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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) ISSN : 2278-1684 Volume 5, Issue 1 (Jan. - Feb.

2013), PP 32-43 www.iosrjournals.org

Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-EngineeredBuildings and Conventional Frames

Aijaz Ahmad Zende1, Prof. A. V. Kulkarni 2, Aslam Hutagia

MTech Studenst, Professor, Civil Engg Dept,B.L.D.E.As College of Engineering and Technology, India.

ABSTRACT : Long Span, Column free structures are the most essential in any type of industrial structures and Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) fulfill this requirement along with reduced time and cost as compared to conventional structures. The present work involves the comparative study of static and dynamic analysis and design of Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) and Conventional steel frames. Design of the structure is being done in Staad Pro software and the same is then compared with conventional type, in terms of weight which in turn reduces the cost. Three examples have been taken for the study. Comparison of Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) and Conventional steel frames is done in two examples and in the third example, longer span Pre Engineered Building structure is taken for the study. In the present work, Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) and Conventional steel frames structure is designed for dynamic forces, which includes wind forces and seismic forces. Wind analysis has been done manually as per IS 875 (Part III) 1987 and seismic analysis has been carried out as per IS 1893 (2002). Keywords: Pre-Engineered-Buildings; Staad Pro; Utilization Ratio; Tapered Sections. 1. INTRODUCTION
Steel industry is growing rapidly in almost all the parts of the world. The use of steel structures is not only economical but also eco friendly at the time when there is a threat of global warming. Here, economical word is stated considering time and cost. Time being the most important aspect, steel structures (Pre fabricated) is built in very short period and one such example is Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB). Pre engineered buildings are nothing but steel buildings in which excess steel is avoided by tapering the sections as per the bending moments requirement. One may think about its possibility, but its a fact many people are not aware about Pre Engineered Buildings. If we go for regular steel structures, time frame will be more, and also cost will be more, and both together i.e. time and cost, makes it uneconomical. Thus in pre engineered buildings, the total design is done in the factory, and as per the design, members are pre fabricated and then transported to the site where they are erected in a time less than 6 to 8 weeks. The structural performance of these buildings is well understood and, for the most part, adequate code provisions are currently in place to ensure satisfactory behavior in high winds [1]. Steel structures also have much better strength-to-weight ratios than RCC and they also can be easily dismantled. Pre Engineered Buildings have bolted connections and hence can also be reused after dismantling. Thus, pre engineered buildings can be shifted and/or expanded as per the requirements in future. In this paper we will discuss the various advantages of pre engineered buildings and also, with the help of three examples, a comparison will be made between pre engineered buildings and conventional steel structures. 1.1 Pre Engineered Buildings Presently, large column free area is the utmost requirement for any type of industry and with the advent of computer softwares it is now easily possible. With the improvement in technology, computer softwares have contributed immensely to the enhancement of quality of life through new researches. Pre-engineered building (PEB) is one of such revolution. "Pre-engineered buildings" are fully fabricated in the factory after designing, then transported to the site in completely knocked down (CKD) condition and all components are assembled and erected with nut-bolts, thereby reducing the time of completion.

Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

1.1.1 Advantages of PEB

Following are some of the advantages Pre-engineered building structuresa) Construction Time: Buildings are generally constructed in just 6 to 8 weeks after approval of drawings. PEB will thus reduce total construction time of the project by at least 40%. This allows faster occupancy and earlier realization of revenue. This is one of the main advantages of using Pre-engineered building. Lower Cost: Because of systems approach, considerable saving is achieved in design, manufacturing and erection cost. Flexibility of Expansion: As discussed earlier, these can be easily expanded in length by adding additional bays. Also expansion in width and height is possible by pre designing for future expansion. Large Clear Spans: Buildings can be supplied to around 90m clear spans. This is one of the most important advantages of PEB giving column free space. Quality Control: Buildings are manufactured completely in the factory under controlled conditions, and hence the quality can be assured. Low Maintenance: PEB Buildings have high quality paint systems for cladding and steel to suit ambient conditions at the site, which in turn gives long durability and low maintenance coats. Energy Efficient Roofing: Buildings are supplied with polyurethane insulated panels or fiberglass blankets insulation to achieve required U values (overall heat transfer coefficient). Erection: Steel members are brought to site in CKD conditions, thereby avoiding cutting and welding at site. As PEB sections are lighter in weight, the small members can be very easily assembled, bolted and raised with the help of cranes. This allows very fast construction and reduces wastage and labor requirement.

