Career Research Paper Final

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Career Research Paper

A career that I am interested in is a Registered Nurse. Registered Nurses, provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients and their family members. RN's work as a vital part of a health care team, providing direct caare to patients. The duties of RNs are broad and include the full range of lifespan care. Registered Nurses are responsible for administering medication or starting and stopping line for fluids or blood products. They administer treatments and therapies, observe patients, record the date they gather and collaborate with physicians regarding patient care. Registered nurses might sometimes direct licensed practical nurses in various situations. In additions, they teach patients and their families how to take care of an in ury or illness, which includes meeting diet and e!ercise re"uirements. Nurses also might educate the public on symptoms of diseases or run general health screenings. In speciali#ed work settings, RN's complete a number of countless duties. There are different nursing fields, which are, preoperative nurse, radiology nurse, management nurse, and emergency nurse. $ost health care facilities hire RNs to work five days per week on a specific %&hour shift. 'ay shift nurses usually work from ()*+ am to * pm, evening shift comes in at ,)*+ pm and leaves at -- pm, and the night shift arrives at -+)*+ pm and stays until . am. /ome health care facilities apply a twelve hour shift. The nurse generally works for twelve hours a day for three days in a row and then has the ne!t four days off. After the four days off, she will work twelve hours a day for four days at a time and then have three days off in a row. Thus, the nurse works eight hours during a two&week period. There are three educational approaches to becoming a registered nurse. Registered nurses are usually train by completeing a bachelor's or an associate's degree program in nursing. Registered nurses prepare for the occupation by earning a diploma in nursing. 0raduates of any of these programs are generally eligible for licensure and entry&level employment as registered nurses. 1inding the right hospital enviroment to work in, is a huge deal. 2hile hospitals employ roughly (+3 of all registered nurses, they aren't the only institutions that need RNs. $any choose to work with specific physicians in private practices, within nursing care facilities, at government agancies or even

as mobile nurses traveing to clients to provide care. 4ospitals are generally good places to start and to gain e!perience dealing with an assortment of patients and a hospital enviroment can provide more opportunities for promotion to higher& level management and administrative roles. $ost people dont reali#e that one of the most difficult psychological challenges for nurses is dealing with a patients death and the reactions of the patient's family members, as well as stress and life events. 5oth contribute great deal to the psychological distress of nurses. 0reater stress was noted once nurses finished school and began their nursing career. If you're interested in being a Registered Nurse, you can find employment in hospitals, doctors offices, nurse facilities. Anywhere with medical assistance, will have the field of an RN. The Registered Nurse 6ob 7utlook is very good, as employment of RNs is e!pected to grow ,( percent from ,+-+ to ,+,+, faster than the average for most occupations. Traditional hospital settings, as well as in non&hospital settings, such as physician's offices and home healthcare services, are e!pected to see faster than average growth in registered nurse employment. /ome ways to land a ob as a Registered Nurse is first, graduating from nursing school. There are many great resources that can be used for landing an e!cellent ob in this field. It is important to be prepared with a resume and cover letter before a ob search begins, because if the perfect opportunity presents itself, it would not be wise to let that opportunity pass by not having a resume and a cover letter available. The key to finding a successful nursing career is a good nursing education and preparation. 6ob advancemen opportunities for RNs in all specialties are e!pected to be e!cellent. Registered nurses are pro ected to create the second largest number of new obs among all occupations. 7utpatient facilities, such as those providing same&day surgery, rehabilitation, and chemotherapy. All four advanced practice specialties&clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, midwives, and anesthetists&will be in high demand, particularly in areas such as inner cities and rural areas. Related occupations among the field of being a registered nurse within the hospital are, 8ritical 8are9 :mergency9 $aternal;8hild 8are9 $edical) 8ardiology, 'iabetes, 0astroenterology, 0erontology, Nephrology, Neurology, 7ncology, <ulmonary, Rehabilitation, Renal, Rheumatology, =rology9 7perating Room;Recovery Room9 <ediatrics9 <yschiatric;$ental 4ealth9 /urgical) 5urn, 8ardiovascular, :ar;Nose;Throat, 0astroenterology, 7rthopedics, <lastic /urgery

and many more. According to career cruising, based on the interview with the Registered Nurse, >isa, she works in the Intensive 8are =nit ?I8=@, which is where they treat the sickest people in the hospital9 the critically ill. 5efore working in the I8=, >isa says AI worked in the emergency room ?:R@, palliative care, surgery, and medicine departments. $y previous work e!perience was a great basis for working in the I8=. ATo be successful in this ob, have a sense of humor, especially duing some of the grave situations you will face. 4ave compassion and empathy because you are dealing with patients and their families in life& and death situations. As well as self&motivation. This is important to have because if you don't try to learn about different areas of nursing, you will not make it.

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