Thoeries of Entp
Thoeries of Entp
Thoeries of Entp
X-efficiency factor
Example of Leibenstein’s Thoery
Lalu Prasad Yadav as an entreprenaur for Indian
Turned around the Indian Railways by
improving efficiency and innovation.
Some decisions may not have been rational
according to stakeholders ( Eg. Excessive
attention on U.P. and Bihar)
Mark Casson’s Theory
About Mark Casson’s
Mark Casson thinks it is quite fashionable
now-a-days to be an entrepreneur. His theory
deals with the functional behavior of
entrepreneur and his qualities which are
crucial for his success.
Casson defines and Entrepreneur as “
someone who specializes in taking judgmental
decisions about coordination of scarce
Decisions differ from other peoples’ decisions
Features of Mark Casson’s
Demand – Supply Relationship
Identification of qualities
Markets as a medium of
Communications: Entrepreneurs through
market communications reach at desired level
Hoselitz’s Theory
Features of Hoselitz’s
Hypothesis of Marginal Men: Marginal Men
are ambiguous for cultural and social
statement and are particularly suited to make
creative adjustments in situations of change
and in course of this change, they develop
genuine innovations in their social behavior
The Entrepreneurship