Worksheet Planning Cycle-2
Worksheet Planning Cycle-2
Worksheet Planning Cycle-2
The context
Observation Gathering information or data about children, families, educators and the community. Noticing what is happening. What can I see? What can others see? What do children notice about themselves? What do families notice? Looking for what is meaningful in my context and for children and families. Noticing Belonging, Being and Becoming, Practices, Principles and Outcomes.
Asking questions and analysing what has been observed. What learning is taking place here? How is this meaningful for us? Recognising strengths and interests. What do I recognise? What do others recognise? What do children recognise about themselves? What do families recognise? Recognising Belonging, Being and Becoming. Recognising Practices. Recognising Principles.
What other learning is possible? What can we learn together? Planning with children and families. How will children be supported to learn and develop? Planning for learning against the Outcomes. Planning to support the pedagogy includes planning for individual and groups, routines, experiences, interactions, inside, outside etc. Planning for learning, both short and long term. Planning for Belonging, Being and Becoming. Planning for Practices. Planning for Principles.
Acting to respond to what you know and have planned for. Putting plans into action. Supporting all educators to enact the plan to support childrens learning. Using Practices and Principles to guide the way the plan is enacted e.g. intentionality or respect for diversity. Acting in all parts of the curriculumroutines, experiences, inside, outside, environments etc. Responding to Belonging, Being and Becoming. Responding to Practices. Responding to Principles. Responding to Outcomes.
Reflecting on what you have noticed, understood, planned for and how you have acted. Critically reflecting on how children and families have benefited from the planning cyle. It involves discussion, debate, thinking, talking, taking stock, mulling over, reviewing. Evaluating what has occurred. Assessing childrens learning. Reflecting about Belonging, Being and Becoming. Reflecting about Practices. Reflecting about Principles. Reflecting about Outcomes.
* Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) (2010). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Educators Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Canberra, ACT: DEEWR.
The EYLF Professional Learning Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.