MOSHELL Commands v14
MOSHELL Commands v14
MOSHELL Commands v14
UtranCell=CNU0820A UtranRelation frequencyRelationType 0 lget UtranCell=CNU0820A UtranRelation frequencyRelationType 1 lpr UtranCell=CNU0820Z GsmRelation get utranrelation=CNU3977 loads get utranrelation=CNU3977 qOffset2sn pr externalutrancell get externalutrancell cid get iurlink rncid RNC Level Site Parameters/Statistics alt get cell=xxxx maximumTransmissionPower lst .xxxx lgocm -m 2d | egrep -i vauxxxx lgo -s 20120105 | grep -i "WVU4031" get utrancell=CNU3977 adm get utrancell=CNU3977 minpwrrl get utrancell=CNU3977 minpwrmax get utrancell=CNU3977 cpich get utrancell=CNU3977 usedFreqThresh2dRscp get utrancell=CNU3977 usedFreqThresh2decno get utrancell=CNU2603 srats get utrancell=CNU2603 sint get utrancell=CNU2603 qrxlevmin get utrancell=CNU2603 qqualmin get utrancell=CNU2603 maximumTransmissionPower get utrancell=CNU2603 adminis get utrancell=CNU2603 cellreserve get utrancell=CNU2603 operationalstate pmr -r 20 | grep -i sitename get utrancell=CNU2603 hoType pmxh utrancell=CNU2603 pmNosysRelSpeech|pmnoofterm -m 2 s -a pmr -m 2 -r 9 |grep CNU6393 pmr -m 2 -r 8 |grep CNU6393 lh all te log read|grep -i "UEH_*"| grep -i "yourcellId"
lh mod ter | egrep -i '(cellid = 40844)'
pmx cell=xxxx pmTotNoRrcC|pmNoSystemRabRe|pmNoRabEstablish|pmNoNormalRabRel|pmNoFailedAfterAdm -m 1 pmx utrancell=xxxx pmCellDowntime -m 4 pmom . pmCellDowntimeAuto pmxh cell=(OTT004|OTT005|TOR020) pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech|pmNoSysRel pmxh cell=OTT004 pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech|pmNoSysRel pmxh cell=OTT004A pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech|pmNoSysRel
pmx CLU5616X pmnosystemrabreleasespeech|pmnotimescellfailaddtoactset|pmtotnorrcconnectreq|pmtotnorrcconnectreqsucce lst VAUxxxx hget utrancell=VAU2317 eulServingCellUsersAdmTti2 mom utrancell eul h mom
pget t1 lget AtmPort=ES5-2-1,VplTp=vp3,VpcTp=1 traff
RBS Level Parameters/Statistics alt ala lgar -s 20110220 lge -s 20110220 lgsavemo -s 20110701 lgo -s 20110220 pmr (then Option 1) pmr (then Option 6) st plug get xxx st t1 pget t1 pmx . pmes -m 24 -aal pmx . pmuas -m 24 -aal st ima st rax get radio no get RbsLocalCell maxDlPowerCapability get . Maxdl get cable atten lh ru fui get vswr get . userplane lh ru fui get devstat get .tma get . tma get . internalpower cabx
get antennabranch supervision get cell maxDlPowerCapability get . license get nodebfunction ava cab get 0 cvls get antennabranch antennaSupervisionThreshold lget rax reservedby RSSI get . atten get . ulatten get nodebfunction available get . maxnumadch get . dlatten get . ulgain get RfCable=FU1_._RX_B1 ulattenuation get ant super lget txdevice resources stv bo lhsh 000800 llog lhsh 001000 llog ter | grep -i error ter | grep -i Fault ter | grep -i Failure
lhsh 000800 ter | egrep -i fail lhsh 000800 ter | egrep -i error or to see errors on whole RBS lh all ter | egrep -i error lhsh 000800 ter | egrep -i fail or combine egrep -i '(error|fail)' get tma curr get . Fqband get . Currentsuper
Description RNC Level Neighbor Commands All neighbor relations (GSM; Utrancell, femto, and if it's 850 or 1900, etc) for a whole site All utrancell relations for a cell All GSM relations for a cell intra_freq neighbor list inter_freq neighbor list GSM neighbor list Loadsharing Candidates qOffset2sn setting between neighbors to get the external utran cell to get the external utran cell plus cell id of the external utrancell to print the Iur link between two RNcs RNC Level Site Parameters/Statistics Current Alarms xxxx = RBS xxxx = RBS shows status of channels Change log history with login that did it w/ date range Change log history w/ date range Admission Parameters minPwrRl minPwrMax primaryCpichPower usedFreqThresh2dRscp usedFreqThresh2decno sRatSearch sIntersearch & sIntrasearch qRxLevMin qQualMin maximumtransmissionPower (compare to site level maxDlPowerCapability) Administrative State Cellreserved State Operational State RSSI Levels Handover Type Number of releases in last hour Current Accessibility & Retainability Rates RRC Connection Success/Fail Rates UEH Exceptions UEH Exceptions Cell carrying traffic *shows downtime for last 4 hours
actset|pmtotnorrcconnectreq|pmtotnorrcconnectreqsuccess -m 3 Channels status Shows the EUL parm settings Shows all commands related to EUL Read the description of commands Check T1 errors RNc to check AAL2
RBS Level Parameters/Statistics Current Alarms Current Alarms with details Log of alarms since Feb 20, 2011 Log of events since Feb 20, 2011 Log of events since Feb 20, 2011 Log of changes since Feb 20, 2011 (Note: only gives what the current setting is, not the prior setting) RSSI Levels HS Throughput Status of all plug in units xxx = plug in unit proxy number Current State of T1s (Locked/Enabled) Current T1s Issues (Es, Ses, Uas) 15 minute T1 errored seconds data over last 24 hours 15 minute T1 Unavailable seconds data over last 24 hours State of IMA links State of RAX Boards Number of current active radio links maxDlPowerCapability (compare to maxtransmissionpower) maxDlPowerCapability Cable Attenuation Get VSWR IP or ATM backhaul Get currrent on TMAs shows TMA settings broke out per sector shows TMA settings only if on/off (no parms listed) Shows each sector and if TMA internal power is on Gets port info and shows what is in cabinet Connects to specific port - Used to see config stats of a specific port. Ex: TMA current and status Sector antenna, Auxplugin unit "x' comes from st plug command list can use plugin values too Loads board groups Lists out all board goups xxx = board group name - Dispalys details of each board group
