Sample Resume
Sample Resume
Sample Resume
Mobile No. 23235
SUMMARY: Over 6 years of experience in Analysis, Design and Development of Software Applications. Microsoft Certified SharePoint 2007 De e!o"er Microsoft Certified ASP.Net #.$ A""!ication De e!o"er Hands on experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle SDLC!. "rovided estimation #sing $"A $#nction points! % &'S &or( )rea( down str#ct#re!. *xtensively implemented design patterns and )est practices. +mplemented coding g#idelines #sing $xcop and StyleCop. *xtensive involvement in all stages of application development life cycle incl#ding re,#irements, logical and physical architect#re modeling, design, development, implementation and s#pport. Have wor(ing experience in C-, C.., ./*0, 1is#al St#dio 2334%2335, AS"./et 6.4, A7ax, Share"oint 2338, 1S0O, ADO./et. +mplemented 91C and 91" pattern in pro7ects. +mplemented critical reports #sing reporting services S:L 2334. Have hands;on experience in 1is#al St#dio 0ools for Office, for c#stomi<ing 9icrosoft O#tloo( 2336 to develop Sec#re 9essaging Application for =nion 'an( of California. *xperienced in design and development of application interfaces #sing we) services. *xperienced with OO", &in$orms =+ design #nderstanding and experience. *xpos#re to 'DC &e) "arts and Developing Applications #sing 'DCs. =nderstanding of "age Layo#ts. =nderstanding of Share"oint Architect#re. &or(ing >nowledge of Share"oint Designer 2338. =sed &C$, &e) services, SOA and L+/:. *xpos#re to 9S Office S#ites *xpos#re to Silverlight, &&$ and &"$. *xpos#re to Agile software development. *xpos#re to &indows A<#re 0echnologies. Actively involved in technical doc#mentation #sing =9L. "roficient in analy<ing the '#siness ?e,#irements, =ser ?e,#irement Specifications =?S!, $#nctional ?e,#irement specifications $?S!. Have planned and coordinated all aspects related to SDLC. @ood experience in coordinating and wor(ing with developers Offshore and Onsite! and *nd =sers in 0eam )ased environment. @ood expos#re to the onsite and offshore model. &or(ed for almost three years in =nited States with Client team and have helped in giving 0echnical inp#ts and assisted them in system development and testing. *xcellent Comm#nication and +nter;personal s(ills, flexi)le and versatile to new environments, self; motivated a good team player and have wor(ed in m#ltic#lt#ral environment.
Architect,re 6 tier architect#re implemented factory pattern Design patterns , 91C , 91" , 9119
Soft-are .thers
ApplicationsA 1is#al St#dio ./et % 2334, 2335. Data)aseA 9icrosoft S:L Server 2334%2335, Access and 9yS:L. "latformsA B" "ro % Server 2336.
AS"./et 6.4,ADO./et, B9L, &e) Services, and O)7ect 9odels Share"oint Designer 2338. 1'./et Oracle Office S#ites H09L, B9L, CSS, DH09L, BA9L, CavaScript. C, C.., 1C.. SD> D 9$C!, &+/62 "ower '#ilder
&DUCA%(.N: MCA 9aster of Comp#ter Applications! 1ellore +nstit#te of 0echnology, C@"A E.F o#t of G3!. Scholarship Holder!
PR./&SS(.NA) &0P&R(&NC&: Union 1an2 of Ca!ifornia3 San Die+o Ro!e: Sr. .Net de e!o"er Pro7ect Name: S&M .,t!oo2 &nhancement Descri"tion: C#stomer Service =nits and 'an(ers in ='OC =nion 'an( of California! #se S*9 Sec#re 9essaging! application to comm#nicate sec#re information s#ch as )an(ing doc#ments and financial statements to the c#stomers. C#stomers have access to the S*9 application to create, manage and view the sec#re mails that ='OC has migrated to messaging environment to 9icrosoft *xchange 2336 and 9icrosoft O#tloo( 2336. 0o red#ce the extra pain of accessing and #sing the S*9 application for sec#re message comm#nication while #sing 9icrosoft O#tloo( as a reg#lar mailing application, ='OC wants the S*9 f#nctionality to )e integrated with 9icrosoft O#tloo( 2336. 0h#s with the help of this pro7ect the #ser is a)le to get all the messages from the S*9 directly to the O#tloo( +nterface. Res"onsi8i!ities: Developed a new O#tloo( )ased sec#re messaging application for =nion 'an( of California. "rovided estimation #sing f#nction point and &'S. =sed C-, AS"./et, ADO./et, ACAB, 1is#al St#dio 0ools for Office 2334, &in $orms, S:L Server, and &C$. =sed 1' Scripting for designing c#stom forms for O#tloo(. +mplemented +ntegration )etween S*9 and Lot#s #sing &C$ services. 4,!y 2007 5 4,ne 2006
0he sol#tion incl#ded c#stomi<ing 9icrosoft O#tloo( client to interact with the &e) Servers. Designed and developed S:L Server data)ase. Cons#med the existing we) services. Developed the installer for distri)#ting the application across the )an(ing centers. Designed sol#tion #sing 9icrosoft Share"oint Server 2338 +mplemented +ntranet portal to allow employees to share information and doc#ments, colla)orate and improve comm#nications. Developed c#stom f#nctionality s#ch as doc#ment #pload and doc#ment move with the Share"oint A"+ #sing AS"./et and C-. Cond#cted a#tomated code reviews #sing $xCop and StyleCop r#les. +mplemented 9OSS 2338 for corporate intranet, doc#ment management and pro7ect management. Developed +nfo"ath forms. Developed c#stom wor(flows. Developed we) parts and event handlers%receiver. =se of site )randing #sing Share"oint Designer 2338. Cond#cted code reviews. =sed 9>S for versioning the applications. +nvolved in writing design and technical doc#ments #sing #se cases, class diagrams and se,#ence diagrams. &rote prod#ct doc#mentation incl#ding help, printed #ser man#al, and training materials.
