Reported Speech Exercises
Reported Speech Exercises
Reported Speech Exercises
REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO REPORTED SPEECH. 1. "Don't shout at me", she told him angrily. She told him 2. "Don't bathe when the red flag is flying" the lifeguard said to us. The lifeguard 3."Please, switch off your mobile phone", the air hostess told him. The air hostess begged 4." Please, don't drink any more", he told his friend. He asked 5. "Be very careful crossing roads" she told her daughter. She advised her daughter 6. "Don't go near the water, children" the teacher said. The teacher ordered 7. "Don't smoke near the petrol pump", he said to them. He warned them 8. "Show me your driving licence", the policeman told the driver. The policeman 9. "Could you read the next paragraph?" the teacher said to her. The teacher 10. "Please, come to my birthday party tomorrow", my friend told me. My friend
7) Write your names at the top of the exam paper, he said. TOLD
WRITE INDIRECT QUESTIONS FROM THESE QUESTIONS. 1. "Where were you last night?" He asked me. 2. "How far is it?" he said "And how long will it take me to get there?" He said 3. "Are there any letters for me?" Pat asked. 4. "How long have you been learning English?" The examiner asked him. 5. "What are you going to do with your old car?" I asked him. 6. "Where can I park my caravan?" The tourist asked. 7. "Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?" The secretary asked him. 8. "Did you sleep well last night?" My mother asked me. 9. "Did any of you see the accident happen?" The policeman asked us. 10. "Where are you from?" She asked him. 11. Where does Mr Simpson live? He wants to know 12. Where did Maud work? We wondered
13. Where are Tommy's toys? She had to know 14. Where have they gone? The Police Inspector asked us 15. Whose car was it? We have to be told 16. Why don't they know the neighbour? He then asked us 17. Whose books are they? He thought he knew 18. How does she feel now? Her son wonders 19. Did you have a nice time? I would like to be sure that 20. Whose racket will you borrow? He asked you
1. Dijeron que pondra su casa en venta el mes siguiente. 2. El meteorlogo dijo que llovera esa tarde. 3. El dijo que nos bamos pronto. 4. La polica explic que el accidente haba sido causado por un conductor borracho. 5. Ella dijo que si Tom hubiese estado all, no habra ocurrido. 6. Nos dijeron que si su plan funcionaba, podran hacerse ricos de la noche a la maana. (overnight). 7. Mi amigo me pidi que no hablara a nadie de la carta. 8. Nos amenazaron con llamar a la polica si no bajbamos el volumen de la msica. 9. Mi amigo me pregunt si segua los consejos de mis padres. 10. Cuando me mud a este vecindario, me sugirieron hacer la compra en ese almacn.
1. Our parents always told us that________________________________________ 2. My favourite TV star said in the last programme __________________________ 3. One of my friends has just asked me if __________________________________ 4. Last week I said to my best friend that___________________________________ 5. The Prime Minister recently stated that __________________________________