The Magic Grinder

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\\'hen shc ste.ltltcrl into the czt.\'e

she g'rts too sciu'etl to ntove. l f nre,"
"l ) o n o t Jr c zi ft' a ti r o
l'ot' on tht, flor)l', ntoelning anrl groutr-iing, sairl the rllitgon liitrclll'.
i l V el 'I' (;l (;A Y I'l ('I) liA ( ; o N.
\\'u r,s " l ' m stu cl i l r r r r l cr th e st, l r i g t' o cl i s.
I) z rrt of thc c :i \'(, hi tr l f a lle n o lt h im . I n e e .cl\' o u l ' h e l p ."


RandomHouse:r NewYork

( ) n ce there w as a poor mai d name(l N [i nni e.
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>r- She rvot'keclfor the greed)' Lord Gurr.
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\\' h i l e he sat i n the shacl eal l cl ay, Mi nni e
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f \ :r r r r lh et' nephervsu'orked i n hi s garden'

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e-- -v\ Nlinni e pi cked frui t zi nrlvegetabl es.
Y- NIorty and F erdie pullecl ancl cut rveeds.
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Without money, she

could not buy food
for her nephews.
One day she went
to the cupboard.
It was empff.
"I will go and ask
Iord Gurr for some
At the end of each day, they brought
food," she said.
their basket of food to Iord Gurr.
He put the heaW basket on the scale.
"Not bad," he would say.

But wheneverMinnie
asked for her F&V,
he always shouted,
"Come back tomorrow!"
So Minnie had
no money.
Minnie peekedinto his dining room.
When she saw the deliciousfood,
she was hungrier than ever.
"I only want a little food," she said.
"My nephewsare very hungry."

Nlinnie rvent straight tr- Gu'"s h.use.

He came to the <loorhimself.
"What do you rvant?"he shouted.
am a vel'y busy'man."
ll On her way home, Minnie had to pass a cave.
il Suddenlyshe heard a strange moaning

,i :rnd groaning.
It was coming from inside.
"I wonder what is wrong?" she thought.

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"Food?" cried Lord Gurr. "I don't have

enough for myself. Go away!"

Poor Minnie.
Away she went
without food for
her nephews.


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Minnie was no longer afraid.
"What can I do?" she cried.
"These rocks are too heaw for me."

Minnie handedthe grinder to him.

"Watch and list€D," said the dragon.

He began to turn the handle.

As he turned he said,
"Goldengnnder, help me,
please.You witrI-
The dragon pointed to a shelf in the corner.
iust wh,qt'Ineed."
It was filled with peautiful treasures.
"Take down th\ golden grinder and bring it
here to me," fre sahf.
As soon as he said those magic words,
a shovelwas standing besidehim.
All by itself Then catne
it began to dig. another shovel,
It lift€d and another, and
the heary rocks. another!

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shovel appeared.
It started
digging, too.

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u o fite dragon said,
"Goldpn gri,ndar,
A stop and, stagL"
The grinder
making shovels.
At last the dragon was free again.
The dragon waved good-byto Minnie.
"Becauseyou have helpedh€," he said,
"Now don't forget the magie words to make
"f'm going to give you this magic grinder.
the grinder stop!" he called."It will not
Just say the magic words and it will give you
stop unlessyou say those very words!"
anything you want.',
"Oh, thank you!', cried Minnie.

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"f won't forget them," saiduinff

Away sh9-{an
to her nephews
the wonderful magie grinder.
When her nephews
saw the grinder, they
Suddenly the table was covered with food.
were not very happy.
There was hrrkey and ham. . . mashed
"Where is our food, potatoes,peas and carrots. . . fruit
Aunt Minnie?"
and cheeseand milk and bread.
they cried.
"W'e will have food,"
Minnie began to turn the handle.
"Gold,engrinfi,er, help us,
pleeser"she said. "You will
know iust what u)e need."

