e one( actually 7oin7 to call( on t$e daily ba(i( and dealin7 %it$ t$e compound (tre((or( t$at come %it$ t$at0 ?n addition: o##icer( are no% placed in t$o(e (cenario( even more by mandatory overtime0 -t$er rank( dont $ave t$e (ame number o# mandatory ($i#t(: and t$e %ork load i( di##erent #or o##icer(0 ? dont %ant any more o# my #riend( $ere to take t$eir o%n live(0
64 ? "on=t Eno% 63 c$an7e t$e complete .S' and admini(trative #ocu( o# (upervi(or( and t$e entire department and #ocu( on doin7 7ood police %ork0 64 .C' 6 /e8uire #ormali5ed meetin7( and clearly de#ine t$e re8uirement( #or promotion0 66 *$ey already do a 7reat <ob o# mentorin70 63 ,/E'*E ' ME.*-/ P/-D/'M0 EJE/2 -FF?,E/ ,'. P?,E F/-M ' +?S* -F ME.*-/S *- 'SS?S* ?. *)E?/ ,'/EE/0 66 no comment 6! Iuit tryin7 to #ire everyone0 30 ? don=t kno% at t$i( point0 31 'nyt$in7 34 0000 33 9e $ave to be tau7$t t$at %e are on t$e (ame team and not play t$e(e 7ame( %it$ eac$ ot$er0 ?t i( uncon(cionable t$at %e make complaint( on eac$ ot$er0 9e are
in a very di##icult time no%: %$ere %e only look out #or our(elve(0 34 )and( on0 +ead by e;ample0 ,ome to ine up and (peak %it$ o##icer(0 3 )ave enou7$ people to back #ill po(ition( %$ile people train0 36 S7t ($ould continuou(ly in#orm o##icer( o# be(t practice( and tactic( to be able to do a 7reat <ob0 33 unkno%n 36 Bp until recently: t$ere %a( no (uc$ plan0 *$ere i( no t$ou7$t a( to cro(( trainin7 ot$er(0 Eac$ commander ($ould $ave ancillary dutie(: or be e;po(ed to di##erent a((i7nment(0 *$ere doe(n=t (eem to be muc$ con(ideration a( to t$e placement o# (upervi(or(Ccommander(0 3! ,an=t really (ay %e need mentorin7: ? %ould put t$at %ay do%n t$e li(t o# t$in7( needed0 60 $ave commander( t$at $ave actually done real police %ork not commander( t$at been $idin7 in(ide t$e buildin7 t$eir %$ole carrier(0 61 ,reate "etective ?ncentive pay #or ?nve(ti7ator( (imilar to t$at o# F*-=(0 64
*$e monitorin7 team and t$e compliance director team ($ould $ave a committee to meet %it$ individual unit( or member(() to 7ive 7uidance on lateral movement and retention plan(0 63 ? don=t t$ink you can %it$ t$e current command (ta##0 too many %ron7( to make ri7$t0 64 Bnable to provide an an(%er at t$i( time 6 unk 66 .' 63 .C' 66 ? t$ink it( 7ood already0 6! ,omptent commander( !0 Find t$o(e %$o $ave ambition to promote and 7ive t$em mentor( t$at #it t$eir career plannin7 7oal: ie i# an o##icer %ant( to 7o to ?': #ind $imC$er a mentor in ?': i# an o##icer %ant( to 7o to ,/*: #ind $imC$er a (uitable ,/* (er7eant to %ork %it$ t$em to a((i(t t$em in meetin7 t$eir 7oal(0 !1 Solicit out(ide or7ani5ation( t$at are e;perienced and (ucce((#ul in t$e #ield0 !4
Supervi(ion i( vital #or t$i( area0 ,urrently (upervi(or( are very clinical and encoura7ed to di(cipline o##icer( rat$er t$an to mentor t$em and prevent mi(take( #rom $appenin70 9$ile it i( important to $ave a di(ciplinary (y(tem: t$ere are very clear mi(take( t$at are turned into di(cipline0 *$i( practice i( demorali5in7 and create( an idle %ork#orce0 !3 ,reate and implement rea(onable (trate7ie( to do (o0 Dat$er real time #eedback #rom mentee(C(ucce((or( and en(ure kno%led7e: trainin7 and in#ormation i( bein7 pa((ed on by continuou(ly re8ue(tin7 #eedback and analy(i( #rom t$e mentee(C(ucce((or(0 !4 ?# one ($o%( t$e initiative: or come( #or%ard %antin7 to learn more about a po(ition ($o% t$em: don=t $ide #rom t$em0 ?# an o##icer %ant( to take a cla(( to #urt$er t$eir career don=t deny0 ! "on=t kno%0 !6 Mentorin7 doe(n=t e;i(t like it $a( in t$e pa(t0 -bviou(ly too many area( are #a(t tracked #or promotion( (?') and t$e promotion proce(( allo%( people to be promoted %$o $ave eit$er rarely %orked patrol or never (upervi(ed anyone and all o# a (udden t$ey are a +tC,apt !3
Bnkno%n !6 )ave (enior (ta## member( available to an(%er 8ue(tion( t$at %ould $elp ne% o##icer( %it$ career lon7evity0 !! (ucce((ion plannin7 i( #ine0 100 0 101 .o comment 104 +e(( di(cipline: more trainin7 103 Bnk 104 .o ,omment 10 ?denti#y (killed people and allo% t$em to a((i(t %it$ t$i( #unction0 Mentorin7 - ?t ($ould be a (i7n up ($eet %$ere people %$o are intere(ted are able to apply0 *$ere ($ould be (ome (ort o# (election criteria prior to bein7 (elected0 Succe((ion plannin7 ($ould be mandatory0 E;perience i( leavin7 at a $i7$ rate0 .ot$in7 in place to e;tract t$e kno%led7e leavin7 %C t$o(e employee(0 May be bene#icial to pair male commander( %C ne% #emale o##icer(0 -t$er or7ani5ation( tried t$i( and it %orked0 106 Provide t$e opportunity to attend trainin7 cour(e(
103 Bnkno%n 106 More trainin7 option( #or <unior o##icer( to advance to (peciali5ed unit(0 10! ? don=t kno% 110 )ave rookie( ride %it$ (enior o##icer( 111 ,ontinue doin7 t$e (ame 114 113 ? can=t an(%er t$at 8ue(tion 114 Pair youn7er o##icer( %it$ veteran o##icer(: per$ap( #or a couple o# %eek( at a time0 11 "-.* E.-9 116 Fetter communication and be 7enuine %it$ it( employee( 113 ,reate tru(t and con#idence in or7ani5ation and leader($ip0 116 2ou $ave to (tart (omet$in7 be#ore you improve it0 *$ere i( no mentorin7 #or mo(t at -P"0 ' #e% (elect people are 7iven all t$e opportunitie(0 /ecent promotion( ($o% t$e "epartment i( not #ollo%in7 any (tandard0 9e $ave a
?n#ormation Fulletin: GS%orn Promotional ,areer "evelopment PlanG %$ic$ outline( t$e e;perience and education de(ired #or promotionK $o%ever: #e%: i# any: o# t$o(e recently promoted: at all level(: meet t$e recommended criteria0 11! Fe (incere in t$e people t$ey c$oo(e to mentor %$o are actually capable o# doin7 t$e <ob0 Provide bot$ t$e time and opportunity to take leader($ip cla((e( out(ide t$e department0 Stop (endin7 commander( to (c$ool( %$o don=t ($are t$e in#ormation %it$ rank and #ile0 140 ?t need( to be con(i(tent and adverti(ed0 141 mentorin7& %e don=t even do t$at 144 9e <u(t need more cop(0 9e al(o need incentive( in place to retain t$e veteran -##icer( %e do $ave0 9e are 8uickly turnin7 into t$e ne;t San Ao(e: %it$ (uc$ poor contract( t$at no one %ill %ant to (tay $ere0 143 Dive clear direction( #rom t$e c$ie# do%n0 'ckno%led7e people doin7 a 7ood <ob by u(e t$at per(on a( an e;ample o# %$at t$e department i( (earc$in7 #or and %$y0 ?# t$at per(on make a mi(take in t$e #uture do not be a#riad to (ay %$at $i( or ($ort comin7 are but reiterate t$ey $ave an e;perti(e in a certain #ield and continue to u(e
t$at a( your e;ample0 144 o##er it 14 *$ere (eem( to be no mentorin7 7oin7 on at all t$at ? $ave (een0 146 More F*-=( and every GrookieG %ork( %it$ patrol o##icer(0 143 More event( #or all o##icer( to attend0 146 Start encoura7in7 pro active policin7 and re%ard o##icer( #or real police %ork0 14! 'llo% #or merit in t$e promotional proce((0 9e $ave too many people t$at read t$e book on $o% to do it: but #e% %$o $ave actually done it in real li#e0 130 "evelop a mentorin7 pro7ram #or eac$ <ob andCor rank0 131 9$at t$e $ell i( (ucce((ion plannin7 - (ome command %ord t$at mean( not$in7 to patrol or it( #unction(0 7et back to reality and #i7$t crime: t$i( i( not a #ortune 00 company: it( a broke department t$at need( to be led by police not politic(0 )o% about mentorin7 command not to be co%ard( and take re(pon(ibility: not kick t$e can do%n t$e road to (ave t$eir o%n (kin0 *$i( department i( broke becau(e o##icer( $ave no command backin7
#or t$e almo(t impo((ible <ob t$ey are ta(ked %it$0 134 +eader($ip trainin7 133 9$en you 7et promoted: you ($ould be a((i7ned a %eek or t%o %it$ like rank and (ee $o% t$ey do t$e <ob0 More o# a mentor($ip t$en F*-0 134 ? do not kno%0 13 Bnkno%n 136 .ot$in70 133 ?nclude more (%orn and (upervi(ory (ta## in t$e development o# policie( and pro7ram(0 136 .o ,omment 13! nCa 140 a7ain (tart tru(tin7 t$e o##icer( to do t$ier <ob(: too muc$ paper%ork: no (top data ($ould be done on %arnin7(0 141 ,omplete t$e .S': (o %e a( o##icer( can 7et back to policin70 S7t=( are over%orked and can=t monitor t$eir (ubordinace0 Papaer %ork bo77( t$eir rank and #ile0 *$ere=( no tru(t or #ollo%in7 t$at o##icer( can look up too0 *$e city
$a( let t$e old e;perience o##icer( 7o0 *$i( department $a( no back bone or e;perience0 ?t=( doom to $ave ma<or #all out in t$e #uture0 144 ,ommander( to ($o% leader($ip in(tead o# SE+F and prepare youn7er o##icer( to a((ume t$eir role( do%n t$e line0 143 .ot (ure but it i( a problem0 144 unk 14 )ave <unior o##icer( partner %it$ more e;perienced o##icer( to ac8uire more kno%led7e0 146 .ot (ure o# a plan yet 143 ? don=t kno% 146 9e ($ould be a( one0 -nce people voluntarily leave t$e level o# o##icerC(upervi(or and ri(e to mana7ement: t$ey (eem to lo(e per(pective o# t$e core <ob o# t$e o##icer(0 '( a mana7er: one i( re(pon(ible #or t$e %ell bein7 o# t$e o##icer( t$ey mana7e0 *$e rank o# +t and above i( not <u(t #or e7o purpo(e(0 *$ere i( re(pon(ibility to t$at role0 .o one #orced any mana7er into t$at role0 Everyone kno%( t$e e;pectation( and i# a per(on can=t $andle t$e e;pectation(:don=t promote to t$e po(ition:(imple 14! E;it intervie%( Det Sta## input eac$
year durin7 t$e per#ormance evaluation revie% 1 0 1 1 *$e department could implement a mentorin7 or (ucce((ion plan0 ?# t$i( e;i(t( ? $ave never $eard o# it0 1 4 ? believe t$ere are (u##icient mentorin7 and (ucce((ion plannin7 in place0 1 3 ' (urvey %a( done year( a7o %$en ,$ie# Fatt( %a( comin7 in0 )e al(o $ad command do (el# and or7ani5ational evaluation(0 B(e t$o(e to #ilter t$e (el# promoter( %$o don=t $ave t$e or7ani5ational (urvivability and re(tructurin7 nece((ary to make our department better0 Promote leader( %$o $ave t$e re(pect o# t$eir troop( a( %ell a( t$e moral #iber to $elp u( improve in(tead o# #ocu(in7 on puni($ment0 1 4 Start %it$ t$e ba(ic( o# Police ?nve(ti7ation0 Many o##icer( never receive any true trainin7 in actually inve(ti7atin7 a crime #rom (tart to #ini($ once t$ey leave t$e police academy0 -##icer( $ave no idea $o% t$e proce(( %ork(: once t$ey complete a very (lim preliminary inve(ti7ation and (ubmit it0 -##icer( need to become involved in t$e #ollo%-up and c$ar7in7 o# t$eir o%n ca(e(0 ,ommand need( to in(i(t on a per#ect %ork product: not condonin7 (ub(tandard per#ormance becau(e %e are too
bu(y0 1 ,ompetent tru(t%ort$y leader($ip0 1 6 'ctually $ave one0 9e don=t0 Modi#y promotional proce(( to re(pect individual e;perience and %ork product H et$ic0 ,urrently: you <u(t need to be a 7ood te(ttaker0 Dive opportunitie( to 7ain e;perience in $i7$er-rank re(pon(ibilitie(0 /e8uire candidate( to $ave #ield e;perience prior to promotion0 1 3 $ave a mentorin7 or (ucce((ion pro7ram 1 6 *$e department could encoura7e mentorin7 ((upervi(in7) in(tead o# encoura7in7 (upervi(or( to %rite up everyone #or everyt$in70 People make mi(take( and need to be mentored and (upervi(ed (o t$ey can 7ro%0 9$en you take a%ay a (upervi(or( ability to do t$at t$en you $ave <u(t de#eated t$e proce((0 1 ! /etain 8uality employee( in order to train t$e ne% and upcomin7 employee(0 160 Puttin7 (enor -##icer( %it$ ne% -##icer( to $elp t$em0 161 by preparin7 #uture applicant( 164 *$ey can=t: t$ere i( a tran(ition in t$e %ind and t$e brain tru(t i(
bein7 depleted0 163 (tart by makin7 t$i( place an attractive place to %ork in(tead o# a %ar o# attrition 164 Bn(ure0 16 -ur department i( ba(ed on #ear0 Fear o# 7ettin7 in trouble #or almo(t anyt$in7 and it create( a ne7ative environment0 -##icer %ill not 7o out o# t$eir %ay to be proactive %$en t$ere i( no backin7 by (upervi(or(0 'dditionally reco7nition o# -##icer( i( almo(t never done0 166 )ire do%n to eart$: non $u7e e7o $avin7: commander( and (upervi(or(0 163 Bnder(tand t$at %e are al%ay( e;pected to do more %it$ le((0 *$i( i( $o% it=( been #or my entire career0 ? believe t$i( %ill $elp0 166 communication i( al%ay( a problem0 )ard to encoura7e %$en you #eel di(coura7ed0 (ome$o% $ave to re(tore t$e (en(e t$at %e are in t$i( to7et$er and .-* a $ou(e divided0 16! *reat member( %it$ re(pect0 'ct and be$ave in a manner %$ic$ i( et$ical and le7al0 +ead by e;ample: promote active involvement o# (ubordinate(0 'ct more like Dre7 Sur
130 -pen it up to everyone not <u(t t$e c$o(en #e% 131 .ot (ure0 134 ?denti#y youn7 o##icer( %$o %ant to learn t$i( a((i7nment: coac$ and mentor t$em early in t$eir career0 /otate t$e(e o##icer( t$rou7$ ,?" (o t$ey can learn inve(ti7ation( %$ic$ %ill make t$em better (treet cop(0 133 Starter( li(ten to %$at o##icer( $ave to (ay rat$er t$an a(kin7 o##icer( %$at t$ey t$ink and doin7 t$e oppo(ite0 134 Promote people %$o "ESE/JE to be promoted 13 -A* #or employee( prior to bein7 moved to t$e po(ition0 *$i( 7ive( ample time #or t$e current employee $oldin7 t$e po(ition to introduce connection(: etc0 *$i( %ould make t$e movement #la%le((0 *$e %ay %e do it no%: %e (pin our tire( tryin7 to learn t$e <ob #rom (cratc$: a( %ell a( t$e connection( #rom (cratc$0 136 .C' 133 nCa 136 *rue +eader($ip 13!
