Application, Instructions, AND Program Rules: SSPC Qp6

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Table of Contents
Item I. II. III. IV. Introduction General Program Procedure Application Form Evaluation Checklist A. Management Procedures B. Technical Capabilities C. Quality Control D. Safety Procedures and Record keeping Fee Payment Schedule Submittal Procedure Evaluation Process A. Cancellation of Audit Policy B. Critical Item Provision C. Critical Evaluation Items D. Determination of Status E. Appeal Procedure Maintenance Applications Special Provisions A. Major Changes in Companys Organization B. Suspension of Certification for Non-Payment C. Formal Compliant Procedure D. Subcontracting Work E. Joint Ventures F. Reporting Work and Citation History G. Administrative Suspension & Change of Name H. Review of Personnel Records During SSPC Certification Audits Definitions and Explanations A. Definitions B. Scoring Appendix A Page 3 4 5 9 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 26 27






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SSPC developed the Painting Contractor Certification Program (PCCP) to verify the capabilities of contractors performing industrial surface preparation and coating application in the field. The programs objective is to determine if a painting contractor has the personnel, organization, qualifications, procedures, knowledge, and capability to produce quality surface preparation and coating application for complex industrial structures. Complex industrial structures are defined as those constructed of steel or concrete, such as metal producing and rolling mills, bridges (e.g., highways) and processing facilities, including chemical and petrochemical processing plants, pulp and paper mills, power plants and substations, and food and beverage plants and terminals. SSPC QP6 is one of several contractor qualification programs available under the PCCP umbrella. SSPC QP6 Certification is designed to evaluate the qualifications of industrial thermal spray (metallizing) contractors by defining what capabilities are necessary for a contractor to either perform or evaluate and accept surface preparation of the surface to be metalized or thermal sprayed and perform the metalizing. Please note that the SSPC QP6 Certification Program does not involve inspection of the contractors thermal spray work or training of its personnel. It does cover thermal spray capability conducted in the field or in the shop. Finally, the program is not intended to guarantee the quality or safety performance of a specific contractor on any of its projects. Rather, it is intended to assist facility owners in their evaluation of the primary capabilities of potential bidders. While SSPC certification confirms a companys capability to meet the requirements of SSPC QP6, owners, specifies and general contractors are encouraged to also assess the contractors financial ability to perform a job as well as the contractors previous work history, capability to meet site-specific requirements, and other areas not covered under this program. To better ensure the success of a project, owners should write quality specifications, implement a plan to enforce the requirements of the specification through appropriate quality assurance and establish a plan to maintain good communication with the contractor before work begins and during the project. This is in addition to ensuring that the contractor is capable of performing the work. This package contains information and materials needed to apply for SSPC QP6 Certification. It also lays out program rules and procedures that you must follow once your company becomes certified. You will find copies of this application and all other documents detailing program requirements, related procedures, clarifications, etc., on SSPC Online at Click on Certification and follow the appropriate links. Contractors who desire program information but who do not have access to the Internet can contact SSPC staff directly for copies of any and all program related documents. Contact the SSPC Certification Manager at: 877-281-7772 Ext. 2235 or Certification Assistant at Ext. 2209. While every precaution is taken to ensure that all information furnished is accurate and complete, SSPC cannot assume responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from the use or misuse of the methods contained herein, or of the program itself.


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Important Note: Contractors applying for SSPC QP6 certification must demonstrate a history of compliance with QP6 quality and safety requirements. QP6 applicants must be able to document that necessary components of its quality program have been in place company-wide for at least six production months prior to the initial evaluation. For instance, where an evaluation item requires specific procedures to be in force, such as the preparation and maintenance of Quality Control reports, the procedures must have been in force at least 6 production months prior to the time when the contractor undergoes the initial audit. Once certified, the Contractor is expected to consistently apply required certification procedures year round for all industrial painting jobs.



The SSPC QP6 certification process contains this sequence of procedures that you must follow: a. Complete the application form found in Item III. b. Gather and prepare the required information outlined in Item III following the application. c. Send SSPC the application, submittal items, and appropriate non-refundable certification administrative fee and any required audit deposit. d. SSPC staff will review your submittals within 4 working days after receipt. If everything is in order, an on-site audit will be performed. If not, SSPC will indicate what must be done, or what additional information is required to complete the submittal. Note: The initial job site or shop visit will most likely be announced, and may be performed at a job site selected by SSPC if it is a field project. e. An SSPC program auditor will conduct the evaluation at one or more active (complex structure) job sites or shop that are representative of work that your company performs and where you can demonstrate conformance with QP6 requirements. It usually takes two to three days to complete, and always includes a visit to your offices as well as one or more active (complex structure) job sites (selected by SSPC) or your shop. Note: The auditor may review randomly selected project files on thermal spray projects listed in your submittal. These files as well as management and production personnel familiar with those projects must be available during the audit for an audit to be completed. f. It is important to know what information must be available at the job site or shop to show the auditor during the audit. This information can be found on the SSPC site at Although these guidelines are for QP1, they are also applicable for QP6. SSPC also encourages you to do an internal audit prior to SSPCs independent audit. Internal Audit Checklists can be found on the Certification section of SSPCs website. g. At the end of the audit, the auditor will schedule an exit interview to advise your key management of any deficiencies cited during the audit. h. If your firm has a qualifying score, it will be certified for a three-year period. Your companys ability to maintain certification standards during the three-year certification term is confirmed through passing annual announced or unannounced audits which your company must undergo at least once in each of the three years of the certification term, and through your companys ability to adhere to the programs administrative rules, and avoidance of disciplinary actions as described in the Disciplinary Action Criteria (DAC). Certification lapses after three years. i. If your firm does not qualify, you have up to 45 days after SSPC notifies you of your audit results to submit an acceptable written corrective action plan to correct deficiencies and request a follow-up audit. If you dont submit acceptable corrective actions within 45 days, you must re-apply for initial certification. j. The program provides for an appeals procedure, should you disagree with audit findings.


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III. QP6 APPLICATION FORM FOR THERMAL SPRAY METALLIZING (SHOP OR FIELD) Instructions: The application form is used to provide information that will aid in evaluating and rating your firm. To avoid delays in carrying out the evaluation process, you must answer all questions accurately and truthfully. Information must be either typed or clearly printed. Please send SSPC two typed or printed copies of your completed application, along with two copies of submittals and the correct non-refundable fee.

1. Company Name:

Principal Officer/Title: E-mail Address: Web Site Address (If applicable): Telephone (include Area Code): Fax Number:
2. Type of Business:


Federal I.D.#: ! Sole Proprietorship ! Partnership ! Corporation

3. Years your company has operated under name listed in Question #1:

If less than 3 years, list previous names below: Previous Name: Previous Name: From: From: ! Yes To: To: ! No

Is the location listed in #1 the main place of business? If not, list branch offices and locations below:

4. Has your company undergone (within the past 18 months) or is it planning to undergo any

significant changes (e.g. name change; change in ownership; Chapter 7, 11, or 13; purchase or takeover of another contracting firm; joint venture/partnership with another contractor; executive management personnel changes, etc.) ! Yes ! No If yes, please attach an explanation that meets the notification requirements described in Item X, Part A, Major Changes in a Companys Organization,
5. Audit at an Active Job Site or Shop Operation.

