Theory File GDI 2013 - ALL BLOCKED OUT
Theory File GDI 2013 - ALL BLOCKED OUT
Theory File GDI 2013 - ALL BLOCKED OUT
**Status Theory**
Conditionality Bad
Conditionality is bad for the following voters 1. Doesnt help educationthe Neg can simply graze the surface of the literature and cover breadth over depth rather than actually go in depth on a topic 2. Fairness The neg can kick anything without actually planning on advocating it and the aff cant which is unfair 3. Counter-Interpretation- The Neg should only be allowed to kick the Counterplan or Kritik Dispositionally so the aff has some kind of control of the round 4. Reject the Team- The only way to discourage people from running these kind of arguments is to punish them for running them
Conditionality Good
Conditionality- Good 1. Aff bias- neg gets first and last speech, infinite prep, and chooses the substance of the debate 2. Reciprocal- Aff reads multiple advantages and can kick out of some if theyre disproven, neg should be able to do the same 3. Best policy option- in the real world, amendments can be made to a bill and parts can be taken out, conditionality allows the neg to find the best option 4. Portable skills- the 2ac has to be able to pick out the strongest arguments and put the most answers on those 5. Education- learn about a variety of different cps and ks, not just one every round 6. Multiple perms check- they get to make multiple perms on all the arguments and test the competition of all the ks and counterplans from all sides, if they all compete then we should be able to run them all 7. Reject the argument, not the team- then we have to defend the status quo, which shouldnt be a problem for the aff since theyve had infinite prep on it
Dispositionality - Good
1. Education a. Best policy option real policy makers are never forced to pass or confined to just one solution b. Forces strategic 2AC answers and critical thinking Ground -a. Neg flex Our only burden is to disprove the plan. multiple levels is vital to negative strategy and 2NR also to check aff bias Non-unique -- negative arguments are dispo. Air neg on theory aff goes first, last, and has unlimited prep. Not a voter -- Reject the argument not the team.
3. 4. 5.
Dispositionality Bad
Dispositionality is a voter 1. Strat Skew - Forces the Aff to alter their 2ac to answer arguments that will be dropped. 2ac is vital throughout the debate to regain control of the round after Neg block. Neg gets to kick out whenever they want, but we cant check back by making perms. Key to Fairness 2. Time Skew More important arguments get less time in answering off-cases the Neg will drop. Messes with time allocation. 3. Education The Neg doesnt have to understand their arguments because they drop them, preventing the Aff from learning too. 4. Depth over Breadth In depth argumentation is better than quick overview on many advocacies. Allows opportunity to learn. 5. Unfair Aff sticks with the 1AC, dont let the Neg kick out 6. Moving Target The Neg can change the definition of dispo to suit their needs, no predictable definition.
DA Intrinsicness 2AC
2AC: DA not intrinsic a logical policymaker could pass the plan and ________.
DA Intrinsicness 1AR
In a world of policymaking the federal government could pass the plan and pass legislation for _____. Theres no reason the issues are interconnected. Thats best because the politics DA is bad: 1. Education having every debate centered around politics takes away time from more important issues like the actual implementation of the plan. 2. Should means theoretical the plan is the focus of the debate, not what happens during the process of passing the legislation. 3. Counter-interpretation DAs are legitimate if their links are predicated off of a direct effect of the plan, not the process of passing it.
DA Intrinsicness 2NC
The DA is intrinsic we provided a specific causal chain. The politics disad is good for debate 1. Neg ground we need generic DAs to check for unpredictable affs and large topics. 2. Real world passing any legislation through Congress has a direct effect on other Congressmen. 3. Education learning about the various constituencies and the effect of implementation is unique education that improves critical thinking which is the only portable skill and outweighs their impacts. 4. Counter interpretation any DA is legitimate as long as it proves a direct causal chain form the plan.
**Particular CPs**
Voter - PICS are good and a voting issue for fairness and education. Education - PICs allow the whole aff to be under speculation and thats how we learn. They write every part of the aff, they should be able to defend it. We should be able to do that to be most real world and make debate an effective portable skill. Fairness - PICs extend fairness, as the aff has infinite prep. The aff has an equivalent to PICs with perms. They can use perms to take our CP from us. It is impossible for a CP to not be a PIC, as it has to include at least a bit of the plan. If anything, reject the arg, not the team.
PICs are bad and a voting issue
EducationWhen debating our own aff we arent forced to think, takes away educational value that debate holds that we cant get elsewhere; hurts Aff and Neg teams alike. Fairness The Aff is forced to debate against their plan; the Aff will be impossible to win, for ability the neg will have to CP out of everything; resulting in the Aff having no solvency for its own. PredictabilityNeg can virtually PIC out of any part of the plan, making it impossible for the aff to predict and prepare for their arguments.
Conditions CP Good
Conditions CPs help education, they give a deeper understanding of the issue and help find best policy Conditions CPs are not impossible to prep, the aff knows the issues of their aff and they can always do say no Perm is not only option, aff can challenge competitiveness This is not a cheap shot - It is harder for us to prep this than them Unfair for neg: it will totally kill our strategy and ruin the debate Conditions CPs help the aff, they can always add the condition into their plan post round and debate better because of it No impact: Even if unfair, there is no reason that it will unbalance debate
Education It ruins the debate by creating a world where you arent debating the best policy Abusive - We cant argue every change the Neg can think of. Predictability- It changes the debate; untopical item doesnt help with understanding.
