Mcabcamsc Project
Mcabcamsc Project
Mcabcamsc Project
The system deals with security during transmission of data. Commonly used technology is cryptography. This system deals with implementing security-using Steganography.
Description: In this technology, the end user identifies an image which is going to act as the carrier of data. The data file is also selected and then to achieve greater speed of transmission the data file and image file are compressed and sent. Prior to this the data is embedded into the image and then sent. The image if hacked or interpreted by a third party user will open up in any image previewer but not displaying the data. This protects the data from being invisible and hence be secure during transmission. The user in the receiving end uses another piece of code to retrieve the data from the image.
Steganography is the art and science of hiding that communication is happening. Classical Steganography systems depend on keeping the encoding system secret, but modern steganography is detectable only if secret information is known, e.g. a secret key. Because of their invasive nature, steganography systems leave detectable traces within a medium's characteristics. This allows an eavesdropper to detect media that has been modified, revealing that secret communication is taking place. Although the secrecy of the information is not degraded, its hidden nature is revealed, defeating the main purpose of Steganography. or !"#$ images, %utguess preserves statistics based on fre&uency counts. As a result, statistical tests based on fre&uency counts are unable to detect the presence of steganographic content. Before embedding data into an image, %utguess can determine the ma'imum message si(e that can be hidden while still being able to maintain statistics based on fre&uency counts.
%utguess uses generic iterators ob)ect to select which bits in the data should be modified. A seed can be used to modify the behavior of the iterator. *t is embedded in the data along with the rest of the message. By altering the seed, %utguess tries to find a se&uence of bits that minimi(es the number of changes in the data that have to be made. Compression reduces the average code length used to represent the symbols of an alphabet. Symbols of the source alphabet which occur fre&uently are assigned with short length codes. The general strategy is to allow the code length to vary from character to character and to ensure that the fre&uently occurring character have shorter codes. *n +adi',- compression techni&ue, maps arbitrary input into printable character output. The form of encoding has the following relevant characteristics.
The range of the function is a character set that is universally re-presentable at all sites, not a specific binary encoding of that character set. Thus, the characters themselves can be encoded into whatever form is needed by a specific system. or instance, the character !"! is represented in #SCII system as a he$adecimal %& and in "'C'IC- based system as he$adecimal- c&.
The character set consists of ,. printable characters, one of which is used for padding. /ith 01, 2 ,- available characters, each character can be used to represent , bits of input. 3o control characters are included in the set. Thus, the message encoded in +adi'4,- can traverse mail4handling system. That scans the data stream for control characters. The hyphen character 546 is not included. C+CS#T is an anti4virus utility. *ts purpose is to protect programs from third parties manipulation .C+C set is the most effective weapons against computer viruses. This the Cyclic +edundancy Check, or C+C, is an error4checking algorithm used in many types of computer operations, especially in data transfer.
Before transmitting the data, the utility want to calculate the C+C value and attach with data. *n receiving end, the C+C recalculated and based on that calculated value, it will specify the acceptation or re)ection.
Module Description:
This pro(ect contains five modules. They are )raphical *ser Interface 'ata "mbed and +etrieve Compression and 'ecompression C+C generation. C+C ,erification
Software Requirements: -perating System Software . window /000 or 1P . (dk 2.% or above
Objective: The pro(ect titled Intrusion 'etection System in 3etworking *sing )enetic #lgorithm 4I'S5 is for )lobal Techno Solutions. The main ob(ective of this system shows how real time network connection behavior can be modeled as chromosomes and how the parameters in genetic algorithm can be defined in this respect.
The pro)ect titled *ntrusion 7etection System in 3etworking 8sing $enetic Algorithm 9*7S: is to identify the intruder and block the data from the intruder to avoid the system attack by the virus. This new system is a replacement of the e'isting system. *n e'isting system, at run time it will not create a set of rules. The ma)or components of the system are creating new set of rules during run time. *nterest and knowledge about computer and network security is growing along with the need for it. This interest is, no doubt, due to the continued e'pansion of the *nternet and the increase in the number of businesses that are migrating their sales and information channels to the *nternet. The growth in the use of networked computers in business, especially for e4mail, has also fueled this interest. ;any people are also presented with the post4mortems of security breaches in high4profile companies in the nightly news and are given the impression that some bastion of defense had failed to prevent some intrusion. %ne result of these influences is that that many people feel that *nternet security and *nternet firewalls are synonymous. Although we should know that no single mechanism or method will provide for the entire computer and network security needs of an enterprise, many still put all their network security eggs in one firewall basket.
Modules: 6odules here designed are Server
-S Platform Software . ;indows /000 or 6ore . <ava2.% or above
Tanro$ work force is time collection software that is streamlined for billing and invoicing purposes. Tanro$ work force allows time tracking for customer and pro(ect related tasks. #fter being collected the data can then be e$ported for invoice generation.
