5 Creative Teams

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Creative Teams

S Jeyavelu

Creative Interactions

Creativity in teams start with creativity in interpersonal interactions & relationships

Tools of Creative Interactions

Effective Listening Empathy Clarificatory Questions Feedback Evocative Questions Analogies Converging to a Solution/Conclusion

Creative Teams

Factors Supporting Team Creativity Research Findings

Member diversity Positive challenge Clear objectives Ambiguity in path/approach Intragroup psychological safety Openness & flexibility Freedom to experiment

Supervisory encouragement Participative decision making Minority influence Reflexivity Independence & autonomy Delinking failures from performance appraisals

Factors Supporting Team Creativity Research Findings

Absence of control orientation and excessive work load Resources In depth Knowledge & Skills Effective Group Processes

Creative Teams

Shared Values & Purposes

Curiosity, sensitivity, complexity, entrepreneurship, reality contact, experimentation, persistence, independence

Skills & Resources

Both divergent & convergent thinking; Support for implementation

Structure, Roles & Rules

Clarity, ambiguity Delinking of failures from Rewards

Group Processes
Intragroup safety, reflexivity, minority influence, participative decision making, integration, conflict resolution

Delegation, motivation, inspiration

Planning, periodic review

Roles for Team Creativity

Idea Generating Entrepreneuring or Championing Project Leading Gatekeeping

Technical Market Manufacturing

Sponsoring or Coaching Opportunity recogniser Project alumni

Leadership & Creativity

Characteristics of a Creative Leader

Modest Intelligence Well Informed Original Thinking Ask Right Questions Prepared to be Creative

What Leaders DO to Facilitate Creativity?

Create conducive environment Expect Creativity Challenge People Reward Creativity Give Freedom Value Dissenters / Mavericks Get People Immersed in Problems

What Leaders DO to Facilitate Creativity?

Create an Environment for Discussion/ Disagreement Give Slack & Time Delink Risk Formal System to Capture Ideas / Innovation Remove Disincentives Enable lateral, cross functional interactions

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