Ttren Minnie said, "Goldpngri,rtflnr,

stopant, stqU,"_
The grinder stoppedmaking food.
o "Let's ask for new furniture!"
,,#:'#iI'3':i"illlYO" cried Ferdie.
When Nlinnie turned
Minnie said the magic words.
the handle and said
the magic words,
the grinder gave them
Presto! They were dressed fine new furniture.
in fine new clothes.
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"We are rich," cried Morty and Ferdie.

They bouncedup and dou'n on their new bed. B
The next morning Illinnie anrl her nephews
did not go to wot'k in Lord Gut'r'sgarden.
Minnie stayedhomc to plant someflowers.

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"Just t'emembet'."
said Minnie.
"Never tell anyone Nlorty ar-rrlF et'tlien'ent fishing at the stream.
the magic words."
Lord Gurr soon came to see why Minnie and "It's a secret,"said Minnie.
her nephewshad not come to work for him. "I cannot tell you."
He was surprised to see their new things. "If you don't tell me I'll call
"All of this cannot be yours!" he cried. the sheriff," shoutedLord Gurr.
"Where did you get everything?" "He will throw you into jail f<lr stealing!"


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He could hardly wait
to try the grinder.
He put it down and
hrrned the handle.
"f want some
ice cream," he said.

Minnie showedthe grinder to him. Nothing happened.

"I did not steal anything," she said. "I wANT soME
"This grinder gives me whatever f want,, IcE cREAM!"he shouted.
Iord Gurr snatchedit away from her. Still, nothing happened.
"f'll take care of it for you," he said.

"I will out how

ta mqbit obey D€,"
said Iord Gurr.
Off he ran to find
Minnie's nephews.
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As f or il l i n n r e a n r l h e t ' t r e l r h e tvs- I\lo r t1 ' ern(lF errl i e spent tht,i r ti nre f i shi ng.
they never u'etrt to rvork for Lortl Gun' again. An cl the magi c gri ntl er' !trIve them t'r'et'ythi ng
Xlinnie s e r v e di n h e r ' o w n sh a clyg a r d e n . th cy n e e rl crlto l i vc hi i ppi l l ' cvcr after'.

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Iord Gurr found Morty and Ferdie "It's easy," said Morty. "You just s&V,
fishing at the stream. Golden,grinder, help me, please.
"My dear fellows," he said. "I hear you have You will know just what I need.
a grinder that gives you anWhing you want. And out comeswhateveryou want!"
Tell me-how doesthis magic grinder work?"

Ferdie quickly poked his brother.
"That's a secret!" he whispered.
Morty did not say another word.

Now he knew howI'6 make the grinder work.

He beganto tufr the handle.
In his voice he said,
"Golden,/ , help tne, please.
Yorcotl( kn'ow iust what I need."
"Very interesting," said Iord Gurr.
And he ran back to his house.
Sure enough-the grinder began to make
ice cream! Then it mtttle mol'r: ice ct't':tnt.
{s "Stop!" cried Lord Gurr.

?+ But he did not know
the magic words.
So the grinder did not stoP.

It made Popsicles,sundaes,
and ice cream cones.
It made chocolate,
and strawberrY,
and peppermint.


Soon Iord Gurr had no more bowls
to hold the ice cream.
Ice cream began to spill onto 0
the floor. I
Still, the grinder did not stop.

"srop!" screamedLord Gurr, for he was
up to his ears in ice cream."I'm fre-e-e-zing!"
But the grinder kept making ice cream.

t He'ran all the way to Minnie'shouse,
leaving a trail of ice pream behind him.

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Iord Gurr grabbed the grinder and
began to run.

When he reachedher house,Minnie

met him at the door.
He threw the goldengrinder at her.
"If you will just make it stop," he cried,
will never bother you again ! "
" O h, m y , " s a i r l N l i n n i e w i th a sm ile .
" I t i. sma k i n g q u i t e a m e s s. Go ld e r t
.r ,1 r ir td e r ,
st op olid . s f a y , "s h e r v h i s p e r e d .
The grincler.stoppeclmaking ice cream.

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When he got home,Lord Gurr had

quite a job cleaningup all that ice cream.
It took him a whole week.

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