Value of 0 implies no Antenna Supervision. Shows max DL power capability *shows the licensed capacity for Channel Elements in the Uplink shows the available Channel Elements in the Uplink based on the available RAX boards *confirm the RAX boards on the site *Shows equipment type prints configuration version on the node *Shows antennaSupervisionThreshold Shows which sector is reserving which RAX slots Shows RSSI at cell level - displays both branches Shows both UL and DL atten Shows the UL attenuation values Shows # of channel elements available Shows # of A-DCH Reservation Shows DL attenuation Shows UL gain value Shows filter unit ulAtten Antenna supervision parms for branches Shows BBPool2, BBPool1 HS/EUL resource allocation (Use with cabx) check the aal2 config on the RBS Shows BB Pools and all boards. RUIF=12 and OBIF=13 all after 13 are BBP2, all before 12 are BBP1 Check for RAX board Restart Check for TX board Restart CHECK Error on NODEB CHECK Fault on NODEB CHECK Failure on NODEB Fail - fault etcRestart 000800 equates to the bo command slot #
TMA current limits freq band hi and low edge shows low current supervision Shows electrical delay values Shows current low limt Shows current hi limt
You can use the UEH exceptions caught with this command line in the RNC: Then you can check the exception code reported and go to Primus for further details. CID and not UTRAN cell name
Note: pmx cmd will still work fine, but the "h" option (eg. "pmxh") is for displaying the counters side-by-side ("h" as in "horizontal" Note: pmx cmd will still work fine, but the "h" option (eg. "pmxh") is for displaying the counters side-by-side ("h" as in "horizontal"
ulAttenuation should be set to 2dB for a cross connect with cable length = 35f...
Ret Counters: pmx VAU1182 pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech -m 2 -a pmx VAU1182 pmnosysRelSpeechNeighbr -m 4 -a pmx VAU1182 pmnosysRelSpeechSoho -m 4 -a pmx VAU1182 pmnosysRelSpeechULSynch -m 4 -a pmx VAU1182 pmnoOfTermSpeechCong -m 4 -a pmxh VAU11598 pmnosysRelSpeechNeighbr|pmnosysRelSpeechSoho|pmnosysRelSpeechULSynch|pmnoOfTermSpeechCon
pmx WVU4077 pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc|pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech|pmNoRabEs pmxh WVU4053|WVU4057|WVU4063|WVU4072|WVU4075|WVU4077|WVU4301 pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoR pmxh WVU4053|WVU4057|WVU4063|WVU4072|WVU4075|WVU4077|WVU4301 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlC pmxh WVU4053|WVU4057|WVU4063|WVU4072|WVU4075|WVU4077|WVU4301 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlC pmxh WVU4053|WVU4057|WVU4063|WVU4072|WVU4075|WVU4077|WVU4301 pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo|pmNoSysRelS
pmx WVU40773 pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdm|pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC|pmTotNoUtranRejRrcConnReq|pmTotNoRrcConnect pmx WVU40773 pmRefusedRequests -m 0.25 pmx WVU40773 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode|pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr|pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdm
pmxh WVU40632 pmNoDirRetrySuccess|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech -m 0.25 pmxh WVU4053 pmNoDirRetrySuccess|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech -s 20110506.0 pmxh WVU4077 pmNoDirRetrySuccess|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech -s 20110420.1 pmxh WVU40632 pmSumOfTimesMeasOlDl|pmTotalTimeDlCellCong -m 0.25 -s 20110427.1900 -e 20110428.2000 -a pmxh WVU4063 pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo|pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr -m 0.25 pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnCs
HO Counters: pmxh VAU11828 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoCsSpeech12|pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertCsSpeech12 -m 4 -a pmxh VAU11837 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoCsSpeech12|pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertCsSpeech12 -m 4 | grep Utr pmxh VAU11828 pmAttNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeech|pmNoAttOutIratHoSpeech -m 4 -a pmxh VAU1182 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr|pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo -m 4 -a pmxh VAU1182 pmNoTimesCellFailAddToActSet|pmNoTimesRlAddToActSet -m 4 -a pmxh VAU1182 pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellSpeech|pmRlAddSuccessBestCellSpeech -m 4 -a
ULSynch|pmnoOfTermSpeechCong|pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech -m 2 -a
|pmNoFailedAfterAdm -m 1
ablishAttemptSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech -m 0.25
3941|WVU3942|WVU3943 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode|pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest|pmNoFailedRabEstAtt
RrcConnReq|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc -m 0.25
