350 Unit Properties of Water LP The Good One - Edu 4292
350 Unit Properties of Water LP The Good One - Edu 4292
350 Unit Properties of Water LP The Good One - Edu 4292
Title of Lesson: Properties of Water Subjects: Science & Language Arts Grade Level: Second rade !aterials "e#uired: Our Earth boo# hair dryer e$tension cord pitcher water ice cube tray clear containers popsicles %&"' wor#sheets %&"' rubrics %&"' printed (ocabulary words to go on board printed pictures of snow and a la#e to put with (ocabulary words Janet Makes Juice Pops story %&"' Ti e Allotted: !" minutes Teacher Candidates: Tiana Hayward & Elizabeth Lahrman
$ocabulary: Solid) Li*uid) +isible) ,lowing) -ce) Hard) ,reezing) .elting %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Co on Core Standards & GLCE's:
Science E()E(*+(,-: /escribe the properties %(isible) flowing) melting) dew' of water as a li*uid %la#es) ri(ers) streams) oceans'0 E()E(*+(,.: /escribe the properties %hard) (isible) freezing) ice' of water as a solid %ice) snow) iceberg) sleet) hail'0 Language Arts CCSS(ELA/Literacy(0(+(1: 1ecall information from e$periences or gather information from pro(ided sources to answer a *uestion0
2bjectives: TLW recall information from in class e$periences0 %2nowledge' TLW describe the characteristics of water as a li*uid and gi(e e$amples0 %3omprehension' TLW describe the characteristics of water as a solid and gi(e e$amples0 %3omprehension'
Purpose of the lesson: The purpose of this lesson is to teach students about the properties of water in li*uid and solid states and to ha(e students recall information from in class e$periences regarding physical changes0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3nstructional Procedure: Ti e Allotted 4 minutes Essential Ele ents ,( Anticipatory Set: a0 1ead the poem) Solids. As#5 6Solids are e(erywhere) li#e the poem says0 3an anybody tell us another e$ample of a solid78 Put (ocabulary word and picture from Our Earth p0 9" on board0 b0 Then read the poem) Liquids. 6.ost li*uids are easy to see0 3an anybody tell us an e$ample of a li*uid that:s easy to see78 Put (ocabulary word and picture from Our Earth p0 9& on board0 c0 6To be successful and ha(e fun today) we e$pect that you will not tal# to your neighbor while we are tal#ing) that you will stay seated) and that you will participate in the acti(ities that we ha(e prepared for you to do today0 -f any of you ha(e *uestions) please raise your hand and wait patiently to be called on0 -f you beha(e properly) we may ha(e a treat for you at the end of class08
; minute
+( State Purpose and 2bjectives of Lesson: a0 /irect5 6Today) we will be learning about the li*uid and solid properties of water) as the two poems described0 <y the end of class today) you will be able to describe these two properties of water) gi(e e$amples of them in the en(ironment) and recall information from our in class e$periences08 b0 E$plicit5 6This is important because water is all around us and we use it
>" minutes
e(ery day= -n fact) we need it to sur(i(e08 -( 3nstructional 3nput Plan: a. Modeling: i0 6<efore we begin our demonstrations) we want to show you a (ideo about water08 ii0 Show +ideo 6Water Properties) Li*uid and Solid?8 %; minute'0 The (ideo demonstrates e$amples of li*uid and solid water on the Earth0 iii0 /emonstrations5 ;0 ,irst) we will demonstrate how water in li*uid form ta#es the shape of its container0 We will do so by pouring water from a clear pitcher into se(eral clear containers of different shapes and sizes0 a0 ,irst of all) can you see the water in the glass7 @es) you can see it0 E(en though it is clear %seeA through') it is still visible) which means that you can see it with your eyes0 Put (ocabulary word on board under li*uid0 b0 /oes the amount of water change from one container to the ne$t7
c0 /oes the water stay in the same shape from one container to the ne$t7 Bo) that:s because a characteristic of li*uid is that it:s flowing. CPut flowing (ocabulary word on board under li*uid0D >0 Second) we will demonstrate how water in solid form does not ta#e the shape of its container) but instead maintains its shape0 We will do so by pouring ice cubes from a pitcher into the same clear containers used in the li*uid demonstration0 a0 3an you see the water7 -t loo#s different than last time though) doesn:t it7 E(en though it is in a different form) the water is still (isible0 CPut visible (ocabulary word on board under solid0D 3an anyone tell us which state the water is in right now7 Ice is water in the solid state0 CPut ice (ocabulary word on the board under solid0D b0 What do you thin# will happen when we pour the ice into other containers7 CPour the ice into other containers0D /oes the amount of water in the form of ice change from one container to another7 c0 /oes the water in the form of ice change shape from one container to the ne$t7 Bo) the shape of the ice cubes does not change because they are hard. Another property of water as a solid is that it is hard not flowing li#e li*uid. CPut hard (ocabulary word on the board under solid0D
