Category: 4 3 2 1 Preparedness

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SolidWorks Presentation Rubric: “Who uses Solidworks?


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Preparedness Group is completely Group seems pretty The Group is Group does not seem
prepared with their prepared. somewhat prepared. prepared.
Power Point

Vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses several (5 or

appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the more) words or
audience. Extends audience. Includes 1- audience. Does not phrases that are not
audience vocabulary 2 words that might include any understood by the
by defining 3 words be new to most of vocabulary that audience.
that might be new to the audience, but might be new to the
most of the audience. does not define audience.
Comprehension Group is able to Group is able to Group is able to Group is unable to
accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer a accurately answer
almost all questions most questions few questions posed questions posed by
posed by classmates posed by classmates by classmates about classmates about the
about the style. about the style. the style. style.

Listens to Other Listens intently. Does Listens intently. Does n/a Sometimes does not
Presentations not make distracting not make distracting appear to be listening
noises or noises or is distracting.
movements. movements.
Asks 1 good

Images Has at least 10 Has at least 7 Has at least 5 Does not have
example pictures example pictures.. examples. pictures
included in the


A perfect score for this presentation is 60 points. 5 Bonus Points are available if you
WOW me.

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