Balochistan Problems Solutions
Balochistan Problems Solutions
Balochistan Problems Solutions
Vision21isaregisteredNonProfitorganizationundersection42ofCompaniesOrdinance 1982
Preface Introduction BritishEraandSandeman System Since1947 Reasonsfortheconflict ProvincialAutonomy&EthnicCulture ResourceExploitation DeprivationandLackofDevelopmentlag Government Governments sNeglect RoleofSardars ReligiousExtremism ExternalFactorsandGeoPolitics Historyoftheconflicts TheCurrentInsurgencyandBaloch Nationalism InsurgencyandGeoPoliticsofEnergyResources InsurgentGroupsinBalochistan Settlersissue¤tsituationinBalochistan Pakhtun Factor LiberationandViability: y Isindependent p Balochistanviable? PossibleconsequencesforindependentBalochistananddivided Pakistan QuestionsforBaloch NationalistsandInsurgents BalochistanPackage(seeappendixB) Solution:Whatneedstobedone? Conclusion C l i References
Appendices Appendix pp A:Blochistan Provinces AppendixB:AghazeHuqooqeBalochistan Package
Balochistanhistorysincethetimeoftheformationofthecountry representsanunendingnarrativeoftheincessantconflicts unfortunately Thelongstandingresentmentsdatingbacktoits unfortunately. mergerwithPakistanhaveledtothepresentcrisisintheprovince andthewholecountry. Thispaperanalysestheissuesandfactors factors,whichgaverisetothe conflictswhichhavecontinuedtofesterandperiodicallygiven risetotherevoltsandinsurgenciesresultingintothepresent crisis,highlightingtherecommendationsfortheurgentactionin ordertoeradicatetherootcausesofthelong gstanding gconflict.
Balochistan is the largest of Pakistans four provinces by thegeographical area. It is the least populated and resourcerich province. It has common borders with all the three provinces viz. North West Frontier Province (NWFP) through Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) in the north, Punjab in the extreme north east and Sindh in east. Balochistan has a long costal line with Arabian Sea in the south. In the West it has 814 km long border with Iran; and finally in the west and northwest it hasa border of1096 kmwithAfghanistan. At 5 %, about 8.5 million Pakistanis reside in the province. Balochistan is home to roughly halfamillion ethnic Punjabis, or nearly six percent of its population, and to an even smaller percentage of Urduspeakers. About 35 % of the population is Pashtun. EthnicBalochpopulation(includingBrahui)isabout6.8million.Oftheseabout5million resideinBalochistanaccountingforabout55%ofitspopulation.About27%Balochlive outsideBalochistan,mainlyinSind. At the time of creation of Pakistan, Balochistan was divided into two parts: the British Balochistan comprising Quetta, Pishin, Zhob, Loralai and Lasbela and the native BalochistanconstitutingKalat,KharanandMakran.Makranbecameadistrictwithinthe province of Balochistan, minus an area of 800km around Gwadar, which was then still partoftheSultanateofOman.
defeated ruler ofMuscat.When thesultansubsequently retook Muscat, he continued his rule in Gwadar by appointing awali(or "governor"). Thiswaliwas then ordered to subjugate the nearby coastal town ofChah Bahar(in moderndayIran). Until 1958 GwadarwaspartofOman.PakistanpurchaseditinSeptmeber1958.Themoneyforthe purchase was generated by way of taxation and donations. It was made part of theBalochistanprovincein1977. Balochistan province itself, as we know it today, came into being on July 1, 1970, with the abolition of One Unit in West Pakistan. The administrative divisions of Quetta and Kalat were merged to form this province. Balochistan is the abode of different people mainly populated by Balochis, Barohi and Pathans. A great number of settlers from around Pakistan, particularly Punjab, and northern India have also been settled in the provinceforgenerations.TheyareironicallystillknownasSettlerBalochis. BritishEra&SandemanSystem In Late 1800s there were four princely states: Makran, Kharan, Lasbela and Kalat. In 1876 Sir Robert Sandeman concluded a treaty with the Khan of Kalat and brought his territoriesincludingKharan,Makran,andLasBelaunderBritishsuzerainty. The boundary of western Balochistan was fixed in 1872, when Iran conquered it in the 19th century. After theSecond Afghan Warof 187880, theTreaty of Gandamakconcluded in May 1879, theAfghan Emirceded the districts of QuettaPishin,Sibi,Harnai, andThal Chotialito the British. In 1883 the British leased theBolan Pass, southeast of Quetta, from theKhan of Kalaton a permanent basis. In 1887someareasofBalochistanweredeclaredBritishterritory. This brief summary of events is crucial to note, as it severely undermines the claims made by Baloch nationalists. In summary, Balochistan that existed in 1947 was minus the British Balochistan as noted above as well as minus Gwadar, which was part of Oman. Even more importantly these areas had been ceded legally by then Baloch rulers to other rulers and empires. The other important event that happened during that period was increase in direct autonomy and power of Sardars. The consequence of this was that it undermined the traditional social system and helped deepen class divisionsanddeprivation. The Sandeman system of administration that was introduced in Blaochistan gave the chiefs complete autonomy with respect to their power over their subjects. They were themselves subject to British supervision who paid their salaries. The Khan of Kalat had no direct power to run the affairs of Sardars under the system. He could not even approve the developmental projects. This was supervised by the British political agents only. This new administration changed the character of the jirga (adjudicating assembly)
altogether: Whereas the Jirga used to be a communal court to dispense participatory justiceinthepast,anewshahi(royal)jirgawasintroducedinstead.Inthisnewjirgaonly the Sardars and the aristocracats could sit. This gave the British a powerful weapon to control any rebellions against them, broke the last remaining institution of a purely tribal character, reinforced class conflict and gave the Sardars immeasurable powers over the lives and belongings of the masses. The new jirga could impose taxes not only in property but also labor and could expropriate women; the decisions could be reviewedonlybythePoliticalAgent.[TheNationalQuestionEjazAhmed] The role of Sardars was extended greatly to the extent that they could make decisions independent of the will and benefit of people. They were made responsible for organizing the lawandorder situation. For this levies corps was established, which recruited tribal personnel under the power of the Sardars. These Sardars used to pay the tribal personals the subsistence salaries and kept in their own pockets what was givenforthepurposebyBritishArmy. In 1893 after fighting two wars with Afghanistan, SirMortimer Durandnegotiated an agreement withAmirof Afghanistan to fix theDurand Linerunning fromChitralto Balochistan to as the boundary between theAfghansand theBritish. The border was drawntodividethePashtunandBalochtribesoftheareaintotheinternationalborders ofIran,AfghanistanandwhatlaterbecameWestPakistan. The British continued to formulate laws and regulations from time to time to keep their holdonthepopulation.[ThehistoryofBalochistan194790]TheBritishImperialismalso tendedtostrengthenthedependencyofBalochistanandstagnateitssystem. Since1947 Balochistan history since 1947 represents an unending narrative of the incessant conflicts unfortunately. The long standing resentments dating back to its merger with Pakistanhaveledtothepresentcrisisintheprovince.Theissuesandgrievances,which gave rise to the previous conflicts and present crisis relate to demands and aspirations about the economic, ethnic and political rights of and for the people of the province. The reasons of the present crisis have been known to the politically aware people all along. But little or nothing has been done to address and resolve these matters by the successive governments. Consequently the wounds have continued to fester and periodicallygivenrisetobleedinginsurgenciesandrevolts. There have been five insurgencies in Balochistan since the creation of Pakistan. According to the official estimates, these have resulted in more than five thousand deaths among the insurgents and almost three thousand among the Pakistan army. The recent violence which started in 2005 took a serious turn at the end of year 2009 and became a potential threat to the stability of Pakistani state, as the insurgents spurred and inflamed, and in all likelihood aided and abetted by the outsider international
playersinthearea,gaverisetotheseparatistmovementintheprovince. The present government has recently initiated certain measures to address these complaints and grievances. For past two years there is a democratic set up in the province.Buttheresentmentsstillpersists,asnopracticalstepshaveyetbeentakento actually tackle the problems. According to the nationalist groups, the government has only provided a lip service to their problems so far. In fact, despite the promises to resolve the problems, the trust deficit between the nationalists and state has not narrowed. It is essential to understand that the crisis is grave and requires serious and urgentactionbyallstakeholders,atalllevelsinordertoeradicatetherootcausesofthe longstandingconflict. ReasonsfortheConflict Conflicts in BALOCHistan historically have several underlying reasons. The fiercely independent Baloch sardars have resisted state interference, mainly to protect their continued influence and wealth and to seek rent from the state ; the grievances of the masses relating to political, economic and cultural rights, that have given rise to nationalist movement; absence of problem resolution mechanisms, even in the democraticset ups; continued negligence of the well being of the masses that hasbeen the hall mark, though out Pakistan since its creation; religious extremism, and perhaps most importantly continued mishandling of these issues by the Central governments, whoonoccasionshaveresortedtobruteandunrestraineduseofforce. The most recent surge of violence in BALOCHistan is mainly a recurrence of the longstanding stateperiphery tension. The turn and shape, the present conflict has taken, has a lot to do with two sea change factors within Pakistan and the due also to international geopolitical situation. First there has been a telemedia revolution in Pakistan,whichhasresultedinnotonlyheightenedawarenessofthesituation,butalso paradoxically heightened the situation like a positive feedback loop, by providing the insurgentleaders,mediaexposurethatmanyrightlyclaimisoutofproportion.Internet hasalsohelpedinternationalisetheproblem.Second,withnearlytwothirdpopulations under the age of thirty, the immediacy and acuteness of the problem and its economic roothasassumednewanddeepermeaningandsignificance. Finally, the conflict has had an unintended catalyst in the form of the present global geopolitical conflict that rages across the border in Afghanistan. Taking advantage, certain well known external players have continued to provide aid, in the form of money, shelter, ammunitions and weaponry to the separatist element. However the attention outside interference gets in the media is far out of proportion to its real contributiontotheissuesthatunderliethewholeconflict. Website: Blog:
ProvincialAutonomy&EthnicCulture ThegrievancesofBalochpeoplearemanifold.Themartialpolicyofthecentreindealing with the recent insurgency has added fuel to the fire. The main complaint of the Baloch Nationalists has always been that the provincial autonomy promised in the 1973 constitution has not been recognized and practically nonexistent till today. The Baloch people have demanded the right of self administration to the province through a process of complete decentralization of powers. Moreover, the silent but visible war by army and paramilitary in past few years has raised the level of resentment in ordinary Baloch. The action of the government against the Baloch nationalists has also been seen as the imperialism of the state. The setup of militarycantonmentswasalsoseenasawaytosuppressthem. Balochistan like the other three provinces of Pakistan has its unique cultural identity. This, some nationalists complain, has not been given due representation in the centre. Thereforewheneverpeoplefromdifferentethnicgroupsfeeltheirdesertiononnational levels, they feel being neglected and this creates frustration among such groups. Resultantlytheyresistanynewideasofdevelopmentormodernizedlifestyleduetothe fearthattheywilllosetheirtraditionsandculturalidentity. ResourceExploitation Baloch nationalists main gripe and grumble relates to Pakistans domestic natural gas industry. They complain that the gas industrys wellpaid managers and technicians were almost invariably drawn from outside Balochistan; local Baloch, inevitably viewed with some suspicion, were mainly employed in lowend jobs as day laborers. No efforts were made to remedy the shortage of technically skilled Baloch such as providing governmentfundingoftechnicaltraininginstitutionsinBalochistan. However the strongest dissatisfaction is about Balochistans lopsidedly deficient share of revenues from the governments sale of natural gas. Balochistan receives proportionately only about onefifth as much in royalty payments as the other two gas producing provinces. This means that poorest province actually subsidises the richer provinces.Thenationalistsalsomaintainthathistoricallyverylittleofthehugeearnings of the central government in natural gas revenues was ever returned to the province in theformofdevelopmentexpenditures. DeprivationandLackofDevelopmentlag The complaints and issues of the local people in Balochistan, about the situation of development or the lack of it, are absolutely genuine beyond doubt. There is no doubt that the province has been neglected for six decades and has taken a back seat in the minds of the ruling elite. The basic facilities of life including health, education, Website: Blog:
