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Class 12 English (Summary Only), The Hum of Insects, Sympathy, Survivors.

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Sympathy:Paul Laurence Dunbar was an African American poet of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who

lived through slavery, racism and segregation. So this poem is considered to be an extended metaphor where through out the entire poem Dunbar is comparing himself and all African Americans at that time with a caged bird that does not have the freedom to enjoy the nature and does not have the freedom to fly like all other birds meaning white people at that time. The poet starts the poem with a sentence that is very direct and describes his feelings from the beginning which is "I know what the caged bird feels, alas", the word alas is an expression of the grief and sadness the poet is going through. "When the sun is bright on the upland slopes, when the wind stirs soft through the springing grass" here the poet uses alliteration twice using the letters w and s. "And the river flows like a stream of glass" the poet uses a figure of speech which is a simile to compare the river with glass, the purpose of this simile is to enhance the beauty of river stream by comparing it with glass that is to say that both are calm and clear. "When the first bird sings and the first bud opes, and the faint perfume from its chalice steals" here Dunbar is describing the nature around the caged bird in more details by specifying the season as spring, which we realized from the birth of a new bird and the birth of flowers which are all signs of the beautiful season. A metaphor is also used here which is comparing the smell of the bud or flower with a chalice, a chalice is metal drinking cup that is used by Christians to serve wine in church, so that is to compare the soft and pale smell of the new flower with the metal cup. Then he ends the verse by the repeat ion of "I Know what the caged bird feels" to emphasize on how they are both the same. Then he starts to describe the physical battle the bird is going through after seeing the beautiful nature around him. "I know why the caged bird beats his wing, till its blood is red on the cruel bars, " here I believe that the poet is using sight imagery and a rather painful one by describing the bars of the cage covered with the bird's red blood, which is to describe the intensity of the struggle the bird is going through to be free. "For he must fly back to his perch and cling, when he fain would be on the bough a-swing" here the poet is describing why he must get out. The bird must fly back to where he belongs to the tree branch and stick there, where he will be happy and pleased that he will start swinging on the branch. "And a pain still throbs in the old, old scars, and they pulse again with a keener sting, I know why he beats his wing!" here the poet tells us that it was not the first time the he beat his wings against the bars in a very touching description, because there is pain that pounds in his old scares and every time they pulse again with a sharper and stronger sting. Which makes the bird remember how long he has been wanting and struggling to be free of his cage. "I know why the caged bird sings, ah me," after the poet described for us how the bird feels from everything around him and why he beats his wings to get out and now he will tell us why the caged bird is still singing. "When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore, When he beats his bars and he would be free" the poet uses another two alliterations here with the letters w and b, which he used to make the reader pay more attention to what the bird is going through and the fact his wing is bruised and his bosom or chest is sore of beating the bars.

"It is not a carol of joy or glee, but a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core, but a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings I know why the caged bird sings". Here the poet is comparing between the normal bird of spring and the caged bird. The normal bird would usually be singing happily and enjoying the nature around him. A metaphor is used to describe the imprisoned bird which is comparing him with a human being that prays and unlike every other bird he does not sing he prays from his heart and requests for freedom and this metaphor is used to show how strongly the bird feels about wanting and needing his freedom.