qBlockNodeCs|pmNoLoadSharingRrcConn|pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs|pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqHw|pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw qBlockNodeCs|pmNoLoadSharingRrcConn|pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs|pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqHw|pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw
haringRrcConnCs -m 4
kDlHwBest|pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr|pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest -m 1
NoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc -m 0.25
|pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw|pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC|pmTotNoUtranRejRrcConnReq|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcC |pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw|pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC|pmTotNoUtranRejRrcConnReq|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcC
######## SORTING TO MO LIST MTW01R2> pr uerc= MTW01R2> hget uerc= userlabel ######## ACTIVATE ALPHABETICAL SORTING STP49> s+ -Return to default behaviour: STP49> s######## SOME ALLIAS MTW02R1> alias err : te log read |grep ERROR: ll : llog llc : llog -c lll : llog -l ombat : run /opt/ericsson/amos/moshell/commonjars/scripts/ombat/ombat.mos -> Print UERC proxies -> Print UERC User Labels
: te e check error enter return info trace1 trace2 trace3 trace4 trace5 trace6 trace7 trace8 trace9 state_change bus_s : te log clear : te log read
######## DIFFERENCE BETWEEN get AND hget MTW01R2> get ll=ornek11 primaryScramblingCode|bchPower
===================================================================================================== MO Attribute Value ===================================================================================================== UtranCell=ORNEK11 bchPower -31 UtranCell=ORNEK11 primaryScramblingCode 150 ===================================================================================================== MTW01R2> hget ll=ornek11 primaryScramblingCode|bchPower
===================================================================================================== MO bchPower primaryScramblingCode ===================================================================================================== UtranCell=ORNEK11 -31 150 ===================================================================================================== ######## TO SEE ALL OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN SELECTED TIME MTW01R2> lgor -s 20091110.1200 -e 20091116.1200 ######## USEFUL COMMANDS on RNC MTW01R2> lget utrancell=ORNEK11 utranrelation MTW01R2> lget utrancell=ORNEK11 gsmrelation MTW01R2> lget externalutrancell=ORNEK3 MTW01R2> get ORNEK scram MTW01R2> get iurlink MTW01R2> get utrancell=ORNEK oper MTW01R2> lst ORNEK MTW01R2> cedr | grep ORNEK MTW01R2> get utrancell uarfcndl MTW01R2> get utrancell uarfcnul MTW01R2> cedh -r iub_ORNEK
lget utrancell=ORNEK qoffset2sn lget UtranCell=ORNEK coverageIndicator ######## CID CONTROL on RNC/NODEB ORNEK> get . localcellid MTW01R2> get ORNEK cid ######## POWER SETTINGS CONTROL ORNEK> get . maxDlPowerCapability MTWO2R1> get ORNEK maximumTransmissionPower Difference between two power setting should be 2dB ORNEK> get . attenation ######## QUICK RSSI on RNC/NODEB ORNEK> pmr -m 2 MTW01R2> pmr -m 2 ######## MOBATCH CREATE
mobatch -t 10 -p 15 "sitelist" "cmdlist" "/home/scol/mobatches/outputfilename/" #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? -"/...../": address for output file ######## MONITOR CODE TREE MTW01R2> get ORNEK rncmod MTW01R2> get ORNEK cid MTW01R2> lh mod12 codetree -cid 20454 MTW01R2> lh mod12 codetree -cid 20454 -l MTW01R2> lh mod12 codetree -cid 20454 -fu MTW01R2> lh mod12 codetree -cid 20454 -l -fu ######## MONITOR POWER CONSUMPTION on ALL SF MTW01R2> get ORNEK rncmod -> get RNCMODULE -> Monitor -> Monitor -> Monitor -> Monitor -> get RNCMODULE -> get monitored CID
MTW01R2> get ORNEK cid MTW02R1> lh mod12 celldata -cid 20454 ######## USEFUL COMMANDS on RBS -> Monitor
ORNEK> get . power -> to check all power related parameters ORNEK> get . feature -> to check all feature related parameters ORNEK> get . license -> to check all license related parameters ORNEK> get 0 -> to check NodeB type and other ORNEK> get 10 -> to check nodeSystemClock ORNEK> get . att -> to check attenation ORNEK> al -> to check alarms ORNEK> lga -> to check alarm history ORNEK> lgo -> to check operational history ORNEK> st cell -> to check cell status ORNEK> st aux -> to check AuxPlugInUnit staus ORNEK> st ret -> to check Retu Device Group ORNEK> get . noofradio -> to monitor RadioLink on NodeB ORNEK> get retdevice -> to check RETU status ORNEK> get asc -> to check RETU staus ORNEK> get . electricalantenna -> to check e-tilt ORNEK> get . sectorantenna antennatype -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . cqiAdjustmentOn -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . hsScchMaxCodePower -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . queueSelectAlgorithm -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . eulMaxShoRate -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . featureState16Qam -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . featureStateHsdpaFlexibleScheduler -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . flexibleSchedulerOn -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . supportOf16qam -> to check