2nd and 3rd Compare

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Benitez 1 Victor Benitez Camargo, Jessica English 1101 October 2December 10, 2013 Reflection: Writing and its

Motivation Towards Myself 2.0 Upon reaching my second draft of Writing and its Motivation towards Myself, I have come to understand that I am a sort of writing repeater. I have found that I reiterate certain topics and certain words throughout my writings. The only explanation I can come up for that is that I need to repeat these things so that I myself may understand what I am trying to point out. To be specific enough, I believe what I need improvement on is my way of presenting topics. When I presented my main point in my first draft it lacked the anticipation towards its revealing and also it didnt carry out the full message I thought it would. So, presenting my topics better would be ideal As of right now my only goals for the next draft are to extend my page length and to better relate the paragraphs so that they go in a logical path. I believe the readers will better understand my memoir this way. I dont really plan on making anything else for this assignment, but I will be working on my webpage more often now. Overall I feel good about this second draft. In my new additions I feel that it is becoming more structured as a paper and less lacking in information and grammar. I feel very confident that it will all turn out the way I want it too. My only concern, now, is that I wont write down everything I want to write down. The method that has aided me most in my paper was peer workshop review. I believe that the unique input of you workshop peers provide very simple insight that allows you to
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Benitez 2 manipulate it into more complex sentences, even paragraphs. I have also looked into post writes, but I havent really implemented it into my paper and how I apply new information in my writing. I believe I have met the goals of the assignment in that I am learning as I write. By writing my memoir about my past experiences with literacies, I see my growth and my gained abilities as a writer. Seeing my growth and elaborating on it is all this assignment is about. I can later on provide my condolences, in my paper, to those who have aided me in becoming the writer I am today Thinking back on the course itself I have come to see that I am acquiring many skills. The form in which we learn is an amazing style. Ms. Camargos form of teaching is very unique. The way she allows us to collaborate with the other students helps me to gain as much insight to better extend my writings. I am provided with many ideas on a daily basis; going back to the Moodle page and rereading past pieces is only one way I am able to gain this information. Ive learned that reading and writing is found in all corners of the globe, you just need to look. It is through this class, and this class alone, that I have come to understand that.

Benitez 3 Looking back at my second reflection for my second draft I can see several new ideas that will come to life in my newest draft. This is really a great thing to know that I will continue to elaborate on my paper and better its potency to get my point across. Reading over all the comments that Ms. Camargo posted on my second draft, I came to the fact that I agreed completely with all the questions she posed and all the tiny fixes I could make. Ms. Camargo asked a few like what? questions throughout which told me that I was not as specific as I had hoped I would have been, so I will make sure to remember that in my third draft. Both my introduction and my conclusion need some working on. Fortunately I now have a few ideas in mind to fix them up. I hope to switch my conclusion and introduction to see how better to write them, and I have questions to ask myself so that I may add them on to either section. I am seeing my third draft as successful draft and I will take the proper steps in making that come true I took my conclusion and intro and tried a swap to view a different route. When I was younger, I had my best reading memories. I used to actually read books and write poetry for fun. I was awarded multiple times in my fourth grade year for having professional written poetry. As the years went by, and as I have stated many times, I fell in my excitement towards reading and writing. I have been picking it back up slowly due to some really awesome classes I take as a freshman currently. My English course is actually inviting and I have fun writing in class and at home. With the idea of reading articles and choosing how we write our papers I get more involved in my writings. Its courses like these that bring out the writer I used to be. Its courses like these that motivate all readers and writers in a proper and simple way. I set a goal for my third draft to be a successful one. I was not too happy with the grade on my second draft, and I am now putting forth more effort to make it successful. Today, in class, I tried

Benitez 4 out the conclusion and intro swap exercise. This exercise was really fun and added almost four new lines to my conclusion and intro, along with taking out two lines. I will see all of the work done in this exercise in my third draft. In a perspective sense I see my third draft being more about specifics and I am going to write it out as a detail oriented paper rather than a big picture style paper where there is a ton of ideas but not as much specifics. I honestly feel like it has potential but I know its lacking in detail, so I am going to push myself to add these things in for a more structured paper.

