Psa Proposal
Psa Proposal
Psa Proposal
Service Announcement proposal Question: How can parent involvement prevent the adverse effects of electronic devices on the younger generations? Medium of PSA: Prezi presentation (presentation software and storytelling tool for presenting ideas on a virtual canvas.) Purpose: Our groups main purpose is to inform and raise awareness on this issue. We wish to convey a strong message and induce parents to no longer ignore this increasing problem. By raising awareness we believe people will be able to understand that while electronic devices are good in moderation, too much exposure to them can affect people, especially children negatively. Target audience: We are mainly targeting parents with young children. We hope to identify consequences of "too much screen time on a developing mind." Some of the adverse effects of electronic devices we will discuss include: A. Obesity related to video games, (childhood obesity)- Taylor Brown
Children today are considered to be obese if BMI is 30 or above. Obesity in children has tripled in the past thirty years. Serious health problems: diabetes, heart disease, and asthma. Forms of entertainment have drastically changed. Kids used to spend the majority of their time playing outside Now many spend their time playing video games, watching television, and sitting in front of their computers. It is estimated that children in the United States are spending 25 percent of their waking hours watching television Studies show that kids are more likely to snack on unhealthy snacks when engaging in these sort of activities Children 8-18 spend an average of 7.5 hours a day using TV, computers, video games, cell phones, and movies.
Cyberbullying is distinguished by children bullying other children using technology whether it be using social media, cell phones, email, instant message, online gaming systems etc. adults cannot cyberbully a child, it becomes harrassment when an adult is involved Up to 40% of children (age 10 to18) claim association with cyberbullying, whether they be the victim or bully. The increase in technological immersion and popularity of social networking sites make cyberbullying a growing concern. Could be the cause of rise in child and teen suicide and depression rates. This type of bullying is easier for kids because it can be anonymous, it reaches a larger audience, it doesn't necessarily involve any face to face bullying, and most parents won't have the understanding of the technology that the children have. Education on social and internet use ediquette is very important for parents to discuss with children at a young age and dicuss guidelines and monitor use of technology.
Because a great deal of parents are not as proficient with technology, it is difficult to assume the role of a teacher. Less connection- families are not able to build relationships as strong they could be nor are they able to maintain them as well. As a result, children will feel less familiarity, comfort, trust, security, and most importantly, love from their parents.
80% of crashes / 65% near crashes caused by driver distractions 66% driver using a electronic device Leads to a short attension span - instant gratification losing in person social skills Life is centered around the electronic device
Our vision for our presentation is to be able to include pictures, statistics, and other visual elements to capture our audiences attention. Our timeline is as follows: Proposal complete by Tuesday Nov. 12th Outline of each team members research complete by Tuesday Nov. 12th Annotated bibliography complete by Tuesday Nov. 19th Our presentation will be complete by Thanksgiving. We plan to use our class group time to edit our presentation. It is done online and we all have access to edit and add information to it at anytime. Depending on how much we get done in class, we are okay to and will plan to meet outside of class if need be to meet our deadlines. **Each individual is responsible for researching one of the adverse effects of electronic devices (ABCD) We share ideas collectively, and fill each other in on our research every class period and via Ether pad.**