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Curiculum Vitae

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Mr. Rashid Nassor Bumarwa.

Public Health & Environmental Officer. Morogoro Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Authority, Technical Department, P.O.Box 5476, Morogoro-Tanzania. Mobile: +255755674418/714628954 E-mails: rnbumarwa@yahoo.com/rbbumarwa20@gmail.com Blog: www.rashidbumarwa.blogspot.com =================================================

PROFESSIONAL PROFILE. Good interpersonal and communication skills Able to work independently Quality output-oriented Good time management. EDUCATION BACKGROUND. 2010- present- BSc. Environmental Studies (Management). The Open University of Tanzania Tanzania. 2006 2009 Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences. Ngudu School of Environmental Health Sciences Mwanza, Tanzania. 2001 2003 Certificate in Environmental Health Sciences. Kagemu School of Environmental Health Sciences Bukoba, Tanzania. 1997 2000 Ordinary Level Secondary School Education. Bukoba Secondary School Bukoba Tanzania.

1990 1996 Primary School Education. Kangabusharo Primary School Bukoba Tanzania. 1978 - I was born in Bukoba, Kagera region. EMPLOYMENT & WORK EXPERIENCE. Sept. 2011 To date Public Health & Environmental Officer, Morogoro Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Authority (MORUWASA). Duties: Conduct environmental health education to create public awareness and concern. Collect and analyze information/data on environmental health and submit to relevant authorities for necessary steps. Carries out researches on how to improve water sources and environmental health. Collects samples of clean water and waste water for investigations to establish adherence to required standards. Assists in monitoring environmental preservation and sanitation. 2004 Sept, 2011 Sewerage Supervisor, Morogoro Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Authority (MORUWASA). Duties: Conduct land survey for new sewerage customers connections Prepare cost estimates/bill of quantities for sewerage construction projects Conduct public and customers awareness on different issues based on water supplies and sewerage system March 2011- to date - Assistant public relations & customer officer. 2003 2004 Environmental & Health Officer, Kagera Fish Company Ltd Bukoba Tanzania. Duties: In charged day -to-day factory activities especially personal hygiene, factory cleanliness as well as surroundings. Supervised proper disposal of collected solid wastes Proposed and founded the site for final disposal of solid wastes.

UNPUBLISHED LITERATURES. Bumarwa.R.N. (2009).Factors influencing high increase of street food vendors. A case study from Msamvu bus terminal in Morogoro Municipal. A dissertation submitted as a partial fulfilment for the award of diploma in environmental health sciences. Bumarwa.R.N. (2009).A study on factors influencing high increase of street food vendors at Msamvu bus terminal in Morogoro Municipal. A research proposal submitted as a partial fulfilment for the award of diploma in environmental health sciences. Bumarwa.R.N. (2009). Elimika, Inuka,Ishi project (E.I.I.) Linda Afya yako na Afya ya Mwenzio.A three years project proposal with the goal To diminish street food vending in Mwembesongo ward presented as a partial fulfilment for the award of diploma in environmental health sciences. Bumarwa.R.N (2013). A survey on assessment of Indoor Air Pollution in Morogoro Municipality. A research proposal submitted at The Open University of Tanzania as a partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Sciences in Environmental Studies (Management). WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/SHORTCOURSES. Work shop on Cleaner Production Concept and Practice for stake holders conducted by Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT) held at BOT Institute Mwanza 2008. Short course on Preventive Maintenance of Water Supply and Sewerage Infrastructures conducted by Institute of Engineers Tanzania (IET) and SADC held at VETA - Dodoma (07th - 10th June, 2010). Environmental awareness for the MORUWASA caretakers team for Environmental issues held at MORUWASA yard (27th 30thJune, 2011) MORUWASA Workers Council meeting held at Top Life Hotel- Morogoro (20th 21st June, 2012). MORUWASA Workers Council meeting held at VETA - Mikumi (17th 18th April, 2013). MORUWASA Workers Council meeting held at VETA Mikumi (28th 29th May, 2013). Workshop of Safe Water for Food (SaWaFo) Project held at Oasis Hotel in Morogoro (20th 22nd August, 2013). Short course of Safety and Health Representatives held at OSHA Headquarters Kinondoni Dar es salaam (17th 20th September, 2013).

Workshop on Sanitation and Sewerage Management organized by WDMI and GIZ Wave plus held at KCC Hotel Mailimoja Kibaha (23rd 27th September, 2013) Workshop on Non-revenue water by Vitens Evides International Netherlands 29th 31st October, 2013 held in Morogoro. Short course on Social and Behaviour Change Approaches held at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Dar es Salaam (25th 29th November, 2013) LANGUAGES. I can speak, write and understand English and Kiswahili excellently. REFEREES. 1. Prof. Salome Mutayoba Senior Lecturer, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Cell: +255712941004. E mail: smuta2004@yahoo.co.uk 2. Mr. Edmund Francis Mulashani Park Warden, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), Cell: +255784486660/767186660/652084044. E mail: mlashanie@yahoo.com 3. Mrs. Getrude A. Salema Public and Customers Relations Officer, Morogoro Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Authority (MORUWASA), Cell: +255769942424 E mail: getrudesalema@yahoo.com

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