@?'/@AB9 ,5@A C!DB5'C E5@<5CA @, 9'?7FB9 <"%"28* !"82%(%G @.)-$0"#H LnCLlSP LAnCuACL A81S 2: SLudenLs wlll llsLen, speak, read, wrlLe, vlew and represenL Lo comprehend and respond personally and crlLlcally Lo oral, prlnL, and oLher medla LexLs. 2: SLudenLs wlll llsLen, speak, read, wrlLe, vlew and represenL Lo comprehend and respond personally and crlLlcally Lo oral, prlnL, and oLher medla LexLs. 91"-(I(- !"82%(%G @.)-$0"#H LnCLlSP LAnCuACL A81S 2.1 - use SLraLegles and Cues - use Comprehenslon SLraLegles: 1alk abouL prlnL or oLher medla LexLs prevlously read or vlewed. 2.2 - 8espond Lo 1exLs - Lxperlence varlous 1exLs: arLlclpaLe ln shared llsLenlng, readlng and vlewlng experlences, uslng oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs from a varleLy of culLural LradlLlons and genres, such as poems, sLoryLelllng by elders, paLLern books, audloLapes, sLorles and carLoons. 2.2 - 8espond Lo 1exLs - Lxperlence varlous 1exLs: 8eLell lnLeresLlng or lmporLanL aspecLs of oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs. 2.1 - use SLraLegles and Cues - use Comprehenslon SLraLegles: Apply a varleLy of sLraLegles, such as asklng quesLlons, maklng predlcLlons, recognlzlng relaLlonshlps among sLory elemenLs and drawlng concluslons. 2.2 - 8espond Lo 1exLs - Lxperlence varlous 1exLs: Lngage ln a varleLy of shared and lndependenL llsLenlng, readlng and vlewlng experlences, uslng oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs from a varleLy of culLural LradlLlons and genres, such as legends, vldeo programs, puppeL plays, songs, rlddles and lnformaLlonal LexLs. 2.2 - 8espond Lo 1exLs - Lxperlence varlous 1exLs: 8eLell Lhe evenLs porLrayed ln oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs ln sequence. !BC5JFJ< @DKB/'FLB9 9).="%)# M(**H 1. 1alk abouL prlnL or oLher medla LexLs prevlously read or vlewed. 2. arLlclpaLe ln shared llsLenlng and vlewlng experlences, uslng oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs of a sLory. 3. 8eLell lnLeresLlng or lmporLanL aspecLs of oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs. 1. Apply a varleLy of sLraLegles, such as asklng quesLlons, maklng predlcLlons, recognlzlng relaLlonshlps among sLory elemenLs and drawlng concluslons. 2. Lngage ln shared llsLenlng and vlewlng experlences, uslng oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs of a sLory. 3. 8eLell Lhe evenLs porLrayed ln oral, prlnL and oLher medla LexLs ln sequence. C99B99ABJ'9 @:#"2>8)($%#H LlsLen as sLudenLs provlde Lhelr predlcLlons abouL whaL Lhe sLory ls abouL ln Lhe lnLroducLlon (1) Assess as sLudenLs respond Lo predlcLlons, able Lo dlscuss whaL ls happenlng, make new predlcLlons abouL whaL mlghL happen durlng learnlng acLlvlLy #1 (2, 2) Cbserve and llsLen as sLudenLs reLell Lhe sLory - are Lhey able Lo descrlbe lL ln sequence (1, 3, 1, 3) N"O P."#)($%#: WhaL do you Lhlnk wlll happen?" (1) E2$=.-)#+E"2I$208%-"#H CompleLed wrlLlng and drawlng of Lhelr favorlLe parL of Lhe sLory (3, 1) !BC5JFJ< 5B9@?5/B9 /@J9?!'B7 AC'B5FC!9 CJ7 BP?FEABJ' AlberLa rogram of SLudles (Lngllsh Language ArLs) hLLp://www.Leachlngoasls.com/Culde20Slelgh.pdf Who Wlll Culde My Slelgh 1onlghL" by !erry alloLLa and uavld 8ledrzyckl Who Wlll Culde My Slelgh 1onlghL" WrlLlng !ournals E5@/B7?5B 1%*"% ." 2&))"( CeL book seL ouL, geL wrlLlng [ournals ready. !"#$%&'&()*"( , -&)$"()& ." /&0. !"#$%&" ()*+ # %&+$,#%& -)&#%&" ./ 0)1 21 3*4-*& 2 F%)2$=.-)($% '(0" 3..&(.*"( 4%566&% Pold up Lhe sLorybook - have sLudenLs looklng aL lL. 3))&))#&(. "7 1%*"% 8("92&:;& Who can Lell me whaL a predlcLlon ls? uo you remember from lasL week when we dld Lhe blubber experlmenL? (A good guess, whaL you Lhlnk wlll happen) kC: WhaL do you Lhlnk, based on Lhe LlLle of Lhls book, wlll happen? (WrlLe ldeas on Lhe whlLeboard) (1) Why do you Lhlnk Lhe auLhor wroLe Lhls book? 10 mlnuLes /%5()*.*"( ." <":= As l read Lhe sLory, Lhlnk abouL your predlcLlon and lf you predlcLed whaL wlll happen. We mlghL sLop lL a llLLle way Lhrough and make some more predlcLlons as we read. (lncorporaLed lnLo above Llme) D$=O '(0" >&5%(*(; 3?.*@*.= AB 8ead Who Wlll Culde My Slelgh 1onlghL" SLop aL cerLaln polnLs Lo ask sLudenLs lf Lhelr predlcLlons were conflrmed or noL. Make new predlcLlons, add Lhem Lo Lhe llsL. Ask Lhem Lo Lhlnk how Lhey would flll ln l wonder." (whaL mlghL happen, why Lhey are Lrylng Lhls, eLc) (2, 2) 10 mlnuLes !44&44+&5%46 07((&)&5%7#%7*58 Assess as sLudenLs respond Lo predlcLlons, able Lo dlscuss whaL ls happenlng, make new predlcLlons abouL whaL mlghL happen.
>&5%(*(; 3?.*@*.= AC Ckay, so now LhaL we have read Lhe sLory, we are golng Lo reLell lL as a class. lor Lhls, everyone needs Lo be llsLenlng very carefully. When l ask someone, Lhey are golng Lo say Lhe flrsL Lhlng LhaL happened. 1hen Lhe nexL person wlll say whaL happened, and we wlll go around llke LhaL. uoes LhaL make sense? 1humbs up/down for undersLandlng Lhe dlrecLlons. (1, 3, 1, 3) 10 mlnuLes !44&44+&5%46 07((&)&5%7#%7*5 rompL grade Lwo's for more deLall, more speclflcs of Lhe sLory. Crade one's - larger, more lmporLanL and prevalenL Loplcs ln Lhe sLory. Assess as sLudenLs are respondlng - able Lo reLell Lhe sLory ln sequence.
/*$#.2" '(0" 3))&))#&(. "7 >&5%(*(;D uraw a plcLure of your favorlLe parL of Lhe sLory. Cnce you are done drawlng lL, wrlLe why lL ls your favorlLe parL. Crade one's - one deLalled senLence. Crade Lwo's - Lwo deLalled senLences - sound lL ouL! Colour your plcLure! (WrlLe ____ was my favourlLe parL because _____" on Lhe board) (3, 1) 10 mlnuLes
91$%G" C-)(>()O+C-)(>()("# WhaL ls someLhlng you would add Lo Lhls sLory? uraw a plcLure and wrlLe abouL whaL you Lhlnk could be anoLher page Lo Lhe sLory.