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NR 220202 Mathematics III

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Set No.

Code No: 220202 1

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.
(Common to Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, Electronic and Control Engineering, Metallurgy and Material
Technology, Mechatronics, Electronics and Telematics, Aeronautical

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Define Gamma function and evaluate Γ(½).
b) Show that Γ(½)Γ(2n) = 22n-1 Γn Γ(n+½).

2.a) Write down the power series expantion for J n ( x ) and hence show that
J 1/ 2 ( x ) = sin x.
d n
b) show that [
x J n ( x ) = x n J n −1 ( x ) .

3.a) For w = exp(z2), find u and v and prove that the curves u(x,y) = c1 and
v(x,y) = c2 where c1 and c2 are constants cut orthogonally.
b) Prove that the function f(z) = z is not analytic at any point.
c) Find the general and the principal values of (i) log e (1+ 3 i) (ii) log e(-1).

4.a) Evaluate using Cauchy’s integral formula

( z + 1) dz
z2 + 2z + 4
where c is | z + 1 + i | = 2.
b) Show that

x dx – y dy
√ ( x2 + y 2 )
Is independent of any path of integration which does not pass through the

Code No: 220202 :: 2 :: Set No:1

5.a) State and derive Laurent’s series for an analytic function f (z).
b) Expand 2 in the region (i) 0 < | z – 1 | < 1 (ii) 1 < | z | < 2.
( z − 3 z + 2)

6.a) Determine the poles of the function f(z)=tan z and the residue at each of the
b) Using residue theorem integrate ∫(4-3z)/ (z2 - z) dz.

7.a) Use Rouche’s theorem to show that the equation Z5 + 15 Z +1=0

3 3
has one toot in the disc | Z | < and four roots in the annulus < | Z | < 2.
2 2
b) State and prove fundamental theorem of algebra.

8.a) Define conformal mapping?

b) Let f(z) be analytic function of z in a domain D of the z-plane and let f’(z)≠0
in D. Then show that w=f(z) is a conformal mapping at all points of D.

Set No.

Code No: 220202 2

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.
(Common to Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, Electronic and Control Engineering, Metallurgy and Material
Technology, Mechatronics, Electronics and Telematics, Aeronautical

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Define Beta function and show that β(m,n) = β(n,m).
xn 2.4.6....(n − 1)
b) Show that ∫0 1− x2
dx =
. .5.... n
where n is an odd integer.

2.a) Prove that J n ( x ) − J n '( x ) = J n +1 ( x ) .
b) Show that ∫ J 3 ( x ) dx = − J 2 ( x ) − J 1 ( x ) .

3.a) Find all values of z which satisfy (i) ez = 1+i (ii) sinz =2.
b) Prove that the function f(z) = xy + iy is everywhere continuous but not
c) Find the values of z for which the function f(z) = cosec z is continuous.

4.a) Evaluate

∫ ez dz
( z-1-i )3

where c : | z- 1 | = 3.
b) State and prove Cauchy’s integral theorem.

5.a) Find the poles and zeroes of

z (e z − 1)
b) Show that when | z + 1 | < 1,

z −2 = 1+ ∑ (n + 1)( z + 1) n
n =1 .
Code No: 220202 :: 2 :: Set No:2

6. Evaluate the following integrals over a unit circle C.

1) ∫ (2z+1)2 /(4z3 + z) dz 2) ∫ ez sec∏ z dz.

7.a) State and prove Argument Principle.

b) Prove that one root of the equation Z4 + Z3 + 1 = 0
lies in the first quadrant.

8.a) Prove that the transformation W=1/z transforms circles and straight lines in
the z-plane into circles or straight lines in the w-plane.
b) Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points (–i, o, i) into the point
(–l, i, l) respectively.

Set No.

Code No: 220202 3

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.
(Common to Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, Electronic and Control Engineering, Metallurgy and Material
Technology, Mechatronics, Electronics and Telematics, Aeronautical

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Show that β(m1n) = Γ( m ) Γ( n ) / Γ( m + n) .
π /2
Γ (1 / 4) Γ (3 / 4)
b) Show that ∫
tan θ dθ =

∫x Pn ( x)dx = 0 if m < n.
2.a) Using Rodrigue’s formula prove that

Prove that J 0 + 2 ( J 1 + J 2 + ..........) =1.

2 2 2

3.a) Determine whether the function 2xy + i(x2- y2) is analytic.

b) Find an analytic function whose imaginary part is e-x(x cos y + y sin y).

4.a) Evaluate
z 3 − Sin 3 z dz
∫c π
(z − )3
with c : | z| = 2
b) Evaluate

∫ dz
ez ( z - 1 )3

where c : | z| = 2 , using Cauchy’s Integral Formula

5. Find the Laurent series expansion of the function

z2 −1
(i) about z = 0 in the region 2 < | z | < 3
z 2 + 5z + 6
z 2 − 6z −1
(ii) in the region 3 < | z + 2 | < 5.
( z − 1)( z − 3)( z + 2)
Code No: 220202 :: 2 :: Set No:3

6. Evaluate the following integrals 1) ∫ 2z2 + 3 / z(z+1)(z+2) where

C:│z│ = 1.6 (2 ∫ dz/ z2 (z+2) where C: │z-1│ = 2.

7.a) Show that the polynomial Z5 + Z3 + 2 Z + 3 has just one zero in the first
quadrant of the complex plane.
b) Show that the equation Z4 + 4( 1+i) Z + 1 = 0 has one root in each quadrant.

8.a) Show that the transformation w=z+1/z maps the circle |z| =c into the ellipse
u=(c+1/c) cos θ, v =(c-1/c)sinθ. Also discuss the case when c=1 in detail.
b) Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points( l, -i, -l) into the point
(i, o, -i).

Set No.

Code No: 220202 4

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.
(Common to Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, Electronic and Control Engineering, Metallurgy and Material
Technology, Mechatronics, Electronics and Telematics, Aeronautical

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

xn . ....(n − 1) π
1.a) Show that ∫0 1− x 2
dx =
2.4.6.... n 2
where n is an even integer.
π /2
Γ (1 / 4) Γ (3 / 4)
b) Prove that ∫
cot θ dθ =

2a) Express J5/2(x) in finite form.

2 3
Show that x = P3 ( x) + P1 ( x).
5 5

3.a) Find the following limits

lim z lim
(i) (ii) (3x + iy 2 )
z → ∞ 2 − iz z → 2i
b) If u=x2-y2, v= − then show that both u and v are harmonic, but
x + y2

u+iv is not analytic.

4. Evaluate

∫ log z
( z - 1)3
dz .

where c : | z - 1| = ( ½ ) , using Cauchy’s Integral Formula.

Code No: 220202 :: 2 :: Set No:4

5.a) Determine the poles of the function

z +1 1 − e2z
(i) (ii)
z 2 ( z − 2) z4
b) Expand f ( z ) = in the region (i) |z|<1 (ii) 1<|z|<2 (iii) |z|>2.
( z − 1)( z − 2)

6. Evaluate the following integrals over a unit circle

1) ∫ (2z +1) /(z+1)3 (z-1) dz c: |z-1| =2.5 wise sense).

7.a) State and prove Argument Principle.

b) Prove that one root of the equation Z4 + Z3 + 1 = 0
lies in the first quadrant.

8.a) Under the transformation w= ----- , find the image of the circle |z|=1 in the w-plane.
b) Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points (l, i, -l) into the points


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