Linux PPT
Linux PPT
Linux PPT
Softsmith Infotech
Operating System
A program or a software that governs the functioning of other programs Interface between User and the Hardware Allocates resources for tasks Allocates tasks to programs Manages space and time Controls the devices
Softsmith Infotech
Single User Multi User
Uni processing Multi processing
Softsmith Infotech
Free Open Source Software
Core or nucleus of an operating system Interacts with the hardware First program to get loaded when the system starts and runs till the session gets terminated Different from BIOS which is hardware dependent. Kernel is software dependent
Softsmith Infotech
Kernel types
All OS related code are stuffed in a single module Available as a single file Advantage : Faster functioning
OS components are isolated and run in their own address space Device drivers, programs and system services run outside kernel memory space Supports modularity Lesser in size
Softsmith Infotech
Program that interacts with kernel Bridge between kernel and the user Command interpreter User can type command and the command is conveyed to the kernel and it will be executed
Softsmith Infotech
Types of Shell
Sh simple shell BASH Bourne Again Shell KSH Korne Shell CSH C Shell SSH Secure Shell To use a particular shell type the shell name at the command prompt. Eg $csh will switch the current shell to c shell To view the available shells in the system, type cat /etc/shells at the command prompt To view the current shell that is being used, type echo $SHELL at the command prompt
Softsmith Infotech
Termed by Richard Mathew Stallman Liberates information from the proprietary legal encumbrances associated with conventional copyright Copyleft statement:
Verbatim copying and redistribution are permitted in any medium provided this notice is preserved.
Softsmith Infotech
Multics 1964
Multiplexed Information and Computing Service Written in 1964 Timesharing OS Last version was shut down on October 30, 2008 Monolithic kernel
Softsmith Infotech
Uniplexed Information and Computing System Later renamed as UNIX Written in 1969 Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie were among the developers Multi user, Multi tasking and timesharing Monolithic kernel
Softsmith Infotech
Minimal Unix Tanenbaum developed this OS Mainly for educational purpose Unix like OS, implemented with Micro kernel. So the name Minix
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Developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds Used in most of the computers, ranging from super computers to embedded system Multi user Multi tasking Time sharing Monolithic kernel Latest stable version of linux kernel 2.6.28, released on 24-Dec-2008
Softsmith Infotech
Softsmith Infotech
Operating System
User 1
User 2
Softsmith Infotech
Linux OS
Softsmith Infotech
Linux Distributions
Redhat Fedora Debian Novells SUSE Linux Ubuntu Mandrake Live CDs Knoppix and more
Softsmith Infotech
Only the kernel is called by the name Linux The rest are the tools developed under GNU Project Hence the name GNU/Linux
Softsmith Infotech
Text editors
Vi Emacs gEdit kWrite TextPad And more
Softsmith Infotech
First Open source browser Released from Netscape group
High performance, feature rich, standards based web browser
Sea Monkey
Integrated web application suite derived from the mozilla source code
Softsmith Infotech
cd Change directory
cd dirpath
cp Copying files
cp file1 file2
ln src dst
Contents of src will be present in dst Changing content in src or dst will get reflected in the other file
Softsmith Infotech
Help about commands man, pinfo, info (man <<cmd name>>) Viewing files content cat <<filename>> Viewing users, processes who List all Users who am I List the current user pstree displays all processes running in the system in tree format ps displays processes owned by the current user Changing file permission/owner chmod changes file permission chown changes file owner
Softsmith Infotech
Terminal Emulator
xterm Generates a terminal xterm fg color bg color rightbar : Generates a terminal with the specified background and foreground color and a scroll bar on the right side
Softsmith Infotech
VI Editor
Popular text editor Just type vi <<filename>> at the prompt and hit the enter key. A new file will be opened Type the contents needed and save To save, press the Esc Key and then press : (colon) w q and then enter To quit with out saving Esc + : + q and then enter
Softsmith Infotech
Vi editor
Navigation Left -h Down -j Up -k Right -l Top of the screen H (shift + h) //caps lock will not work Middle of the screen M (shift + m) Bottom of the screen L (shift + l) $ - End Key, 0 Home Key Edit Commands Cut X, x Copy yy, yw Paste P, p
Softsmith Infotech
Pattern matching
grep GNU Regular Expression Processor Finds the words / patterns matching with the search and displays the line containing the patterns. Search is limited to a file
Softsmith Infotech
Softsmith Infotech
C Program in Linux
Open a file with extension .c from the command prompt using vi editor vi hello.c Type the contents and save (Esc : wq!) Compile the file gcc hello.c Run the executable ./a.out Compile file with output option gcc o hello hello.c Run the executable ./hello
Softsmith Infotech
Shell Scripting
Shell scripting is the most useful and powerful feature in Linux
Minimizes typing of repetitive command Can schedule jobs to run in the system Can initiate back up activities for system administration Similar to batch files in DOS, but more powerful than Batch files
Softsmith Infotech
Shell Scripts
To Print a line
echo Hello World (Prints Hello World in the screen)
To read a line
read n (Stores the content entered by user in variable n
To Comment a line
# This is a comment Only single line comment is available. For multi line comment, we need to use # symbol in lines which we want to comment.
Softsmith Infotech
For loop
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 //Loops 5 times do Body of the loop done for (( i=0; i<5; i++ )) do Body of the loop done
Softsmith Infotech
While Loop
while [ condn ] do body of the loop done We need to ensure that the while loop condition is terminated in a finite way
Softsmith Infotech
We can have if, if else, if elif else and case statements (Nested if statements are also possible
1. if [ condn ] then fi 2. if [ condn ] then else fi 3. if [ condn ] then elif [ condn ] then else fi
Softsmith Infotech
Conditions (Case)
case expr in Option1) stmt ;; Option2) stmt ;; *) stmt ;; esac Every option should be terminated with a double semicolon. Denotes default case Case should be termniated with esac
Softsmith Infotech
For integer comparison we have the following
-eq -ne -lt -gt -le -ge : equal to : not equal to : less than : greater than : less than or equal to : greater than or equal to
Softsmith Infotech
For string comparison we have
- = - ~= : equal to : not equal to
Softsmith Infotech
Initialising an array
A[0] = 10 A[1] = Hi
Using an array
${A[0]} : retrieves 10
Here arrays can contain data belonging to different data types Uninitialised index in arrays will have null value by default
Softsmith Infotech
Local Function
Written at the command prompt Lasts for the current session alone
Global Function
Written in .bashrc file Available as long as the definition is there in .bashrc file
Sample function
Functionname() { echo $1 } Calling function: Functionname Ram Result: Ram
Softsmith Infotech
Environment variables
We can view the environment variables through set or env command The set command will display all the global functions written by the user The env command displays only the variables and not the functions We can reassign values for the variables either temporarily or permanently
Type varname=value at the command prompt
Type varname=value in .bashrc at the root directory
Softsmith Infotech
Alias Alternate name for an entity Entity here refers to command We can give another name or alias name for a command either at the command prompt or in the .bashrc file. The former will be temporary and will vanish if the session ends and the latter will be permanent as long as the definition exists in the .bashrc file
Softsmith Infotech