Description: This guide describes how to e'ecute these activities using Tanro' work force interfaces. *n addition, section $etting started describes initial data setup up to the point when you are ready to start registering working time with Tanro' work force.
Section contents:
-verview Submit time-track for the current week Submit and modify time-track for the selected date=week ,iew time-track for a selected month 'elete reported time-track +emove tasks from the Submit Time-Track interface
+egistration of time e$penses consists of the following activities related to registering and managing your personal time e$penses.
Submitting time-track ,iewing personal time-track 6odifying personal time-track 'eleting personal time-track
Time-track is Tanro$ work force!s term used to refer to working time submitted and stored in the system.
To access the interfaces for submission of time4track use the top4level menu option 'Submit Time4track'. To access the interfaces for browsing the submitted time4track use the top4level menu option ';y Time4track'.
8sers shall have the 'Submit Time4Track' access right to access interfaces for submission and browsing of time4track. 3ote that the users who do not have this right as well as user 'root' will not see these interfaces at all. The interfaces for submission and management of personal time4track always show and store time tracked by the user who is currently logged in. To browse the time4track submitted by other users use the Staff output report 9see section $enerate staff output report:. To access the interfaces for Tasks, "ro)ects, and Customers ;anagement use top4level menu option '"ro)ects ? Tasks'. #ach of the access rights regulates user access to the corresponding subset of system interfaces. System users may have any combination of these access rights. or e'ample<
# user who has only !6anage Tasks! access right will be able to create new tasks to track time e$penses for, but will not be allowed to create new pro(ects and customers. # user who has only !6anage Customers! access right will be able to create and modify customers but will not be able to create pro(ects and tasks.
$rant these access rights to users according their responsibilities in everyday work. *f you do not need to introduce subordination between users and responsibilities, )ust grant all three access rights to those users who are responsible for pro)ect@task management in your organi(ation. or e'ample, you can grant them to pro)ect managers. 3ote that users who do not have some access right will not see the interfaces associated with this right at all. See section 8ser management about information on how to grant access rights to system users.
Processor Speed +#6 7ard 'isk So#tware Re !ire"ents: Aanguage ;eb Components Control Components ramework Scripting Aanguage ;eb Server 'atabase 48ack "nd5
. . .
. . . . . . .
The improvement in technologies, lot of traditional works are been done using internet. The systems like reservations, banking and other things wear done using internet.
The main advantage of this was person need not be present at the place and was done Buickly which saved the time. The main draw back of this was, it compulsorily reBuired the costly pc. 3ow the things had changed, the scenario is changing i.e. using of simple and cheaper hardware such as mobiles and handheld devices. ;hich provides much better mobility than PCs. Technology is moving towards mobiles which has wide spread usage and acceptability. Aot of protocols and softwareCs are been developed to server the concept. 7ere we (ust are trying to be with the scenario. ;e are connecting the mobile to bank database using wml scripts and (ava technology.
Software Requirements: "latform 4 /indows 93T@A": Banguages 4 !S",A;B, wml, usebean, servlet ?)ava script 7atabase 4 ;y SCB -.D
Software web logic server D.0 3okia tool kit </S'9 2.%
ardware Specification:
. . .
/)8 to ?0)8
In todayCs age of new opportunism and emerging technologies, there is a new communications infrastructure on offer to transform the way business is done. This opportunity is mobile commerce, and it will drive new levels of intense competition in the finance industry. 6obile commerce achieves this by removing the traditional restrictions of geographical location and high entry costs. This time the assult on the finance industry will be led by a new weapon, the mobile phone. ;e are providing a wise range of mobile banking for individual clients, including balance checking, amount transfer, stop payment, reBuest check book, mini statement, etc.
2. Check 8alance. users may check the balance of account and the latest transactions. /. Transfer unds. *ser may transfer the amount to the reBuired customer of his choice. ?. Stop Payment. user is allowed to stop payment of cheBues based on his reBuest. %. +eBuest CheBue 8ook. user may reBuest the cheBue books according to his reBuirements 420 leaves, &0 leaves, 200 leaves5. &. 6ini statement. user is also allowed to view the transactions made. @. Configuration. *ser configures the functions concerning account payment and code. "tc.
-ne report also suggested that this trend might grow as the number of mobile device users continues to grow, and also those users show more wiling to consider using new applications such as mobile cash and payments.
Mobile Gadgeteer
This application is designed to provide the user #ccess a PC from his mobile device. This pro(ect is to enable the mobile users to control his PC information at their finger tips.
The application must consider the limitations of mobile devices. This pro(ect involves flow of data on the ;ireless #pplication Protocol. The application must work properly without problems on all targeted devices, power supply and network support.
