Geometer Sketchpad Lab 1: Points, Lines, and Planes

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Geometer Sketchpad Lab 1: Points, Lines, and Planes

Now that you have some experience with Geometer Sketchpad, let us practice drawing some
unusual figures with the program.

Sketch the following figures on each page. Notify the teacher when you have completed each

Problem 1 : On a page create these three things, a) two parallel lines- label them, b) three lines in
which any two lines intersect at a time-never three-and label them, c) four lines in which on line
intersects the three lines twice.

Teacher Verification ________________

Look at these three pictures, what do you notice about the intersect on lines?


Problem 2: Delete the page and start a new one. On a page create these three things, a) two
parallel planes, b) two planes that intersect only once, c) three planes that intersect only twice.

Teacher Verification ________________

Look at these three pictures, what do you notice about the intersect of the planes?


Problem 3: Delete the page and start a new one. On a page create the following, a) a plane with a
line going through the plane and b) a plane with a line going through the plane and a line parallel
to the plane.

Teacher Verification ________________

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