Teacher Evaluation Rubric
Teacher Evaluation Rubric
Teacher Evaluation Rubric
This form should be used as the basis for the teacher self-assessment, learning environment observation, and the summary evaluation. Name: ____________________________________________________Date: __________________________________ Learning environment: _____________________________________ Program: _________________________________
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%nderstands ho" they contribute to learners graduating from high school and!or achieving their goals. %ses data to understand the s ills and abilities of learners.
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*ommunicates to learners the vision of being prepared for life in the #$st century. )valuates learner progress using a variety of assessment data. *reates a learning environment culture that empo"ers learners to collaborate.
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)ncourages learners to ta e responsibility for their o"n learning. %ses learning environment assessment data to inform program planning. )mpo"ers and encourages learners to create and maintain a safe and supportive community learning environment.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
Ta es responsibility for the progress of the learners to ensure that they graduate from school and!or achieving their goals. Provides evidence of data driven instruction throughout all learning environment activities.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
b Teachers demonstrate leadership in the learning environment Teachers "or collaboratively "ith learning environment personnel to create a professional learning community. They analy&e and use local, state, and national data to develop goals and strategies in the learning environment improvement plan that enhances learner gro"th and teacher "or ing conditions. Teachers provide input in determining the learning environment budget and in the selection of professional development that meets the needs of learners and their o"n professional gro"th. They may participate in the hiring process and collaborate "ith their colleagues to mentor and support teachers to improve the effectiveness of their departments or grade levels.
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+ttends professional learning community meetings. Displays a"areness of the goals of learning environment improvement plan.
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+ssumes a leadership role in professional learning community. *ollaborates "ith learning environment personnel on learning environment improvement activities.
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*ollaborates "ith colleagues to improve the ,uality of leaning in the learning environment. +ssumes a leadership role in implementing learning environment improvement plan through the building.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
c Teachers lead the teaching profession Teachers strive to improve the teaching profession. They contribute to the establishment of positive "or ing conditions in their learning environment. They actively participate in and advocate for decision-ma ing structures in education and government that ta e advantage of the e-pertise of teachers. Teachers promote professional gro"th for all educators and collaborate "ith their colleagues to improve the profession. ( and ( and ( and
.as no"ledge of opportunities and the need for professional gro"th and begins to establish relationships "ith colleagues. *ontributes to the: improvement of the profession through professional gro"th establishment of positive "or ing relationships learning environment/s decision-ma ing process as re,uired. Promotes positive "or ing relationships through professional gro"th activities and collaboration. 0ee s opportunities to lead professional gro"th activities and decisionma ing process.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
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d Teachers advocate for learning environments and learners . Teachers advocate for positive change in policies and practices affecting learner gro"th. They participate in the implementation of initiatives to improve the education of learners.
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1no"s about the policies and practices affecting learner gro"th.
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Participates in developing policies and practices to improve learner gro"th.
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+ctively participates, promotes, and provides strong supporting evidence for implementation of initiatives to improve education.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
e Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards Teachers demonstrate ethical principles including honesty, integrity, fair treatment, and respect for others. Teachers uphold the *ode of )thics for North *arolina )ducators 2effective 3une $, $4456 and the 0tandards for Professional *onduct adopted +pril $, $447. 2""".ncptsc.org6 ( and ( and ( and
%nderstands the importance of ethical behavior as outlined in the *ode of )thics for North *arolina )ducators and the 0tandards for Professional *onduct. Demonstrates ethical behavior through adherence to the *ode of )thics for North *arolina Professional *onduct. 1no"s and upholds the *ode of )thics for North *arolina )ducators and the 0tandards for Professional *onduct. 8odels the tenets of the *ode of )thics for North *arolina )ducators and the 0tandards for Professional *onduct and encourages others to do the same.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
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E%amples of $rtifacts:
Lesson Plans 3ournals Learner .andboo s Learner ;or Learning environment improvement planning 0ervice on committees 9elevant data *lass rules and procedures Participation in the Teacher ;or ing *ondition 0urvey Professional Learning *ommunities 8embership in professional organi&ations :ormal and informal mentoring 0urveys National <oard *ertification Discipline records
Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of learners
!bservation a Teachers provide an environment in &hich each learner has a positive' nurturing relationship &ith caring adults Teachers encourage an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive, and fle-ible.
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8aintains a positive and nurturing learning environment.
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)ncourages and advises others to provide a nurturing and positive learning environment for all learners.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
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b Teachers embrace diversit( in the learning environment communit( and in the &orld Teachers demonstrate their no"ledge of the history of diverse cultures and their role in shaping global issues. They actively select materials and develop lessons that counteract stereotypes and incorporate histories and contributions of all cultures. Teachers recogni&e the influence of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and other aspects of culture on a learner/s development and personality. Teachers strive to understand ho" a learner/s culture and bac ground may influence his or her learning environment performance. Teachers consider and incorporate different points of vie" in their instruction.