& 160 no an(%er 161 "ont kno% 164 Stop 7oin7 a#ter /-=( to 7et t$em in trouble #or a policy violation %$en it %a( clear t$e /- %a( tryin7 to do everyt$in7 by t$e book0 ?n(tead try and mentor t$e /- by u(in7 t$e policy a( a 7uideline to e;plain %$at i( e;pected o# t$e /-0 'l(o: 7et rid o# t$e mandatory trainin7 point #or every "+?0 ?# t$e o##icer %a( %it$in policy: t$ere ($ould be no trainin7 point0 /-=( #eel a( i# t$ey are not appreciated %$en t$ey #ollo% t$e book and e;onerated0 163 *$ere $a( to be tru(ted leader( #ir(t to mentor (omeone: ot$er%i(e t$ere i( duplication o# t$e (ame bad leader($ip0 164 0 16 +ead by e;ample0 166 'ctually li(ten to o##icer( and inve(ti7ator( in (peciali5ed po(tion(C #ield( and allo% #or tran(ition trainin7 o# ne% per(onnel0 163 *$e "epartment ($ould prep and 7room o##icer( #or po(ition( in t$e %orkplace: not <u(t place (omeone t$em in certain po(ition(0 9e $ave
o##icer( promotin7 in po(ition( t$ey $ave never %orked be#ore and $ave no e;perience0 *$eir (ubordinate( $ave little to no re(pect #or t$em becau(e o# it0 9e need to $ave a mentor pro7ram #or ne% (upervi(or( and commander(0 166 Providin7 individual( an opportunity to %ork %it$ you on a rotational ba(i( 16! ?t need( a mentorin7 pro7ram to (tart %it$0 ? took my po(ition %it$ no trainin7: and t$ere i( no one to replace me0 9$ile i( it a 7ood t$in7 to $ave (omeone t$at kno%( %$at t$ey are doin7: %$at $appen( %$en t$at per(on i( (ick or in<ured& *$ere i( no replacement lined up #or my po(itiona and it i( a monitored ta(k0 1!0 Fy treatin7 everyone #airly and bein7 approac$able 1!1 unkno%n 1!4 ,ommander( need to $elp t$e o##icer( by li(tenin7 to %$at t$e o##icer( need to complete andCor do a 7ood <ob0 Mo(t commander( t$ink t$ey kno% %$at o##icer( need and %ant %it$out talkin7 to o##icer(0 Mo(t o##icer( %ill not (peak to command out o# #ear o# retaliation #rom commander and no (upport #rom department leader( %$en retaliation a7ain(t o##icer( $ave been committed0 1!3
.C' 1!4 Bnkno%n0 1! People t$at are mentorin7 ($ould be people t$at $ave actually done police %ork and (till appreciate it0 1!6 better under(tandin7 o# t$e department=( policie( 1!3 E(tabli($ (ome0 Suc$ e##ort( are non-e;i(tent0 9$y el(e %ould t$ey be lookin7 #or an Ge;pert #rom a#arG to be t$e ne;t permanent c$ie#0 *$e la(t t%o carpet-ba77er( %ere di(a(ter(0 1!6 0 1!! Dood 8ue(tion: not enou7$ room to %rite on t$i( topic0 400 .ot$in7 at t$i( time0 401 cla((e( 404 "on=t kno%0 403 ,ommunicate and accept t$at member(Cemployee( are not mac$ine( - mi(take( %ill be made0 404 t$e department need( to put people in a mentorin7 po(ition t$at ot$er people %ould actually 9'.* to be mentored by0 People %it$
(treet e;perience and kno%led7e0 40 Encoura7e a c$an7e o# a((i7nment a#ter appro;0 #ive year(: no e;ten(ion(0 *$i( c$an7e %ill make #or a more rounded o##icer and (upervi(or0 406 9e need more re(ource( and o##icer(0 403 *$e department need( to make a more proactive approac$ to crime #i7$tin7 and public (a#ety in(tead o# bein7 (o proactive at di(ciplinin7 o##icer( 406 *reat employee( #airly 40! Make promotion re%ardin7 by 7ivin7 people latitude and (upport #or t$eir a((i7ned po(ition0 410 ($ado%in7 C %orkin7 (ide by (ide 411 +ettin7 t$e o##icer kno%( t$at %$en $e #all( do%n t$e department %ill pick t$em up0 414 .o comment 413 0 414 Bnkno%n0 .o opinion0 41 Fetter communication do%n t$e c$ain o# command0
416 .ot (ure at t$i( time0 413 *$e "epartment need( to look at t$e (tren7t$( o# individual member( %$en decidin7 %$ere t$at per(on ($ould move to0 Similarly: t$e "epartment ($ould look at a per(on=( %eakne((e( %$en decidin7 %$ere a per(on ($ould be prevented #rom 7oin70 *oo many time( t$e "epartment %ill place (omeone due to nepoti(m: not becau(e t$at per(on in t$e be(t per(on #or t$e <ob0 'l(o: %$en truly 8uali#ied people apply #or po(ition( i0e0 academy in(tructor(: t$ey are o#ten overlooked becau(e t$ey are not #riend(0 416 *$e "epartment can %ork %it$ eac$ individual to be able to reali5e and ackno%led7e t$eir per(onal (tren7t$(0 *$e "epartment can continue to encoura7e and provide trainin7 and 7uidance #or eac$ individual in reac$in7 c$allen7in7 yet reali(tic 7oal( a( %ell0 41! to muc$ nepoti(m0 individual( (eemed to be 7roomed #or promotional movement %it$in t$e dept and 7iven un#air advanta7e( in te(tin7 and al(o in di(ciplinary treatment0 440 Eliminate Gold boy net%orkG %$ereby individual( are placed in (upervi(ory C commander po(ition( %it$out bein7 on a promotion li(t0 Provide opportunitie( to t$o(e %$o
$ave ac$ieved placement on promotion li(t(0 441 improve morale 444 no comment 443 Placement o# per(onnel t$at $ave actually e;perienced critical (ituation(0 444 /eco7ni5in7 and utili5in7 t$e (tren7t$( o# t$eir people and puttin7 in po(ition( %$ere t$e department can utili5e t$eir di##erent talent(0 9e ($ould implement a GStep BpG pro7ram %$ere o##icer( are a((i7ned a( an actin7 Ser7eant under t$e (upervi(ion o# $i( or $er Ser7eant0 44 (ee I 13 446 %ould not like to an(%er0 443 "on=t <u(t $ave a promotional te(t: but allo% #or benc$mark( to made t$at %ould develop t$e per(on lookin7 to promote0 446 Fe con(i(tent and #air0 44! )ard to (ay: o#ten unkno%n %$at mentorin7 ($ould be done %it$ all o# t$e di##erent commander( %it$ varied opinion(0 9$en out(ide cla((e( are di(cu((ed t$ere i( little money but (eem( to al%ay( be money #or command to travel:
attend con#erence(: and cla((e(0 ?# education i( 7ood #or t$e commander( %$y i( it al%ay( a pu($ to (end o##icer( to trainin7& Even %$en t$ey are %illin7 to pay #or t$e cla((e( out o# t$eir o%n money& People tire o# $earin7 t$ere are not enou7$ o##icer( but command i( 7one 430 *oo many to li(t 431 ?t (eem( o##icer( are di(7runtled becau(e t$ey are 7ettin7 di(ciplined #or doin7 1! out o# 40 t$in7( ri7$t: and t$e 1 t$in7 t$ey #or7ot to do %a( a G%$ole $eartedG mi(take0 9e $ave not $ad a rai(e in year(: and our %ork load $a( increa(ed0 Plea(e #i; t$at0 434 )ave $i7$ potential o##icer( attend trainin7 on $o% to #urt$er t$eir career( and (tep( needed to take #or potential promotion0 433 9e $ave o##icer( %$o #ail F*-: $o%ever no S7t or +t ever #ail( probation0 *$ere i( no over(i7$tC(upervi(ion o# t$e mana7er(0 ?t (eem( like everyone kno%( %$o t$e ine##ectual mana7er( are but t$eir per#ormance i( never addre((ed0 434 Empo%er t$e ,ommander( and (upervi(or( t$at demon(trate leader($ip 8ualitie( (not mana7er() by placin7 t$em in role( %$ere t$ey %ill $ave a direct impact on (ucceedin7 o##icer(0
43 .C' 436 *$e Police "epartment i( divided bet%een a 7roup o# people tryin7 to move t$e police department #or%ard into a pro7re((ive and modern police #orce and t$o(e $oldin7 on to old time(: old %ay(: and a 7ood old boy( club0 9e $ave to mentor individual( %$o ($o% promi(e and dedication0 ?denti#yin7 individual( early on %$o are $ard %orkin7 and %illin7 to learn rat$er t$an $ave 7ivin7 (peciali5ed <ob( to individual( ba(ed on %$o t$ey kno% or %$o t$ey $an7 out %it$0 433 re(urrect $ope a7ain @@ return to a ba(i( (o all o##icer(::e(pecially (ea(oned o##icer(: believe a7ain and #eel t$e (upport o# t$e department:t$u( o##icer( %ill #eel t$e po(itive (pirit and pa(( it on ?n mentor($ip o# ne%ly appointed o##icer(0 436 .- SBDDES*?-.S 43! 'dvanced F*-=(0 '((i7n $ard %orkin7 /-=( to Senior /-=( to teac$ ,? developement: Searc$ 9arrant(: 9anted (u(pect location etc0 440 Provide trainin7 opportunitie( %it$in ,': and make 7oin7 to t$e trainin7 ea(ier to apply #or and to travel to0 441 *reat everyone #airly and o##er
opportunity to anyone intere(ted0 444 Dive (upervi(or( more time on t$e (treet 443 #rterter$yt 444 9e need to (tart takin7 t$e politic( out o# policin7 at t$i( level0 ?t i( nice to $ave #riend( t$at %e %ork %it$ but t$at doe( not make t$em be(t #or <ob0 9e need to revi(e our tran(#er policy1 keep t$e oral board( t$at i( #ine but %a( $a( t$at per(on ($o%n in t$eir %ork t$at make( t$em 7ood #or t$e po(ition: not <u(t becau(e t$ey (ay t$ey are 7ood0 ,ommander( need to take a le7itimate intere(t in mentorin7 t$o(e ($o%in7 intere(t in promotion '." $ave t$e ability to do t$e <ob0 Mentorin7 ($ould 44 More trainin7 446 9it$ (ome o# t$e current commander(: mentorin7 and moral %ill not improve0 443 ?t %ill never $appen0 446 ?nitiate a mentorin7 pro7ram: create mont$ly: 8uarterly meetin7( %$ere per(onnel (eekin7 to promote can di(cu(( promotional (trate7ie(0 44! 2oun7er o##icer( ($ould ($ado% veteran inve(ti7ator(0
4 0 )ave one@@@@ 4 1 "evelop a mentorin7 pro7ram and (u(tain it( u(e0 4 4 un(ure 4 3 More development o# o##icer(0 4 4 0 4 .C' 4 6 ? believe t$e or7ani5ation need( to in(til a #eelin7 o# tru(t amoun7 t$e member(0 ? believe o##icer( need to be $eld accontable but t$ey ($ould be dealt %it$ rea(onably and #airly0 ? don=t believe eit$er i( occurrin70 4 3 Promotion (y(tem i( #la%ed at it( core0 4 6 "on=t promote lo(er( %$o don=t kno% ($it about %orkin7 t$e (treet( o# -akland0 4 ! .o recommendation( at t$i( time0 460 .e% e;ecutive leader($ip 461 encoura7e (ea(oned o##icer( to promote464 0
463 ? believe t$e "epartment i( doin7 all t$at can be done0 464 $avin7 7ood mentorin7 o##icer( t$at can really $elp 46 .C' 466 Procedure( in place are ade8uate 463 Everyone on t$e department ($ould be mentorin70 466 Det a ne% command (ta##0 46! Member( mu(t %ant to be mentored0 9e $old t$in7( too clo(e to our c$e(t0 ,ommander( mu(t encoura7e everyone to <oin t$e (%at team: motor(: etc0 -P" and it( (peciali5ed unit( are .-* elite0 430 .C' 431 *ime inve(tment by commander( to t$eir o##icer(0 ,ommander( t$at don=t take per(onal a##ront( to (u77e(tion( or 8ue(tion( provided by o##icer(0 434 .ot (ure0 433 0 434 ? do not believe time limit cap( on au;iliary a((i7nment( %ill %ork0
*$e "epartment %ill lo(e e;perti(e in #ield( t$at many o##icer( can not #ill0 43 Fy overlappin7 po(ition( #or a period o# time to train t$em in t$eir ne% po(ition rat$er t$an tran(#errin7 one per(on in and t$e ot$er per(on out0 9$en t$i( $appen(: t$e ne% per(on in t$e po(ition $a( to learn by trail and error0 436 Fy really (pendin7 time mentorin7 %it$ real met$od(0 ?t $a( never been done but your trainin7 (ta##: t$o(e t$at $ave been t$ere too lon7: (ay( it $a(: not true@ Succe((ion plannin7 mean( t$at you move people out o# a((i7nment( t$at t$ey $ave been allo%ed to (tay in #or too lon7 and let ne% people learn t$e <ob@ 433 )a( to (tart #rom t$e 7round up in F*-0 )o%ever: due to t$e e;tremely $o(tile environment -##icer( are unable to #ocu( on police %ork0 *$ey=re doin7 everyt$in7 t$ey can to (imply not 7et complaint( and not 7et #ired0 Bntil o##icer( #eel (a#e (#rom commandCmediaCcity $all) doin7 police %ork t$ere can be no mentorin7 or (ucce((ion plannin70 436 2ES0 43! *$rou7$ communication and e(tabli($in7 a better %orkin7 environment to en$ance t$e mentor($ip0
460 Fy implementin7 a plan@ ? do not kno% o# (uc$ a plan: i# one actually e;i(t(0 461 ? don=t kno% 464 make it t$e rule and t$e priority000 t$i( a7ency i( all about t$em(elve(000protectin7 your(el#000promotin7 your(el# no matter %$o you (tep on a( lon7 a( you 7et tot $e top0 463 Stay on t$e ta(k and do not venture out %$en ot$er t$in7( pop up0 Stay #ocu( on t$e initial ta(k (et0 464 .o comment 46 *rain (enior o##icer( to mentor ne% o##icer( (-ut (ide o# #ield trainin7) 466 no comment 463 nCa 466 Fi; people in(tead o# #irin7 t$em0 *$ere are member( %$o $ave been 7reat employee( #or 40 or more year( and %e abandon t$em0 46! nCa 4!0 /ecruit t$e (tron7er Member( to mentor: in(tead o# t$o(e t$at $ave
been $ere about a minute 4!1 'ctually $ave (ome (ort o# metntorin7 or (ucce((ion plannin7 pro7ram: i# %e do $ave one t$en it=( only kno%n to a #e%0 4!4 -verall t$e "epartment i( reactin7 to problem( and not in a po((ition to (upport t$e member( 4!3 *$ere need( to be Ser7eantC.e% -##icer mentorin70 *oo many ne% -##icer( are not 7ettin7 enou7$ trainin70 4!4 Bnkno%n 4! *o actually develop a plan to mentor member( %$o (eek promotion( 4!6 ye( 4!3 0 4!6 *rainin7 and communication on all level( (-##icer(: Ser7eant(: ,ommander(: ,$ie#()0 4!! provide mentorin7 (e((ion( 8uarterly to o##icer( 300 ?n a mentorin7 plan: t$ere need( to be room #or 7ro%t$ %it$ t$e per(on bein7 mentored0 t$e (ame e;pert( in t$e department cannot be leaned on becau(e t$i( %ill
cau(e burn out0 *$ere need( to be more cro(( trainin7 and more people %it$in t$e department %it$ (peciali5ed (kill(0 301 '7ain treat t$e o##icer( %it$ re(pect and -%n up to t$eir mi(take( 304 0 303 Everyone %ant( to participate in one0 ?t <u(t need( to be a(ked0 304 ,ommander( make t$e (ame mi(take( a( o##icer( in trainin7 and durin7 command retreat(: but (till puni($ o##icer( #or t$o(e (ame mi(take(0 )o% can you be a mentor %$en (treet o##icer( kno% t$i(000& 30 ?ncrea(e moral: and rebuild tru(t 306 ? don=t t$ink %e $ave a mentorin7 problem (enior o##icer( pa(( on a lot o# 7reat o##icer (a#ety in#ormation0 303 +e(( re(trictive movement( into inve(ti7ative role( #or trainin7 purpo(e(0 ,ertain a((i7nment( %it$in t$e department appear to $ave a G%$o you kno%G type o# t$in7 7oin7 on0 306 unkno%n 30! )ave a ($ado% period0 E;ample000
'n o##icer %ant( to become a S7t0 +et t$em ride %it$ a S7t0 on t$eir o%n time or (pecial a((i7nment day and (ee %$at a S7t0 doe( and $o% t$ey $andle call(: 8ue(tion(: report(: complaint(: u(e o# #orce: critical incident(: ect0 310 Fy implementin7 mentorin7 and (ucce((ion plannin70 311 better trainin7 314 'llo% o##icer( to make mi(take( %$ile attemptin7 to devlop ne% (kill(0 -##icer( o#ten do not attempt to c$allen7e t$em(elve( due to t$e #ear o# ?0'0 complaint(0 313 Fy puttin7 8uali#ied people in t$e po(ition(0 314 .o comment 31 0 316 by maybe developin7 mentorin7 pro7ram( 313 )ire people t$at are 8uali#y in(tead o# #illin7 8uota(0 316 by actually u(in7 t$at met$od in(tead o# payin7 lip (ervice to t$i( met$od0 31! allo% #or mi(take(: a lar7e amount o# reportin7 ($ould not be Fear
Fa(ed 340 $ave competent people in po(ition( o# aut$ority: (end more people to trainin7 to prepare t$em #or t$e tran(ition: (ee Iue(tion Q10 re(pon(e 341 )ave a plan #ir(t: t$en %orry about improvin7 it0 *$e lack o# mentorin7 i( one o# -P"=( mo(t 7larin7 #ailure(0 *$e root cau(e o# t$e lack o# mentorin7 i( deeply intert%ined in t$e attitude o# apat$y brie#ly detailed in 8ue(tion Q1 0 344 'llo% #or lon7er time in certain a((i7nment( (o t$at e;perti(e can be developed 343 Fir(t: be#ore %e promote anyone o##icer( ($ould be re8uired to $ave e;perienced and %orked in di##erent #ield(Cunit(0 -##icer( are bein7 promoted #or ot$er rea(on( and you t$en $ave poor leader(0 *o t$i( an(%er 8ue(tion Q13 you #ir(t need to #ind 7ood people to promote t$en you %ouldn=t $ave t$i( i((ue0 344 by promotin7 8uali#ied (er7eant(0 ' per(on %$o $a( done little police %ork: $a( little to o##er in term( o# mentorin70 34 346 Bnk 343
/eco7ni5e leader( in t$e or7ani5ation0 'l(o: re%ard t$o(e t$at take on true leader($ip role(0 346 )o% about develop one #ir(t0 34! un bia(ed merit C kno%led7e C e;perience ba(ed promotion( 330 Pa(( 331 )umm $ard to (ay: ? t$ink %it$ t$e $i7$ turn over t$at %ill be $ard to plan0 (tart by %orkin7 on keepin7 employee( 334 *oo many (ilo(0 *$e 'rea command (tructure doe( not take t$e %$oli(tic vie% o# t$e city %$en it come( to #i7$tin7 crime0 333 Fe better leader( t$em(elve(0 334 '((i7n <unior o##icer( to %ork %it$ (enior o##icer( %$o do proactivity0 33 nCa 336 provide more trainin7 and (upport 333 -##icer( do not tru(t mo(t o# t$e ,ommand Sta## becau(e t$ey are out to protect t$em(elve(0 So mentorin7 cannot occur i# t$e o##icer( do not $ave any tru(t in t$e people t$at (upervi(e t$em0 336
*$e command (ta## ($ould reac$ out more to t$e rank and #ile0 33! .C' 340 Fe #air and tran(parent0 *$e troop( do not #eel t$i( i( occurrin70 341 not (ure 344 more trainin7 343 provide more opportunitie( and pro7ram( 344 advance o##icer on %ork merit and e;perience not (olely by a %ritten and oral te(t and not take an account %ork e;perience0 34 "i##icult ob<ective Question #14 "o you $ave a 7ood under(tandin7 4!0 'n(%ered o# t$e <ob o# your (upervi(or& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 44! )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 .o 61 Multiple Choice
