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Unit Plan Template

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Unit Plan

Logistics Unit Title: Hatchet Novel Study Instructional Designer: Jessica McIlwain Subject Areas: Language Arts Grade: 5 Duration Technology integrations: o 4-5 weeks o &e' (uests o Average LA classes !er o "logs )Journaling* day o +er,or%ance Assess%ent )use o, Movie Makero "ased on #$ %inutes class +hotostory-+ower!oint etc.* !eriods o /ou0u'e 1ideos-&e'sites to show students Considerations/Modification suggestions: (accommodations, differentiation, time of year, etc.)
+ 0his 'ook is a 'it o, a di,,icult read2 so we will likely read a lot o, it together as a class2 or in s%all reading grou!s + It %ay 'e e,,ective to do this novel study in the 3all or S!ring so students %ay go on a nature walk + I, enough ti%e ,or la!to!s e4ists students could do online 'logs instead o, 5ournals + A wide variety o, activities are used in this novel study2 so that di,,erent ty!es o, learners can 'ene,it - 6reating o'5ects-!ictures related to the novel2 and looking at !ictures and videos )visuals!atial-kinesthetic*2 6oo!erative learning )inter!ersonal*2 Journaling )intra!ersonal-ver'al linguistic*2 +ick a song activity )%usical* + A lot o, hands-on and discussion activities are used in this unit !lan rather than !encil-!a!er tests + Students are !rovided choice ,or their ,inal cul%inating task2 so that they can choose so%ething that interests the%. I, at risk students are having trou'le %eeting criteria consider lessening it )e4. Students need to include ten %a5or events2 at risk student needs to include 7 %a5or events* + &hen using coo!erative learning strategies2 try to 'reak students into diverse grou!s2 so that %ore advanced learners can hel! those struggling + Audio 'ook ,or trou'led readers + Su%%ary sheets-outlines o, i%!ortant ,acts in cha!ters %ay 'e given to at-risk students + Students with writing di,,iculties %ay do a co%!uter 'ased 5ournal + 8se o, !eer teaching strategies

esources: (media, technology, community, etc.)

9. Hatchet :ary +aulsen - Novel . 0he :lencoe Literature Li'rary Study :uide ,or Hatchet )gra!hic organi;ers*< htt!<--www.glencoe.co%-sec-literature-litli'rary-!d,-hatchet.!d, #. 1ideo &alk through 6essna 4$7 6aravan II< htt!<--odd'all!ilot.co%- $9 -$#-aircra,t-walkthrough-cessna,4$7-caravan-ii4. &e' (uest ideas< http://teacher.kent.k12.wa.us/carriagecrest/beusebio/documents/download/HatchetWebquest+1.docx?id 1!"1!#. 5. 6essna &e' (uest we'site< htt!<--en.wiki!edia.org-wiki-=ei%s-6essna>34$7 7. "lack "ear &e' (uest we'site< htt!<--ani%als.nationalgeogra!hic.co%-ani%als-%a%%als-'lack-'ear?. 0ornado video< htt!s<--www.youtu'e.co%-watch@vA?BC;7d:(5=D E. Moose +icture< htt!<--www.%nr.gov.on.ca-std!rodconsu%e-grou!s-lr-F%nr-F,w-docu%ents-i%ages-std!rod>$G$77E.5!g G. Bagan 6oo!erative Learning 0e4t'ook 9$. Ste!s to 'uilding a ,ire< htt!<--www.s%okey'ear.co%-'uild-ca%!,ire.as! 99. SHS ideas< htt!<--www.wilderness-survival.net-ch!9G.!h! 9 . Modeling clay =eci!e< htt!<--che%istry.a'out.co%-od-che%istryactivities-a-%odeling>clay>reci!es.ht% 9#. H!tical Illusion &e'site< htt!<--www.%aniacworld.co%-o!tical-illusions.ht%l 94. "logs< htt!<--www.'logger.co%-ho%e
Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan

Learning !utco"es:
1.1 Discover and Explore
#$%ress ideas and de&elo% understanding use a!!ro!riate !rior knowledge and e4!eriences to %ake sense o, new ideas and in,or%ation read2 write2 re!resent and talk to e4!lore !ersonal understandings o, new ideas and in,or%ation use own e4!eriences as a 'asis ,or e4!loring and e4!ressing o!inions and understanding

1.2 Clarify and extend

#$tend understanding search ,or ,urther ideas and in,or%ation ,ro% others and ,ro% oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts to e4tend understanding