Survivors No doubt theyll soon get well; the shock and strain Have caused their stammering, disconnected talk. Of course theyre longing to go out again, !hese boys with old, scared faces, learning to walk. !heyll soon forget their haunted nights; their cowed Sub"ection to the ghosts of friends who died, !heir dreams that dri# with murder; and theyll be #roud Of glorious war that shatterd all their #ride... $en who went out to battle, grim and glad; %hildren, with eyes that hate you, broken and mad. %raiglockart. October, &'&(. Siegfried Sassoon !he #oet, Sassoon, e)#lores the effect of war on soldiers and indirectly critici*es the non+combatants com#lacent attitude towards war. He does this effectively using an underlying ironic tone in the #oem by making statements ,necessarily a non+combatants statements i.e. the common #eo#le or a #oliticians- that seem to reassure the reader that the wounded and shell+shocked soldiers will be fine and that war is glorious, but immediately follows such statements with a gra#hic #resentation of the #hysical and mental scars that war creates. !his "olts the readers reassurance and makes the #oem doubly effective. !he #oem is also #owerful because it is auto+biogra#hical. .t was written while the #oet was recovering from shell+shock at %raiglockhart Hos#ital. !he #oem begins by giving the reader the misleading ho#e that the shell+shocked soldiers would surely recover ,the view of the non+combatant- and breaks this ho#e when he describes how the shock and strain of war have caused these soldiers to stammer and to talk incoherently. .t would take them a long time to recover from this and not soon. /gain the statement that they are longing to go out again and fight ,statement of #oliticians, #robably- makes us imagine that the soldiers are raring to go out to the war front again and fight. !his is again negated by describing the soldiers faces as old and scared showing how war makes these courageous men old before their time and afraid. /lso the words they are learning to walk could literally mean recovering #hysically from battle wounds or meta#horically mean getting back to normal life recovering from the #sychological scars that they have received. Once again the reassuring statement that they will soon forget their haunted nights is contradicted by stating what haunts them in their slee#. !heir slee# is filled with nightmares of the ghosts of friends who died in battle and the scenes of killing and blood in the battlefield. 0hen they are haunted by these how can they ever soon forget anything1 2inally, the #oet is ironic when he says that the soldiers will be #roud of glorious war which not only shattered their #ride in fighting for their country but shattered their individual selves. !he last two lines convey the total effect of war, that is, it turns men who went to war, glad and serious about fighting for their country, returning reduced to the level of hel#less children. !hey are com#letely broken #sychologically and almost insane. !hey are also filled with hatred for the su##orters of war

namely, the #oliticians and the non+combatants. !hus, using irony, the #oem #oignantly e)#oses the sham of war and its effects on the combatants. Title: The Hum Of Insects

It makes all the difference whether you hear an insect in the bedroom or in the garden. In the garden the voice of the insect soothes; in the bedroom it irritates. In the garden it is the hum of spring; in the bedroom it seems to belong to the same school of music as the bizz of the dentist s drill or the saw!mill. It may be that it is not the right sort of insect that invades the bedroom. "ven in the garden we wave away a mos#uito. "ither its note is in itself offensive or we dislike it as the voice of an unscrupulous enemy. $y an unscrupulous enemy I mean an enemy that attacks without waiting to be attacked. The mos#uito is a beast of prey; it is out for blood% whether one is as gentle as Tom &inch or uses violence. The bee and the wasp are in comparison noble creatures. They will% so it is said% never in'ure a human being unless a human being has in'ured them. The worst of it is they do not discriminate between one human being and another% and the bee that floats over the wall into our garden may turn out to have been e(asperated by the behaviour of a retired policeman five miles away who struck at it with a spade and roused in it a blind passion for reprisals. That or something like it is% probably% the e(planation of the stings perfectly innocent persons receive from an insect that is said never to touch you if you leave it alone. )s a matter of fact% when a bee loses its head% it does not even wait for a human being in order to relieve its feelings% I have seen a dog racing round a field in terror as a result of a sting from an angry bee. I have seen a turkey racing round a farmyard in terror as a result of the same thing. )ll the trouble arose from a human being s having very properly removed a large #uantity of honey from a row of hives. I do not admit that the bee would have been 'ustified in stinging even the human being!!who% after all% is master on this partially civilised planet. It had certainly no right to sting the dog or the turkey% which had as little to do with stealing the honey as the *ice!+hancellor of O(ford ,niversity. -et in spite of such things% and of the fact that some breeds of bees are notorious for their crossness% especially when there is thunder in the air% the bee is morally far higher in the scale than the mos#uito. .ot only does it give you honey instead of malaria% and help your apples and strawberries to multiply% but it aims at living a #uiet% inoffensive life% at peace with everybody% e(cept when it is annoyed. The mos#uito does what it does in cold blood. That is why it is so unwelcome a bedroom visitor. $ut even a bee or a wasp% I fancy% would seem tedious company at two in the morning% especially if it came and buzzed near the pillow. It is not so much that you would be frightened: if the wasp alighted on your cheek% you could always lie still and hold your breath till it had finished trying to sting!!that is an infallible preventive. $ut there is a limit to the amount of your night s rest that you are willing to sacrifice in this way. -ou cannot hold your breath while you are asleep% and yet you dare not cease holding your breath while a wasp is walking over your face. $esides% it might crawl into your ear% and what would you do then/ 0uckily% the #uestion does not often arise in practice owing to the fact that the wasp and the bee are more like human beings than mos#uitoes and have more or less the same habits of nocturnal rest. )s we sit in the garden% however% the mind is bound to speculate% and to revolve such #uestions as whether this hum of insects that delights us is in itself delightful% whether its delightfulness depends on its surroundings% or whether it depends on its associations with past springs. +ertainly in a garden the noise of insects seems as essentially beautiful a thing as the noise of birds or the noise of the sea. "ven these have been criticised% especially by persons who suffer from sleeplessness% but their beauty is affirmed by the general voice of mankind. These three noises appear to have an infinite capacity for giving us

