Sensitivity-Based Security-Constrained OPF Market Clearing Model
Sensitivity-Based Security-Constrained OPF Market Clearing Model
Sensitivity-Based Security-Constrained OPF Market Clearing Model
Federico Milano , Antonio Conejo , Claudio Caizares 1 2 University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada This paper proposes a novel technique for representing system security constraints that properly include voltage stability limits in the operation of competitive electricity markets. The market clearing algorithm is modeled as a voltage stability constrained Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem, while the distance to the closest critical power flow solution is represented by means of a loading parameter and evaluated using a Continuation Power Flow (CPF) technique. Sensitivities obtained at the OPF step are used to estimate power directions for the CPF method, while the CPF analysis provides the loading parameter to be used in the OPF problem based on an N-1 contingency criterion. The OPF and the CPF steps are repeated until the maximum loading parameter is found, thus providing optimal solutions considering both proper market conditions and security margins. Two benchmark systems with both supply and demand bidding are used to illustrate and test the proposed technique.
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