increa(e cu(tomer (ervice& 1 ? belive %e provide very 7ood cu(tomer (ervice to t$e citi5en( o# -akland0 4 /emember t$at cu(tomer (ervice i( not at all <u(t #or people %$o %e (top: or (u(pect(K cu(tomer (ervice al(o include( all t$e citi5en( %$o are tryin7 to live and %ork in peace %it$out 7ettin7 robbed $ere0 /emove t$e $andcu##( #rom t$e o##icer( (o t$ey can 7o back to doin7 t$eir <ob( a( oppo(ed to con(tantly %orryin7 about 7ettin7 #ired0 3 '7ain: (tron7er leader($ip@@ 4 'llo% o##icer( to u(e t$eir little #ree time to be productive rat$er t$an #illin7 out repetitive paper%ork0 *reat t$e people deliverin7 t$e product (Police (ervice) a( you %ant t$em to treat t$e people receivin7 it0 *$at i( a model o# (ucce((#ul bu(ine((e(0 People already kno% t$ere are con(e8uence( #or t$eir action( %$en t$ey me(( up0 Stop t$reatenin7 t$em0 ? cant be (incere %it$ %$at ? am 7ivin7 to t$e public i# ? am al%ay( lookin7 over my ($oulder0 Start makin7 a $ealt$y %ork environment and people %ill (tart %antin7 to come to %ork0 *$at in turn %ill 7enerate a better %ork product0 6 Det more cop(@@@
3 '( lon7 a( people are treated %it$ re(pect and receive and e;planation o# %$y (omeone %a( detained or contacted: ? believe t$e dept0 %ould receive 7ood ratin7( re7ardin7 cu(tomer (ervice0 *$ere %ill al%ay( be t$at percenta7e o# people %$o do not like t$e police and %ill never 7ive 7ood ratin7( re1 cu(tomer (ervice0 6 )ave more #ait$ in it( o##icer(0 ! 9$en o##icer( are over%orked and over (tre((ed: it can e##ect cu(tomer (ervice 10 *$e better t$e morale and treatment o# t$e o##icer(: t$e $arder %orkin7 t$e o##icer( %ill be0 *$e $arder %orkin7 an o##icer i( t$e better (ervice t$at %ill be provided0 11 *rainin7 *$e "epartment need( to under(tand t$at o##icer( 7o to call( %$en bad t$in7( $appen and people do not like t$e police0 Sometime( o##icer( need to be #irm0 *$e "epartment e;pect( o##icer( to treat citi5en( %it$ re(pect: but %$en you look and t$e %orkin7 condition( at -P" it i( under(tandable0 *$e buildin7 i( 7ro((0 *$ere i( no e8uipment (ne% computer(: (o#t%are: FF/: *ele(ta##)0 *$e ,ity ,ouncil i( cra5y liberal0 -##icer( are e;pected to %ork $ere 44-3 %it$ no day( o##0 14
)ire more o##icer( 13 )ave tec$nician take appointment( to proce(( (cene(0 )ave patrol o##icer( better trained on %$en a tec$ ($ould be called to a (cene0 14 d$te$ytr<yr 1 ?ncrea(e per(onnel and re(pond to call( %$ic$ need to be re(ponded to and not call( %$ic$ re8uire report( %$ic$ can be completed over t$e p$one andCor internet0 16 )old member( and civilian( accountable %$en (u(tained #or mi(conduct0 13 Provide trainin7 in t$e area o# cu(tomer (ervice0 9e talk about it but no one (eem( to under(tand t$i( paradi7m0 16 ? believe t$at t$e department doe( a 7ood <ob %it$ cu(tomer (ervice0 1! )ire more o##icer( (o %e can re(pond promptly to call( #or (ervice0 40 nCa 41 .C' 44 Sta##in7 to 7ive more time to citi5en( on ot$er t$in7( v( bein7 re(pon(ive only becau(e o# $o%
bu(y it i(0 43 Btilit5e volunteer(: #ollo%up on report(: increa(e communication bet%een t$e cu(tomer a#ter (ervice $a( been rendered0 44 .-*)?.D0 9E .EE" *- FE '++-9E" *- "- -B/ A-FS ?. ' *?ME+2 M'..E/ F-/ ,?*?ME.S *'PP/E,?'*E -B/ 9-/E: FB* ?.S*E'" 9E '/E *- FBS2 "-?.D .EE"+ESS P'PE/9-/E '." "-,BME.*'*?-. *)'* ' ,'++ *)'* ,-B+" FE )'."+E" ?. 10 M?.S *'EES 4 )-B/S0 4 ?=m not (ure0 46 B(e t$e P"/"=( to revie% interaction( %it$ t$e public0 Dive peer trainin7 in a non di(ciplinary manner0 43 .one 46 .C' 4! more unit( in t$e (treet(0 30 )ire more police o##icer(0 31 not$in7 34 Jery little0 ? believe t$e bi77e(t complaint #rom citi5en( i( (lo% re(pon(e time0 -##icer( are embarra((ed by t$e time it take(
u( to re(pond to call(0 ,u(tomer (ervice i( 7ood #or t$e call( %e are able to re(pond to0 33 .' 34 .o (u77e(tion(0 3 'llo% t$e Patrol Ser7eant( to $ave more time in t$e #ield #or (upervi(ion o# (ubordinate(0 36 *$e #ocu( i( "?/E,*E" P'*/-+: %$ic$ $a( a $orrible a##ect on cu(tomer (ervice0 Patrol unit( are told t$at t$ey are not to $andle call( (o en#orcement %it$in t$eir re(pective area( occur(0 Multiple call( (tand ni7$tly %it$ citi5en( %aitin7 $our( #or an o##icer to re(pond to a call0 *$e directed patrol may 7ive certain citi5en( t$e appearance t$at %e are Gpre(entG but every citi5en %$o $a( directly a(ked #or $elp %ait #or $our(: i# not day(0 Standin7 call( ($ould be t$e Q1 priority #or cu(t (erv0 33 nCa 36 Start actin7 like a police department and S*-P tryin7 to be liked by everyone in t$e community0 Policin7 i( not a popular <ob - ?# t$e ,$ie#=( %ant to be loved t$ey ($ould $ave been #iremen0 .e;t #ire t$e ?M* and ," and 7et a real c$ie# %it$ e;perience and (et o# morale and (tron7 #oundational leader($ip (kill(0 ' 41(t century Deor7e *
)art@ 3! Fe courteou( and treat everyone %it$ re(pect0 "o our be(t to $elp everyone0 40 more o##icer( in patrol $andlin7 call( and not doin7 directed patrol 41 9$at can %e do to increa(e cu(tomer (ervice& ? t$ink %e are above and beyond providin7 t$e be(t cu(tomer (ervice to t$e criminal( %$o are de(troyin7 t$e city in t$e name o# not %antin7 to 7et an #rivolou( ?' complaint( #rom people0 44 $ave t$e tra##ic en#orcement unit rein(tated to addre(( community 8uality o# li#e i((ue(1 tra##ic 43 0 44 *$e department need( to take care o# t$eir o##icer( and civilian( alike be#ore %e (tart to %orry about increa(ed cu(tomer (ervice0 4 Provide enou7$ re(ource( to en(ure call( are $andled %it$in a rea(onable time #rame: not (tacked #or day(0 46 increa(e morale: once t$e employee( #eel better about t$em(elve( and t$eir %ork t$ey tend to treat citi5en( better0 43
?ncrea(e (ta##in7 to t$e level needed to ade8uately police t$e ,ity0 46 Make commander( and (upervi(or( 7et out into t$e #ield (ettin7 t$e (tandard o# meet and 7reet e;pectation(0 Eeep talkin7 about t$e importance o# increa(in7 cu(tomer (ervice (ati(#action0 */E'* -B/ -9. (?.*E/.'+) PE-P+E F'?/+2 '." ?.JES* ?. *)EM0 9E )'JE FEE. */E'*?.D -B/ F-+ES +?EE /-F-*S '." .-* )BM'. FE?.DS 9)- M'EE M?S*'EES '." .EE" SBPP-/*0 4! More o##icer( to reduce %ait time( #or call( #or (ervice and #or o##icer( to be able to (pend more time at a call to at lea(t attempt to $andle it lon7 term a( oppo(ed to $avin7 to leave #or t$e ne;t ur7ent C priority call0 0 /educe %ork load( by $irin7 more o##icer(0 1 Everyone kno%( %$en t$ey %alk into a bu(ine(( %$ere t$e mana7ement doe( not care about t$e people %orkin7 t$ere0 2ou can not improve cu(tomer (ervice until you (top demeanin7 t$e people t$at provide #ace to #ace interaction %it$ your cu(tomer(0 4 availability 3 More o##icer(0 Fetter %ork environment0 E8uipment t$at
%ork(0 4 'll %e $ear about i( cu(tomer (ervice and t$e lack o#0 *$e member( and employee( at -P" do not #eel appreciated or valued0 9it$out (el# value and importance $o% can one tran(late t$at to t$e public0 En7a7e in more community activitie( and event(0 6 Mo(t cu(tomer (ervice complaint( are due to time and (ervice complaint(0 -ur "epartment %ill need to c$an7e our #ocu( back to re(pon(e time( and puttin7 more o##icer( in t$e patrol0 9e con(tantly ($i#t back and #ort$: currently %e are on t$e $ot (pot patrol and allo%in7 pendin7 !11 call( to remain0 3 more community policin7 6 "ouble t$e (ta##in70 'ny ot$er remedy %ill be ine##ective0 9e are at critical (ta##in7 level( and yet %e do t$ree time( a( muc$ unnece((ary admin %ork and <ump t$rou7$ bureaucratic $oop( t$at ot$er a7encie( don=t $ave to deal %it$0 ! it (ometime( appear( t$at %$at ever t$e department doe( #or cu(tomer (ervice: it %ill never be enou7$0 60
?ncrea(e online (ervice( to citi5en( t$at allo% t$em to complete report( or obtain in#ormation %it$out %aitin7 #or an o##icer or callin7 t$e ,ommunication ,enter0 61 provide cu(tomer (ervice trainin7 and emp$a(i5e t$e importance o# it in everyt$in7 done 64 )ire 600 more o##icer(: 7et proper report %ritin7 e8uipment (,'" i( do%n at time(: Sprint card( u(ually drop) 63 Sta## /ecord( #or at lea(t 16 $ourC3 day( a %eek operation0 Sta## 'nimal ,ontrol #or 44C3 operation to #ree up cop(0 Put PS*( in place #or 44C3 p$one report( i# not enou7$ car( to put t$em on (treet0 )ire more ,ivilian Evidence *ec$( and -##icer(0 FB++2 S*'FF P'*/-+ %$ic$ ($ould be 34 o##icer((account #or leave: trainin7)and u(e Mandatory -* on a day o## #or Pro-'ctive %ork0 *$e rea(on i( (imple-Patrol i( t$e only 44C3 #ield unit0 S*-P creatin7 (peciali5ed unit( until "ept properly (ta##ed 64 ,on(ider t$e o##icer( t$at (erve t$i( department a( cu(tomer( a( %ell t$at need a (ervice o# mentor($ip coupled %it$ (upervi(ion0 6 ? "on=t kno% 66 $ire more cop( to cut do%n on re(pon(e time0
63 .C' 66 )ire more o##icer(0 6! )ire more -##icer(0 ?t $a( 7reat cu(tomer (ervice %it$ t$e limited re(ource(0 30 ? *)?.E 9E '/E "-?.D ' D--" A-F ?. *)?S '/E'0 31 no comment 34 Put more people in patrol0 33 Fetter (ta##in70 34 'nyt$in7 %$ic$ en7a7e t$e community0 3 00000 36 9e $ave to reali5e t$at t$ere are people in t$e community t$at aren=t 7oin7 to like u( no matter 9)'* %e do0 9e are $ired to t$i( pro#e((ion to protect t$e public0 9e need to $elp t$e one( t$at %ant $elp and be #irm in our mi((ion to (erve0 'l(o: %e need all t$e tool( t$at t$e #ederal and (tate 7overnment allo%( under t$e la%0 -akland i( o# o# t$e mo(t violent citie( int $e %$ole country0 9$y %ould %e not $ave every tool available to do our <ob0 ?t=( in(ane0 ,$a(e policy: Force: *o%: and
arre(t 33 Fe more tran(parent0 Support o##icer( and t$ere deci(ion #rom t$e be77in7 even i# an inve(ti7ation i( needed0 36 Set di##erent prioritie( on call( #or (ervice0 Some call( (uc$ a( Fur7lar alarm( ($ould receive a $i7$er priority over a typical 41 or a c$ronic runa%ay0 3! *ell t$em .- more o#ten0 "o le(( %it$ le(( i( %$at Fatt( (aid year( a7o: and %it$ our (ta##in7 level: it i( t$e only %ay %e can be reali(tic %it$ citi5en(0 ,urrently %e <u(t #i; t$e (8ueaky %$eel0 60 ,u(tomer (ervice need( to (tart %it$-in t$e department0 9e $ave very poor culture o# carin7 #or member(0 61 Bnkno%n 64 Everyone i( overburdened %it$ %ork0 -nce re(ource( allo%: people %ill be able to take t$e e;tra time needed #or proper cu(tomer (ervice: (uc$ a( (pendin7 time providin7 t$e (ervice t$at %e ($ould be0 63 provide t$em reali(tic e;pectation( and (top promi(in7: or (u77e(tin7 to (olve: i((ue( t$at %e cant deliver 64
open line( o# communication(0 6 #i7$t crime 66 )ire more o##icer( 63 Everyone ($ould be e8uipped %it$ a P"/" to 7et a better under(tandin7 on $o% to addre(( t$i(0 66 9e %ould need more per(on 6! ,ontinue to pu($ t$rou7$ %it$ t$e no-re(pon(e call( to certain di(patc$ed call( like #or e;ample1 do7 call(: !0 ve$icle=(: !01=( %it$ on in<urie(: etc !0 more o##icer( on patrol !1 .' !4 *ake care o# -##icer( #ir(t and ($o% t$at t$e department %ill (atnd #or it( o##icer(0 ?# -##icer( are treated better it %ill ($o% %$en dealin7 %it$ t$e community0 !3 ? t$ink %ere pretty (olid about t$at0 9e al%ay( leave t$e /" Q and our name and (er0 !4 /educe crime ! ,iti5en( commonly tell o##icer( t$at t$ey %ant t$em to G#i7$t crimeG
more0 *$e crime rate( in -akland are unacceptable and t$e citi5en( are be7innin7 to notice it0 *$e 7ood people in t$e city are pu($in7 #or a more proactive police department: but t$ey %on=t 7et it a( lon7 a( command (ta## doe(n=t (upport t$em0 !6 ?mprove (ta##in7 level( (o t$at o##icer( $ave t$e time to provide real cu(tomer (ervice and not be a reactive department0 !3 9e need more o##icer( and t$e policie( need to be revi(ed0 ?t take( a very lon7 time to $andle call( due to t$e documentation proce((0 ? believe revi(in7 policie( to alleviate documentation %ould allo% o##icer( to re(pond #a(ter and increa(e cu(tomer (ervice0 !6 /educe crime0 Froaden t$e police department=( overall approac$ and (trate7ie( to (olvin7 and or reducin7 crime0 More proactive lon7 term (trate7ie( a( oppo(ed to reactive (trate7ie( (10 - 30 day() %ill re%ard la(tin7 dividend( do%n t$e road0 !! Fir(t: treat your o%n people %ell #ir(t0 -nce t$e department treat( it( o%n pro#e((ionally: t$e cu(tomer (ervice a(pect by t$e department %ill be ($o%n to t$e citi5en(0 100 Fa(ter re(pon(e time( to call(0 101
?t (tart( %it$ treatin7 t$e o##icer( #airly0 *$e city and commander( keep pu($in7 #or more and o##er #ake compliment( or di(dain0 -##icer( $ave no recour(e to deal %it$ a citi5en %$o cro((e( t$e line and verbally or p$y(ically abu(e( t$em0 +ook at t$e youtube video( o# t$e raider=( and '=( 7ame(000embarra((in70 *$i( can be attributed to t$e complaint proce(( and total lack o# under(tandin7 by command t$at o##icer( are a#raid becau(e o# t$e draconian atmo(p$ere and %e are no% a lau7$in7 (tock 104 Bnkno%n 103 )ave civilian( train to take crime report( (o beat o##icer( aren=t (pendin7 all ($i#t %it$ cold ! 0 call(0 104 Provide more o##icer( #or call( #or (ervice and (pecialty unit( to provide en#orcement on dru7( and 7an7(0 More o##icer(0 10 0 106 .o comment 103 More o##icer(0 +e(( admin dutie( #or patrol (er7eant( to enable t$em to be out in t$e #ield enablin7 t$em to contact member( o# t$e community0 106 More Police -##icer(0
10! More o##icer( $andlin7 call( #or (ervice and le(( o##icer( on directed patrol durin7 t$e period( o# t$e $i7$e(t call volume 110 Stop $irin7 people t$at do not care about t$e people in t$i( city0 9$en people are $ired t$at $ave not 7ro%n up in communitie( comparable to -akland: t$en it i( $ard #or t$em to under(tand t$e variou( c$allen7e( %it$in t$e city0 'l(o $old t$em accountable0 )ire t$e ri7$t leader($ip t$at i( 7oin7 to lead t$i( or7ani5ation to makin7 real c$an7e0 t$i( department $a( an or7ani5ational culture t$at mu(t be c$an7ed #or t$e better0 *$e current leader($ip doe( not $ave a clue about #i;in7 it0 111 provide better (ta##in7 to patrol to reduce re(pon(e time o# (ervice 114 .Ca 113 .ot (ure 114 Bnkno%n 11 Det more o##icer( 116 )ire more people 113 ,ontinue doin7 t$e (ame 116
11! Det more o##icer( on t$e (treet0 140 )ire more o##icer(0 'llo% o##icer( to do police %ork0 Seek input #rom veteran o##icer( t$at e;cell in cu(tomer (ervice0 141 "-.* E.-9 144 ,ut (ome o# t$e red tape0 *reat employee( %it$ di7nity and in turn t$e employee( %ill treat citi5en( (imilarly0 143 "o not (et unreali(tic e;pectation(0 Fe $one(t and tran(parent %it$ citi5en(0 144 ?nteract more %it$ community member( %$o (upport t$e police (uc$ a( $ome and bu(ine(( o%ner(0 More %alkin7 and bike patrol(0 Fe%er per(onnel movement(: at all level(0 Fetter call( #or (ervice mana7ement0 ?mprove clearance rate( #or (eriou( #elonie(0 14 Provide more o##icer( and inve(ti7ator( city %ide0 Stop complicatin7 t$e proce(( to $elp t$e community %it$ unnece((ary paper%ork0 2our GaccountabilityG proce(( i( makin7 t$e %ork counter-productive0 E;ample1 it ($ouldn=t take 40-60 minute( to do a tra##ic (top0 *$e value and (incerity o# t$e F, $a( been lo(t a( %e no% are re8uired to F, everyone0 'dditionally t$e F,=( do
not 7o to an inve(ti7ative unit0 146 provide police o##icer( %it$ all t$e nece((ary e8uipment to do t$e <ob0 143 'dd Police -##icer(0 146 'n(%er citi5en call( in a timely manner0 Provide t$e per(onnel %orkin7 %it$ cit5en( t$e proper re(ource to complete t$e ta(k0 +et t$e Public kno% t$at you tru(t t$e men and %omen at t$e -akland Police "ept0to be #air: $one(t: people %it$ inte7rety0 *reat your employee( #airly: <u(t a( you advi(ed your employee( to treat t$e citi5en( o# -akland #airly0 14! $ire more police: o##er more trainin7 and 7ive all t$e o##icer( ri#le( 130 *$e camaradaerie and moral (eem to be at a all time lo%0 "epartment picnic(: bb8=(: (portin7 event( all could increa(e moral0 9orkin7 on t$e Ea(t end it (eem like %e are t$e la(t to kno% %$en (pecial event( are 7oin7 on0 131 ? don=t kno%0 134 a(i7n( civilan(: PS*( to take on cold ! 0(: #reee up ot$er unit(0 dont di(patc$ FS call( 133 )ire more o##icer(0 134
