Melissakristenjenny Unit Planning Framework Final Unit

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Grade Kindergarten, Unit: Gathering Information from Provided Sources to Answer a Question Regarding Bees.

Authors: Jennifer Jankowski, Melissa Haapala, Kristen Stewart Overview of Unit: During this two-week unit, our students will be learning how to research information. The goal of this unit is for students to be able to research information from a variety of sources. We want our students to gather information from books, magazines, and videos to add to their informational page. By the end of this unit, students will have created an informational page on bees to add to a class book. Tools students will add to their tool belts include: 1. How to gather information from more than one source. 2. Take notes from informational texts in different ways Essential Questions to Guide Instruction and Focus on Tools in Students Tool Belts in This Unit: What are different ways we can take notes when we are doing research? Why is it important to use more than one source? Mentor Texts to Help Students Add Tools to Their Tool Belts in This Unit: What If You Had Animal Teeth? by Sandra Markle Times For Kids, Hardworking Honeybees Anchor Texts to Help Students Add Tools to Their Tool Belts in This Unit:

Honeybees: Jump into Science by Deborah Heiligman. This text was chosen because of its descriptive, child-friendly language. It has captivating details, as well as bee-specific terminology. The words on the page are written with relatable, sound effect-like language that truly speaks to the childrens interests. For example When you see a bee on a warm summer day, do you think, OW! That bee is going to sting me? This quote is a part of the first passage and not only taps into their prior knowledge, and uses senses to connect readers and keep their attention. Lastly, the illustrations demonstrate features of informational texts with labels and easy to follow diagrams. The Magic School Bus: Inside a Beehive by Joanna Cole. We chose this text because it is engaging and uses facts with supporting illustrations to keep students engaged and to help them determine facts easily with picture cues. Bee & Me: An Animotion Experience by Elle J. Mcguinness will be an additional mentor text. Bee & Me, The way the text is written provides a sense of action. It also has a special appendix that contains fun and important bee facts, this will make it easier for our students to understand note taking.

Approximate Timeline for This Slice of the Unit: # Weeks Dates CCSS Objectives: I CAN What are the enduring understandings that students will construct? What are the tools they will add to or Evidence of Student Learning How will I know students have constructed understanding? What will students write, say, create, produce Instruction & Materials How will I use the I/We/You model of instruction to scaffold students in constructing rich understanding?

Grade Kindergarten, Unit: Gathering Information from Provided Sources to Answer a Question Regarding Bees. Authors: Jennifer Jankowski, Melissa Haapala, Kristen Stewart use from their tool belts as readers/writers and critical thinkers? What are the essential questions that will guide our work? Week 1 Mon. that will evidence their learning and allow me to provide feedback? How will students reflect on their own learning? How will I break the unit down into weeks and days? What materials and resources will I use to scaffold this?

W. K. 8. With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
W.K.8. I can do research with help from my teacher. Students will participate in a class discussion and anchor chart about what they think research is. I: Teacher will introduce and read the mentor text, What If You Had Animal Teeth? by Sandra Markle. Teacher will ask students how they think Sandra Markle knew all those amazing facts about animal teeth. Teacher will introduce the term research and ask the class what they think research is and what are some ways they can research. As the class discusses, teacher will create an anchor chart with their responses. We: Students will listen to text and then respond to teachers questions regarding research. Students will share their ideas, which will be added to the anchor chart. I: Teacher will introduce and read The Magic School Bus: Inside a Beehive by Joanna Cole. Teacher will stop often to check for understanding and point out interesting facts. We: Students will actively participate in teacher-directed questions and develop a group anchor chart on the text. I: Teacher will provide a copy of Times For Kids to each student and read it with them aloud. We: Teacher will pass out highlighters and guide students to highlight or circle important facts that they as the reader find interesting, or would like to learn more about. You: Students will be asked to share one of their highlighted facts that they learned


W.K.8. I can use books and magazines to answer my questions.

Students will use classroom books to find an informational fact on bees in a teacher read aloud.


W.K.8. I can use books and magazines to answer my questions.

Students will use Times For Kids magazine to find an informational fact on something that they find interesting as a reader.

Grade Kindergarten, Unit: Gathering Information from Provided Sources to Answer a Question Regarding Bees. Authors: Jennifer Jankowski, Melissa Haapala, Kristen Stewart either through picture or journal entry and share it with a partner in a think-pairshare. W.K.8. I can answer my questions by Students will watch a video on bees I: Teacher will provide a KWL chart on watching videos. and add to the class know portion of large chart paper. Teacher will go through the KWL chart. a book walk of the previously read anchor text, The Magic School Bus: Inside a Beehive by Joanna Cole in a large group whole class setting. We: Teacher will provide guiding questions on the board and read them aloud to students. The students will be directed to keep these questions in mind and develop an answer they would like to share after watching the video. Teacher will then introduce a video clip and then ask students what they already know about bees. Students will each share their findings and answers to guided questions as teacher records on K column of the KWL chart. W.K.8. I can answer my questions by Students will complete any last know I: Teacher will read aloud the previous watching videos. portions of the KWL chart as well as days facts written under the K portion of share what they would like to learn the KWL chart. about bees. We: Teacher will call up students in small groups and have them share what they would like to learn about bees. She will have the students either write or draw a small picture to represent what they would like to learn on the W portion on the chart paper. W.K.2. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. W.K.2. I can talk about my ideas for Students will add an idea to the class I: Teacher will create an anchor chart and writing to share what I have learned in anchor chart. pass out post it notes. my research. We: As a group we will create 2-3 post it notes with a vocabulary word regarding bees that we have learned about bees so far. As researchers we will be



Week 2 Mon.

Grade Kindergarten, Unit: Gathering Information from Provided Sources to Answer a Question Regarding Bees. Authors: Jennifer Jankowski, Melissa Haapala, Kristen Stewart understanding new vocabulary and learning how to collect information. You: Students will each create their own personal post it and stick it to the anchor chart. I: Teacher will pull out the previous days anchor chart. We: Teacher will encourage students to write in vocabulary words within their writing to make it more descriptive and engaging for their audience. I: Teacher will refer to mentor texts to show students illustrations that align with text. She will focus on how to research information by looking back through the anchor charts and mentor texts. We: Students will work in partners and create their informational picture using the gathered facts and mentor texts. I: Teacher will model an appropriate sentence that is descriptive and informational, referencing the mentor texts and showing examples. Teacher will ask students which sentence best fits and then prompt students to develop an appropriate sentence for their illustrations. We: Students will go back into their partnerships and come up with a sentence with the help of the teacher. I: Teacher will model labeling the informational picture of the bee. She will demonstrate how to find the information in previous mentor or anchor texts. We: Students will refer to mentor texts and choose parts they would like to label.


W.K.2. I can talk about my ideas for writing to share what I have learned in my research.

Students will share their ideas about what they will write about bees to a small group in class.


W.K.2. I can share my information by drawing a picture.

Students will draw an informational picture of something they have learned about bees.


W.K.2. I can share my information by writing a sentence about my picture.

Students will add a sentence that describes their picture.


W.K.2. I can write and draw two pieces of information about my topic.

Students will draw an informational picture about bees and label two things that they have learned about bees.

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