specific NodeB paramete ORNEK> get . featureStateHsdpaDynamicCodeAllocation -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . dynamicHsPdschCodeAdditionOn -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . eulMaxOwnUuLoad -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . eulNoERgchGroups -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . eulSlidingWindowTime -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxEAgchPowerDl -> to check specific NodeB paramete ORNEK> get . maxEAgchPowerDlTti2 -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxNumEulUsers -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxNumHsdpaUsers -> to check specific NodeB paramete ORNEK> get . maxNumHsPdschCodes -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxUserEHichERgchPowerDl -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . maxUserEHichPowerDlTti2 -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . steeredHsAllocation -> to check specific NodeB parameter
ORNEK> get . featureStateHsdpaIncrementalRedundancy -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . featureStateEul2msTti -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . hsIncrementalRedundancyOn -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . dlLicFractBbPool2 -> to check specific NodeB parameter ORNEK> get . ulLicFractBbPool2 -> to check specific NodeB paramete ORNEK> get . maxhsrate -> to check specific Node ORNEK> get . featureStateGrake -> to check specific NodeB paramete ORNEK> get . eulMaxAllowedSchRate -> to check specific NodeB parameter ######## OSS PROSSEOR LOAD CHECK scol@selaps1> ps -ef | grep scol ######## GET CV for NODEB ORNEK> cvms CV_NAME OPERATOR_NAME EXPLANATION ORNEK> cvls ORNEK> cvcu ######## MAKE RESTART TO NODEB [only autorized person] Have to take CV before restart ORNEK> acc 0 manualrestart ######## BLOCK/DEBLOCK SITE [only autorized person] MTW01R2> lst utrancell=ORNEK MTW01R2> lbl utrancell=ORNEK MTW01R2> ldeb utrancell=ORNEK MTW01R2> bls utrancell=ORNEK ######## SET A PARAMETER ORNEK> set RbsLocalCell=ACIAK maxNumHsPdschCodes -> CHANGE 15 maxNumHsPdschCodes parameter ORNEK> lset SectorAntenna=2 AuxPlugInUnit=2 RetuDeviceGroup=1 RetD eviceSet=1 RetDevice=1 electricalAntennaTilt -> Set tilt value 60 to 60 ######## BOARD CONFIGURATION For high capacity sites ( 4 sectors) some sites have following HW configuration: ORNEK> bo ============================================ -> Take cv -> check User scol load on OSS
00 BoardType SwAllocation ============================================ 01 CBU1 Main_CBU 02 ET-MFX RBS_ETMFX 08 RAX RBS_RAXB 09 RAX11 RBS_RAXB 10 TX6HS-06 RBS_TXB 12 RUIF RBS_RUIFB 13 RUIF RBS_RUIFB 14 TX6HS-06 RBS_TXB 16 RAX11 RBS_RAXB 17 RAX RBS_RAXB
ps: ALSO the following parameter are needed to be set in all of these high capacity sites. NodeBFunction NodeBFunction dlLicFractBbPool2 ulLicFractBbPool2 50 50
######## TEMPORARY SOLUTION FOR RSSI PROBLEMATIC SITES IF POSSIBLE EUL CHANNELS CAN BE DISABLED FOR HSDPA DEGREDATION ALSO ON NODEB ORNEK> set RbsLocalCell EULslidingwindowTime 72000 -> Temporary Solution ORNEK> set RbsLocalCell EULmaxROTCoverage 550 -> Temporary Solution ######## EMERGENCY LISANS [only autorized person] ORNEK> acl 6 ORNEK> acc 6 setEmergencyState Total: 1 MOs attempted ORNEK> get 6 1 MOs actioned (should be)
Unix Command Summary See the Unix tutorial for a leisurely self-paced introduction consult a good or on use book how the toman for usemore the pages. commands information For useexample the command listed on grep below. man For grep. more docu Contents cat --- for creating and displaying short files chmod --- change permissions cd --- change directory cp --- for copying files date --- display date echo --- echo argument ftp --- connect to a remote machine to download or upload files grep --- search file head --- display first part of file ls --- see what files you have lpr --- standard print command (see also print ) more --- use to read files mkdir --- create directory mv --- for moving and renaming files ncftp --- especially good for downloading files via anonymous ftp. print --- custom print command (see also lpr ) pwd --- find out what directory you are in rm --- remove a file rmdir --- remove directory rsh --- remote shell setenv --- set an environment variable sort --- sort file tail --- display last part of file tar --- create add an archive or extract files telnet --- log in to another machine wc --- count words characters lines ________________________________________ cat This is one of the most flexible Unix commands. view and We can concatenate use to create files. For our first example we create a three-item English-S % cat >dict red rojo green verde blue azul <control-D> % <control-D> stands for "hold the control key then down tap 'd'". The symbol > tells the computer that what is typed is to be put into % cat dict red rojo green verde blue azul %