The certification program requires that auditors conduct a field visit to an active complex structure job site or shop where Metallizing is taking place. List location of jobs in progress or shop projects where and audit can be conducted. (Please include any restrictions below such as special safety requirements, facial hair, security clearances, etc.)

a. Job site or shop: Restrictions: Name, title, and phone number of your contact person on this job site:
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Day and Time Work Crews on job site or working in the shop: b. Job site or shop: Restrictions: Name, title, and phone number of your contact person on this job site:

Day and Time Work Crews on job site or working in the shop: c. Job site or shop: Restrictions: Name, title, and phone number of your contact person on this job site:

Day and Time Work Crews on job site or working in the shop:
6. Current experience modification rate (EMR) for State/Province of Domicile and Principal

States/Provinces of Operation. Provide documentation of experience modification rates on your Insurance Company and State/Provincial Workmens Compensation Bureau (Board) letterhead per evaluation item described in Item IV, Part D. Submit a detailed explanation for any EMR above 1.25.
7. Attach copies of any serious or willful federal, or state/provincial or local regulatory agency

worker safety and health or environmental non-compliance, or other regulatory violations (e.g. wage & hourly violation) and citations issued to any of your firms industrial painting operations during the previous 36 months. Provide resolution/settlement/notice of contest documentation if applicable, as well as a brief summary of policy changes and actions your company has taken as a result of the citations. Submit required copy of OSHA Form 170 or equivalent regarding fatalities that have occurred on your job sites in the last 36 months.
8. Has your company or any of its personnel been involved in any of the following practices in

the past 36 months: (1) fraud; (2) alternation of test results or reports; (3) criminal conviction; (4) misrepresentation of information; (5) illegal business practices. (Refer to the Disciplinary Action Criteria [DAC]) ! Yes ! No If yes, please explain

9. List the names and headquarters locations of any industrial coating contractors your

company is affiliated with. An affiliated company is: "A company, corporation, partnership, joint venture, or other business entity operating under a different name than the certified firm, which performs surface preparation or coating application or administrative and other support functions for the certified company; and in which an officer, director, owner, partner or stockholder of the certified firm, a previously certified firm disciplined by SSPC, or the
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certified firm itself, exercises directly or indirectly (such as through family members) any significant degree of ownership, management or control."
10. Is your company now or has it in the past been associated in any way with a contracting firm

operating under another name which has been disciplined by the SSPC under the DAC? ! Yes ! No If yes, please explain

11. Are any of your companys officers, directors, owners, managing agents, or managers now

exercising (Or have previously exercised) direct or indirect control, management or ownership of another contracting firm, which has been disciplined by the SSPC under the DAC? ! Yes ! No If yes, please explain

If your company has not had such association with a firm previously disciplined under the DAC, please check this box !. Note: Failure to answer truthfully or any instance of providing inaccurate information will result in immediate revocation or denial of certification status.
12. Has your company been disqualified or disbarred from any bidders list in the past 24

months? ! Yes ! No If yes, please provide the reason for the suspension and the name of the entity

13. Attach copy of most recent (12 months) OSHA accident & illness forms. (OSHA Forms 300

and 300A), if applicable.

14. Please attach copy of your current written Safety & Health Compliance Program. 15. Total production hours logged in previous calendar year: 16. Source of Information: 17. Average number of workers youve employed over preceding 3 years: 18. Is your firm an organizational member of SSPC?

! Yes

! No ! Sustaining

If yes, indicate category of membership: Membership Number:


! Patron

Date membership expires:

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18. QP 6 qualification category sought (check which apply). See definitions in Section X for more details. ! ! Steel Category (Thermal Spray of Structural Steel) Concrete Category (Thermal Spray for Cathodic Protection of Steel Reinforced Concrete)

Note: By my initialing and signature below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand: Initial: __________ The QP6 Certification Program Application Form and Instructions. Initial: __________ The QP6 procedure set forth therein. Initial: __________ The Disciplinary Action Criteria. As a principal officer of the application contractor, we agree to abide by and be bound by rules, regulations and procedures set forth therein. (Must be initialed above and signed by the President, Chief Operations Officer or Chief Executive Officer) Signed: Printed Name and Title: Date Submitted: Certification Fee and Deposit Submitted with this Application: $ Note: Failure to report accurate, complete information will delay your certification evaluation. Omission or falsification of information may result in withholding or denial of certification status. Your firm will be checked against the provisions of the Disciplinary Action Criteria (DAC). If your firm has critical faults under the DAC and falls under one of its categories of suspension or revocation, your application will be held at SSPC for the length of time that is equivalent to the appropriate penalty. If your firm has critical faults and subsequently falls under warning or probation, you are under those categories and are subject to further disciplinary action if future problems arise, provided your firm is certified after successfully completing the initial audit. _____


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Required Information In order to rate and evaluate your firm, the program uses specific criteria, organized into four business areas outlined below. Management Procedures: Measures utilized by your company to organize, coordinate, and otherwise manage the various activities required to prepare or accept surfaces and apply protective coatings using a thermal spray process. Technical Capabilities: Resources maintained by your company to properly interpret and execute job specifications and requirements. Quality Control: Procedures implemented and maintained by your company to verify that all stages of work are performed in accordance with contract documents and specifications. Safety and Health Programs, Procedures and Recordkeeping: Practices and procedures used by your company to see that safe operations are maintained. Each of these four areas contains several subcategories focusing on your companys policies, personnel, procedures and resources. ALL ITEMS must be submitted in writing with the application. They must be typed on separate sheets of paper and clearly identified. Documents such as charts or file documents, which already exist, must be submitted and identified in the same manner. The auditor will verify and evaluate the items during the on-site or shop visit. The necessary records or files that you must present at that time include but are not limited to: job files for reported projects, job notification forms, inspection logs, equipment and maintenance records, etc. Some information will be presented verbally. The auditor may also evaluate DAC-related items as directed by the program administrator. Item VI lists and describes submittal procedures. Note: Contractors applying for SSPC-QP6 certification must demonstrate a history of compliance with QP6s quality and safety requirements. QP6 applicants must be able to document that necessary components of its quality program have been in place company-wide for at least six production months prior to the initial evaluation. For instance, where an evaluation item requires specific procedures to be in force, such as the preparation and maintenance of inspection reports, the procedures must have been in force at least 6 production months prior to the time when the contractor undergoes the initial audit. Once certified, the contractor is expected to consistently apply required certification procedures year round for all industrial thermal spray jobs. IV. EVALUATION CHECKLIST This is a list and description of all items of required information for QP6 certification. Following each item is a statement telling you whether it is a critical or non-critical item. Documentation explaining each item must be submitted with your application. A score of 2 is required on all critical items. A. 1. Management Procedures Company Policy a. Mission Statement It must contain specific statements (declarations) regarding quality, safety, health and environmental protection practices. Must be on company letterhead,
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signed by the President or CEO, updated or reaffirmed annually, and posted at the office, shop and job site. Implementation of Procedures for Disseminating Company Policies within the Organization Show that management has implemented procedures to routinely disseminate all policies to all workers (e.g., employee manual or handbook, new employee orientation, workforce conferences) under its direction. Organization and Personnel a. Organization Chart Provide a diagram that shows lines of authority and responsibility for major activities of the company. The organization chart must be updated or reaffirmed annually by the CEO and clearly show key positions (e.g., Health & Safety Officer, QC Supervisor, Production Manager.) b. Job Descriptions For key personnel (e.g., management, quality control supervisor, and safety officer) provide job descriptions that clearly state their responsibilities and duties. Include their work experience, required licenses (which must be current), and certifications and availability of training programs. Training programs must be in place at least six months and correlate with industry jobs, positions and professions. Documentation must confirm that actual duties match the job descriptions. Officers and management staff must be full-time paid employees of your company. Administrative and Management Procedures a. Financial Record Keeping/Insurance Documentation must show that a recognized accounting system is in place and that tax returns have been submitted in a timely manner. This means providing a copy of your most recent tax return. Show evidence that liability; workers compensation, and other insurances are paid and current. Be prepared to show documentation that the company pays workers and management staff. b. Procedures for Estimating, Scheduling and Tracking Costs Demonstrate that estimates for work are recorded and that they take into account labor, materials, equipment, training, worker protection, overhead, etc. Written job schedules must be available that clearly outline all major activities (e.g., mobilization, surface preparation, application of primer, topcoat; demobilization, etc.). Job costs are tracked and compared with bid estimates.