</6" /.0 T--A 9IT </S'9 2.%.2 6I'P /.0 16A <ava = <ava servlets = <ava Server Pages ;indows 3T=/001
The proposed software targets resource constrained and more specifically wireless computing devices. 7eployment re&uires formatting the display in a generic way so that it works for all different types of devices. Special attention is needed regarding comple'ities of network limitations.
The ;obile *nformation 7evice "rofile 9;*7": is the first and most mature !0;# profile. ;*7" is based on the CB7C and is currently supported by ma)or device manufacturers such as ;otorola, 3okia, #ricsson, and +*;, and by carriers like Sprint"CS, 3e'tel, and 3TT 7oCo;o. ;any independent software vendors also support ;*7". Table summari(es the target devices for ;*7" 0.D.
6I'P, led by 6otorola, was initially defined by <S+ ?D, which produced the 6I'P 2.0 specification, and then by <S+ 22:, which defined the 6I'P /.0 specification. 6I'P/.0 enhanced version 2.0 Buite a bit. "ven though the 6I'P specification indicates the use of CA'C 2.0, nothing would preclude 6I'P /.0 4or 2.05 using CA'C 2.2 as its base.
*n addition to the ;*7" =.D A"*s for networking, user interfaces, local persistence, and ;*7let life4cycle, ;*7" 0.D adds A"*s for networking, including socket 9TC": streams, 87" datagrams, serial, push4initiated, and secure connections, as well as a robust security A"* and policy, and A"*s for sound and even gaming. ;*7" 0.D also formally includes in the profile specification an update of the ;*7" =.D %ver the Air 9%TA: 8ser *nitiated "rovisioning recommendation 9originally defined as an addendum to the ;*7" =.D specification:, which describes how applications are to be discovered and downloaded over wireless networks. Table summari(es the packages available in ;*7" =.D and ;*7" 0.D.
devices of multimedia manufactures .The scenario being as such, an 66S )ateway provides a perfect solution. This )ateway handles the following tasks. 2. +eception of 66S messages from mobile phones for forwarding to 66SC 46ultimedia 6essaging Service Center5. /. "ncoding of received 66S messages in 66D protocol.
E. orwarding the encoded message to ;;SC for delivery to respective end 8ser device.
To demonstrate the functioning of 66S )ateway we need some more modules. They are Sender, +eceiver, 66SC and content server. 66SC is useful for buffering the message if the receiver is not available. </6" 6ultimedia 6essaging Service 4<66S5 is an application designed to provide 6ultimedia 6essages from handheld devices. The application has also considered the
limitations of the wireless network connections. It has been designed in such a way that it can resolve the possible data loss during transmission and can cope up with the
limitations=constraints of all proposed target devices irrespective of differences in their si>es, display capabilities, power supply and network support.
66ST9 66D #PI 66D )ateway ;"8 Server 66SC ;indows E: and above!
=. The proposed software targets resource constrained and more specifically wireless computing devices. 0. 7eployment re&uires formatting the display in an generic way so that it work for all different types of devices. E. Special attention is needed regarding comple'ities of network limitations.
Mobile "nvoice
Objective: This pro(ect deals with paying the bill through the mobile. It provides the features of paying the bill for Telephone, "8 bill, ;ater bill through the mobile this pro(ect uses </6" and </"" technology. #n added benefit is time consumption.
!avaF "latform, ;icro #dition 9!ava ;#: is the most ubi&uitous application platform for mobile devices across the globe. *t provides a robust, fle'ible environment for applications running on a broad range of other embedded devices, such as mobile phones, "7As , TG set4top bo'es, and printers. The !ava ;# platform is deployed on millions of devices, supported by leading tool vendors, and used by companies worldwide. *n short, it is the platform of choice for today's consumer and embedded devices. Modules: Authentication ;odule Communication ;odule Service ;odule Billing ;odule Checking ;odule Language Used: !ava,!0ee,!0me
Scope # $imitations.
The proposed software targets resource constrained and more specifically wireless computing devices. 7eployment re&uires formatting the display in a generic way so that it works for all different types of devices.
Special attention is needed regarding comple$ities of network limitations
Title: S"% & Session "nitiation %rotocol Objectives: SIP 4Session Initiation Protocol5 is a protocol developed to assist in providing advanced telephony services across the Internet. Internet telephony is evolving from its use as a FcheapG 4but low Buality5 way to make international phone calls to a serious business telephony capability.
SIP is one of a group of protocols reBuired to ensure that this evolution can occur.
'nvironment: Sun <ava 2.%./ </6" /.0 </6"T9 SIP #PI SIP T9 ;"8 Server ;indows E: and above.
