HP Envy X2-G001TU Convertible Tablet: Product Q&A
HP Envy X2-G001TU Convertible Tablet: Product Q&A
HP Envy X2-G001TU Convertible Tablet: Product Q&A
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*S+ and Si, -%e&tion
Can yo% tell ,e .o) ,any *S+ &lot& t.e /eyboard .a&0
1oe& t.e tablet ta/e a &i, card #li/e t.e ipad' to connect to t.e internet ).en not in ran2e o3 )irele&& internet0 4 ,ont.&5 4 )ee/& a2o
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Tea! 'e!ber 8.i& ,odel .a& 2 x *S+ 2"0 &lot&" +ot. are 9&leep:and:c.ar2e; port& t.at )ill c.ar2e device& ).en t.e X2 i& t%rned o33 or even ).en t.e tablet i& detac.ed and t.ey /eyboard i& on it& o)n" Great 3or c.ar2in2 ot.er device& in yo%r ba2" 8.e tablet doe& not ta/e a &i, card5 b%t a& it;& a 3%ll blo)n <indo)& brand o3 )irele&& broadband &tic/ )ill )or/ 3ine" 4 ,ont.&5 4 )ee/& a2o
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