Note: Concerning Reporting of Financial Information to SSPC: Contractors are encouraged to white out sensitive financial information. SSPCs interest in reviewing financial documents is limited to verifying such things as legal identifiability, insurance coverage, proper payment of staff and workers, and the fact that the applicant follows accepted accounting practices and estimating procedures. The specific financial information contained on such documents is of no interest to SSPC and has no bearing on the outcome of the audit. c. Procedures for Reviewing Specifications and Other Bidding Documentation. Demonstrate that theres a procedure in place, either a checklist or other documentation, that shows that management reviews specifications and inquiry documents, (e.g. project documentation log) d. Procedures for Learning About and Complying with Regulations (Critical Item) Identify a key person(s) in your company who is/are designated (in writing) to secure and study regulations. This key person has been designated to perform this duty for at least 6 months prior to the initial audit. Demonstrate that current versions of regulations applicable to specific projects are available at the job site or to personnel on the shop floor and are complied with.


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B. Technical Capabilities 1. Personnel Qualifications a. Worker Training, Qualification and Experience (Critical Item) (TSSs & TSOs) Provide evidence (e.g., training records, certificates, relevant correspondence) that thermal spray supervisors and operators have the requisite experience and have been trained and qualified to perform job functions. See Appendix A for specific requirements. Worker Performance Evaluation (Critical Item) Demonstrate that the performance of TSSs, TSOs and blasters, if applicable, is systematically reviewed and documented by management and immediate supervisors. Demonstrate there is evidence that corrective actions to improve sub par performance are taken, as needed, and documented. 2. Technical Resources a. Industry Group Affiliations Demonstrate that you have affiliation with groups that provide current information on thermal spray technology. b. Technical Standards Library (Critical Item) Demonstrate that current technical standards and references applicable to each project are available, at a minimum, to management in the office and to personnel at each job site and there is evidence of their use by site/shop personnel. 3. Procedures (description of procedures used to convert job specifications into a field work order, job plan, etc.) including: a. Job Specifications and Revisions (Critical Item) Demonstrate that specifications and revisions are logged in and distributed to appropriate persons; records are kept of who is given a copy. Show that a verification of documentation acknowledgement form is signed. b. Procedures for Clarifying Ambiguous Specifications (Critical Item) Show that your company clarifies ambiguous specifications (items such as omissions, incorrect technical information or unclear requirements), and how clarifications are communicated and documented. c. Communicating Contract and Technical Requirements (Critical Item) Demonstrate that your company makes certain that current contract and technical requirements are available to supervisory personnel at the job site. Show that a verification of documentation acknowledgement form is signed. d. Submit a complete list of current and recently completed thermal spray projects (previous 12 months) and work experience showing your companys capability to perform work at the level of certification sought.

A complete list can be defined using the following guidelines: All prime contracts for public work that involves TSA and related work with a dollar value of $50,000 (USD) or greater; All public contracts for TSA and related work in which you are the painting subcontractor regardless of contract amount; All coating and related work where QP6 is specified as a requirement or where having QP6 designation is part of the contractor qualification / evaluation process. Required information for each job includes: Facility name, address, including zip code, telephone and fax number, owners and prime contractors representative in charge of your field operations Scope of work performed or to be performed Materials applied and approximate quantities. Equipment used for surface preparation and metallizing. Types (e.g., thermal spray operators; blasters; helpers) and number of personnel employed in the field or shop
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Special safety (e.g., protection from lead; working at heights; working over water) or environmental (e.g., containment) requirements. Duration of project (start date; finish date) Note: List should include all jobs under contract to your firm regardless of whether all or any portion of the job was subcontracted. Also include work in which you are a subcontractor. Job records for projects reported here and for which a job notification is filed are subject to review by the auditor.
4. Maintenance and Repair of Equipment

Demonstrate that you have a Preventive Maintenance Program (PM), which shows that you perform maintenance and repairs on equipment used for surface preparation and thermal spray application operations according to the equipment manufacturers recommendations. You must show that you have documentation of the completion of maintenance according to your PM Plan. C. Quality Control 1. Quality Control Program (Critical Item) Show that you have a written QC program that complies with the requirements specified in SSPC CS-23.00, AWS C2.23M/C2.23; 2003 for steel and AWS C2.20/C2.20M; 2002, if you are qualifying for the concrete category. You must show during the audit that your company uses qualified personnel and proper inspection and recording procedures. 2. Company QC Supervisor (Critical Item) There is a history of a key employee in the position. The QC Supervisor shall have a least two (2) years (full time) varied thermal spray experience appropriate for the QC tasks at hand. (e.g., inspection, calibration, corrections, corrective re-work) The QC Supervisor must pass (75%) the SSPC Quiz for the category of certification: Steel Quiz 6113B Concrete Quiz 6113C, as well as the SSPC QCS training program Note: Both QC Manager and TSS supervisor are re-qualified every two years by passing the quiz with a minimum score of 75%. The QC Supervisor must successfully complete the SSPC QC Supervisor Training by December 2006. 3. Thermal Spray Inspector (Critical Item) Show that you have a program for training, qualifying and certifying your thermal spray inspector(s) for all the inspection procedures listed in C.5 below. Tests must be conducted by the appropriate method described in ASTM D3276 and SSPCCS 23.00/AWS C2.23M/C2:23/NACE No.12. 4. Identifying Nonconforming Work (Critical Item) There are procedures for checking for non-conforming work and stopping work, if necessary. There is evidence that these procedures are properly utilized. There is evidence (e.g., NCRs, hold tags) that TS inspectors notify operations supervisors of non-conforming work and identify re-work requirements QC inspectors routinely record non-conformances and required corrective actions. There is evidence that re-work inspections are performed and/or NCRs or hold tags are removed when QC accepts work. Deviations from above procedures for specified circumstances (e.g., client request) are clearly controlled and documented. The customers authorized representative approves contract requirement deviations in writing. Deviations recommended by suppliers are technically justified in writing.


