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The family pictu e o! "IS #es$% Ah& a soli#& espo!si'le family ma!% The family pictu e o! "ER #es$% (m& he family will come 'efo e he ca ee %

"IS #es$ is clutte e#% "e)s o'*iously a ha # wo $e a!# a 'usy ma!% "ER #es$ is clutte e#% She is o'*iously a #iso +a!ize# scatte ' ai!%

"E is tal$i!+ with his co-wo $e s% "e must 'e #iscussi!+ the latest #eal% S"E is tal$i!+ with he co-wo $e s% She must 'e +ossipi!+%

"E)s !ot at his #es$% "e must 'e at a meeti!+% S"E)s !ot at he #es$% She must 'e i! the la#ies) oom%

"E)s !ot i! the office% "e)s meeti!+ custome s% S"E)s !ot i! the office% She must 'e out shoppi!+%

"E)s ha*i!+ lu!ch with his 'oss% "e)s o! his way up% S"E)s ha*i!+ lu!ch with he 'oss% They must 'e ha*i!+ a! affai %

2 The 'oss c iticize# "IM% "e)ll imp o*e his pe fo ma!ce% The 'oss c iticize# "ER% She)ll 'e *e y upset%

"E +ot a! u!fai #eal% ,i# he +et a!+ yS"E +ot a! u!fai #eal% ,i# she c y-

"E)s +etti!+ ma ie#% "e)ll +et mo e settle#% S"E)s +etti!+ ma ie#% She)ll +et p e+!a!t a!# lea*e%

"E)s ha*i!+ a 'a'y% "e)ll !ee# a aise% S"E)s ha*i!+ a 'a'y% She)ll cost the compa!y mo!ey i! mate !ity 'e!efits%

"E)s +oi!+ o! a 'usi!ess t ip% It)s +oo# fo his ca ee % S"E)s +oi!+ o! a 'usi!ess t ip% .hat #oes he hus'a!# say-

"e)s lea*i!+ fo a 'ette /o'% "e $!ows how to eco+!ize a +oo# oppo tu!ity% S"E)s lea*i!+ fo a 'ette /o'% .ome! a e !ot #epe!#a'le% 0Sou ce1 Rea#i!+ I1 C(P2

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