Linear Integrated Circuits Lab Viva Voce
Linear Integrated Circuits Lab Viva Voce
Linear Integrated Circuits Lab Viva Voce
i) Open loop gain, Aol = ii) Input impedance, Ri = iii) Output Impedance, Ro = 0 i ) !ero Offset, "o = 0 ) #and$idth, #% = &. %h' differential amplifier is used as an input stage of I( op-amp) *he differential amplifier eliminates the need for an emitter +'e-pass capacitor. So, differential amplifier is used as an input stage in op-amp I(s . ,. %hat does operational amplifier refers to) Operational amplifier refers to an amplifier that performs a mathematical operation. A t'pical op-amp is a -( amplifier $ith a er' high oltage gain, er' high input impedance and er' lo$ output impedance. .. %hat causes sle$ rate) *he rate at $hich internal or e/ternal capacitance of Op-amp changes causes sle$ rate. Also sle$ rate is caused +' current limiting and saturation of internal stages of op-amp $here a high fre0uenc', large 1 amplitude signal is applied. 2. %hat is input +ias current) *he a erage of the currents entering the negati e input 3I#-) and positi e input 3I#4) of an op-amp is called input +ias current3I#) 5. %h' do $e use Rcomp resistor) In a +ipolar op-amp circuit, e en $hen the input is 6ero, the output $ill not +e 6ero. *his is due to effect of input +ias current. *his effect can +e compensated +' using compensation resistor Rcomp 7. %hat is thermal drift) In an op-amp the +ias current, offset current and off set oltage changes $ith change in temperature. Offset current drift is measured in nA8 0( and offset oltage drift is measured in m"8 0(. *hese indicate the change in offset current or oltage for each degree (elsius change in temperature. 9orced air cooling ma' +e used to sta+ili6e the am+ient temperature :. %h' is I(7.1 op-amp not used for high fre0uenc' applications) Op-amp I(7.1 has er' lo$ sle$ rate 30.2"8;S) and therefore cannot +e used for high fre0uenc' applications.
<. %hat is unit' gain circuit) "oltage follo$er is called unit' gain circuit. *he circuit does not amplif' and pro ides constant gain of unit'. 10. %hat is a comparator) A comparator is a circuit $hich compares a signal oltage applied at one input of an op-amp $ith =no$n reference oltage at other input. It is +asicall' an Op-amp $ith output "sat 3>"cc). 11. %hat is the difference +et$een a +asic comparator and !(-) (omparator has onl' one reference oltage $hereas !(- has 6ero reference oltage. 1&. ?i e the gain e/pression for in erting and non in erting amplifier. In erting Amplifier = -Rf8Ri @on in erting Amplifier = 143 Rf8Ri) 1,. State some linear and non linear applications of Op-amp. AinearB a) Adder +) Su+tractor c) Instrumentation amplifier @on linearB a) Rectifier +) Cea= detector c) (lippers and (lampers. 1.. -ifferentiator is also a Digh pass filter. 12. Integrator is also a lo$ pass filter. 17. State some applications of integrator. a) Analog computers +) A-( c) Signal $a e shaping circuits. 1:. %hat are the characteristics of (omparator) a) Speed of operation +) Accurac' c) (ompati+ilit' of the output. 1<. Aist some applications of comparator. a) %indo$ detector +) *ime mar=er generator c) Chase meter d) !ero crossing detector
1<. %hat are the modes in $hich op-amp is operated $ith finite gain and infinite gain) Open loop mode $ith infinite gainB (omparator (losed loop mode $ith finite gainB Amplifier &0. %hat is the +asic difference +et$een comparator and Schmitt trigger) A comparator compares the input signal $ith reference oltage and gi es the output $hereas Schmitt trigger operates +et$een t$o reference points A*C and E*C. &1. State +ar=hausen criterion. a) Fagnitude, A = 1 +) Chase, A = 0 &&. %hat is the merit of regenerati e comparator) In regenerati e comparator, the feed+ac= enhances the comparator input. *he phase difference is not isuali6ed due to positi e feed+ac=. &,. %hat is an oscillator) An oscillator is +asicall' a positi e feed+ac= circuit $here a fraction of output oltage "o is fed +ac= to the input end of the +asic amplifier, $hich is in phase $ith the signal to the +asic amplifier. &.. Do$ can 'ou o+tain triangular $a e using schmitt trigger) *he output of Schmitt trigger $hen connected to integrator 'ields triangular output. &2. %ein +ridge oscillator uses positi e and negati e feed+ac=. %h') @egati e feed+ac= is used for sta+ilit' gain positi e feed+ac= is used for oscillation &5. %hat is the function of lead-lag net$or= in %ein +ridge oscillator) *he function of lag lead net$or= is to o+tain the 6ero degree phase shift. &7. %h' Schmitt trigger is called regenerati e comparator) *he reference oltages A*C andE*C are regenerated depending on the output oltages 4"sat and 1"sat. &:. %hat is h'steresis oltage in Schmitt trigger) *he difference in oltage +et$een lo$er and upper threshold oltage is called h'steresis oltage. &<. %hat is a filter) A filter is a fre0uenc' selecti e circuit that passes a specified +and of fre0uencies and +loc=s a specified the fre0uencies outside the +and.
