Physical Sciences P1 Memo Eng & Afr Nov 2008
Physical Sciences P1 Memo Eng & Afr Nov 2008
Physical Sciences P1 Memo Eng & Afr Nov 2008
DoE/November 2008
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Standards Leeruitkomste en Assesseringstandaarde LO 1/LU 1 LO 2/LU 2 LO 3/LU 3
AS 12.1.1: Design, plan and conduct a scientific inquiry to collect data systematically with regard to accuracy, reliability and the need to control variables. Ontwerp, beplan en voer wetenskaplike ondersoek uit om data te versamel ten opsigte van akkuraatheid, betroubaarheid en die kontroleer van veranderlikes. AS 12.1.2: Seek patterns and trends, represent them in different forms, explain the trends, use scientific reasoning to draw and evaluate conclusions, and formulate generalisations. Soek patrone en tendense, stel dit in verskillende vorms voor, verduidelik tendense, gebruik wetenskaplike beredenering om gevolgtrekkings te maak en te evalueer, en formuleer veralgemenings. AS 12.1.3: Select and use appropriate problem-solving strategies to solve (unseen) problems. Kies en gebruik geskikte probleemoplossingstrategie om (ongesiene) probleme op te los. AS 12.2.1: Define, discuss and explain prescribed scientific knowledge. Definieer, bespreek en verduidelik voorgeskrewe wetenskaplike kennis. AS 12.2.2 Express and explain prescribed scientific principles, theories, models and laws by indicating the relationship between different facts and concepts in own words. Verduidelik en druk voorgeskrewe wetenskaplike beginsels, teorie, modelle en wette uit deur die verwantskap tussen verskillende feite en konsepte in eie woorde aan te dui. AS 12.2.3: Apply scientific knowledge in everyday life contexts. Pas wetenskaplike kennis in kontekste van die alledaagse lewe toe. AS 12.3.2: Research case studies and present ethical and moral arguments from different perspectives to indicate the impact (pros and cons) of different scientific and technological applications. Vors gevallestudies na en lewer etiese en morele argumente uit verskillende perspektiewe om die impak (voordele en nadele) van verskillende wetenskaplike en tegnologiese toepassings aan te dui.
DoE/November 2008
SECTION A/AFDELING A QUESTION 1/VRAAG 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Power/ rate of work /drywing/arbeidstempo elastic/elastiese (continuous/light) spectrum/(aaneenlopende/lig) spektrum Continuous emission spectrum/aaneenlopende emissiespektrum capacitor/kapasitor population inversion/besettingsomkering
[12.2.1] [12.2.1]
QUESTION 3/VRAAG 3 3.1 False/Onwaar the kinetic energy changes/decreases/increases/does not remain the same die kinetiese energie verander/neem toe/neem af /bly nie dieselfde nie True/Waar False/Onwaar is inversely proportional/is omgekeerd eweredig is directly proportional to wavelength/is direk eweredig aan golflengte False/Onwaar by decreasing the net electric field/opposing electric field set up by the voltage source deur die netto elektriese veld te verlaag/deur die elektriese veld wat deur die battery(spanningsbron) opgewek word, teen te werk True/Waar
[12.2.3] [12.2.3]
(2) (2)
3.2 3.3
[12.2.3] [12.2.1]
DoE/November 2008
QUESTION 4/VRAAG 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 C B A D B
[12.2.3] [12.2.3] [12.2.3] [12.2.2] [12.1.3]
TOTAL SECTION A: TOTAAL AFDELING A: SECTION B/AFDELING B QUESTION 5 / VRAAG 5 5.1 Consider to the left as positive/Beskou na links as positief m i v i = m f v f pbefore = pafter /pvoor = pna OR mAviA + mBviB = mAvfA + mBvfB OR mAuA + mBuB = mAvA + mBvB 1 000)(0) + (1 200)(18) = (1000)(12) + (1 200)vfB 9 600 = (1 200)vi2 VfB = 8 ms-1 5.2 Not an isolated system / external forces present / frictional forces present / driver in front car has his foot on the brake. Nie n gesoleerde sisteem nie/ eksterne kragte is teenwoordig/ wrywingskragte teenwoordig / bestuurder van voorste motor het sy voet op die rem.
