5 Creative Teams
5 Creative Teams
5 Creative Teams
S Jeyavelu
Creative Interactions
Creative Teams
Member diversity Positive challenge Clear objectives Ambiguity in path/approach Intragroup psychological safety Openness & flexibility Freedom to experiment
Supervisory encouragement Participative decision making Minority influence Reflexivity Independence & autonomy Delinking failures from performance appraisals
Creative Teams
Group Processes
Intragroup safety, reflexivity, minority influence, participative decision making, integration, conflict resolution
Delegation, motivation, inspiration
Planning, periodic review
Create conducive environment Expect Creativity Challenge People Reward Creativity Give Freedom Value Dissenters / Mavericks Get People Immersed in Problems
Create an Environment for Discussion/ Disagreement Give Slack & Time Delink Risk Formal System to Capture Ideas / Innovation Remove Disincentives Enable lateral, cross functional interactions
Thank You