Customer Satisfaction For Mahindra Bolero: Chapter Contents
Customer Satisfaction For Mahindra Bolero: Chapter Contents
Customer Satisfaction For Mahindra Bolero: Chapter Contents
1. INTRODUCTION Introduction Objectives of the study Scope of Study Limitation 2. RESEARCH DESIGN Introduction Research Design Research Process Data collection Samples size 3. COMPANY PROFILE Introduction About ustomer Satisfaction Introduction of Automobile Industry Industry performance !istory of "ahindra # "ahindra Automotive "illstone$ a%ards and accolades 4. ABOUT MAHINDRA BOLERO 5. DATA ANALYSIS and INTERPRETATION ustomer Satisfaction 6. FINDINGS, SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSION Ann !"# &uestionnaire 'ibliography
In&#(d")&*(n ustomer Satisfaction is the buzz%ord used by the business people for the success of organization in the present days( Due to the increases of heavy competition in every product )line it become difficult for the companies to retain the customers for longer time( So retain the customer for longer time the mar*eter has to do only one things i(e( customer satisfaction (If customer is fully satisfied by the product it not only rub the organization successfully but also fetch many benefits for the company( +hey are less process sensitive and they remain customer for a longer period( +hey buy addition products overtimes as the company introduce related produce related products or improved$ so customer satisfactions is gaining a lot of importance in the present day( ,very company is conducting survey on customer satisfaction level on their products( +o ma*e the products up to the satisfaction level of customers( +his project is also done to *no% the customers satisfaction on the 'OL,RO on behalf of "ahindra and "ahindra Automobiles( +he impact of automobile industry on the rest of the economy has been so pervasive and momentous that is characterized as second industrial( It played a vital role in helping the nation to produce higher value good and services and in the enhancing their s*ills and impose tremendous demand for automobile( +he
decrease in the interest rate and easy available of cars loons from - to . years$
lot of car manufacturers company facing cut throat competition in the fields of technology and price$ So to gain the mar*et share it is important for the institutes to satisfy its customers and to retain the reputation and its image( "ahindra # "ahindra /"#"0$ the mar*et leader in multi1utility vehicles in India( +he company started manufacturing commercial vehicles in 2345( "#" is the leader by far in commercial vehicle and the second largest in the passenger vehicle mar*et( +he company is the %orld6s si7th largest medium and heavy commercial vehicle manufacturing( "ahindra is best *no%n for utility vehicles and tractors in India$ Its automotive division$ the company8s oldest unit /founded in 23450$ ma*es jeeps and three1%heelers /not passenger 9auto ric*sha%s$9 but utilitarian delivery and flatbed incarnations0( "#"6s farm e:uipment sector$ formed in 23;. during India6s green revolution$ manufactures tractors and industrial engines( "#" also produces military vehicles( +he company has facilities located throughout India( +he survey involved gathering %ide information about the company$ its products$ customer satisfaction and impact of various competitive firms on the company(
,mployee Satisfaction
C".&(1 # Sa&*./a)&*(n +he study has been under ta*en to analyze the customer satisfaction to%ards all variant of "ahindra 'OL,RO in Shimoga %ith a special reference to the "#" motors$ the other +o gather information about customer satisfaction to%ard 'olero in the geographic region of Shimoga( +o *no% the customer perception about features$ lo% maintenance cost and loo*s of 'olero( +o *no% the customer satisfaction about the safety and comfort provided by 'olero( +o provide suggestions$ in improving the customer satisfaction and the company sales and Profitability +o *no% the customer satisfaction to%ards the after sales service offers by "#"
+o find that %hether the employees are satisfied or not( +o analyses the company6s %or*ing environment( +o chec* the Degree of satisfaction of employees( +o find that they are satisfied %ith their job profile or not( +o find that employees are %or*ing %ith their full capabilities or not( +o help the management of the company to *no% about the actions to be ta*en to increase the level of satisfaction of the employees(
S)(% (/ S&"d0 It is aimed to study the car mar*et and buying behavior of the customer( +he project is analyzed the demographic$ psychographic and buying characteristics of the customers in buying the car( It includes the detailed study of customers focusing on the various parameters that lead to identifying and understanding the perception of the customer in buying the car brands(
L*1*&a&*(n I %ill have to rely upon the information given by respondents$ %hich may not be fully true +his study %ill be limited to only some areas of Shimoga ity It is only for short period of time( Lac* of professional approach since researcher is a student(
In&#(d")&*(n R . a#)$ D .*3n R . a#)$ P#() .. Da&a )(22 )&*(n Sa1%2 . .*4
R . a#)$ M &$(d(2(30 A research process consists of stages or steps that guide the project from its conception through the final analysis$ recommendations and ultimate actions( +he research process provides a systematic$ planned approach to the research project and ensures that all aspects of the research project are consistent %ith each other( In&#(d")&*(n +his chapter aims to understand the research methodology establishing a frame%or* of evaluation and revaluation of primary and secondary research( +he techni:ues and concepts used during primary research in order to arrive at findings< %hich are also dealt %ith and lead to a logical deduction to%ards the analysis and results( R . a#)$ D .*3n I propose to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the full impact and implication of the industry$ to revie% and criti:ue the industry norms and reports$ on %hich certain issues shall be selected$ %hich I feel remain unans%ered or liable to change$ this shall be further ta*en up in the ne7t stage of e7ploratory research(
+his stage shall help me to restrict and select only the important :uestion and issue$ %hich inhabit gro%th and segmentation in the industry( +he various tas*s that I have underta*en in the research design process are= Defining the information need Design the e7ploratory$ descriptive and causal research(
R . a#)$ P#() .. +he research process has four distinct yet interrelated steps for research analysis it has a logical and hierarchical ordering= Determination of information research problem( Development of appropriate research design( ,7ecution of research design( ommunication of results(
,ach step is vie%ed as a separate process that includes a combination of tas*$ step and specific procedure( +he steps underta*e are logical$ objective$ systematic$ reliable$ valid$ impersonal and ongoing(
E!%2(#a&(#0 R . a#)$ +he method I used for e7ploratory research %as Primary Data Secondary data P#*1a#0 Da&a >e% data gathered to help solve the problem at hand( As compared to secondary data %hich is previously gathered data( An e7ample is information gathered by a :uestionnaire( &ualitative or :uantitative data that are ne%ly collected in the course of research$ onsists of original information
that comes from people and includes information gathered from surveys$ focus groups$ independent observations and test results( Data gathered by the researcher in the act of conducting research( +his is contrasted to secondary data$ %hich entails the use of data gathered by someone other than the researcher information that is obtained directly from
first1hand sources by means of surveys$ observation or e7perimentation( Primary data is basically collected by getting :uestionnaire filled by the respondents( S )(nda#0 Da&a
Information that already e7ists some%here$ having been collected for another purpose( Sources include census reports$ trade publications$ and subscription services( +here are t%o types of secondary data= internal and e7ternal secondary data( Information compiled inside or outside the organization for some purpose other than the current investigation Researching information$ %hich has already been published? "ar*et information compiled for purposes other than the current research effort< it can be internal data$ such as e7isting sales1trac*ing information$ or it can be research conducted by someone else$ such as a mar*et research company( Da&a C(22 )&*(n Data collection too* place %ith the help of filling of :uestionnaires( +he :uestionnaire e method has come to the more %idely used and economical means of data collection( +he common factor in all varieties of the
