2 Mnre Program2

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Solid waste generated at domestic level is the single largest component of all wastes generated in our country. A number of research studies have shown that somewhere 300 to 600 gm of solid waste is generated per person per day in our country. Eventually, Municipalities everywhere face the problems of waste collection, processing and disposal or treatment of voluminous solid waste produced by the cities. Moreover, the rains and humidity on the garbage promotes the bacterial multiplication and enhances the spread of infectious diseases. Due to their rich organic contents , the solid waste can be a good resource to produce manure & energy. It has been estimated that about 70 MW equivalent power could be generated from urban & municipal waste alone. This potential is likely to increase further with our economic growth. Gujarat is a fast developing state and have huge gap in demand & supply of electricity generated by conventional sources. To reduce the gap partly non- conventional energy sources should be taped. In order to recover energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) and liquid waste (MLW) , Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) Vadodara , had carried out the Prefeasibility Studies in total seven cities ( i.e. Ahmedabad , Bhavnagar , Vadodara , Rajkot , Bhuj , Bharuch & Valsad ) under National Programme on Energy

Recovery From Urban, Municipal & Industrial Wastes launched by

Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) Govt. of India. The Govt. of India has already announced a National policy of fiscal & financial incentives to private as well as Public Sector entrepreneurs and investors interested in setting up Urban & Industrial wastes based power projects on Build Own Operate & Transfer (BOOT ) , Build Own & Operate (BOO) , Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) and on Build Operate Lease & Transfer (BOLT) basis. ELIGIBLE WASTE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS : Gasification / Pyrolysis Bio-methanation Incineration Pelletisation Sanitary Land filling with gas recovery Mix of above technologies MINIMUM CAPACITY & TYPE OF FUEL /ENERGY RECOVERY ELIGIBLITY : 15 TPD Waste to Energy (in the form of fuel 300 Cu. m./hour pellets) 2.5 tons/hr. at min. pressure of 20 bars Waste to Energy ( in the form of Bio-gas) 25 KW Waste to Energy ( in the form of steam) Power generation from Waste to Energy ( in the form of electricity)

Waste To Energy Recovery (WTE) Projects Implemented in Gujarat By GEDA

GEDA has implemented two project under MNES Waste to Energy (WTE) scheme Energy National policy on Energy Recovery from Urban , Municipal & industrial Wastes and one project has been recently sanctioned to SMC by MNES . The details of respective projects is here as under :


2.0 MW capacity Bio-gas based Power Generation Project at M/S Kanoria Chemicals Industries Ltd. , Ankleshwar.
This project was commissioned during November (5.11.98 ) 1997-98 financial year under MNES capital investment subsidy scheme on WTE projects. The distillery having capacity of 55KLPD is generating about 675 M3/day spent wash per day . this spent wash is being treated in 2no. Anaerobic Digesters for Bio-methanation. Approximately 21000 to 24000 nm3 /day Bio-gas (containing 60 62 % Methane) is produced daily. The produced gas is further treated for H2S removal and clean gas is supplied to 2MW Power Plant consisting of 2 no. generators of 1.003 MW each. The Power plant is connected to existing Electrical Power Supply System. In order to have maximum benefits the Waste Heat Recovery System ( W.H.R.U.) has also been installed and about 1700 Kg/hr (at 10Kg/Cm2 pressure ) steam generation takes place daily. Further , The biological sludge /slurry from distillery ETP is piped to ETP sludge receiving tank and after de watering mixing with press mud is transformed into Bio-Compost Windrows for 30-45 days to get Bio-Fertiliser. The Power plant is working since on average 68.5 to 72.3 PLF having average monthly generation of 1005000 units.


Industrial Waste based 4800nm3/day capacity Bio-methanation Project at M/s Anil Starch Products Ltd., Ahmedabad.
An Up Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket technology reactor (UASB) having total bio-gas generation capacity of 4800 nm3/day has been installed at M/s Anil Starch Products Ltd. Under Waste to Energy project related interest subsidy scheme of MNES for WTE projects during financial year 2000-2001. The project was initially completed & commissioned in April2001, however gas generation was not up to the mark because of various teething problems , it picked up during month of August 2001 when it reached to its design level .

