N Agans AND Entagrams: Pentacle - N. A Five-Pointed Figure, Composed of Five Straight Lines
N Agans AND Entagrams: Pentacle - N. A Five-Pointed Figure, Composed of Five Straight Lines
N Agans AND Entagrams: Pentacle - N. A Five-Pointed Figure, Composed of Five Straight Lines
pentacle - n. a five-pointed figure, composed of five straight lines interlacing to form a starlike shape. It was a popular design in medieval art, and was given a mystic significance by astrologers and magicians. pentagram - n. a pentacle; also, any figure of five lines. pagan - n. a follower of a polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome). Ultima VIII Pagan is a fantasy role-playing game designed solely for entertainment purposes. The games setting involves a confrontation with the classic mythological Elemental Titans and their polytheistic worshippers. In the game, the terms pentagram and pagan were selected for their relevance to the storyline and setting. ORIGIN wishes to imply no additional connotations for the words and concepts defined above.
(Definitions from Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary and Websters Ninth Collegiate Dictionary.)
Watch the introduction to Ultima VIII and learn what the Guardian plans for you. When it is over, a diary appears and you should type in the name you wish to use while visiting Pagan. Press to begin playing the game.
Ultima VIII is primarily mouse-driven. Your hands and eyes are controlled by the left mouse button. Your feet are controlled by the right mouse button. In addition to the mouse commands, there are some keyboard shortcuts to simplify frequently used commands. If you wish to reverse the controls of your mouse, press all following commands referring to the right button will then be controlled by the left, and vice versa. See the Quick Reference for other shortcuts.
Click on the farewell keyword (usually GOODBYE, BYE, or something similar), when you are satisfied with what you have learned.
When you want to begin talking to someone, double-left-click on that person. Although conversations in Pagan do not halt the game, some scenes are important enough to move the center of the screen to the person or people with whom you are talking. When this happens, pay close attention to what is being said. You regain control as soon as the scene has run its course. Not all conversations are repeated, so pay close attention the first time you talk to anyone!
Move the mouse around the screen and notice how the appearance of the mouse pointer changes. blue pointer you can place the object here. blue cross hair you can throw the object there. red cross you cannot pick it up/release it because the location is either too far away or is obstructed. Releasing the button when the cursor is a red cross returns the object to its original position. Double-left-click on the display of the basket to close it. Pick up the basket and, for practice, toss it next to the two fish. Put the bowl in your backpack by dragging it over your character and releasing. Be careful to check all containers carefully. Some have valuable items hidden beneath debris.
Without pressing either button, move the cursor around the screen.
You can jump nearly half your height to climb taller objects but you cannot climb some things such as most vegetation, sharp objects and the highest mountain ledges. When the arrow is short, try clicking both buttons simultaneously.
With a medium arrow (pointing any direction), try clicking both buttons.
The three arrow lengths represent speeds you get when you press the right mouse button. short makes a small, cautious step forward (a careful step). medium walks at a normal pace. long runs at full speed.
Move the arrow toward the upper right corner of the screen until it is medium length. Walk by pressing the right mouse button. When you find a brown dirt area, stretch your legs by moving the arrow to the far upper-left corner of the screen and pressing the right button. Click the left mouse button while you run.
Follow the path until you come to stairs leading up to a wooden pier. Walk up the stairs and continue until the railing stops you.
Turn around and walk off the railing, back onto the dock. You can fall a certain distance without damage, but from greater heights it becomes increasingly difficult to survive the experience. Falling more than two times your height is fatal.
Examine the barrels near the dock until you find a dagger in a small box. Drag the dagger over your character and release it.
Take out the dagger and drag it over the display of your character.
Enter combat stance by double-right-clicking on your character this readies your weapon. Practice swinging by very quickly double-left-clicking. Block your opponent (in this case, imaginary) by clicking or clicking-and-holding the left button down.
Kick by double-right-clicking ahead of your character.