communicationsourcesandinfrastructureareinpoorcondition. Balochistan is much less developed, and in several aspects least developed province accordingtothestatisticsofEconomicSurveyofPakistan.It hasthelowestliteracyrate amongbothmalesandfemales,thelowestrankingintheGenderParityIndex(GPI)and the smallest presence of private educational institutes in the country, according to the recentlyissuedNationalEconomicSurvey(NES). Poor transport and communication infrastructure is a big hurdle in the progress of the province. Illiteracy, injustice, oppression of women, ignorance of the individual rights are the sociopolitical evils that prevail. The Social Policy Development Centre 2005 report discovered, that the percentage of the population living in a high degree of deprivation stands highest in Balochistan as compared to the other provinces [88 percent in Balochistan, 51 percent in the NWFP, 49 percent in Sindh and 25 percent in Punjab]. According to povertyrelated reports, the percentage of the population living below the poverty line stands at 63 percent in Balochistan. This again, is the highest among all other provinces [26 percent in Punjab, 29 percent in the NWFP and 38 percent in Sindh]. These factors are mutually reinforcing and continue to aggravate the situation. The province has smallest number of educational institutions. The resources wealth and developmental projects have never benefited the people of Balochistan.TheexampleistheNaturalGasofthecityofSui.Hugeroyaltiesarepaidto Sardar of Sui, but the money fails to reach the general public of the province. The federalgovernmentgivesonlyafractionbacktoBalochistanfromwhatitearnsthrough gas extracted from the province. And that fraction too is not properly planned and spent. There is no disagreement that over theyears, the income from natural resources in the province has neither been properly paid nor fairly distributed and beyond doubt, thecommonBalochipeoplehavenotbenefitedfromit. Gwadar is a classic example of development project that has suffocated in the clutches of a landgrab mafia of Pakistan. The Baloch nationalists claim that it would ultimately favorthePunjabisandnotBalochis.Theyalsoallegethegovernmentthattheseprojects havelargelybypassedlocalcommunitiesandhavebeensetuptomarginalizethem. A senior journalist Yar Mohammad Badini speaking at the recently held seminar in Quetta, asserted that Balochistan had been rewarded with five military operations overthepastsixtyyearsinreturnofthemassiveresourcesithasprovidedtothewhole country in the energy sector. He called for an end to the economic exploitation of Balochistanwhichheinsisteditwasthebiggestsourceofdiscontentanddisillusionment in the volatile province3. In our recent conversations with a prominent academician (Dr Waheed Baloch) and a prominent businessman belonging to the settler Balochis, they bothreiteratedtheseaspects.
Dr. Waheed Baloch said while giving his view about the current situation in Balochistan, that the province (Balochistan) has been deprived of the basic development needs for more than 60 years. He said that the young people on mountains are those, who once had trust in democratic forces for their welfare, but the dillydallying on the part of the successive governments has brought the resentment in people to the present level. He saidthatpoliticalsolutionofendingthecrisisisinthehandsofthegovernmentanditis simple:deliverthepromisedrightstothepeopleofBalochistan. Robert Wirsing in his very perceptive study, Baloch nationalism and the Geopolitics of Energy Resources says, two important facts should be kept in mind with regard to Baloch demography. One is that many Pakistani Baloch, 23.9 percent of the total if we extrapolate from the figures above, live outside of Balochistan, especially in Sindh. The second is that the Baloch may already be a minority in Balochistan, or they are almost certainly heading in that direction. The fact is that modernization, globalization, Pakistans steadily rising population, and the massive forces of change unleashed by economic development are threatening to leave the Baloch far behind. They are among the poorest, least educated, and least urbanized of Pakistans population; and they are too easily passed over or pushed aside in the highly competitive social and economic environmentsnowgainingtractioninPakistan. He further adds that while this is in part, of course, a structural problem, not lending itself readily to policy manipulation, circumstances did not arise unassisted by the government, whose policies have almost never been designed to give serious attention toBalochproblems. Andthisiswhere,inouropinion,liesthecruxoftheproblem. GovernmentsNeglect The central governments inability and reluctance to identify and tackle the problems for a long period is the major reason for the prevailing situation. But the government in Balochistan has also never represented the genuine interests of the people of Balochistan. The elected representatives of the province have also shown an apolitical and non democratic attitude instead of highlighting the genuine needs and interests of their people. Conversely the peoples representatives supported the criminals activities intheregionthroughdictatingtheirorderstothelocalpolice. Pakistani central governments on the other hand have attempted to establish a strong centralized state. And in the process they have neglected the basic development rights of people and their peculiarities. The checkered history of Pakistani democratic government has also proved a hindrance in the way of addressing the grievances politically; instead the army rule has almost always favored the military solution over politicalones.
ItwasthisattitudethatledMusharraftodeclareabouttheinsurgentthattheywillnot know what hit them. How sad a commentary on a Nationss fate that such remarks are made by the president of the country. In his time, Islamabad adopted a virtually zero tolerance model, allegedly consisting of psychological warfare, public diplomacy, political harassment and intimidation; decapitation of separatist leadership; cooption of tribal leadership, increased deployment of security forces and reliance on military repression. The failure of the model is clear as a day light. The harassment and hounding of the Baloch,withoutanytangiblebenefitstothemassesontheground,onlyledtoincrease in the popular support and helping to prove the claim made by the insurgents that the governments real aim is to marginalize them and to reduce them to second class citizenshipintheirownland. RoleofSardars In 15th centuryMir Chakar Khan Rindbecame first king of BALOCHistan. Balochistan subsequently was dominated by empires based inIranand Afghanistanas well as theMughal Empirebased in India. Nadir Shah and then Ahmed Shah Durrani won the allegianceoftherulersofBalochistan.LatertheseareasweredominatedbyBalochsand Pashtuntribes. The period between eleventh and fifteenth century was important for the transition of Balochi community from clan units to the development of chieftaincies which is the predecessor of present day Sardari system. The history of Balochi people in this phase went through a fundamental social transformation. Ejaz Ahmad in his article The nationalquestioninPakistanwrites: Permanent chieftaincy was instituted and the chiefs began gradually to accumulate at leastaprimitivekindofcapital,notonlythroughacquisitionfromoutsidetheresources of the tribe, but also in form of expropriation of labor as well as commodities from membersofthetribeitself.ThisgaverisetotheclassconflictinBalochistan. The system of sardarkheli (chieftains clans) was essentially a feudal system, where sardar was the feuadal lord and the other members of the clan were relegated to a secondary position. They then worked for sardars as well as collected revenues for them. Gradually the interests of the Balochi people ceased to be in alignment of the interests of the Balochi Sardari system as it existed then. Ejaz Ahmad further says The great wealth, power and conspicuous consumption of the ruling elite found, at the bottom of the society, its exact equivalent in unspeakable poverty and powerlessness of the great massofserfs,slavesandlabouringpeasants. Website: Blog:
This subjugation and exploitation was veiled over by myths of tribal solidarity and brotherhood. As this state of affairs got worse for the ordinary Baloch, the myth of tribal classlessness was propagated with loud noise. It remained a myth nevertheless andworkedasanopiateonthemasses. In reality, Baloch people have been crushed between the state and the Sardars. The grievances about social and economic backwardness have escalated due to the entrenched sense of tribalism and deprivation. The Many different Sardars who rule their respective tribes, have a very poor record of protecting the rights of the tribal peoplethemselves. The problem started with Prince Karims invasion from Afghanistan. It was repressed by the state. Since then foundations for mistrust were laid down. The neglect and exploitation continued, with sardars playing their role of appeasing the establishment and never taking any part in the development of Pakistan or Balochistan. For example Bugti Sardars have been paid billions of Rupees. How much of that has been spent on theirowntribesmen? There is certainly weight in the argument that the federal government in Pakistan has neglected the development of Balochistan, but equalresponsibility lies with the Sardars of Balochistan who enjoy immense power in their tribes. These very sardars have been partoftherulingeliteintheprovince,bothunderthemilitaryandcivilianrulers. Perhapsnotsurprisingly,thesameBalochleadershavecensuredthedevelopmentplans which werelikely to bring immenseopportunities for the progress of their people.Even the horrific human rights atrocities taking place in the province have been defended by thetribalchiefsinthenameoftheirculturalnorms. Prof. Mukhtar Ali Naqvi writes that the demands of a Fair Deal have also been set forthbythesesardarsandnotbytheelectedmembers.Theyareunwillingtocomeinto the main stream society, have monopoly over the laws and regulations of the state, whiletheythemselvessitinprovincialandnationalparliaments,yettheydontworkfor the development of their own people. Through brutal customs, and practices, they target their own people. Their opposition to the development plans stems from the apprehensions that employment opportunities and consequent change will liberate peoplefromtheirbondage. Prof Naqvi further pointed out that Since the situation in the province has been the subject of discussion in the country, the news media has presented views of all shades of opinion. Many interviewees belonging to the same tribe exposed the tribal leaders. They gave firsthand information about how people are oppressed and how despicable methods are used to keep them in bondage. The details of captivity in private jails are simply harrowing. The leaders are running a parallel government and consider