2.1 Use strategies and cues

Use co"%rehension strategies co%!rehend new ideas and in,or%ation 'y res!onding !ersonally2 taking notes and discussing ideas with others use the %eanings o, ,a%iliar words to !redict the %eanings o, un,a%iliar words in conte4t Use references ,ind words in dictionaries and glossaries to con,ir% the s!ellings or locate the %eanings 'y using knowledge o, !honics and structural analysis2 al!ha'etical order and guide words

2.2 Respond to texts

#$%erience &arious te$t write or re!resent the %eaning o, te4ts in di,,erent ,or%s Construct "eaning fro" te$ts co%!are characters and situations !ortrayed in oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts to those encountered in the classroo% and co%%unity descri'e charactersJ Kualities 'ased on what they say and do and how they are descri'ed in oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts descri'e and discuss the in,luence o, setting on the characters and events su!!ort own inter!retations o, oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts2 using evidence ,ro% !ersonal e4!eriences and the te4ts

2.3 Understand forms, elements and techni ues

Understand techni'ues and ele"ents su!!ort own inter!retations o, oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts2 using evidence ,ro% !ersonal e4!eriences and the te4ts identi,y e4a%!les o, a!t word choice and i%agery that create !articular e,,ects

2.! Create original text,

Structure te$ts use structures encountered in te4ts to organi;e and !resent ideas in own oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts

3.1 "lan and focus

(ocus attention su%%ari;e i%!ortant ideas in oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts and e4!ress o!inions a'out the%

3.3 #rgani$e, Record and Evaluate

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan
!rgani)e Infor"ation organi;e ideas and in,or%ation to e%!hasi;e key !oints ,or the audience

3.! %hare and Revie&

Share Ideas and Infor"ation co%%unicate ideas and in,or%ation in a variety o, oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts2 such as illustrated re!orts2 charts2 gra!hic dis!lays and travelogues

!.3 "resent and %hare

De"onstrate Attenti&e &ie*ing and Listening show res!ect ,or the !resenterJs o!inions 'y listening !olitely and !roviding thought,ul ,eed'ack

'.1 Respect #thers and (ppreciate Diversity

A%%reciate Di&ersity co%!are own and othersJ res!onses to ideas and e4!eriences related to oral2 !rint and other %edia te4ts

'.2 )or* )ithin a +roup

Coo%erate *ith !thers acce!t and take res!onsi'ility ,or ,ul,illing own role as a grou! %e%'er

+ocabulary Crone Slewed Stout gratitude tur'ulence cowling alti%eter vague wallow

wrenching a'ated re%nants hu%%ocks wincing %urky a%!hi'ious asset !ulveri;ed rue,ully

&elled receded wu,,ling rivulets recti,y corrosive !itch incessant chi!!er sty%ied

eeled 0inder tendrils s%oldered ,lue convulse ta!ered he,ted in,uriating e4ulted

#ssential ,uestion: How is an individual a'le to overco%e the %ental and !hysical 'arriers in order to stay alive alone in the wilderness@ !ther 'uestions: How does the setting i%!act the storyline@ &hat is essential ,or )%ental and !hysical* survival@ How does !ositive thinking hel! in !ro'le%atic situations@ LJust takes learning. Like everything else.M 6an you learn to do anything@ &hat is the overall the%e o, Hatchet@ &hat di,,iculties does "rian have-overco%e throughout the ti%e he is stranded@ "rian is only thirteen as ten-eleven year olds how do you think you would ada!t to living in the wilderness@ In what ways can you relate to "rian@ Assess"ent #&idence Assess"ent
Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan Students *ill hand in gra%hic organi)ers to be chec-ed for co"%letion .(or"ati&e/ Student journals *ill be ta-en in %eriodically to be chec-ed for co"%letion .(or"ati&e/ as *ell so"e journal entries *ill be "ar-ed on creati&ity and ability to relate to 0rian Students *ill be %ut in coo%erati&e learning grou%s1 and they *ill do %eer and self2 e&aluations/chec-lists to ensure %artici%ation Students clay shelters1 and dra*ings of the setting *ill be "ar-ed according to a rubric 3 creati&ity1 ability to re%resent te$t in different for"s1 aesthetics