b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

From the numerous advantages of Pre-engineered building, in the present study, the points b and d are considered for the study, i.e. to save the steel, reducing cost and providing large clear spans, while all the other points are self explanatory.

2. Analysis and Design of PEB

In this present work, Staad Pro software has been used in order to analyze and design Pre-engineered building structures and conventional structures. In the first example, a 3D model of a Hostel building has been designed and compared with conventional structure using conventional steel. In the second example, a 2D plane frame of width 44m for both PEB and conventional has been designed and comparison has been made in terms of weight of steel. In the third example, a 2D plane frame of width 88m has been designed with tapered sections for PEB, this example is not solved with conventional sections as it is neither possible by using only conventional steel sections nor it is economical. This frame has been designed for different bay spacing to choose the most economical. 2.1 Pre-Engineered Buildings by Staad Pro The power tool for computerized structural engineering STAAD Pro is the most popular structural engineering software product for 3D model generation, analysis and multi-material design. It has an intuitive, user-friendly, visualization tools, powerful analysis and design facilities and seamless integration to several other modeling and design software products. The software is fully compatible with all Windows operating systems. For static or dynamic analysis of Pre-engineered building, STAAD Pro has been the choice of design professionals around the world for their specific analysis needs. [2]


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

2.2 Structural Analysis and Design STAAD Pro software can be used for analyzing and designing of the pre-engineered buildings. It gives the Bending Moment, Axial Forces, Shear Forces, Torsion, Beam Stresses of a steel structure so that the design can be done using tapered sections and check for the safety. 2.2.2 Static Analysis In the present work, using the Staad Pro software, 2D/3D analysis has been done using Stiffness Matrix Method. All the components of Pre-engineered building are tapered using the in-built option of the Software. The software provides options for hinged, fixed, and spring supports with releases so as to analyze as per our requirement. Herein this work, fixed supports are assigned to the structures. It also facilitates Linear, P-Delta Analysis, and Non-Linear Analysis with automatic load and stiffness correction. Multiple Analyses can also be done simultaneously which reduces the time. It also has an option of assigning members as tension-only members and compression-only members for truss structures. 2.2.2 Dynamic Analysis Dynamic analysis has been done in the present work taking seismic loads and wind loads into consideration. The software provides automatic load generation for seismic and wind forces, however, the seismic loads and wind loads are calculated manually for the present work as per IS codes. The software also provides Loading for Joints, Members/Elements including Concentrated, Uniform, Linear, Trapezoidal, Temperature, Strain, Support Displacement, Prestressed and Fixed-end Loads. It also provides the facility of Combination of Dynamic forces with Static loading for subsequent design.

3. Example 1- Hostel Building

3.1 Statement of the Problem In the first example of this study, a Hostel building of 14.37m X 52.14m has been analyzed and designed with bay spacing at 8.4m. The eave height is taken as 6m with a roof slope of 1 in 10. The Plan of the building is shown in Fig 1.