themselvestobeabovethelaw. ReligiousExtremism The state of deprivation has made the people of the province vulnerable to the aggravationandmilitanttendencypromotingreligiousextremisminBalochistan.Lackof education and awareness, sense of deprivation and acute poverty gave space to terroristactivitiesbybothexternalandinternalenemies. Abdul Rahim Ziaratwal, former parliamentary leader of the Pakhtunwa Milli Awami Party also alleges that government itself promotes the extremist activities in the province. He pointed out when speaking to a seminar that This policy had previously radicalizedthePashutnareasoftheprovincebutnowithadalsoexpandedtotheBravi speaking belt of Balochistan where scores of young people were being inclined towards sectarian militancy and violence. ExternalFactorsandGeoPolitics Despite being a major factor, the backwardness and development lag is not the sole explanation of the insurgency in Balochistan. According to Global Research scholar, Michel Chossudovsky: In the current geopolitical context, the separatist movement is in the process of being hijacked by foreign powers. British intelligence is allegedly providing covert support to Balochistan separatists (which from the outset have been repressed by Pakistan 's military)Ten British MPs were involved in a closed door session of the Senate Committee on Defense regarding the alleged support of Britain 's Secret Service to Baloch separatists (Ibid). Also of relevance are reports of CIA and MossadsupporttoBalochrebelsinIranandSouthernAfghanistan." In a 2006 research article on Balochistan which was published in Pak Tribune in 2006, FarzanaShah,acurrentaffairsanalystforBrassTacks,highlightedtherolewhichisbeing playedbyaBritishthinktankagainstBalochistan.Shahwrites: In this regard the Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) United Kingdom arranged a seminar on Balochistan province of Pakistan in collaboration with the socalled Balochistan Rights Movement on 27th June 2006 in the House of Commons, London. It was highly disappointing as it was abashedly a onesided cheap propaganda rather than discussing the real situation. By a mere look at the panel of the participants of the seminar one could easily figure out that it consisted of only antiPakistan elements and some self styled activists advocating terrorism in the province. There were no representatives from government of Pakistan or even from the elected provincial government of Balochistan in the seminar. It is just unfortunate that the Foreign Policy Centre which is expected to present fair suggestions to the British government to engage a country of their concern for important issues, indulged in such a blatant onesided propaganda
againstPakistanthroughthesaidseminar. The question is that what is the role of international players in Balochistan quagmire and what is at stake for these countries?Balochistan is situated at a geostrategic location. It provides corridor to the warm waters of Indian ocean, overlooks strait of Hormuz and major trade and oil routes. It is also full of natural resources, including gas, oilandpreciousandrareminerals. One of the objectives for such interference is to destabilize Balochistan by stimulating insurgency and creating violations for its detachment from Pakistan. Gwadar has a key strategic position for shipping gas and oil from Turkmenistan to Arabian Sea via Afghanistan towards western shores. US sees Gwadar as port way to the land route through Balochistan into Southern Afghanistan. China is interested in a gas pipeline from Iran through Pakistan into Western China, which US will not likely to accept. US wants to secure the Indian Ocean and its strategic routes, and Gwadar lies at the openingofStraitofHormuzthroughwhichover40%ofworldoilpasses. Iran views it unfavorably, since it does not want Gwadar to become prominent and Chabahar to be sidelined, especially since Iran is isolated in the world at the moment. IranhashugereservesofgasanditwouldliketoextendthetradewithIndia.Iranisalso afraid of Jandullahs (the terrorist group of CIA) covert operations against Iran, from Balochistan. Russia would not like trade from Central Asia shifting southwards and therefore would liketokeepAfghanistanandBalochistanturbulent.[MichelChossudovsky] Afghanistans soil has been used again and again to cause trouble inside Pakistan. Currently BLA is reported to be operating from Kandahar in Afghanistan. BLA enjoys supportfromIndianRAWintermsoffinances,logistics,andweapons.Inarecentreport Christine Fair of RAND Corporation says" Kabul 's motivations for encouraging these activitiesareasobviousasIndia'sinterestinengaginginthem. IndiaisatthemomentchiefregionalallyofUS,andNATO.IndiabelievesthatPakistanis at the brink of break up and India must focus on building its relationship with Central Asia,Iran,andAfghanistan,andcaptureoilandgasreservesfromCentralAsiaandIran ,throughAfghanistanandPakistan.IndiaalsobelievesthatanindependentBalochistan willlikelybecomeaproxyofIran,IndiaandAfghanistan[MichelChossudovsky] Capt (r) Bharat Verma of Indian Defense Review, writes,With Pakistan on the brink of collapse due to massive internal as well as international contradictions, it is matter of timebeforeitceasestoexist.MultiplebenefitswillaccruetotheUnionofIndiaonsuch demise. Website: Blog:
Historyoftheconflicts ControversiesinvolvingtheareascomprisingBalochistandatebacktotheestablishment oftheDurandLinein1893,thatdividedPashtunandBalochtribeslivinginAfghanistan from those living in what later became Pakistan. Afghanistan vigorously protested the inclusion of Pashtun and Baloch areas within Pakistan without providing the inhabitants withanopportunityforselfdetermination. Since1947,thisproblemhasledtoincidentsalongtheborder,withextensivedisruption of normal trade patterns. The most serious crisis lasted from September 1961 to June 1963, when diplomatic, trade, transit, and consular relations between the countries weresuspended. Baloch nationalists demanding greater political rights, autonomy and control over their natural resources, have led four previous insurgencies in 1948, 195859, 196263 and 197377. The fifth conflict between the Baloch nationalists and the Centre started in 2005 and this time the insurgents have gone a step further and demanded for seccession. DividedinthenineteenthcenturyamongIran,Afghanistan,andBritishIndia,theBaloch found their traditional nomadic life frustrated by the presence of national boundaries and the extension of central administration over their lands. Moreover, many of the most militant Baloch nationalists were also vaguely MarxistLeninist and willing to risk SovietprotectionforanautonomousBalochistan. In 1947, When India and Pakistan eventually gained independence from the British, princely states were given the choice of either joining Pakistan or India or being independent. Initially Khan of Kalat, Mir Ahmed Yar Khan declared Kalat's independence. However, in 1948 the princely state of Kalat was annexed to Pakistan. According to the then ruler of Kalat, the agreement had been to accept the unique status of the state by incorporating it into Pakistan as a sovereign, independent and autonomous unit. But he then signed an accession agreement ending Kalat's de facto independence, which he later claimed he had only done under duress. However Khan was never an absolute monarch. He was required to act under the provisions of Rawaj andwasundoubtedlyundertheinfluenceofBritishempire. In1948,PrinceKarimKhan,theyoungerbrotherofKhan,decidedtoconductarebellion and guerrilla warfare against the Pakistan army basing himself in Afghanistan. It is said that he had a personal grievance in that Pakistan recognized Sardar Gichki as Makrans ruler instead of accepting him as a governor. This ended with the arrest of the prince, who was imprisoned in Quetta Jail. He was later sentenced to ten years of rigorous imprisonment. After this Nawab Nowroz Khan (1958) took up arms in resistance to the One Unit Website: Blog:
policy. He and his followers were charged with treason and arrested and confined in Hyderabad jail. Five of his family members (sons and nephews) were subsequently hanged.NawabNowrozKhanlaterdiedincaptivity. Later on the more serious insurgency happened in 196369 led by Sher Mohammad Bijarani Marri against he establishment of Pakistan Armys garrisons in the troubled areas of Balochistan . And the fourth conflict in 197377 was led by Nawab Khair Baksh Marri. Undoubtedly this was provoked by Mr Bhuttos arrogance and federal impatience,highhandednessandundemocraticconduct. TheCurrentInsurgencyandBalochNationalism The currentscenario for theconflict in Balochistan started building up when the federal authorities in Pakistan started developing Gwadar Port with road and rail links. The development projects of the coastal highway and the Gwadar port have been also opposed tooth and nail by Baloch nationalists. Balochi resistance to defy governments efforts to start Gwadar was based on the charge that it will change Balochi ethnic culture. Balochi disaffection grew more in the aftermath of the attack on the Taliban in Afghanistan and the establishment of US bases in Pasni, Gwadar, Dalbandin and Jacobabad in Sindh. This was not so much because of the US military presence, but because the then administration decided to establish some army cantonments in Balochistan. During the eight years of Musharrafs military rule in Pakistan, the absence of political process that is necessary to deal with the insurgenciesresulted in the further alienation of even moderate Baloch nationalist from the Federation of Pakistan. It shut the doors ofnegotiationprocesswiththeBalochLeaders. This conflict became more intense, in 2006 when Nawab Bugti, the Baloch tribal leader and ex chief minister and governor of Balochistan was killed in an army operation. He hadbeenaccusedbyPakistansgovernmentforseriesofbombblasts,killingsofhisown peopleandmainlytherocketattackonthethenPresidentofPakistan.Hewaslaudedas a leader of Baloch by the nationalists who had died fighting for their cause and was turnedintoahero. During this time the political parties did not play their role to raise the issues of deprivation and neglect at the serious level. This was not limited to the ruling parties; unfortunately opposition also ignored the Balochistan issue. In the All Parties Conference that was held in 2007, to plan a collective line of action to deal with the differentproblemsfacedbyPakistan,theBalochistanproblemwasnotevenincludedin theagenda. Website: Blog:
Close analysis tell us that the Baloch nationalist movement is not a unitary force that it may appear. There is not much love lost between the leading tribes involved in the insurgency. There is no single voice which can claim to speak for all. There is no coherent second tier middle class leadership, despite increased support in the Baloch areas. In fact the middle classes may still be on the side of moderate federally inclined Baloch politicians. For some Baloch nationalism only means tribal identity such as Marri or Bugti, at best. Some Baloch nationalists demand complete independence. Most, still believe that 1973 Constitution is the most workable basis for a reconstructed and strengthenedfederalism,andalltheywantisgreaterautonomy. Thereforewhileitistruethatantistateviolencehasbeenthechosentacticofsome,for the great majority, federal framework stays the chosen method to address grievances. AnditisthisthatPakistangovernmentmustcapitalizeonto. The danger as we mentioned earlier are twofold. The educated middle class in Baloch townshasstartedrallyingbehindnationalistsandevenSardars.Thesesardarswillnever deliver but like all other Pakistanis, they are being fooled into utopian idealism. Second various vested local, national and international interests are trying to take advantage of thissituation. Steven Metz has persuasively argued that contemporary insurgency has undergone fundamentalchangeinitsstrategiccontext,structure,anddynamics.Heassertthatthis requiresPakistansfederalandprovincialgovernmentstoadoptaverydifferentwayof thinking about (and undertaking) counterinsurgency. The real threat posed by insurgency, he observes, is the sustained conflict leading to political destabilization and related socio political pathologies. Protracted conflict, he declares, not insurgent victory,isthethreat. To summarise the nationalists complaints are mix of old and new. Older complaints consist of lack of autonomy, exploitation of resources and lack of development. In addition since then, the new complaints are that hundreds of people are missing in action and there has been a silent war that nationalists allege state is waging upon them. Above analysis make two things absolutely clear. One that there is virtually no chance that the problems confronting Islamabad arising from the current resurgence of Baloch nationalism can be swept aside. While the actualscale of the rebellion may be a matter ofconsiderablecontroversy,thedangerispresentandclear;andthereasonsunderlying it are genuine and real. Second, there is considerable avenue of hope with majority still willingtoworkwithinthestateframeworkandthroughpoliticalmethods. Website: Blog:
InsurgencyandGeoPoliticsofEnergyResources Selig Harrison writing in his book In Afghanistans Shadow in 1981, predicted ominously A glance at the map, quickly explains why strategically located Balochistan andthefivemillionBalochtribesmenwholivetherecouldeasilybecomethefocalpoint ofsuperpowerconflict.