On average about 4300- 4400 nm3/day bio-gas generation is taking place which is used in the boilers. Having this bio-gas unit monthly savings of about Rs. 7.40 lacs ( earlier used to be incurred on coal electricity & lime for starch waste treatment ) on average is achieved by M/s ASPL . 3)

Bio-gas based 0. 5 MW capacity Power Plant at Sewage Treatment Plant ANJANA site , Surat Municipal Corporation, Surat.
MNES has sanctioned 0.5 MW capacity bio-gas based power generation Project under UNDP/GEF assisted Project on Development of High Rate Biomethanation Processes for Reducing Green House Gases Emmission . The project was sanctioned by MNES to SMC at the total outlay of Rs. 161.955 lacs on 50% cost sharing basis by MNES. vide its sanctioned no. PMC/182-97/ SMC dated 21st July, 2002. To monitor the implementation of the project a Project Implementation Committee (PIC) has been constituted comprising of representatives of SMC, GEDA & MNES .


Industrial effluent based based 5500 nm3/day capacity Biomethanation Project at M/s Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd., Viramgam , Ahmedabad.
MNRE sanctioned a 5500 nm3 /day capacity bio-methanation project in year 2007-08. The project has been completed & commissioned in February2008. The UASB reactor designed for 5500 nm3 is working on 90 % efficieny. The COD reduction is seen about more than 95%. On average 6100 nm3 gas is daily generated and used in the coal fired boiler , resulting to coal saving /day about 5.0 Ton .


Bio-gas based 0. 975 MW capacity Power Plant at Ms. Sayaji Industries , Maize Products , Ahemedabad.
About 14000 nm3/day biogas is generated in the Industry as result of Biomethanationo of Industrial waste through existing UASB reactors. Approx. 2025% biogas quantity was being used for running their drier for gluten product and remaining biogas was flared. Based on surplus biogas (approx.12000nm3/day) 1MW capacity biogas based power plant was sanctioned by MNRE under its Biogas to Power head. The project commissioned in June2009.


Industrial effluent based based 12000 nm3/day capacity Biomethanation Project at M/s Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Ltd., Viramgam , Ahmedabad.
The project has been sanctioned by MNRE under its programme on Energy Recovery from Industrial & Commercial effluent /waste. Basic objective of objective was to support their Coal based Co-gen power plant. The project has been commissioned in Jan2010 and approximately 700-720 Ton coal (worth of Rs. 21.60 lacs) is saved monthly by means of biogas supply to coal fired boilers.

Power Generation Cost :

Cost of per MW power generation is dependent on the land availability , technology adoption , qualitative & quantitative aspects of the waste material , handling / Ecofriendly treatment technology adaptability , which needs a through detailing in the prerequisite DPR for setting up Power project . TECHNOLOGY MSW QUANTITY (MT) 150 125 100 150 LAND (ACRE) 6 3 2 7. 5 COST( RS. IN CRORE PER MW ) + 6-9 5.0 5.0 1. 5 (Per 37. 5 Tones of manure

BIOMETHANATION PELLETISATION INCINERATION * CELL RICH (COMPOSTING) There is no generation of Power. + Base year 1994 -95

Incentives available from Central Govt. (MNRE) for Energy Recovery from Industrial & commercial wastes: Scope: The incentive scheme provides CFA in the form of capital subsidy and Grant in Aid in respect of following activities.
i) ii) iii) iv) v) Industrial waste to biogas Power Generation from Biogas Power Generation from solid industrial waste Promotional activities R&D , Resource assessment, technology upgradation and performance evaluation, etc.