4erfor"ance Tas-: -Students will de%onstrate their understanding o, the novel Hatchet 'y choosing one o, the ,ollowing !er,or%ance assess%ent tasks< 56 /ou are a re!orter your task is to write an article or create a newscast descri'ing "rianJs 5ourney o, survival !r6 6 6 76 /ou are a !hotogra!hic 5ournalist your task is to create a !hotogra!hic story with ca!tions )either 'y taking !ictures o, re-enacted scenes or drawing !ictures* descri'ing "rianJs 5ourney o, survival !r6 6 6 86 /ou are a ga%e-'oard designer your task is to create a 'oard ga%e taking !layers through "rianJs 5ourney &hichever task students choose to acce!t2 they should include a %ini%u% o, ten events that "rian encountered or dealt with. Students will receive a ru'ric 'e,ore they start working on their !ro5ects2 so that they know what criteria they need to ,ollow. Learning 4lan Learning Acti&ities: 9ournal 3 throughout 3 students *ill be as-ed to journal on occasion 3 reflecting on reading1 relating to their o*n e$%eriences1 *riting fro" the "ain character .0rian:s/ %ers%ecti&e ;eb ,uests 3 Using la%to%s to research infor"ation related to the no&el Coo%erati&e Learning Strategies 3 used throughout the no&el to engage students1 test co"%rehension < de&elo% co""unication s-ills Dra*ing setting/Dra*ing cartoons/Creating Shelter 3 used to teach students to &isuali)e *hat they read and re%resent it in &arious *ays Gra%hic organi)ers 3 Teaches students to organi)e infor"ation Discussions/,uestions 3 students *ill discuss1 ans*er 'uestions %osed by the teacher in s"all grou%s or as a class throughout the no&el ;ord ;all 3 done throughout the no&el1 students *ill rando"ly be assigned to find a *ord that they don:t -no* the "eaning of 3 add the *ord to the *all1 *ith a definition and a sentence6 Co"%rehension chec-s *ill be done using coo%erati&e learning strategies and *ritten ans*ers

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan Lesson = To%ic Acti&ity = of 4eriods .based on 8> "inutes classes/ # Materials ?eeded

9 Introduction Introduction-I, /ou &ere Alone in the &ilderness

- Students 'ring one o'5ect that they think they would need in the wilderness share with class 3ro% reading syno!sis on 'ack2 and looking at cover2 design a new cover ,or the ,ront o, your 5ournal )can 'e co%!leted in ,ree ti%e i, not ,inished*

- Student o'5ects - Hatchet novels - +a!er ,or covers

- 6ha!ters 92 2# 6essna 4$7

1ideo &alk-through 6essna 4$7 =ead 6ha!ter 9 =ound =o'in &hat should "rian do@ =ead 6ha!ters I# 6essna 4$7 &e' (uest

1ideo )=esource #* La!to!s &e' (uest worksheet )=esources 4I5*

# - 6ha!ter 4 6reating i%ages with Cescri!tive &riting

Introduction Cescri'e a %e%ory2 write it down2 Standu!2 hand-u!2 !air-u! (uestion what %e%ory does "rian recall@ =ead 6ha!ter 4 Craw the setting )!. #G 4 * answer on 'ack what in this setting %ay hel! "rian@ &hat %ay cause !ro'le%s@

Journals +a!er

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan 4 - 6ha!ter 5 0he +ower o, +ositivity Intro L+ositive +latesM )students writing !ositive traits on each otherJs !lates* =ead 6ha!ter 5 Journal &hat are so%e o, your !ositive traits@ How would you stay !ositive i, you were in "rianJs situation@ 6o%!rehension on 6ha!ters 9-5 (ui;-(ui; 0rade -# +a!er !lates 0a!e Journals (ui;-(ui; 0rade (uestion 6ards )So%e 'lank2 so students %ay write their own Kuestions@*

5 - 6ha!ter 7I? InKuiry

Intro =ound 0a'le what %ight "rian ,ind in the wilderness to eat@ =ead 6ha!ter 7 "ear &e' (uest "onus =esearch what ty!e o, 'ird-'erries do you think "rian ,inds in 6ha!ter 7@ )+.7#*


La!to!s &e' (uest &orksheet )=esources 4I7*

7 - 6ha!ter E2 G2 9$ 3ire

&hat are the ste!s to 'uilding a ,ire@ )6lass activity* 6artoon Stri!-story'oard how to %ake a ,ire2 write # ways that ,ire can hel! "rian =ead 6ha!ters E2G29$ 6o%!rehension (uestions-activity ,or ,irst hal, o, 'ook 3an-N-+ick