With the present energy crisis it should be no surprise that energy security in Pakistan, now stands at or near the top of national priorities. Pakistans economy is one of the worlds most natural gas dependent. Natural gas, accounting for about 50 percent of Pakistans total energy consumption, is currently the countrys principal energy source. Out of Pakistans proven natural gas reserves two thirds are located in Balochistan. But while Balochistan accounts for about 40 % of Pakistans natural gas production, but consumesonlyamodest17percentofit. Pakistans current annual consumption of natural gas is about 1.2 trillion cubic feet and fast increasing. This means that there are extreme pressures on Pakistans natural gas resourcescomingfromindustrial,commercial,transport,andresidentialconsumers.But anymoreaggressiveeffortsfordomesticexplorationandextractionriskmilitantstrikes. The remedy is to get the ordinary Balochs out of militant mindset and back to political grounds.AslongasPakistanhasgassupply,therewillalwaysbeaflashpointforasharp controversy between Islamabad and Baloch nationalists. Therefore the security of this supplyforPakistanistopoftheagenda.
Balochinsurgencydirectlythreatensthisenergysecurity.RobertWirsingpointsoutthat this context is related to Baloch nationalism in at least three ways. One is that Balochistanisrichinenergyresources.Themostpersistentandlongstandinggrievance that nationalists have is that these resources have been exploited by the central government without adequate compensation to the province. Second, Balochistan is a transit route for major proposed natural gas pipelines from either Iran or Turkmenistan to Pakistan and from there potentially to India. Baloch militant attacks are a major threat to any such undertaking. Third, Gwadar is the site of a major port facility and energyhub. He further elaborates that this energy context also exerts a powerful threefold impact on Baloch nationalism itself. First, it vastly increases the importance of Balochistan and Baloch nationalism to the central government. Second, the changed energy context simultaneously incentivizes the Baloch insurgents to claim control of Balochistan. Third and most important however, he states that to both sides advantage, the changed energy context, which includes the potential for major increases in Pakistans revenues and dramatic improvements in Balochistans economy and Social infrastructure, also supplies novel and abundant opportunities to address Baloch nationalist demands in a positiveandmutuallyacceptablemanner.
Therefore to conclude, as in the previous section we again see that the danger and the avenue of hope exist side by side. The choice remains for the Pakistans government in how to deal with these matters. Being swift, decisive, fair, just and transparent are key to success in the political engagement, which is the only option available to Pakistan. Baloch nationalism has to be accommodated in good faith. The Baloch need to become partnersofenergydevelopment,notitsenemies.Therearenotwowaysaboutthis. InsurgentGroupsinBalochistan According to government sources, presently there are five militant outfits operating in Balochistan. Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) is the most prominent amongst them that seeks separation of Balochistan from Pakistan. Besides BLA, four other militant organizations including Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), Balochistan Republican Army (BRA),LashkareBalochistanandJhalawanBalochTigershaveemergedtochallengethe writofthegovernment.Theseoutfitshaveclaimedtheresponsibilityofvarioussporadic attacks on gas pipelines, power transmission lines, power pylons, security check posts, FCforts,securityforces,railwaytracks,oiltankers,governmentoffices,progovernment tribesmen, official residences and civilians etc. BRA is the most prominent among the newly emerged Baloch militant groups. [Khurram Iqbal: Counter insurgency in BalochistanPakistansstrategy,outcomeandfutureimplications] Despite the violent resurgence of the nationalists it is still an almost certainty that the voiceofBlochnationalistsisnotreallythevoiceofallBalochis.While,unfortunatelythe fact is that general Balochi people are the ultimate victim of exploitation in the war between state and insurgents. Insurgent groups, in the opinion of many moderate Balochi people, do not represent the whole of provinces population. They do not have majoritys support as they too do not have any record of serving common peoples interests. In fact there is hardly much love lost between different insurgent groups and unityacrosstheseistenuous. Settlersissue¤tsituationinBalochistan The term settlers is used in Balochistan to describe those Balochis who are ethnically neitherBalochnorPathan.ThesesettlersinBalochistanhavebeenlivingintheareafor generations. We find this term extraordinary. Ethnic Balochis are also themselves settlers under one definition, and so are Pathans, as both ethnic groups arrived a few hundredyearsearlierandarenotindigenoustoBalochistan. The migration of settlers has been going on for at least two centuries. Their first migration took place when Punjab in late 1700s. And the second flow of immigrants wasstartedin1800sduringdevelopmentalmovementsineducation,socialservicesand journalism people of Balochistan invited various scholars from UP (Northern India) and Punjab to settle in Balochistan. [Historical perspective of Balochistanp.8] By the end of Website: Blog:
nineteenthcenturymajorityofthegovernmentemployeeswasPunjabi. The professional entrepreneurial middle class composed of the nonindigenous communitiesintheprovincehasbeenanassettoPakhtunsandBalochsforanumberof decades. For generations they have provided skilled manual labour from hairdressers and tailors to professional middle class including teachers, educationists, bankers, lawyersandscuh. According to Assakzai, the contribution of Punjabis in the education sector in Balochistan is tremendous. A number of other journalists in Balochistan, Pakhtun and Balochs alike, have been trained by Punjabi and Urduspeaking journalists. During the current wave of violence in Balochistan, the settlers have been particularly targeted and have suffered immense violence at the hands of the insurgents. In a recent visit to Quetta we met with Baloch, pathan and settler political workers, professionals and settlers. They present a gloomy picture of the situation in city and wholeprovince.ThetargetedkillingofthePunjabispeakingminorityhasbeengoingon since the killing of Baloch nationalist leader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti. It has been described by nationalists as revenge kiiling to avenge the killing of Balochs by the "Punjabi"armyduringtheoperation. There has been a series of target killings of settlers. Nationalist militant group in Balochistan are targeting and killing settler educationists, doctors, professionals and such like. The people from other provinces who had come to work as low earning wage workers are being forced to migrate. This violence is pushing the province to further backwardness through skill and brain drain. These settlers in Balochistan all over Pakistan stand for the ethnic unity of all communities who are being targeted to destabilizetheprovincialcapital. In general, people are terrorized to the extent that they do not go out freely. Women and children are scared and feel themselves insecure. The major fallout of Baloch militants'violencetobemassmigrationfromBalochistanofPunjabiandUrduspeaking people, who mostly live in Quetta. The already deprived province will not be able to fill the gap. Recently, over 70 professors in Balochistan University applied to be relieved so thattheycanworkinotherprovinces,followingthebrutalkillingofProfNazimaTalib.In other words if this happens, Balochistan University will simple shut down. The insurgent groups and their supporters are brainwashing the general people through negative portrayal of the role of state against Balochi people. The Chief Minister of Balochistan Aslam Raisani sees incidents of target killing and bomb blasts as an aim to damaging Balochistans economy. He has also linked the recent deteriorating lawandordersituationintheprovincetotheongoingwarinAfghanistan. Website: Blog:
PakhtunFactor While Balochistan's Pakhtuns may have sympathy for Baloch grievances, they have shunned away and occasionally condemned the violence by the nationalists. Some Pakhtuns claim that there is a fundamental difference between Pakhtun and Baloch political forces, in that Pakhtuns have never used violence as a method to resolve politicalproblems,despitetheirequallyseriousgrievances. Pakhtun leaders in Balochistan point out that despite being 30 percent of the population, Pakhtuns have no quota in jobs. Even the convention of a Pakhtun being governor of Balochistan if the chief minister is Baloch has been broken this time. They complainthatthePakhtunsoftheprovincehavereceivednoattentionfromthefederal government because, they have never resorted to militancy. The recent Haqooqe Balochistan Package has nothing for Pakhtuns, who are nearly half the population of Balochistan. Pakhtun political forces have opposed the target killings and held some active demonstrations. Many settlers it is said, are moving to Pakhtun areas. And some have actually joined Pakhtun political parties. Historically, Pakhtuns have been the main stay of the business community in Balochistan and have enjoyed excellent relations with the Settler Balochis as well as Persianspeaking Hazara community. It has been reported thattherearemorePakhtunPunjabiintermarriagesthanPakhtunBalochmatches. With the new naming of Paktunkhwakhyber and a growing movement for smaller provinces, it is likely that Balochi Pakhtuns may become more vocal in creation of a province for themselves. They increasingly point out that while Baloch political forces want more powers for themselves they are not prepared to give the Pakhtuns of the province same rights. Any ethnic problem this may lead to will worsen the socio political situation in the province. LiberationandViability:IsindependentBalochistanviable? PossibleconsequencesforindependentBalochistananddividedPakistan A very important aspect of the problem of the Balochistan is to see whether the independent Balochistan, as demanded by some groups in the province, is viable? For this case we need to look at the viability in terms of wherewithal to survive as a small state. Moreover, what are Baloch nationalists willing to do? Are they willing to take on their own sardars? Is the middle class educated? Are there enough educated, settled andpoliticallyconsciouspeople,willingtotakeonthepoliticallead? Atabout400,000kmsq,Balochistanwillbe60thlargestcountryinsize,followedby150 countries Population wise it will be somewhere between 155 to 160 on the list of the worldspopulationlist.