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Documentation of Coating Inspection and Filing of Results (Critical Item) Demonstrate that company maintains written inspection reports and results of tests performed by QC personnel for each project on a daily basis during surface preparation and TSA operations. Include sample copies of inspection reports completed and signed by your TSIs on projects you have done in the recent past. Reports shall contain (at a minimum) the following: Pre-Clean compressed air cleanliness for abrasive blast cleaning abrasive cleanliness, type and size air temperature humidity dew point surface temperature flame cut edges inspection Start Up (Job Ref. Std.) degree of cleanliness achieved surface profile (depth and type) time between blast and thermal spray primer application wire or powder batch numbers bend test (5)/Applicator/Shift

Finish dry film thickness adhesion testing cut test visual defects time between thermal spray primer and sealer application You must demonstrate that instruments used to conduct inspections and tests reported on your inspection forms have been properly calibrated (see the next item) 6. Demonstrate that Inspection Equipment and Calibration Standards are Available (Critical Item) Demonstrate that inspection equipment (e.g., DFT gages, profile gage, ambient conditions measuring equipment, and adhesion testers) and calibration standards are available to and used by TSIs on the job site. You must also maintain records of required factory and laboratory calibration and maintenance of inspection equipment as required by contract or manufacturers recommendations. Show that inspection equipment used is checked for accuracy before use and records are kept of any and all equipment checks. 7. Hold Point Inspections You must have procedures to ensure that each major operation (e.g., pre-cleaning, treatment of flame cut edges; surface preparation; bend test; TSA [primer] application; adhesion test; cut test; seal coat; top coat; cure) is inspected when the facility owner does not require a site-specific inspection plan. D. Safety Procedures and Record Keeping Systems 1. Ssafety Program and Documentation of Safety Education, Meetings, and Other Safety-Related Activity (Critical Item) You must have a written Safety & Health compliance program and site-specific compliance programs in place based on OSHA or equivalent standards outside the USA, that is applicable to your operation. At a minimum, the program must address the following general topics and applicable sub topics:
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Hazardous Materials Personal Protective Equipment General Safety and Health Provisions Occupational Health and Environmental Controls, as applicable to the coating industry. Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment Fire Protection and Prevention Signs, Signals, and Barricades Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal Hand and Power Tools Welding and Cutting Electrical Scaffolds Fall Protection Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, and Conveyors Ladders Toxic and Hazardous Substances TS operations High Pressure Water Jetting (HP WJ)





You must show that safety activities (i.e., annual employee safety education/training sessions; monthly [or as required by customer] job site safety & health inspections; weekly tool box safety meetings, along with distribution of safety materials & literature) are routinely performed and documented. You must show evidence that safety performance is part of each field managers written job description. Ownership or management reviews the safety and health program at least annually to evaluate whether the goal of protecting workers at all work sites is being achieved. Your program must be formally reviewed by a safety professional at least once every three years who can attest that all applicable safety and health standards and hazards are addressed in the program. You must show that workers have been made aware of the program. You must show that safety rules are enforced. Pre-job Safety & Health Hazard Analysis Demonstrate that your safety officer or designated safety provider conducts a pre-job hazard analysis for each job that results in a hazard control plan for the phases of the job. You must submit documented evidence of such an analysis on your three most recent jobs. Accident Report Procedure Contractor has a written accident and near miss reporting procedure, which includes actual reports showing how accidents and near misses are investigated. The procedure will have plans and actions taken to prevent recurrence. Accident reports address what happened, to whom, where it happened, how it happened and the root cause. Procedure for determining proficiency of safety and loss control measures firm uses Show how your company management monitors results annually. Submit a copy of your 3 most recent worker compensation experience modification ratings (EMR) for states/provinces your firm works in. Submit evidence of EMR, on worker compensation insurance carrier letterhead. Also calculate your companys most recent incidence rates for total cases and lost workday cases as defined by U.S. BLS. Also include copies of most recent safety audits conducted by your safety officer or outside agencies such as your insurance or bonding company or safety consultant. Safety Procedures for Specialized Equipment (Critical Item) a. Show that safe operation of equipment is ongoing in your company. Include written safe/standard operating procedures (SOPs) for major equipment, and demonstrate that they are available at the job site. Provide evidence that employees operating the equipment have been trained to operate it correctly and safely b. Show that owners and/or managers have approved these procedures, and that the contractors safety director or designated safety professional has reviewed these procedures at least annually.
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Show evidence that these procedures incorporate equipment manufacturers recommendations for safe operation. Provision and Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), (Critical Item) a. How is (PPE) equipment issued and maintained? Demonstrate that PPE issued is appropriate and adequate for hazards encountered on the jobs youve undertaken. b. As part of your comprehensive Health and Safety Program, you have a written respiratory protection program based on OSHA regulation, 29 CFR 1910.134, or equivalent regulation or standard if outside the USA. c. Show written procedures for issuing and use of other PPE, such as protective clothing for skin protection, devices for eye protection, devices for hearing protection, foot protection, head protection, life jackets, life saving equipment, (as applicable). d. Show that required respirators and protective equipment are available to personnel at the job site. e. Provide evidence that workers use respirators and PPE, and are trained in their use and maintenance. f. Demonstrate a formal system to check the effectiveness of PPE used on site and to maintain PPE used on site in good working condition. Availability of first aid trained employees a. Identify individuals and their training, and confirm they are on the job. Post emergency numbers on the job site where 911 is unavailable. Demonstrate that an approved firstaid kit is accessible to all workers. b. A first aid (and CPR) training person (issued by the Red Cross or an equivalent organization) must be available on each job site. This requirement is applicable to projects that last 2 or more days and involve a crew of 6 or more. Compliance with Regulations (Critical Item) Show that key people in your company (including company owners and executive management) keep records of your companys non-compliance with federal, state/provincial, and local regulations, (e.g., Worker Safety & Health, Environmental Compliance, Worker Compensation rules, Wage and Hourly rules) and there is documented evidence that violations/citations are discussed at the upper management level and corrective action is taken to avoid repeat violations. Sources of Safety Information Show that you operate a formal program to acquire information on safety and safety equipment from such recognized sources as OSHA and NIOSH bulletins, BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reports, ASA Safety Handbook, PDCA Safety Manual, Trade publications/clipping services, and AIHA publications and journals. Demonstrate that relevant safety information and materials are available to on-site personnel


QP6 FEE SCHEDULE (In U.S. Funds) Sustaining Member $2,100 $2,100 $300 Patron Member $2,400 $2,400 $550 Non-Member $2,700 $2,700 $800

Administrative Fee QP6 Initial and New Term Audit QP6 Maintenance Audit QP6 Corrective Action Verification Audit

NOTE: Companies who have their QP6 audit the same time as a QP1 or QP3 audit are eligible for a 50% discount on their administrative fee. Firms applying for certification must submit with their application the annual administrative fee plus deposit for audit expenses. Estimate your audit expense deposit from the following: Audit Deposit
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Initial and New Term Audit Annual Maintenance or Corrective Action Verification *Outside U.S./Canada/Mexico Add

$2,600 $2,000 $1,000

Example: If you are applying for initial QP6 certification and you are a SSPC patron member, submit $5,000 ($2,400 Administrative Fee + $2,600 Anticipated Audit Expense). If your audit cost is less than the deposit you submit, SSPC will refund the difference. If the audit cost is higher, SSPC will bill you for actual expenses. Fees must be paid in advance of the audit. Certification will be withheld until all fees are paid. Post audit fees for QP6 deficiency audits or additional audit expenses are payable when due. Failure to pay these fees in a timely manner can result in a six-month suspension from the program and public notification of the suspension. If fees are still not paid after the suspension, the contractor will be decertified, and have to reapply for initial certification, and pay all applicable fees and fees owed from the past. Note: Audits are performed at cost. The fees cover the cost of staff time to review and process your application package and submittals, and fees and expenses for the on site evaluation, and associated overhead costs required to operate the PCCP. Program fees are non-refundable regardless of the results of the evaluation. SSPC will withhold $500 for application processing expenses if a firm decides to withdraw its application prior to scheduling of the field evaluation. Non-responsive and inactive applications will be returned to the applicant, less a $500 non-refundable administrative processing fee after six months. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE follows:
2. Type or clearly print all entries on the application form. 3. Be certain all items on the form are answered completely and accurately. 4. Send the original and one copy of the application package to SSPC. We suggest you keep