"uilding a 3ire )resource 9$* E N 'y 94 !a!er ,or cartoon (uestion cards ,or 3anN-+ick

? - 6ha!ter 99I9

&hat is an S.H.S students %ake their own S.H.S

S.H.S. &e'site )resource 99*

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A<

Unit Plan S.H.S =ead cha!ters 99I9 Journal "rianJs thoughts How do you ,eel a,ter the !lane has co%e and gone without noticing you@ +a!er )i, students decide to draw S.H.S*2 'right colored %aterial2 ,lashlight2 %irrors Journals

E 6ha!ters 9#I94 Learning ,ro% %istakes

=ead 6ha!ters 9#I94 Mistakes Stand-!air-share tell a'out a %istake you have %ade =ally =o'in to discuss %istakes "rian has %ade :ra!hic organi;er co%!aring old and new "rian !.9 )!g. 9-resource * Students will 'uild a %odel o, "rianJs shelter using %odelling clay and nature %aterials

? )OMay use art class to %ake shelter*

:ra!hic Hrgani;er &orksheet )=esource Modelling clay "ranches-leaves

G 6ha!ter 95 Hunting 3inding a new way to see

Introduction show H!tical illusions =ead 6ha!ter 95 "rie,ly discuss descri!tive wording Journal - Cescri'e the %ost delicious thing youJve ever eaten. :ra!hic Hrgani;er 6lock Cescri'e 9 %ain events that have occurred in the story so ,ar

+ictures o, o!tical illusions &e'site )=esource 9#* Journal :ra!hic Hrgani;er )6lock =esource *

9$ 6ha!ter 97

Introduction 0hink-!airshare students descri'e one o, their ,irsts ),irst s!ort


1ideo and +icture )=esources ?IE*

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan +erseverance class2 ,irst day o, school etc.* =ead 6ha!ter 97 &atch tornado video-show !icture o, %oose Journal %oose- tornado not giving u!. =elate to a ti%e when you wouldnJt give u!. Journal

99 - 6ha!ter 9? "uilding )=e'uilding*

"rianJs ca%! was destroyed heJs 'ack to 5ust his hatchet co%!lete hatchet worksheet =ead 6ha!ter 9? 6reativity activity in grou!s %ake so%ething using only the ty!e o, %aterial given to you assign roles ,or students to ensure !artici!ation

Hatchet worksheet )"rianJs uses and gains ,ro% the hatchet =esource !g.9?* "ags o, %aterials ,or each grou! to %ake so%ething out o, )sticks2 !a!er2 string etc.*

9 - 6ha!ter 9E Survival Bit

Introduction - &hat is so%ething you couldnJt live without@ Journal =ead 6ha!ter 9E I, you were "rian and ,ound the survival kit what would you want to ,ind in the survival kit@ Craw your survival kit

Journal +a!er )to draw survival kits*

9# 6ha!ters 9GID!ilogue &hat will


Activity "rian %isses %usic think o, a song that you think relates to "rianJs situation )what would he %ost

/ou0u'e Students %ay use I+ods today re%ind the% day

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A<

Unit Plan ha!!en@ want to hear- a song that re%inds you o, hi% etc.* A,ter students !ick their song listen to a song together as a class. 0his is the Last 6ha!ter Make a !rediction what will ha!!en@ 6oo!erative Learning Strategy Nu%'ered Heads 0ogether =ead 6ha!ter 9G I e!ilogue Journal How did you like the ending@ &rite an alternate ending )'rie,* =eco%%end ,urther reading L"rianJs winterM )Alternate Dnding 'y :ary +aulsen* 9? +er,or%ance Assess%ent Introduce ,inal !er,or%ance assess%ent < 9. /ou are a re!orter your task is to write an article-%ake a 'roadcast descri'ing "rianJs 5ourney o, survival Hr. . . . /ou are a !hotogra!her your task is to create a !hotogra!hic story descri'ing "rianJs 5ourney o, survival Hr. . . #. /ou are a ga%e-'oard designer your task is to create a 'oard ga%e taking !layers through "rianJs 5ourney Share !ro5ects with class E La!to!s 1ideo-digital ca%eras Large +a!er 'e,ore that they can 'ring the% Student &hite'oards &hite'oard %arkers L"rianJs &interM novel to show students

9E 6onclusion

Student !ro5ects

Integration Acti&ities
Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan Subject : Science !utco"es: SL# A: Measure at least ,our di,,erent kinds o, weather !heno%ena. Dither student constructed or standard instru%ents %ay 'e used. SL# 58: A!!reciate how i%!ortant it is to 'e a'le to ,orecast weather and to have suita'le clothing or shelter to endure various ty!es o, weather. Cesign and construct di,,erent rectangles2 given either !eri%eter or area2 or 'oth )whole nu%'ers*2 and %ake generali;ations. Acti&ities: -Students could research tornados2 and ,ind out how tornados are %easured. -Students could %ake tornados in a 'ottle to get a close u! look at how a tornado looks elation to @atchet: 0hese outco%es would relate to the tornado scene in Hatchet. "y studying tornados students would have a 'etter understanding o, what "rain went through during the tornado that struck his ca%!.

