Nr310501 Interfacing Through Microprocessors Set1
Nr310501 Interfacing Through Microprocessors Set1
Nr310501 Interfacing Through Microprocessors Set1
1. (a) With a neat block diagram explain the architecture of 8086 processor.
(b) Explain why memory is segmented in 8086 and also explain how memory is
addressed using segmentation. [10+6]
2. (a) Develop an 8086 assembly language program to copy a block of data from
memory location MEMA to MEMB.
(b) Develop an 8086 assembly language program to sort a given set of 16-bit
unsigned integers into ascending order using insertion sort technique. [8+8]
3. (a) Write a procedure which produces a delay of 3.33 ms when run on a 8086 with
a 5-MHz clock.
(b) Write a main program which uses the above delay procedure to output a square
wave on bit D0 of port FFFAH. [8+8]
4. An 8086 system with 8255 interfaced at port A address F0H, as a block of 100
data bytes Stored in it. Another 8086 system with another 8255 interface at port
A address 80H has another block of 100 data bytes stored in it. Interchange this
blocks of data bytes between the two 8086 systems. Draw the necessary hardware
scheme and write the necessary sequence of instructions. Both systems run on the
same clock rate. [16]
5. Draw internal architecture of 8257 DMA controller, and explain its programming
features. [16]
7. (a) Explain the working principle of a shaft encoder and give two applications.
(b) Explain how Stepper Motor controller can be connected to Microprocessor.
8. (a) A terminal is transmitting asynchronous serial data at 1200 Bd. What is the
bit time? Assuming 8 data bits, a parity bit and 1 stop bit, How long does it
take to transmit one character?
(b) Draw the flow chart showing how asynchronous serial data can be sent from
a port line using a software routine.
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Code No: NR310501 NR
(c) Why are the two ground pins on an RS-232C connector not just jumpered
together? [7+7+2]
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