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Candy 20 - Cost Planning PDF

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Section 20 - Cost Planning

The detailed bill of quantities may be presented in a cost plan format, which breaks down the bill into summary construction elements. For example, in the case of buildings this could be cost per square metre of floor area. In civil engineering it could be cost per cubic metre of concrete for bridges. The following methods are available for presenting cost plan data: Macro cost plan - This utility may be used to create a detailed cost plan, making use of macro worksheets. This method allows subsequent creation of a fully detailed bill of quantities by exploding the macro detail. Page cost per unit cost plan - This utility may be used to derive costs per unit for ranges of pages and also an average rate. This method relies on the elements of work concerned spanning whole numbers of consecutive pages.

This section of the Candy manual contains the following topics:

Macro worksheets Macro cost plan display Macro cost plan report Exploding macros Page cost per unit definition Page cost per unit analysis

- Sheet 20.01 to 20.04 - Sheet 20.04 to 20.05 - Sheet 20.05 - Sheet 20.06 - Sheet 20.07 to 20.08 - Sheet 20.08

Version - 2002



Macro Worksheets
Macro worksheets are normally used to price composite items that involve more than one trade or operation, examples of which are manholes or caissons. A special use of macro worksheets is to describe a cost plan structure. The example that we are going to use here is an office block. At the highest level the total cost per square metre of floor area is reported, but this may be broken down into construction elements such as substructure, structure and finishes. Use the button to display the bill of quantities in your favoured layout. Note: The setting up of scroller documents is covered in Candy Manual Section 7 Scrollers. Create a Level 1 macro Op Code (1st character 1), with the unit that you want reported at this level and the appropriate quantity, in this case the gross floor area of the example office block. This page represents the highest level of summary for your office cost plan. You may have more than one entry on this page, for example for separate office blocks within an overall development. Note: The 2nd character for a macro Op Code must be a valid trade code. In this example the trade code X has been set up specifically for cost plan macro Op Codes.

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SHEET 20.01

Display the worksheet for the macro Op Code either by Double Clicking on the nett rate or by using the softkey.

The macro worksheet is displayed, on which the next level of breakdown for the office block may be created.

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SHEET 20.01

Create the required Level 2 macro Op Codes (1st character 2), with the unit that you want reported at this level and the appropriate quantity, in this case the gross floor area of the example office block. If you are calculating the total cost for each of these elements, which we are in this example, the pricing quantity must be used in order to calculate the correct unit rate for the macro worksheet. In this case entering the gross floor area in the pricing quantity would calculate a cost per m2 for each element on this worksheet. Note: All of the mechanisms that are available for creating Op Codes and copying Op Codes from a master job are available on a macro worksheet. Refer to Candy Manual Section 2 - Bill Creation for more information.

The process is continued using subsequent macro Op Codes level 3, 4 etc. until the required level of breakdown is described for each construction element. Where appropriate, the correct unit and quantity should be used for a construction element, which can be different to the gross floor area of the office. Note: You do not need to use level 1 macro Op Codes on the bill page, but the level at which you start determines the number of subsequent levels you may use.

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SHEET 20.02

Quantity Calculation
The quantities that are used on macro worksheets may be entered manually or calculated using either a formula or a quantity calculation sheet. With the cursor on an item, notice the blue fields and the blue line in the top part of the worksheet. In the blue fields up to eight parameters or variables can be entered. On the blue line, a formula can be entered which uses the defined variables to calculate a quantity. The formula displayed on the blue line only applies to the item on which the cursor is currently positioned.

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SHEET 20.02

A quantity calculation sheet is available for each quantity on a macro worksheet. Double Click on a quantity to display its calculation sheet. An example of a build up of a quantity is shown here. Use the softkey to save a quantity calculation sheet.

Global Variables
The calculated quantities on a macro worksheet are specific to that worksheet. If something changes, which affects a quantity calculation, you might have to check and alter every calculation. You can set up Global Variables for certain key parameters in your cost plan. These global variables can then be used in the quantity calculation on macro worksheets. In this example the quantity is calculated from a formula, which uses a global variable. Note: Refer to Candy Manual Section 1 Candy Basics for more information about global variables.

In this example the quantity is calculated from a quantity calculation sheet, which uses several global variables. Note: A global variable may also be used in the Pricing Quantity field, which divides the total value of a macro worksheet to derive a unit rate.

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SHEET 20.03

Include Macro Bill In Cost Plan

You may mark any macro worksheet for inclusion in a macro cost plan. On the macro worksheet, use the softkey followed by the Shifted. softkey

Notice that the word Cost Plan is now displayed in the top left corner of the worksheet heading. Note: The softkey Shifted removes the cost plan marker. Any macro item on a bill page or on a macro worksheet, which has had its worksheet marked for inclusion in a cost plan, is displayed in green text.

Macro Cost Plan Display

An analysis for the macro cost plan may be calculated and viewed on the screen prior to reporting. From the CCS Menu follow the path Candy System to Estimating to Finalisation to Cost Plan and select Macro Cost Plan Display.

