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Lesson Observation 2

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Lesson Observation Form EDUC 329/429 (Secondary) This form should be completed by the student while observing lessons

implemented by other teachers at the clinical site.

Date of Lesson: 10/24/13 Area ! "o# did t$e teac$er% a start the lesson! Class dis"#ssion that "overed the $revio#s day%s "ontent and a brief introd#"tion into the "ontent the "lass &orld "over on this day b tie it to $revio#s learnin'! (evol#tions and ho& $ast events infl#en"ed the) *his had the st#dents "onsider $rior events so that they "o#ld better #nderstand &hy "ertain revol#tions &ere ta+in' $la"e " aro#se st#dent interest! ,o"ab#lary a"tivity that allo&ed st#dents to &or+ in s)all 'ro#$s Area ! "o# did t$e teac$er ma&e t$e '(r'ose and re)evance o* t$e )esson a''arent+ /y eli"itin' rea"tions fro) st#dents! ---.--Class Observed: 7th Grade World History

*hro#'h dire"t tea"her state)ents! --.--

other 0s$e"ify1 ---------------------------------------------------------------Area ----! ,$at 'roced(res #ere incor'orated into t$e body o* t$e )esson+ --.-- Dis"#ssion -----De)onstration --.-- 3t#dent 4"tivities 4#diovis#al 5resentation --.-- variety of 'ro#$in's ------ other: 0identify1

--.-- Le"t#re 2 &hole 'ro#$

,$at s'eci*ic activities #ere 'artic()ar)y e**ective or en-a-in- . describe brie*)y/ 3t#dents $arti"i$ated in an a"tivity in &hi"h they )ade a *ablea# D#e to these st#dents bein' in the 4C*3 $ro'ra)6 &hi"h allo&s tea"hers to fo"#s on the arts6 they en7oyed this a"tivity be"a#se they 'ot to "reate a s+it that re$resented a vo"ab#lary &ord Area 0! ,$at materia)s #ere (sed in t$e co(rse o* t$e )esson+ --.-- te8t or boo+s ----- )ani$#latives ----- s#$$le)entary )aterials --.-- ill#strations ----- &hiteboard ----- a#dio/D,D/video ---- 'ra$hi" or'ani9er ----- "al"#lators

----- other 0s$e"ify1: ---------------------------------------------------------,$at s'eci*ic materia)s #ere 'artic()ar)y e**ective or en-a-in- . describe brie*)y/ *here &ere little to no )aterials6 fro) )y $ers$e"tive6 &hi"h "o#ld be "onsidered en'a'in' :aterials &ere #sed )erely as a so#r"e of infor)ation that the st#dents "o#ld dra& fro) Area 0! Did $e/s$e re)ate t$e s(b1ect matter to ot$er content t$e st(dents $ad st(died2 to c(rrent events2 or to st(dents3 'ersona) interests+ * so2 $o# #as t$is accom')is$ed+ 4ll "ontent &as related ba"+ to $revio#s infor)ation that &as "overed in "lass (evol#tions6 at this $oint the ;ren"h (evol#tion6 &ere +ey to$i"s and &ere related to one another *he tea"her "onstantly had the st#dents re)ind the)selves of (enaissan"e ideals

,$at s'eci*ic activities #ere 'artic()ar)y e**ective or en-a-in- . describe brie*)y/ *he tablea# a"tivity the st#dents $arti"i$ated in &as e8tre)ely en'a'in' 4ll the st#dents loved the a"tivity and $arti"i$ated *his &as obvio#s by the la#'hter6 "onstant intera"tion a)on'st the st#dents6 and the enth#sias) the st#dents sho&ed &hile a"tin' o#t their s+its Area 0 ! ,$at 'rovisions or accommodations #ere made *or individ(a) di**erences+ --.-- s)all 'ro#$ &or+ -----Other 0s$e"ify1: ,$at s'eci*ica))y did t$e teac$er do t$at #as 'artic()ar)y e**ective. describe brie*)y/ *he tea"her allo&ed the st#dents to $i"+ their o&n 'ro#$s and )ade s#re that no 'ro#$ $i"+ed the sa)e vo"ab#lary &ord to a"t o#t *his )ade s#re that ea"h s+it that &as a"ted o#t &o#ld be benefi"ial to the st#dents and the "hoosin' of 'ro#$s by the st#dents ens#red that the st#dents &o#ld &or+ to'ether in their 'ro#$s Area 0 ! ,$at 'ositive be$aviora) s(''ort tec$ni4(es did t$e teac$er (se+ 5rie*)y describe t$em/ /y havin' the st#dents &or+ in 'ro#$s6 the tea"her )ade s#re that the st#dents "o#ld &or+ on their "oo$eration s+ills 4lso6 &hen the st#dents finished a"tin' o#t their s+its6 the st#dents had to '#ess &hat vo"ab#lary &ord &as a"ted o#t Ho&ever6 the tea"her did not sele"t the st#dents6 the 'ro#$ did *his 'ave the) the res$onsibility of +ee$in' the "lass <#iet to listen to the '#ess Area 0 ! "o# did t$e teac$er3s 'ersona) 4(a)ities assist to advance t$e )esson+ --.-- dis$layed no distra"tin' )anneris)s --.-- #sed "orre"t oral lan'#a'e ----- individ#ali9ed assi'n)ents ----- differentiated )aterials

--.-- dressed a$$ro$riately

--.-- #sed "orre"t &ritten lan'#a'e --.-- #sed a$$ro$riate voi"e 0vol#)e and $it"h1 5rie*)y describe t$e attit(des and dis'ositions t$e teac$er dis')ayed t$at a**ected st(dent 'er*ormance/ *he tea"her &as as interested in the s+its as the tea"her 3he &as very en"o#ra'in' and atte)$ted to '#ess the vo"ab#lary &ord that &as bein' a"ted o#t Area 6! "o# did t$e teac$er end t$e )esson+ a --.-- s#))ari9ed the day%s learnin' b ----- assi'ned ho)e&or+ =f so6 s$e"ify the +ind of assi'n)ent: " other 0s$e"ify1: Area 6! ,$at eva)(ation tec$ni4(es did t$e teac$er (se d(rin- t$e )esson+ --.-- oral <#estions ----- &ritten <#estions --.-- observations of st#dents% verbal res$onses -----other 0s$e"ify1: --.-- observation of st#dents% a$$li"ation s+ills

>D?C 32@/42@/:"Aen9ie/2012

Area 6 ! S(mmary Comments! =dentify at least 3 as$e"ts of the lesson observation that "ontrib#ted to "reatin' a $ositive6 safe at)os$here learnin' environ)ent that a"tively en'a'ed the st#dents 1 *he tea"her en"o#ra'ed the st#dents to be orderly and "onsiderate of other 'ro#$s that &ere &or+in' on their s+its 2 D#rin' other $ortions of the lesson6 the tea"her )ade s#re the st#dents &ere "onsiderate of others by havin' the) raise their hands $rior to as+in'/ans&erin' a <#estion 3 3t#dents that ans&ered <#estions6 &hether they &ere ri'ht or &ron'6 &ere 'iven $ositive reinfor"e)ent for ta+in' the initiative to ans&er a <#estion

>D?C 32@/42@/:"Aen9ie/2012

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