Jimma University
Jimma University
Jimma University
Hours (per week) Course Objectives CENG 5045 Structural Design Yestedaw M. 3 Lecture 2, tutorial Objective: The course is designed primarily for analysis of lateral forces, plastic analysis and designing detailing and connections. Chapter 1:Lateral Loads 1.1 Wind loads 1.2 Seismic loads 1.3 Lateral force Resisting systems in buildings and distribution of lateral loads Chapter 2:Plastic analysis for framed structures Chapter 3: Simple strip method for slabs. Chapter 4:Steel Related concepts 4.1Detailing and connections. 4.2 Introduction to Composite steel concrete structures. Chapter-5: Introduction to elastic stability theory. CENG 3042 9 Compulsory lectures, tutorials, project - written (mid-semester, final) examination 85% - continuous assessment (assignments) 15% Minimum 80% attendance Jack C. McCormac, ( 2007), Structural Steel Design, McGraw-Hill, 2007. Arthur H Nilson, (2003), Design of concrete structures, McGraw-Hill, 2003. EBCS 1, EBCS 2, and EBCS 8, (1995), The Ethiopian Building Code of standards.
Course Contents
Pre-requisites Semester Status of Course Teaching & Learning Methods Assessment/Evaluation & Grading System