,0. State the ad antage of acti e filters o er passi e) a) ?ain and fre0uenc' adGustment fle/i+ilit' +) @o loading pro+lems c) Ao$ cost d) A+sence of inductors ma=es the circuit $or= for high fre0uenc' applications. ,1. -efine order of a filter) *he num+er of R( net$or=s emplo'ed in filter circuits represents the order of the circuit. ,&. %hat are the t'pes of acti e filters) a) Ao$ pass filter +) Digh pass filter c) #and pass filter d) #and reGect filter. ,,. %hat is fre0uenc' response) *he ariation of gain in deci+els $ith respect to fre0uenc' is called fre0uenc' response. ,.. %hat is a filter) A filter is a fre0uenc' selecti e circuit that passes a specified +and of fre0uencies and +loc=s a specified the fre0uencies outside the +and. ,2. State the ad antage of acti e filters o er passi e) a) ?ain and fre0uenc' adGustment fle/i+ilit' +) @o loading pro+lems c) Ao$ cost d) A+sence of inductors ma=es the circuit $or= for high fre0uenc' applications. ,5. -efine order of a filter) *he num+er of R( net$or=s emplo'ed in filter circuits represents the order of the circuit. ,7. %hat are the t'pes of acti e filters) a) Ao$ pass filter +) Digh pass filter c) #and pass filter d) #and reGect filter. ,:. %hat is fre0uenc' response)
*he ariation of gain in deci+els $ith respect to fre0uenc' is called fre0uenc' response.
,<.Aist the +asic +loc=s of I( 222 timer) A rela/ation oscillator. R-S flip-flop *$o comparators -ischarge transistors. .0. ?i e the applications of 222-timer Asta+le multi i+rator. a) S0uare $a e generator +) "oltage (ontrolled Oscillator 3"(O) c) 9SH ?enerator d) Schmitt trigger. .1. %hat is the ad antage of 222 I( o er op amp) 222 I( generates accurate time dela' compared to op amp. .&. Aist the applications of monosta+le mode of 222 timer. . a) Fissing Culse detector +) Ainear ramp generator c) 9re0uenc' di ider .,. Aist the +asic +loc=s of I( 222 timer) A rela/ation oscillator. R-S flip-flop *$o comparators -ischarge transistors. ... ?i e the applications of 222-timer Asta+le multi i+rator. a) S0uare $a e generator +) "oltage (ontrolled Oscillator 3"(O) c) 9SH ?enerator d) Schmitt trigger. .2. %hat is the ad antage of 222 I( o er op amp) 222 I( generates accurate time dela' compared to op amp. .5. Aist the applications of monosta+le mode of 222 timer. . a) Fissing Culse detector +) Ainear ramp generator c) 9re0uenc' di ider .7. Aist all the t'pes of -A(.