If we wish to add text to an existing file we do this: % cat >>dict white blanco black negro <control-D> % Now suppose that we have another file tmp that looks like this: % cat tmp cat gato dog perro % Then we can join dict and tmp like this: % cat dict tmp >dict2 We could check the number of lines in the new file like this: % wc -l dict2 8 The command wc counts things --- the number words of characters and line in a file. ________________________________________ chmod This command is used to change the permissions we do of this: a file or directory. For example to make a file essay.001 readable by eve % chmod a+r essay.001 To make a file e.g. a shell script we mycommand do this executable % chmod +x mycommand Now we can run mycommand as a command. To check the permissions of a file use ls -l . For use more man information chmod. on chmod ________________________________________ cd Use cd to change directory. Use pwd to see what directory you are in. % cd english % pwd % /u/ma/jeremy/english % ls novel poems % cd novel % pwd % /u/ma/jeremy/english/novel % ls ch1 ch2 ch3 journal scrapbook % cd .. % pwd % /u/ma/jeremy/english % cd poems % cd % /u/ma/jeremy
Jeremy began in his home directory then went to found his english that it both subdirectory. contained of which and two happen He found entries listed that to then this be he go diretories. directory had to poems gotten using He he only cd'd ls could as tofar the have as diret cha sai ________________________________________ cp Use cp to copy files or directories. % cp foo foo.2 This makes a copy of the file foo. % cp ~/poems/jabber . This copies the file jabber in the directory poems to the current directory. The symbol "." stands for the current directory. Th ________________________________________ date Use this command to check the date and time. % date Fri Jan 6 08:52:42 MST 1995 ________________________________________ echo The echo command echoes its arguments. Here are some examples: % echo this this % echo $EDITOR /usr/local/bin/emacs % echo $PRINTER b129lab1 Things like PRINTER are so-called environment variables. This one stores the name of the default printer --- the one that prin % echo PRINTER PRINTER ________________________________________ ftp Use ftp to connect to a remote machine then upload or download files. See also: ncftp Example 1: We'll connect to the machine then change then director download to mystuff the file homework11: % ftp solitude Connected to 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.4(11) Mon Apr 18 17:26:33 MDT 1994) ready. Name (solitude:carlson): jeremy 331 Password required for jeremy. Password: 230 User jeremy logged in. ftp> cd mystuff 250 CWD command successful. ftp> get homework11 ftp> quit Example 2: We'll connect to the machine then change then director upload to mystuff the file collected-letters: % ftp solitude Connected to 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.4(11) Mon Apr 18 17:26:33 MDT 1994) ready.
Name (solitude:carlson): jeremy 331 Password required for jeremy. Password: 230 User jeremy logged in. ftp> cd mystuff 250 CWD command successful. ftp> put collected-letters ftp> quit The ftp program sends files in ascii (text) format unless you specify binary mode: ftp> binary ftp> put foo ftp> ascii ftp> get bar The file foo was transferred in binary modethe file bar was transferred in ascii mode. ________________________________________ grep Use this command to search for information suppose in a filethat or files. we have For example a file dict whose contents are red rojo green verde blue azul white blanco black negro Then we can look up items in our file like this; % grep red dict red rojo % grep blanco dict white blanco % grep brown dict % Notice that no output was returned by grep brown. This is because "brown" is not in our dictionary file. Grep can also be combined with other commands. if one had For aone example file entry of phone per then numbers line the following namedcommand "ph" would give an alphabetical lis % grep Fred ph | sort Alpha Fred: 333-6565 Beta Freddie: 656-0099 Frederickson Molly: 444-0981 Gamma Fred-George: 111-7676 Zeta Frederick: 431-0987 The symbol "|" is called "pipe." It pipes the output of the grep command into the input of the sort command. For more information on grep consult % man grep ________________________________________ head Use this command to look at the head of a file. For example % head essay.001
displays the first 10 lines of the file essay.001 do To this: see a specific number of lines % head -n 20 essay.001 This displays the first 20 lines of the file. ________________________________________ ls Use ls to see what files you have. Your files are kept in something called a directory. % ls foo letter2 foobar letter3 letter1 maple-assignment1 % Note that you have six files. There are some useful variants of the ls command: % ls l* letter1 letter2 letter3 % Note what happened: all the files whose name begins with "l" are listed. The asterisk (*) is the " wildcard" character. It match ________________________________________ lpr This is the standard Unix command for printing a file. It stands for the ancient "line printer." See % man lpr for information on how it works. See print for information on our local intelligent print command. ________________________________________ mkdir Use this command to create a directory. % mkdir essays To get "into" this directory do % cd essays To see what files are in essays do this: % ls There shouldn't be any files there yet since you just see made cat or it. emacs. To create files ________________________________________ more More is a command used to read text files.we Forcould example do this: % more poems The effect of this to let you read the file "poems so you ".need It probably to know will how not to fit "turn in one pages". screen Here are the basic commands: q --- quit more spacebar --- read next page return key --- read next line b --- go back one page For still more information use the command man more. ________________________________________ mv Use this command to change the name of file and directories. % mv foo foobar
