Adrenal, Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Adrenal, Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Adrenal, Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
secretion: 1. Zona reticularis 2. Medulla ". Zona fasciculata &. Zona glomerulosa '. $he th(roid follicular epithelial cells A) B) C) ) #) s(nthesi)e and secrete calcitonin can *rea+ down th(roglo*ulin to release active th(roid hormones ,$" and $&) are controlled *( $-% from the h(pothalamus All of the a*ove are true. !one of the a*ove is true. A) Cortisone B) Aldosterone C) Androgens ) !orepinephrine #) AC$%
.. $he parath(roid glands A) B) C) ) #) contain o/(phil cells which are the main hormone secretors secrete calcitonin in response to low serum calcium ma( develop *enign tumors which can lead to *one destruction B and C are true. !one of the a*ove is true.
0. $he histological appearance of the th(roid gland *eing stimulated *( $-% would show which of the following1 A) ecreased num*ers of follicular cells B) 2ncreased num*ers of parafollicular cells C) ecreased num*ers of parafollicular capillaries ) An a*undance of colloid in the lumen of the follicle #) Columnar3shaped follicular cells with microvilli and c(toplasmic droplets
4or each of the following ph(siologic effects5 select the hormone that e/erts that effect. 6. 7owers *lood calcium levels *( inhi*iting *one resorption 9. %elps to regulate *od( temperature 1:. Acts to stimulate calcium mo*ili)ation from *one 11. Acts to increase *lood pressure A) $riiodoth(ronine ,$") B) Androgens C) 8arath(roid hormone ) Aldosterone #) Calcitonin