More event( #or all o# t$e public H o##icer( to attend0 13 More o##icer( 136 9e can (tart to en7a7e t$e community %it$ re(ult(0 9e $ave lo(t t$e communitie( tru(t in our ability to protect t$em becau(e %e $ave been lookin7 at our(elve( #or too lon70 Policin7 t$e police i( t$e priority and t$e paranoia made u( lo(e our %ay0 133 9ork %it$ t$e community0 More pro7ram( t$at involve t$e community %orkin7 %it$ o##icer(0 Fy $avin7 a common 7oal %e %ill be able to 7et to kno% one anot$er by %orkin7 clo(ely to7et$er0 136 *$i( i( not a cu(tomer (ervice <ob: ?t=( called police %ork police %ork de#inition N t$e inve(ti7ation o# criminal activitie( *$at $a( not$in7 to do %it$ cu(tomer(& *$e(e people are not purc$a(in7 our (ervice(0 cu(RtomRer 10 a per(on %$o purc$a(e( 7ood( or (ervice( #rom anot$erK buyerK patron0 2ou can increa(e citi5en( (upport o# t$e department by arre(tin7 o##ender(: re(pondin7 to call( #a(ter: and by publici5in7 7ood %ork by o##icer( t$at ($o% t$ey $ave arre(ted an o##ender and taken call( 13! )ire more 140 *$ere i( <u(t too muc$ %ork to do #or any o##icer to (pend any time
on citi5en contact(0 ?# too muc$ time i( (pent on one call: ot$er call( (tart to (tack up: cau(in7 co%orker( to re(pond to t$e(e call(0 *$i( create( animo(ity0 141 remove redundant paper%ork 144 )i7$er more employee( to 8uickly re(pond to call(0 143 +ESS call( #or (ervice0 144 ?ncrea(e (ta## 14 .o ,omment 146 nCa 143 allo% o##icer( more de(cretion on camera(: le(( paper: no (top data on %arnin7(: t$i( %ill aloo%: o##icer( to be more proactive0 146 Fir(t you need to 7ain re(pect #rom t$e criminal(0 *$e public $a( no re(pect #or u(: becau(e t$ey (ee t$e ciminal( %alk all over t$e police0 ?t( (ad to (ee t$e city #all to t$e criminal(0 ?t %ill take anot$er 4o or 30 year( #or t$i( city to c$an7e0 .ot in my career0 Put more o##icer( on t$e (treet( to 7ain control and t$e public %ill #ollo% and (upport our need(0 ?# not: t$i( i( t$e re(pon(e %ill %ill be 7ettin7 in t$e #uture0 14! *$e "epartment need( (ta##in7:
e(pecially civilian (ta##0 'l(o: t$e "epartment need( more o##icer( to police t$e (treet(0 Pre(ence %ill make a di##erence0 1 0 9e need a civilian to an(%er p$one(0 1 1 /educe t$e unnece((ary admini(trative %ork load on o##icer(0 1 4 )ire more police o##icer( in order provide more covera7e0 1 3 000 1 4 "ecrea(e t$e %orkload 1 Fack t$e o##icer(0 )appy o##icer(: re#lect $appy attitude( %$ic$ t$e citi5en( are recipient( o#0 *$e problem( in t$e ,ity o# -akland are not t$e o##icer( #ault: not really even -P" #ault0 *$ou7$ mana7ement $a( muc$ more blame t$an t$e o##icer(0 *$e o##icer( are tryin7 to do a 7ood <ob09$en t$ey 7et no (upport #rom mana7ement (and t$e city 7ov=t %$ic$ i( a bi7 ne7ative in#luence on police): t$ey become <aded and t$eir demeanor: un#ortunately: (our(0?t (tart( %it$ t$e city lettin7 police be police 1 6 9e mu(t under(tand and communicate to (ta## at all level t$at %e are in a (ervice indu(try 1 3
1 6 Provide cu(tomer (ervice0 1 ! *$e department $a( an abundance o# re(ource( available to a((i(t t$o(e %e (erve0 160 S$o% you (upport t$e member( o# t$e department and are %illin7 to 7ive u( t$e tool( nece((ary to improve pro#e((ionally0 Dive u( t$e (upport to make deci(ion( %it$out #earin7 $one(t mi(take( %ill be (ub<ected to career endin7 di(cipline0 Provide trainin7 in(tead o# di(cipline0 161 )ire more o##icer(0 *ake t$e time to li(ten to people=( problem( and make an attempt to (olve t$em0 .ot <u(t ru($ o## to t$e ne;t or a more important call0 9e blo% o## too many citi5en concern( becau(e %e are too bu(y0 'llo%in7 t$i( lead( to la5ine(( and blo%in7 o## call( even %$en %e are not bu(y0 164 *$e $irin7 o# more o##icer( %ould be a (tart0 ' better internal %ork environment0 163 /educe t$e delay in re(pondin7 to call( #or (ervice (patrol)0 /educe t$e delay in an(%erin7 !11 and non-emer7ency call( (di(patc$)0 ?ncrea(e #ollo%-up inve(ti7ation( and pro(ecution(0 ?ncrea(e re(pon(e to G8uality o# li#eG type call(1 *ra##icC(peedin7 complaint(: pro(titutionCloiterin7: dumpin7:
abandoned auto(: etc000 164 Put more o##icer( on t$e (treet 16 *$e department need( to under(tand t$at t$e cu(tomer (ervice model pertain( to t$e victim( and t$e citi5en( t$at are not bein7 arre(ted: detained: ticketed: etc0 ,u(tomer (ervice doe( not pertain to t$o(e per(on( %$o are violatin7 t$e la%0 9e can increa(e cu(tomer (ervice %$en %e let t$e criminal( kno% t$at t$ey %ill be (ou7$t out and arre(ted and t$e citi5en( need to kno% t$at t$e police department( <ob i( (olely to $ave people %$o take( bad people to <ail0 166 "oe( increa(e mean improve& 163 *$e only real %ay to $ave better (ervice i( to $ave more -##icer( on t$e (treet (o t$at (omeone i( not (ittin7 around #or an 4 ! report #or 4 day(0 166 nCa 16! le(( time (pent on ,2' admin (tu## and more time an(%erin7 call( #or (erviceCpatrollin7 t$e area0 130 ? t$ink %e already over deliver a( it i(0 131 'ctually do police %ork0 Sta## t$e evidence unit and inve(ti7ation( divi(ion (o t$ey can do t$eir <ob(0
Det #undin7 #or runnin7 #in7erprint( and more ".' te(t(0 134 Provide an increa(e in number( on crime( bein7 (olved ($o%n to t$e citi5en( to 7ain t$ere tru(t t$at t$e police department t$at (ome %ant to believe in can0000 133 Dive t$e department more -##icer( (o t$ey can (pend more time %it$ t$e community and deal %it$ t$e problem( in a more proactive manner t$an are u(ual reactive0 134 ?ncrea(e morale and t$e de(ire to come to %ork0 13 .eed more o##icer( and civilian( t$i( %ill $elp %it$ cu(tomer (ervice0 136 $i7$er $i7$er $i7$er@ 133 'llo% member( to #i7$t crime %it$ out #ear o# c$an7in7 rule( or bein7 blind(ided by command i# t$e end re(ult doe( not look 7ood0 136 *rain everyone #rom t$e t$e <anitor to t$e c$ie#0 9e are a (ervice providin7 or7ani5ation: ? t$ink (ometime( %e #or7et t$at0 13! )ire more o##icer(0 9e 7iven po%er to criminal( %$o believe t$e police i( t$ere to (erve t$em in(tead o# victim(0 160
Jerbal Audo0000 161 9$at( %ron7 %it$ %$at %e currently do& 164 Fe better at publici5in7 t$e $ard %ork t$at actually $appen( $ere0 163 E;plain to t$e cu(tomer( via community meetin7( a( %ell a( mailin7 letter( advi(in7 o# our ,all reduction policy (%$ic$ $a( not been #inali5ed yet)0 ?n t$e letter: include t$e rea(onin7 o# t$e per(on #ilin7 a report online %ill better our re(pon(e #or $i7$er priority call( #or (ervice0 'l(o e;plain t$at i# t$e cu(tomer re#u(e( to #ile a report online: t$en no report %ill be #iled: like ot$er department( do0 ?t (ound( un#air: but it i( (tati(tical at t$i( time0 164 *rain civilian( to take cold ! 0=( durin7 t$e day or increa(e t$e number o# patrol o##icer( %orkin7 durin7 day %atc$0 16 nCa 166 & 163 u(e media to en7a7e our citi5en( 166 dont kno% 16! *$e cu(tomer (ervice i( at an all time $i7$0 ?# /-=( #elt appreciated by t$e department: t$ey %ould be
more #riendly %it$ t$e community: t$ere#or t$e community %ould $ave a more #avorable opinion o# -P"0 /aider 7ame( a per#ect time #or community policin70.o% o##icer( don=t like %orkin7 t$e 7ame( becau(e it i( not #un and too (trict0 S*'2 '* 2-B/ P-S*@ M-JE@ "-.=* M-JE@ FE '* ' ,E/*'?. P+',E '* ' ,E/*'?. *?ME@ %$en t$ere i( not$in7 7oin7 on0 t$i( i( all be#ore t$e 7ame0 Make it #un a7ain@@@@ 1!0 )ire more per(onnel bot$ (%orn and non (%orn to re(pond to citi5en=( report(0 ' non (%orn employee can re(pond and take report( #or crime( and call( #or (ervice in %$ic$ an -##icer or o#ten time( multiple -##icer( are di(patc$ed to0 1!1 0 1!4 .C' 1!3 .o comment0 1!4 Fe open and $one(t0 "o not (u7ar coat rea(on( %$y %e can=t provide ade8uate (ervice or re(pon(e time to t$e citi5en(0 *$e public %ould appreciate t$at more0 1! From %it$in (,$ie# to t$e line o##icer) %e $ave to do a better <ob o# providin7 cu(tomer (ervice to eac$ ot$er (o %e can learn to provide it to t$e community0
1!6 9e need more tiem to do t$e ba(ic <ob o# police o##icer( %$ic$ re8uire( mroe (ta##in7 %it$ 8uali#ied people0 1!3 ? t$ink t$e dept i( doin7 everyt$in7 it can already 1!6 unkno%n 1!! 'llo% o##icer=( to (pend t$e needed time %$en o##icer( are contactin7 victim(Cciti5en(0 9$en o##icer( are ru($in7 victim(Cciti5en( due to pre((ure #rom commander( to complete t$e call in 4 minute(: citi5en( are le#t #eelin7 t$e o##icer did not care about t$eir crime and t$em bein7 victimi5ed by criminal(0 400 .C' 401 Bnkno%n0 404 ?ncrea(e morale0 ?# people are $appy %orkin7 $ere: t$ey %ill treat people better0 ,u(tomer (ervice %ill improve %$en o##icer( #eel like commander( are $ere to $elp t$em rat$er t$an 7et t$em into trouble0 403 $ire more police o##icer( 404 *$e #ocu( mu(t return to re(pon(e time0 -P"=( credibility to re(pond i( lo% %it$ a victim a( %ell a criminal0 40 0
406 +et( (ee -akland i( compri(ed o# 00:000 re(ident( and t$e police department i( compri(ed o# a number o# o##icer( %$ic$ i( not even able to make a dent in daily crime prevention or cu(tomer (ervice0 403 .ot$in7 at t$i( time0 406 *ake le(( complaint( and more online reportin7 40! More cop(0 410 Au(t be tran(parent and pro#e((ional0 411 in order to provide 7ood Gcu(tomer (erviceG to t$e community: it $a( to $ave 7ood Gcu(tomer (erviceG %it$in t$e department #ir(t0 once %e a( a department are able to do %ell %it$in i t$ink t$e re(t %ill #all into place0 414 ,ontinued encoura7ement o# our o##icer( to 7et out o# t$eir ve$icle and %alk around0 *$at me((a7e mu(t be a uni#ied one and con(i(tent one0 413 %e need to double t$e amount o# o##icer( %e $ave in a area0 -##icer( $ave a very (mall amount o# time to take a report (e07: (tatement: %itne((e(: canva(( and attemptin7 to make (u(pect contact)*$e report $a( to be typed in a patrol
car becau(e you cannot 7o back to your precinct or (tation and properly take your time to do a report0 ? t$ink cu(tomerCvictim (ervice i( very poor becau(e you $ave to 7o t$e ne;t call or anot$er $ot call come( out very #a(t0 Every o##icer %ant( 7o $ome on time0 414 not$in70 9e $ave (ome o# t$e mo(t pro#e((ional and patient o##icer( in t$e nation0 41 )ire 600 more o##icer( 416 Fir(t and it( (imple: traet u( #ront line employee( %it$ re(pect and not %it$ an eye to%ard(: Gterminate and li7i7ateG %$ic$ (eem( to be t$e ca(e no%0 Front line member( i# treated %ell %ill al(o treat cu(tomer( %ell0 413 Support o##icer( %$o make deci(ion( under adver(e circum(tance(0 416 provide more per(onnel 41! More interaction %it$ t$e community and it( o##icer(0 440 .o comment 441 0 444 *$e cu(tomer i( better (erved by allo%in7 o##icer( to do t$eir <ob un#ettered by public opinion %$ic$
i( #ickle and c$an7e( to (uit it( collective mood0 443 Det (ta##in7 up to ade8uate level(: more civilian( to do cold report(0 *$i( %ould allo% o##icer( more time to be on t$e (treet an(%erin7 call( in a timely manner and completin7 nei7$bor$ood pro<ect(0 444 Dive patrol o##icer( allo%anceC lee%ay to %$at t$ey need to do0 44 +i(ten to t$e need( and %ant( o# our cu(tomer( and talk to member( about %ay( %e can deliver t$e (ervice(0 446 *$e "epartment can continue to be more involved in community #unction( and %orkin7 actively to brid7e t$e 7ap to (tren7t$en relation($ip( %it$ t$e community0 ?ncrea(in7 communication and li(tenin7 to t$e crie( and le7itimate concern( o# t$e community and lookin7 #or (olution( to re(olve t$o(e problem( i( t$e be(t %ay to provide cu(tomer (ervice0 443 increa(e (ta##in7: increa(e tec$nical (upport: ($orten arre(t procedure(0 (top creatin7 more paper%ork #or patrol o##icer( to do a#ter an arre(t i( made or a per(on i( contacted0 arre(t and contact( are too lon7 and complicated0 (impli#y t$e proce(( (o t$at o##icer( can increa(e t$e number o# (top( t$at t$ey can make in a ($i#t0 446
Su(tain -##icer( more #re8uently #or rudene(( and remove rude o##icer( #rom patrol a((i7nment(0 44! More e8uipment 430 )ire more o##icer( #rom t$e city and nei7$borin7 citie(0 431 Bnder(tand t$e need( o# it( cu(tomer(0 434 /e(pond to call( #or (ervice in a rea(onable timely manner0 433 ?ncrea(ed (ta##in7 at t$e patrol level to (erve t$e community in a timely manner0 434 %ould not like to an(%er0 43 ,ontinue to #ill academie( %it$out droppin7 (tandard(: ultimately 7ettin7 a better 8uality o##icer0 ,ontinue to keep citi5en( in#ormed0 Stop continually reor7ani5in7 t$e (tructure0 436 )ire more o##icer(0 433 ,ontinue to %ork %it$ t$e public to better under(tand t$e need( o# t$e citi5en(0 /ecent conver(ation( %it$ re(ident( %$o $ave $ired private patrol( to a((i(t in #eelin7 (a#e in t$eir $ome( doe( not relate to a 7ood <ob by t$e department0 *$e lack o# o##icer( account( #or part o# t$e problem but only e;plain( %$y
t$ey never (ee an o##icer0 Deo7rap$y ($ill beat() e;plain( anot$er part o# t$e problem but an o##icer can not be dedicated to t$i( area alone due to (a#ety concern(0 436 .o clue 43! *$e #ront de(k need( $elp0 People %ait in line a very lon7 time0 440 More o##icer(0 441 $ire cop( 444 ?ncrea(in7 t$e number o# o##icer( i( t$e ea(y #i;0 )o%ever: re(tructurin7 our deployment and creatin7 a compre$en(ive plan %ould 7o a lon7 %ay0 Sy(temically1 )ealt$y community relation( be7in in(ide t$e or7ani5ation and e;tend( to t$e community0 *$e Gtop do%nG model i( t$e be(t illu(tration0 *$e E;ecutive ,ommand mu(t demon(trate t$e importance o# valuin7 eac$ member a( t$i( me((a7e %ill be tran(#erred to our citi5en($ip0 443 'ddre(( te$ communitie( need( 444 a 7ood (tart i( %it$ t$e increa(e o# o##icer (ta##in7 and call reduction0 -r $avin7 non (%orn employee( re(pond to call( #or (ervice t$at do not re8uire an o##icer 44 Model be$avior(: $old people accountable at all level( #or poor
cu(tomer (ervice: and include more (creenin7 #or a true dedication to public (ervice in t$e $irin7 proce((0 446 $ire more o##icer( to cut do%n re(pon(e time( to cu(tomer( call(0 re-in(tate a 7ood #oot patrol unit to (upport viable commercial area( and (upport t$e merc$ant(000000 (like be#ore) 443 .-.E 446 0 44! Support it( -##icer( on t$e G#ront lineG0 -akland $a( t$e mo(t pro#e((ional -##icer( and $ard %orkin7 -##icer( in t$e country: -##icer( need ,ommand=( (upport #or t$e deci(ion( t$at t$ey %ant carried out and to F?D)* ,/?ME in a city t$at i( crime ridden0 *$e actual citi5en( o# -akland need -P" to do actual police %ork0 *$e citi5en( may not %ant to (ee arre(t( bein7 made but t$ey kno% it need( to be done: a( lon7 a( it( done by la% and correct0 4 0 *$e department need( to %ork clo(er %it$ t$e community0 4 1 Supervi(or( (pent $u7e amount o# time doin7 admin %ork0 *$ey can be our be(t P/ re(ource( i# allo%ed0 4 4 y<$ytre<ytr< 4 3
+?S*E. *- *)E ,?*?ME.S '." 9)'* *)E2 F/-M -P" *)E. FE )-.ES* 9?*) *)EM ?F 9E ,'. FB+F?++ *)-SE 9'.*S0 9E ".-* +?S*E. 9E ABS* "- 9)'* 9E 9'.* '." S)-JE ?* "-9. *)E ,-MMB.?*?ES *)/-'*0 'D'?. ,-MM'."E/S FB?+"?.D /ESBMES *- M-JE -. *'.-*)E/ ,'/EE/ '." +E'JE *)E */'?. 9/E,E -F *)E?/ "E,?S?-.S FE)?." F-/ *)E ,-MMB.?*2 '." S*/EE* -FF?,E/S *- "E'+ 9?*)0 PE-P+E /ESPE,* BS M-/E 9)E. 9?++ *E++ *)EM *)E */B*) '." ELP+'?. -B/ *)-BD)* P/-,ESS FE)?." ?*0 4 4 more o##icer( 4 ?ncrea(e (ta##in7 (o o##icer( $ave more time to meet and talk to citi5en( on t$eir beat( 4 6 Police -##icer( ($ould be pro#e((ional and not cu(tomer (ervice orientated0 ?=m not (ellin7 a product and ? %ill $ave to do t$in7( t$at %ill inevitably $urt (omeone=( #eelin7(: like takin7 people to <ail0 Fut once a7ain t$i( 8ue(tion ($o%( an e;ample o# %$at t$e department %ant( to #ocu( on: caterin7 to t$e need( o# t$e (u(pect( and not allo%in7 o##icer( to do t$eir <ob: %$ic$ i( to keep t$e citi5en( o# -akland (a#e0 4 3 Pu($ additional community meetin7( re8uirin7 patrol per(onnel to attend0
4 6 .ot$in7 %ere doin7 it no%0 4 ! More interaction 460 $ave additional option( #or providin7 (ervice( #or cu(tomer(0 461 $ire more police o##icer(0 More %alkin7 patrol o##icer(0 More patrol o##icer( 464 ?ncrea(e number o# o##icer(0 463 Provide acce(( to material( and e8uipment t$at %ork0 464 "on=t Eno% our <ob a( o##icer( i( to (top crime and create a (a#e environment city %ide 46 ?t i( a di##icult ta(k %it$ t$e limited manpo%er %e $ave0 466 Fuild a ne% <ail in -akland0 463 '7ain eliminate policie( t$at create (o muc$ red tape and e;tra not needed paper %ork (o t$at o##icer( can actually re(pond to more call(0 ?n(tead o# t$reat( o# cru($in7 (oul di(cipline try (upportin7 o##icer(0 ?n(tead o# takin7 time %ritin7 (tatement( o##icer( ($ould <u(t record t$em on pdrd t$en (ummari5e in t$e report0 %ritin7 out (tatement( con(ume( a lot o# time0 ?# t$e dept value( and (upport( t$e o##icer( t$en maybe