:uestionnaire method is this reliance on verbal responses to :uestions$ %ritten or oral( I found it essential to ma*e sure the :uestionnaire %as easy to read and understand to all spectrums of people in the sample( It %as also important as researcher to respect the samples time and energy hence the :uestionnaire %as designed in such a %ay$ that its administration %ould not e7ceed 415 mines( +hese :uestionnaires %ere personally administered(
+he first hand information %as collected by ma*ing the people fill the :uestionnaires( +he primary data collected by directly interacting %ith the people( +he respondents %ere contacted at shopping malls$ mar*ets$ places that %ere sho%rooms and near to sho%rooms of the consumer durable products etc( +he data %as collected by interacting %ith 4@ customer and 25 employees respondents %ho filled the :uestionnaires and gave me the re:uired necessary information( +he respondents consisted of house%ives$ students$ businessmen$ professionals etc( +he re:uired information %as collected by
directly interacting %ith these respondents( Sa1%2 S*4 I have targeted 4@ customer and 25 employees in the age group above -2 years for the purpose of the research( +he target population influences the sample size( +he target population represents the Shimoga regions( +he people %ere from different professional bac*grounds( +he details of our sample are e7plained in chapter named primary research %here the divisions are e7plained in demographics section(
C".&(1 # Sa&*./a)&*(n ustomer Satisfaction is people for the the buzz%ord used by the business
increases of heavy competition in every product )Line it become difficult for the companies to retain the customers for longer time( So retain the customer for longer time the mar*eter has to do only one things i(e( customer satisfaction (If customer is fully satisfied by the product it not only rub the organization successfully but also fetch many benefits for the company( +hey are less process sensitive and they remain customer for a longer period( +hey buy addition products overtimes as the company introduce related produce related products or improved$ so customer satisfactions is gaining a lot of importance in the present day( ,very company is conducting survey on
customer satisfaction level on their products (+o ma*e the products up to the satisfaction level of customers(
+his project is also done to *no% the customers satisfaction on the 'OL,RO on behalf of "ahindra and "ahindra Automobiles(
+he impact of automobile industry on the rest of the economy has been so pervasive and momentous that is characterized as second industrial( It played a vital role in helping the nation to produce higher value good and services and in the enhancing their s*ills and impose tremendous demand for automobile(
+he decrease in the interest rate and easy available of cars loons from to . years$ lot of car manufacturers company facing cut throat competition in the fields of technology and price$ So to gain the mar*et share it is important for the institutes to satisfy its customers and to retain the reputation and its image(
C".&(1 # Sa&*./a)&*(n S&#a& 3* . F(22(6 d B0 M5M +he different strategies follo%ed by "#" relationship management$ Strategy to providing better facility to the o%ner$ and strategy to provide better after sales service to customer( consists of ustomer
C".&(1 # R 2a&*(n.$*% Mana3 1 n& R" as a tool %as used to create positive %ord1of mouth$ to monitor customer e7periences and generate referrals( implemented %ith regular A series of R" activities and %ere
+he automobile industry has changed the %ay people live and %or*( +he earliest of modern cars %as manufactured in the year 2B35(
Shortly the first appearance of the car follo%ed in India( As the century turned$ three cars %ere imported in "umbai /India0( Cithin decade there %ere total of 2@-5 cars in the city(
+he da%n of automobile actually goes bac* to 4@@@ years %hen the first %heel %as used for transportation in India( In the beginning of 25th century$ Portuguese arrived in hina and the interaction of the t%o cultures led to a
variety of ne% technologies$ including the creation of a %heel that turned under its o%n po%er( 'y 2;@@s small steam1po%ered engine models %as developed$ but it too* another century before a full1sized engine 1po%ered vehicle %as created(
carriage in the year 2B3.( It %as the first internal1combustion motor car of
America$ and it %as follo%ed by !enry Aord6s first e7perimental car that same year(
One of the highest1rated early lu7ury automobiles %as the 23@3 Rolls1 Royce Silver Dhost that featured a :uiet ;1cylinder engine$ leather
hauffeurs usually drove it and emphasis %as on comfort and style rather than speed( During the 23-@s$ the cars e7hibited design refinements such as balloon tires$ pressed1 steel %heels$ and four1%heel bra*es(
Draham Paige D Phaeton of 23-3 featured an B1cylinder engine and an aluminum body(
+he 23.E Pontiac De Lu7e sedan had roomy interior and rear1hinged bac* door that suited more to the needs of families( In 23.@s$ vehicles %ere less bo7y and more streamlined than their predecessor %as(
+he 234@s sa% features li*e automatic transmission$ sealed1beam headlights$ and tubeless tires(
+he year 235E brought po%erful high performance cars such as "ercedes1'enz .@@SL( It %as built on compact and stylized lines$ and %as capable of -.@ *mph /244 mph0(
+his %as the Indian automobile history$ and today modern cars are generally light$ aerodynamically shaped$ and compact(
Fa)&. 5 F*3"# . +he automobile industry in India is on an investment overdrive( 'e it passenger car or t%o1 %heeler manufacturers$ commercial vehicle ma*ers or three1%heeler companies ) everyone appears to be in a scramble to hi*e production capacities( +he country is e7pected to %itness over Rs .@$@@@ crore of investment by -@2@(
!yundai %ill also be unmas*ing the Ferna and a brand ne% diesel car( Deneral "otors %ill be launching a mini and may be a compact car(
"ost of the companies have made their intentions clear( "aruti Gdyog has set up the second car plant %ith a manufacturing capacity of -(5 la*h units per annum for an investment of Rs ;$5@@ rore / Rs .$-@@ rore for diesel
!yundai and +ata "otors have announced plans for investing a similar amount over the ne7t . years( !yundai %ill bring in more than Rs .$B@@ rore to India(
Deneral "otors %ill be investing Rs 2@@ rore$ Aord about Rs .5@ rore and +oyota announced modest e7pansion plans even as !onda Siel has earmar*ed Rs .$@@@ rore over the ne7t decade for India 1 a sizeable chun* of this should come by -@2@ since the company is also loo*ing to enter the lucrative small car segment(
+al*ing about the commercial vehicle segment$ Asho* Leyland and +ata "otors have each announced %ell over Rs 2$@@@ rore of investment(
"ahindra # "ahindra6s joint venture %ith International +ruc*s is e7pected to see an infusion of at least Rs 5@@ rore(
+he Indian automotive mar*et managed to stand up to the vagaries of the economic meltdo%n to sho% slightly gro%th during fiscal -@2@122( Overall vehicle sales at 3E(-. la*h gre% @(E2 per cent from 3;(54 la*h units in -@@B1@3(
Chen major automotive mar*ets reported a .@14@ per cent decline$ only a handful of countries managed to sho% gro%th( A fe% months ago$ India %as loo*ing at negative gro%th but has turned around( It is actually better than e7pected(
Passenger vehicle sales at 25(52 la*h registered flat gro%th %hile commercial vehicle sales sho%ed a -2 per cent drop(
SIA" has a positive outloo* for the current financial year( Chile it foresees a E1B per cent gro%th for the commercial vehicle segment$ the industry body predicts a .15 per cent gro%th for passenger vehicles( +he three1%heeler segment may gro% 51B per cent gro%th %hile t%o %heelers may sho% .15 per cent gro%th(
+he passenger vehicle mar*et has %eathered the do%nturn largely due to mar*et leader "aruti Suzu*i %hich holds 4B per cent of the mar*et( +he compact car giant cloc*ed E(-- la*h units for -@@B1@3( losest rival !yundai