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Writing and its Motivation Towards Myself 2.0 As I begin to think about all the situations Ive been in throughout my life I start to realize that as a writer I feel obligated to write. I keep coming back to the fact that Ive always been forced to write and never really wanted to do it. I believe, in a general sense, that putting script should be done whenever a person feels like doing it. I am coming to realize that it need to

Benitez 5 be done, it needs to be forced upon you for you to be successful. All I want to be is successful. Practicing literacies is essential so why would I think that it is wrongful of a higher authority to impose such knowledge in school setting. Even writing in a group environment can help out. Ive been realizing that I really do haveWriting wasnt always something I wanted to do. When I was younger I would write for fun. Back in the fourth grade I was in my golden state of writing. My fourth grade portfolio could possibly beat the portfolio Im working on. Throughout my life I developed an apathy towards writing. This was especially bad since becoming successful requires a large load of writing. All I want to be is successful so I have to man up and do it. Working on literacies is very important and I would always push aside my professors and teachers comments towards helping me become a better writer. Recently in my life writing has come back to motivate me in a few ways. Like all other human beings, I strengths and weaknesses most of which are weaknesses, but the knowledge is there. I have found that my strengths are that I can . My strength is being able to write about any topic and come up with some story for that topics relation. I do not really know if this is a strength because I dont practice it. I can also write about nature really well, now I know this might not seem very strong in the literate world but to me it means something. It means that I am not all that lacking when it comes to pencil and paper. Then comes my weaknesses. I cannot read very fast. I am not a quick writer. I dont understand many concepts of writing. I cannotwrite away. I was once asked to write a good short story about a bird who wanted to fly. It only took me 1 hour and I had a four page novel. I dont write on my sparea bird named Fluke who flew. I tend to write about nature on my free time. I dont like to write, and that scares me a little. All in all I know I am not great at , because nature is soothing and calming I lean towards that style and topic of writing, but who is? I just want ideas to be pushed
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Benitez 6 in my head.. I believe that if I could just write about nature and animals I could write all day. With these strength comes my weaknesses. I am a very slow reader, slow writer, and I cant really understand the complexity of certain concepts in writing. I can say that I dont really like to write, and its scary seeing as how my success relies on my writing. Nobody is a perfect writer, so I just hope for motivation to come around. Motivation is real to me, I just need to see it before I can act on it. Most people I know save things to work on them later while I just erase unfinished work. I am one of those people who do not like endings. All I can say is I know I need to change that part in me, I need to start saving things for later like everyone else. Even writing about it provides that little bit of motivation I need to push on to actually do this. Back in middle school, I believe it was my eight grade year, there came a guest speaker who was only speaking to the AVID community. The AVID program stood for Advancement via Individual Determination. It was a program made for college readiness from elementary school all the way through the higher educations. It was designed to proliferate school wide scholarship and showmanship, but I digress. I remember it very slightly, in saying that I mean that I just remember the mans name, where he was from, and what he was teaching. This man was an authentic, educated Iraqi who spoke to us about writing in war (or something like that). His name was Mr. Benny Aldosoke. Writing his name down brings so many memories of the laughs and tears we all had that day whilst he spoke. We all sat in an auditorium and he stood up on stage with his projector and pulled pictures of the lifestyle in Iraq while he spoke of the horrible things our nations were doing to each other. He showed us about nine notebooks full of writing talking about his travels in the war zones and drawings of things he has seen or did not want to see throughout his experience. This man really showed us what it was like to just write.
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Benitez 7 He told us that whenever he feared something would happen he would write about it, and after it had passed or did not happen he would write about that as well. He did this for several years to the point when he stumbled upon a program that came up for him to further his studies, so he took that and came here. This man was so passionate in what he wrote, and that is why I will not forget him. He was a man who did not shoot when he saw someone but he picked up a pencil and his handy dandy notebook and wrote. This really showed me that it is not all that hard to do the same, but rather, it is nothing but simple to echo his skills. Just write, I remember those word as if it were yesterday that he spoke them. When I write I have come to understand that I write about logical and mathematical topics more often than not. Because of my musical background I also write well under the symphonic sounds of music. Although I consider myself an introvert, I am often found to be an extrovert by my friends. Its crazy to think that I speak to a plethora of casual people every day, yet still find myself to be introverted. This all just goes to show myself that I am unsure about where I stand socially. I just wish I could have the ability to stand on stage like Mr. Benny and speak without question. When I do write I tend to write more effectively in a group environment. I figured this out in AVID when I was in middle school. The program always had little activities in which we would solo write and/or group write. I always did my best work in a group. In the group style I see others writing quietly and writing down their thoughts, which provides me with the proper motivation I need to write in peace. I dont even tend to procrastinate as much in this environment. With the group writing in silence I see the need to write more and more. The motivation is there when others are together.

Benitez 8 My best reading experiences were when I was younger., but that doesnt mean that writing motivation wont come back to me. I used to actually read books and write poetry for fun. and I miss that. As I have stated many times I fellmy decline in my excitement towards reading. and writing I have been picking it back up slowly due to some really awesome classes I take as a freshman currently. With allowing us to read articles and choosing how we write our papers I get more involved in my writings. English 1101 is a real motivator, Ms. Camargo really knows how to implant positive thoughts in your mind. I hope to be able to write in any way I can daily.

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