With this new status will this state be competitive enough to survive as an independent state? What is the plan of action to run and sustain the state? Has anyone thought about this most fundamental question? Are the tribal chiefs, with their track record, capable of running an independent state in the interest of its own people? How well prepared and wellplanned are the separatists and their supporters to promise the survival of poor people of the province in the current age of globalization and international trading activities based on the vested geopolitical and economic interests ofthebigeconomies? In the times of dismantling boundaries between the countries of the world, small countries need to be competitive in all aspects. They need skills for resource development, viable economic plan; skill and technology; social, intellectual and human capital; capable leadership; and effective state structure to implement the plans. The way skilledpeople aredeserting and being forced to migrate under thepain of death, it would be impossible for any state to survive. Only the other day, the Vice chancellor of Balochistan University held a press conference to state that his qualified staff wants to leaveandatthisratetheuniversitymayclose. Ziauddin Sardar in his article Can small Countries Survive in the Future? asserts that In conventional development literature, small countries are distinguished by their physical size. Countries like The Gambia or GuineaBissau are described as facing small country problems, i.e they are unable to sustain themselves. But small doesn't necessarily mean unsustainable. Singapore, by contrast, has one of the highest standards of living in the world. This article argues that geographical or population size is less significant factors in determining viability than social, economic and cultural conditions. The future for small countries will only be viable if they can come together onthebasisofmutualhelpandrespect. This is also important to note in the case of Balochistan. The conduct of Balochi tribal chiefs is that of oppressing and terrorizing the common people. With this situation will thesardarsbeabletoprolongthebasisofmutualrespectandhelpwithpeople? The common Balochi people are biggest stakeholder in this problem. So they may raise themselves to the situation and question those who demand separation, about their rights of safety and survival. The Balochi people may ask:, how will the sardars and nationalists ensure an independent state without any bloodshed and any further violence?HowwilltheyensuretheprovisionofwelfareservicestothecommonBalochi people? Russel Longcore on the state secession writes that only the nations with vibrant economies can survive or the regional cooperation can increase the potential of economic viability. With their target killing policy of educated settlers and Balochis ownlowdevelopmentindexandthegenerallackofvisionaryleadership,theviabilityof Website: Blog:
an independent Balochistan that can serve the interests of its own people, without becoming a vassal state of great powers, remains seriously suspect at the best and impossibleinreality. Intheoryevenifonewastoenvisagesuchasscenario,Balochistanwillbeinnoposition to choose its neighbours. Sandwiched between Pakistan and Iran from who it would accede,itisunlikelytogainanyfavoursontheissuesoffoodandwaterandevenselling its natural wealth. Considering these realities and whether these may or may not have been assessed by nationalist struggling for Greater Balochistan, it seems unlikely that they have the best interest of Balochs at heart. If they really want to develop their peopletheymayfinditeasierdoinginthepresentfederalsetupofPakistan,ratherthan someimaginedunrealisticproposition. QuestionsforBalochNationalistsandInsurgents The analysis presented above should make a Baloch nationalist question the insurgents and those claiming to fight for a separate Baloch homeland. The strategy of the violence,targetkillingofotherethnicgroups,especiallyskilledandeducated,disruption of development projects and killing of those working on it especially non Pakistanis and the dim prospects for realization of these gas pipeline projects, especially in the near term, and a non functioning Gwadar, has had only negative consequences for BalochistanandBalochnationalism. For one, any material gains to developmentstarved Balochistan province have been lost.Furtherstarvationofalreadystarvingpopulation,mayintheshortterm,beblamed upon the centre. However it would be a matter of time when this will be seen through. StalemateatGwadarhasresultedinlossofopportunitiesfordevelopmentbothsocially and economically. No pipeline through Balcohistan means no construction and maintenancejobs,forinstance,orthepossibilityofaprovincialshareingastransitfees, orwiderdistributionofnaturalgaswithintheprovince. Braindrainandshortageofskillsisalreadyshowingthrough.Thepremierinstitutionsof Balochistan province, Balochistan university and Bolan Medical College are already creaking under severe strain due to shortage of educated and skilled. How does that benefit ordinary oppressed Baloch is beyond comprehension. It has been reported that suchlocaltradesashairdressingortailoringorevenprimaryschoolteachersarerapidly becomingascarcecommodityinsmallerBalochtowns. Baloch Sardars continue to live abroad or in Karachi, in luxury. Those in power continue their unrelenting pursuit of power and luxury with least attention being paid to the law and order situation, peace and security, and mitigation of economic woes. Recently in an interview with daily Dawn, Mr Hiarbayar Marri, who along with Mr Bramdagh Bugti claims leadership of insurgents, when asked about his future plans about an Website: Blog:
independent Balochistan, completely fudged the issue. His response was that it was a matter for Baloch people to decide whether they will want democracy or Sardari system. One does not have to speculate much to understand what his own preference would be. While living in United Kingdom, his comments can only reflect his un repentantegoandbroughtup.Butitdoesprovidefoodforthoughtforpeoplewhohold anyhopefromhimandhiscompatriots. BalochistanPackage(seeappendixB) The recently announced AghazeHuqooqeBalochistan package and the passage of the 18th amendment in the constitution include most of the measures for reviving a good relationship of the state with Baloch people. But to eliminate the trust deficit of baloch people the most important thing for the government is to act now for the implementationofthedevisedmeasures. The package has five dimensions. These relate to actions and measures in Constitutional,Political,AdministrativeandEconomicmattersandfinallytheMonitoring Mechanism.Hereisthesummary: The basic points of this package include withdrawal of Army from Sui and Kohlu area, haltingthecantonmentsintheareas,replacingofArmybyF.C; InquiryinthedeathofNawabAkbarBugtiandalsointothemurderofotherBalochistan leaders such as Lala Munir or Ghulam Muhammad and fact finding in the ongoing currenttargetkillingintheprovince. It also includes settling the royalty issue worth Rs 120 billion which goes back to 1954 and will be paid on a period of 12 years, and a better formula development in the currentNFCaward. The release of missing persons in Balochistan, bringing the missing persons to courts, especially the ones that are involved in crimes would be provided with lawyers in assistance by the government, the issue of missing persons will be sorted within 7 days ofthebill. It also includes the working and mechanism for the development of the Gawadar Development Authority; which will be under the supervision of the Chief Minister and seven other members from the province will form the board of governors that will nominateaChairman. The package also announces the creation of extra 5,000 jobs for the Balochistan people in the government, semigovernment and other such organizations.A free economic zonewillbecreatedinGawadar;whereallthepostswillbefilledbythelocalsfrom1to
16 scales on merit. And for the development of the Gawadar most of the local qualified contractorswillbegivenpreference. There shall be uniform price of gas throughout the country for calculation of the gas development surcharge. Special incentives would be given to the local tribes in the Kohludistricttofacilitatetheexplorationofthegasinthearea. The federal government would provide one billion rupees for rehabilitation and settlementoftheIDPsfromDeraBugti. Unfortunately this much awaited package did not bring in any immediate relief to the people struck with turmoil and strife. It took government good one and a half year to bring this out and yet within 24 hours it had been rejected by most of the Nawabs and localleadersoftheBalochistan. Abdul Rahim Ziaratwal, former parliamentary leader of the Pakhtunwa Milli Awami Party, speaking at a seminar held recently in Quetta on the sociopolitical situation in Balochistan, said that The 18th amendment bill has come very late but still provides somehopefortheimprovementofrelationsbetweentheprovinceandtheCentre,.He added Had a similar initiative been taken much earlier, confrontation between the federal government and the provinces could have been avoided. Some people are still viewing the constitutional package with skepticism, saying that it is too little being offeredtoolate.Ifthegovernmentfailstotrulyworkonempoweringtheprovinces,the countrywouldexperienceanotherepochofdismemberment. An important business figure in Quetta, talking to us on the factors leading to the crisis said that the province, having enormous strategic significance in the country, has been the victim of neglect by the government [provincial and federal] for its indifference and tribal sardars for their own vested interests. He said that the recent announcements by the government can give a ray of hope to the people but only if materialized in time. In his opinion the separatist elements in Balochistan do not have a popular following and theircauseistosecuretheirauthorityoverthepeople. The gentleman is of the view that the bureaucracy in Islamabad till today, is not bothered about what is happening in Balochistan which is disappointing. He further asserted that the prosperity of Pakistan is linked with the prosperity of Balochistan as it is the strategically located province, which enhances Pakistans geopolitical importance intheregion. As Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bazenjo rightly puts it, Empower the locals. How can this be achieved in the present set up is hard to fathom. Even in the democratic setup it is not thelowerormiddleclasseswhohavecomeforward,butratherthenawabsandsardars continue to rule the roost. Unless and until the tribal system is broken down and
dismantled or the tribal leaders are willing to be less powerful which is absolutely unimaginable. Usman Zahid opines that the current package is a disappointment in a number of ways because the outcome as compared to the time taken by the government is not much; the points mentioned in the package provide no shortterm relief to the province; it does not end target killing overnight nor it gives any relief to the masses in one way or theother. He further adds, What could have been done by the government was to announce shorttermgoalsalongwithlongtermgoalswhichcouldhaveincludedemphasisonthe current law and order situation; provision of electricity in far flung villages of the province; declaring economic and industrial zones in the region so that through private firms employment would had been created; special subsidies for the area that would had developed an economic cycle for the region sparking change through shortterm goals that would had lead to longterm goals and would had made the success ratio of anysuchpackagemuchhighthenascomparedtothecurrentpackage. Governor Balochistan Nawab Zulfiqar Magsi has recently said while speaking to a seminar held to discuss the current situation in Balochistan that the AghaziHaqooqi Balochistan package was not the solution to the provinces problems. Speaking to journalists at the Governor House, he said Balochistans issues could only be addressed throughcompleteprovincialautonomy. InIARehmansopinion,themainresponsibilityforaninauspiciousstartoftheAghazi Huqooq exercise lies with the federal government. It should have been aware of the Balochistan peoples distrust of reform proposals that began with the dismissal of the report of the reform committee of 1949. They are completely fed up with reform proposalsbecauseofalonghistoryoffailuretoimplementthem. He goes on to say, unfortunately, the episode of the package has again exposed Islamabads inability to grasp the seriousness of the Balochistan crisis. It does not seem to realise that vague proposals for removing Balochistans grievances accumulated over six long decades can make no impression on its Young Turks nor can they attract elementsthatarepreparedtoentrusttheirfuturetothePakistanfederation.Thelatter need to have something tangible in their hands with which to negotiate with the angry youngpeopleofBalochistan.