"otor India sold -(44 la*h cars$ a gro%th of 2. per cent( +ata "otors6 sales gre% 2(. per cent at -(.@ la*h units %hile "ahindra # "ahindra posted -(5 per cent gro%th at 2(@; la*h units(
"ost premium carma*ers sa% volumes shrin* last fiscal( +oyota Hirlos*ar "otor6s numbers fell 25 per cent to 4;$B3- units %hile Aord India6s sales %ere do%n 2E per cent to -E$3E; units( !onda Siel ars India also sa% a 2E per cent drop at 5-$4-@ units %hile Deneral "otors India %as do%n B per cent to ;2$5-; units(
Among commercial vehicle ma*ers$ all major players sa% substantial fall in volumes( "ar*et leader +ata "otors %ith a ;@ per cent plus share$ sho%ed -- per cent drop in numbers at -(.4 la*h units %hile Asho* Leyland sho%ed .E per cent drop at 4E$;.-(
,icher6s sales volume fell .E per cent at 2E$.42 units and Aorce "otors %as do%n -B per cent at E$B23 units( I+he freight movement is unli*ely to improve this fiscal %hich %ill impact truc* sales(
+%o1%heeler sales gre% -(; per cent to E4(.B la*h units( I!ero !onda has made up for the erosion of sales volume for other t%o1%heeler ma*ers including 'ajaj Auto and +FS "otor ompany$J said "r( "atta( !ero !onda cloc*ed .;(4@ la*h units$ a gro%th of 2-(5 per cent( 'ajaj Auto6s volumes dropped -. per cent to 2-(B; la*h units %hile +FS sa% a marginal decline at 22(.; la*h units( !onda "otorcycle and Scooter India6s sales surged 2; per cent to 2@(25 la*h units(
HSTORY OF MAHINDRA 5 MAHINDRA AUTOMOTI8E "ahindra # "ahindra /"#"0 %as established in 2345 as "ahindra # "ohammed( Later on$ after the partition of India$ one of the partners 1 Dhulam "ohammad 1 returned to Pa*istan$ %here he became Ainance "inister( As result$ the company %as renamed to "ahindra # "ahindra in 234B( "#" started its operation as a manufacturer of general1purpose utility vehicles( It assembled HD jeeps in 2343( Over the passing years$ the company e7panded its business and started manufacturing light commercial vehicles /L Fs0 and agricultural tractors( Apart from agricultural tractors and L Fs$ "ahindra # "ahindra also sho%ed its de7terity in manufacturing army vehicles( Soon$ it started its operations abroad$ through its plants set up in hina$ the Gnited Hingdom and the GSA( "#" partnered %ith companies prominent in the international mar*et$ including Renault SA$ International +ruc* and ,ngine orporation$ GSA$ in a
order to mar* its global presence( "#" also started e7porting its products to several countries across the %orld( Subse:uently$ it set up its branches including "ahindra ,urope Srl /based in Italy0$ "ahindra GSA Inc($ "ahindra South Africa and "ahindra / hina0 +ractor o( Ltd(
At the same time$ "#" managed to be the largest manufacturer of tractors in India$ by holding leadership in the mar*et of the country$ for around -5 years( +he company is an old hand in designing$ developing$ manufacturing and mar*eting tractors as %ell as farm implements( It made its entry to the passenger car segment in India$ %ith the manufacture of Logan /mid1size sedan0 in April -@@E$ under the "ahindra Renault collaboration( Soon after the consider able success of Logan$ "#" started launching a %ide range of L Fs and three %heelers as %ell as SGFs including Scorpio and 'olero( In the present time$ 'olero has gained immense popularity in India( It is one of the most opted vehicles in its class( MAHINDRA BOLERO "ahindra 'olero is one of the most successful and popular utility vehicle of the "ahindra and "ahindra Droup( +he car is robust in appearance and it has been elegantly designed$ *eeping in mind the conditions of the Indian roads( "ahindra 'olero is also among the best fuel1efficient cars of India as the manufacturer has e:uipped it %ith a -5@@ cc diesel engine %ith51 speed transmission( April @B$ -@@B$ "umbai= "ahindra # "ahindra Ltd( /"#"0$ one of India6s leading auto brands$ has announced that its popular 'olero SGF has sold a record 5@$@@@ units in -@@E1@B( +he 'olero is the first brand in the
SGFKGFK"PF category to cross 5@$@@@ units in one year and India6s leading SGF brand for t%o years in a ro%( ICith its stylish appeal and rugged nature$ the "ahindra 'olero has emerged as the clear favorite amongst SGF enthusiasts across the country since its launch eight years ago( +he fact that it is the first brand in the SGFKGFK"PF category to notch up sales of more than 5@$@@@ units in a single year is also a clear validation of our customer centric approach to business( +oday$ the 'olero is perceived as a stylish but affordable SGF %hich caters to different customer needs and ta*es on all *inds of terrain %ith ease$J said "r( Five* >ayer$ Fice President ) "ar*eting$ Auto Sector$ "ahindra and "ahindra Ltd( Since its launch in Lune -@@@$ the 'olero has evolved over the years$ incorporating a host of features and aesthetics %hich match the evolving lifestyle aspirations of Indian consumers( In -@@E$ "#" launched the >e% 'olero %hich offered a bold ne% style$ greater comfort and conveniences( In Lanuary -@@B$ "ahindra also introduced the 'olero Special ,dition$ a limited edition of India6s most popular SGF %ith e7citing ne% features for the young urban customer(
MAHINDRA SCORPIO "ahindra # "ahindra Limited launched "ahindra Scorpio as its first Sports Gtility Fehicle in India in -@@-( +his SGF has redefined the
e7pectations for the design of SGFs %ith its sturdy loo*s and po%erful performance$ the sophisticated interior design adds to the further
glory to the appearance( MAHINDRA INGENIO "ahindra # "ahindra is planning to launch a ne% multi1purpose vehicle /"PF0 to ta*e on the +oyota Innova and the hevrolet +avera in both
the individual buyer and ta7i segments( "ahindra has currently named the project Ingenio( +he vehicle is e7pected to hit the mar*et -@@3 in MAHINDRA RENAULT LOGAN "uch a%aited "ahindra1Renault Logan has been launched in India( +his compact sedan is a spacious$ practical and affordable vehicle( +he outloo* of Logan is impressive and the basic version is a value for money$ ho%ever the top1end versions are a bit high on price( +he prominent feature of this car is its performance$ interiors and economy(
MAHINDRA 9YLO "ahindra # "ahindra Limited launched their latest "ulti Gtility
Fehicle /"GF0 IMyloJ in India on Lanuary 2.$ -@@3( +he car boasts of having all the lu7urious features that are seen in today6s sedans$ %ith the ample space of a utility vehicle( Mylo8s muscular stance contributes to its commanding road presence( Aully pac*ed %ith the latest features$ the "GF is sure to impress Indian consumers and provide a stiff competition to the other vehicles %ithin its class P #/(#1an) (/ Ma$*nd#a 9YLO Gnder the hood of "ahindra Mylo lies a 41cylinder turbocharged$ m,agle diesel engine$ %hich generates a po%er of 22-bhp N .B@@ rpm and a pea* tor:ue of -4 *gm N 2B@@1.@@@ rpm( +he po%erful engine is developed on the >,A RDe platform and is mated to 51gears manual transmission(
+he car accelerates from rest to ;@ *mKh in just 5(B seconds MAHINDRA MA99 +he "ahindra "a77$ a product under the "ahindra "a77 range$ is a spacious passenger utility vehicle %ith a ma7imum seating capacity of 2@ persons( It is perfect vehicle for large families going on long trips( +he "GF comes %ith a spacious cabin %ith decent legroom(
Available in 4 main choices= 'ase$ +M$ LM and Aestara$ the "GF comes loaded %ith a lot of merits( It has a long %heelbase of -4.@ mm to provide for a large seating capacity and cargo space( +he vehicle has a high ground clearance of -@@ mm %hich gives it good stability on off1road drives( 'ecause of these reasons$ the "ahindra "a77 is more popular in semi1urban and rural areas of the country( +he vehicle has high fuel efficiency and delivers more than any other vehicle in its category( It comes %ith a .1year %arranty so that initial maintenance is not heavy on the poc*ets MAHINDRA MARSHAL "ahindra "arshal Delu7e Royale is a Sport and Gtility Fehicle %ith has a seating capacity of nine people( Its design resembles "ahindra6s old model of jeeps< but %ith some modifications( It has a 51door design %ith a hard top$ ensuring safety( +he interiors are comfortable too %ith ergonomically designed seats affording travelling comfort( +he "ahindra "arshal Delu7e Royale can be a good purchase %ith regards to its seating capacity and also its technologically advanced features( Although$ the price is on a bit higher side$ it is %orth investing(
Ma$*nd#a S)(#%*(
Ma$*nd#a B(2 #(
Ma$*nd#a 902(
Ma$*nd#a Ma#.$a2
Ma$*nd#a Ma!!