Eligibility Criteria: a) Criteria based on type of wastes:

i) Projects based on any bio-waste from industrial / agroindustrial sector (excluding rice husk & bagasse) that require pre-processing before utilization for energy recovery. Projects for Co-generation/power generation from available biogas. Mixing of other wastes of renewable nature, including rice husk, bagasse, sewage, cow dung, other biomass and industrial effluents, including distillery effluents, up to a maximum of 25% will be permissible.

ii) iii)


Projects based on distillery effluents for generation of biogas, wastes from fossil fuels and waste heat (flue gases) shall not be supported.


Criteria for Technologies :

i) Projects based on wastetoenergy conservation technologies, namely bio-methanation , combustion, or a combination thereof. Projects for generation of power from biogas through 100% biogas engines or steam turbines with aminimum steam pressure of 42 bar.



Criteria based on capacity:

There will no minimum / maximum limit of project capacity.

Details of Capital Subsidy to Promoters

Sr. No. 1. i) Waste /process/Technologies Industrial waste to biogas Biomethanation of low energy density and difficult industrial wastes (i.e. dairy, tannery, slaughter house, sugar (liquid),bagasse wash, textile (liquid), paper (liquid), and pharmaceutical industry) Bio-methanation of other industrial wastes Power Generation from Biogas Boiler + Steam Turbine Configuration Biogas Engine + Turbine Configuration Power Generation from solid Industrial Waste (boiler + Steam Turbine Configuration) Capital subsidy

Rs. 1.0 crore / MWeq. (12000 Cu.m. per day)

ii) 2. i) ii) 3.

Rs. 0.50 crore / MWeq. (12000 Cu.m.per day)

Rs. 0.20 crore / MW Rs. 1.00 crore / MW Rs. 0.20 crore / MW

WTE Potential in INDIA

Based on the structured data base prepared by using four- step Methodology : 1)Preparation of Preliminary Database 2) Data Classification 3) Identification of missing data 4) Creation of Structured Database and Project specific web site ( www.indiawteplan.com), the potential in the Urban and Industrial Sectoresis as mentione below Urban sector :

Municipal Liquid waste (sewage) conversion to Energy Generation

Year 2007 2012 2017 Sewage Generation (MLD) 14151 16523 19542 Power generation 264 308 365

The treatment of the urban liquid wastes is principally managed by local bodies and supported financially to some extent by the MoEF through NRCDs River Action Plans for some identified River Basins. Since Waste to Energy projects are an integral part of the overall waste water treatment, MNES has a limited role in the overall project being executed with NRCD support or directly by the Municipality. Out of these projects, only those, which use anaerobic systems, will be amendable to energy generation. Also the amount of power generated by these plants is generally sufficient to meet about 60% (in some cases 100%) of power needs of the plant itself thus making it a captive generation plant. Considering the above, although urban liquid waste has potential of conversion to energy , the scope for MNES initiative is rather limited , for the projects approved by NRCDs. Municipal Solid Waste The potential of the MSW for conversion to energy is presented below :

Energy Generation Potential from MSW

Period 2007 2012 2017 MSW Generated (TPD) 130927 189986 265834 Power Generation (MW) 2266 3276 4566

Under the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules of December 2000, all Class I cities have to provide proper treatment and disposal facility for MSW. This translates to a very significant potential for Waste to Energy projects. Based on the above it was decided that, in urban sector, focus of the NMP would be primarily on MSW with emphasis on class I cities. The present policy for MLW however, would be continued.

Industrial Sector
Energy Generation Potential in Identified Industrial Sectors. Sectors Dairy Distillery Maize Starch Liquid waste Solid waste Tapoica Starch Liquid waste Solid waste Poultry Paper Slaughterhouse Sugar Liquid waste Solid waste Tanneries 2007 61 503 105 24 81 24 18 6 65 58 94 363 59 304 6 Period 2012 779966 628 132 30 102 30 122 8 81 72 117 453 73 380 8 2017 785 164 37 127 37 27 10 102 90 146 567 92 475 10





The priority rating of various industrial sectors for waste to energy projects is based on sector power potential , waste availability / collection , emerging clean technology and technology status . The identified priority areas based on these criteria are shown below:

