Pakistan Suicide FINAL English
Pakistan Suicide FINAL English
Pakistan Suicide FINAL English
bo is being hailed as a hero in Pakistan !or tackling a suicide bomber" #e died at the main gate o! his school$" sa%ing all his schoolmates gathered !or their morning assembl " Shahab-ur-Rahman has his stor !rom the #angu district o! northern &h ber Pakhtunkh'a pro%ince" T()T S*) 1+Pakistan Arm presenting ,uard o! honor 'ith bugles in a ceremon held at Aiti-a-.s gra%e 'hen !lo'er 'reath 'as laid do'n b Arm men on behal! o! Arm /hie!0 .. bed under.. A helicopter deli%ers a !loral 'reath !rom the Pakistan Arm /hie!$" 1hile the Pakistani Arm conducts a Guard of honor for Ati-a- #assan 2angash" #undreds o! people are here to pa tribute to the 14 ear old bo " S*) 1 3P Amongst the cro'd is the bo .s !ather 4u5ahid Ali" #e 'as in 6ubai 'hen he heard news of the blast via the television. 4o5ahid Ali /lip 1+4ale7 Pashto0 8 tried to call !ti"a" but his phone was off. #inall$ called m$ brother who told me about the death of !ti"a". praise God for his sacrifice. am ver$ happ$. %ot onl$ me& but m$ Bangash tribe ever$ one is proud.' S*) 9 +class !ello's and schoolmates o! Ait-a- gathered at his gra%e thanking him !or his sacri!ice" The chanting slogans to honor Ait-a- and condemn the terrorists:" Amongst !ti"a"(s schoolmates he is a hero who saved their lives. Ati-a- 'as on his 'a to school 'hen the met the bomber7 dressed in a school uni!orm" 9;- ear-old <aiser #uassain 'as 'ith him$"
<aiser #uassain )lip *+ale Pashto, -e asked where he is going. .e said he was going to admit himself in school. -e were suspicious. said to Ati-a- he is 'earing a suicide 5acket" Ati-a- told us to run awa$ and Ati-a- challenged the bomber" The bomber ble' himsel! up 'hen Ati-a- threw him on the ground' A picture o! him has been placed on his usual seat in school" Ati-a- elder brother +u/taba .assan sa$s the public reaction has help them deal with their loss. 4u5taba #assan +4ale7 Pashto,0 -e are mourning his death inside our home but when we come out to see the reaction of the people we become happ$.' #is !amil 'ill recei%e =; thousand 3S dollars !rom the &h ber Pukhtunkh'a go%ernment" And the school 'ill be re-named a!ter him" Pakistanis are comparing Ati-a- to 4alala7 the schoolgirl shot b the Taliban in October 9;19 !or promoting education !or all bo s and girls" *or Asia /alling this is Shahab-ur-Rahman.