1. To avoid delay and/or confusion, gather and submit application package materials as

a copy on hand for your use at the on-site audit. The auditor will return the submittal to you at the end of the audit. All other materials will be kept by SSPC. 5. Clearly identify the submittal items included with the application. Secure all pages to minimize chances of loss or separation. 6. Determine and send the non-refundable certification fee/deposit using the fee schedule described in Item VI. Make check payable to: SSPC Painting Contractor Certification Program. Mail the entire application package to: US MAIL & DELIVERY SERVICE ADDRESS SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings/ Certification Manager QP 6 Program 40 24th Street 6th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4656


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VII. EVALUATION PROCESS Evaluation of your firm is performed in conformity with SSPC-QP6: Standard Procedure for Evaluating Qualifications of Contractors Who Apply Thermal Spray (Metallizing) for Corrosion Control of Steel and Concrete Structures. The application package (e.g. application form, written submittals, certification fee) is received by SSPC. Upon acceptance of the application and submittals by SSPC, the application package is forwarded to the SSPC auditor. When a date or time frame has been selected for the office visit, mutually agreed upon, and confirmed in writing or verbally by you and the SSPC auditor, a program auditor will visit your office and job site(s) or shop to perform the following: (As stated earlier, the job site visit may take place before or after the office visit and may be unannounced or done on short notice.) Confirm data submitted in the application package. Interview key personnel at your headquarters office and job site. Note: At least one active job site must be observed for the audit to be complete. Observe and rate company organization and operation (including field or shop operations), using the standard program guidelines and rating procedures. Examine and rate equipment and facilities. Schedule Exit Interview At the conclusion of the audit, the auditor will schedule an exit interview with your supervisory or key management personnel to review the audit and point out items (i.e. Deficiencies) that were scored less than 2. If there are any deficiencies, the auditor will fill out a deficiency schedule for your representative to sign at the conclusion of the audit. Your signature does not connote agreement with the results. It only confirms that you have been made aware of the results. Refusal to sign the deficiency schedules results in denial of certification. A. Cancellation of Audit After the on-site office audit date has been selected, mutually agreed upon by both you and SSPC, and confirmed in writing or verbally, if you either cancel the audit, request a change in that date or fail to make the job site selected by SSPC or key personnel available for auditing, you will be responsible for any expenses incurred by SSPC as a result of the cancellation. B. Critical Item Provision The QP6 critical item provision identifies seventeen evaluation items program auditors use to evaluate contractors for certification. SSPC has deemed these 17 critical to the initial and annual certification renewal of a contractor. The provision requires the contractor to score a minimum of two (2) on a scale of 0 to 3, on all 17 critical evaluation items or certification will be withheld. The PCCP provides a maximum 45 day-period for applicants who have not attained an adequate score to: Submit a corrective action plan; make corrections in the deficient areas; and ask for a reevaluation. That same 45-day period is available to program members unable to achieve the required minimum score on all critical evaluation items during annual on site maintenance or follow up evaluations. Contractors, who have to submit corrective action plans, should consider submitting them sooner than the allotted 45 days in order to speed up the process.
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For initial applicants, SSPC will withhold certification until: corrections are made; required procedures are put in place a minimum of six production months prior to the follow up evaluation and the passing score is achieved during a follow up on site evaluation. For program members unable to achieve the required score during an annual on site maintenance evaluation (which consists of an evaluation of all 17 critical items), SSPC will provide the member a maximum of 45 days to submit a corrective action plan and request a follow up evaluation. If a program member is deficient in no more than 2 critical items upon completion of the annual maintenance evaluation, SSPC may extend certification status until the follow up evaluation is completed, pending acceptance by SSPC of a written corrective action plan. If the program member is deficient in more than 2 critical items, SSPC will suspend certification status for up to six months, pending receipt and acceptance of written corrective actions and required verification through a follow up audit. NOTE: Refer to the Special Provisions section for information regarding Joint Ventures & auditing. C. Critical Evaluation Items (17 total) Procedures for securing, evaluating and complying with applicable regulations (Item A.3.d) Qualifications, Training & Experience of TSSs and TSOs and blasters, if applicable (Item B.1.a) (Appendix A) Performance evaluation of craft workers (Item B.1.b) Availability of technical standards (Item B.2.b) Recording of job specifications and revisions (Item B.3.a) Procedures for clarifying ambiguous specifications (Item B.3.b) Procedures to communicate contract and technical requirements (Item B.3.c) Quality Control Program (Item C.1) Quality Control Supervisor (Items C.2 & C.7) Thermal Spray Inspector (Item C.3) Identification of non-conforming work (Item C.4) Documentation of inspection results (Item C.5) Availability of inspection equipment and calibration standards (Item C.6) Written corporate worker safety and health and site-specific programs (Item D.1) Standard Operating Procedures for major equipment (Item D.5) Availability of personal protective equipment (Item D.6) Maintaining records of non compliance with regulations and follow up actions (Item D.8) D. Determination of Status At the conclusion of the evaluation process described in Part IV, the SSPC designated Program Auditor will make a recommendation to the SSPC Certification Manager. SSPC will make the final decision regarding your status. Those decisions are either: 1. Confer Certification: Your company achieved required scores in the four function areas and scored 2 or better on all Eighteen Critical Items. 2. Deny Qualification: Your firm has not attained the scores adequate to achieve SSPCQP 6 certification. You then have a maximum of 90 days after written notification of audit results to submit an acceptable corrective action plan to address deficiencies and request that SSPC re-evaluate to verify implementation of your corrective action plan. E. Appeal Procedure 1. During the Audit Exit Interview, the Auditor will document and explain all deficiencies cited during the Audit. If you dispute any of the audit results, you may appeal, using the steps of recourse listed below.
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2. You must notify the SSPC Certification Manager in writing within 10 working days of the

Exit Interview, specifically identifying the deficiencies you are appealing, and substantively explaining why you dispute them (this includes providing supporting documentation for each deficiency being contested). 3. SSPC will evaluate your written appeal and notify you of the evaluation results (in writing) and within 30 calendar days of the appeal submission receipt by SSPC. SSPC appeal evaluations will result in either acceptance of your written appeal (vacating or reducing an audit deficiency) or denial of the appeal (sustaining the deficiency). For a denial of any appeal, the Contractor has the option to accept the SSPC appeal resolution and submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) which may or may not require a follow up Audit to verify CAP implementation. Finally, an appeal denial by SSPC could also result in a QP suspension up to 1 year. 4. The Contractor can continue the appeal process by requesting an informal conference in writing and within 10 business days of an appeal denial by SSPC. The informal conference will be held at SSPC headquarters in Pittsburgh (for Contractor to further explain its position and request a settlement). 5. The final option for the Contractor wishing to continue with the appeal is to utilize the existing Disciplinary Action Criteria (DAC) Arbitration Panel Procedure. Note: Contractors who do not appeal audit findings can still appeal disciplinary action taken by SSPC as a result of failing an audit. Use procedures 1-5 above to appeal a suspension resulting from a failed audit. An annual internal audit will be required at the end of the first and the second year of your certification. SSPC will supply an internal audit form, which you must complete and forward to SSPC along with the annual maintenance (see page 29) application. Customers will be given an opportunity to comment directly to SSPC at any time on your companys performance. All replies will be treated as confidential and may be used only as a component in determining certification reconfirmation or verification of critical faults under the DAC. Failure to pass the aforementioned annual or unannounced follow-up audits will result in suspension or revocation of your companys certification status. See Item H, Maintenance Applications for specific rules governing maintenance of QP6 certification status in the second and third years. IMPORTANT: Failure to cooperate with the program auditor or failure to provide access to data, personnel or on site premises, shall be sufficient cause for denial, suspension or revocation of your firms certification status at the Program Administrators discretion. VIII. MAINTENANCE APPLICATION