The file that was named foo is now named foobar ________________________________________ ncftp Use ncftp for anonymous ftp --- that means you don't have to have a password. % ncftp Connected to > get jokes.txt The file jokes.txt is downloaded from the machine ________________________________________ print This is a moderately intelligent print command. % print foo % print % print manuscript.dvi In each case print does the right thing regardless of a postcript whether the file or a file (like dviis file a text do (like file manuscript.dvi. (like foo ) In these examples the file % print and read the message displayed. To print on do athis: specific printer % print foo jwb321 % print jwb321 % print manuscript.dvi jwb321 To change the default printer do this: % setenv PRINTER jwb321 ________________________________________ pwd Use this command to find out what directory you are working in. % pwd /u/ma/jeremy % cd homework % pwd /u/ma/jeremy/homework % ls assign-1 assign-2 assign-3 % cd % pwd /u/ma/jeremy % Jeremy began by working in his "home" directory. then used Then ls to hesee cd 'd if all into his his homework homework files subdirectory. were there.Cd (They means were). " change Then directo he cd'd ________________________________________ rm Use rm to remove files from your directory. % rm foo remove foo? y % rm letter* remove letter1? y
remove letter2? y remove letter3? n % The first command removed a single file. The our second user (Jeremy?) command decided was intended not to remove to remove letter3. all files beginning with the string "le ________________________________________ rmdir Use this command to remove a directory. For to remove example a do directory this: called "essays" % rmdir essays A directory must be empty before it can beuse removed. rm. To empty a directory ________________________________________ rsh Use this command if you want to work on a the computer command different from the one you are currently working on. One reason to do % rsh solitude connects you to the machine solitude. This is one of our public workstations and is fairly fast. See also: telnet ________________________________________ setenv % echo $PRINTER labprinter % setenv PRINTER myprinter % echo $PRINTER myprinter ________________________________________ sort Use this commmand to sort a file. For example suppose we have a file dict with contents red rojo green verde blue azul white blanco black negro Then we can do this: % sort dict black negro blue azul green verde red rojo white blanco Here the output of sort went to the screen. To store the output in file we do this: % sort dict >dict.sorted You can check the contents of the file dict.sorted more usingor cat emacs . ________________________________________ tail Use this command to look at the tail of a file. For example % tail essay.001
displays the last 10 lines of the file essay.001 doTo this: see a specific number of lines % tail -n 20 essay.001 This displays the last 20 lines of the file. ________________________________________ tar Use create compressed archives of directories and and alsofiles to extract directories and files from an archive. Example: % tar -tvzf foo.tar.gz displays the file names in the compressed archive foo.tar.gz while % tar -xvzf foo.tar.gz extracts the files. ________________________________________ telnet Use this command to log in to another machine to logfrom in tothe the do this: machine machineyou "solitude" are currently working on. For example % telnet solitude See also: rsh. ________________________________________ wc Use this command to count the number of words characters and lines in for a file. example Suppose that we have a file dict with contents red rojo green verde blue azul white blanco black negro Then we can do this % wc dict 5 10 56 tmp This shows that dict has 5 lines 10 words and 56 characters. The word count command has several options as illustrated below: % wc -l dict 5 tmp % wc -w dict 10 tmp % wc -c dict 56 tmp ________________________________________ dummy Under construction ________________________________________
-> go to beginning of the line -> go to end of the line -> erase all characters backward -> erase all characters forward -> move forward one word -> move backward one word
race9 state_change bus_send bus_receive rec_sig send_sig param interface object user1 user2 user3 user4
-> 15m period Its last refresh 2h each 15min Its refresh each 15min
k specific NodeB parameter -> to check specific NodeB parameter k specific NodeB parameter odeB parameter
t is typed is to be put into the file dict. To view a file we use cat in a different way:
o poems he could have said cd ../poems. Finally he used cd with no argument to jump back to his home directory.
r the current directory. The symbol "~" stands for the home directory.
rinter --- the one that print jobs will go to unless you take some action to change things. The dollar sign before an environment variable is
uld give an alphabetical list of all persons whose name contains the string "Fred".
