Unit Plan Lesson 5 Final

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33 Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Hannah Lee Subject/ Topic/ Theme Final Project Grade Kindergarten and First Grade

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This lesson will be the wrap up o! the unit" Students will be wor#ing on their !inal projects !ocusing on an animal that li$es in the rain!orest"

Learners will be able to#

Produce sentences about their chosen rain!orest animal Produce a sentence on one o! their purposes and how the+ belong where the+ are -llustrate a picture o! their animal )ombine parts together to ma#e a presentation read+ project .or# in small groups to complete the technolog+ assignment on scribble m+ stor+

cogniti$e % & 'p 'n ( )*

ph+sical de$elopment

socio emotional

'p 'p 'n )

, , , , ,

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
))SS"(L' Literac+"."K"/0 ))SS"(L' Literac+"."1"/ 2 Participate in shared research and writing projects" ))SS"(L' Literac+"."K"3 2 &se a combination o! drawing0 dictating0 and writing to compose in!ormati$e/e,planator+ te,ts in which the+ name what the+ are writing about and suppl+ some in!ormation about the topic" ."G4"55"53 2 write a brie! in!ormational piece such as a page !or a class boo# using drawing0 words0 word li#e clusters0 and/or sentences" ."G4"51"53 2 write an in!ormational piece that addresses a !ocus 6uestion" ."G4"51"57 2 &se a teacher selected topic to write one research 6uestion8 locate and begin to gather in!ormation !rom teacher selected resources8 organi9e the in!ormation and use the writing process to de$elop a project" ))SS"(L' Literac+"."1"3 2 write in!ormati$e/e,planator+ te,ts in which the+ name a topic0 suppl+ some !acts about the topic0 and pro$ide some sense o! closure :4ote# .rite as man+ as needed" -ndicate ta,onom+ le$els and connections to applicable national or state standards" -! an objecti$e applies to particular learners write the name:s; o! the learner:s; to whom it applies"; *remember0 understand0 appl+0 anal+9e0 e$aluate0 create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills. Students will ha$e to remember the e,ample that we did a wee# ago Students will also ha$e to #eep in mind all the di!!erent !acts we learned about the rain!orest throughout the unit
Pre-assessment (for learning):

's# student about the e,ample we did in class last wee# and what some o! the !acts we learned were" Outline assessment activities :applicable to this lesson;
Formative (for learning): Formative (as learning): Summative (of learning;<

Final Project + at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation Pro$ide options !or perception making information perceptible =ptions that customi9e the displa+ o! in!ormation" :Students will be able to read in!ormation0 write the in!ormation0 and draw a picture; Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression Pro$ide options !or ph+sical action increase options for interaction =ptions !or accessing tools and assisti$e technologies" :Students will be wor#ing with ipads to complete an assignment using scribble m+ stor+" 'nother branch o! their !inal project; Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement Pro$ide options !or recruiting interest choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats =ptions that enhance rele$ance0 $alue0 and authenticit+" :Students will thin# about their $alue as the+ write about their purpose in the world";

Pro$ide options !or language0 mathematical e,pressions0 and s+mbols clarify & connect language

Pro$ide options !or e,pression and communication increase me ium of e!pression

Pro$ide options !or sustaining e!!ort and persistence optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

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Pro$ide options !or comprehension activate, apply & highlight Pro$ide options !or e,ecuti$e !unctions coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies Pro$ide options !or sel! regulation e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

=ptions that pro$ide or acti$ate bac#ground #nowledge" :Students will need to thin# bac# to the e,ample we did the wee# be!ore and also the di!!erent !acts that we learned throughout this unit

=ptions that support planning and strateg+ de$elopment" :Students will ha$e to thin# about what the+ want to include in their report0 along with what the+ want to include in their illustration;

=ptions that guide personal goal setting and e,pectations" :Students will be able to see i! their end results were what the+ originall+ had in mind0 etc";