Solution:Whatneedstobedone? Under the circumstances what does one do. This is not the problem of one class, section, province or one dimensional. Therefore the response needs to be wholesome. The most fundamental and urgent requirement is for trust building. And the only way this can even begin is, by governance measures from the centre that are urgent, transparentandreachthedoorstepoftheordinarymasses. For its part, Pakistan needs to learn that the problem of Balochistan must be given urgent attention and top priority in good faith and measure. The governing elite in Pakistanhavetobesensitivetothegenuinedemandsplacedonthefederalgovernment by the Balochis. These demands are protected and guaranteed by the constitution of Pakistan. The government has to adopt a multipronged antiinsurgency strategy to placate the Balochpoeple.Theuseofforcewillnotleadtoapeacefulsolution.Historyiswitnessto the fact that suppression further ignites such movements. The situation calls for strongest possible political will to deliver and implement the solution among all concerned. Itistruethatinsurgencystilldoesnotcommandthemajoritysupport.Thisfactmustbe capitalized on. By taking serious and urgent socio economic measure and by providing justice and fair play as basis of governance, the back of the insurgency can be broken. There is still an attitude among the Pakistanis establishment led by military that insurgency depends on some individuals. This is no longer the case and grass root support has widened in past few years. This can only be countered by urgent and fair governance. This can be achieved if the federal government, in conjunction with the provincial government, applies the will to ensure that the legitimate rights of the people of Balochistanaregrantedanddeliveredimmediately. Inthisregardfollowingstepscanbeconsidered; 1 Government should draw out a clear cut policy giving due share in natural resourcestotheprovince. 2 The revenue from the developmental projects in Balochistan must be spent on itsdevelopment. 3 Development work should be carried out in the fields of infrastructure development, water for irrigation and drinking, education, health, energy and productiveeconomicactivity.
4 The delivery system of basic social services like health, education, water and sanitationneedstobestrengthenedandeasilyaccessibletocommonpeople. 5 Royalties,duties,developmentsurchargesandotherleviesowedtotheprovince bythecentremustbepaidonfairbasis. 6 Pakistan Army should also make its image better in that province. The government must implement the plans of canceling the constructing cantonments away from the border region. There must be no unnecessary presenceofmilitaryforcesintheprovince. 7 PakistanArmyshouldrunarecruitmentdriveforBaloch. 8 On the political level, the government must involve the political and nationalist groups in the mainstream politics. The Baloch leaders must be engaged by the political leadership to neutralise the extremist/separatist segments of their groups. 9 TheBalochmustbegivenduerepresentationinstateinstitutions. 10 Balochistans cities, towns and villages should be given priority and preference forSuigas,minerals,andotherbasicnecessitiesoflife. 11 JudiciaryshouldplayitsroleSCmustactastoensurejusticeintheprovinceand the provision of basic national rights to the Baloch people in capacity of equal Pakistanis. 12 Actionisneededonthemissingpersonsformfederalexecutiveandjudiciary 13 Peace and rule of law must be ensured. As an ancillary point this must not be usedasanexcusetoperpetratestatesanctionedcrimes. 14 Governance and Economic Management Programmes should be developed and implemented. 15 Budgetary controls should be given to Local Bodies, with nominated Official in ordertoensurethebenefitsreachesatthegrassrootlevels. 16 Provincial government should tackle, education, health, housing, law and order, security,communication,roadsandtransportastopmostpriority. 17 The longheld fear of the Baloch people that investors may take their resources away needs to be addressed by the safeguard investment policies of assurance bythegovernment. 18 The Baloch Nationalists, if sincere with a peaceful resolution of the years old conflict, must negotiate the issues with the political leadership in order to resolvetheconflicts. 19 By creating major opportunitiesspecifically, by turning Balochistan into an important energy conduit in the regionto address Baloch nationalist demands inapositiveandmutuallyacceptablemanner. The central government and the establishment should stop seeing this as a foreign instigatedphenomenononly,aswasdoneinthecaseofEastPakistan. This mind set will surely lead to more destruction. The need now is to acknowledge the Website: Blog:
grievances and deal with them directly, immediately and effectively in a political frameworkdeliveredbytransparentandfullyempoweredpoliticalforces. Whiletherecanbeanopinionaboutwhethersuchasolutionisatallorderornot,there can be no two opinions that this is the only way out of the Baloch insurgency. On their part the moderate Baloch forces need to create clear blue water between them and nationalist insurgents and need to challenge the militants' search for an "ideal Balochistan" where ethnic minorities would have no place or which brings death and destruction at an unimaginable scale just to satisfy egos of certain arrogant sardars or fulfil dreams of certain international powers. . Conclusion The history of relationship between centre and Balochistan shows a long story of political inaptitude, economic exploitation and unfulfilled promises. State, being the majorrunnerofthenationalaffairs,istobeheldresponsiblemorethananyoneelsefor causing the crisis. Centre in its successive policies and measures have overlooked the sociological and anthropological peculiarities of Balochistan people and harsh economic realities under which they pass their lives and which over 60 years have given birth to deprivation. Above all, the negligence of the development needs created massive despairinBalochistanpeople. This deprivation has made the masses more vulnerable to the appeal by the extremists of all hue and colour. Federal government despite its claim remains unable to design formalconflictresolutionmechanisms.Oneofthemainreasonsfortheirfailuretocope with the problem has been the weak democratic history of the country, which created the basis of deep polarization due to which the general masses can no longer identify themselveswiththestate. It has been said Pakistani government has had its constraints. Robert Wirsing observes thattheenergyrelatedandotherstrategicforcesimpactingonthat part of the world join together in shaping Pakistani perceptions of their policy requirements, in some instances narrowing options, in others practically dictating Islamabads actions. He further states these forces have demanded that the central governmentmorestronglyexertitsauthorityinBalochistan. Howeverwewillstillassertthatinternationalsituationsandconstraintscanneverbean excuseforanynationorstatetoneglect,oppressordepriveitsownmasses.Duringthe pastfewyears,thedebateonthisissueinmediahasreinsertedtheignoredBalochistan into general consciousness of people. This debate has opened a new discussion on the different dimensions of the crisis. In the international media, however, the nationalist movement in Balochistan has also been exaggerated and propagandized. The historic tribal rivalries and the tension between Balochi people and settlers have also been Website: Blog:
exploitedtocreateandfurtherinternaldividesandconflictsintheprovince. Only recently the government has taken a fewof the long awaited initiatives to address the reasons of provincial conflict. After the introduction of AghazeHuqooq e Balochistanpackageandthepassingofthe18thconstitutionalamendmentandabolition of the military cantonments in the province, the separatist movement seems to have ebbed slightly. Although even in this period of lull the target killing has continued, and socioeconomic problems continue to simmer. Although people are hopeful but theyare stillskepticaboutthepromisesduetothetrustdeficitbetweenprovinceandstate. To solve various problems of national interest through wide consensus, government should work on creating and implementing concrete policies that will lead to socio economic development and problem resolution. Provincial and ethnic autonomy could enhance the participatory approach which will help to have wide consensus over national affairs. The legitimate grievances of Baloch people must be addressed as of all theotherdeprivedareas. For the broader peace and security program in the region, the government must invest in human development, and politically empower the people to take part in economic development through modern but decentralized governance mechanism. The strong andaccountabledemocraticsetupofgovernancecanserveasthebestmeansofconflict resolution. The real solution lies in the strong political commitment to implement independent policy decisions in the best interest of Pakistan. Good governance and the stamina and patience to build institutions and reconciliation, magnanimity and humility on behalf of federal political elites, efficient and uncorrupt public service, independent and efficient judiciary, disciplined police force, and political will to execute the plan, can end this crisis. Creation and implementation of Governance and Economic Management Programme (GEMP) with nominated officials at local levels to deliver health education, energy supplytransportandsocialtransformationagendawillbringrelief,peaceandsecurity. The establishment must come forward and wholeheartedly demonstrate its willingness to grant selfrule and political autonomy to the province in order to build a new social contract.Itremainstobeseenifthegovernmentisuptothetask. In Short there are three components to the comprehensive solution to Balochistan problem. One, recognition of the legitimate demands of Baloch people and assessment of the groundreality
Second developments of sound policies and plans that would address the economic deprivationandsociopoliticalissuesandempowerpeople; Third and final, immediate, direct, accountable and transparent delivery through provincialandlocalgovernors. Website: Blog:
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M.Ziauddin,AccessingFossilFuelsinBalochistan,Dawn,September4,2006; MehtabHaiderBalochistanSeeksIncreaseinRoyalty,TheNation,Jan242005 MansoorAkbarKundi,ProvincialAutonomy:AViewfromBalochistan, inPervaizIqbalCheemaandRashidAhmadKhan,eds.,Problems andPoliticsofFederalisminPakistan,Islamabad:IslamabadPolicy ResearchInstitute,2006, Mujaddadi, T. (Apr 23, 2009). Finding Clarity in Balochistan Conundrum Axis of Knowledge. Naveed Ahmad, Trouble in Pakistans EnergyRich Balochistan, ISN Security Watch, January30,2006, Naqvi, M. A. (2009), The Situation in Balochistan Pakistan Link. Petroleum & Natural Resources Division, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources, Government of Pakistan, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited: Introduction, available &ContentID=4177 Provincial autonomy stressed for solving Balochistan issues. (2010, Apr 22). The Nation. Available at: online/Regional/Lahore/22Apr2010/Provincialautonomystressedforsolving Balochistanissues/1 Rajshree Jetly, The Reemergence of the Baloch Movement in Pakistan, ISAS Insights, No.15,Singapore:InstituteofSouthAsianStudies,October1,2006. Robert G. Wirsing; Baloch Nationalism and the Geopolitics of Energy Resources: The changingcontextofSeparatisminPakistan. TariqueNiazi,BalochInsurgentsEscalateAttacksinPakistan,ISNSecurityWatch,May 24,2006, Shah,F.(Jul28,2006).BalochistanatCrossRoadsPakTribune Sardar, Z. Can Small Countries Survive the Future R&_user=10&_coverDate=10%2F31%2F1995&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort =d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1327306883&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C00
Source:encyclopedia[] Afghanistan Ahamdanis Chutani(khoso) or Ashkani Ashekzahis Chandio Ashkani Chutani(khoso) is also the name of a Badezai Baloch tribe in Bahawalanzai Balochistan in Bangulzai Jaffarabad,Quetta,a Baloch(tribe) nd Sindh in Barija Shahdadkot,Jacobab Barzoi ad,Iran Bhutani Chandio is thename Bizenjo of a balochi tribe in Brahmani(tribe) Sindh,(rare in Bugti Balochistan but Bulfati thought to be the Buledi setllers near Buzdar Gawadar now a Bozdar days) Bijarani Damanis Badini Dashti Banulzai Dehwar Barazani Domki Bahawalanzai Dareshak Barija Dannarzai Bhutani Drakhshaan Bizenjo Dumars Brahmani Dasht is a Persian Bugti word, Dashti means Buledi of the (belonging to BOZDAR, a Baloch ororginatingfrom) tribe of Rind (Arab) Dehwar is a Baloch extraction, usually tribe in Balochistan associated with the province of mountain districts Pakistan. of the frontier near Dareshak DeraGhaziKhan Dannarzai is the Bijarani is a Balochi name of a Baloch tribe in Sindh tribe in Balochistan Pakistan Pakistan and Sistan Badini is also the andBalochestan. name of a Baloch Fatahni(Umrani) tribe living in Gabol Balochistan and Gadani Sindh in Karachi Ghazini Pakistan,
Ghanbarzehi Gamshadzehi Gorgage Gashkori Gorshani Gichki Gola(tribe) Gyandar Gadani is located in Gadap Town, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan Ghazini is a Baloch tribe in Sibi District of Balochistan, Pakistan Gashkori is Rind Baloch tribe mostly settled in Areas of Dera Ismail Khan Muzaffargarh , Dera Ghazi Khan , Ali Pur and Kot Addu of Western Punjab and also in Balochistan , particularly , MakranandQuetta Gorshani Gichkiis Gola is a Baloch tribe in Balochistan and Sindh provinces ofPakistan. Hasni Hooth Hasani Hooth are Baloch and they are one of sub branch of Rind ,we have Khosa fromHooth Ismailzahi Jam(tribe) Jadgal Jakhrani
Jamali Jamot Jarwar Jatoi Jattak Jatt Jam Jakhrani Jamali is the name of a Baloch tribe in Balochistan and Sindh provinces of Pakistan. Jarwar is one of the subtribe from the Gazini clan of Marri Baloch Jattak is a Baloch tribe in Balochistan, Pakistan. ... Jatt refers to group of people who mainly livedinPunjab KalmatiKalmathi Kalpar Kashani Khetran Kizilbash Khosa Kolachi Korai Kurd(tribe) Khoso Kambarzahi Kupchanis Kalpar is a clan of Baloch tribe Bugti and is settled in Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab provinces of Pakistan Kashani, dubbed, theSecondPtolemy, was an outstanding Persian mathematician of themiddleages Khetran Kizilbash Kolachi is a Baloch
it tribe and originated from Kulanch, Makran, Balochistan Korai are a Baloch tribe settled in the Sind, Punjab, and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan Kurd is a Powerful Baloch tribe in Balochistan, Sindh, and Punjab provinces of Pakistan KhosaorKhoso Lamba Langhani Lari(tribe) Lashari Lasi Leghari Lehri Loharani Lund(tribe) Lanjwani Lari is the name of a Baloch tribe settled in Balochistan and Sindh provinces of Pakistan. Lasi is a Baloch tribe in Balochistan, Pakistan Leghari:alsospeltas Laghari in Sindh is a Baloch tribe living in Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab provinces of Pakistan Lehri is a Brahui tribe in Balochistan, Pakistan Loharani is a Baloch tribe in Sibi District of Balochistan, Pakistan Lund is a Balochi tribeofPakistan Lanjwani is also the
name of a Baloch tribe Sindh provinces of Pakistan Marri Masuri Mazari Mengal Mastoi Mirani Mirali Moosiani Mondrani Malghani Magsi is a Baloch tribe in Balochistan and Sindh in Pakistan. ... For the Australian tree see Corymbiacalophylla Masuri is a clan of Baloch tribe Bugti and is settled in Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab provinces of Pakistan Mazari is a tribe of theBalochpeopleof Pakistan Mengal is a famous Balochtribe Mastoi is the name of a Baloch tribe in Balochistan and Sindh Mirani is the name of a Baloch tribe in Balochistan and Sindhinlarkana Miraliisthenameof a Baloch tribe in Balochistan and Sindhin[Shikarpur] Nothazai Nizamani Narooie(Narouei) Nutkani Nauri Naukri Nausherwani
Nothazai Nizamani is also the name of a Baloch tribe in Sindh (Hyderabad) provinces of Pakistan. Qaisrani Rahija Ramzai Rahmanzai Rahimi Rind(tribe) Raisi Raisani Rigi(tribe) Roonjha(Tribe) Rahija is a clan of Baloch tribe Bugti and is settled in Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab provinces of Pakistan ShahBakhsh Sherzai_Baloch Sanjrani Shambhani Shambhani (Chandiotribe) Shar(tribe) Sakhani Seyahsawar SarganiBaloch Sardaizai Sadozai Saravani Sethwi Sherzai Sanjrani Shambhani Shambhani Shar Sakhani are biggest sub tribe of Magsi tribe Sadozai are a lineage of the Popalzay clan of the Abdali tribe of the Pashtun.
