Consumer Behaviour - 3: Perception
Consumer Behaviour - 3: Perception
Consumer Behaviour - 3: Perception
These are the factors which are the personal attributes of an individual. We shall study Five
of them : Attitude, Motivation, Perception, Personality and Learning.
Different people see things, events, and ideas from different view point, and hold different
opinions, views for them. In other words they have different “Perception” of the world.
Definition of perception :
Perception is defined as the process by which the individual selects, organises, and interprets
various stimuli into a meaningful & coherent picture of the world. Marketers are deeply
interested in such perceptions the consumers hold about their products & services, brands,
company etc.
Elements of perception :
The following are the elements of perception :
1. Sensation – is the immediate & direct response of the sensory organs to stimuli. A
stimulus is a single input of any of the senses. Human beings have sensory receptors
called sensory organs. They are :
a. Eyes for sights & seeing,
b. Ears for sounds & hearing,
c. Nose for smells & smelling,
d. Tongue for tastes & tasting,
e. Skin for textures, touch & feeling,
2. Marketers try to stimulate the sensory organs of a consumer to create a favourable
perception towards their products.
3. Absolute threshold – is the minimum level that the individual can experience a sensation.
In other words, he can distinguish the difference between something & nothing. This level
varies from person to person & vary with time, place & environment. Marketers often try
to provide stimuli more than this level.
4. Differential Threshold or Just Noticeable Difference (JND) – is the minimal difference that
can be detected between two similar stimuli. German scientist Ernst Weber discovered
that the JND between two stimuli is not absolute, but an amount relative to the intensity
of the first stimulus. Thus marketers try to change certain attributes which are just short
of JND.
5. Subliminal Perception – there are certain types of stimuli which are not strong enough to
exceed the absolute threshold, but somehow stimulates the subconscious mind & get
recorded there, sometimes without the knowledge of the perceptor. At a later stage this
might surface as some form of expression or perception. Here the marketers try to
stimulate the subconscious mind of an individual. Some think it’s unethical, but there
are several positive outcome of this method if applied in a constructive way.
Information processing :
is a series of activities where the stimuli are perceived & processed to convert/transform
them to information, and then stored (very similar to computer data processing). Later this
info is used in selecting a product.
1. Exposure : Exposure occurs when our senses detect some external cue from the various
things we come in contact with. We are all exposed to a plethora of marketing ads
continuously. This becomes the starting point of all information processing. But people
tend to perceive things they need or want. The stronger the need, the greater the
tendency to ignore unrelated stimuli. Hence “Selective Perception” occurs when the
consumer selects the stimuli from the environment on the basis of interaction of
expectations & motives with the stimulus itself. These factors give rise to four important
concepts concerning perception :
a. Selective exposure – where the consumers want to avoid unpleasant or painful
messages & seek those which are sympathetic, interesting and pleasant.
b. Selective attention or perceptual vigilance – where the consumers exercise selectivity
in terms of their attention to commercial stimuli. They have a heightened attention
regarding the stimuli that meet their needs, & minimal attention to the ones
irrelevant to their needs. People also vary in terms of kind of info like price, quality,
features etc., forms of messages & type of medium they prefer.
c. Perceptual defence – where consumers subconsciously screen out stimuli that are
threatening or damaging even if the exposure has already taken place. Likewise
sometimes they unconsciously distort the information that is not matching their
needs, values, & beliefs. This may be due to psychological factors or any
unfavourable past experience.
d. Perceptual blocking – where consumers protect themselves from being exposed by
blocking such stimuli from conscious awareness. They do it for self protection
because of the visually overwhelming nature of the world we live in.
2. Attention : Normally all the stimuli of a message come thro’ the various sensory organs
simultaneously. But an individual can remember only one of them, usually the strongest
and tries to take action on that basis. Marketers try to exploit that situation to their
advantage, to leave an impact in the consumer. This is known as attention.
a. Stimulus – is the one which prompts an individual to initiate an action by creating an
attention. It has the following characteristics : Size & Intensity; Colour & Movement;
Position; Format & Design; Isolation; Contrast or Distinction; Information extent.
b. Individual factors – The attention of a consumer depends on the following factors :
Interest & Needs; Ability; Involvement, etc.
c. Situational factors – Often the situation, condition, environment or the surrounding
of the consumer have an affect on its attention of certain stimuli. Hence the
marketers should devise certain methods to help overcome that.
3. Interpretation – Just like people’s exercise of selective perception on the basis of certain
psychological principles, the interpretation of these stimuli is also highly individual
because it is based on what the individuals expect to see in the light of their previous
experience, motives, interests, reasoning at the time of perception. In the case of any
ambiguous stimuli, the individuals usually interpret these in such a way to serve their
own needs, interests, wishes, etc.
Consumer Imagery :
Consumers have a number of enduring perceptions or images of themselves. Products &
brands have also a symbolic value for consumers, who evaluate them on the basis of their
consistency (congruence) with the perception of themselves. This is the consumers’ self-image
& they attempt to preserve or enhance it by buying products & brands or patronising services
which they believe are congruent with their self-images and avoiding which are not. This
phenomenon is known as consumer imagery.
1. Product Image - where the consumer compares his self-image with his perception of the
product or brand.
2. Service Image - where the consumer compares his self-image with his perception of the
service or its provider.
Perception in Marketing :
Marketers have realised that understanding the perception process of consumers help them
to design better ways to help them perceive favourably. The main methods of stimuli are thro’
advertising, communication, messaging, company news etc. Thus the marketers have to
develop specific stimuli thro’ these methods so that the consumers perception about their
products clearly & enduringly. These are some techniques :
1. Brand development & Perceptual Mapping – This technique helps the marketers to
determine how the products or services appear to the consumer in relation the other
competitive brands on one or more relevant attributes of the products or services.
2. Retail Stores – In retail stores normally all the brands in a particular category of products
are arranged at the same place, so they have a direct competitive setting. The brands
which claim to be special in any respect should be specially displayed to gain attention.
© Himansu S M / 12-Sep-2009