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime 6#77 Com!onents /otivation :opening/ introduction/ engagement;

.hite paper Lined paper )onstruction paper )oloring utensils :cra+ons0 mar#ers; Glue ?oo# !ocused on the animals that the students ha$e chosen ?ig paper that the e,ample was written on !rom the pre$ious lesson Print out in!ormation sheets !rom the internet -pads 'pp 2 scribble m+ stor+ Students will !irst be sitting on the rug !or re$iew an instruction0 then will go to their seats to wor# on the assignment" 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. 's# students i! the+ remember the @Sloth reportA 'nswer according to their memor+ we did last wee#0 continue b+ as#ing which !acts the+ remember" %emind students that each o! them will be doing their $er+ own toda+" Tell students that each o! them alread+ chose an Tal# to the teacher i! the+ want to change their animal0 but i! the+ want to change to a di!!erent animals" animal0 it is !ine" Bust let me #now" (,plain to students about how the+ will be writing on the lined paper0 drawing on the blan# white paper0 and gluing both on the construction paper" %emind students o! where the+ can !ind in!ormation0 either in boo#s0 on print outs0 etc" %emind students which !acts the+ should be loo#ing !or" %emind students that at the end o! each report +ou will write a sentence about +our purpose li#e the !irst graders did in one our lessons" .e will tr+ to !ollow the pattern0 @Li#e the CCCCCCbelongs in the rain!orest0 - belong where - am because CCCCCCCCA or @God made CCCCto li$e in the rain!orest0 God also made me to CCCCCC"A Gi$e students time to wor# on project 's# students to !inish up and come to the rug -ntroduce the ipad app 2 scribble m+ stor+" Students will get into small groups and draw their animals0 then each state one !un !act about their animal" )all the #iddos bac# to the rug and share the



3evelo!ment :the largest component or main bod+ o! the lesson; 6#:8 6#;8 6#87 :7#77 :7#:8 1 1> 13 Closure

Start wor#ing on their project" 's# teachers i! there are an+ 6uestions or i! the+ need an+ help" Put materials awa+ and go to the rug Listen care!ull+ .or# in small groups and complete the assignment Go bac# to the rug

:conclusion0 culmination0 wrap up; recordings o! each group" listen to each recording care!ull+

<our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. :.rite this a!ter teaching the lesson0 i! +ou had a chance to teach it" -! +ou did not teach this lesson0 !ocus on the process o! preparing the lesson"; ?e!ore - had le!t !or PotterEs House0 - had planned to bring m+ laptop with me to use as a research tool0 but ended up !orgetting it" =nce - got to school0 - as#ed Frs" Par# i! we could use her computer" ($en though we didnEt end up using a computer0 - still thin# it would ha$e been bene!icial to ha$e one" Something else - would change would be !or students to not H'G( to !ind certain !acts0 i! the class were older it would ha$e been good to ha$e guidelines0 but because the class was #indergarteners and !irst graders0 allowing them to write down an+thing the+ read/learned was more e!!icient" The students did a great job0 considering this is their introduction to research" The students were also $er+ artistic with their drawingsH - wasnEt able to include the scribble m+ stor+ part because when - went to the 'G department to chec# a couple out0 the+ told me that all o! them were chec#ed out" - thin# it was good !or the students to be able to use that e,tra time to continue researching" .hile this is the last o! lessons in m+ unit plan0 Frs" Par# and discussed about letting the !irst graders share their reports/projects so that some o! the #iddos who didnEt 6uite get the whole idea can loo# at the e,amples o! students who were able to grasp it entirel+ and be able to use their e,amples as re!erences !or the !uture" .hile wor#ing with the students0 - actuall+ changed what - wanted the students to loo# !or" - as#ed them to loo# !or either where the+ li$e or what the+ eat0 so just one o! those and then the+ got to write about an+ !un !acts that the+ read about" 'bout 13 o! the 33 #ids were able to complete this" I were !irst graders and D were #indergartners"

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