Plant Design

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202 Sessionals : 30 Examination : 70 UNIT I Evolution of process, process design including material and energy balance flow sheets and engineering flow diagrams selection procedure for process equipment such as selection of size reduction equipment, material handling equipment, size separation equipment, evaporators, heat exchanger, filtration units and dryers, Material of construction for equipment, Safety Considerations. UNIT II Principles of plant layout, plot plans, piping engineering, sizing, selection, materials for piping (ferrous and non-ferrous and plastics); layout, stress design and installation (excluding drainage/under ground piping). UNIT III Process industries Capital and interests, economics and process engineering, value of money, equations for economic studies, equivalence. The bond, capital recovery, depreciation, interest in depreciation capital. UNIT - IV Cost indices, equipment cost, the Williams six-tenths factor, service facilities, capital requirements for complete plants, total and process investment, the balance sheet, sources of capital, Variable cost, fixed cost, use of cost data, profits and earnings economic production charts. UNIT - V Annual cost method, present worth method, equivalent alternatives, rate of return method, pay out lime method, effect of source of capital, replacement of existing facilities. Examination : One question from each unit with internal choice. Periods per week : 4 Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs. Nature of Exam. : Theory.

TEXT BOOKS : 1.Chemical Engineering plant Design by C.Vilbrandt and Dryden C.E. 4th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 1959. 2.Process Engineering Economics by H.E. Schweyer, Mc Graw Hill Co., New York,Kogakusha Co., Ltd., Tokyo. 1955.
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