Dangerous Terrain
Water and lava are both dangerous. Because you do not have the skills necessary for surviving in water, falling in means certain death! Also, the many lava lakes and rivers that flow underground are deadly. Be careful when traveling near any of these. Wide gorges are also dangerous, but can be crossed. Stand at one edge of the gorge. Click both buttons to begin the leap across the gorge, then let go of the left button but dont release the right button yet! If you jump far enough, you can grab the ledge before falling. At this point, you can drop from the ledge by releasing the right button, or you can pull yourself up by clicking the left mouse button. You can also combine leaping and climbing for a longer jump by running at full speed toward the edge. Two steps from the gorge, click the left button to begin the jump. High Dexterity and practice are the keys to proficiency.
Strength (STR) affects the amount of damage each blow does in a fight. It also determines how high you can jump, how much you can carry and how far you can throw objects. Your Strength increases the more you jump or engage in combat. Your maximum encumbrance (how much you can carry) is three times your Strength. Intelligence (INT) determines your potential Mana. Maximum Mana is twice your Intelligence. The more spells you cast, the more rapidly Intelligence increases throughout the game. Dexterity (DEX) affects the frequency of your attacks during combat. It also determines your ability to grab ledges and throw objects. Practicing these activities during the game is what increases Dexterity. Armor Class (ARMR) is a measure of how difficult it is for your opponent to make a successful attack. The better your armor, the higher your armor class. The higher the armor class, the more difficult you are to hit.. Hit Points (HITS) is a measure of how much damage you can withstand. Your maximum Hit Points are twice your Strength. When your Hit Points drop to zero, you die! Unlike previous Ultimas, you do not get magically resurrected in Pagan you must load a previously saved game. Fortunately, Hit Points restore themselves over time, and for faster recuperation you can see a healer. Eating periodically helps your recuperation. Mana (MANA) determines your stamina when casting spells. As you cast spells, your mental fatigue increases and your Mana drops to zero. Without Mana, you are unable to cast spells. Mana slowly replenishes itself once you cease casting spells. Weight (WGHT) is the heaviness of your load. Minimize the display by clicking on the button at its lower-right corner. Double-click on the minimized display to restore it to its original size. Left-click-and-hold on the display (somewhere other than the backpack) to move it around the game screen.
when finished.
To begin a new game, select READ DIARY from the Table of Contents. Left-click on ENTRY 1: THE BEGINNING to load a game at the start. To load a previously saved game, select READ DIARY from the Table of Contents. Left-click on the entry you wish to load. Left-click on downturned corners to turn pages. To save your current game, select WRITE DIARY from the Table of Contents. Left-click where you wish to save the current game and enter a description of the saved game. You have up to four lines to describe the game. When finished, press to save the game. If you wish to abort the procedure, press to restore the previous entry. You will not be able to save your game if you've destroyed an item or character necessary to the completion of the game.
Options Page
FX can
On slower computers, turn off ANIMATIONS, FRAME SKIPPING, and/or SPEED LIMITING to speed the game up. To prolong or shorten how long text remains on the screen, click on TEXT SPEED. The slider bar makes the text disappear more quickly or slowly (9 is the fastest).
Careful Step Walk Run Standing Jump Running Leap Jump & Grab Small arrow/right-click Medium arrow/right-click-and-hold Long arrow/right-click-and-hold Medium arrow pointing in desired direction/click both buttons Long arrow/right-click-and-hold to get a running start, left-click to jump Stand beneath object/short arrow/click both buttons
Move/Throw Object Use/Talk Open Display Close Display Close All Displays Open Inventory & Statistics Open Backpack Double-left-click on your character Double-left-click on the backpack in your display Left-click-and-hold object/drag ghost to new position Double-left-click on item/person Double-left-click Double-left-click on expanded display
Draw Weapon/Combat Double-right-click on Avatar
Stance The following can only be done from Combat Stance. Swing Weapon Kick Advance Block Retreat Sheath Weapon Double-left-click Double-right-click Right-click with arrow pointing in attack direction Left-click or left-click-and-hold Right-click with the arrow pointing in retreat direction Double-right-click (on Avatar)
Draws/Sheathes your weapon Changes the handedness of the mouse Opens your backpack Opens Options screen Opens your equipment and stats display Opens and closes your diary Closes all open displays Quits the game Displays the version number of Ultima VIII