t$e culture o# police can once a7ain c$an7e and become e##ective0 466 )ave more community meetin7( to brid7e t$e 7ap0 Bnder(tand t$e need( o# t$e community (o %e can %ork on meetin7 t$em0 46! ?mprove morale 430 ?'" open 44C3 and Ea(tmont and P'F open 44C3 - %it$ report %riter( available 431 0 434 'dd additional de(k o##icer(0 ,reate a %orkin7 in#ormational p$one tree0 )ave (omeone an(%er and clear t$e me((a7e( on all inve(ti7ator( an(%erin7 mac$ine( (o citi5en( can leave me((a7e( and be contacted by t$e correct inve(ti7ator0 433 $ave more o##icer( %orkin7 in patrol 434 .C' 43 ,ontinue a( current: it take( a 7ood lon7 time0 436 )ire more people0 433 )?/E M-/E P-+?,E -FF?,E/S@ '." *)E. "-.* )'JE ' )?/?.D F/EEME@@@
436 /e(pond to call( in a 8uick #a($ion0 ?t i( unet$ical t$at %e tout cu(tomer (ervice: yet $ave no problem allo%in7 people to %ait 3 day( #or an o##icer to arrive at t$eir $ou(e0 43! .e% command (ta## 460 Provide a po(itive environment #or o##icer(: t$at doe(n=t in(till a (en(e o# dread %it$ t$e belie# t$at any action taken %ill lead to (%i#t and un(ub(tantiated puni($ment0 461 )ire more o##icer(0 More o##icer( %ould decrea(e re(pon(e time and increa(e time (pent on a call %it$out $avin7 to break #or prioritie(0 464 0 463 *$e ,ity need( to (upport t$e police department in $irin7: trainin7 and deployin7 more police o##icer( to t$e (treet0 464 ?ncrea(e (ta##in70 9ait time( #or non-critical call( are $i7$0 *$i( make( t$e citi5en( #ru(trated be#ore an o##icer or civilian 7et( to t$e call0 -##icer( and civilian( are ru($in7 to keep pace %it$ t$e %ork0 *$i( leave( le(( time to (pend %it$ t$e citi5en t$at <u(t became a victim0 ?t leave t$e citi5en #eelin7 t$at t$e "epartment doe( not care about t$eir i((ue0
46 *$e o##icer( %$o are %orkin7 t$e (treet( need to $ave more time to 7et to kno% t$e community and t$en t$e tru(t %ill increa(e and %ill be advanta7ou( to t$e cu(tomer (ervice model o# Policin7@ 466 Stop callin7 it cu(tomer (ervice 463 +et -##icer( 7o back to #ul#illin7 t$eir oat$ o# o##ice and doin7 police %ork0 9$en o##icer( ($o% up to a 4 ! re(idential 14 $r( late it doe( not in(pire community con#idence in t$e police0 466 )E+P ,/E'*E '. E.J?/-.ME.* 9?*)?. *)E P-+?,E "EP*0 ,?*2 D-JE/.ME.* '." ,-MMB.?*2 *)'* -FF?,E/S '/E J'+BE"0 46! ?mprove repon(e time by increa(in7 our member($ip 4!0 )old civilian employee(: %$o $ave t$e mo(t interaction %it$ Gcu(tomer(G to t$e (ame $i7$ (tandard( a( o##icer(0 ?denti#y t$o(e o##icer( t$at $ave i((ue( %it$ (ervice: and provide proper trainin70 Set (tandard( #or %$at i( e;pected: not all cu(tomer (ervice complainant( are valid complaint(: e(pecially in t$i( line o# %ork0 *$e police 7enerally provide bad ne%( to citi5en(: t$at i( part o# t$e <ob0 Eno%in7 t$i(: cate7ori5e up(et citi5en complaint( accordin7ly0 4!1 ?mprove moral
4!4 )ire more cop(000or don=t lay t$em o## %$en you $ave t$em000run an academy con(i(tently (o you don=t #all be$ind000 4!3 Dive t$em reali(tic e;pectation(0 4!4 )ave a better !11 an(%erin7 (ervice 4! add more o##icer( 4!6 le(( paper%ork 4!3 Fecome a police "epartment in(tead o# $avin7 everyone (cared o# ?'"0 ?'" need( to $ave credibility and it no% doe( not0 4!6 nCa 4!! 9e already provide over and above: $avin7 (et t$e precedent lon7 a7o 300 "ecrea(e t$e amount o# non emer7ency call( di(patc$ed and #ocu( on t$e priority call( #or (ervice0 301 ?mprove P/ #or t$e department: -F" i( loved by t$e community becau(e t$ey al%ay( attend (pecial event(0 *$ere are o##icer( $ere t$at %ould like to attend t$e(e event( i# provided ade8uate notice and not la(t minute email( or mandatatory
attendance0 9e %ant o##icer( t$at are t$ere %$o are $appy and 7ivin7 t$e attendee( $one(t and a %orkin7 kno%led7able an(%er o# %$at %e do0 304 Fe more proactive to t$e need( o# t$e Policin7 need( o# t$e community0 303 ?t doe( not need to improve0 -##icer( already 7o above and beyond0 304 Fe more per(onable %it$ employee( 30 More o##icer(Cemployee( %ill le((en t$e (tre(( on t$e over%orked member(Cemployee( o# t$i( department %$ic$ %ill in turn increa(e our level o# cu(tomer (ervice 306 0 303 *$e men and %omen on t$e (treet do a 7reat <ob0 -ur 7oal i( to reduce crime and you cant plea(e everyone: but t$e (ilent ma<ority i( $appy and %ill t$ank o##icer( 306 More -##icer(@ 30! reduce t$e %ait #or call( #or (ervice 310 See t$e ot$er (ide o# t$e (torie(0 /eco7ni5e t$at t$e public $a( u(ed t$e ?'" proce(( to t$eir advanta7e
and manipulation o# t$e department: ultimately impactin7 t$e e##iciency o# t$e or7ani5ation0 /e%ard 7ood cu(tomer (ervice more o#ten: motivatin7 ot$er(: and ($o%in7 employee( t$at %e J'+BE t$eir %ork0 Everyone i( pullin7 to7et$er to accompli($ a 7oal %it$out ade8uate re(ource( and t$ere i( no reco7nition #or t$i(: only $ar($ di(cipline #or ($ortcomin7(0 311 More o##icer( 314 9e need to (top re(pondin7 to (ome call( #or (ervice0 'l(o: back o## on o##icer( a bit (o t$ey do not #eel (o under t$e micro(cope and #eel more #ree to do %$at t$ey #eel i( ri7$t0 313 .ot$in7 314 More Foot Patrol: or allo%in7 Feat -##icer( time to do #oot patrol 31 ?ncrea(e cu(tomer (ervice0 Fa(ic $uman need( ($o% concern: %$en needed0 S$o% di(ta(te %$en #olk( are lyin70S$o% 7ood or (tern pre(ence or en#orcement %$en needed0 Speak to t$e citi5en(0 ? don=t t$ink t$at %e $ave a public di(tru(t police i((ue0 ? t$ink t$at people t$at commit crime( are 7iven too muc$ o# a plat#orm0 So: %$en t$e media polari5e( di(tru(t o# police t$eir u(ually (peakin7 to people t$at are not nece((arily bein7 la%#ul0*o be #air #olk( t$at are victim( o# crime( committed
a(ke 316 Fa(ter re(pon(e time( to call( #or (ervice0 /eor7ani5e beat boundarie( to re#lect call volume0 313 unkno%n 316 .ot (ure: but it (eem( like %e $ave people %aitin7 up to 3-4 day( to make a bur7lary report and t$en t$e (econd %e $ave a (u(pect t$at %ant( to Gmake a complaintG %e drop everyt$in7 and attend to t$e complaint0 31! Eeep $irin7 more o##icer(0 340 Dood a( i(0 341 le(( ! 0 call( 344 ?ncrea(e moral %it$in t$e department0 343 /e(pond to call( #or (ervice in a timely manner0 9e can never improve community relation( unle(( %e do a better <ob %it$ $andlin7 call( #or (ervice and treatin7 people %$o do (upport u( better0 344 cu(tomer (ervice i( #or private (ector: not #or la% en#orcement0 34 0
346 $ave more outin7( %$ere community member( and o##icer( interact more0 343 Provide t$e nece((ary manpo%er0 346 Make it actually a priority in(tead o# <u(t (tatin7 t$at it i( important0 'ction( (peak more t$an %ord( 34! )ire more o##icer(: decrea(e implementin7 ne% (peciali5ed unit( 330 (ee Iue(tion Q10 re(pon(e 331 Bnder(tand it( product( and $o% t$ey relate to t$e varyin7 clientele0 -P" i( (pread too t$in: %orkin7 on too many #ront(: and t$u( providin7 no one %it$ truly 8uality (ervice0 /eal problem identi#ication: 7oal (ettin7: (trate7ic en#orcement: and $one(t a((e((ment i( lackin7 at all level( but it i( mo(t 7larin7 at t$e mid level (upervi(or rank(0 *$e con(tant ($i#tin7 o# captain( and lieutenant( t$rou7$out t$e department $a( led to an apat$etic: uninve(ted attitude %$ic$ $a( trickled do%n0 334 Provide trainin7 to o##icer( re7ardin7 citi5en contact(0 Put youn7er o##icer( to %ork %it$ (ea(oned (o t$at people (kill( can be learned0 333 9e do a 7ood <ob already0 Au(t
becau(e (omeone i(n=t $appy doe( not mean %e $ave poor or bad cu(tomer (ervice0 -ur <ob i( to (olve crime( and (end people to <ailCpri(on0 -ur <ob i( not cu(tomer (ervice0 -ur <ob i( to $elp victim( #ind t$e (u(pect(0 +et u( do our <ob and %e could (olve more crime0 334 7ood 8ue(tion0 33 336 unk 333 ?mprovin7 morale o# o##icer(: o##icer( need to $ave a %orkin7 environment %$ere t$ey #eel (upported and %ill 7et a #air ($ake0 336 public education o# police police(: accompli($ment( and ob(tacle(0 ?ncrea(e more (ta##in7 o# 8uali#ied better trained o##icer(0 33! Pa(( 340 )ard to (ay 341 )andlin7 all call( #or (ervice need( to be a priority0 344 Fire 0O o# t$e commander( 343 +ately %e $ave been $irin7 lo(er(: idiot( and un8uali#ied individual( t$at #ill a 8uota ot$er t$an t$e only 8uota t$at ($ould matterK $irin7
t$e mo(t 8uali#ied re7ardle(( o# %$ere t$ey are #rom or %$at race t$ey are0 )irin7 un8uali#ied minoritie( becau(e t$ey are #rom -akland i( dumb0 9e ($ould recruit nation %ide and rai(e t$e re8uirement(: rai(e t$e bar on t$e te(t and t$e p$y(ical a7ility0 ? re8uirement( ($ould be $i7$er t$an P-S*=(0 ?# %e are t$e be(t: act like it@ 344 9e $ave 7reat cu(tomer (ervice to citi5en(0 34 nCa 346 provide more (ta##in7: trainin7: and (upport 343 ? don=t kno%0 ?t=( $ard to provide cu(tomer (ervice %$en t$ere aren=t enou7$ o##icer( to 7ive t$e (ervice0 9e run #rom call to call makin7 it $ard to take time to provide t$e cu(tomer (ervice0 9$en %e do take t$e time: %e=re 8ue(tioned a( to %$y it took (o lon70 346 (top callin7 it cu(tomer (ervice 34! +imit t$e type( o# call( %e re(pond to0 /i7$t no% %e are doin7 8uantity v 8uality0 ' lot o# call( can be di(patc$ed to PS*=( or $andled online: or p$one report(0 9e do not and ($ould not re(pond to EJE/2*)?.D0 3 0 $ire more e;perience o##icer(
3 1 more o##icerCcommunity interaction (uc$ a( community meetin7( 3 4 nCa 3 3 )appier o##icer( ($ould e8ual better cu(tomer (ervice Question #16 "o you believe t$at $ard %ork and 463 'n(%ered 7ood %ork per#ormance $elp( one 7et a$ead in t$e "epartment& )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 2e( 44 )*M+,-.*/-+ Form(0)*M+1-ption01 .o 464 Multiple Choice
Question #17 9$at incentive( could t$e 366 'n(%ered "epartment o##er to encoura7e employee( to (tay at -P"& 1 *reat people pro#e((ionally and %it$ t$e proper re(pect and di7inity everyone de(erve(0 Eeep t$e di(cipline #air acro(( t$e board0 Felieve it or not people do make mi(take(0 -##icer( are leavin7 becau(e t$ey #eel no matter %$at t$ey do it=( %ron7 and are con(tantly in #ear o# lo(in7 t$eir <ob0 9$y %ould anyone (tay $ere i# t$ey can 7o to anot$er "epartment and 7et more money and #eel more
Short Answer
(ecure and appreciated0 4 Stop #irin7 people %$o are doin7 7ood %ork <u(t becau(e %e $ave to $ave a (cape7oat #or t$e vocal minority %$o $ate -P" re7ardle(( o# %$at %e do0 Stop acceptin7 t$e %ord o# #elon(: addict(: and malcontent( but con(i(tently di(tru(tin7 o##icer( %$o you $ave $ired and vetted0 Pro<ect an attitude o# tru(t in t$e competence o# our o##icer(: a( oppo(ed to pro<ectin7 an attitude o# di(tru(t o# t$e o##icer(0 3 -P" $a( a lar7e amount o# i((ue(@ )o%ever: t$e mo(t important i( t$e lack o# (upport #or it( employee(0 Mo(t o# u( %ork $ard and ri7$t to do t$e ri7$t t$in70 Bn#ortunately: %e are $uman( and mi(take( are 7oin7 to occur0 *$e leader($ip i( %ay to e;ce((ive on di(cipline: St$e puni($ment ($ould #it t$e crimeT0 *$e leader( continue to blame t$e .S' %$en t$e deci(ion( are t$eir(0 4 9o%@ 2ou are really a(kin7 t$i( 8ue(tion0 ?# you are 7enuinely una%are o# $o% to run t$i( or7ani5ation like a real in t$e period place o# bu(ine(( t$en you need to (tep do%n0 9e don=t need carrot( dan7lin7 in our #ace@ 9e %ill put our $eart and (oul into (omet$in7 %e believe in and care about0 ? kno% in my $eart: ? could 7et t$e member( and employee( on-board %$ile (till $avin7 a di(ciplined (tructure0 *$i( c$ie# lau7$ed in an employee( #ace %$en t$at employee %a( #aced
%it$ additional #urlou7$( Det morale back to all: o##er (ome type o# 7ood <ob 7ive back: ie: #e% $our( or day o##00 +e((en t$e amount o# paper %ork %e do #or t$e (imple t$in7( a( a tra##ic ticket: %alkin7 (top etc0 6 Financial incentive( could po((ibly keep employee( $ere0 ' city 7overnment t$at back( t$e police department %ould $elp0 3 Fully (ta## eac$ and every beat: every day0 Det rid o# t$e lapel camera( or only i((ue t$em to (upervi(or(0 Pay #or t$e computer pro7ram( t$at mine #or (peci#ic data (i0e0 arre(t (tat(: etc0) and unburden patrol o##icer( %it$ unnece((ary admini(trative %ork0 Det rid o# t$e current re8uirement o# broadca(tin7 t$e (e;: race: a7e and o##en(e #or every tra##ic (top no ot$er department doe( t$i(0 6 "ue to t$e lack o# co$e(ivene(( bet%een t$e (treet -##icer( and commander(: t$ere i( a ma<or lack o# po(itivene(( in t$i( %ork environment0 ! ,$an7e current command0 Iuit per(ecutin7 and (tart $elpin7 o##icer(0 Felieve in your o##icer(0 *$ere are (ome ama5in7 people %$o %ork $ere0 *ru(t t$em0 "on=t put an ?' ca(e on a re(pected member #or a beauti#ul (ymbolic 7e(ture at a eulo7y0 *ake a (tep back and t$ink o# %$at type o#
me((a7e t$at 7ive( to t$e re(t o# t$e o##icer(0 10 ?ncrea(ed %a7e( %$ic$ %ill 7o to%ard( retirement0 ?mprove t$e %orkin7 condition(0 +imit t$e Fureaucracy (B(ele(( paper%ork)0 "evelop a plan %it$ due date( and deliverable(0 Put in t$e plan1 date( to replace computer( and up7rade FF/ and /adio(Petc0) 11 reduce t$e %ork load 14 Fetter %orkin7 condition(: more o##icer( to $elp out %it$ over %orked o##icer(: revi(ion o# (ome policie( (?' reportin7)and (alarie( comparable to t$e %orkC$our( %e put in 13 Fetter e8uipment0 *reatin7 o##icer( a( i# t$ey are valued by command and (upervi(or(0 *$ere are t%o many t$in7( %$ic$ %e MBS* do on call( and to many piece( o# paper and documentation re8uired0 .ot allo%ed to $andle call( in a creative %ay(0 +e(( manditory -*0 More money and pre(ervation o# current beni#it(0 14 $te$ytrtru<yr 1 See all t$e above in#o0 Mo(t importantly: be trut$#ul %it$ all per(onnel0 '( a repre(entative #rom +ucia: /ain(: and Stearn( re#erred to -P" in a recent P-/', article: our mana7ement i( =leader($ip by puni($ment=0 9e are
not robot( and ($ould not be treated a( (uc$0 16 +-+0 13 *oo many variable( in t$i( area0 Material incentive( are ($ort term0 ? t$ink one $a( to appeal to t$e G$eartG0 *$e (entiment ? 7et i( t$at mo(t per(onnel operate under #ear v( re(pect0 16 .ot (ure0 1! ? believe t$at (ta##in7 level( are a bi7 concern0 40 Monetary incentive(0 41 .C' 44 Stron7 (upport: a #eelin7 o# #amliy: better pay and bene#it(00 9e do more t$an mo(t department( (o %e ($ould 7et more0 43 *$e incentive %ould be to prai(e t$eir pa(t %ork $i(tory and t$e promi(e o# better department0 44 +E* BS 9-/E0 DE* /?" -F *)E .EE"+ESS P'PE/9-/E '." +E*S BS "- -B/ A-FS +?EE 9E BSE" *- "-0 ?*=S ' S)'ME *)'* 9E )'JE *- "- "?/E,*E" P'*/-+ '++ *)E *?ME ABS* *- DE* ,'/ S*-PS '." 9'+E?.D S*-PS0 .-.E 9'.*S *- "- '.2*)?.D FE,'BSE ?*=S ABS* ' )'SS+E0
*)E -+"E/ /-( "-.=* 9'.* **E',) FE,'BSE -F '++ *)E )E'"',)ES *)'* ,-MES 9?*) ',*B'++2 "-?.D -B/ A-F0 4 Financial incentive(0 46 /ea(onablene((0 -##icer( are <ud7ed (o critically: it i( impo((ible #or t$em to reac$ t$e (tandard( t$ey are $eld accountable to0 43 Fetter %ork environment 46 .one 4! .C' 30 nCa 31 make t$em #eel like t$ey are (ecure at t$eir <ob and not 7oin7 to 7et #ired0 34 re%ard t$em %$en o##icer( do a 7ood <ob 33 -##icer( leave becau(e morale i( terrible0 -##icer( %ant to tru(t t$at t$ey %ill be treated #airly by command and ?'" i# t$ey make an $one(t mi(take0 For many o##icer(: %$et$er it i( <u(ti#ied or not: t$at tru(t no lon7er e;i(t( and con(e8uently many 7ood people leave t$e or7ani5ation0 ?ncentive( may o##er temporary relie# #rom t$e e;odu( but %ill not #i; t$e underlyin7 problem0 ,ommand
mu(t rebuild t$e tru(t o# t$e rank and #ile: and once t$ey do (o people %ill (tay0 34 .' 3 Fair and (upportive %ork environment0 36 Po(t retirement medical0 Pay ?ncrea(e(0 *$e #ollo%in7 are not really incentive(: but important #or retention1 1)Morale need( a complete over$aul0 4)Somet$in7 need( to be done re7ardin7 t$e apparent lo% Gindu(try opinionG o# our "epartment0 ? believe t$i( i( a ma<or #actor in recruitin7 and retention0 33 ?ncrea(e pay and bene#it(0 9e are one o# t$e $arde(t %orkin7 department( in t$e (tate: i# not t$e country0 9e $ave only $ad pay and bene#it( taken a%ay: %it$ (ta##in7 ($orta7e( creatin7 more %ork0 -ur pay and bene#it( u(ed to be 7reat and re#lective o# t$e %ork %e do0 36 nCa 3! 10)old commander( accountableK t$u( en$ancin7 leader($ip 40+et ,-P police - 7et out o# t$e di(cipline bu(ine(( and back into crime #i7$tin7 - t$at=( %$y #olk( become -P" - 30 '( a %$ole publicly #i7$t #or better e8uipment: trainin7 and a .E9 P'F - 9e are livin7 in Section 6 $ou(in7: drivin7 !0 car( and talkin7 on broken