MILSTONE, A:ARDS AND ACCOLADES "#"6s ;2st year %as studded %ith a number of note%orthy achievements$ prestigious prizes and glittering a%ards( DGAL !O>OGRS AOR !AIR"A> "R( H,S!G' "A!I>DRA
hairman$ "r( Heshub "ahindra Cas a%arded the I'usiness Fisionary A%ard -@@;J instituted by the >ational Institute of Industrial ,ngineering />I+I,0$ "umbai( hairman$ "r( Heshub "ahindra %as also a%arded the prestigious I'S Hol*ata Lifetime Achievement A%ard for his Ounparalleled contribution to industrial gro%th and social and economic development of the community6( +he Institute of hartered Ainancial Analysts of India6s /I AAI0 India 'usiness School /I'S0 presented it$ Hol*ata$ at the Strategy Summit -@@E$ held in Hol*ata( SLE: OF HONOURS FOR MR. ANAND MAHINDRA "r( Anand "ahindra$ F # "D$ "ahindra Droup$ received a number of
+he prestigious >' Asia 'usiness Leader of the Pear A%ard for the Pear -@@; as %ell as the >' +F India I'usiness Leader of the Pear A%ardJ( +he O ,O of the Pear6 a%ard at the India 'rand Summit -@@; co1 sponsored by 'usiness Standard and I+" 'usiness School in association %ith +imes >o% and D>A ne%spaper( +he L"A ,ntrepreneur of the Pear -@@; a%ard$ instituted by the Ludhiana "anagement Association /L"A0( +he "ost Inspiring Profit +he >D+F Profit ) ar # 'i*e A%ard -@@3 for Automobile "an of the Pear( M#. Anand Ma$*nd#a %as also nominated as a "ember of the ouncil of the ,7ecutive ommittee of the >ational Sports Development Aund />SDA0 of the Dovt( of India( !e %as featured in the list of 5@ "ost Influential Indians in 'usiness Cee*6s edition dated August 2.$ -@@E HIGHEST CRISIL RATING FOR M5M orporate Leader of the Pear6 A%ard by >D+F
reation rating$
DF Level ) I from RISIL for the ability to create value for all sta*eholders$ %hile adopting sound corporate governance practices( DUN 5 BRADSTREET AMERICAN E9PRESS CORPORATE A:ARDS 2776 "ahindra # "ahindra %as rated as the leading Indian company in the Automobile ) +ractors sector in the ODun # 'radstreet ) American ,7press orporate A%ards -@@;6( +he Automobile Sector comprises of three categories ) Passenger Fehicles$ ommercial Fehicles and +ractors( +hese a%ards recognize the virtues of size and gro%th in the a%ards methodology( "#" ran*ed >o( 2 in these t%o segments in the premier Dun # 'radstreet India publication$ India6s +op 5@@ ompanies -@@;( MAHINDRA RECEI8ES AMITY HR E9CELLENCE A:ARD "ahindra # "ahindra %as honored %ith the Amity !R ,7cellence A%ard at the Aourth Amity Dlobal !R Summit -@@E held at the Amity International 'usiness School$ >oida( +he Amity !R ,7cellence A%ard recognized "ahindra as one the most admired companies across the global on account of its innovative strategies for !uman Resources "anagement and Development( GLOBAL HR E9CELLENCE A:ARD FOR M5M
Innovative !R practices /"anufacturing Sector0$ in the Asia Pacific !R" ongress$ held in "umbai( +hese a%ards recognize organizations and individuals %ho have embraced change$ encouraged constructive challenges and demonstrated entrepreneurial s*ills in the corporate %orld( M5M :INS BOMBAY CHAMBER GOOD CORPORATE CITI;EN A:ARD 277<'17 "#" %as presented %ith the coveted 'ombay hamber Dood orporate
itizen A%ard -@@;1 @E at a glittering ceremony held to celebrate the hamber6s 2E-nd Aoundation Day on September -2$ -@@3( "r( 'harat Doshi$ ,7ecutive Director$ "#" Ltd( and "r( Rajeev Dubey$ "ember of the Droup "anagement 'oard and hairman$ "ahindra # "ahindra SR ouncil$
received the a%ard on behalf of the company( +his A%ard recognizes and honors conspicuous achievement by corporate organizations by %ay of service to the civic community$ in addition to outstanding operational performance( It ta*es into account several parameters$ including 'usiness Performance$ orporate Interests$ ,mployee Celfare$ ustomer and Sta*eholder Satisfaction and Social Investment( GOLDEN PEACOC= A:ARD FOR E9CELLENCE IN CORPORATE GO8ERNANCE
"ahindra # "ahindra %on the coveted Dolden Peacoc* A%ard for ,7cellence in orporate Dovernance -@@;( +his a%ard validates the company6s O'est1in1
lass6 corporate governance practices and reflects its transparent and ethical dealings %ith sta*eholders across the entire value chain( It recognizes the "anagement6s commitment to the highest standards of corporate conduct and its commitment to orporate Social Responsibility as a distinct activity that
helps build commendable social values and adds to the ethical fiber of the organization( BEST AUTOMOTI8E MANUFACTURING SUPPLY CHAIN E9CELLENCE A:ARD "ahindra # "ahindra has been a%arded as the organization %ith the I'est Automotive "anufacturing Supply hain ,7cellenceJ( +he a%ards %ere
presented by India +imes "indscape /+imes of India Droup0 along %ith the 'usiness India Droup at the ,7press$ Logistics # Supply hain A%ards held in "umbai on September -B$ -@@E( A( ( >eilson is accredited %ith the research for the a%ard nominees and %inners( HIGH RAN=INGS FOR MAHINDRA "#" %as ran*ed second in the prestigious e "ost +rusted ar ompany in
India study conducted by +>S( "#" scored 2-E points$ just seven points belo% the top ran*ing company$ according to a +>S communi:uQ(
"#" %as ran*ed 24th in +he ,conomic +imes prestigious O,+ 5@@6 list of top achieving companies in India? +he company has moved up four ran*s from last year( +o :uote from the O,+ 5@@6 %rite1up= I"#"6s Oart1to1part6 strategy of diversification into the auto parts value chain and its plans for ne% platforms for utility vehicles and joint venture %ith Renault for Logan have led to a gain in ran*s(J "#" %as ran*ed --nd in 'usiness India6s annual survey of the country6s top companies 1 Super 2@@ "#" %as ran*ed .2st in 'usiness +oday6s annual survey of India6s most valuable companies
Ma$*nd#a +(2 #( "ahindra # "ahindra Limited launched the second generation 'olero in "arch -@@E( +he all1ne% sports1utility vehicle /SGF0 comes %ith refreshed loo*s and style( +he e7teriors and interiors of the latest 'olero have been designed in %ay that %ill find appeal %ith the younger generation of car buyers in India( +he automobile sports a host of ne% features$ %hich perfectly suit the needs of Indian consumers( An off1road SGF$ it delivers uncompromising fuel efficiency and commendable performance on city roads as %ell( Det a snea* pee* at %hat6s ne% in the tough ne% 'olero( Det the lo%do%n on ho% it ma*es your drive a never before e7perience( En3*n >e% "ahindra 'olero is po%ered by +urbo harged DI /Direct
Injection0 diesel engine$ %hich generates a po%er of ;.(- PS N .-@@ rpm and 2B(4 *gm of tor:ue N 244@125@@ rpm( +he -(5L engine is much more refined than its previous model( +he good$ lo%1end tor:ue of 'olero allo%s a smooth ride on gradients and bumpy roads(