-Students could ,ind out the i%!ortance knowing when a tornado %ay occur. 0hey could co%e u! with-research what they should do in an e%ergency tornado situation.


-Students could design a shelter ,or "rian given a certain a%ount o, %aterials. )e4. Make a shelter with the largest area2 using 7 one %eter long 'ranches ,or the !eri%eter. Make a wall ,or the shelter so that it will cover an area o, 4 %eters. Dtc.*

0his would relate to "rian 'uilding a shelter ,or hi%sel, in the novel. He used 'ranches to create a wall large enough to kee! out intruders.

-Students take a survey on the 6onstruct and class2 asking how %any inter!ret dou'le 'ar students think "rian will 'e gra!hs to draw saved ,ro% the wilderness or i, conclusions. he will 'e stranded ,orever. Students will then create a dou'le 'ar gra!h co%!aring the classJs answers. )Hther Kuestions could 'e develo!ed relating to the novel. Students could create their own Kuestions relating to Hatchet e4. &ould you rather eat :ut 6herries or 0urtle eggs@* Social P+alues and Attitudes

0his relates to the !lot-storyline o, the novel2 and would encourage students to %ake !redictions a'out what will ha!!en in the novel.

0his would allow students to take a

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan tudents !ill: B6565 &alue Canada:s %hysical geogra%hy and natural en&iron"ent: -a!!reciate how the land sustains co%%unities and the diverse ways that !eo!le have o, living with the land ):62 L++* -a!!reciate the geogra!hic vastness o, 6anada PCno*ledge and Understanding tudents !ill: B6567 e$a"ine1 critically1 the %hysical geogra%hy of Canada by e$%loring and reflecting u%on the follo*ing 'uestions and issues: How is the geogra!hical region they live in di,,erent ,ro% other regions o, 6anada@ )L++* look at the geogra!hy o, the 6anadian wilderness where "rian is stranded and co%!are it with other regions o, 6anada. 0hey could even %ake !redictions on where "rian is located 'y ,inding si%ilarities 'etween where "rian is and other !arts o, 6anada.

- Students look at the %any ways that "rian uses the land to survive. Students kee! an ongoing list o, ways that the land sustains his needs.

Q Students co%!are the geogra!hy o, the region o, 6anada where "rian is stranded to geogra!hically diverse !ictures o, 6anada.

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan


C. Scul!ture

-Students %ake clay scul!tures o, "rianJs shelter.

-0his relates to the shelter that "rian %akes hi%sel,. Students show visuali;ation skills in creating their own versions.

3. +hotogra!hy and 0echnogra!hic Arts

-Students re-enact scenes ,ro% the novel and take !ictures to create a !hotogra!hic 5ournal. 0ake students on a nature walk2 in which they take !ictures o, o'5ects-nature that re%inds the% o, Hatchet.

-0his looks at the storyline and !lot o, the novel and re!resent in !ictorially. 0his encourages students to visuali;e i%ages that relate to the novel and 'e a'le to re!resent these i%ages !hotogra!hically.