5.3 During the collision, both cars experience a force of equal magnitude This net force on the car with larger mass causes it to experience a smaller acceleration therefore the passenger will experience a smaller change in velocity and will be less injured. Tydens die botsing ondervind beide motors n krag van gelyke grootte. Hierdie netto krag op die motor met groter massa veroorsaak n kleiner versnelling en dus ondergaan die passasier n kleiner verandering in snelheid en word minder beseer. . For a specific/Vir spesifieke Fnet t: p(heavy car) = p(light car) mH(vf vi)H = mL(vf vi)L but mH > mL (vf vi)H < (vf vi)L Therefore a passenger will experience a smaller change in velocity and gets injured less/Dus sal n passasier n kleiner verandering in snelheid ondervind en minder beseer word.
(3) [9]
DoE/November 2008
20 ( 10) 10 v = = = -10 ms-2 or 10 ms-2 downwards t 32 1 y Accept / Aanvaar x Upwards/Opwaarts+ vf = vi + a t - 20 = - 10 + a(1) a = -10 ms-2
[12.1.2] [12.1.2]
DETERMINING AREAS/ BEPALING VAN OPPERVLAKTE Option 1 / Opsie 1 :Area of trapezium / Oppervlakte van trapesium
Height of cliff/ Hoogte van krans = area of trapezium/area of trapezium = (sum of parallel sides/som van ewewydige sye)h = (10 + 25) (1,5) = 26,25 m
Option 2 / Opsie 2 :Difference between areas of two triangles / Verskil tussen die oppervlaktes van twee driehoeke
Height of cliff /Hoogte van krans = area of larger triangle/van groter driehoek area of smaller triangle/van kleiner driehoek = bh bh = (2,5)(25) (1)(10) = 31,25 - 5 = 26,25 m
Option 3 / Opsie 3 :The sum of areas of rectangle and triangle / Die som van die oppervlaktes van reghoek en driehoek
Height of cliff /Hoogte van krans = area of rectangle/van reghoek + area of triangle/van driehoek = (l x b) + bh =(1,5)(10) + (1,5)(15) = 15 + 11,25 = 26,25 m
DoE/November 2008
Consider upward motion as positive / Beskou opwaartse beweging as positief: 1 y = v i t + at 2 2 y = (10)(3,5) + 1 (-10)(3,5)2 2 y = - 26,25 m Height of cliff/hoogte van krans = 26,25 m
Option 2 / Opsie 2: Initial velocity 10 ms -1 upwards and final velocity of 25 ms -1 downwards / Beginsnelheid 10 ms -1 opwaarts en eindsnelheid 25 ms -1afwaarts
Consider upward motion as positive/Beskou opwaartse beweging as positief 2 2 v f = v i + 2ay (-25)2 = (10)2 + 2(-10) y y = - 26,25 m Height of cliff/hoogte van krans = 26,25 m
Option 3 / Opsie 3: Initial velocity 10 ms -1 upwards and final velocity of 25 ms -1 downwards / Beginsnelheid 10 ms -1 opwaarts en eindsnelheid 25 ms -1afwaarts
Consider upward motion as positive/Beskou opwaartse beweging as positief (v + v f ) y = i t 2 ( 10 25) (1,5) = 2 = - 26,25 m Height of cliff/hoogte van krans = 26,25 m
Option 4 / Opsie 4: Initial velocity 10 ms -1 downwards and total time of 1,5 s / Beginsnelheid 10 ms -1 en totale tyd van 1,5 s
Consider upward motion as positive/Beskou opwaartse beweging as positief: 1 y = v i t + a t 2 2 y = (-10)(1,5) + 1 (-10)(1,5)2 = - 15 - 11,25 2 y = - 26,25 m Height of cliff/hoogte van krans = 26,25 m
DoE/November 2008
Option 5 / Opsie 5: Initial velocity 0 ms -1 and final velocity 25 ms -1 downwards / Beginsnelheid 0 ms -1 en eindsnelheid van 25 ms -1 afwaarts
Consider upward motion as positive/Beskou opwaartse beweging as positief: Maximum height above the ground/Maksimum hoogte bokant grond: 2 v2 f = v i + 2ay (-25)2 = (0)2 + 2(-10)y y = - 31,25 m From cliff to maximum height/vanaf rots tot maksimum hoogte: 2 v2 f = v i + 2ay 02= (-10)2 + 2(-10)y y = 5 m Height of cliff/hoogte van rots = = 31,25 5 = 26,25 m