Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission

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Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission


To achieve volume production at a scale which leads to cost reduction and rapid diffusion and deployment of solar technologies across the country For this purpose set up enabling policy environment and regulatory framework.

Road Map
Mission aims at achieving grid tariff parity by 2022 by creating enabling policy framework, volumes for deployment, domestic manufacture, support infrastructure and R&D. Mission to be implemented in three phases. Government has approved a budget of Rs. 4,337 crores for the first phase of the Mission till March, 2013.
Application segment Phase I (2010-13) 1,100 MW Cumulative Cumulative Phase 2 Phase 3 (2013-17) (2017-22) 4,000 MW 20,000 MW

Grid solar power incl. roof top Off-grid solar applications Solar collectors

200 MW

1,000 MW

2,000 MW

7 million sq meters

15 million sq meters

20 million sq meters

Strategy for Phase 1 & 2

Graduated deployment to nucleate critical mass till costs come down and thereafter rapid scale up Supporting Utility scale power generation Expanding off-grid applications Accelerating Research and Development Enhancing Domestic manufacturing base

Solar Power Purchase Policy

1,000 MW solar power (connected to 33 KV or more grid) to be purchased by NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN) Tariff as fixed by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)

Annual tariff review by CERC

NVVN to bundle equivalent MW capacity of thermal power

Utilities can meet their RPO by purchase of solar power

Guidelines to be announced soon

Policy & Regulatory Framework

CERC has announced tariff for 2010-11: PV Rs. 17.91 per unit CSP Rs. 15.45 per unit www.cercind.gov.in

PPA duration 25 years Solar specific RPO starting with 0.25% in 1st phase, increasing to 3% by 2022 to be fixed after policy change RE Certificate - policy finalized by Forum of Regulators. Available on CERC website

Solar Power Purchase Policy

Migration Policy Government has allowed solar power projects which were in pipeline on the date of Government approval (19/11/2009) to migrate to Mission.

Guidelines for migration were announced and applications were received by 26th February, 2010
MoU with short listed project developers signed. These projects already signed PPA with NVVN.

Generation Based Incentive

100 MW capacity solar power projects connected to LT/11 KV grid

Residential rooftops (Two way metering) Commercial, institutional, industrial & other rooftops (Net metering) Ground mounted & tail-end grid connected projects (Net metering)
Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has issued technical guidelines www.cea.nic.in Guidelines finalized and announced.

This will be a State Government driven imitative. Proposals of 100 KWp to 2 MWp connected to 11 KV grid accepted by the States and recommended to IREDA. Up to 20 MW capacity projects can be taken up in a State IREDA had registered projects online on first come first served basis.

Generation Based Incentive

Tariff to be fixed by appropriate Electricity Regulatory Commission
GBI rate : tariff fixed by CERC minus notional tariff of Rs. 5.5 per unit, with 3% annual escalation PPA with concerned utility for a duration as fixed by ERC Model PPA for roof top systems to be prepared by Forum of Regulators Forum of Regulators to bring out billing and payment guidelines GBI payment through IREDA

Off - grid opportunity

Promoting solar home lights and other off-grid power applications Tackling the below 80C challenge by promoting solar thermal applications Refinance by IREDA and other FIs. soft loans up to 5% annual interest rate

30% subsidy for select applications

90% subsidy for niche applications in special category States and in other remote and difficult areas.


Off-Grid Solar Applications

200 MW capacity solar applications in the first phase

Guidelines already announced in 2010.

Focus on solar lights rural power supply replacement of diesel telecom towers Solar water heaters solar cooking for institutional use

Off-Grid Solar Applications

Support viable business models, which are demand driven Multiple channels for rapid up-scaling Renewable Energy Service Provider Companies (RESPCs): Provide energy services, including design, supply, integration and installation of equipment and systems, maintenance and operation and other related services to consumers. Micro finance & other financial institutions acting as Aggregators: Institutions involved in consumer finance with customer base in rural/urban areas and outreach through self help groups, etc. Can access refinance in conjunction with a tie up with manufacturers/service providers for retail lending

Off-Grid Solar Applications

Integrators: Offer business solutions by pooling of financing options (carbon finance, government assistance and other sources of funds) ; design financial solutions to clients. Offer products and services directly or though manufacturers and service providers. Viability gap funding Programme Administrators: Central and State Government Ministries and Departments and their organisations, State Nodal Agencies, Local bodies, PSUs, Educational/Technical Institutions/Organizations, reputed Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). Corporate sector entities may also be involved. 13

Off-Grid Solar Applications

Accreditation : The parameters for accrediting an entity would comprise of - Net worth and turnover of the participating entity - Credit rating, if any - Track record - Capacity for outreach - Technical personnel for carrying out design installation and O&M functions - Tie ups with equipment providers - Technical accreditation/ certification of products offered by equipment providers and their traceability Consultations in progress to finalize the guidelines

R&D Strategy
Research at Academic/ Research Institutions on materials and devices with long-term perspective

Applied Research on existing processes and developing new technologies

Technology Validation aimed at field evaluation of materials, components and systems Development of Centers of Excellence on different aspects of Solar Energy. Solar Energy Center to be made Apex Center of Excellence PPP mode development. Support for Incubation and Innovation

HRD Strategy
1000 young scientists and engineers to get trained on different solar energy technologies as a part of longterm R&D and HRD plan 100 fellowships to be offered every year to support research students /groups Short term course for existing engineers and M. Sc degree holders to make them certified solar installers MNRE is working with Ministry of Labour to introduce solar energy related course and teaching material for ITI students in the current academic session

THANK YOU Email : [email protected] Website: http:// www.ntpc.co.in


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