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%ses materials or lessons that counteract stereotypes and ac no"ledges the contributions of all cultures.
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Promotes a deep understanding of cultures through the integration of culturally sensitive materials and ideas throughout the developmentally appropriate curriculum. *apitali&es on diversity as an asset in the learning environment.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
Displays no"ledge of diverse cultures, their histories, and their roles in shaping global issues.
+c no"ledges the influence of race, ethnicity, gender religion, socio-economics, and culture on a learner/s development and attitudes.
c Teachers treat learners as individuals Teachers maintain high e-pectations, including graduation from high school "hen appropriate, for learners of all bac grounds. Teachers appreciate the differences and value the contributions of each learner in the learning environment by building positive, appropriate relationships. ( and ( and ( and
.elps learners hold high e-pectations for themselves and their peers.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
d Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of learners &ith special needs Teachers collaborate "ith the range of support specialists to help meet the special needs of all learners. Through inclusion and other models of effective practice, teachers engage learners to ensure that their needs are met.
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%nderstands the roles and collaborates "ith the full range of support specialists to help meet the special needs of all learners. )ffectively engages special needs learners in learning activities and ensures their uni,ue learning needs are met.
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+nticipates the uni,ue learning needs of learners and solicits assistance from "ithin and outside the learning environment to address those needs. +dapts instruction for the benefit of learners "ith special needs and helps colleagues do the same for their learners.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
*ollaborates "ith specialists "ho can support the special learning needs of learners.
Provides uni,ue learning opportunities such as inclusion and research based effective practices for learners "ith special needs.
e Teachers &or) collaborativel( &ith the families and significant adults in the lives of their learners Teachers recogni&e that educating learners is a shared responsibility involving the learning environment, caregivers, and the community. Teachers improve communication and collaboration bet"een the learning environment and the home and community in order to promote trust and understanding and build partnerships "ith all segments of the learning community. Teachers see solutions to overcome cultural and economic obstacles that may stand in the "ay of effective caregivers and community involvement in the education of their learners. ( and ( and ( and
9esponds to caregiver and community concerns. *ommunicates and collaborates "ith the home and community for the benefit of learners. 9ecogni&es obstacles to caregiver and community participation and conscientiously see s solutions to overcome them. Promotes trust and understanding throughout the learning community.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
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E%amples of $rtifacts:
Learner profiles Learner surveys Lessons that integrate international content Documentation of referral data and use of =:0Ps!=)Ps!person centered plans *ommunications "ith caregivers!community *ollaborations "ith caregivers Professional development on cultural attitudes and a"areness %se of technology to incorporate cultural a"areness into lessons
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Develops and applies strategies based on the developmentally appropriate curriculum standards developed by professional organi&ations to ma e the curriculum balanced, rigorous and relevant. )valuates and reflects upon the effectiveness of literacy!functionality instruction and as appropriate in the content areas.
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+ssists colleagues in applying such strategies in their learning environments.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
Demonstrates an a"areness of the developmentally appropriate curriculum and references it in the preparation of lesson plans.
%nderstands the developmentally appropriate curriculum, uses it in preparation of lesson plans, and applies strategies to ma e the curriculum rigorous and relevant.
=ntegrates literacy!functionality instruction and!or literacy!functionality strategies "ithin the content areas.
=ntegrates effective literacy instruction throughout the curriculum and as appropriate in the content areas.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
b Teachers )no& the content appropriate to their teaching specialt( Teachers bring a richness and depth of understanding to their learning environments by no"ing their sub'ects beyond the content they are e-pected to teach and by directing learners/ natural curiosity into an interest in learning. Pre-1 and )lementary teachers have broad no"ledge across disciplines. 8iddle school and high school teachers have depth in one or more specific content areas or disciplines.
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+pplies no"ledge of sub'ect beyond the content in assigned teaching specialty. 8otivates learners to investigate the content area to e-pand their no"ledge and satisfy their natural curiosity.
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)-tends no"ledge of sub'ect beyond content in their teaching specialty and spar s learners/ curiosity for learning beyond the "hat is re,uired
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
Demonstrates an appropriate level of content no"ledge in the teaching specialty to "hich assigned.
c Teachers recogni*e the interconnectedness of content areas+disciplines Teachers no" the lin s and vertical alignment of the grade, sub'ect, or area they teach and the developmentally appropriate curriculum. Teachers understand ho" the content they teach relates to other disciplines in order to deepen understanding and connect learning for learners. Teachers promote global a"areness and its relevance to sub'ects they teach. ( and ( and ( and
%nderstand the lin s bet"een grade!sub'ect and the developmentally appropriate curriculum.
