Beacon2 Idea
Beacon2 Idea
Beacon2 Idea
6230 120th Ave. Ph.# (616) 875-8224 Email [email protected]. Web Site: Mission Statement: To provide a quality, Christ-centered education which will prepare Christians for lives of service.
School Theme: 10 Commandments -This week, Holland Christian students, along with Mr. Mosterd and Justin Dreyer ( a former SOCS student , led our !ha"el. #e were $lessed to worshi" and "raise %od with them. Mr. Mosterd talked with us a$out %od&s "re"aration for the $irth of Jesus Christ. The 'uestion is, ha(e we "re"ared for Christ and are we ready) He wants to $e a "art of our li(es. Thank You -One of our fa(orite times of the year is *Staff +""re!iation Day., On #ednesday we en-oyed a deli!ious $reakfast, a yummy lun!h and awesome sna!ks. S"e!ial thanks to .aren / Jodi for gi(ing of your time / talents to "am"er us. Thank you also for the gift, wra""ing our gifts, and for doing our re!ess duty. #O#0we were truly $lessed with a great day0TH+1. 2O34 Mrs. DeJongh, Mrs. 5yle, Mrs. Sluiter, Mrs. 6eldheer, Miss #estrate, Mrs. De.ruyter, Mrs. .am"s / Mrs. 7nsing SOCS Service Project -8t9s the time of year when SOCS !an $e a $lessing to others. #e will $e !olle!ting s"e!ifi! items for the !ommunity around Dieu$ina, in Haiti. S"e!ifi! items that are needed are: 5ull u"s, dia"ers; si<e new$orn, = / >, wi"es, $a$y?kids sham"oo, 6aseline, $a$y "owder, "owdered milk and indi(idually wra""ed kids sna!ks. #e en!ourage you to take your !hildren with you to "ur!hase some of the a$o(e mentioned items. @et them eA"erien!e the -oy of gi(ing to others. Please have your donations turned in by Dec. 0. Thank you !or blessin" others. Pi"#in#the#blankets -#e will $e making "igs on Monday, De!. =B C B"m. 7(eryone is wel!ome to -oin us4 Promotions $eetin" -+ll are in(ited to -oin the "romotion meeting on Monday, De!. =B C D"m. This is a great time to $rain storm and share your "romotional ideas for SOCS. Ho"e to see you there4 %asketball -Our Cougar9s will $e tra(eling to &amont on Tuesday' Dec. 1(. )ote the date chan"e !or the &amont *ame. %+S,-T%+&& Practice: %oys: De!. =B / =E Jan. >, B, E, =F, =G, >H, >> / >F *irls: De!. =B, =E / >H Jan. >, B, E, =F, =G, >= / >F T./P )e0s -Ior those who ordered De!. == you !an "i!k-u" on De!. =E. #e will resume TJ85 orders on January E, >H=K. $erry Christmas Parents -8n all of your Christmas "lanning, "lease don9t forget our tea!hers and wonderful staff at South Oli(e Christian S!hool4 5lease try to ha(e your Christmas gifts into the offi!e $y De!em$er =B. Thank you again for $eing wonderful su""orters of this wonderful s!hool. +ny 'uestions "lease feel free to !onta!t Sta!ey Cam"ins C GBB.BB=> or email s-!am"insCgmail.!om. Snacks !or Dieubina -Our middle s!hool students will $e selling sna!k items tomorrow, Iriday, De!. =F for .>G !ents ea!h, and the "ro!eeds will go toward the su""ort of Dieu$ina. #e ha(e raised L=KK.ME so far this year.