&0 Be$t) we will demonstrate the freezing process0 We will e$plain and show that water ta#es its container:s shape as pre(iously shown0 @et when it:s frozen) it changes to a solid) which causes it to #eep its shape0 a0 When we too# a cup of water in the li*uid state li#e this) and put it in the freezer) the free!ing cold temperature made the li*uid turn into a solid0 The temperature needs to be below &> degrees for the water to freeze0 When you touch the ice) it is still free!ing cold since it has been #ept in this cooler) which is also cold0 CPut free!ing (ocabulary word on board0D b0 Botice that the cold temperature of the freezer caused the water to stay in the shape of the container) e(en when it is ta#en out of the container0 c0 This is the same thing that happens to a pond in the winter0 When the temperature outside gets freezing cold) the li*uid water turns into a solid0 As long as the temperature remains freezing) you can iceAs#ate on the pond without sin#ing because it is a solid that is hard and not flowing0 40 Lastly) we will demonstrate how water changes from a solid to a li*uid0 We will demonstrate how temperature changes affect the properties of water by melting the ice with a hair dryer0
a0 Bow) pretending that this chun# of ice is a frozen pond outside) and this hair dryer is the sun5 when the heat from the sun hits the ice) it turns bac# into a li*uid0 This is called "elting. When the temperature gets warmer) and reaches abo(e &> degrees) solid water melts and turns into li*uid0 ;" minutes b. Guided Practice: i0 Thin#ApairAshare CPass out papersD ;0 We will ha(e the students brainstorm types of li*uid water found on the earth and types of solid water found on the earth0 %Li*uid5 ri(ers) la#es) oceans) streams) and dew0 Solid5 ice) snow) sleet) hail) and icebergs0' They may Fot down ideas in the designated areas on their wor#sheets0 ii0 ,ront side of the wor#sheet ;0 Students will wor# as partners to describe the properties of solids and li*uids0 The (ocabulary words will remain on the board0 Then) we will discuss as a class0 E minutes iii0 <ac#side of the wor#sheet ;0 Students will wor# with partners to complete the
i0 Assesment wor#sheet ;0 Students will independently write e$amples from the " minutes en(ironment of water as a solid and a li*uid0 .( 5ifferentiation Considerations 6acco odations7: a0 Struggling5 ,or those who need more time) students may continue to wor# until they are finished0 b0 Accelerated5 ,or those who finish *uic#ly) students may draw pictures of the e$amples that they ga(e on the wor#sheet or read the Guice Pop story that we will pro(ide for the class0 c0 -EP5 .odifications for students whose -EP indicates that they are meeting the 33S H ,or these students) - will allow them to wor# with a teacher aid or paraprofessional to ma#e sure that they are meeting the necessary ;E minutes re*uirements of their -EP0 8( Assess ent: a0 Students will Fournal written responses to assessment *uestions regarding inAclass e$periences0 i0 What happened to the water:s shape when we poured it in different containers7 ii0 What happened to the ice:s shape when we poured it in different containers7 iii0 What happened to the water when we put it in the freezer7 i(0 What happened to the ice when we applied heat to it with the hair dryer7 E minutes b0 The attached rubric will be used as a guide for their success0 9( Closure: a0 Bow that e(eryone is finished with his or her Fournals) let:s re(iew what we:(e learned today0 We ha(e a *uestion for you5 /oes anybody #now what
popsicles are made of7 a0 Water is the main ingredient0 b0 CHold up li*uid popsicleD Tell us which state of water this popsicle is in0 c0 CHold up solid popsicleD Tell us which state this one is in0 d0 How did we get the li*uid popsicle to turn into a solid popsicle7 What caused it to turn into a solid7 e0 What would happen if you left this frozen popsicle out in the hot sun on a summer day7 Why7 f0 Since you all participated and listened so well and showed us that you learned the information) we want to treat you all with a popsicle= We will pass them out to those who wait patiently and *uietly0 Please do not complain if you do not get the color that you want) be than#ful and appreciati(e for whiche(er color you get0 CPass out popsicles) then wal# around and cut them0D
Liquids A liquid moves smoothly. We say that it flows. From one place to another-How quickly it goes! We know that most liquids Are easy to see. With no shape of their own !hey"re not like you and me.
#olids A solid is a solid $t doesn"t change its shape. $t cannot move around $t stays in %ust one place.
&our desk is a solid And so is your chair. 'ust look in your classroom Wow! !hey"re everywhere!
(roperties of Water
Use the word bank below to: List characteristics of water as a liquid List characteristics of water as a solid
Word )ank*
Visible Flowing Melting Dew Hard Visible Freezing Ice Cold
Liquid Water $ce +isi,le Flowing -elting .ew Hard Free/ing 0old
#olid Water
Water on 2arth
Use the word bank below to: List e a!"les of liquid water List e a!"les of solid water found on the earth found on the earth#
Word )ank*
Lake Iceberg $i%er &trea! &now Hail 'lacier &leet (cean Ice
(roperties of Water
3. What happened to the water4s shape when we poured it in different shapes5
9. What happened to the ice when we heated it up with the hair dryer5
What are the benefits of this strategy o(er another7 -t is easy to complete0 -t does not ta#e long to complete0 -t presents the information in an understandable way0 Ince completed the matri$ is a great resource for students0 What are some possible cons or barriers that you may encounter from utilization of the strategy7 -t does not offer in depth comparisons0 Students may fill out the form correctly with the help of a partner but they themsel(es may not understand the material0