Figure 1- Plan of the Building Design DataMain FrameFrame Type- Clear Span, Rigid Frame. Support- Pinned Building Width (W) - 14.37m (O/O Steel Columns) Building Length (L) - 52.14m (O/O Steel Columns) www.iosrjournals.org 3 | Page

Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

Bay Spacing- 6 @ 8.4m Eaves height- 8.39m Roof Slope- 1 in10 Grits Type Sidewall grits- Continuous Endwall grits- Continuous Purlin TypeRoof Purlin- Continuous Spacing- 1.5m c/c Panel Type- Roof- Galvalume sheet 3.2 Loading 3.2.1 Calculation of Static Loads Live loads are considered as per IS 875-1987 (Part II). [3] i. Balcony- 4 kN/m ii. Staircase- 5 kN/m iii. Live load on floor- 2 kN/m iv. Toilet- 3 kN/m v. Water Tank- 40 kN Dead Loads i. Slab Weight- 2.5 kN/m ii. Floor Finish- 1 kN/m iii. Pardi- 2.5 kN/m iv. Sheet Load + Insulation- 1.072 kN/m 3.2.2 Calculation of Seismic Loads When an earthquake occurs, vibrations are produced in the ground near the surface that creates inertia forces and movements in the structure. The magnitude of this force is directly proportional to the dead load of the structure. Metal building systems, due to their low dead load, do not usually have their design governed by seismic forces and hence, in the present work, the seismic load doesnt govern the design and the most critical load is found to be wind load. However, for seismic analysis, following data has been used as per IS 1893 Part I2002. [4] Zone V Response reduction factor-4 (For Steel frames with concentric braces) Importance factor, I, is taken as 1.5, though it is 1 as per IS code, to be on safer side. Damping ratio- 3 (For Steel Buildings) Soil type- II Time period in X and Y directionsTx= 0.085 H (1) Time period in both directions- 0.4677 Sec Therefore, Sa/g=1.250, Horizontal Seismic Co-efficient, Ah, Ah= 0.08437 Therefore, Base Shear, Vb, Vb= Ah x W (2) = 7063 kN.


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

3.2.3 Calculation of Wind Loads Wind loads are calculated as per IS 875 Part II (1987) [5], in this example. For the Present work, the basic wind speed (Vb) is assumed as 50m/s and the building is considered to be open terrain with well scattered obstructions having height less than 10m with maximum dimension more than 50m and accordingly factors K1, K2, K3 have been calculated as per IS 875 Part II (1987). Terrain Category- 2, Class- C K1- Probability factor- 1.0 K2- Terrain, height and size factor- 0.97 K3- Topography factor- 1.1 Design wind speed, Vz= Vb (K1 x K2 x K3) (3) Vz= 48.5m/s Design pressure, P= 0.06 Vz (4) = 1.384 kN/m Ratio- H/W=0.42, L/W= 3.63 Wind Pressure CoefficientsExternal and Internal wind coefficients are calculated for all the surfaces for both pressure and suction. Opening in the building has been considered less than 5% and accordingly internal coefficients are taken as +0.5 and -0.5. The external coefficients and internal coefficients calculated as per IS 875 Part II (1987). Wind load on individual members are then calculated as below. F= (Cpe- Cpi) x A x P (5) Where, Cpe, Cpi are external coefficients and internal coefficients respectively and A and P are Surface Area in m and Design Wind Pressure in kN/m respectively. 3.3 Load Combinations For the present work, various primary loads that are considered are given below1. Primary DEAD LOAD 2. Primary LIVE LOAD 3. Primary ROOF LIVE 4. Primary WIND 1 A 5. Primary EQX 1 6. Primary EQZ 1 7. Primary WIND 1 B 8. Primary WIND 2 A 9. Primary WIND 2 B For the Primary loads considered for the study, following are the Load Combinations taken for Hostel Building. Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 1 (DL+LL) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 2 (DL+WL 1A) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 3 (DL+WL 1B) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 4 (DL+WL 2A) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 5 (DL+WL 2B) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 6 (DL+EQX) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 7 (DL+EQZ) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 8 (DL+LL+WL 1A) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 9 (DL+LL+WL 1B) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 10 (DL+LL+W 2A) COMBINATION LOAD CASE 11 (DL+LL+W 2B) www.iosrjournals.org 5 | Page

Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

Combination 12 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 12 (DL+LL+EQX) Combination 13 COMBINATION LOAD CASE 13 (DL+LL+EQZ) Table 1 gives the guiding load cases (L/C) for individual members for which the design has been carried out.