Demonstrates no"ledge of lin s bet"een grade!sub'ect and the developmentally appropriate curriculum.
Demonstrates no"ledge of the lin s and vertical alignment of the grade or sub'ect area and the developmentally appropriate curriculum. 9elates content to other disciplines. =ntegrates global a"areness activities throughout lesson plans and learning environment instructional practices.
*ollaborates "ith teachers from other grades or sub'ect areas to establish lin s bet"een disciplines and influence curriculum and teaching throughout the learning environment. Promotes global a"areness and its relevance to all faculty members, influencing curriculum and teaching practices through the learning environment.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
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d Teachers ma)e instruction relevant to learners Teachers incorporate #$st century life s ills into their teaching deliberately, strategically, and broadly. These s ills include leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal responsibility, people s ills, self-direction, and social responsibility. Teachers help their learners understand the relationship bet"een the developmentally appropriate curriculum and #$st century content, "hich includes global a"areness> financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy> civic literacy> and health a"areness.
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=ntegrates core content and #$st century content throughout lesson plans and learning environment instructional practices.
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Deepens learners/ understanding of #$st century s ills and helps them ma e their o"n connections and develop ne" s ills.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
=dentifies relationships bet"een the developmentally appropriate curriculum and life in the #$st century.
=dentifies relationships bet"een the core content and #$st century content.
E%amples of $rtifacts:
*elebration of creative learner "or %se of the developmentally appropriate curriculum Lesson Plans *ontent standards
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
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=dentifies appropriate developmental levels of learners and consistently and appropriately differentiates instruction. 9evie"s and uses alternative resources or adapts e-isting resources to ta e advantage of learner strengths or address needs.
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)ncourages and guides colleagues to adapt instruction to align "ith learners/ developmental levels.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
%nderstands developmental levels of learners and recogni&es the need to differentiate instruction.
0tays abreast of current research about learning and emerging resources and adopts or adapts them for the benefit of all learners.
b Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their learners Teachers collaborate "ith their colleagues and use a variety of data sources for short- and long-range planning based on the developmentally appropriate curriculum process. These plans reflect an understanding of ho" learners gro". Teachers engage in the learning process. They understand that instructional plans must be consistently monitored and modified to enhance learning. Teachers ma e the curriculum responsive to cultural differences and individual learning needs. ( and ( and ( and
%ses a variety of data for short- and long- range planning of instruction. 8onitors and modifies instructional plans to enhance learner gro"th.
8onitors learner performance and responds to individual learning needs in order to engage learners in gro"th
8onitors learner performance and responds to cultural diversity and learning needs through the learning environment improvement process.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
c Teachers use a variet( of instructional methods Teachers choose the methods and techni,ues that are most effective in meeting the needs of their learners as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps. Teachers employ a "ide range of techni,ues including information and communication technology, learning styles, and differentiated instruction.
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)nsures the success of all learners through the selection and utili&ation of appropriate methods and materials.
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0tays abreast of emerging research areas and ne" and innovative materials and incorporates them into lesson plans and instructional strategies.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
Demonstrates a"areness of variety of methods and materials necessary to meet the needs of all learners.
Demonstrates a"areness or use of appropriate methods and materials necessary to meet the needs of all learners.
d Teachers integrate and utili*e a variet( of technologies in their instruction Teachers no" "hen and ho" to use those technologies to ma-imi&e learner gro"th. Teachers help learners use technology to learn content, thin critically, solve problems, discern reliability, use information, communicate, innovate, and collaborate. ( and ( and ( and
Provides evidence of learner engagement in higher level thin ing s ills through the integration of technologies.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
e Teachers help learners develop critical-thin)ing and problem-solving s)ills Teachers encourage learners to as ,uestions, thin creatively, develop and test innovative ideas, synthesi&e no"ledge, and dra" conclusions. They help learners e-ercise and communicate sound reasoning> understand connections> ma e comple- choices> and frame, analy&e, and solve problems.
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Teaches learners the processes needed to: thin creatively and critically, develop and test innovative ideas, synthesi&e no"ledge, dra" conclusions, e-ercise and communicate sound reasoning, understand connections, ma e comple- choices, and frame analy&e and solve problems.
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)ncourages and assists teachers throughout the learning environment to integrate critical thin ing and problem solving s ills into their instructional practices.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
%nderstands the importance of developing learner/s critical-thin ing and problem solving s ills.