radio(: %ritin7 report( into a (y(tem t$at doe(n=t %ork - 9-9 t$e place i( completely broken 40 +e(( politic( 41 better %ork environment and treat people #airly 44 ?t=( not t$at $ard: ba(ically <u(t treat o##icer( ri7$t0 Ma<ority o# all o##icer( come to %ork everyday and %antin7 to make -akland a better place (o t$e people could live: %ork: play: and t$rive #ree #rom crime and in #ear o# crime0 ? kno% a( a (upervi(or: you $ave to (upervi(or(0 *$i( department need( (upervi(or: but %e <u(t don=t need a dictator(0 9e need o##icer( to do t$eir <ob and %ork: not all t$e bureaucracy0 43 - li#etime medical - e;ception( #or tran(#er cap( - $ave proper updated ve$icle( #or all unit( - out (ource #or ve$icle repair( maintenance 44 ?ncrea(e pay and ot$er non#inancial bene#it( #or (eniority at all po(ition(0 '#ter top (tep o##icer: t$ere i( little incentive to (tay or 7oal( to %ork to%ard(0 Ser7eant( and above don=t $ave (tep(0 4 Bn#ortunately at t$i( point: not$in70 -##icer( and civilian( alike are mi(erable comin7 to %ork0 ?t u(ed to be #un comin7 to %ork: but no% you 7et di(ciplined #or any and
everyt$in70 More money doe( .-* make a better place0 ,ity )all keep( tryin7 to take a%ay everyt$in7 t$at o##icer( #rom t$e pa(t %orked to 7ain in t$eir contract(0 9$y %ould anyone (tay %$en t$ey could make t$e (ame or more money el(e%$ere and $ave le(( (tre((& Au(t my $umble opinion0 46 Money %ill not ea(e t$e burden o# employee retention0 ' c$an7e in $o% (%orn andCor civilian are vie%ed and treated i( t$e only %ay0 43 /eco7ni5e t$e employee( %$o do %ell: train t$o(e %$o don=t0 ?n(tead o# <u(t puttin7 ?' ca(e( on people #or mi(take(: re8uire (upervi(or( deal %it$ employee problem(0 Stop allo%in7 employee( to u(e ?'" a( a mean( to retaliate a7ain(t ot$er( to include (upervi(or( and commander( #or doin7 t$eir <ob(: or (imply (upervi(in70 46 +i#etime medical and (ome #le;ibility to pick t$eir %ork a((i7nment(0 4! .o incentive( are nece((ary0 9e need to ($o% (incere (upport #or our employee(: not attend a lineup and (ay 7ood <ob0 Det a%ay #rom makin7 every i((ue a complaint internally and e;ternally %$en clearly it i( a (upervi(ory i((ue0 ?ncrea(e Sta##in70 Many item( are no% in place and it %ill (imply take time:patience: dili7ence and addre((in7 every i((ue in t$i( (urvey0 +et u( not preac$ %e care
about our people: let( live it: breat$e it: and ($o% it0 0 con(i(tency more o##icer( better bene#it( le(( mandatory -* (upport #rom command: (upport #rom t$e city: (upport #rom community 1 Support #rom command and city leader(: improve morale: clear policie( and direction(: and reduce %ork load(0 4 *$ere i( no (imple an(%er0 2ou admit t$i( i( t$e $arde(t policin7 <ob in t$e (tate: but t$e department and city %ant t$at (ervice #or a di(count0 4 (uicide( in a (ummer and (till not$in7 to build t$e morale0 Bnrea(onable interpretation( o# any o##icer action0 *oo muc$ playin7 politic( and not enou7$ doin7 %$at i( ri7$t0 Mandatory overtime at obno;iou( level(0 *$e(e t$in7( are not t$e #ault o# o##icer(0 Poor plannin7: political 7ame(: and out o# control crime $ave created a real c$allen7e0 3 #airne(( 4 Stop t$e la(t minute cancellation o# day( o## (prote(t(: rally(: etc0 +e((Cno Mandatory 9-"-P Fetter %orkin7 e8uipment *reat your people like t$ey are actually important0 Focu( #ir(t on your people t$en t$e public0 .ot t$e ot$er %ay0
6 .one0 3 9e $ave $ad very 7ood and veteran people leave0 ? t$ink it i( becau(e o##icer( are #eelin7 not <u(t demorali5ed: it i( #ear o# lo(in7 your <ob no%0 *$ere %a( al%ay( a belie# t$at i# ? %a( <u(t doin7 my <ob: %it$ 7ood intention(: ? %ill not lo(e my <ob becau(e o# a mi(take0 ?t %a( a belie# t$at o##icer( lo(e t$eir <ob(Cliveli$ood on o##-duty incident(0 )o%ever: no% t$ere i( an uncertainty o# lo(in7 your <ob anytime0 6 *$e city and department treat( it( o##icer( like t$ey are t$e bi77e(t problem %it$ t$e city0 9it$ all t$i( #ocu( on t$e o##icer(: %$o i( #ocu(in7 on crime& *$e an(%er000 .o one0 *$e bene#it o# t$e doubt i( t$e bi77e(t t$in7 t$e department could o##er it( employee(0 Bnder t$e (tructure o# our ?'" policie( %e are not innocent until proven 7uilty0 ! $our(: day( o## and di##erent ($i#t( 60 *ran(#er to pre#erred a((i7nment or rotate to ot$er a((i7nment out(ide patrol to increa(e t$e kno%led7e and e;perti(e o# o##icer(0 61 education <ob ($arin7C<ob rotation #itne(( opportunitie( #or trainin7 one level above current a((i7nment paid 7raduate-level education t$e
ability to accrue percenta7e o# comp time #or $our( %orked over 40 $our( at command level 64 'lt$ou7$ t$e .S' $a( improved many t$in7(: it al(o $inder( u( #rom doin7 our <ob(0 *$ere i( a #ear o# bein7 (crutini5ed by t$e city 7overnment and command #or any action taken or not taken0 ?# you can make t$e troop( %$o are t$e backbone o# t$i( department $appy: you=ll keep t$em $ere0 Probably $irin7 anot$er 600 o##icer( (o t$e <ob can (a#ely be done %ould $elp t$e citi5en( o# t$i( community0 ?n t$e end it i(n=t #air to t$em000 63 Money i( nice but not t$e only an(%er0?' proce(( i( draconian H improperly applied leadin7 to more (tre(( t$an bein7 $urt or killed or ($i#t %ork0Fetter e8uipment09e u(ed to order 1C4 a patrol #leet EJE/2 2E'/0)ealt$ ?mprovement Plan- paid %ork out la(t $our o# ($i#t0 /etired Medical *ru(t0 ,ut do%n or (treamline paper%ork0E;tra vacation time and able to u(e it03 OC100O (ick time value ca($ out0 Make all ($i#t 4C10 "ept %ide %Coption C6 #or non#ield per(onnel0,$an7e ?' proce(()?.* 4nd *?ME@ 64 Stop over %orkin7 t$e (ubordinate(0 6 More competitive bene#it( 66 pay incentive increa(e( a#ter e;tra
year( on t$e <ob0 63 'de8uate re(ource( #or day to day police %ork0 66 -ne o# t$e mo(t e##ective incentive( %ould be a rea(onable %ork load and %ork $our(0 *$e "epartment currently re8uire( it=( member( to %ork too many $our( and ($i#t(: 7reatly reducin7 morale0 6! *$i( i( already a 7reat department to %ork #or0 30 +?FE *?ME ME"?,'+0 P'2 /'?SE0 S)--*?.D F-.BS P'20 P)2S,?'+ F?*.ESS F-.BS P'20 1 )/ P'?" 9-/E-B*C*/'?.?.D0 "EP'/*ME.* SP-.S-/E" EJE.*S (?E F'M?+2 FFI: F?S)?.D */?P:*'?+D'*E P'/*2 '* '. '=SC/'?"E/S D'ME0) -FF?,E/CSBPE/J?S-/ -F *)E M-.*) 9?*) ' P/?ME -F -.E P'?" "'2 -FF '." ' P)-*- -. *)E 9'++0 F/?E."+2 -P" ,-.*ES* 9?*) E',) -*)E/ (FE.,) P/ESS: S)--*?.D: ,?" J0 P'*/-+ 3 -. 3 F'SEE*F'++: E*,000) M'EE *)?S P+',E FB. '." M-/E -F ' F'M?+2@ +--E '* SFP": +'P": ,)P F-/ -*)E/ EL'MP+ES@ 31 no comment 34 better pay 33 9orkin7 e8uipment: more pay:
clear leader($ip0 34 'ny incentive( can encoura7e employee( to (tay0 3 00000 36 More money0 +e(( oppre((ive environment0 /e(olve t$e ?'" i((ue0 33 ,reate an atmo(p$ere t$at encoura7e( 7ood police %ork0 9e $ave (o many admin (tep( in doin7 anyt$in7 around $ere: %$ic$ make( people not %ant to do any %ork0 ?t=( pretty ea(y to #i7ure out000email record( i# you make an arre(t000cra5y0 )o% i( t$at makin7 t$in7( ea(ier0 ,ar(: radio(: parkin7: morale000all terrible0 Fi; (omet$in7: t$at=( all0 Pick (omet$in7 to improve and make it 7ood a7ain0 9e are t$e lau7$in7 (tock o# police department( to ot$er a7encie(0 *$ey u(ed to be <ealou( o# u(: very (ad@ 36 ,$an7e t$e -P" ima7e: better e8uipment: and mana7ement need( to connect %it$ line o##icer(0 Fuild a tru(t bet%een t$e o##icer( and command0 3! 0 60 Dive u( back out !O@@ Provide incentive( #or (enior o##icer( t$at $ave reac$ed 0 yr( o# a7e0 61
More (upport #rom command and city 7overnment0 64 *$e "epartment could $elp o##icer( 7ro% to better t$em(elve( and t$e "epartment0 /otate o##icer( and keep t$em intere(ted and en7a7ed0 People in Patrol ($ould 7o to ,?" or ot$er a((i7nment(: and people %$o (pend year( in t$e buildin7 ($ould rotate out0 Some people (eem to receive better a((i7nment(: not #rom per#ormance: but by relation($ip( t$ey $ave0 *$i( i( di(coura7in70 *reat o##icer( #airly and $elp t$em per#orm t$eir <ob(: ver(u( di(ciplinin7 and accountability all t$e time0 63 *$i( li(t %ould be %ay to lon7: $o%ever treat people ri7$t #or one: and increa(e lon7evity pay0 'l(o promote people t$at o##icer( %ill #eel 7ood about #ollo%in7 %$o $ave t$e re(pect o# t$e o##icer( t$ey are leadin70 9$o you %ork #or i( a bi7 #actor in (upportin7 t$e mi((ion tryin7 to be accompli($ed: i# not people %ill (ee it ea(ier to leave %$en 7iven t$e opportunity0 ? $ave about 1100 day( le#t in my career: at t$i( moment cant (ay ?m (tayin7 lon7er or not 7oin7 acro(( t$e bay0 64 (ee all t$e above comment( in t$i( (urvey0 6 )o% about not #uckin7 %it$ t$em and let t$em do t$eir <ob: you kno% t$ere i( a problem %$en t$ere i( more ?' inve(ti7ator( t$an )omicide inve(ti7ator(0 'n o##icer
make( a mi(take and commander( immediately %ant to cruci#y t$em0 Side note ? am leavin7 t$i( place a( (oon a( ? can 66 "etective ?ncentive Pay andCor "etective /ank0 +i#e time medical covera7e 63 *$e monitorin7 team and t$e compliance director team ($ould $ave a committee t$at %ould meet %it$ employee( %$o are leavin7 addre(( t$eir individual concern( and o##er t$em incentive( to (tay0 Private companie( utili5e( t$i( practice0 66 /etired medical Pay into de#erred compen(ation plan "/-P pro7ram Pay into E,MP0 6! c$an7e (tart( #rom t$e top not t$e bottom0 !0 Bnable to an(%er t$i( 8ue(tion at t$i( time !1 better e8uipment !4 .' !3 More po(itive reco7nitionCa%ard( 7iven to o##icer( #or doin7 7ood %ork0 !4 9$en internal a##air( inve(ti7ation( take priority over criminal inve(ti7ation( o##icer( %ill never
#eel (el# %ort$ #or t$e <ob %e do0 *$e department need( o (upport it( -##icer( and tru(t ! ?=m not (ure0 ? don=t $ave muc$ time on0 !6 *$ere i( none0 2ou %ork $ard and do 7ood police %ork you 7et puni($ed0 !3 9$ile pay: additional time o##: etc %ould make people %ant to (tay: ? believe t$at makin7 o##icer( #eel more (ecure in t$eir %ork environment %ould keep attrition at a lo%0 !6 Fetter (upport: team buildin7: reco7nition: le(( di(cipline or trainin7 comment( t$at are perceived a( (uc$0 !! Stop t$e $eavy $anded di(cipline0 ? do not #eel a( i# ? am treated like a pro#e((ional police o##icer a( ? %a( previou(ly0 *$e current environment i( ten(e and #illed %it$ #ear o# 7ettin7 in trouble even i# t$e intention( %ere po(itive0 9e need leader( to care about t$e employee( and make our environment po(itive in order to retain people0 Even (enior o##icer( are leavin7 becau(e o# t$e current environment0 /e(pect #rom t$e (upervi(ion and command %ould (peak volume( to retention0 100 9orkload reduction0 Maintain accountability: re-
evaluateCen$ance t$e di(ciplinary revie% proce((0 101 Provide a place %$ere you can %ork: t$rive and per#orm t$e dutie( o# t$e police %it$out t$e #ear o# bein7 #ired: demoted: or (u(pended <u(t becau(e t$e public %ant( it or t$e media0 Felieve in t$e troop( %$o you $ired to do t$e <ob ri7$t %it$ pro#e((ionali(m and inte7rity0 104 More pay: cut do%n all t$e mandatory overtime0 "i(cipline too (evere0 103 /eally& *oo numerou( to even be7in0 104 'llo% -##icer( to make mi(take(0 10 Fitne(( 8uali#ication incentive0 -##er a %ay #or p$y(ically #it o##icer( to 7et (ome compen(ation0 106 incentive( are #ine compared to ot$er department(0 103 0 106 .o comment0 10! ' $ealt$y: bot$ p$y(ically and mentally: %ork environment 110 More lon7evity pay: a%ard( #or 7ood arre(t( and back your o##icer(
dont <u(t puni($ t$em0 111 ? #eel t$e complaint proce(( and t$e re(ultin7 $ar($ di(apline $a( made 7ood o##icer( leave t$e department #earin7 t$at t$ey may be t$e net o##icer terminated #rom t$e department0 So (treamlinin7 t$e complaint proce(( may aid in o##icer retention0 114 Fetter leader($ip0 ? %ill probably leave be#ore ? am 00 *ired o# t$e di(crimination: cli8ue(: unpro#e((ionali(m and t$e lie( t$at i( bein7 #acilitated0 People kno% %$at t$e real i((ue( are but no one %ant( to addre(( t$em0 *$i( department $a( al%ay( been at around 600 o##icer( but t$e di##erence i( t$at people are not motivated anymore0 *$ey do not tru(t leader($ip to do t$e ri7$t t$in70 't t$e end o# t$e day: people %ant to be treated e8ually and #airly0 .ot bitter: <u(t tired0 113 Pay increa(e and medical retirement 114 treat u( like $uman bein7(0 9e all $ave re(pon(ibilitie( to our #amilie( at $ome0 9e are leavin7 becau(e t$e environment $ere i( counter productive and add( alot o# e;tra (tre(( in %$ic$ ot$er dept( dont $ave0 9e dont a(k #or alot0 -P" %a( t$e be(t a7ency to %ork #or %$en ? (tarted 13 year( a7o0 ? 7et tired o# bein7 t$e punc$line on <oke( #rom ot$er a7encie(0 t$ere i( a $u7e di(connect $ere bet%een ,ommand: o##icer( and city 7ovt0
Frin7 t$e morale o# t$i( place back0 -#c=( at lea(t de(erve t$at0 11 ,amaraderie0 116 Bnkno%n 113 Bnkn 116 Pay increa(e(: more time o##: better retirement bene#it( 11! ,ontinue doin7 t$e (ame 140 Make ?' not (o muc$ o# a priority 141 /e#er to 8ue(tion 100 *$e 7eneral perception i( t$at t$e command $a( been (acri#icin7 o##icer( to appea(e t$e monitor( and t$e #ederal <ud7e0 *$e department can o##er incentive( all it %ant(: but %$en you $ave people leavin7 t$e department #or lo%er pay and bene#it(: incentive( are not t$e an(%er0 Frin7in7 policy c$an7e t$at %ill not $am(trin7 t$e o##icer #rom doin7 t$eir <ob #or #ear o# repri(al #rom command %ould be t$e 7reate(t incentive t$e department could o##er0 144 Fair treatment 143 "-.* E.-9 144 Fetter compen(ation packa7e and more (upport #rom ,ity leader($ip
14 Full Medical bene#it(0 146 ,on(i(tency o# leader($ip: Public (upport o# -P" by politician( and e;ecutive (ta##: Emp$a(i( on non-P" trainin7: Stop leadin7 via email0 'ttend line-up(: talk to t$e troop(0 ?mprove crime clearance rate( t$rou7$ better ca(e mana7ement and trainin70 E;ecutive (ta## member( ($ould occa(ionally %ork ni7$t( and %eekend( to bet a better under(tandin7 o# %$at i( 7oin7 on0 143 *$e department need( commander( %$o are re(pected and $ave done t$e %ork t$ey are no% <ud7in7 ot$er( on0 *reat o##icer( like t$ey care and %ant t$em to (tay0 '(k t$e o##icer %$y t$ey are leavin7 and %$at t$e department can do to 7et t$em to (tay0 Many #eel unappreciated by t$e department and believe t$ey need to leave #or career (a#ety0 *$i( $a( been a $eavy puni($ment: your 7uilty until you can prove your innocent department #or a lon7 time0 -##icer( no lon7er #eel protected by command0 146 clear direction( #rom it( leader(: better (upervior( 14! Plea(e: t$ink o# a rea(on: any rea(on: becau(e %e don=t $ave very many ri7$t no%0 130 Fir(t treat t$e men and %omen
t$at %ork at t$e department #airly0 *ru(t t$em to do t$e ri7$t t$in7 and de#end t$em %$en t$ey are on t$e (ide o# t$e ri7$tou(0 131 *reat t$em %it$ re(pect and ackno%led7e t$at t$ey $ave live( out(ide o# t$e department0 People are leavin7 -P" becau(e t$ey don=t #eel re(pected or appreciated by t$e citi5en( or city 7overnment0 134 S$o% appreciation #or t$e $ard %ork o##icer( do day in and day out0 Mo(t o##icer( believe %orkin7 $ard and bein7 pro-active %ill only 7et t$em in trouble t$e(e day(0 133 ? don=t kno% yet0 ? am in F*-0 134 <ob (ecurity: le(( (crutany #rom ?' ca(e(: pay rai(e: le(( mandatory -*: (ome$o% improve t$e %orkplace moral 13 +e(( mandatory -* H $ire more0 136 Bnle(( -P" (tart( re%ardin7 o##icer( #or 7ood police %ork and (pendin7 le(( time on (crutini5in7 t$e minute detail( o# everyt$in7 t$ey are 7oin7 to lo(e a lot more o##icer( to ot$er department(0 Det out o# t$e (ettlement a7reement and in(titute rea(onable policie( a( t$ey apply to la% en#orcement0 133 -##er t$e o##icer( leader($ip and not micro-mana7ement0 -##er t$em (upport and re(pect in(tead
o# lookin7 at di(ciplinin7 t$em and treatin7 t$em like t$e bad 7uy(0 136 "o not kno%0 13! People leave t$i( department #or t$e $ope o# $avin7 peace #rom con(tant inve(ti7ation(0 People dont care about t$e pay0 -##icer( %ould rat$er leave and 7et paid le(( to $ave t$e (upport #rom t$e department and not $ave to con(tantly %orry about bein7 %ritten up or #ired0 Bntil o##icer( are no lon7er (ub<ected to bia(: pre<udice: immoral inve(ti7ation( o##icer( %ill continue to (eek avenue( o# e(cape #rom t$e per(ecution o# (upervi(or(: command (ta##: and city o##icial(0 140 ,reate an environment %$ere an o##icer receive( trainin7 #or mi(take( rat$er t$an puni($ment0 141 More <ob variety0 *$i( can be created by en#orcin7 cap( in pre#erred a((i7nment(0 *$ere are many o##icer( and (er7eant( %$o $ave been out o# patrol - 10 year(: 7oin7 #rom one non-patrol a((i7nment to anot$er0 *$at=( not #air to t$o(e %$o %ould like an opportunity in t$e(e pre#erred po(ition(0 Bnle(( e;ten(ive trainin7 i( re8uired: like a $elicopter pilot: anyone can be trained #or <u(t about every one o# t$e(e pre#erred a((i7nment(0 144 ? do not kno%0