Prioritization of Industrial sector for WTE Projects

SECTOR Distillery , Paper, Sugar (Press mud) , Maize Starch Dairy, Sugar (liquid), Poultry Farms, Slaughter house, Tapioca Starch Tannery GRADE / PRIORITY A B C

(Ref: Technical Memorandum on Shelf of viable Projects , August2003)

The approach proposed for the industrial sector is that the focus should be on the priority sectors, for sectors where individual units do not have a potential for energy generation (e.g. Poultry, Cattle Farms etc.) clusters of units would have some potential, which can be tapped. A mechanism similar to CETPs can be considered to harness the energy potential.

Evaluation of WTE Technologies

The most significant waste- to- energy technologies are based on the biological or thermal methods. Biological method involves bio-methanation producing methaneenriched bio-gas, which can be used as fuel. Whereas thermal method involves combustion of organic wastes as fuel with the evolution of heat energy for recovery. Advanced thermal conversion involves destructive heating of organic materials with a limited supply of oxygen (gasification) or without any oxygen (pyrolysis) to produce a combustible gaseous product consisting of simple hydrocarbons and hydrogen. The above WTE technology options have been analyzed and ranked using a set of evaluation criteria consisting of system configuration , system auxiliaries , environmental aspects, resources recovery and commercial aspects ( Reference : Technical Memorandum on Waste To Energy Technologies). Urban Sector : Ranking of Technologies Technology Ranking Biological methods Bio-methanation 1 Landfill with Gas recovery* 2 Thermal Method Gasification 3 Combustion 4 * Landfill with Gas recovery is excluded as a potential technology option in view of The Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000.Under unavoidable circumstances or till installation of alternate facilities , landfill shall be done following proper norms.

Industrial Sector
Type of Waste Liquids Solids Semi- solids Identified Industrial WTE Technologies Technology Bio-methanation Gasification / Pyrolysis, Incineration / Combustion Biomethanation, Gasification/ Pyrolysis, Incineration/ Combustion

Desirable range of important waste parameters for technical viability of Energy Recovery
Waste Treatment Method Thermo-chemical conversion - Incineration - Pyrolysis - Gasification Basic Principle Important Waste parameters Desirable range* < 45% > 50% < 16 % < 36 % >1200 kcal/kg.

Description of Moisture content organic matter by Organic / Volatile matter action of heat Fixed Carbon Total Inert Calorific Value (NCV) > 60 % Bio-chemical Decomposition of Moisture Content conversion organic matter by > 40 % -Anaerobic Digestion / microbial action Organic / Volatile matter Bio-methanation 25 - 30 C/N Ratio * Indicated values pertain to segregated / processed / mixed waste and do not necessarily Correspond to wastes as received of the treatment facility.

Power Generation through Renewable Energy Sources

Gujarat is a fast developing state and needs a huge amount of electricity for its high profile growth. There is tremendous potential of power generation in the state through non conventional energy sources (i.e. wind, solar and bio-mass). The Bio-mass, urban & industrial wastes could be the best sources in our state for power generation in centralized as well as de-centralized manner.

The power generation projects may be basically categorized in to two categories as follows: 1) 2) Grid connected power generation projects. Captive / de centralized power generation projects.

The type of waste/raw materials & wastes treatment technology options for Grid connected & captive /de centralized power projects is defined here as under: Sr. No. 1. 2. Power generation Grid connected Captive/ projects power projects De centralized power projects Biomass based power Crop residues Woody bio-mass generation Municipal solid waste Municipal solid waste Agro. food based power projects, & distillery wastes processing Urban & Industrial industrial wastes waste based power canteen waste, generation vegetable market yard waste, press mud , dairy waste etc. Bagasse based Bagasse Co-generation Projects Animal Dung based Cow dung electricity generation in villages gaushalas / Panjrapoles . Technological treatment path Gasification / combustion Combustion Biomethanation , Gasification, Refused derived fuel technology, pyrolysis & gasification. Combustion pyrolysis /



Community & Institutional bio-gas Technology

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