Scope # $imitations: . T!e "ro"osed soft#are targets resource constrained and more s"ecificall$ #ireless com"uting devices. %. De"lo$ment requires formatting t!e dis"la$ in a generic #a$ so t!at it #or&s for all different t$"es of devices. ,. Special attention is needed regarding comple'ities of network limitations.
"ntroduction: FThe Session Initiation Protocol 4SIP5 is an application-layer control protocol for creating, modifying and terminating sessions with one or more participants. These sessions include Internet multimedia conferences, Internet telephone calls and multimedia distribution. 6embers in a session can communicate via multicast or via a mesh of unicast relations, o r a combination of these. SIP invitations used top create sessions carry session descriptions which allow participants to agree on a set of compatible media types. SIP supports user mobility by pro$ying and redirecting reBuests to the userCs current location. *sers can register their current location. SIP is not tied to any particular conference control protocol. SIP is designed to be independent of the lower-layer transport protocol and can be e$tended with additional capabilities.G H+ C /&%?I
Session Initiation Protocol 4SIP5 is an application-layer control protocol that can establish, modify and terminate multimedia sessions or calls.
Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (</6"5 supports layered software for the development of applications, targeted to run on small devices such as mobile phones, pagers etc. The </6" ;ireless toolkit provides development environment for the same specifically targeting 6I'P devices. Objective and Scope The application called F<6SIPG <ava 6icro "dition SIP Stack for the </6" phone completely compliant with the + C /&%?. The Pro(ect claims to be
one of the very few of its kind which is fully functional. Its development tool makes it backward compatible with </S" and is platform independent. T(e S"% stack can be used to building applications suc( as: SIP user agents SIP pro$ies SIP redirect servers
T(e )ser *gent can be used to make 8asic SIP call between two *ser #gents Conferencing Call return Call transfer
+outer )uide
The ob(ective of this pro(ect is designed to enable anyone to get comprehensive detailed information about the tourist attractions in various countries via the internet. -ne may search the information they reBuire by a country or a city.
This pro(ect allows user to obtain the mapping between two cities in a country. In this pro(ect the user allowing him to enter data such as address or intersection, city, state, and country for both source and destination. Then the data is posted to server containing the road maps database in the form of Buery. Then retrieve data from the database is on the <SP and the 7T6A results page is filtered.
+! *DM","STR*TOR MOD)$': This module is responsible for the maintenance of the database. This module runs on the server side and it enables the '8# to handle the database more effectively and efficiently.
-*S". /),.T",*$"T0: The basic functions of this module are. Subscribing and *nsubscribing the user from the service. *pdating and changes in the database. To add new information in database as new train info, new country
1! R'2"STR*T"O, MOD)$': This module is responsible for the registration of user. This module runs on the server side as well as user side. #dministrator only has authority to approve the user. -*S". /),.T",*$"T0: The basic functions of this module are. +egistration of user. *ser has to register first to access facility of site.
3! %$*.' D'T*"$S MOD)$'S: This module is responsible for the searching of place and to view the map of country and city as well as to view the route map. This module runs on server side from there it will retrieve data. -*S". /),.T",*$"T0: The basic functions of this module are. To view the maps of country. To view the maps of city. To search the route between any cities. To check all entries.
4! -OO5",2 MOD)$': This module is responsible for the booking of hotel and tickets of trains. *ser can view the hotel information as well as train information. The registered user only can use this facility. -*S". /),.T",*$"T0: The basic functions of module are. To book the hotel according to user choice. To book the train according to user. To show the details of hotel and train.
6! /''D-*.5 MOD)$': This module is responsible to store feedback of registered user and unregistered user too. This feedback will be used by administrator to improve performance of site. This module runs on server site as well as user site.
Overview: The pro(ect titled 7Router 2uide8 is designed to enable anyone to get comprehensive J detailed information about the tourist attractions in various countries via the internet. -ne may search the information they reBuire by a country or a city. The user may check for the tourist sites available at a place J also for the hotel availability and ticket availability may book a hotel room and ticket if they need. Initially, a menu of options is given including home, login, place details register, booking J about us etc... The user may click on the necessary option J go to the corresponding page. # registered person may login as J go on to search, booking J so on. #n unregistered person may directly search the web for his=her reBuired information. 7owever, only registered users are allowed to use the booking facility. The user has to register him self in case he is not to get this privilege. SO/T9*R' R':)"R'M',TS ollowing are the software reBuirements for development. -perating System )*I Aanguage ;indows /000 Server 7T6A <#,#
6ySKA %.0 or high Internet "$plorer ,ersion @.0 and above #pacheCs Tomcat Server or </"" Server
*RD9*R' R':)"R'M',TS ollowing are the hardware reBuirements for development. Processor +#6 7'' loppy 'rive . Pentium I, . /&@ 68 . %)8 . 2.%% 68
9eyboard 6ouse