143 Pay increa(e: 144 9$oever devi(ed t$e(e 8ue(tion(: kno%( t$e true an(%er( already0 14 +i#e time medical covera7e 146 .o ,omment0 143 nCa 146 allo% o##icer( more de(cretion on camera(: le(( paper: no (top data on %arnin7(: t$i( %ill aloo%: o##icer( to be more proactive0 */BS* t$e o##icer(@@@@@@@@ 14! Fack in early !0=(: t$e city o##ered a >10k bonu( to keep retirin7 o##icer( $ere0 ?t $elped out0 Fut t$e city: a( u(ual i( a dollar ($ort and year( to late0 2ou need to keep t$e -D=( #or F*- and mentorin70 9e $ave F*-=( t$at $ave -6 year( maybe 6 year(0 *$e F*- o# t$e pa((: $ad 40 plu( year(0 *on( o# e;perience0 ?n critical incident(: -D=( %ere at t$e top o# t$eir career( and could $andle every (itutaion: %it$out a SD*0 *$at=( %$at %e %ere paid to do0 .o% %e $ave to $ave a SD* approv 1 0 Fetter Pay 1 1 Mandatory i( out o# control: until %e 7et o## bein7 monitored it( not %ort$ t$inkin7 about0
1 4 /educe t$e unnece((ary admini(trative %ork load on o##icer(0 ""=(: k-4=(: F,=( 1 3 Fonu(e( #or (tayin7 on a#ter you reac$ 0 year( o# a7e0 1 4 +e(( puni($ment #or mi(take( made and in(tead provide coac$in7: coun(elin7: and trainin70 "evelop o##icer( and $elp t$em learn #rom t$eir mi(take(0 1 Provide more incentive( #or o##icer( %$o remain at -P" (uc$ a( paid 7ym member($ip: ma((a7e(00? brou7$t up t$e(e item( becau(e t$ey are al(o a #orm o# (el# care to alleviate t$e daily (tre((or( o# police %ork0 1 6 -##icer( u(u(ally 7et puni($ed even %$en t$ey make 7reat arre(t( #or minor mi(take(0 -##icer( o#ten %alk a%ay #rom 7reat arre(t( %it$ t$eir $ead( $an7in7 lo% 1 3 ?( t$i( really a 8ue(tion people need an an(%er to& Stop cruci#yin7 t$e o##icer(@ Support t$em at t$eir <ob0 *$e o##icer( are treated like (u(pect(: e(pecially #rom (ome upper command per(onnel0'll t$e commander( $ave been %$ere t$e o##icer( %ere and mo(t $ave done muc$ more $einou( activity t$an t$e(e (ame commander( are cruci#yin7 o##icer( #or0 ?t i( pat$etic0 ? %ould not call mo(t commander( at -P" leader(0 Mo(t 7o to t$e po(ition #or money and
e7o0 ' (elect #e% are true leader(0 1 6 ,ompen(ation ,$oo(e our leader( %ell: (o t$e are (een a( le7itimate 'ddre(( t$e perception o# un#airne(( 1 ! Fack up t$e employee( %$en circum(tance( prevail0 )elp employee( to believe t$e department believe( in t$em H are not al%ay( out to #ind t$em at #ault0 Mo(t employee( %ant command to believe in t$e <ob t$ey are doin70 'l(o to believe people are $uman H %ill make $one(t mi(take(0 Mo(t employee( o# t$e department $ave not$in7 but 7ood intention( H %ant to better t$e community t$ey (erve0 160 *$e department could act like it care( about it( employee(0 161 ? am not (ure at t$i( time0 164 +eader($ip ($ould not be made up o# people %$o $ave documented (in bindin7 arbitration (e((ion( a( %ell a( t$e court (y(tem)trut$#ulne(( i((ue(: attemptin7 to coerce ot$er( to c$an7e #indin7( o# inve(ti7ation(: and a myriad o# ot$er indicator( o# poor c$aracter0 163 ,ommand mu(t demon(trate t$at t$ey appreciate t$e o##icer(0 ,ontinue per(onally (peakin7 to t$em: %orkin7 9?*) t$em: re%ardin7Cprai(in7 t$em %$en
appropriate0 End t$e perception t$at even %$en an o##icer doe( (omet$in7 7ood: (ome %ron7 %ill be #ound in $i(C$er per#ormance0 Many o##icer( #eel t$at i# t$ey do anyt$in7: t$ey e;po(e t$em(elve( to liability and %ill be di(ciplined0 *$i( (ti#le( creativity and any de(ire to per#orm above an avera7e level0 164 *alk to t$e o##icer( leavin7 and #ind out t$e real rea(on t$ey are leavin70 -##icer( are leavin7 becau(e o# t$e %ay t$ey are treated not becau(e o# t$e <ob t$ey do0 9e are in de(perate need o# (tron7 re(pected leader($ip0 -##icer( need to kno% t$at t$e leader($ip (upport( t$em 100O: t$at i( not t$e ca(e at t$i( time0 16 Modi#y promotional proce(( to re(pect individual e;perience and %ork product0 ,urrently: you <u(t need to be a 7ood te(t-taker0 B(e more common (en(e in ?'" and di(ciplinary proce((0 2ou e;pect o##icer( to $ave loyalty to t$e "epartment: t$en t$e "epartment mu(t $ave loyalty #or it(= o##icer(0 ?mprove perception t$at ,ity )allCElected leader( only vie% -P" a( a nece((ary evil- and (ome vie% it i(n=t t$at nece((ary0 166 )ire more o##icer(: take (tep( to make t$e internal a##air( inve(ti7ation( le(( (tre((#ul #or o##icer( 163 *$e department need( to value it( employee( by puttin7 it(
employee( #ir(t0 Employee( need to be reco7ni5ed #or $ard %ork0 Employee( need to be allo%ed to better t$em(elve( t$rou7$ department #unded trainin70 *$i( department <u(t need( to embrace Ma(lo%=( )ierarc$y o# need(0 ?# command (ta## can do t$at: t$en t$i( department %ill #louri($ and (ucceed0 ?# ,ommand (ta## can=t do t$at t$en t$ere %ill continue to be ma<or problem( at t$i( department0 166 *$e department could make t$e employee( #eel a( t$ou7$ t$eir <ob i( (a#e #rom #ear o# bein7 laid-o## or terminated #or unnece((ary di(cipline0 16! )ave a pay increa(e or incentive #or -##icer( to keep t$em on (ta##0 Fut mo(t important i( to $ave ?' be #are %it$ t$eir inve(ti7ation( and reali5e t$at -##icer( are $uman bein7( t$at make mi(take( too0 130 nCa 131 PoliticalCcareer (upport0 ?t (eem( like command (ta## care( more about makin7 city admini(trator( $appy t$an takin7 care o# beat o##icer(0 134 .o comment0 ? t$ink you already kno%0 133 (top t$e complaint proce(( #rom treatin7 o##icer( a( 7uilty until proven innocent
134 Dive bonu(e(0 )ave more #unction( a( a department: ie00cookout(: (port(0 'nyt$in7 ot$er %$at i( 7oin7 on no%: %$ic$ i( a )i and bye0 13 Divin7 -##icer( t$e #ellin7 t$at t$ey are %anted and appreciated 7oe( alon7 %ay0 -ur department $a( let 7reat leader( leave recently and it %a( mo(tly becau(e t$e leader( #elt di(re(pected and undermined0 136 Make it kno%n t$at t$e commander(: t$e police department: t$e city mana7er(Ccouncil: city mayor are #or t$e (a#ety and protection o# it=( police o##icer(0 *$at Gt$ey= are not out to #ire o##icer( or make e;ample( out o# t$em0 *$at t$ey */BS* t$eir o##icer( and %ill make (ure t$ey under(tand t$e (tru77le( and di##icultie( all police o##icer( 7o t$rou7$ %orkin7 $ere in -akland0 133 more merit a%ard( t$at 7o on your %ork record and add point( #or promotional e;am(0 *$at 7ive( )'/" 9-/E an incentive0 136 *reat member( %it$ re(pect0 -##er more pay bonu( and #ilter do%n belo% 40 year mark (ince (o many o##icer( are youn70 Sta## (peciali5ed unit( %$ic$ promote $ard %ork and t$en re%ard t$em %$en 7oal( are accompli($ed0 13! 'ddre(( t$e culture: put patrol
o##icer( #ir(t0 ,reate an enviornment %$ere employee( #eel #ree to voice t$ere opinion %it$out t$e #ear o# retailiation0 160 Make ?' inve(ti7ation( more rea(onable ((ome (tep( $ave been made0) ,ommunity leader( need to addre(( per(onal re(pon(ibility t$rou7$out t$e city in(tead o# blamin7 everyone el(e0 161 Fetter treatment #rom command (ta##: tell your troop( t$ey are doin7 a 7ood <ob0 164 More tru(t in o##icer(: buildin7 policy t$at i( e##icient #or t$e <ob t$at %e do0 163 (top puni($in7 people %$o do $ard %ork0 164 F',E *)E -FF?,E/@ "o not al%ay( look #or #ault0 9e all $ave t$em and probably do t$em daily0 "id you (peed to %ork today& See: %e all do t$em0 9e look #or everyt$in7 t$e o##icer doe( %ron70 +earnin7 i( al(o ac$ieved by makin7 mi(take(0 ?mprove t$e policy on t$e P"/"(0 16 Provide a better %orkin7 environment #or -##icer( and by 7ivin7 t$em a truly #air proce(( to #i7$t complaint(0 *$ere i( t$e perception amon7 o##icer( t$at t$e "epartment i( #indin7 t$em (u(tained #or complaint( in order to (ati(#y .S' re8uirement( %it$out merit0
166 nCa 163 *rue +eader($ip 166 & 16! reco7nition o# $ard %ork0 1!0 7ood %orkin7 environment and de(ire to do police %ork0 1!1 Stop t$e per(onal %itc$ $unt( #or o##icer( %$o are doin7 t$eir <ob and tryin7 to #ollo% all o# t$e rule(@ *$e .S' and ot$er police( are 7ood #or -P"0 ?t( t$e manor in %$ic$ t$ey are en#orced t$at=( bad #or t$e department and #or t$e city0 ,iti5en( are tired o# t$e crime in -akland0 9e $ave a 7ood department: but t$e unnece((ary add on rule( i( makin7 /-=( leave and never look back0 1!4 /eco7nition #or t$e po(ition a((i7ned0 *$e department $a( -##icer( a((i7ned to ?nve(ti7ation( and t$e(e -##icer( are not reco7ni5ed #or t$e %ork t$ey do0 -t$er department=( reco7ni5e t$eir -##icer( a((i7ned to ?nve(ti7ation( a( "etective -##icer or "etective Ser7eant0 *$ere are al(o patc$e( and in(i7nia #or t$e %ool uni#orm t$at de(i7nate <u(t po(ition(0 ? believe t$at t$e -##icer( a((i7ned to ?nve(ti7ation( or $ave been a((i7ned to ?nve(ti7ation( need and de(erve (uc$ reco7nition0
1!3 0 1!4 Fairne(( in di(cipline0 ' proactive internal a##air( create( a $o(tile %ork environment0 1! .o comment 1!6 *$e "epartment can (tart to re(pect t$e o##icer( and t$e %ork t$at t$ey do0 /e(tore t$e o##icer( credibility in internal a##air ca(e(0 Prai(e t$e o##icer( t$at are over 0 year( old and t$at $ave 7ood career(0 'llo% t$en to be appreciated0 Dive t$em incentive( to (tay beyond t$eir retirement a7e and allo% t$em to ($are t$eir e;perience %it$ t$e youn7er o##icer(0 1!3 ?ncrea(e current contractual incentive( (i0e0 money: vacation) 1!6 -P" u(ed to be a 7reat place to %ork0 People u(ed to kno% t$at t$ey %ere treated #airly0 ?t appear( t$at in tody( invironment t$at mo(t commander( %ill not make a deci(ion and t$ey %ill not (tand up #or %$at i( ri7$t0 1!! Det rid o# t$e P"/" or at lea(t make it at t$e o##icer di(cretion0 Make t$e o##icer #eel like t$e dept0 $a( tru(t in t$em once a7ain0 9e 7et paid a lot o# money to do our <ob( and make tou7$ deci(ion( (o let t$e o##icer #eel like $e i( ernin7 $i( pay %it$ out bein7 (econd
7ue((ed0 400 unkno%n 401 Supportin7 o##icer( and t$ere $ard %ork0 Stop puni($in7 o##icer( on belie#( t$at t$e o##icer %a( in violation o# policy or rule(0 ,$an7e t$e moral in t$i( department: by (upportin7 o##icer(0 -##icer( leavin7 #eel un(upported and unappreciated0 9$y $ave e;it intervie% %it$ leavin7 o##icer=( i# you don=t plan on c$eckin7 into andCor c$an7in7 atmo(p$ere and complaint(0 +ike t$i( (urvey: 're you really 7oin7 to make c$an7e( or i( t$i( a political 7rand(tand to (ay you=re tryin7 to make a di##erence0 404 .C' 403 ,omplete all .S' ta(k(0 404 Fair te(tin7 and promotional proce(( a( %ell a( bein7 reco7ni5ed #or 7ood Gpolice %orkG not <u(t admini(trative ta(k(0 'l(o: truly makin7 o##icer( #eel like police %ork i( appreciated rat$er t$an looked do%n upon by 7ivin7 %ay too muc$ di(cipline #or police %ork and none #or people t$at aren=t doin7 anyt$in70 40 ' #ocu( on re(torin7 pride0 Po(itive di(cipline on $o% %e look: %$at %e drive and t$e condition o# our #acilitie(0 ' 7ood (tart %ould be t$e di(7u(tin7 re(troom at
tran(portation0 406 (top acceptin7 #rivolou( complaint( and (upport t$e o##icer( 403 ?ncentive( are not needed i# t$e department actually cared about o##icer( %ell bein7Cmental and p$y(ical $ealt$CmoralCcareer and avoided (u(tainin7 o##icer( #or in(ipid rea(on(0 Su(tain #indin7( are out o# control0 406 .ot$in7 at t$i( time0 40! Makin7 t$e o##icer( #eel appreciated 410 More money0 411 ,$an7e overall p$ilo(op$y o# "i(cipline - puni($ment to "i(cipline N correctin7 be$avior0 414 replace (ome o# t$e command (ta##: monetary0 413 ' $i7$er educational reimbur(ement incentive %ould be attractive0 414 *$e main priority ri7$t no% ($ould be ade8uate (ta##in70 ?# every area $ad all t$e beat( includin7 tac unit(: %a7on(: tra##ic divi(on (ta##ed t$e (treet( %ould be (a#er and more bad 7uy( %ould 7o to <ail0 *$e Stop "ata and Field contact( $ave to be more (impli#ied0 t$i( proce(( take( %ay
to muc$ time to complete0 ?m not (ayin7 it need( to 7o a%ay but tremendou(ly (impli#ied0 ?# t$e (ta##in7 %a( ade8uate t$en all t$e incentive( %ould come into play0 +ike time #or (8uad trainin7: no mandatory %dop 41 Aob (ecurity and not (uc$ inten(e (crutiny0 ?mprove morale by ($o%in7 (upport #or your o##icer( #rom t$e command (ta##0 416 %$y not a(k t$e one( t$at $ave le#t or been pu($ed out or un<u(tly #ired etc 413 */E'* EMP+-2EES F'?/+2 416 *reat everyone %it$ re(pect - it i( reaaly t$at (imple in my vie% and doe( not co(t a penny@ 41! ?mprovement o# %orkin7 condition(0 Provide t$e (imple t$in7( t$at matter (%orkin7 e8uipment and t$e tool( needed #or t$e <ob)0 ,lear and (imple policie( t$at (upport o##icer (a#ety0 440 better treatment C re(pect #rom command (ta## 441 'llo% o##icer( to per#orm t$eir dutie( and not %orry about 7ettin7 a complaint0 444 ? don=t kno%0 443
0 444 D?JE BS F',E -B/ !O ,-.*/?FB*?-.0 P+'?. '." S?MP+E0 *)?S 9'S =*)E= "EM-/'+?ME/ -JE/ *)E P'S* "E,'"E0 ,-PS '/E.=* D/EE"20 EJE/2-.E E+SE ABS* "-ES.=* E.-9 9)'* 9E '/E BP 'D'?.S* -. ' "'?+2 F'S?S0 9E '/E ?. F',* D/-SS+2 B."E/P'?" 9)E. 2-B +--E '* *)E "'.DE/ (/E'+ "'.DE/) 9E ,-ME F',E *- F',E 9?*): .-* *- ME.*?-. *)E ME.*'+ S*/ESS *)'* 9E "E'+ 9?*) '." ,-JE/ BP 'S 9E */2 *- /EM'?. ?. =,-.*/-+= -F -B/ E.J?/-.ME.*0 >43C)/ - !O *D- BP 'D'?.S* '/ME" SBSPE,*S0 *)E ,?*2 ?S DE**?.D ' F'/D'?. 44 Pay rai(e H ?ncrea(ed incentive pay0 446 *reat t$em #airly and %it$ re(pect t$ey de(erve0 443 Merit-ba(ed reco7nition: not reco7nition ba(ed on #riend($ip(: loyaltie(: or ba(ed on $o% muc$ dirt one $a( on anot$er0 446 *$e "epartment could o##er employee( a more $ealt$y %ork environment by continuin7 to look #or %ay( to increa(e morale %it$in t$e "epartment: (uc$ a( bein7 more (upportive o# employee( in t$e per#ormance o# t$eir dutie(0 *$ere are many "epartment( in nei7$borin7 citie( t$at mu(t be
doin7 (omet$in7 correct #or employee( to %ant to (tay %$ere t$ey are0 -P" ($ould (eek and con(ider t$e t$in7( t$at are %orkin7 #or t$em and implement t$e(e t$in7( at -P"0 Plea(e continue to li(ten to employee( need(0 44! not$in7 until %e are out #rom under t$e con(ent decree0 %ork load $a( al%ay( been $i7$ $ere: but no% t$ere i( an increa(e in %$at( re8uired in reportin7 and a continual c$an7e o# dept rule( and re7(0 t$in7( c$an7e 8uickly $ere and eac$ di(trict (eem( to be doin7 it=( o%n t$in70 430 Fe #air and rea(onable0 -perate %it$ t$e $i7$e(t inte7rity at all time(0 431 Eliminate Gold boy net%orkG %$ereby individual( are placed in (upervi(ory C commander po(ition( %it$out bein7 on promotion li(t(0 434 .ot$in7 433 ? believe mu(t o##icer( are leavin7 becau(e t$ere i( little (upport and t$ey dont tru(t t$e command (ta## at -P"0 9it$ (o many c$an7e( and con#u(ion %e appear to $ave no (tability or direction0 434 More %ay( to accumulate -*'0 43 Fy (tart to treat t$em a( people
and not number(0 ?mplement a mentorin7 or GStep Bp G pro7ram0 /eco7ni5in7 per(onnel %$en t$ey do a 7ood <ob0 E8uip your o##icer( %it$ computer $ard%are and (o#t%are t$at %ork(0 436 ?ncrea(e morale: t$rou7$ buildin7 tru(t C and team mentality: in(tead o# #ear o# command C divi(ion0 433 ' #air and (upportive %orkin7 environment 436 %ould not like to an(%er0 43! .o incentive( nece((ary: <u(t #airne(( and re(pect #or member(Cemployee( time0 440 Fair di(icpline: (maller %ork load: make crime a prioity0 441 .o incentive( can make member( (tay at -P"0 /at$er: t$e reduction in incon(i(tency may $elp member( (tay at -P"0 444 ,ompetitive pay and retirement plan( 443 *$e o##icer( are %ell paid but o#ten #eel t$ere i( a tar7et on t$eir back( #or %$at ever (pecial intere(t 7roup %it$ an a; to 7rind0 Dood %ork doe( not mean anyt$in7 %$en you 7ive an accommodation to o##icer( #or e;emplary duty and inve(ti7ate t$eir involvement in t$e (ame0 ,on(i(tency in t$e application o#