pleasure!!a capacity% probably% beyond that of any music of instruments. It may be that on hearing them we become a part of some universal music% and that the rhythm of wave% bird and insect echoes in some way the rhythm of our own breath and blood. 1an is in love with life and these are the millionfold chorus of life!!the magnified echo of his own pleasure in being alive. )t the same time% our pleasure in the hum of insects is also% I think% a pleasure of reminiscence. It reminds us of other springs and summers in other gardens. It reminds us of the infinite peace of childhood when on a fine day the world hardly e(isted beyond the garden!gate. 2e can smell moss!roses!!how we loved them as children3!!as a bee swings by. Insect after insect dances through the air% each dying away like a note of music% and we see again the border of pinks and the strawberries% and the garden paths edged with bo(% and the old dilapidated wooden seat under the tree% and an apple!tree in the long grass% and a stream beyond the apple!tree% and all those things that made us infinitely happy as children when we were in the country!! happier than we were ever made by toys% for we do not remember any toys so intensely as we remember the garden and the farm. 2e had the illusion in those days that it was going to last for ever. There was no past or future. There was nothing real e(cept the present in which we lived!!a present in which all the human beings were kind% in which a dim!sighted grandfather sang songs 4especially a song in which the chorus began 56ree and easy57% in which aunts brought us animal biscuits out of town% in which there was neither man!servant nor maid!servant% neither o( nor ass% that did not seem to go about with a bright face. It was a present that overflowed with kindness% though everybody e(cept the o( and the ass believed that it was only by the skin of our teeth that any of us would escape being burnt alive for eternity. &erhaps we thought little enough about it e(cept on 8undays or at prayers. +ertainly no one was gloomy about it before children. 2illiam 9ohn 1c.abb% the huge labourer who looked after the horses% greeted us all as cheerfully as if we had been saved and ready for paradise. It would be unfair to human beings% however% to suggest that they are less lavish with their smiles than they were thirty years or so ago. "verybody!!or almost everybody!!still smiles. 2e can hardly stop to talk to a man in the street without a duet of smiles. The &rince of 2ales smiles across the world from left to right% and the +rown &rince of 9apan smiles across the world from right to left. 2e cannot open an illustrated paper without seeing smiling statesmen% cricketers% 'ockeys% oarsmen% bridegrooms% clergymen% actresses and undergraduates. -et somehow we are no longer made happy by a smile. 2e no longer take it% as we used to take it% as evidence that the person smiling is either happy or kind. It then seemed to come from the heart. It now seems a formula. It is% we may admit% a pleasant and useful formula. $ut a man might easily be a burglar or a murderer or a +abinet 1inister and smile. 8ome people are supposed to smile merely in order to show what good teeth they have. 2illiam 9ohn 1c.abb% I am sure% never did that. 2e need not grumble at our contemporaries% however% for not being so fine as 2illiam 9ohn 1c.abb. To children% for all we know% the world may still seem to be full of people who laugh because they are happy and smile because they are kind. The world will always remain to a child the chief of toys% and the hum of insects as enchanting as the hum of a musical top. "ven those of us who are grown up can recover this enchantment% not only through the pleasures of memory but through the endless pleasures of watching the things that inhabit the earth. The world is always waiting to be discovered in full% and yet no life is long enough to discover the whole of a single county% or even the whole of a single parish. 2ho alive% for instance% knows all the moles of 8usse(/ I confess I got my first sight of one a few days ago% and% though I had seen dead moles hanging from

