M1490296a FAQ Planetstrike Oct2009
M1490296a FAQ Planetstrike Oct2009
M1490296a FAQ Planetstrike Oct2009
Page 13, Shock Tactics, second bullet point. In the first and third sentence, the words in its/their unit entry will be deleted.
Q. If a unit has a rule that makes exception to the normal Reserves rule (such as Daemonic Assault, Deathwing Assault, Drop Pod Assault, and so on), how does that interact with the Scramble! rule and chart? A. In general, we say that the rules in codexes trump all other rules. So, if a unit specifies when they enter play in their Codex, follow the rules of the Codex rather than those in the Planetstrike expansion book. For example, Daemonic Assault works as normal, in that the Daemon player nominates a section of his force and that section will enter play on the first turn on the roll of a 3+, regardless of whether he is the attacker or the defender. This may mean that an attacker invades an empty emplacement only to find it wasnt nearly as undefended as he first thought! The other section of the Daemon army is held in reserve as normal. This means that, as reserves can enter play on the roll of a 3+ on the first turn of a Planetstrike, with a bit of luck you could have most (or all) of your Daemon army enter play on the first turn! The same would be true for Drop Pod Assault and Deathwing Assault, so the units with these special rules will turn up automatically in Turn 1 and then the other units in Reserve will be rolled for, and on 3+ will also turn up on Turn 1.