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6 M and M Catapult Project

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Group Names: ______________ _____________ _______________ M&M Catapults: Parabolic Flight Materials: Stopwatch, Measuring tape, masking tape,

pen/pencil Overview: ou will use catapults !create" at home# to launch M&Ms at a target$ %n class, &ou will use a stopwatch an" time how long the pro'ectile is in the air$ (hat time will then be use" to )in" an e*uation to mo"el the )light o) the M&M$ (hen the catapult will be mo+e" on top o) a "esk, an" &ou will use &our e*uation to estimate how )ar the pro'ectile will tra+el$ ou will use this estimate to "etermine where a target will be place"$ Points will be score" base" on where &our M&Ms lan" on a target that &ou place on the )loor$ ou will onl& ha+e )our attempts once the catapult is place" on the "esk$ our group will complete this packet an" a lab report$ Timelime (tentative): ,ecei+e -ab an" start buil"ing 0ring in catapult to practice .a& 1 Start -ab .a& 4 (arget shooting -ab write up "ue Grading: Worksheet = 20 points Lab write up = 0 points Target testing = !0 points .ec / .ec 12 .ec 13 .ec 45 Mon 6an 2

http:// .healthstones.com/knights)and)dragons)store/schl eich) orld)of)knights/schleich)castle/schleich)catapult/schlei ch)catapult.html http://8ismyluckynumber.blogspot.com/2013/03/catapults-and-m-in-name-of-quadratics.html? sho !omment"1383#1$122%&3'c8(#000(333#8110%38(

"ro#ess: 1# %n groups o) 4 or 7, stu"ents will "esign an" buil" a catapult$ ou are to research an" "esign a small catapult that will consistentl& launch an M&M$ Some websites to re+iew are: http://sweene&math$blogspot$com/4553/58/m9catapult9pro'ect9pt919catapult9 plans$html http://www$stormthecastle$com/catapult/)ree9catapult9plan$htm http://www$stormthecastle$com/catapult/how9to9buil"9a9catapult$htm http://www$google$com/images:*;eas&<catapult<"esigns&oe;ut)9 8&rls;org$mo=illa:en9>S:o))icial&client;)ire)o?9a&um;1&ie;>(F9 8&source;uni+&ei;@a)6(Ni8A8B@8gb?*6G CD&sa;E&oi;image_result_group& ct;title&resnum;/&+e";5C./DsCDwCw&biw;1485&bih;F/5 http://www$instructables$com/i"/F9minute9M99M9catapult9game/ http://8ism&luck&number$blogspot$com/4517/57/catapults9an"9m9in9name9o)9 *ua"ratics$html:showComment;1787213144F@7Gc8/2555/77728115F78/ 4# 0ring the catapult into class on the assigne" "a&$ ou will ha+e 1F minutes to look at other stu"entsH i"eas an" test &ours an" theirs$ (hen, &ou will take &ours home to practice an" make an& new a"'ustment &ou "eem necessar&$ 7# (he two "a&s be)ore Christmas 0reak we will start the lab$ Bn "a& 1 o) the lab, &ou will be aiming to )inish *uestions G1915$ Ie will be measuring with meters$ %) &ou "o not complete it in class, it will be complete" )or homework$ (hese *uestions are using practice launches to create a *ua"ratic e*uation )or &our catapult$ /# Bn .a& 4 o) the lab, we will ha+e our target testing$ >sing the e*uation calculate" )rom .a& 1, &ou shoul" know where to place a target !a bowl# on the )loor$ Bne group at a time will tell the teacher where to place the target an" that group will get )our tries to launch their M&M !onl& 7 out o) / will be recor"e"#$ (he "istances will be recor"e" an" measure" an" gra"es will be base" on the class a+erage "istance$ F# C)ter completion o) -ab .a&s 1 an" 4, the stu"ents will write up a lab report$ (his will be "escribe" below$ (he catapult, the stu"ent recor"ing worksheet an" the lab write up !t&pe" report# will all be collecte" an" gra"e" )or a test gra"e !see checklist/rubric below#$

http://8ismyluckynumber.blogspot.com/2013/03/catapults-and-m-in-name-of-quadratics.html? sho !omment"1383#1$122%&3'c8(#000(333#8110%38(

$ire#tions %or Lab $a& !: 1# Place the catapult on the groun"$ 0e care)ul that it "oes not change position "uring tests$ Fire a )ew practice roun"s, making sure to pull the catapult back the same "istance each time$ %t is +er& important to make sure that &our shots are as consistent as possibleJ 4# .esignate one stu"ent as a KlauncherK, one stu"ent as a KspotterL, an" one stu"ent as the MtimerL$ (r& a )ew practice runs to make sure that &ou can hit close to the same spot with each shot$ (he launcher will be in charge o) )iring M&Ms )rom the groupNs catapult )or the o))icial tries$ (OP -C>NCOP, M>S( MCAP S>,P (B -C>NCO (OP M&Ms (OP PECC( SCMP IC PQP, (%MP$ (he spotter will put a piece o) tape on the e?act mark where each M&M lan"s an" measure the "istance !in meters#$ (he recor"er will recor" the "istance !in meters# an" the time$ 7# Bnce &ou get a )airl& consistent launch time an" launch "istance, recor" 7 o))icial times an" their correspon"ing 7 o))icial "istances$ ,ecor" these +alues in the table below$ C+erage &our three times an" "istances )or the )inal bo?es$ $istan#e !: $istan#e 2: $istan#e ': (verage )ori*ontal $istan#e: Time !: Time 2: Time ': (verage Time in the (ir:

/# (o )in" the ma?imum height o) &our M&M, use the )ormula:

h ; !1/4#gt4,
where h is the +ertical "istance tra+ele" !meters#, g is the acceleration "ue to gra+it& !3$81 meters/sec sq.) an" t is the time in secon"s o) free fall$ (verage time in %ree %all (t): +a,imum height o% +-+ (h):

http://8ismyluckynumber.blogspot.com/2013/03/catapults-and-m-in-name-of-quadratics.html? sho !omment"1383#1$122%&3'c8(#000(333#8110%38(

F# Fin" the +erte? o) the parabola using , as the hori=ontal "istance tra+ele" an" & as the +ertical "istance tra+ele"$

2# >sing the +erte? &ou calculate" an" a start point o) !5,5# , calculate &ouHre a9 +alue$

@# Irite the )inal e*uation )or the )light o) &our M&M: ./uation: 8# Measure )rom the )loor to the top o) a "esk$ !0e as e?act as &ou can# $esk height (meters) 3# >sing &our un"erstan"ing o) translations, incorporate &our new starting height into &our e*uation$

Translated ./uation: 15# >sing &our e*uation, estimate where the M&M will lan"$ $istan#e the +-+ will travel (meters)

http://8ismyluckynumber.blogspot.com/2013/03/catapults-and-m-in-name-of-quadratics.html? sho !omment"1383#1$122%&3'c8(#000(333#8110%38(

$ire#tions %or Lab $a& 2: 1# Bne group at a time will place their target where the& e?pect their M&M to lan"$ ou will be gi+en )our attempts$ (here are NB P,CC(%CP ,>NS )rom the "esk$ ,ecor" C-- &our "istances then cross o)) the worst result$ Bne person will be the launcher$ (he spotter will watch where it lan"s an" put a piece o) masking tape$ (he measurer will use a measuring tape an" will measure the "istance )rom the e"ge o) the bowl to the tape in meters$ $istan#e %rom Target Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: Shot /: C+erage o) top 7: 4# ,ecor" &our top 7 scores an" a+erage on the teacherHs recor"ing sheet$ .,tension 0uestions: >sing &our groupHs catapult e*uation, answer the )ollowing e?tension *uestions within &our lab write up$ !Measure in meters# 1# %) &ou place &our catapult on the rim o) the basketball hoop in the g&m what is &our new e*uation: 4# Ihat is the hori=ontal "istance tra+elle" b& the M&M: 4# Ihat is the ma?imum height the M&M reaches: 1e%le#tion pie#e o% lab write up: 1# Ihat woul" &ou "o "i))erentl& ne?t time: 4# Oow "i" this help &ou with the un"erstan"ing the unit: 7# Oow woul" &ou gra"e &our group on this pro'ect: Oow woul" &ou gra"e &oursel) on this pro'ect: /# Cn& recommen"ations )or ne?t &ear: 2inal notes: our gra"e will be base" on the accurac& o) &our )inal shots$ (his means &ou must be care)ul to shoot the catapult in the same e?act wa& each timeJ %) &ou miss class "uring this pro'ect, &ou will ha+e to make the pro'ect up outsi"e o) class time$
http://8ismyluckynumber.blogspot.com/2013/03/catapults-and-m-in-name-of-quadratics.html? sho !omment"1383#1$122%&3'c8(#000(333#8110%38(

Grading 1ubri#34he#klist: 1$# (arget ,esults 4$# Iorksheet !1 per stu"ent# 7$# -ab report: a$# Materials use" an" "escription o) catapult "esign, inclu"e website &ou use" )or "esign b$# .escription o) how &ou got &our e*uation c$# Graph o% &our e/uation with labels an" e?plain &our important points ______ / F points ______ / 15 points ______ / 15 points ______ / 1F points ______ / 45 points

"$# -ab "escription ______ / 1F points .escribe how &ou "eci"e" where to place &our target .escribe &our target results an" how it relates to &our e*uation e$# P?tension *uestions !7# ______/ 1F points

)$# ,e)lection: ______/ 15 points Ihat woul" &ou "o "i))erentl& ne?t time: Oow "i" this help &ou with the un"erstan"ing the unit: Oow woul" &ou gra"e &our group on this pro'ect: Oow woul" &ou gra"e &oursel) on this pro'ect: Cn& recommen"ations )or ne?t &ear: G1($.: 555555 3!00 pts

http://8ismyluckynumber.blogspot.com/2013/03/catapults-and-m-in-name-of-quadratics.html? sho !omment"1383#1$122%&3'c8(#000(333#8110%38(

Tea#her 1e#ording 6heet %or Target "ra#ti#e Group ! Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Group 7 Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Group Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Group : Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Group 8 Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Group ; Group 2 Names: Shot 1: Shot 4: Shot 7: C+erage Shot: Group 9 Group '

http://8ismyluckynumber.blogspot.com/2013/03/catapults-and-m-in-name-of-quadratics.html? sho !omment"1383#1$122%&3'c8(#000(333#8110%38(


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