The SSPC QP6 certification term is three years. To assure that your operations remain in compliance with certification standards during that period, the program requires that SSPC evaluate your firm at least once in each of the second and third years of the term. The evaluation may be announced or unannounced. Additional audits (excluding required follow up or corrective action verification audits) may be performed at SSPCs discretion, at no cost to the program member. To maintain uninterrupted certification status, you must reapply for certification annually. You must submit a completed maintenance application, results of your internal audit, a list of applicable work in progress and completed since the last evaluation, current safety information
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and maintenance fee by the January 15 due date. The necessary forms and applications can be found on SSPC Online at Click "certification" and follow the appropriate links. SSPC will send you a registered letter approximately 60-90 days before your submittal is due as a reminder to reapply. If you fail to reapply when your submittal is due, your companys certification will expire and your firm will be decertified. SSPC will send a letter to any contractor who has failed to reapply as a reminder that certification has expired. Note: You are responsible for ensuring that SSPC has your current mailing address, phone, email and fax numbers, etc. Once you have reapplied, the annual evaluation (job site and possibly office visit) must take place within the calendar year or your certification will expire. Note: Job records for projects reported in the annual submittal and those for which a job notification is on file are subject to review during a maintenance audit and should be available if the auditor asks for them. Note that it is mandatory to show the auditor an active job site during the annual audit. If you have active work and have not been audited prior September 1, you are obligated to inform SSPC so the audit can be conducted to avoid a situation where you have no work to show for the annual audit. Contractors who have no active work face loss of certification. Important Note: Contractors who fail two consecutive certification maintenance / annual audits at any time while certified (corrective action verification audits following a failed audit are not considered maintenance / annual audits) will be suspended from the program for 12 months following failure of the second audit. Audit failure is defined as = Three or More Critical Item Deficiencies. (additional notes found in the Special Provisions Section, item G) Contractors who fail the annual maintenance evaluation will be given 45 days after notification of audit results to submit a Corrective Action Plan and request that SSPC re-evaluate. SSPC reserves the right to withhold certification from firms who fail a maintenance or follow-up evaluation until a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is submitted and accepted by SSPC. [SSPC may opt, in certain cases, to extend the companys certification status following acceptance of a CAP for a limited period subject to certain conditions.] Contractors or Shops placed on suspension for failing a maintenance audit during their certification term will be formally notified in writing (e.g. by letter or email) of the suspension. 1. The contractor is given 45 days from notification to make corrective actions and be reaudited, 2. The contractor is asked to return original certificates, and 3. The contractor is asked not to present itself as a QP certified contractor during the suspension period During a suspension period the contractor's name will be removed from SSPC's web list of QP certified contractors ( Contractors will be formally notified in writing when a suspension is lifted, valid certificates will be reissued, and the contractor's name will be added back to the web list of QP certified contractors. IX. SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. Major Changes in a Companys Organization SSPC certified contracting firms are required to notify the SSPC Program Administrator within 30 days of any major organizational or name change. Examples of a major change include, but are not limited to, the following: change in ownership partnership/joint venture change in executive management (e.g. President, C.E.O; General Manager)
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declaration of bankruptcy Relocation of main or branch business offices or opening of new branch offices The notification shall include the following information: specific details about changes revised organizational and responsibility chart effective dates of change names of officers of company any change in tax identification number, federal or state. Note: If a company changes federal or state tax I.D. numbers or is incorporated in a new state, it will automatically have to reapply as a new company. If it is a simple change of name (i.e., John R. Doe Co., Inc., to J.R. Doe, Inc., incorporated in the same state with the same tax I.D. numbers, a simple transfer of certification may be authorized. SSPC will subsequently schedule a special audit, at the contracting firms expense, within 60 days of notification. SSPC will also schedule another audit, at the contracting firms expense, within 60 months after the special (first) audit to verify that the company is in fact maintaining the standards of the program. If the company does not pass the 6-month audit, certification will be rescinded. No transfer of certification status to a new company will be approved until the company provides SSPC with the information and passes the special (first) audit. Failure to notify the program administrator of any major changes within the required time period may result in an automatic 6-month suspension of the certification. A company that has changed its name must certify in writing that it will assume responsibility for any disciplinary actions or violations of federal, state and local regulations. In addition, any violations of the SSPC PCCP program (e.g. written complaints from owners or critical faults) by the firm under its original name will be considered as part of the record of the firm under its new name. A company may request that SSPC waive the requirement for a special (first) audit before approving the transfer. SSPC will evaluate each request and may waive the requirement at its own discretion. B. Suspension for Non-Payment of Fees Failure to pay all fees in a timely manner will result in a six-month suspension from the program and public notification of the suspension. SSPC will suspend the Contractors QP6 if it fails to pay all outstanding balances within (3) three business days of the final (second) invoice. SSPC will also withhold issuing certification for initial and annual applicants who pass the evaluation until all fees are paid. Finally, if the Contractor chooses to contest or appeal any outstanding balance, the appeal must be in writing and submitted to the Certification Manager within five business days of the final (second) invoice date. Failure to submit a timely written appeal of an outstanding invoice will also result in a six-month suspension mentioned. C. Formal Complaint Procedure Any authorized representative of an owner who hires a QP6 certified painting contractor could file a formal complaint against the company if the representative has information that the contracting firm does not practice QP6 certification procedures. The contractor may respond to the complaint by submitting information supporting its position to SSPC.
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D. Subcontracting Work SSPC certified contractors are responsible for the actions of subcontractors, to ensure they perform in accordance with PCCP requirements. Contracted tasks include (but are not to be limited to) environmental monitoring and testing; personal monitoring; medical surveillance; cleaning, surface preparation and painting; erecting and moving containment and scaffolding; and equipment maintenance. The contractor will control its subcontracting process to ensure that its subcontractors conform to PCCP requirements. The contractor shall evaluate and select subcontractors based on their ability to provide products/service in accordance with the contract and PCCP requirements Purchasing documents sent to the subcontractor shall specify information describing the product or service being purchased. The contractor shall ensure that specified requirements are adequately defined in the purchasing documents prior to their release to subcontractors. Subcontractors must also be notified by you, the certified contractor, that SSPC holds the right to audit their surface preparation and coating application operations. In all circumstances, SSPC certified contractors should hire only SSPC certified subcontractors for surface preparation and coating application work. SSPC certified contractors MUST hire SSPC certified contractors as required by the facility owner. SSPC realizes that there are circumstances when you are hired because of your credentials as an SSPC certified contractor and yet are required to hire painting subcontractors, as part of your contract, that may not be certified (e.g., minority or set aside contracts). In cases when you do hire non-certified sub-contractors to fulfill a contract obligation which cannot practically (or reasonably) be met by the contractor or other PCCP certified subcontractor, you will need a written waiver of the QP requirement for the subcontractor from the facility owner or contract administrator. Regardless of the subcontractor's certification status, you are still responsible for the actions of those subcontractors to ensure they perform in accordance with your QP quality programs. All subcontractors hired by SSPC certified contractors must be formally approved in writing by the facility owner or its official representative. Failure to comply will result in issuance of a "SEVERE" critical fault under the DAC. If a certified contractor's job site is audited and one or more of the painting subcontractors performing surface preparation and coating application work at that job site are not in compliance with QP requirements, SSPC will issue the certified contractor a warning for violations of the PCCP Subcontracting Special Provision. A second incident will result in an automatic 12-month suspension from the certification program. SSPC certified contractors who hire non-certified contractors even though the facility owner, general contractor or specifying engineer specifically call out in their contract or general notice to contractors that all cleaning and painting subcontractors must be SSPC certified, will be subject to disciplinary action (e.g. deliberate violation of specification requirements - a "severe" violation resulting in suspension) under the Disciplinary Action Criteria (DAC). If a certified contractor utilizes another contractor's workers (e.g. applicators, blasters, helpers, tenders, quality control inspectors, competent persons, etc.) and these workers are paid by another entity (regardless of whether they are under your direct supervision), the workers are considered to be subcontracted from the other entity. If the contract calls for a QP contractor, the other entity must also be certified or it is considered a violation of the DAC.