di(cipline: a better pro7ram to revie% ca(e( %$ic$ ($ould not ($o% up on an o##icer( record0 444 +imit t$e paper%ork and build morale 44 ?t (eem( o##icer( are di(7runtled becau(e t$ey are 7ettin7 di(ciplined #or doin7 1! out o# 40 t$in7( ri7$t: and t$e 1 t$in7 t$ey #or7ot to do %a( a G%$ole $eartedG mi(take0 9e $ave not $ad a rai(e in year(: and our %ork load $a( increa(ed0 Plea(e #i; t$at0 446 ,ompetitive pay %it$ ot$er department(0 443 Maintain bene#it( and pay0 /educe mandatory -*0 446 -##icer( do not need incentive(K Au(t a (en(e o# #airne(( and a belie# t$at t$ey are valued0 *$i( belie# %ill not come to #ruition a( lon7 a( t$e current E;ecutive ,ommand remain(0 44! Po(itive #eedback: and or po(itive revie%( in S.F0 9e are 8uick to addre(( #ault( but (lo% to re%ard 7ood %ork0 My per(onal e;perience in patrol0 4 0 ,ontinue to re#ine t$e ?' proce(( and di(cipline matri;0 improve moral@ 'n ?P'S (y(tem i( nece((ary: but t$e department( current one: in my opinion doe(
not accurately mea(ure an o##icer( per#ormance0 4 1 'dditional trainin7 opportunitie( and more reco7nitionCa%ard( #or 7ood %ork 4 4 ?0a0 need( to be more #le;ible %$en renderin7 di(cipline or even acceptin7 G#rivolou(G complaint(: t$u( creatin7 a (upportive %ork environment0 -##icer( need to #eel t$e (upport o# t$eir c$ain o# command and t$e (ta## at ?0'0 4 3 B.E.-9. 4 4 'llo% o##icer( to do police %ork %it$out #ear o# di(cipline #or petty error(0 Support t$e %orkin7 o##icer(0 re%ard $ard %ork0 /emeber t$at doin7 t$e minimum 7et( paid t$e (ame a( $ard %orker(0 *$e $ard %orker( 7et muc$ more di(cipline0 9orker( are takin7 a ri(k and continue to %ork0 re%ard t$em #or it0 4 Support: not <u(t (ayin7 t$ey (,ommand Sta##) (upport -##icer(: but #ully (upportin7 -##icer( and not #eedin7 into ?'" complaint(0 Stop %orryin7 about %$at i( cau7$t on a P"/" video: and only inve(ti7ate a complaint #rom an arre(teeC citi5en ect0 Stop bein7 very petty %$en t$ere i( no complaint bein7 made a7ain(t an -##icer0 '7ain Support your o##icer( and believe t$at %e are out t$ere doin7 t$e %ork our command (ta## and community a(k(0
4 6 *$e department need( to do a better <ob o# treatin7 it=( member( #airly and creatin7 a team atmo(p$ere0 4 3 let t$em be Police -##icer(0 4 6 7#e7#e%#e 4 ! S*'/* */E'*?.D 2-B/ PE/S-.E++ 9?*) *)E /ESPE,* *)E2 "ESE/JE0 *)?S "EP'/*ME.* D-ES F2 +E**E/ -F *)E +'9 9)E. "?S,?P+?.?.D -FF?,E/S FB* 9)E. ' ,-MM'."E/ M'EES ' M?S*'EE SB""E.+2 9E D- F2 SP?/?* -F *)E +'9 -/ F/BS) ?* B."E/ *)E /BD '." P/E*E." +?EE ?* .EJE/ )'PPE.E"0 S*-P *)?.E?.D -FF?,E/S '/E S*BP?" '." ".-* SEE 9)'* *)?S "EP'/*ME.* ?S D-?.D *)/-BD)0 +?S*E. *9)'* *)E2 )'JE *- S'20 -FF?,E/S '/E JE/2 9E++ E"B,'*E" '." ,-B+" M'EE *)?S "EP'/*ME.* S)?.E: FB* *)E2 '/E */E'*E" +?EE ?"?-*S 460 +oyalty 461 ?mprove moral0 )ave (ome (ort o# 7i#t or bonu( at every #ive year mark0 Support o##icer( t$at are involved in an -?S or ma<or incident %$en talkin7 to t$e media0000,$ie# Su$r at SFP" i( a per#ect e;ample o# $o% a c$ie# ($ould $andle $imC$er(el# in #ront o# t$e media0
464 ?# t$e department %ould allo% o##icer( to do t$eir <ob: (uc$ a( #i7$tin7 crime and takin7 people to <ail: %it$out #earin7 t$at t$ey %ill 7et into trouble #or every (tep t$ey take: people %ould like to (tay $ere0 )o%ever: ? #eel like all o##icer( are at -P" are paid (ecretarie( %$o try to make people #eel $appy0 Service %it$ a (mile ri7$t& 463 Fo(ter po(itive #eed back and reco7ni5e t$o(e t$at $ave made po(itive contribution( to t$e "epartment0 464 S$o% more appreciation #or t$e $ard and %ork be le(( critical o# o##icer( on ma<or incident(0 ?t (eem( o##icer( 7et din7ed #or trainin70 46 More lon7evity pay 466 /educe t$e time needed #or lon7evity Pay0 'ddre(( t$e little t$in7( like %orkin7 condition( and e8uipment and tool( to complete t$e <ob0 463 c$an7e complaint proce((0 ,$an7e u(e o# #orce policie(0 +e(( punitive (tyle o# mana7in7 466 Provide more trainin7 %$en mi(take( are made0 46! 'llo% o##icer( to do t$eir <ob
%it$out #ear o# (upervi(or( micro mana7in7 in t$e #ield0 reduce redundant paper%ork0 430 Bnkno%n 431 Employee( need to 7enually #eel valued and appreciated0 *$ey al(o mu(t #eel tru(t in t$e leader($ip o# t$e "epartment0 People e;pect to be $eld accountable0 *$ey al(o e;pect to be dealt %it$ #airly0 434 Au(t let u( do our <ob %it$out ($ootin7 u( in t$e back0 *$at alone %ould be (u##icient0 433 "on=t #uck over o##icer( #or bull($it0 Jalue t$e $ard %orker(0 Everyone make( mi(take(0 "on=t S.F t$e ($it out o# u(0 Pay u( more #or all t$at %e do0 Dive u( more vacation time0 ,$an7e t$e %$ole mind(et o# t$e "ept e(pecially at t$e top0 "on=t promote admini(trator(0 ?n(tead promote real cop( t$at $ave been on t$e (treet t$at ($o% leader($ip0 Steer t$e dept a%ay #rom Ao$n Furri( and 'l S$arpton like policie( t$at promote acceptance o# criminal be$avior0 434 )ire more o##icer( and remove t$e mandatory overtime0 43 .e% leader($ip and a #air ($ake %$ere commonCinnocent mi(take( don=t lead to di(cipline0 436 )ire more o##icer(: Pay increa(e:
li#etime medical: take $ome ve$icle(: ne% police (tation: return o# (peciali5ed unit( - motor unit mounted unit -marine unit - etc0 433 0 436 'dditional vacation time and $i7$er lon7evity pay0 ,reate an ?n(pector po(ition and pay (cale #or ?nve(ti7ation( bet%een Ser7eant and -##icer0 ,reate ,orporal po(ition( #or bot$ Patrol "e(k(0 Frin7 back t$e Mounted Bnit0 E;pand t$e MotorC9alkin7 and )elicopter unit(0 /eopen t$e -akland Aail run by -P"0 ,reate a plan to take back t$e -akland 'irport (ecurity #unction( #rom ',S-0 Fully (ta## t$e 'irport (SecurityCE;plo(ive E!CMotor() a( a 6t$ "i(trict %it$ a Patrol "ra%0 43! $ave more o##icer( in patrol t$ere are not enou7$ o##icer( in patrol 460 none 461 .C' 464 Support t$e per(onnel in t$e #ield 463 *reat everyone #airly and (top reprimandin7 everyone #or every mi(take0 Puni($ ,ommander( a( t$ey do t$e lo%er rank(0 464 Fair inve(ti7ation( in ?'" %ould be nice0 Fein7 (u(tained becau(e t$e inve(ti7ator per(onally believed
you violated an M-/ and not becau(e o# #act or evidence i( not #un0 *reat t$em better and $ave t$eir back %$en t$e public and media i( a7ain(t t$em0 Fetter e8uipment0 9e $ave t$e olde(t and mo(t outdated everyt$in7 (Patrol car(: computer(: 7un(: ta(er(: /'"?-)0 Mean%$ile command $a( brand ne% "od7e ,$ar7er(0 46 Mentor($ip /ea(onable di(cipline Encoura7ement More out(ide trainin7 opportunitie( More meanin7#ul re(pon(ibility0 466 .ot$in7 463 Fair and impartial internal a##air( inve(ti7ation(: t$at take( into con(ideration t$e rea(onable o##icer (tandard0 466 Stop cuttin7 pay and back your o##icer(0 ?t( an unea(y #eelin7 t$at by makin7 #a(t deci(ion( durin7 critical incident( t$e #ir(t t$in7 t$at come( to mind i( G'm ? 7oin7 to 7et in trouble&G 46! 0 4!0 ,ompetitive pay and incentive(0 4!1 ?ncrea(ed lon7evity pay0 More opportunitie( #or movement a( (ta##in7 increa(e(0 4!4 Make t$e time (pent in certain <ob( le((: and allo% ot$er( to move and
learn ot$er <ob(0 Det t$e 'irport contract back: $or(e and %alkin7 unit( back and make t$i( a #ull (ervice police a7ency t$at it u(ed to be@ 4!3 Support: e8ual #eedback on per#ormance 4!4 /e#er to 8ue(tion( 10: 13 and 1 0 'l(o: don=t me(( %it$ bene#it(0 *$i( i( t$e mo(t c$allen7in7 environment in t$e nation: bot$ politically and %it$ t$e level o# violence0 ?# you (tart me((in7 %it$ pay and bene#it( o##icer( %ill leave0 *$at i( t$e one t$in7 t$at keep( mo(t people $ere0 ?=ve never in my career $eard (o many o##icer( talkin7 about leavin70 ?t=( di(7u(tin7 %$at t$i( department $a( become0 4! /EM-JE *)E S*/ESS -F .-* FE?.D SBPP-/*E" F2 *)E '"M?.?S*/'*?JE S*'FF 9)E. -FF?,E/ F',E SE/?-BS -. *)E A-F ?SSBES0 9)E/E *)E -FF?,E/S "E,?S?-. MEE* P-S* DB?"E +?.ES FB* .-* -P" P-+?,?ES0 4!6 Au(t a better %orkin7 environment %$ere member( #eel appreciated and cared #or0 ?n my opinion t$e 7eneral #eelin7 i( t$at member( are <u(t %aitin7 #or t$e $ammer to drop on t$em0 4!3 FE F'?/0 .ot$in7 e;tra: or incentive(: need to be o##ered0 *$e (imple under(tandin7 t$at
everyone i( 7iven t$e (ame opportunitie( and are valued member( 7oe( a lon7 %ay0 *$e va(t ma<ority o# individual( leavin7 #eel t$at t$i( department i( un<u(t: make( poor un#air deci(ion(: and mo(t importantly: t$ey are not o##ered t$e (ame #air proce((0 Employee( need to #eel t$at t$ey are (upported by t$eir "epartment: and not tar7eted: a( mo(t individual( #eel0 4!6 Dood Iue(tion 4!! Stop %it$ t$e illu(ion(0 Stop makin7 it (eem like it( 7ood: %$en it( not0 'ctual $one(ty and modelin7 o# t$e be$avior you e;pect #rom o##icer( #rom t$e ,ity and t$e ,$ie#=( o##ice %ould be a (tart0 'cceptance o# re(pon(ibility000#rom every level0 300 Fe(ide( $i7$er pay: increa(e morale and po((ibly more #le;ibility on (o many mandatory overtime date(0 'l(o (top makin7 prote(t a $i7$ priority e(pecially %$en very little ?ntel i( developed about a prote(t occurrin7: no need to take day( o## #or one $undred prote(tor(0 301 +on7evity pay and opportunity to promote 304 P'2 303 no comment
304 Pay 30 Bnkno%n at t$i( time0 Money can=t #i; t$i( problem0 306 Pay rai(e(@ 303 *reat eac$ %it$ re(pect0 Stop u(in7 Patrol a( a bandaid0 '(k u( #or input: and actually li(ten and re(pond 306 Pay increa(e to (tay above ot$er local a7encie(0 30! Support: ($o%in7 t$at t$e department value( t$e employee( and not look( at t$em a( only anot$er body0 310 Support t$e member( and encour7e team %ork 311 'rre(t( and po(itive %ork et$ic be a part o# t$e promotion proce((0 314 Bnkno%n 313 More pay: Fair di(cipline: +e(( #avoriti(m: More mature leader($ip: le(( 7rud7e driven deci(ion(0 314 more money 31 Frin7 back t$e #ellin7 o# bein7
proud to be an -P" o##icer t$rou7$ leader($ip not de(cipline 316 ?ncrea(e t$e Member($ip0 Eeepin7 our bene#it(: %a7e(: and all t$in7( t$at can e##ect our liveli$ood in place0 "o not let t$e -P" turn into anot$er San Ao(e P"0 313 re%ard o##icer( #or t$eir $ard %ork and not be (o 8uick to puni($ o##icer( (o (everely #or minor mi(take( 316 ?mplement a %orkout pro7ram to counter t$e (tre(( level $ere %it$ $elat$y $abit(0 Encoura7e mental $ealt$ %ell bein70 ?nclude input #rom member( %it$ actual e;perience and ($o% t$at %e J'+BE t$eir %ork and (acri#ice0 't (ome point eac$ individual %ill make t$e deci(ion to %alk a%ay becau(e t$e bene#it( o# %orkin7 $ere are decrea(in7 rapidly0 *$ere i( little (upport and no one can con(cientiou(ly (tay in an un$elat$y: to;ic environment (uc$ a( t$e (tate o# t$ei department0 31! nope 340 0 341 Make t$em #eel valued0 *ry to under(tand %$at an o##icer 7oe( t$rou7$ and be compa((ionate0 344 .ot everyt$in7 i( black and %$ite durin7 durin7 ?' inve(ti7ation( and
u(e o# #orce board(0 *$e o##icer=( %ord mean( almo(t not$in7 %it$ no P"/" #oota7e: %$y& 343 ,reate a /an7er Bnit and allo% veteran Patrol o##icer( %it$ 40 year( on to patrol -aklandU( 300 (omet$in7 park( - (omet$in7 like %$at SFP" $a( 344 Au(t an an(%er #or t$e above $ard%orkC7ood %ork per#ormance un#ortunately in t$i( climate %ill 7et you in trouble0 *$e more contact you $ave ie1 B-F: car (top(: arre(t: complaint(: %ill e##ect your ?P'S t$en at (ome point t$e $ard %ork t$at you are doin7 can all be dimini($ed %it$ one ne7ative compliant0 *$e #ocu( t$en ($i#t( #rom t$e marked 7ood %ork you=ve done to maybe you mi7$t be a problem c$ild0 ?t (end( o##icer( a mi;ed me((a7e un#ortunately0 9e $ave 7ood people t$at %ant to %ork0 34 ?ncrea(e opportunitie( #or o##icer( to attend trainin7 (eminar( %it$ no out o# pocket e;pen(e(0 )avin7 (enior leader($ip in t$e P'F and ,ity )all ($o% more appreciation o# o##icer( in t$eir command publicly not <u(t in random lineup(0 Sati(#y t$e .S' (o %e (t$e department) no lon7er $ave t$e con(tant rain cloud $an7in7 over t$e o##icer(0 346 unkno%n 343 .S' policie( are $ere to (tay: (o %e mu(t deal %it$ t$em0 ? can only
t$ink o# t$i(000 Paid %orkout time a( a (8uad0 *$i( %ill $elp build morale a7ain and $elp minimi5e t$e amount o# people on -"?0 *$e department could al(o $old an anual P* te(t and ba(ed on %$ere you place: you could receive e;tra vacation time or (omet$in7 (imilar0 346 ?ncrea(ed lon7evity pay0 ?mplementation o# incentive pay #or *actical *eam member(0 ' rotation (c$edule #or MFF operation(0 34! make incentive pay( available (ooner: rat$er t$an %ait a #e% year( (uc$ a( %it$ "o7%atc$ pay: (econd lan7ua7e pay: $i7$er education pay 330 le(( complaint( 331 ? %ould rat$er not (ay0 334 /educe (tre((e( o# e;tra paper%orkCcomplaint( 333 +e(( di(cipline #or o##icer( t$at make unintentional mi(take(0 334 9e need clear direction: Dood (olid leader($ip0 9e need to treat people #airly and (upport our (ta##0 *$e main rea(on o##icer( are leavin7 becau(e t$ey don=t #eel valued or (upported by ,ommand (ta## and ,ity Dovernment0 *$ere i( a lack o# tru(t t$rou7$out0 33
no comment 336 0 333 not (ure 336 /e7ular pay increa(e(0 33! Bnder(tandin7 t$at people are $uman and prone to make error(0 ?n(tead t$e department $a( a culture o# puni($ment #or member( and (upervi(or( %$ile commander( 7o unc$ecked in t$eir be$avior0 'ctually u(in7 t$e (uppo(ed mentorin7 pro7ram t$at i( (poken about in previou( 8ue(tion0 340 i don=t kno% 341 ,$an7e t$e culture to a more po(itive one0 344 increa(ed pay and retirement bene#it( (i0e0 li#etime medical: lump (um bonu(: increa(ed lon7evity pay: etc0) 343 Merit $a( been removed #rom t$e promotional proce((0 *$e promotional proce(( i( almo(t completely ab(ent o# con(ideration o# individual accompli($ment( and (upervi(or( in t$e department outri7$t tell potential promotee( not to di(cu(( per(onal accompli($ment( becau(e it i( Gborin70G *$e current proce(( i( not (alva7eable and need( to be replaced %it$ a (y(tem t$at put(
merit #ir(t0 344 Support #rom command0 'ckno%led7in7 individual per#ormance can 7o a lon7 %ay0 34 'llo% o##icer( to do t$eir <ob0 Stop (u(pendin7 u( #or little t$in7(0 Stop puttin7 ?' complaint( on u( #or t$in7( t$at do not re8uire ?' complaint(0 )ave better leader( %$o $ave e;perience0 Stand up and (upport u( at all time(0 Stop treatin7 o##icer( like (u(pect(000it (eem( t$at %e are 7uilty until proven innocent in(tead o# t$e ot$er %ay around0 346 *$e incentive( t$e department can o##er are treat o##icer( like o##icer( and not like (u(pect( %$en it come( to ?' i((ue(0 )o% about 7et rid o# P"/"=(: or at lea(t treat t$e P"/"=( like a tool in #avor o# t$e o##icer0 343 Fecome more (upportive o# o##icer(0 +e(( mandatory overtime and cancelled day( o##0 346 unk 34! Stop t$e out o# %$ack di(cipline and (crutiny o##icer( are under0 'l(o bol(ter our contract and o##icer pay incentive( to t$o(e near retirement0 /eco7ni5e 7ood %ork@ 3 0 troop %el#are 3 1
Fair treatment0 3 4 le((en t$e %ork load0 'llo% t$e police to be proactive by removin7 t$e re(traint( put on t$e day to day bu(ine((0 3 3 $ard to (ay 3 4 Empo%er t$e (er7eant( to di(cipline (oral reprimand)0 Det rid o# (top data #orm( - t$at in#o i( captured already: (o %$y be redundant& Fe(ide(: t$e analy(i( o# t$e ra% data cannot prove or di(prove racial pro#ilin70 ?t i( an improper u(e o# (tati(tical analy(i(0 3 Fetter command (ta## 3 6 .ot$in70 'nyt$in7 t$e department can do to keep (omeone %$o $a( already decided to leave %ill only keep an employee t$at doe( not really %ant to %ork $ere0 +et t$em leave but rai(e t$e re8uirement( #or %$o %e $ire0 3 3 ?ncentive( are not needed0 Au(t treat eac$ o##icer %it$ re(pect and let t$em kno% t$eir %ork i( valued0 3 6 nCa 3 ! reduce mandatory patrol 360 more reco7nition and (upport #rom t$e e;ecutive (ta##
361 9it$ t$e current (tandard( and con(tant over(i7$t: ? don=t believe o##icer( %ill be encoura7ed to (tay0 *$e youn7er o##icer( are loo(in7 anyt$in7 by leavin70 -t$er department( treat t$eir o##icer( %it$ (o muc$ more re(pect and appreciate t$e %ork t$ey do everyday0 't t$i( department: it #eel( like t$e ,ommand Sta## doe( it (o t$ey can c$eck a bo; o## t$eir li(t o# t$in7( to do0 .o #eelin7( be$ind it0 364 Support 363 .ot$in7 monetary0 Au(t prai(e and accolade(0 )uman=( need to #eel appreciated0 Fe #air and tran(parent0 *$at=( all ? can (ay0 364 more money 36 more (upport 366 ,reate more opportunitie(: more trainin7: more (upport: decrea(e t$e level o# puni($mentCpenaltie( #or accident(Cmi(take( made by o##icer(0 ,reate environment t$at make( a $ard%orkin7 o##icer #eel valued by t$e department0 363 nCa 366 Financial incentive( This report h s !een "ener te# usin" $ower%MS&