Table 1-Member End Forces Axial Forces Beam L/C Fx kN 511.43 -102.26 17.74 1964 143.44 207.21 25.32 15.28 0.388 214.50 216.85 17.76 Fy kN 4.51 1.76 111.45 -180.72 8.94 -6.3 98.62 -63.96 -0.063 1.719 32.54 70.82 Shear Fz kN -16.23 -15.48 -0.048 0.537 60.21 -61.63 -0.29 0.16 60.91 50.74 1.4 0.087 Torsion Mx kN-m 0.126 -0.043 -0.002 -0.02 -1.289 -0.11 34.91 -34.02 0.38 -0.15 0.58 0.1 Bending My kN-m -3.36 32.46 0.11 0.17 -79.59 68.4 0.3 0.11 124.8 -100.02 -0.677 0.091 Mz kN-m 2.02 8.44 37.41 147.82 7.51 -0.8 89.86 -46.85 0.045 16.07 151.74 -151.43

Max Fx Min Fx Max Fy Min Fy Max Fz Min Fz Max Mx Min Mx Max My Min My Max Mz Min Mz

17 46 96 321 164 412 415 442 565 581 661 658

Combination load case 10 4 Wind 1 A Combination load case 10 Combination load case 10 Combination load case 13 Combination load case 11 Combination load case 15 Combination load case 11 7 Wind 1 B Combination load case 13 Combination load case 15 Combination load case 10

3.4 Results for Hostel Building The results obtained after analyzing and designing Pre Engineered Building and Conventional Building were significant. Table 1 shows the Member End Forces of some of the members for maximum and minimum Axial, Shear, Torsion and Bending. Column 1 in this table shows the maximum and minimum forces and moments in x, y, and z directions. Column 2 shows some of the member numbers, and L/C is the guiding load case for the respective member. Column 4, 5, 6 are the axial and shear forces and 7, 8, 9 are the torsion and bending moments for the respective members. Fig 2 illustrates this table.


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

Figure 2 Member end forces 3.4.1 Column Design Results The steel columns were rested over concrete columns and the design sample of one of the column. Grade- M20 Steel- Fe415 Length: 2450.0 mm Cross Section: 500.0 mm X 800.0 mm with Cover: 40.0 mm Guiding load case: 4 Reqd. Steel area : 644.40 mm. Reqd. Concrete area: 80550.45.61 mm. Main reinforcement: Provide 12# - 12 dia. (0.34%, 1357.17 mm.) (Equally distributed) Tie reinforcement: Provide 8 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 190 mm c/c. 3.4.2 Design Utilization ratio Utilization ratio is the critical value that indicates the suitability of the member as per IS 875 (LSD). Normally, a value higher than 1.0 indicates the extent to which the member is over-stressed, and a value below 1.0 tells us the reserve capacity available. Critical conditions used as criteria to determine Pass/Fail status are slenderness limits, Axial Compression and Bending, Axial Tension and Bending, Maximum w/t ratios and Shear. Fig 3 shows the screenshot taken from staad pro software showing utilization ratio for some of members. In this table, Column 1 shows the member numbers, Column 2 and 3 shows the details of members with their sizes. Column 4, 5, 6 shows the actual, allowable and their ratio which must be less than 1. Column 7 shows the IS Code clauses for which the members are subjected. Column 8 shows the guiding load case for the respective member. Column 9, 10, 11, 12 are the cross sectional properties of the respective members.


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

Figure 3- Screenshot of Utilization Ratio for various members from Stadd Pro Software 3.5 Weight of Steel (Steel Take-Off) The weight of PEB and conventional building is calculated after the design. For PEB, the weight of sections is given in Table 2. In this table, column 1 shows the profile of members with same cross sectional properties. Sizes of members are given in column 2, a typical I- Section for Tapered Member No 3 is shown in Fig 4. www.iosrjournals.org 8 | Page

Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

Column 3 shows the overall length of members with same cross sectional properties. Column 4 shows the weight of section calculated with density of 76.81 kN/m.