Demonstrates no"ledge of processes needed to support learners in ac,uiring critical thin ing s ills and problem solving s ills.
f Teachers help learners &or) in teams and develop leadership qualities Teachers teach the importance of cooperation and collaboration. They organi&e learning teams in order to help learners define roles, strengthen social ties, improve communication and collaborative s ills, interact "ith people from different cultures and bac grounds, and develop leadership ,ualities. ( and ( and ( and
Provides opportunities for cooperation, collaboration, and leadership through learner learning teams.
?rgani&es learner learning teams for the purpose of developing cooperation, collaboration, and learner leadership.
:osters the development of learner leadership and team"or s ills to be used beyond the learning environment.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
g Teachers communicate effectivel( Teachers communicate in "ays that are clearly understood by their learners. They are perceptive listeners and are able to communicate "ith learners in a variety of "ays even "hen language is a barrier. Teachers help learners articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively.
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*reates a variety of methods to communicate "ith all learners. )stablishes learning environment practices, "hich encourage all learners to develop effective communication s ills.
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+nticipates possible learner misunderstandings and proactively develops teaching techni,ues to mitigate concerns. )stablishes learning environment-"ide and appropriate vehicles to encourage learners through the learning environment to develop effective communication s ills.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
Demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate "ith learners. Provides opportunities for learners to articulate thoughts and ideas.
*onsistently encourages and supports learners to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively.
h Teachers use a variet( of methods to assess &hat each learner has learned Teachers use multiple indicators, including formative and summative assessments, to evaluate learner progress and gro"th as they strive to eliminate achievement gaps. Teachers provide opportunities, methods, feedbac , and tools for learners to assess themselves and each other. Teachers use #$st century assessment systems to inform instruction and demonstrate evidence of learner/ #$st century no"ledge, s ills, performance, and dispositions. ( and ( and ( and
%ses multiple indicators, both formative and summative to monitor and evaluate learner progress and to inform instruction. Provides evidence that learners attain #$st century no"ledge, s ills and dispositions.
%ses the information gained from the assessment activities to improve teaching practice and learner gro"th Provides opportunities for learners to assess themselves and others.
Teaches learners and encourages them to use peer and self-assessment feedbac to assess their o"n learning. )ncourages and guides colleagues to assess #$st century s ills, no"ledge, and dispositions to use the assessment information to ad'ust their instructional practice.
+ssess learners in the attainment of #$st century no"ledge, s ills, and dispositions.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
E%amples of $rtifacts:
Lesson Plans Display of technologies used Professional development %se of Learner learning teams Documentation of differentiated instruction 8aterials used to promote critical thin ing and problem solving *ollaborative lesson planning
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9ecogni&es the need to improve learner gro"th in the learning environment
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Thin s systematically and critically about gro"th in their learning environment. ;hy learning happens and "hat can be done to improve learner achievement.
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Provides a detailed analysis about "hat can be done to improve gro"th and uses such analyses to adapt instruction practices and materials "ithin the learning environment.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
Provides ideas about "hat can be done to improve learner gro"th in their learning environment.
b Teachers lin) professional gro&th to their professional goals Teachers participate in continued, high-,uality professional development that reflects a global vie" of educational practices> includes #$st century s ills and no"ledge> aligns "ith the 0tate <oard of )ducation priorities, and meets the needs of learners and their o"n professional gro"th.
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%nderstands the importance of professional development.
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Participates in professional development activities aligned "ith goals and learner needs.
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+pplies and implements no"ledge and s ills attained from professional development consistent "ith its intent.
Not "emonstrated
(Comment Required)
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
c Teachers function effectivel( in a comple%' d(namic environment %nderstanding that change is constant, teachers actively investigate and consider ne" ideas that improve teaching and learning. They adapt their practice based on research and data to best meet the needs of their learners. ( and ( and ( and
=s no"ledgeable of current research-based approaches to teaching and learning. *onsiders and uses a variety of research-based approaches to improve teaching and learning. +ctively investigates and considers alternative research-based approaches to improve teaching and learning and uses such approaches as appropriate. +dapts professional practice based on data and evaluates impact on learner gro"th
E%amples of $rtifacts:
Lesson Plans :ormative assessments Learner "or Professional gro"th plan *ompletion of professional development Participation in professional learning community :ormative and summative assessment data
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess
Note: The teachers signature on this form represents neither acceptance nor approval of the report. It does, however, indicate that the teacher has reviewed the report with the evaluator and may reply in writing. The signature of the principal or evaluator verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the proper process has been followed according to North Carolina State oard of !ducation "olicy for the Teacher !valuation "rocess and North Carolina #epartment of $ealth and $uman Services Teacher !valuation "rocess and "olicy.
June, 2009
NC Department of Health and Human Services Version of the NC Teacher Evaluation rocess