Cons#lted with teams to determine the technical feasi)ility of re,#ests and provided time estimates. Created technical, f#nctional and )#siness specifications. 9et reg#larly with ='OC =ser @ro#ps to determine software sol#tions to ma(e the application r#n overall more efficiently. As Pro7ect )ead: "repared &ee(ly Stat#s ?eports and 0imesheets. Coordinated with High Level 9anagers to prioriti<e the wor(. Coordinated with onsite and offshore team. 9onitored progress on tas(s and stat#s of delivera)les. "articipated in all stat#s review meetings. &n ironment: ./et $ramewor(, C- with 1is#al St#dio 0ools for Office, Share"oint 2338, AS"./et, 1'./et, 1' Scripting, ACAB, ADO./et, 1is#al St#dio ./*0 2334, ./*0 $rame wor( 2.3%6.3, 1is#al St#dio De)#gger, &indows B", Oracle, &indows Servers.
%he 1oein+ Cor"oration3 Renton3 9A Ro!e: .Net De e!o"er Pro7ect Name: /,e! System Ana!ysis Descri"tion:
0he $#el System Analysis mod#le calc#lates vol#me and center of gravity as f#nctions of f#el height for any shape f#el tan( or sections of f#el tan(s. $#el s#rface area and tan( wetted and dry s#rface areas are also comp#ted for #se in heat transfer analyses. 0he mod#le acco#nts for internal str#ct#re and factors affecting tan( position s#ch as varia)le wing sweep, wing twist and deflection, wing incidence and dihedral, and airplane pitch and roll. 0he overall 9od#le is divided into three partsA G. "reprocessors 2. Analysis 9od#le 6. "ost "rocessor. Res"onsi8i!ities:
"rovided )#siness analysis, gathered re,#irements, designed and developed integrated +0 sol#tions and )#siness processes to meet client and internal #ser re,#irements. Created technical, f#nctional and )#siness specifications 9et reg#larly with 'oeing =ser @ro#ps to determine software sol#tions to ma(e the tool r#n overall more efficiently. Cons#lted with teams to determine the technical feasi)ility of client re,#ests and provided time estimates. &or(ed with high level )#siness managers to effectively prioriti<e activities and achieve defined o)7ectives. Developed and interpreted technical doc#mentation. Coordinated with 'oeing "rinciple +nvestigator. Coordinated with onsite and offshore team. 9onitored progress on tas(s and stat#s of delivera)les &as responsi)le for o)taining 'oeing acceptance on coding standards and delivera)les. "articipated in all stat#s review meetings. =sed ADO./et for data)ase access. Created 9S ACC*SS Application #sing the mathematical form#las provided my 'oeing #sers. "rovided ade,#ate and necessary comm#nications to 'oeing, e.g., Stat#s reports and "ro7ect plans. Created Share"oint site for aggregating information collected in +nfo"ath forms. Created c#stom we) parts. Created c#stom &or(flows Created *vent receivers. Created Site templates. &n ironment: 9icrosoft ./et 2.3, ./*0 $ramewor(, C-, 1is#al St#dio 2334,S:L Server 2334,Sharepoint 2338, Oracle ,H" Servers, H" =/+B, $O?0?A/ 88 , C.., ADO./*0
0ero; Cor"oration3 USA Ro!e: .Net Pro+rammer Pro7ect Name: Doc,SP Descri"tion:
0his pro7ect allows the #sers to control the Berox printers with the help of the @=+. 0he #sers can ad7#st the printer properties with the help of the @=+. 0he application was )ased on the client server architect#re. &e have the print server that allows ro#ting the re,#ests from the client to the corresponding printer. Res"onsi8i!ities: Developed and +nterpreted 0echnical doc#mentation. Designed and developed the application #sing C<3 -e8 forms AD..Net3 S=) Ser er 200$. Developed the =ser Specification Doc#ment from the present #nderstanding of the tool. Developed the we) )ased =+. Cond#cted training sessions and wor(shops for enhancing end;#serHs #nderstanding of existing systems. "orted the application from Client location to Offshore Development Center. 9aintained code migrations from development, test and prod#ction environments. *sta)lished reg#lar comm#nication with teammates.