a) %eighted resistor +) R-&R ladder c) In erted R-&R ladder. .:. %hat is the ad antage of R-&R ladder o er $eighted resistor) In $eighted resistor, for higher order con ersion the alues of resistors +ecome er' high $hich is o ercome in R-&R ladder $hich has onl' R and &R alues of resistors. .<. Aist the arious t'pes of A-(. i) -irect t'pe a) 9lash t'pe +) (ounter c) Successi e Appro/imation Register d) *rac=ing ii) Integrating t'pe a) (harge +alancing +) Integrating 20. -efine resolution. Smallest change in con erter. oltage $hich ma' +e produced at output of the
21. Aist the specifications of -A( and A-(. a) Resolution +) Ainearit' c) Accurac' d) Fonotonicit' e) Settling time f) Sta+ilit'. 2&. Do$ man' comparisons $ill +e performed in an : +it successi e appro/imation t'pe A-() : (omparisons 2,. *he +asic step of < +it -A( is 10.,m". If 000000000 represents 0". %hat output is produced if the input is 101101111) 7.,:m". 2.. State the applications of -A( and A-( . a) -igital signal processing +) (ommunication circuits 22. 9or R-&R ladder . +it t'pe -A( find the output oltage if digital input is 1111. Assume "R = 10", R = Rf = 10H. "o = <.,72"
25. %hich is the fastest t'pe of A-() %h') Successi e appro/imation is the fastest t'pe of A-(. It completes n-+it con ersion in n cloc= periods. 27. %hat is phase loc=ed loop) It is a circuit $hich pro ides fre0uenc' selecti e tuning and filtering $ithout coils or inductors. 2:. Aist the components of the +loc= diagram of CAA. a) Chase detector +) Ao$ pass filter c) Irror amplifier d) "oltage controlled Oscillator. 2<. %hat is oltage controlled oscillator) Oscillator circuit in $hich the fre0uenc' of oscillations can +e controlled +' an e/ternall' applied oltage. 50. -efine pull in time. *he total time ta=en +' the CAA to esta+lish loc=. 51. -efine Aoc=-in range. *he range of fre0uencies o er $hich CAA can maintain loc= $ith the incoming signal. 5&. -efine capture range. *he range of fre0uencies o er $hich CAA can ac0uire loc= $ith the input signal. 5,. %hat are the applications of CAA) a) 9F Fodulation +) Signal generation c) 9re0uenc' shift =e'ing d) 9re0uenc' multipliers 5.. %hat are the , stages of CAA characteristic) a) 9ree running +) (apture c) Aoc=ing. 52. %hat is a oltage regulator) A oltage regulator is an electronic circuit that pro ides a sta+le -( oltage independent of the load current, temperature and A( line oltage ariations. 55. %hat is the main function of oltage regulator)
*he main function of a oltage regulator is to pro ide a sta+le -( oltage for processing other electronic circuits.
57. %hat are the different t'pes of oltage regulators) a) 9i/ed output oltage regulator 3positi e or negati e) +) AdGusta+le output oltage regulators 3positi e or negati e) c) S$itching regulators. d) Special regulators. 5:. %hat are s$itching regulators) Regulators $hich operate the transistor as a high fre0uenc' O@8O99 s$itch, so that the po$er transistor does not conduct current continuousl' is called s$itching regulator. 5<. %hat are the four main parts of oltage regulators) a) Reference oltage circuit +) Irror amplifier c) Series pole transistor d) 9eed+ac= @et$or=. 70. %hat are the main ad antages of oltage regulators) a) Short circuit Crotection. +) Output "oltage can +e aried. 71. -efine line regulation or source regulation. Aine regulation is defined as the percentage change in the output oltage for a change in the input oltage. It is usuall' e/pressed in milli olts or as percentage of the input oltage. 7&. -efine Aoad regulation. Aoad regulation is defined as the change in regulated output oltage for a change in load current. It is usuall' e/pressed in milli olts or as a percentage of "0. 7,. %hat are the limitations of 7&, regulators) a) @o +uilt in thermal protection. +) It has no short circuit current limits. 7.. %hat is current limiting a+ilit') (urrent limiting a+ilit' refers to the a+ilit' of the regulator to pre ent the load current from increasing a+o e a preset alue.