D .*3n and C(1/(#& "ahindra 'olero flaunts a ne%$ slee* front grille and muscular bumper that accentuate the appearance of its fascia( +he rear side appears more sophisticated$ %ith curved clear lens taillights( Adding to the appeal of the e7teriors is the %ell1contoured door handles( ,rgonomics in the cabin of the all1 ne% 'olero have been re%or*ed to suit the present1day consumer8s desire( Its plush buc*et seats offer a greater degree of comfort to the occupants( Discover the ergonomic driver6s seat$ the arm rest in the middle ro% or the multi1directional A louvers( +here are little touches every%here to ma*e your drive less of a drive and more of a pleasant journey( In& #*(#. "ahindra 'olero sports a trendy dashboard and instrument cluster( +he efficiency of the air conditioning system has also been improved( +he audio system is integrated on the instrument panel in such a %ay that the controls are %ithin easy reach of the driver( +he ne% "ahindra 'olero comes pac*ed %ith many utility spaces( +here are small storage areas for various passenger needs$ %hich are neatly tuc*ed a%ay in the space1efficient central console(
R*d and Hand2*n3 >e% "ahindra 'olero comes e:uipped %ith an advanced >D+ 5-@ transmission$ along %ith synchromesh gears$ %hich allo% smooth gearshifts( +he automobile8s front suspension is built to %ithstand tough road conditions$ %hile giving its occupants utmost comfort( A combination of disc and drum bra*es is used in the SGF$ %hich facilitates smooth bra*ing on all road conditions( +he %ide radial tyres of 'olero ensure better road grip$ safety and improved handling( Sa/ &0 "ahindra 'olero comes e:uipped %ith anti1roll bars that help the vehicle hold to the ground even on the tightest bends( Its bra*ing system prevents the loc*ing of %heels on slippery roads( +he ne% SGF also has a long %heelbase$ %hich provides greater stability to the automobile( +he other safety features of "ahindra 'olero include central loc*ing and seat beltKdoor open %arning( S&02 ? +he 'olero is built solidly but that didn6t stop us from enhancing the sense of security( So %e put in anti1roll bars to help hug the ground even on the tightest bends$ bra*es that prevent %heel loc*ing and a seat beltKdoor open %arning system(
Arom the aggressive grille ornament to the muscular front fascia$ lo% stance fender e7tensions$ clear lens headlamps and stand out %heel arches there8s a lot you can discover in the ne% 'olero( All at a dealer near you( C(n- n* n) ? Aind space for magazines or maps$ slots for bottles or cans$ a surprisingly large glove bo7 to s%allo% anything you thro% into it( +here6s even a 2-F charging point along %ith a mobile holder( So the only thing you have to thin* about is your destination( P #/(#1an) ? +he high po%er and high tor:ue give the 'olero great load carrying capabilities especially over inclines( +he synchromesh gears ma*e gear shifts and even city driving a cinch( And the uni:ue "ahindra DI engine gives you uncompromising fuel economy too( 8a#*an&., P#*) and C(2(# +he eight variants of ne% "ahindra 'olero are SLM$ DM$ DI$ MLS$ ML$ Sports$ Invader and amper( +he SGF is available in five colors$ including Apple Red$ Aiery 'lac*$ Diamond Chite$ Roc*y 'eige and +urf Dreen( +he latest version of "ahindra 'olero is priced bet%een Rs 4(;@ la*h and Rs 5(;2 la*h( 'olero Overvie%
In&#(d")&*(n (/ B(2 #( M(d 2 +a*e on anything starting no% %ith the ne% "ahindra 'olero( Any road that calls itself tough had better %atch out( +he ne% "ahindra 'olero comes loaded %ith ne% features in style$ comfort and convenience( +o let you dominate %hatever you encounter on the road( DISCO8ER THE TOUGH NE: BOLERO. !ere8s a sports utility vehicle that brings you brand ne% style %ith tried and tested performance( A mid size SGF pac*ed %ith( >e% comforts and conveniences( hoose from five models$ to fit your needs or to underline your style( And o%n a driving e7perience that puts you firmly in command( BOLERO SL9 +he 'olero SLM is the top1of1the1heap model( It has almost every feature on the ne% features list( Arom the ne% trim on the front grille to the lo% stance fender or the clear lens headlamps(
BOLERO SLE Aor style the 'olero SL, matches the SLM in every aspect e7cept one %here it scores over its high1end counterpart 1 sporty decals( In fact this is the only model %ith decals on it( BOLERO DI +he spirit of the tough ne% 'olero %ithout the frills is the best description for the 'olero DI( +he style$ the aggression$ the authority is all there minus the creature comforts and conveniences( +he spirit of the tough ne% 'olero %ithout the frills is the best description for the 'olero DI( +he style$ the aggression$ the authority is all there minus the creature comforts and conveniences( lic* on the related lin*s to get an outside1 in picture of "ahindra6s ne% vehicle( BOLERO DI P2". Li*e its higher1end brothers$ the Plus too has most of the style features found on the SLM list( And if you care for more comforts and conveniences on the inside then all you have to do is choose the po%er steering option(
BOLERO 8L9 +he ne% 'olero FLM comes built1in %ith e7traordinary po%er$ than*s to the ne% steroid1pumping 3E !P /E2(5 HC0 RDe engine( +his 'olero variant
comes e:uipped %ith all you %ould e7pect from India8s >o(2 SGF brand and much more( +he noise1reducing$ refined >F! pac*age clearly tells everything outside to 8shut up8( +he Foice Assist System %ill ma*e you %ant to listen to this brute$ once in a %hile( +he sturdy suspension ma*es ta*ing on any terrain a breeze$ %hile enhanced bra*ing system ma*es sure you stay on the road(
F a&"# . and S% )*/*)a&*(n "a*e "odel Fariant 'ody +ype >o( of Doors F" 2 E//*)* n)0? ity "ileage !igh%ay "ileage Auel apacity Auel +ype Auel Drade En3*n Pa#a1 & #.? Displacement 'ore Stro*e ylinder onfiguration Falve Dear Operation ompression Ratio >o( of Falves Aspiration Auel System !orse Po%er "ahindra 'olero SLM SGF 5 3(4 *mpl 2-(4 *mpl ;@ liters Diesel ' 1 1 4 inline 1 1 B +urbo harged DI ;.(2-N.-@@ psNrpm
+or:ue S& #*n3 and S".% n.*(n Steering +ype Po%er Steering Aront Suspension Rear Suspension D*1 n.*(n. Length !eight Cidth Cheel 'ase learance 'oot Aront !ead Room Aront Leg Room ) Rear !ead Room Rear Leg Room Hrebs Ceight Dross Ceight D#*- T#a*n +ype Dears Drive Line C(1/(#&. F a&"# .
2B@N244@ >mNrpm Rac* and pinion$ po%er assist Pes Independent %ith coil spring Leaf spring 4@5; mm 2BB@ mm 2;;@ mm -;B@ mm -@@ mm 1 "in= ;@mm "a7= ;@mm 1 "in= ;@mm "a7= ;@mm "in= E4mm "a7= 34mm "in= 2;25*g "a7= 2;25 *g
"anual 5 RCD
A" K A" Radio Present ,7cept A" K A" radio there is no other comfort is provided( Sa/ &0? +here is no safety feature included in 'olero SLM including antitheft system etc
F a&"# and S% )*/*)a&*(n "a*e "odel Fariant 'ody +ype >umber of Doors F" 2 E//*)* n)0? "ahindra 'olero SL, SGF 5 3(5 *mpl .(- *mpl ;@ liters Diesel 1
ity "ileage !igh%ay "ileage Auel apacity Auel +ype Auel Drade En3*n Pa#a1 & #.?