basic commands:
ct with contents
before an environment variable is needed to get the value in the variable. Try the following to verify this:
Check out this command : lgvsm -s XXXXXXXX........with XXXXXXXX start date in the format of 20110215..for Feb 15th 2011 3:59:48 PM: Sivanesan Renganaickam: run it frm Node B or RNC depending the Node u wanna check
################################################################################# Check T1 errors: pget t1 to check the aal2 config on the RBS CHTWWVU4077> stv To get the vc/atmport CUDNWVAARNC001> get b4077 On the RNc to check AAL2 CUDNWVAARNC001> VplTp=vp3 lget VpcTp=1 AtmPort=ES5-2-1 traff
100120-13:08:35 7.1p RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/528 Startdate=19661031.171320 Enddate=20100121.110836 Get /c/logfiles/audit_trail/CORBA_AUDITTRAIL_LOG.xml /var/opt/ericsson/amos/moshell_logfiles/scol/logs_moshell/tempf ===================================================================================================== Timestamp (UTC) Description
===================================================================================================== 2010-01-19Iub=ORNEKIubDataStreams=1 09:30:42 MO-A SET NodeBFunction=1 maxHsRate 120 2010-01-19ConfigurationVersion=1 09:30:57 MO-A ACT SwManagement=1 create aftermaxhsrate120|aftermaxhsrate120|5|gboz|none 2010-01-19ConfigurationVersion=1 09:30:58 MO-A ACT SwManagement=1 setStartable aftermaxhsrate120 2010-01-19ConfigurationVersion=1 10:31:06 MO-A ACT SwManagement=1 create before_restart|before_restart|5|scol|none 2010-01-19ConfigurationVersion=1 10:31:07 MO-A ACT SwManagement=1 setStartable before_restart 2010-01-19 10:31:41 MO-A ACT ManagedElement=1 manualRestart 2|0|2 2010-01-19 10:36:44 MO-A SET ManagedElement=1 userLabel ORNEK 2010-01-19SectorAntenna=1 15:14:35 MO-A AuxPlugInUnit=RRUW-1 SET Equipment=1 administrativeState 0 2010-01-19SectorAntenna=1 15:15:21 MO-A AuxPlugInUnit=RRUW-1 ACT Equipment=1 restartAuxUnit 2010-01-19SectorAntenna=1 15:15:57 MO-A AuxPlugInUnit=RRUW-1 SET Equipment=1 administrativeState 1 2010-01-19 17:22:48 MO-A SET ManagedElement=1 userLabel ORNEK 2010-01-19Subrack=1 17:25:23 MO-A Slot=1 ACT Equipment=1 PlugInUnit=1 manualRestart 2|0|ss 2010-01-19 17:29:48 MO-A SET ManagedElement=1 userLabel ORNEK
100120-13:07:21 7.1p RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/528 Startdate=19661031.171320 Enddate=20100121.110722 ......Get /c/logfiles/alarm_event/ALARM_LOG.xml /var/opt/ericsson/amos/moshell_logfiles/scol/logs_moshell/tempfiles/20 ===================================================================================================== Timestamp (UTC) S Problem Cause MO-reference ===================================================================================================== 2010-01-20IpSyncRef=2 02:24:38 AL 2010-01-20IpSyncRef=1 02:26:50 AL 2010-01-20IpSyncRef=2 02:26:50 AL 2010-01-20IpSyncRef=2 02:29:37 AL 2010-01-20IpSyncRef=1 02:29:38 AL * NTP Server Reachability Fault M NTP Server Reachability Fault M NTP Server Reachability Fault * NTP Server Reachability Fault * NTP Server Reachability Fault unavailable unavailable unavailable unavailable unavailable IpAccessHostEt=1 IpAccessHostEt=1 IpAccessHostEt=1 IpAccessHostEt=1 IpAccessHostEt=1
ORNEK> lhsh 000800 llog -> ORNEK> lhsh 001000 llog -> ....