A Look Ahead December 16-Pig-in-the-blankets Promotions Mtg. 7pm Board Mtg. 8pm 19-Christmas Program 23-Christmas Break begins January 2-Classes Resume NO Bussing 3-NO Bussing 6-Preschool Resumes 7-Three-school Resumes 11-Alumni Basketball Game 17-NO SCHOOL 27-School OPEN HOUSE Board Meeting
Sports-Basketball December 17-@ Lamont (NOTE: date change) January 7-Boys scrimmage home vs Holland Waves 9-home vs. Lamont 14-home vs. New Era 16-home vs Grant 25 -Tournament
Christmas Pro"ram -Our Christmas "rogram will in!lude all the SOCS students, three-s!hool through Eth grade, and will $e at (1m on Thursday' December 12. 7a!h SOCS family (in!luding our three?"re s!hool families is asked to !ontri$ute something for the refreshments that are ser(ed after the "rogram. 5lease $ring your !ontri$utions to the kit!hen $efore the "rogram. Thank you4 3amilies: +4& 1lease brin" 1 "allon o! juice 3amilies: $45 1lease brin" 1617 do8en cookies91:; #e ask that students do not wear $lue -eans or tennis shoes for the "rogram. <ot &unch -#e will )OT $e offering hot lun!h on Iriday, De!em$er >H. Jemem$er to $ring your own lun!h. /t=s /cicle Time -5lease remind your !hildren to never attem1t to 1ull do0n icicles or throw anything at them in ho"es of getting them down. #e think $a!k to Ie$ruary of last year when our own .ale$ .am"s "ulled an i!i!le and it hit him in the head0!ra!king it o"en. +fter surgery to "ut in M "lates and >E stit!hes, and his interesting hair !ut, he was $lessed with a full re!o(ery. 5lease talk a$out the im"ortan!e of this with your !hildren. Thank you4 SOCS !amily> How are you doing with your "rayer !ards) Jemem$er those !ards you re!ei(ed at the $eginning of the year) The s!hool, staff, students, and $oard need your faithful "rayers so thank you for !ontinuing to "resent your "rayers and "etitions to the @ord4 *Do not $e anAious a$out anything, $ut in e(erything, $y "rayer and "etition, with thanksgi(ing, "resent your re'uests to %od., 5hili""ians K:B Candy Sales -#orld9s Iinest Cho!olates are a(aila$le in the s!hool offi!e. (%reat sto!king stuffers. Class Christmas Party43riday' Dec. 0 -#e will $e ha(ing a full day of s!hool on Iriday, De!. >H, $ut we are going to $e a little $a!kwards4 #e will $e doing the afternoon !lass in the morning, and the morning (home room !lass will $e in the afternoon. That means you will ha(e your Christmas "arty with your home room !lass in the afternoon. +ny 'uestions, "lease ask your home room tea!her. Thanks4 Christmas %reak -#e will en-oy our Christmas $reak from De!. >F through Jan. =. Classes resume on Jan. > at E:KGam. 8f we will $e !losed or delayed for in!lement weather on Jan. > or F it will $e "osted on #ood T6 !hannel E / #HTC =K.GHam under South Oli(e Christian S!hool. (#est Ottawa does not ha(e s!hool on these days. %usin" ?1date: @an. 6 A4)O %us O1en <ouse Scheduled -On Monday, Jan. >D, >H=K South Oli(e Christian S!hool will ha(e an +ll S!hool O"en House from B:FH-D:FH"m. 8t9s a night to meet the tea!hers, tour our fa!ilities, and a !han!e to win a L=HH tuition (ou!her4 #e wel!ome grades three-s!hool through Eth grade to !ome and !he!k us out. 5lease "ut the date on your !alendar and in(ite others to -oin you. .adio +dvertisin" -Tune in to #JN-MM.F IM $etween B:FH / E:FHam on Tuesday and Thursday and you should hear some of our students and "arents "romoting our s!hool. 2ou will also en-oy hearing our ads G different times on Sunday. Yard Si"ns Still +vailable -Hel" us "romote our s!hool $y "i!king u" a South Oli(e Christian S!hool yard sign to dis"lay in your yard. Sto" in the offi!e or !all 5hyllis to get your sign today4 #e also ha(e SOCS Bindo0 Decals that !an $e "i!ked u" from 5hyllis. /nclement Beather -8f #est Ottawa S!hools are !losed, so are we. (2ou might not see our s!hool name listed se"arately on T6. /! there is a t0o hour delay there 0ill be )O three#school or 1reschool. %oC To1s / Cam1bell=s Sou1 &abels ##hat a great fundraiser for the s!hool. There is a $asket in the offi!e you !an -ust dro" them in at your !on(enien!e. Thank you for "arti!i"ating4 Cam1bell=s Sou1 &abels -5lease !ontinue to sa(e your la$els for Cam"$ell9s "rodu!ts and turn them into the offi!e when !on(enient. These are great ways to get free items for our s!hool. Thank you4
+TT): SOCS +lumni %asketball Players #S+D- T<- D+T-...don=t miss this one> Saturday' @anuary 11' 01E' (1m Co#ed +lumni
%asketball *ame> South Olive Christian Cou"ars 9*O' %&?->; vs. %orculo Christian %obcats 9*O' *.--)>; F %CS> -mail or call the school o!!ice i! you 0ould like to si"n u1 to 1lay. 5lease in!lude your "hone / email as well as your date of $irth.