Table 2- Steel Take-Off for Hostel PEB Buildings PROFILE Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Size (mm) 300x432 200x362 150x262 150x322 150x312 300x428 200x312 200x362 220x326 280x436 220x312 300x436 340x436 220x486 180x312 240x382 220x500 360x440 200x412 240x412 Total LENGTH (m) 108.53 28.32 284.2 20.36 81.59 30 109.12 48.04 40.72 12 13.05 6 9 5.09 10.18 12.93 3.85 3 8.39 5.09 WEIGHT (kN) 100.043 11.47 73.47 5.84 23.01 25.38 35.9 16.93 17.16 12.76 5.41 6.20 10.32 2.53 3.16 6.11 1.94 4.14 3.15 2.11 369.24

Tapered Member No: 20

Similarly Table 3 gives the weight of conventional building designed by conventional sections in which column 1 shows the standard sections and column 2 shows the overall length. Column 3 shows the calculated weight of sections.


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

Table 3- Steel Take-Off for Hostel Conventional Buildings PROFILE FR ISMC300 FR ISMC200 FR ISMC250 FR ISMC350 FR ISMC150 Total Length (m) 308.27 302.59 206.27 10.18 12.14 Weight (KN ) 220.42 133.73 124.96 8.56 3.97 491.64

Figure 4 Tapered I Section

It is seen that the weight of tapered PEB sections are 369.24kN whereas for conventional building, it is found to be 491.64 kN. Pre Engineered Building weighs 25% less than that of conventional building.


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames 4. Example2- Comparison of 2D Plane Frame
In order to know the difference further, a comparison of 2D Plane Frame is made for both pre engineered building and conventional type. The plane frame is having width 44m and bay spacing 8m and eave height 20m, subjected to wind load and seismic load. A typical 2D PEB frame is shown in Fig 5 and the conventional frame as shown in Fig 6.

64:Taper 63:Taper 62: Taper 61:Taper 60: Taper 59:Taper 58:Taper 57:Taper 56:Taper 55:Taper 3:Taper 54:Taper

65:Taper 69:Taper



66:Taper 53:Taper




Load 10

Figure 5- 2D Plane Frame of PEB


Load 1

Figure 6- 2D Plane Frame of Conventional Frame


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

4.1 Loadings In this example, Static loads i.e., Dead loads and Live load are considered as per IS 875 (Part II) 1987 and Dynamic loads i.e. Seismic loads and Wind loads are considered as per IS 1893 Part I (2002) and IS 875 (Part III) - 1987 respectively. 4.1.1 Static loads- (As per IS 875 (Part II)) - 1987 Calculation of Dead Load Dead load = 0.10 kN/m Bay spacing = 8m DL per met = 0.8 kN/m Calculation of Live Load Live Load = 2.5 kN/m Bay spacing = 8 m LL per met = 20 kN/m 4.1.2 Calculation of Seismic Loads- As Per IS 1893-2002 Following data has been considered for calculation of seismic loadsZone II Response Reduction Factor- 4 Importance factor, I, is considered as 1.75 Damping ratio- 3 Time period in both directions- 0.95141 Sec Therefore, Sa/g= 2.457 Z Sa I Horizontal Seismic Co-efficient, Ah= 2 g R Ah= 0.0860 Therefore, Base Shear, Vb, Vb= Ah x W= 83 kN. 4.2.3 Calculation of Wind Loads- As Per IS 875 (PartIII) - 1987 For the calculation of wind loads following data have been taken. Max Bay Spacing: 8m with Roof Slope: 5.71 Location for Wind/Seismic: Bangalore Vb=33m/s. In this example, building is considered to be open terrain with well scattered obstructions having height less than 10m with maximum dimension more than 50m and accordingly factors K1, K2, K3 have been calculated as per IS 875 Part II (1987). Terrain Category2 ClassC K1- Probability factor1.0 K2- Terrain, height and size factor0.97 K3- Topography factor1 Design Wind Speed Vz = (K1XK2XK3) X Vb Design Wind Pressure, P, P =O.6 (Vz) =0.62 kN/m Wind CoefficientsExternal and Internal wind coefficients are calculated for all the surfaces for both pressure and suction. Opening in the building has been considered 0% and accordingly internal coefficients are taken as +0.2 and -0.2. www.iosrjournals.org 12 | Page

Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

PressureInternal Wind Coefficient: -0.2; [Openings: 0%] External Wind Coefficient: (0.7, -0.94, -0.4, and -0.20) Overall Wind Coefficient: (0.5, -1.14, -0.6, -0.40) Wind normal Wind parallel Left wall: 0.5 x 0.62 x 8= 2.48 kN/m Left wall -0.7*(0.62 x 8) = -3.48kN/m Right wall: -0.40 x 0.62 x 8 = -2 kN/m Right wall -0.7*(0.62 x 8) = -3.48 kN/m Left roof: -1.14 x 0.62 x 8= -5.66kN/m Left roof -1*(0.62 x 8) = -4.96 kN/m Right roof: -0.4 x 0.62 x 8 = -1.98 kN/m Right roof -1*(0.62 x 8) = -4.96 kN/m SuctionInternal Wind Coefficient: 0.2; [Openings: 0%] External Wind Coefficient: (0.7, -0.94, -0.4, and -0.20) Overall Wind Coefficient: (0.9, -0.74, -0.2, -0.00) Wind normal Wind parallel Left Wall: 0.9 x 0.62 x 8 = 4.47 kN/m Left Wall -0.3*(0.62 x 8) = -1.499kN/m Right Wall: -0.0 x 0.62 x 8 = 0 kN/m Right Wall -0.3*(0.62 x 8) = -1.499 kN/m Left Roof: -0.74 x 0.62 x 8= -3.68kN/m Left Roof -0.6*(0.62 x 8) = -2.98 kN/m Right Roof: -0.2 x 0.62 x 8 = -1 kN/m Right Roof -0.6*(0.62 x 8) = -2.98 kN/m Fig 7 shows the calculated Wind load co-efficients for both pressure and suction.

Figure 7- Wind Coefficients 4.3 Weight of Steel (Steel Take Off) The Weight of PEB and conventional frame is calculated after the design. Table 4 gives the weight of plane frame conventional building. In these tables column 1 shows the sections used, LD indicates long leg back to back, double angle and FR indicates double channel front to front. Column 2 shows the overall length of the members and column3 shows the calculated weight. www.iosrjournals.org 13 | Page

Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

Similarly Table 5 gives the weight of plane frame pre engineered building in which column 1 consists of members of same cross sectional properties grouped separately and designated as Tapered Member No. Column 2 and column 3 shows the sizes of the members and their length. As it seen in the Fig 5 and Fig 6, PEB structure is designed for a clear span of 44m without any column in between, as not in case of conventional frame, where it is not possible to provide a clear span truss and hence an interior column is provided. The conventional frame is designed using Lattice truss, which is generally used for long span trusses. Results of both PEB and Conventional buildings are tabulated in Table 4 and Table 5 respectively. It can be noticed that, even though PEB structures provides clear span, it weighs 10% lesser than that of conventional buildings. Table 4- Steel Take- Off for Plane Frame Conventional Building Profile LD ISA200X200X18 FR ISMC400 PRISMATIC STEEL (ISMB 600 D and ISMB 550 D) TOTAL Length (m) 88.00 66.82 60.00 Weight (kN) 93.06 64.61 136.62 294.29