######## CHECK Error/Fault/Failure on NODEB ORNEK> ter | grep -i error ORNEK> ter | grep -i Fault ORNEK> ter | grep -i Failure Use PRIMUS for analize
100108-12:34:30 7.1p RBS_NODE_MODEL_L_10_9 stopfile=/tmp/7580 ===================================================================================================== 00 BoardType SwAllocation ===================================================================================================== 01 CBU1 Main_CBU 02 ET-MFX RBS_ETMFX 08 RAX RBS_RAXB 09 RAX RBS_RAXB 10 TX6HS-06 RBS_TXB 11 TX6HS-03 RBS_TXB 12 RUIF RBS_RUIFB
[2009-11-02bbClockFaultInd 13:32:14.232] faultType: ecEfhFhEncC[28] RBS_FAULT_TYPE_BFN_PHASE_ERROR faultTypeId: ../src/EcEfhRuGroupFhEncC.cpp:2088 511 faultRecoveryAction: AdditionalRBS_RECOVERY_ACTION_NO_SUGGESTED_AC info:INFO:ABN:Equipment clockSignalId: 2 fault: /RU:0:13:8:2/ [2009-11-02bbClockFaultInd 13:34:23.256] faultType: ecEfhFhEncC[26] RBS_FAULT_TYPE_BFN_PHASE_ERROR faultTypeId: ../src/EcEfhRuGroupFhEncC.cpp:2088 511 faultRecoveryAction: AdditionalRBS_RECOVERY_ACTION_NO_SUGGESTED_AC info:INFO:ABN:Equipment clockSignalId: 2 fault: /RU:0:13:0:2/
################### ################### ###################REV01_AMOS_LAZY_GUIDE ################### ################### TRACES ################### ######## RSSI TRACE Window1 in RBS te e bus_receive CDCI_TR mon+ all copy to follow for each site Window2 /opt/ericsson/amos/moshell/monitor6054 33080 > "/home/scol/serhat/Rssi/20100115-ORNEK.log" get file to local Computer open with wordpad and save Window1 te d bus_receive CDCI_TR mon- all ######## TRACE ON RNC Open 2 moshell terminal Window 1 in RNC MTW02R1> get iub_ORNEK MTW02R1> lh mod32 te e all RNC_EXCEPTION MTW02R1> mon+ mod32 . . . $moncommand = /opt/ericsson/amos/moshell/monitor6054 33080 -> copy it and go to 2nd window Window 2 scol@selaps1> /opt/ericsson/amos/moshell/monitor6054 -> Record it your selected folder 33080 > /home/scol/serhat/Traces/ORNEK.log .
wait how much you want . . Ctrl+C Window 1 MTW02R1> lh Mod32 te d all RNC_EXCEPTION MTW02R1> mon- mod32 . . . $ lhsh 001000 tm -disconnect All monitored boards are disconnected and Target Monitor has shut down. Go to your folder and download it your local computer ######## INSTAL DECODER for TRACE ANALIZE 1-) Download latest decoder from 2-) Copy it your local directory in OSS 3-) un zip it in your local diroctory scol@selcuk> unzip Archive: inflating: decoder.tgz inflating: decoder_install scol@selcuk> ls decoder_install 4-) scol@selcuk> ./decoder_install ######################################### Installation of Field Decoder 3.1h ######################################### Please enter the directory -> Install where itdecoder in your selected should be directory installed (auto-completion using <TAB>): /home/scol/decoder/ This directory doesn't exist. Creating it... Path to perl: /usr/bin/perl. OK? [y/n] y
Starting Installation.... Unzipping decoder.tgz.... Untaring decoder.tar.... x decoder 0 bytes 0 tape blocks x decoder/SpBag 0 bytes 0 tape blocks x decoder/SpBag/ 9015 bytes 18 tape blocks x decoder/SpBag/ 15469 bytes 31 tape blocks . . . . . Installation Successful! You can now run decoder from the directory /home/scol/decoder. 5-) scol@selcuk> chmod -R 700 /home/scol/decoder/ 6-)Check Decoder files *.pl files are specific decoders using for analize scol@selcuk> cd decoder/ scol@selcuk> ls PmEventSpecification_AU3.xml PmEventSpecification_BA4.xml decoder_ss7 PmEventSpecification_BC5.xml PmEventSpecification_BJ5.xml flow_ss7 PmEventSpecification_BN1.xml PmEventSpecification_BN3.xml PmEventSpecification_BU5.xml PmEventSpecification_RBS.xml lib README RELEASE_HISTORY_DECODER.TXT pdu_map.txt SpBag UeRc_P6.0.cfg UeRc_P6.1.cfg teSummary UeRc_P7.0.cfg UeRc_P7.1.cfg uehEventHistoryParameters.xml UeRc_W10a.cfg uetr2uetrXplorer.awk
scol@selcuk> cat /home/scol/serhat/Traces/ORNEK | /home/scol/decoder/ > /home/scol/serhat/Traces/ORN ----------->-------------analize ORNEK.log---------->---------use>----------write slected folder----check ORNEK_DEC file in your folder ######## OTHER TRACES on RNC (CAN RUN SAME WAY) * All of them can be run same way (Did not try all traces) * file can be use all traces lh mod te e all RNC_EXCEPTION lh mod te e all UEH_EXCEPTION lh mod te e all DRH_EXCEPTION lh mod te e all PM_OBS_EXCEPTION lh mod te e trace3 IU_IF lh mod te e all ADMISSION_REJECT_CELL lh mod te e trace4 UE_GENERAL lh dc te e all SP_EXCEPTION lh cc te e all SP_EXCEPTION lh dc te e all SP_CONFIG_REJ lh cc te e all SP_CONFIG_REJ lh dc te e all DISCARD_UE lh dc te e all RETRANSM_UE lh dc te e trace1 HANDOVER_EVAL_UE
-> Get Iub for selecter Site (RncModule=32) -> Enable trace -> Start monitoring
> /home/scol/serhat/Traces/ORNEK_DEC
e slected folder-----