trees and had read descriptions of moles% the living creature was as une(pected as if one had come on it silent upon a peak in :arien. I had never e(pected it to look so black and glossy in the midday sun or to have that little pink snout that made me think of it as a small underground pig. I had always been told% too% that the sound of a footstep would frighten a mole% but this mole only began to show fright at the sound of voices. Then it began to tear its way into the undergrowth with paws and snout ever trying to overtake each other. 1r $lunden has described how The lost mole tries to pierce the mattocked clay In agony and terror of the sun.

I got much the same impression of agony and terror as this poor creature dug its way into the grass and ferns and% coming out at the far end of the clump% bolted under a tree like a frightened pig. )nd yet% they say% this poor little coward is a fierce animal enough. He is% we are told% impelled by so cruel a hunger that he would die of it were it to go unsatisfied for even twenty!four hours. If he can find nothing else to eat% he will kill and eat a fellow!mole. 8o the authorities tell us% but I wonder how many of the authorities have even seen a mole in the very act of cannibalism. How many of them have followed him on his long 'ourneys through the bowels of the earth/ He certainly looked no 8outh 8ea monster on the 8unday morning on which for a few seconds I watched him. .or would 9ohn +lare have written affectionately about him had he been entirely bloody! minded. Then there was the hedgehog. The charm of hedgehogs is that we do not see them every day!!that their appearance is a secret and an accident. They are a part of the busy life that goes on all about us as mysteriously as the movements of spirits. +onse#uently% when I was looking over a sloping field the other evening and% hearing a crackling as of sticks being trodden on% turned my eyes and saw a living creature making its way out of a wood into the grass% I was delighted to find that it was a hedgehog and not a man or a rat. I could see it only dimly in the twilight% and it was difficult to believe that so small an animal had made so great a noise. The pleasure of recognition% unfortunately% was not mutual. .o sooner did the hedgehog hear a foot pressing on the road than it gave up all thoughts of its supper of insects and hobbled back into the thicket. I regretted only that I had not made a greater noise% and scared it into rolling itself into a ball% as everybody says it does when alarmed. $ut it is perhaps 'ust as well that the hedgehog did not merely repeat itself in this way. 2e like a certain variety of behaviour in animals!!some element of the une(pected that always keeps our curiosity alive and looking forward. $ut we must not e(aggerate the pleasure to be got from moles and hedgehogs. They make a part of our being happy% but they do not delight the whole of our being% as a child is delighted by the world every spring. It is probably the child in us that responds most wholeheartedly to such pleasures. They% like the hum of insects% help to restore the illusion of a world that is perfectly happy because it is such a .oah s )rk of a spectacle and everybody is kind. $ut% even as we submit to the illusion in the garden% we become restive in our deck!chairs and remember the telephone or the daily paper or a letter that has to be written. )nd reality weighs on us% like a hand laid on a top% making an end of the spinning% making an end of the music. The world is no longer a toy dancing round and round. It is a problem% a run!down machine% a stuffy room full of little stabbing creatures that make an irritating noise.

;The end< =obert 0ynd s essay: The Hum Of Insects

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