Table 5- Steel Take- Off for Plane Frame PEB Profile Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Member No: Tapered Tapered Tapered Tapered Tapered Tapered Tapered Tapered Tapered Member No: Member No: Member No: Member No: Member No: Member No: Member No: Member No: Member No: Size (mm) 650x1250 600x800 500x550 580x800 600x1200 280x800 330x850 600x1000 400x1000 350x1000 550v1000 340x800 TOTAL Length (m) 11.20 12.00 12.00 9.04 9.04 4.49 6.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 4.50 Weight (kN) 38.94 40.51 31.46 29.84 36.08 9.034 14 23.37 8.39 16.51 8.88 8.55 265.64

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5. Example 3- Long Span Plane Frame (PEB)

One of the primary advantages of Pre engineered building is that it provides a clear span for spans up to even 90m without any interior columns in between. In conventional buildings, it is not possible to design a structure with clear spans for large spans. In this present work, a large span plane frame for an industrial building is designed for different bay spacing- 8m, 8.88m, 10m, 11.425m, 13.33m and the weights of each one is checked to know the most economical one. Fig.8 shows a typical PEB plane frame in 2D.


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames





Load 1

Figure 8- Long Span PEB Plane Frame 5.1 Loadings: All loads are calculated as given in Section 4.1. 5.2. Results: Large and clear spans allow housing almost any type and/or business comfortably and efficiently, as well as to expand in future and change their setup whenever they desire. Structures with long span need to be carefully designed keeping a balance of all the aspects like its weight, deflections (sway) and also foundation forces. There are many combinations of designing large spans, like conventional truss & RCC column combination, truss & steel columns, Pre-engineered building (PEB) etc. With the concept of PEB, the major advantage we get is the use of high strength steel plates (Fe 350), lighter but high strength cold form purlins, and 550 Mpa Galvalume profiled sheets. The use of PEB not only reduces the weight of the structure because high tensile steel grades are used but also ensures quality control of the structure. In the present study, comparison has been made for different bay spacing considering the length of building as 80m and the weights calculated for different bay spacing are given in the Table 6. In this table, column 1 shows the different spacing for a length of 80m. Column 2 shows the number of frames and column 3 shows the calculated weight for each plane frame of respective spacing. Then the total weight is calculated by multiplying the weight per frame by number of frames. The total weight of the sections calculated is shown in column 4. Table 6- Weights for different Bay spacing Spacing (m) 8 8.88 10 11.425 13.33 No of Frames 11 10 9 8 7 Weight/ frame (kN) 782 805 948 1046 1218 Total (kN) 8602 8050 8537 8374 8528


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Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered-Buildings and Conventional Frames

It can be seen that, for an industrial building of 88m X 80m, the bay spacing of 8.88m gives the least weight followed by bay spacing of 11.485m where as the bay spacing of 8m gives the highest weight. 6. CONCLUSION Pre-engineered steel structures building offers low cost, strength, durability, design flexibility, adaptability and recyclability. Steel is the basic material that is used in the materials that are used for Pre-engineered steel building. It negates from regional sources. Infinitely recyclable, steel is the material that reflects the imperatives of sustainable development. As it is seen in the present work, the weight of steel can be reduced to 27% for the hostel building, providing lesser dead load which in turn offers higher resistance to seismic forces. Comparison in the second example showed that even though PEB structures provides clear span, it weighs 10% lesser than that of Conventional Buildings. For longer span structures, Conventional buildings are not suitable with clear spans. Pre-engineered building are the best solution for longer span structures without any interior column in between as seen in this present work, an industrial structure has been designed for 88m. With the advent of computerization, the design possibilities became almost limitless. Saving of material on low stress area of the primary framing members makes Preengineered buildings more economical than Conventional steel buildings especially for low rise buildings spanning up to 90.0 meters with eave heights up to 30.0 meters. PEB structures are found to be costly as compared to Conventional structures in case of smaller span structures. It is also seen that the weight of PEB depends on the Bay Spacing, with the increase in Bay Spacing up to certain spacing, the weight reduces and further increase makes the weight heavier. To Conclude Pre-Engineered Building Construction gives the end users a much more economical and better solution for long span structures where large column free areas are needed.

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