Talpur Taherza Talpur is a Baloch tribe that conquered and ruled Sindh, and other parts of Pakistan, from 1783 to1843AD. Umrani Umrani(khosa) WUmrani Yarahmadzahi Zardari Zarakzai Zehri Zehi Zarrani Zehri
BALOCHISTANPACKAGE ThefulltextofBalochistanpackageaspresentedinParliamentonNov24,2009. PREAMBLE CONSCIOUS, that the Provinces have a sense of depravation, in the political and economic structures of the Federation; RECALLING, that the provisions of the 1973 Constitution in particular relating to the Federation Province relationshiphavebeencircumvented; STATINGthatthefinancialassistancegivenbythepresentfederalgovernmentintermsofRs.4.6billionPSDP support, Rs. 2.8 billion paid as arrears of royalty for Uch pending since 1995, Rs. 17.5 billion overdraft of Balochistanwrittenoff,realizingthatthisisnotasubstitutetoprovincialautonomy; ACKNOWLEDGING, that the question of provincial autonomy needs to be revisited and the ownership of the ProvincesovertheirresourcesreassertedintheConstitution; MINDFUL,ofthetumultuoushistoryoftheProvinceofBalochistanintheaffairsoftheFederation; PLACING ON RECORD that the present Federal Government has withdrawn cases and released political workersandhelpedinidentifyingtheplacesofdetentionandreleaseofsomeofthemissingpersons; DETERMINED,to correctthewrongs of history,by conferring thepolitical, economic and cultural rights of the Provinces,sothattheFederationmayblossom,and; RECALLING, the documents made from time to time, namely The Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Reconciliation Committee Papers, the Interim Reports of the Wasim Sajjad and Mushahid Hussain Sayed committees of the Parliamentary Committee on Balochistan, headed by Chaudhary Shujaat proposals made by the Chief Secretary Balochistan and the proposals of Mian Raza Rabbani. ThefollowingProposalsaremade: A. CONSTITUTION RELATED MATTERS 1. Constitutional Reform: In terms of the Resolutions passed by Parliament the Speaker has constituted a Parliamentary Committee. The said Committee has commenced work of considering various amendments in the Constitution, including on provincial autonomy, this should be immediately addressed; 2. Constitutional Reform: The quantum, form and scope of provincial autonomy will be determined by the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms which represents all shades of political opinion in Parliament. The following provisions of the Constitution on provincial autonomy are under consideration of the Committee; (i) Deletion of the Concurrent List from the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution; (ii) Deletion of the Police Order, 2002 and The Balochistan Local Government Ordinance 2001 from the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution; (iii) Effective implementation of Article 153 of the Constitution, Council of Common Interests; (iv) Implementation of Article 160 of the Constitution, NFC Award; (v) Implementation of Articles 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 and 159 of the Constitution. 3. Restructuring of the NFC Award Criteria: In the past the formula was based on population. This has been
changed and other criteria such as inverse population ratio, backwardness, poverty and resource generation needtobetakenintoconsideration. B. POLITICALLY RELATED MATTERS 4. Release of Political Workers: The Federal Government in consultation with the Provincial Government should immediately release all political workers, except those charged under heinous crimes; 5.PoliticalDialogue:Immediatetotheacceptanceofalltheproposalscontainedherein,initiationofapolitical dialogue with all major stakeholders in the political spectrum of the Province, to bring them into the mainstream politics. 6.ReturnofExiles:ThepoliticalexileswhoreturntoPakistanwillbefacilitated.(Exceptthoseinvolvedinacts of terrorism). 7. Provincial Assembly Resolutions: The unanimously passed Resolutions of the Assembly from 2002 till date related to the Province be implemented within the legal framework of the Constitution. 8. Local Government: The Balochistan Local Government Ordinance needs to be amended by the Provincial GovernmentkeepinginviewtheadministrativeneedsoftheProvince. C. ADMINISTRATIVELY RELATED MATTERS 9. Operations by Federal Agencies: The Federal Government should immediately review the role of Federal Agencies in the Province and stop all such operations that are not related to the pursuit of fighting terrorism; 10. Construction of Cantonments: The Federal Government should announce, that the presence of the army in Sui will be withdrawn and replaced by the FC in pursuit of peace in the present situation. Proposals should not be formulated for the construction of new Cantonments except in frontier areas, wherever required; 11. Commission: A Commission should be constituted in respect of the missing persons. The Commission should be headed by sitting member of the Superior Judiciary from Balochistan, including the Federal Defence, Interior Ministers and the Home Minister of the Province. The proceedings of such a Commission shall be held in camera. 12. Missing Persons: The names of missing persons be identified and following actions be taken immediately, after verification, in any case, if they arefound to be incustody. (i) Those persons against whom there are no charges be released. (ii) Those persons against whom there are charges be brought before a Court of competent jurisdiction within seven days for trial (effective from the date of promulgation of Commission). (iii) Such persons be allowed legal consul of their choice, the Government should assist them in this regard in accordancewithlaw.(iv)Familymembersofsuchpersonsbeinformedaccordinglyandallowedvisitingrights. 13.JudicialInquiry:JudicialinquirybythesuperiorjudiciarybeorderedbytheFederalGovernmenttoinquire into : a. Murder of Baloch political workers namely Ghulam Muhammad, Lala Munir and Munir Ahmed. b. Target killing in the Province. 14. Nawab Akbar Bugti Shaheed: A fact finding Commission headed by a retired Judge of the Supreme/High Court be constituted, to determine the circumstances leading to the death of Nawab Akbar Bugti Shaheed. 15. New Army Cantonments: Construction of new Cantonments in Sui and Kohlu be stopped for the time being. Army will be withdrawn from Sui after handing over the duties to FC. FC will also takeover the already constructed Cantonment at Sui. 16.ConversionOfBAreasIntoAAreas:InviewofthedecisionoftheProvincialGovernment,thepolicyof conversion of B areas into A areas may be reviewed from time to time. Urban areas may have regular police. 17.TheRoleOfCivilArmedForces:(i)FrontierCorps;TheroleoftheFCinlawenforcementshallbeunderthe Chief Minister of the Province. The powers conferred under the Customs Act shall be withdrawn, (ii) Coast Guard; The CG should perform its primary duty of checking smuggling of arms and narcotics along the coast andtheborder.Thecheckpostsestablishedbeyondtheirterritoriallimitsasprescribedunderthelawshallbe dismantled. An exercise of delimitation of the border areas needs to be undertaken by the Federal Government, Provincial Government and the Frontier Corp to give effect to the aforesaid. 18. Check Posts: The various check posts established by the civil armed forces and other related agencies, other than border areas should be in accordance with the directions of the Provincial Government. 19. Judicial Inquiry: There should be a judicial enquiry by the Superior judiciary into the allotment of land at
Gwadar, 20. Flood Relief: Some monies are due on the Federal Government for the flood affected people of Balochistan, these amounts should be released. 21. Education: Balochistan be given a special quota of scholarships by the Higher Education Commission so thatstudentsoftheProvincecanpursuestudiesleadinguptolocalorforeignMastersandPhDs. D.ECONOMICALLYRELATEDMATTERS 22.RationalizationOfTheRoyaltyFormula: (i) (ii) RationalizationoftheRoyaltyformulaandtheGasDevelopmentSurchargehavebeendone, (it) The concept of PublicPrivate ownership in the areas of a District granted for exploration should be followed. Where contracts are awarded, the said District should be given 15% of revenuetobereceivedbytheProvincialGovernment, Due representation should be given to the Province on the Boards of the PPL; OGDC and Sui SouthernGas, Distribution companies should be obligated under contract/law to provide on priority basis gas to the District where it is explored, (v) In case of a successful find the Federal Government shall spend an amount equivalent to 10% of the net profits on development projects in the area. The ascertainment of profits shall be open to scrutiny by independent/third party auditors, (vi) The Federal Government has released the accrued Production Bonus to the Districts producing oil and gas. This policy will be strictly implemented. 23.Mega Projects:(i)All new megs projects to be initiated withthe consent and approval of the Provincial Government. The share of the Province in its profits/benefits to be assured in the contact/agreement, (ii) The concept of PublicPrivate ownership in such projects to be followed whereeverpossible,(iii)InGwadarthereshallbeafreeeconomiczoneandpoliticalactivitiesin the said zone may be regulated by an appropriate law to be framed in consultation with all the stakeholders,(iv)InGwadarall,orasfaraspossible,appointmentsinBS1to16,shouldbefrom the local population, (v) In Gwadar the local youth should be provided technical training and absorbed in GPA, GDA and Special Economic Zone, (vi) Preference should be given to the qualified local contractors while awarding contracts related to the Port, (vii) Compensation and reallocation of all those fishermen, who are being displaced due to the Gwadar Port must be finalized immediately, (ix) The two jetties agreed to be constructed for the fishermen on the Eastern and Western Bays be constructed, (x) A fisheries training center as required to be established under the 9th Five Year Plan for Balochistan be constructed, (xi) A portion of the revenue collected by the Gwadar Port Authority be allocated for the development of the Province, (xii) The Chief Minister shall be the ExOfficio Chairman of the Gwadar Development Authority and there shall be seven members from the Province on the Board of Directors, (xiii) The Provincial Government of Balochistan will nominate a person duly qualified to be the Chairman of the Gwadar Development Authority. 24. SUI: (i) There should be a special development package for the area. (ii) The armed forces should be systematically withdrawn from the area. 25. Employment Opportunities: (a) The Federal Government will create, with immediate effect, five thousand additional jobs for the Province, (b) (i) The quota for the province as prescribed in the rules/law for employment in Government (specially foreign service), semi government, autonomous/semi autonomous, corporations and bodies must be strictly complied with. Deficiency if any, needs to be met in a proactive manner, (ii) The Overseas Employment Foundation needs to facilitate the recruitment of skilled or unskilled labour for employment aboard, (iii) The local people living along the coast who meet the criteria should be given jobs in the Coast Guards, (iv) The monitoring of the aforesaid shall be the responsibility of the Standing Committee for Establishment, Senate of Pakistan.
(iii) (iv)
26. Gas Development Surcharge: The Federal Government agrees to pay the arrears of Gas DevelopmentSurchargefrom1954to1991.ThisisatotalamountofRs.120billionpayablein12 years. 27. Ownership in oil and gas companies: In Organizations such as PPL, OGDCL and Sui Southern the Province will be able to purchase up to 20% of the right shares when offered in the open market. 28. Sandak Project: The Federal Government from its 30% shares in the project will immediately give 20% to the Province. On completion of the project and when the foreign company withdraws the project shall be owned exclusively by the Province. 29. Uniform Price of Gas: There shall be a uniform price of gas throughout the country for the purpose of calculation of GDS. 30. Fishing Trawlers: Fishing trawlers should be restricted to the authorized limits of 33 kilometers from the coast. This will help promote the small fishermen. 31.KohluDistrict:Specialincentivesshouldbegiventothelocaltribestofacilitateexplorationin the area which continues to be closed due to security concerns. 32. Poverty Alleviation: In all poverty alleviation schemes, the allocation of the Province should be proportional to the percentage of people living below the poverty line. 33. Profit Sharing In Existing Agreements: (i) It is proposed that existing agreements on projects such as SANDAK, REKODIC and others where agreements have already been negotiated, the Federal Government may reconsider the agreements concerning the sharing of income, profits or royalty between the Federal Government and the Provincial Government. 34. Dera Bugti Internally Displaced Persons: The Federal Government for the rehabilitation and settlement of the IDPs shall provide a sum of Rs. one billion. 35. Water Management: The Federal Government shall immediately undertake schemes which includetheconstructionofsmalldamsthroughouttheprovincebutparticularlyinthedistrictsof Quetta,Pasheen,QilaAbdullah,QitaSaifullah,Zhobetc. E.MONITORINGMECHANISM 36. Parliamentary Committee on National Security: It is proposed that the Federal Government, Provincial Government and other Departments/agencies involved in the implementation of the proposals shall brief the Parliamentary Committee on National Security on the status of implementation on a monthly bases. 37.Parliament:TheFederalGovernmentandtheProvincialGovernmentshalleverythreemonthslayareport before both Houses of Parliament, separately, on the state of implementation of the proposals. The two Houses shall separately allocate appropriate time for discussion on the said report. 38. The Standing Committee on Establishment Of The Senate Of Pakistan: The Standing Committee on Establishment of the Senate of Pakistan shall present a report every three months on Item No. 25. The Chairman Senate, after the report has been laid in the Senate, transmit the same to the Speaker, National Assembly of Pakistan, for information of that House. 39. Certification: The Federal Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination shall at the end of each financial year certify to both the Houses of Parliament separately, the amount of monies spent for the implementation of theseproposals.