1. Unpredictable The negative can consult any tiny country of the 180 countries in the world. Theres no way to predict who the neg is going to consult. That undermines unlimited aff prep 2. Artificially inflates the NB takes all 1AC offense and adds any miniscule net benefit that doesnt have a significant impact 3. Kills education moots 1AC and aff research, consult CP can link to any aff every year. 4. Unfair steals entire 1AC. Any offense we read means were debating against our own aff 5. Recipriocity the affirmative can only use the USFG, neg should too 6. C/I CP is legitimate if and only if theres a piece of comparative evidence of the act of the consultation. And, NB justifies the SQ
Real world- Countries engage in consultation process on international plans Research Forces research beyond the topic countries Predictability- Lit base checks Neg Ground Forces immediate enactment and governmental action, which is the lynchpin of
all neg disads- their interpretation allows aff severance
Aff Ground - Aff leverages ground on immediacy and certainty Cant use back-files Evidence of the CP must be specific to plan and squo Fairness- Checks aff on sand-bagging Aff side bias - The aff has first and last speech and unlimited prep time Counter Interpretation - Consult CP should have a mechanism which it uses; net benefits
check abuse arguments
Defaulting to theoretical reasonability best for debate- only have to win that the CP just
doesnt destroy it
Extremely unpredictable: there is no reason why us, as debaters should have to be prepared to debate about the external action of the plan, such as who does it, but we should only be ready to defend reasons why the plan is good or bad. 2. Bad debate focus: we should not focus on an external reason to act, THIS IS BAD EDUCATION, but we should focus on the artificial net benefits means we are no longer focused on the topic 3. Strategy skew and time skew: if we straight turn, or impact turn, then they can just kick the counterplan. DONE. 4. Not an opportunity cost: No where yet have they stated a reason why the plan is actually bad, they have just talked about why another action would be good, means they have not met their neg burden and create a bad model for decision making, which is not real world.
Predictability: We could not have known the Neg would propose a CP; steals our prep Counter Interp: It should be in the 1NC
**Perm Theory**
Severance Bad
Ground: the perm is a check of the competitiveness not an advocacy. So we can slightly
change the plan to check the competitiveness.
Education: in real world politics politicians make amendments to their plan to help gain
support or fix problems. We will be the future policy makers so we should practice working like them.
Fairness: The negative can read Ks and CPs that have nothing to do with the plan except a
similar funding or an advantage. The severance perm is key to checking any abusive negative CP, PIC or Vague K
Reject the Perm not the team: Voting a team down based on a theory mistake is less
educational than voting on argumentation if there is abuse drop it from the flow
Potential abuse isnt a voter: the negative needs to prove abuse; if we are debating this
then there is no abuse because it isnt Abuse its potential abuse
Severence- Good
Education: in real world politics politicians make amendments to their plan to help gain
support or fix problems
Fairness: The negative can read Ks and CPs that have nothing to do with the plan except a
similar funding or one word in the case. The Aff needs to be able to adjust the plan to be able to perm random Ks and CP and perms are vital Aff offence on CPs and Ks to check competitiveness
Ground: the perm is a check of the competitiveness not an advocacy. So we can slightly
change the plan to check the competitiveness
Reject the argument not the team: Voting a team down based on a theory mistake is
less educational than voting on argumentation if there is abuse drop it from the flow
Time: The negative block can run any amount of new conditional counterplans and the Aff
needs to be able to answer 13 minutes of Neg arguments and perms are the quickest and best solution Ground: the perm is a test of competiveness not an advocacy. The Aff should always be able to test competiveness
Education: in real world you can do any amount of plans and pass them through Reject the argument not the team: Voting a team down based on a theory mistake is
less educational than voting on argumentation if there is abuse drop it from the flow
Potential abuse isnt a voter: the negative needs to prove abuse, if we are debating this
then there is no abuse because it isnt Abuse its potential abuse
Intrinsicness - Bad
. Moving target The neg has no idea how the case will change with the permutation destroys block strategy making it impossible to be neg. Voter for Fairness. 2. Predictability They could run an unthinkable number of intrinsic permutations neg cant predict the thousands of minute perms making them impossible to respond to. Voter for fairness. 3. Unfair Net Benefits They can add any net benefit to the permutation making it impossible to respond to - We could read a process CP and they could respond with a perm with a net benefit totally unrelated to the case that we werent prepared to respond to. Voter for fairness.
Intrinsicness Good
Education: in real life lawmakers make changes to bills and add things to make it more
successful. We are the future policy makers so we should practice this skill.
Ground: Key to Aff ground because other wise the Neg would be able to run any CP that has
nothing to do with the Aff and the Aff couldnt perm it (Example here).
Reject the argument not the team: Voting a team down based on a theory mistake is
less educational than voting on argumentation if there is abuse drop it from the flow
Potential abuse isnt a voter: the negative needs to prove abuse, if we are debating this
then there is no abuse because it isnt Abuse its potential abuse
**K Theory**
2. Fairness: It is the burden of the negative to prove mutual exclusivity and without the
burden they can come up with any philosophical flaws in the assumptions of the plan and it is impossible for the aff to prep answers to all of them
3. Ground: The neg can change their advocacy in the block which makes the previous aff
speeches meaningless.
4. Reject the Team: It is the only way to set a precedent for future rounds.