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan

Hatchet Syno!sis 0he novel Hatchet2 'y :ary +aulsen ,ollows the 5ourney o, a thirteen year old 'oy and his struggle to survive alone in the wilderness. 0he novel starts out with "rian in a !lane going to visit his ,ather in the 6anadian wilderness. His !arents had recently 'een divorced2 and "rian struggles with knowing the secret to what caused their divorce )which turns out to 'e his %other having an a,,air*. &hen the !ilot o, the !lane has a heart attack2 "rian is le,t in the !lane alone. 0rying to decide what to do2 "rian continues to ,ly the !lane on the course it is headed )which is o,, course2 'ecause the !ilot 5erked the steering wheel when he had his heart attack*. &hen the !ane eventually runs out o, gas2 "rian crash lands the !lane into a 'ody o, water in the %iddle o, nowhere. 0he only !ossessions that "rian has now are the clothes he is wearing and a hatchet that his %other gave hi% as a !arting gi,t 'e,ore he le,t. "ruised and con,used2 'ut not seriously in5ured2 "rian %ust learn to survive in the wilderness on his own. At ,irst he ,eels o!ti%istic that so%eone will ,ind hi%2 and he is not overly %otivated to do %uch. He drinks lake water2 'ut doesnJt ,eel co%!elled to search ,or ,ood yet2 and he ,inds a rocky ledge with a 'it o, an overhang that he uses as a shelter. Soon his hunger takes over and he searches ,or 'erries2 u!on which ,inding 'erries that he scar,s down. 0hat night he gets very sick ,ro% the 'erries2 and decides to try ,inding so%ething else. He ,inds ras!'erries2 as well as a 'ear. 0he 'ear did not hurt hi%2 'ut rather showed "rian that they can co-e4ist. A,ter this "rian goes 'ack to his shelter2 and that night a !orcu!ine sneaks u! on hi%. "rian kicks out and throws his hatchet2 scaring the !orcu!ine2 and getting Kuills in his leg. He 'egins to ,eel sorry ,or hi%sel,2 and that night drea%s o, his 'est ,riend and his ,ather2 and in 'oth drea%s they see% to 'e telling hi% so%ething a'out ,ire. &hen "rian awakes2 he reali;es that the Hatchet %ade s!arks when he threw it against the wall. "rian s!ends the day trying to %ake ,ire2 which he eventually succeeds in doing. 0he ne4t day2 he ,inds turtle eggs that he eats warily to 'egin with and then ended u! eating si4. A,ter the eggs he reali;ed how hungry he really was2 and ,igured out that he could !ro'a'ly catch a ,ish. "rian %ade a s!ear2 which didnJt work out very well2 so he would try %aking a 'ow and arrow. &hile searching ,or wood to %ake his 'ow2 he heard a !lane. He ran to set his ,ire and try to catch the attention o, the !lane2 'ut it did not work and the !lane did not sto!. 0he story advances2 and "rian starts looking 'ack on the days a,ter the !lane had co%e and gone. A,ter the !lane le,t2 "rian 'eca%e de!ressed2 and he actually wanted to die. &hen he woke u! the %orning a,ter he tried cutting hi%sel,2 he ,elt changed and deter%ined not to die. He 'egan to think di,,erently2 and he was deter%ined to learn ,ro% the %istakes he %ade which ha!!ened a lot. He had %ade a 'ow with a tree 'ranch and his shoelace2 and he eventually was a'le to catch ,ish to eat with his 'ow. "rian continues to recall %istakes that he had %ade2 including a skunk sneaking u! on hi% in his shelter2 and stealing "rianJs turtle eggs. &hen "rian tries to shoe it away2 it s!rays hi%. 0his teaches "rian to %ake a 'etter shelter. "rian also talks a'out the Lday o, ,irst %eat2M when he was actually a'le to hunt and kill one o, the L,ool 'irds.M Hne day2 5ust as "rian is ,eeling really good a'out hi%sel,2 he gets attacked 'y a %oose2 and is nearly killed. 0hen to %ake the day worse a tornado ri!s through the area he is in tearing a!art his shelter and wrecking all that he has 'uilt. "rian re%ains deter%ined2 and he decides to re'uild. &ith only his Hatchet le,t2 he decides to re'uild again2 'ecause thatJs all he had in the ,irst !lace. 0he tornado had also caused the !lane to 'eco%e !artially out o, the water. "rian 'uilds a ra,t and swi%s out to the !lane to ,ind the survival !ack. Hn this task he has his struggles2 'ut eventually retrieves the survival !ack. "rian co%!ares the survival !ack to 6hrist%as. In the !ack he ,inds things such as a lighter and a ri,le2 and doesnJt really like how these things %ake hi% ,eel. 0hey take hi% out nature2 and %ake things
Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

Unit Plan
so easy. As well2 there was a 'unch o, ,ood in the survival !ack. Just as "rian sits down to en5oy one o, these easy %eals2 a !lane ,lies overheard2 and hears his e%ergency trans%itter )also ,ound in the survival !ack2 'ut "rian thought it was 'roken*. "rian is ,ound2 and taken ho%e.

Ada!ted ,ro%< Mc0ighe2 J. I &iggins2 :. ) $$4*. Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook Ale4andria2 1A< AS6C.

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