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If a certified contractor is borrowing, leasing, renting, etc., workers, and those workers are on the certified contractor's payroll, and under the certified contractor's direct supervision, the workers are considered employees of the certified company. Complaints concerning SSPC certified contractors allegedly violating subcontracting practices described above will be investigated by SSPC and may result in an unscheduled audit of job records and/or job site. E. Joint Ventures and Auditing When SSPC audits a project being done by one or more QP certified firms as a Joint Venture (JV), the audit counts as an audit for all the QP certified companies involved in the JV. That is, if the audit is successful, all the JV QP companies audited share in the success. If the audit is not successful, the audit is unsuccessful for all QP firms involved. In addition, SSPC reserves the right to audit a non-JV project being done by one or more of the joint venture contractors. F. Reporting Work and Citation History on Application Contractors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of reporting of regulatory citation history information submitted to SSPC when completing a certification application. Failure to accurately report this information on the application will delay the application or result in a disciplinary action or if the companys already certified, will result in suspension of the firms certification. G. Administrative Suspension and Change of Company Name Change of company name, ownership or structure does not void a suspension issued by SSPC. Any company that is suspended for failing to meet QP audit standards, SSPC administrative policy, or any other policy related to QP certification is restricted from reapplying for certification as a newly formed, merged, or renamed company. Recertification in any form is prohibited for the stated duration of the suspension. Once the suspension period has lapsed, any suspension history and records will be transferred to the new business. Any representative of the management, including but not limited to an officer, director, superintendent, quality control supervisor, safety director, general manager, or stockholder, or any person who exercises directly or indirectly, including through an intermediary person, any degree of ownership, management or control of the suspended contracting firm, who forms or purchases a new company or who exercises any management or control of a new, existing, or purchased company, or who exercises any degree of ownership of a new, existing, or purchased company, renders the new, existing, or purchased company ineligible for certification while any suspension of the company the person was associated with, is in effect. The intent is to prevent management, or other key individuals associated with the suspended firm from forming or purchasing a new company, or exercising any control over an existing affiliated company (such as through an intermediary person) to avoid the consequences of a PCCP suspension. A suspended contractor may re-enter the program when the suspension period has lapsed and the conditions for reinstatement have been met. A newly formed, merged, or renamed company must submit application and follow all procedures for QP certification. Note: For purposes of this document, affiliated company is defined as: A company, corporation, partnership, joint venture, or other business entity operating under a different name than the certified firm, which performs surface preparation or coating application or administrative and other support functions for the certified company; and in which an officer,
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director, owner, partner or stockholder of the certified firm, a previously certified firm disciplined by SSPC, or the certified firm itself, exercises directly or indirectly (such as through an intermediary person) any significant degree of ownership, management or control. H. Review of Personnel Records During SSPC Certification Audits It is important that you make available to the SSPC auditor any personnel information that is needed to confirm compliance with applicable SSPC Certification Requirements. Such information includes but may not be limited to: a. Medical surveillance records (e.g., blood lead test results; zpp test results) of blasters, painters, helpers, foreman, QC personnel, and others who work on your job sites and who may be exposed to hazardous metals or materials; b. Clearances to wear respirators; c. Respirator Fit Tests; d. Hearing Test Results; e. Training records, including exam results and course curriculums; and f. Hazard communication (right to know) training records. Many companies maintain spreadsheets of such information. It is important on an audit to have the back-up information (e.g., certification cards; course exams; medical exam summaries) available so the auditor can verify the information recorded on spreadsheets or other types of summaries. Due to increased privacy concerns under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), it may be necessary to obtain release forms from those persons who do coatings-related work for your company just to make sure youre covered. HIPAA provides federal protection against the misuse of individually identifiable health care information. However, HIPAA should not be used as a shield when a legitimate requester such as an SSPC auditor requests data. This interpretation is based on a recent letter issued by OSHA (Standard Interpretation Letter dated August 18, 2004) that explains to contractors that they do not have to remove names from their OSHA 300 Injury and Illnesses Log in order to comply with HIPAA. SSPC assures each contractor who is audited by SSPC that the SSPC auditor or Program Administrator will only ask to review personnel information that is required to confirm compliance with the QP1, QP2, QP3, QP6 and other QP standard audit requirements. The SSPC auditor will not ask to see any personal medical exam results. The SSPC auditor will treat any personnel information reviewed as confidential and will ask to see it only or the purpose of confirming compliance with QP standards. Failure to make available personnel information to SSPC so SSPC can determine compliance with Contractor Certification requirements will result in issuance of deficiencies, which could lead to suspension or loss of certification status. X. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS A. Definition of Terms Auditor The SSPC designated Program Auditor who has completed a PCCP approved training program, and who is responsible for reviewing applicant submittals, conducting the on-site evaluation, and reporting results to SSPC. Certification The procedure by which written assurance is given that a product or service conforms to a standard or specification.
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Certification Categories Three divisions in which commonly recognized classes of structures are grouped. These are: Simple Structure, Complex Structures, and Linings and Critical Underwater Service. Complex Structures Complex structures are those constructed of steel or concrete, such as metal producing and rolling mills, bridges, and processing facilities, including chemical and petrochemical processing plants, pulp and paper mills, power plants and substations, and food and beverage plants and terminals. Concrete Qualification Category The QP 6 concrete category is for qualification of a thermal spray contractor determining acceptability of surface preparation of existing concrete followed by thermal spray application in order to provide cathodic protection of existing steel reinforced concrete in accordance with AWS C2.20/C2.20M. Critical Items Selected evaluation items used by auditors in assessing an applicant that are considered critical to the certification of an applicant. The critical item concept requires the applicant to achieve a rating of 2 (on a scale of 0 to 3) on all seventeen critical items in the program to pass the evaluation. Evaluation Items Specific facts or evidence an evaluator looks for when assessing an applicants required information. Function Area Four specific areas of a contractors business operation that are evaluated in the program because they directly or indirectly affect the quality of work a contractor provides. These are: Management Procedures, Technical Capabilities, Quality Control, and Safety. Minimally Acceptable Responses These are the criteria by which required information submitted and provided by the contractor is evaluated and rated. Each response relates to an evaluation item and shows the auditor what the contractor must provide or do in order to achieve a score of 2 on a rating scale of 0 to 3. Owner The person, company or organization that owns the item or structure to be metallized. Procedure The sequence of steps taken to carry out a particular course of action. Qualification The procedure by which written assurance is given that an applicant conforms to the prescribed set of conditions or requirements of this standard procedure. Rating The method of measuring a contractors performance during the certification process. Each evaluation item used to assess information submitted or provided by the contractor is rated on a scale of 0 to 3, and calculated by specific standards to reflect relative priority. The sum of the prioritized evaluation items is the contractors overall rating. Required Information Specific items of information regarding the four function areas that a contractor applying for certification must provide either in writing with the application form, or furnish during the on-site evaluation. Steel Qualification Category The QP6 steel category is for qualification of a thermal spray contractor (shop or field) performing acceptance of surface preparation of new and existing steel structures followed by thermal spray application in accordance with SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS C2.23M/C2:23/NACE No. 12.
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Thermal Spray Contractor A firm that provides thermally sprayed coating application services (surface preparation evaluation and acceptance through thermal spray application, sealing, and topcoating) in a shop facility or in the field. Thermal Spray Inspector (TSI) A person who has training and experience to conduct inspections in accordance with SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS 2.23M/C2:23/NACE No. 12 and the applicable inspections of ASTM D 3276. Thermal Spray Operator (TSO) A worker who has been qualified in general accordance with AWS C2.16/C2.16M:2000 to apply thermal spray coatings. A signed and dated certificate indicating the type of equipment, type of thermal spray coating, and type of thermal spray application performed documents the qualification. Thermal Spray Supervisor (TSS) The applicants employee who has responsibility and authority to ensure that thermal spray applications are applied to meet project specifications. This employee will be involved in material and equipment decisions and be onsite during all quality hold points, surface preparation acceptance, and all thermal spray application. Thermal Spraying (Metallizing) A process for applying metallic feedstock or metallic powder. The material is melted and sprayed onto the substrate to produce a uniform coating. Thermal Spray Supervisor Qualification (TSS Qualification) A qualification required by SSPC QP 6 for the TSS. The TSS Qualification shall be for the steel category, the concrete category, or both steel and concrete categories. B. Scoring Your company is judged on its total score, which is derived by multiplying Response Ratings for each evaluation item by the Assigned Value for that item, and totaling the resulting weighted response ratings for all evaluation items. Response Ratings define the quality of your companys response to each evaluation item as follows: Rating 0 1 2 3 Interpretations (Definition) Non-Responsive (No answer, or one with no connection to the question) Unsatisfactory Response (pertinent, but inadequate answer) Satisfactory Response (minimally acceptable) Superior Responses (exceeds minimum standard)