Displacement 'ore Stro*e ylinder onfiguration Falve Dear Operation ompression Ratio >o( of Falves Aspiration Auel System !orse Po%er +or:ue S& #*n3 and S".% n.*(n Steering +ype Po%er Steering Aront Suspension Rear Suspension D*1 n.*(n.? Length !eight Cidth Cheel 'ase learance 'oot Aront !ead Room Aront Leg Room Rear !ead Room Rear Leg Room Hrebs %eight Dross %eight D#*- T#a*n +ype Dears Drive Line C(1/(#& F a&"# . Air1 onditioning 1 1 4 inline 1 1 B +urbo harged DI ;.(2-N.-@@ psNrpm 2B@N244@ >mNrpm Rac* and pinion$ po%er assist Pes Independent %ith coil spring Parabolic Leaf spring 4@5; mm 2BB@ mm 2;;@ mm -;B@ mm 2B@ mm 1 1 1 1 1 "in= 2;25*g "a7= 2;25 *g 1 "anual 5 RCD Pes
,7cept Air conditioning$ no other comfort features are present in the 'olero SL,(
B(d0 'ody Overall Length /mm0 Overall Cidth /mm0 Overall !eight /mm0 Cheel 'ase /mm0 Dround learance /mm0 >o of Doors "ileage 1 !igh%ay /*mKl0 "ileage 1 ity /*mKl0 "ileage 1 Overall /*mKl0 Seating apacity Auel +an* apacity ,ngine +ypeK"odel Displacement /cc0 Po%er /PS N rpm0 +or:ue />m N rpm0 SGF : *3$& 5 D*1 n.*(n 4@5; 2;;@ 2B;@ -;B@ 2B@ 5 F" 2 E)(n(10 2.(3(5 2@(-4 Ca%a)*&* . E ;@ En3*n -(5L DI +urbo Diesel -5-. ;4 N.-@@ 2B@ N244@
>o of ylinders ylinder onfiguration Falves per ylender Auel +ype Auel System
+ransmission +ype "anual Ainal Reduction Dear Ratio 5 S".% n.*(n Aront Suspension Rear Suspension Steering +ype "inimum +urning Radius /m0 Aront 'ra*es Rear 'rea*s Cheel +ype Cheel Size +yres Independent %ith coil spring # anti roll bar Parabolic leaf springs S& #*n3 Rac* # Pinion 5(4 B#a@ . Disc Drum :$ 2. 5 T0# . Steel 25 Inch -25 K E5 R 25
'ody 'ody Overall Length /mm0 Overall Cidth /mm0 Overall !eight /mm0 Cheel 'ase /mm0 Dround learance /mm0 >o of Doors "ileage 1 !igh%ay /*mKl0 "ileage 1 ity /*mKl0 "ileage 1 Overall /*mKl0 Seating apacity Auel +an* apacity ,ngine +ypeK"odel SGF Ceight # Dimension 42E@ 2;;@ 2BB@ -E34 2B. 5 Auel ,conomy 2.(3(5 2@(-4 apacities E ;@ ,ngine -(5L DI +urbo Diesel
Displacement /cc0 Po%er /PS N rpm0 +or:ue />m N rpm0 >o of ylinders ylinder onfiguration Falves per ylender Auel +ype Auel System
+ransmission +ype "anual Ainal Reduction Dear Ratio 5 Suspension Aront Suspension Rear Suspension Steering +ype "inimum +urning Radius /m0 Aront 'ra*es Rear 'rea*s Cheel +ype Cheel Size +yres Independent %ith coil spring # anti roll bar Rigid leaf spring Steering Rac* # Pinion 5(4 'ra*es Disc Drum Cheels # +yres Steel 25 Inch -25 K E5 R 25
'ody 'ody Overall Length /mm0 Overall Cidth /mm0 Overall !eight /mm0 Cheel 'ase /mm0 Dround learance /mm0 >o of Doors Auel ,conomy "ileage 1 !igh%ay /*mKl0 "ileage 1 ity /*mKl0 "ileage 1 Overall /*mKl0 apacities Seating apacity Auel +an* apacity ,ngine ,ngine +ypeK"odel Displacement /cc0 -(43L RDe -5-. E ;@ 2-(4 3(2 3(E; SGF Ceight # Dimension 4@5; 2;;@ 2BB@ -;B@ 2B@ 5
Po%er /PS N rpm0 +or:ue />m N rpm0 >o of ylinders ylinder onfiguration Falves per ylender Auel +ype +ransmission +ransmission +ype Ainal Reduction Dear Ratio Suspension Aront Suspension Rear Suspension Steering Steering +ype "inimum +urning Radius /m0 'ra*es Aront 'ra*es Rear 'rea*s Cheel +ype Cheel Size +yres
3B N.B@@ -55 N2B@@ 4 In line Diesel "anual 5 IAS oil Spring Rigid Leaf Springs Po%er Steering 5(4 Disc 'ra*e Drum 'ra*e Cheels # +yres Radial 25 Inch -25 K E5 R 25$
MAHINDRA ABOLEROB PRICE LIST 'OL,RO FARIA>+S ,M1S!OCROO" PRI , DI 'SSL, 'SSL, 'S. SLM 'SSLM 'S. = 5$@5$34= 5$;4$2-B = 5$E;$2E4 = 5$3B$-5. = ;$2-$;5. = 5$.E$@@3 = 5$5@$.4B = 5$E-$B;E = 5$3.$2E2 = ;$;2$@32
ABOUT MAHINDRA DEALER S"na*na M(&(#. Address = Shan*armutt Road shimoga ity = Shimoga Phone >o = -E5BBB$ .@3B.@$ -EB2B2
,mail Id = prashanth3;.Nrediffmail(com< sunainamotorsNrediffmail(com
O"# D*.&*n)&*(n? +his is one of the largest authorized dealers for "ahindra # "ahindra Automotives( Record sales in the first year of operation( Pa#&n #. *n P#(3# ..= Ce are the preferred partners of "#" automotives$ chiefly due to our successful sales record and :uality( Our facilities have remained unsurpassed$ as %e strive everyday to better our self( C(11and*n3 P# . n) ? S"na*na "otors as a centralized air1conditioned sho%room of "#" automotives its *ind in Rajasthan$ spread gracefully and decorated elegantly over an impressive B2@@ s:(ft at Sunaina$ 'eing e:uipped %ith affable front
office staff and adept professional technicians$ Provide a perfect of :uality Service and Reliability( S%a) F#* nd20= +he interiors are aimed at ma*ing you feel completely at ease$ in lu7ury( 'ecause for us the customer is *ing$ one %ho deserves a regal offering( +he setting is apt for times %hen you need to s%itch into a rela7ed state of mind( T )$n(2(30 &( S&a0 A$ ad? Ce are e:uipped %ith the latest technological advancement in the industry$ in order to give the best of services %hen it matters( >ot just to be part of$ 'ut to build the future$ is our motto( A1+* n) &$ E!"d R 2a!a&*(n? Ours is one of the fe% service centers to be e:uipped %ith a fully1fledged customer1%aiting lounge( A part from a television and chess board$ it had a %ed *ios* to *eep u connected all the time( S #-*) 6*&$ C(11*&1 n&? Our dedicated team of mechanical specialty offers e7pert treatment for your vehicle( Ce ensure consistency in performance each time$ %ithout fail( A&& n&*(n &( D &a*2.?
