Aristotle Rhetoric
Aristotle Rhetoric
Aristotle Rhetoric
Faculty: art, techne Observing: theorezein, theory meta Any Particular Case: topoi/topics, specific material The means of persuasion: ethos, pathos, logos (artistic) | laws, contracts, witnesses (inartistic) Topical Invention 1. 2. Topoi/Specific Material: Ethos character of audience Pathos Emotions 3 genres Political (deliberative), Forensic (judicial), Ceremonial (epideictic/cultural) Universal Common Topoi: Past/Future Possible/Impossible More/Less
3. 28 Lines of Reasoning No material content, but STRUCTURES Logos: pure reason, nothing to say about topoi structure, arbiter of rhetoric, the WAY, reason, rationality Modes of Persuasion: o You have to know your audience in order to know which approach to use Enthymeme Example Maxim
Aristotle IDs Rhetorical Theory Syllogism A faculty of observing any particular case the available means of persuasion Belongs to no definite science Means of Persuasion: Ethos Pathos Logos An argument in which one premise is not particularly stated Mode of persuasion Logos emphasizes rationality Based on 1) Probabilities, 2) Examples, 3) Infallible Signs, 4) Ordinary Signs, A form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two premises, each of which shares a common term with the conclusion, and the middle term is not present in conclusion If A is B, then B is C, therefore A is C A type of enthymeme Mode of persuasion Logos emphasizes rationality Something that illustrates a general rule Mode of persuasion Logos emphasizes rationality A short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or role of conduct Mode of persuasion Logos emphasizes rationality Appropriate only to elderly men Topics Something on which you speak about in rhetoric The art of discussing/investigating the truth of opinions Rhetoric is the counterpart to Dialectic Ethos character of audience Pathos Emotions
Artistic Proofs
3 genres Political (deliberative), Forensic (judicial), Ceremonial (epideitic/cultural) correlations a fortiori considerations of time defining terms various senses of a word induction rational correspondence cause/effect Enthymemes based on probabilities are those which argue from what is, or supposed to be, usually true Use in defense, rather than accusation to gain advantage The use of pathos serves as a kind of agent to obedience Once correct emotion is stirred upon audience, they almost immediately obey the speaker Persuading a judge by stirring him to anger (relying too much on pathos) would be like using a crooked ruler. Especially in the case of law where the legislators have made the laws and the facts either make it so or not so.
28 Lines of Reasoning
Probabilities (235)