Assigned Values reflect the relative importance of each evaluation item as follows: Value 1 2 3 Interpretation Important Very Important Extremely Important

Your score is compiled on the Evaluation Report Form and Tally Sheet utilized by the auditor. Copies are sent to you 15 - 30 days after the audit is complete.

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Personnel Qualifications Thermal Spray Supervisor (TSS) a. TSS, Steel Category: The TSS shall demonstrate knowledge of thermal spraying of steel components and/or complex structures in accordance with SSPC 23.00, SSPC-QP 1, and SSPC-QP6. b. TSS, Concrete Category: The TSS shall demonstrate knowledge of thermal spraying of concrete in accordance with SSPC QP8 and AWS C2.20/C2.20M for concrete. Experience: a. The TSS steel category experience requirements shall include documented evidence of at least 2 years satisfactory performance in managing and supervising abrasive blast cleaning projects of steel surfaces in conformance with the requirements of SSPC-SP 5 and SSPCSP 10. Alternately, the supervisor shall have 1 year of experience and successful completion of the SSPC C-7 Fundamentals of Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning training and qualification program. b. The TSS concrete category experience requirements shall include at least 1 year of satisfactory performance in managing and supervising abrasive blast cleaning projects of concrete surfaces. Training: The TSS shall participate in an SSPC Thermal Spray Training Course or equivalent, or provide documentation of at least two years of experience in thermal spray application. a. Steel Category: The training course shall consist of 16 hours of theoretical and quality related training in general accordance with the requirements of SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS 2.23M/C2:23/NACE No. 12. b. Concrete Category: The training course shall consist of 16 hours of theoretical and quality related training in general accordance with the requirements of AWS C2.20/C2.20M. c. Both Categories: The TSS shall provide documentation by the thermal spray equipment supplier as having participated and exhibited knowledge (theoretical and practical) in the use of specific thermal spray equipment to be used on the thermal spray contractors project. This practical training shall be at least 8 hours and include the use of quality control instruments. Alternately, the TSS with 2 years of documented experience in thermal spray application shall be qualified on specific equipment through equipment manufacturer training or through a separate formally documented training procedure (at least 8 hours). Additional Equipment: The TSS shall be qualified for additional pieces of thermal spray application equipment through equipment manufacturer training or through a formal training procedure (at least 8 hours). Certification of satisfactory completion of training is required for each specific piece of thermal spray application equipment. Qualification: a. The TSS shall be qualified under the contractors program as a (TSO). b. Steel Category: Specific testing requirements for the TSS for steel category include the following from AWS C2.16/C2.16M: 1. TSOQT No. JK-1 Job Knowledge 2. TSOQT No. AS-1 Arc Spraying: Zn, Al, and Their Alloys for Corrosion Protection 3. TSOQT No. FS-1 - Flame Spraying: Zn, Al, and Their Alloys for Corrosion Protection 4. Annex A Safety Information for Thermal Spraying 5. The TSS shall be tested and re-qualified every two years per the requirements of Section 8 of AWS C2.16/C2.16M and the job requirements of SSPC-CS 23.00/AWS
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C2.23M/C2:23/NACE No. 12. The test shall be in general accordance with the provisions of AWS C2.16/C2.16M, and shall be administered by SSPC or by an independent agency approved by SSPC. The applicant shall provide evidence of TSS testing (closed book) with a minimum passing score of 75%. c. Specific testing requirements for the TSS for concrete category include: 1. TSOQT No. JK-1 Job Knowledge 2. TSOQT No. A&FS-1 - Arc and Flame Spraying: Zinc on Reinforced Concrete 3. Annex A Safety Information for Thermal Spraying 4. The TSS shall be tested and re-qualified every two years per the requirements of Section 12 of AWS C2.16/C2.16M and the job requirements of AWS C2.20/C2.20M. The test shall be in general accordance with the provisions of AWS C2.16/C2.16M, and shall be administered by SSPC or by an independent agency approved by SSPC. The applicant shall provide evidence of TSS testing (closed book) with a minimum passing score of 75%. Thermal Spray Operator (TSO): The TS contractor shall have a program for training, qualifying, and certifying individual thermal spray operators in general accordance with AWS C2.16/C2.16M or equivalent. Thermal Spray Inspector: See Item C.3.


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