Ce provide genius spare parts and accessories to ensure e7ceptional performance( ,very single aspect related to your vehicle is ta*en care of at our premises( D a2*n3 Mad C(n- n* n&? It is a part of our commitment policy to give advantage to the customer at every juncture( Ce offer assistance of every *ind at our premises itself$ %hich ma*es it a one stop facility( E!% #& G"*dan) a& E- #0 S& %? Our sales team gives utmost priority to your satisfaction( Chen you need help to ma*e the right choice$ it is ensured that the result is beyond your e7pectations( +hus ma*ing it a point that you get the best in both lu7ury and comfort al%ays( M(d 2.? "ahindra # "ahindra has been launching various type of "GFs and cars from the year of 2345$ *eeping in mind the :uality$ design$ driving$ comfort$ fuel efficiency$ and service and resale value( +hese from a formidable force that
gives our customers the pride and the joy of value forever( Chat drives "#" is ommitment
Leadership Any an eye for appropriate technology( Since 2345$ %hen "#" first began manufacturing "GFs # L Fs$ "#" have been engaged in a single1minded endeavor to bring you cars that only state1of1the1art$ but are also some f the most environment1friendly vehicles in this %orld1a reflection of our commitment and care$ for better environment( At the heart of every "#" is a uni:ue engineering and an optimal mi7 of po%er and economy( All this is supported by "#" nation ) %ide dealership net%or* and automated %or*shop that provide e7cellent after sale service +he company has constantly e7ploring ne% opportunity to define the shape to tomorro%6s driving technology( P#(1(&*(na2 A)&*-*&* .? +he promotional activities adopted by Sunaina "otors are 2( +est Driving -( Aree Driving .( !oarding 4( Discounts
5( Advertisement in >e%spaper and magazines ;( Dift Schemes E( Aree Services B( "ileage ontents Promotional e7penses have been borne by both Sunaina "otors and "#"$ shares in advertisement cost( S #-*) O// # d? Service and paid service after sale of ars( Aree chec*ups campaigns Ainance through ban* Demonstration for ne% products Acceptance of %arranty claims :(#@*n3 T*1 *n S"na*na M(&(#.? Cor*ing hours in Gnited Automobiles are 2- hours per day starting from 3=.@ am to 3=.@pm %ith one1hour brea* for lunch and 25 minutes for evening tea and coffee
C".&(1 # .a&*./a)&*(n Ta+2 N(. 1 Sa&*./a)&*(n &(6a#d. Ma$*nd#a B(2 #( Opinion Satisfied Dissatisfied +otal >o( of respondents B@ -@ 2@@ Percentage /R0 B@ -@ 2@@
In& #%# &a&*(n? +he sample dra%n on probability basis sho%s that B@R of the customers %ere satisfied %ith 'olero variant and only -@R %ere not satisfied %ith 'olero variant( O+. #-a&*(n? "ost of the respondents approached %ere satisfied %ith 'olero
Ta+2 N(? 2 Fa)&(#. a// )&*n3 )".&(1 # .a&*./a)&*(n &(6a#d. Ma$*nd#a B(2 #(
Aactor After sales and service Aeature Lo% maintenance omfort Style
>o( of Respondent B 5 24 E ;
Percentage -@ 2.5 2B 25
In& #%# &a&*(n? +he sample dra%n on the probability basis clearly sho%s that .5R /24respondents0 are the opinion that lo% maintenance is the satisfaction
factor 'olero and -@ R/ B respondents0 of them %ho vie% After Sales Service as a vital factor for customer satisfaction( Aollo%ed by omfort %hich corresponds to 2B R / E respondents0$ Style %ith 25 R/ ; respondents0 and only 2- R/ 5 respondents0 of them vie% that feature of 'olero as satisfaction factor(
O+. #-a&*(n? "ajority of the respondent are of the idea that lo% maintenance of the top most feature contributing to customer satisfaction follo%ed by after sales services comfort style and features As such$ "ahindra should focus on the aspects$ %hich %ill enhance the customer satisfaction and thus the mar*et share
Ta+2 N(? 3 C".&(1 # (%*n*(n. &(6a#d. /" 2 )(n."1%&*(n Aactor ,7tremely Satisfied Satisfied >eutral Dissatisfied >o( of respondent 2@ -@ E .
In& #%# &a&*(n ? 2@@R of the respondents 5@R of the respondents approached %ere satisfied %ith the fuel consumption of the 'olero( Aollo%ed by -5R %as e7tremely satisfied$ 2ER are neutral and rest of the BR is more dissatisfied %ith fuel consumption of 'olero( O+. #-a&*(n= As majority of the respondents are satisfied %ith the fuel consumption of "ahindra 'olero$ the company should maintain the same standard and it is suggested to come up %ith suitable measure to reduce the
negative opinion among the consumer %ho are of the opinion that the fuel consumption is a dissatisfying factor(
Ta+2 N(? 4 C".&(1 # (%*n*(n. &(6a#d Sa/ &0 and C(1/(#&. Aactor ,7tremely Satisfied Satisfied >either Satisfied # Dissatisfied Dissatisfied >o( of Respondent 3 23 B 4 Percentage -4B -@ 2@
In& #%# &a&*(n? 2@@R of the respondents 4BR of the respondents approached %ere satisfied %ith the safety and comfort feature of the 'olero( Aollo%ed by --R %as e7tremely satisfied$ -@R are neutral and rest of the 2@R %as dissatisfied %ith safety and comfort feature of 'olero( O+. #-a&*(n= As majority of the respondents are satisfied %ith the safety and comfort feature of "ahindra 'olero$ the company should maintain the same standard and it is suggested to come up %ith suitable measure to reduce the
negative opinion among the consumer %ho are of the opinion that the fuel consumption is a dissatisfying factor(
Ta+2 N(? 5 C".&(1 # (%*n*(n. &(6a#d D .*3n. Aactor ,7tremely Satisfied Satisfied >eutral Dissatisfied >o( of Respondent B 2; 22 5 Percentage -@ 4@ -E 2.
In& #%# &a&*(n? 2@@R of respondents 4@R of the respondents approached %ere satisfied %ith the Design of the 'olero( -@R %ere more satisfied$ -ER of them neutral and 2.R are dissatisfied %ith the design of the 'olero( O+. #-a&*(n= As majority of the respondents are satisfied %ith the design of "ahindra 'olero$ the company should maintain the same standard and it is suggested to come up %ith suitable measure to reduce the negative opinion among the consumer %ho are of the opinion that the fuel consumption is a dissatisfying factor(
Ta+2 N(? 6 C".&(1 # (%*n*(n. &(6a#d .%a) a-a*2a+*2*&0 *n Ma$*nd#a B(2 #(.
>o( of Respondent 22 -2 E 2
Percentage -E 52B .
In& #%# &a&*(n? +he sample dra%n on the probability basis sho%s that out of 2@@R of respondents 5-R of the respondents approached %ere satisfied %ith the space availability of the 'olero( -ER %ere more satisfied$ 2BR of neither satisfied and dissatisfied and .R are dissatisfied %ith the space availability of the 'olero(
O+. #-a&*(n? As E@R of the respondents are happy %ith the space availability of the "ahindra 'olero vehicle$ it can be conducted that the company has underta*en proper R#D in this aspect( +he .@R of the respondents %ho have ans%ered negatively may be comparing %ith the vehicle in the same category launched very recently(
>o( of Respondent 3 -@ B .
Percentage -5@ -@ B
In& #%# &a&*(n? +he sample dra%n on the probability basis sho%s that out of 2@@R of respondents 5@R of the respondents approached %ere satisfied %ith the maintenance of the 'olero( --R %ere e7tremely satisfied$ -@R of neutral and BR are dissatisfied %ith the maintenance( O+. #-a&*(n?