&n ironment: ./*0 $ramewor( G.x, C.., &indows 2333%B"%/0, &indows Servers and "enti#m &or(stations, =/+B +'9 A+B!
Microsoft Cor"oration3 Redmond3 9A Ro!e: Soft-are &n+ineer Pro7ect Name: MyMo8i!eMedia >M#? 5 %e!ecomm Descri"tion:
0his pro7ect allows the person to remotely access his personal des(top from his mo)ile phone. 0his helps the #ser to logon to his%her des(top remotely and then he%she can p#)lish any media on it i.e. it allows the #ser to view%save, #pdate the media stored on the des(top. C#rrently it only allows the #ser to p#)lish the images. +n f#t#re it will )e capa)le for media streaming. 0he layered architect#re of the prod#ct exploits many technologies li(e Client Server, Des(top =+, and Device =+. Development methodology is f#lly O)7ect Oriented. +tHs )eing f#lly developed, #sing the 9icrosoft prod#cts li(e 1is#al St#dio and S:L "rod#ct 9anagement. Res"onsi8i!ities:
0ranslated end;#ser s#rveys into technical doc#ments there)y maximi<ing efficiency. $acilitated iss#e resol#tion with meetings and doc#mentation to exec#te all test plans )y d#e date
=sed C-, AS"./et, &in $orms, S:L Server
+nstalled and config#red software, wrote technical doc#mentation. Analy<ing the res#lts o)tained from r#ns and sending the reports to the client. Optimi<ed operationsI monitored and detected loc( contention. 9aintaining the servers #sed for "erformance 0esting. "erforming the sched#le ?#ns on the application. +nstalled and config#red S:L Server data)ases and applications. "erform A#tomated 0est r#ns to consolidate the performance of the servers.
&n ironment: . /*0, C-, S:L, AS". /et, ./*0 $ramewor( G.x, AS"./*0, C-, C.., ADO./*0,9SS:L, S:L S*?1*? 23333 1is#al St#dio De)#gger, &indows /0, &indows B"3 &indows Servers and "enti#m &or(stations
(n ho,se "ro7ect maintainin+ for 1arc!ays 1an23 De,tsche 8an2 Ro!e: Soft-are &n+ineer Pro7ect Name: =,artA >%CS 1an2in+ Prod,ct? Descri"tion:
0his pro7ect is for developing international )an(ing prod#ct exploiting state of the art technology. +t comprehensively covers the )ac(;office and mid;office f#nctioning and provides interface to the front office. 0he core areas covered are '#siness ?elations, 'an( Str#ct#re, Acco#nt 9anagement, $inancial Acco#nting, "ricing Services, ?is( 9anagement, "ayments and $#nds 0ransfer, $inancial +nstr#ments, 9ar(et +nformation and Sec#rities Administration. 0he ma7or )#siness mod#les are Corporate Actions, Sec#rities 0rading, $oreign *xchange, money 9ar(ets, Credits and "ortfolio 9anagement. 0he layered architect#re of the prod#ct exploits many technologies li(e Client Server, ?D'9S, @=+, OL0" and ?#le 'ase. Development methodology is f#lly O)7ect Oriented )ased on ?am)a#ghs O90. CAS* and Code generation techni,#es have )een f#lly exploited. 0he prod#ct has interface with S&+$0, S+C and 0*L*>=?S networ(s. Res"onsi8i!ities: =sed :.., C.., "ower'#ilder and Oracle for developing the application. &or(ed with client to define f#nctional re,#irements. S#pported m#ltiple client change orders sim#ltaneo#sly thro#gh prioriti<ation and tas( delegation.
0ranslated client re,#est into technical specifications. $acilitated iss#e resol#tion with meetings and doc#mentation to exec#te all test plans )y d#e date. ?eported :A team stat#s to exec#tives. Coordinated and provided technical s#pport for de)#gging and c#stomi<ation re,#ests. 9anaged defects #sing "rod#ct St#dio. =tili<ed re,#irements and set#p tools to config#re and maintain the application.
&n ironment: C.., :.. 0CS owned Lang#age!, "ower '#ilder., ./et $ramewor(, Oracle, 9JS:L, AD*B 0CS owned case tool! 3 =/+B de)#ggers d)x, gd)!, &indows E4, S=/ SOLA?+S, =/+B A+B, H"!, =/+B Servers and "enti#m &or(stations AC'(&B&M&N%S: ?ecogni<ed )y Client for contin#o#s o#tstanding performance in the development and testing for the S*9 O#tloo( *nhancement "ro7ect. &or(ed in the Office Development 0ools witho#t any prior (nowledge and training and designed the application for the client and was received )y them with great appla#se and appreciation.