The macro cost plan document calculates and presents an analysis for the macro cost plan on the screen prior to reporting. The following fields are displayed: Bill Information Item - The item number for an element in either the bill or a macro bill. Op Code - The Op Code for an element in either the bill or a macro bill. Description - The Op Code description for an element in either the bill or a macro bill. Unit - The Op Code unit for the highest level of macro in each element in either the bill or a macro bill. Gross Floor Area Quantity - The billed quantity that is used on the bill page, for the highest level of macro in each chain, which is used to calculate the rate per unit for the

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SHEET 20.04

section of work.

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SHEET 20.04

Rate - The calculated nett rate for each section of work, which is calculated by dividing the Quantity into the Amount for each section. Amount - The calculated nett amount for each section of work is displayed in this set of fields. As each section steps down a level, its value is displayed in a separate column.

Element Unit - The Op Code unit that is used on the macro bill page for each element. Quantity - The quantity that is used on the macro bill page for each element, which is used to calculate the rate per unit for each element. Rate - The calculated nett rate for each element, which is calculated by dividing the Element Quantity into the Element Amount for each element. Amount - The calculated nett amount for each element.

Macro Cost Plan Report

This report prints an analysis for the macro cost plan. From the CCS Menu follow the path Candy System to Estimating to Finalisation to Cost Plan and select Macro Cost Plan Report.

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SHEET 20.05

The macro cost plan report selector is displayed, on which various options are available. Multi-line descriptions - Prints full, multiple line descriptions. Use this option for external or presentation reporting. Single-line descriptions - Prints only the first line of multiple line descriptions. Use this option for internal or draft reporting. Print blank between items - Prints a blank line between each cost plan description. Indentation - Use the button to select the required level of indentation for the cost plan report. For example, if you select level 3, then amounts from the 3rd highest, 2nd highest, and highest levels of macro are printed in separate columns. Amounts for the 4th highest down are printed in one column.

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SHEET 20.05

Exploding Macros
At some point you may wish to convert your cost plan into a fully detailed bill of quantities. There is a utility that explodes All macro worksheets in the job. From the CCS Menu follow the path Candy System to Estimating to Housekeeping and select Explode Macros .

The macro replacement selector is displayed, on which the following options are available: Budget monitoring - Select this option to replace All macros in the bill, using options A2; B1; C1; D1; E1; F1 and G2 from the table below. Client submission - Select this option to replace All macros in the bill, using options A3; B1; C1; D1; E3; F1 and G2 from the table below. Cost planning - Select this option to replace All macros in the bill, using options A1; B2; C2; D2; E2; F2 and G1 from the table below.

Note: No worksheets are altered or deleted by this process, however, it is recommended that you take a copy or backup of your job before proceeding. 1 A B C D E F G Convert bill macro Macros within macro Simples within macro Comment Delete Recode 2 Simple marked included Convert to heading Retain previous code No No change Retain original order Delete Calculate selling rate for new Op codes to retain Delete Convert to Simple marked included Recode each code unique 3

Consolidate quantity within Yes a macro Selling rates Copy selling rate to macro replacement Op Code order Sort into trade Header within macro Retain

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SHEET 20.06

Page Cost Per Unit Cost Plan

This utility may be used to derive costs per unit for ranges of pages and also an average rate. For example, in the case of buildings this could be cost per square metre of floor area. In civil engineering it could be cost per cubic metre of concrete for bridges. The elements for the page cost per unit cost plan must be defined before a report is available. From the CCS Menu follow the path Candy System to Estimating to Finalisation to Cost Plan and select Page Cost Per Unit. Note: This method relies on the items of work concerned spanning whole numbers of consecutive pages. The cost per unit definitions document is displayed, on which the following fields are available: Page - The last CCS page of a section of work for which a unit rate is required is entered in this column. Description - A 40 character field to name the section of work. Unit - A six character field to define the unit for the section of work. Qty - A six digit field to enter the quantity to be used to calculate the rate per unit for the section of work. Unit2 - A six character field to define the unit for an alternative quantity for the section of work. Qty2 - A six digit field to enter an alternative quantity to calculate the rate per unit. This quantity does not produce a bottom line total.

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SHEET 20.07

Use the softkey to display the Page Cost Per Unit selector. On this selector the column headers for Qty and Qty2 may be defined. Clearing these fields displays the default column headers. The following options are available: Use calculated total quantity - Select this option to use the sum of the primary and secondary quantities for calculation of the overall rate/unit. Omit total rate per unit - Select this option to not print a total rate/unit at the bottom of the report. Use quantity entered - Select this option to use the quantity entered in the field provided for calculation of the overall rate/unit.

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SHEET 20.07

Consider a bill of quantities comprising three sections, a preliminary section followed by two structures. Preliminaries - pages 1 to 2 Ventilation shaft - pages 3 to 6 Sub station - pages 7 to 10 Enter the information as in this example. Note: Sections for which no total is required must be entered and the quantity left blank. Entering a zero quantity does not calculate a rate for that section but the total monetary value is included in the overall total and therefore affects the average rate.

Page Cost Per Unit Analysis

This report prints an analysis for the page cost per unit cost plan. From the CCS Menu follow the path Candy System to Estimating to Finalisation to Cost Plan and select Page Cost Per Unit Analysis .

The rate selector is displayed, on which any one of the Nett, Gross or Selling rate must be specified on which to base the calculation. Select the required rate and use the button to display the printing sheet, from which the report may be printed, previewed or exported.

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SHEET 20.08

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