+hough majority of the customer are satisfied that the maintenance cost of "ahindra 'olero is less$ around -@R are not satisfied %hich may be because of comparison of 'olero %ith the ne%ly launched competing brands coming %ith even lo%er maintenance cost(
Ta+2 N(? D C".&(1 # a6a# n .. a+("& %(6 # .& #*n3. Option A%are Gna%are +otal >o( Of Respondent .B 4@ Percentage B@ -@ 2@@
In& #%# &a&*(n? Out of 2@@R of respondents$ B@R of the respondents approached %ere a%are of the po%er steering present in some variant of 'olero and -@R %ere not a%are of the po%er steering present in some variant of 'olero( O+. #-a&*(n? "ost of the respondents approached %ere a%are of po%er steering system introduced in some variants of 'olero(
Ta+2 N(? < C".&(1 # % #) %&*(n. a+("& B(2 #( Opinion Fery Dood Dood Average 'ad >o( of respondents B 23 B 5 percentage
In& #%# &a&*(n? +he sample dra%n on the probability basis sho%s that out of 2@@R of respondents 4ER of the respondents gave Dood response to 'olero( -@R gave Fery Dood response$ -@R gave Average response and 2.R gave bad response to 'olero( O+. #-a&*(n? As ;ER of the respondents are satisfied that they are happy
%ith 'olero$ it satisfies that the customer satisfaction levels are very high( If the company %ere to identify the pitfalls in their product and underta*e remedial measure$ thus it %ill lead to more good %ord of mouth publicity(
1. :$*)$ (/ &$ /(22(6*n3 + .& d .)#*+ . &$ d %a#&1 n& 0(" 6(#@ *nE Fa)&(# ustomer Service AinanceKAccounting "IS SalesK"ar*eting !uman Resources N(. (/ R .%(nd n& 4 2 ; -
In& #%# &a&*(n? +his graph sho%s that 4@R of employees are %or*ing in SalesK mar*eting department $ -ER of employees are %or*ing in ustomer service department$ 2.R employees in !uman resources and 2.R employees in Ainance department$ER are employees are %or*ing in "IS department
2. M0 6(#@ 3#("% )(n.*.& n&20 %#(-*d . )("#& (". . #-*) )2* n& *. "n# a.(na+2 . Fa)&(# Strongly Disagree Some%hat Disagree >eutral Some%hat Agree Strongly Agree N(. (/ R .%(nd n& @ . . E
- n 6$ n &$
In& #%# &a&*(n? +his graph sho%s that 4ER of employees are strongly agree about the point $ -@R of employees are agree on the point$ -@R are neutral$2.R are disagree and rest @R of employees are strongly disagree(
Lob %as challenging S*ills %ere effectively used Lob orientation %as effective Cor* load %as reasonable Sufficient resources %ere available Cor* environment %as safe$ comfortable and appropriately e:uipped
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Job was challenging Skills were E ffectively use !ork loa was Sufficient !ork reasonable resources were environ"ent available was safe#
%eutral &gree Strongly &gree
Strongly $isagree
In& #%# &a&*(n? +his graph sho%s that mostly employees are strongly agree about the job itself $ after that employees are agree about job itself $ many employees are neutral $ very lo% employees are strongly disagree and rest employees are disagree about job itself(
4. T$ D %a#&1 n&
!ad good synergy !ad ade:uate e:uipment Cas ade:uately staffed Cas efficient
S&#(n320 D*.a3# 2 2
D*.a3# . -
!as efficient
Strongly &gree
Strongly $isagree
In& #%# &a&*(n? +his graph sho%s that mostly employees are strongly agree about dealership department $ after that employees are agree about department $ many employees are neutral $ very lo% employees are strongly disagree and rest employees are disagree about company department(
FINDING 'ased on the data gathered by administrating schedules to customers the follo%ing observations are made( "ahindra 'olero has e7cellent percentage of customer satisfaction according to the data sho%n in table 2 of the data analysis and Interpretation topic( "ost of the people are satisfied %ith its lo% maintenance cost and after sales service provided by "ahindra 'olero( 'ased on the fuel consumption$ most of the people are satisfied %ith it( 'ased on Safety and omfort$ Design$ Space$ "aintenance most of the
people are satisfied %ith it( Large numbers of 'olero user are a%are of its po%er steering( If %e too* the satisfaction level of people to%ard 'olero$ it becomes good( Its features and style satisfy most of the people( ,mployees are completely strongly satisfied %ith their job although their salary is good enough( ,mployees are getting value to their %or*( +here is negatively comparison bet%een peers especially regarding targets( +hey often feel over%or*ed(
management strategy that enhances customer satisfaction level( +he company can for the underta*e R#D to improve the e7isting feature %hich field help increase in the customer satisfaction( +he company should promote about the entire feature offered by it( As majority of the customer give opinion that they are satisfied is the factor$ services and design of the product of the company should ta*en not only maintain the e7isting standard but also enhance them(
+o increase the job satisfaction level of the employees the company should concentrate mainly on the incentive and re%ard structure rather than the motivational session( Ideal employees should concentrate on their job( ,ducational :ualification can be the factor of not an effective job( ompany should give promotion to those employees %ho deserve it(
CONCLUSION "ahindra 'olero has a very good mar*et in Shimoga( +he company is offering good services$ %hich is reflected on the satisfaction of the customer( "ajority of the customer are satisfied %ith the design of the vehicle( ompany provided good facility of employees for his job( "ahindra Limited offers an environment for professional gro%th for every employee( "ahindra offer foreign tour for %ho employee and dealer achieved targets( Poung leader can ta*e decision and implementation of ne% ideas(
$ear sir,"a a"# - a" stu ent of .ovt/ 0irst .ra e *ollege# Shi"oga/ &s )art of the curriculu" of 112 egree# - a" con ucting a survey to )re)are
)ro3ect re)ort on C".&(1 # .a&*./a)&*(n /(# Ma$*nd#a B(2 #(B, Shimoga. 4herefore - kin ly re(uest you to s)are so"e of the )recious ti"e to answer the following (uestion/ 5ours 5athira3 6/7
Pes >o
E( If IPesJ Chich factor you consider is satisfies you most? Aeature Lo% "aintenance Loo*s After Sales Service
B( Are you satisfy %ith the fuel consumption of 'OL,RO? ,7tremely Satisfied Satisfied >eutral Dissatisfied
3( Are you satisfied %ith the Safety and omfort of 'OL,RO? ,7tremely Satisfied Satisfied >eutral
2@( Are you satisfied %ith the Design? ,7tremely Satisfied Satisfied >eutral Dissatisfied
22( Are you satisfied %ith space available in 'OL,RO? ,7tremely Satisfied Satisfied
2-( Are you satisfied %ith "aintenance cost? ,7tremely Satisfied Satisfied >eutral Dissatisfied
2.( Are you a%are about po%er steering present in 'olero? Pes >o
24( Pour general perception about 'olero( Fery Dood Dood Average 'ad
25( Do you %ant to give any suggestion about any change in the 'olero? TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
2;( Chich of the follo%ing best describes the department you %or* in? ustomer Service AinanceKAccounting "IS SalesK"ar*eting !uman Resources 2E( "y %or* group consistently provides courteous service even %hen the client is unreasonable Strongly Disagree Some%hat Disagree >eutral Some%hat Agree Strongly Agree 2B( +he Lob Itself 2 . 4 5 Strongly Disagree >eutral AgreeStrongly Disagree Agree Lob %as challenging S*ills %ere effectively used Lob orientation %as effective Cor* load %as reasonable Sufficient resources %ere available Cor* environment %as safe$ comfortable and appropriately e:uipped
23( +he Department 2 . 4 5 Strongly Disagree >eutralAgree Strongly Disagree Agree !ad good synergy !ad ade:uate e:uipment Cas ade:uately staffed Cas efficient -@( +he "anagement Dave fair and e:ual treatment Cas available to discuss job related issues Celcomed suggestions and encouraged feedbac* "aintained consistent policies and practices Provided recognition for achievements ,ncouraged cooperationKcollegiality Provided development opportunities
21. S"//*)* n& //(#& *. 1ad &( 3 & &$ (%*n*(n. and *d a. (/ &$ 1%2(0 ..
Strongly Disagree Some%hat Disagree >eutral Some%hat Agree Strongly Agree >KA
22. Mana3 1 n& *. )(11*&& d &( )(n&*n"(".20 *1%#(- &$ G"a2*&0 (/ %#(d")&. and . #-*) . Cell belo% e7pectations 'elo% e7pectations "eets e7pectations Above e7pectations Cell above e7pectations >o commitment E1%2(0 %#(/*2 b0 Dealership nameSSSSSSS d0 IncomeSSSSSSSSSS
:hili) 6otler
*onsu"er behavior an action 2aga;ines an 7e)orts 1usiness !orl 1usiness -n ia & vertising 2arketing
%%%(mahindra#mahindra(com %%%(mahindrabolero(com %%%(google(com %%%(indiaindustry(com